Man pages for MAMA
Meta-Analysis of MicroArray

clinicalFunctions to retrieve and assign
clinical.sumFunction to calculate summaries of clinical data
colIntersectFunction to find intersect in columns of a data.frame
ColonDataExample dataset for meta-analysis of microarray
commonGenesFunction to compute number of common genes in ordered gene...
computeAlphaFunction to do compute tunning parameter alpha
computeOrderingFunction to compute ordered gene lists
compute.RQFunction to compute R and Q statistics as defined in - see...
conting.tabContingency table from gene lists
cv.filterMicroarray probes filtering
entitybuild2Function to calculate test statistic for microarray data
ES.GeneMetaWrapper function for combining the effect size as implemented...
flipFunction to flip data frames
fold.changeFunction to do compute fold change between two groups
gene.listIntersect of gene lists to select genes according to fold change
join.DEGFunction to join vectors of differentially expressed genes to...
join.resultsFunction to join results from meta-analysis to one list
make.matrixFunction to make matrix for heatmap to compare results of...
MAP.genesFunction to do assign probesets IDs to patterns
MAP.MatchesWrapper function for MAP-Matches method
MAPmatrixFunction to summarize binary matrix
MAPsig1Pattern signifficance
MAPsig2Pattern signifficance
MCtestMonte Carlo permutation test
mergedataFunction to merge data from MetaArray object
MetaArrayClass "MetaArray" ~~~
metageneFunction to do extract row from list of data.frames
metaheatDisplay Data as Heatmap
metaheat2Function to plot heatmap to do convert list to matrix
metaMAWrapper function for effect size or p-value combination...
meta.testFunction to compute T-statistic and p-value in meta-analysis
methodsReplacement Methods for 'MetaArray' object
METRADISCWrapper function for METRADISC method
patternMatchFunction to count soft pattern matches
patternMatch.strongFunction to count strong pattern matches
patternmatrixFunction to split binary vectors to matrix.
patternToStringFunction to convert rows of a matrix to strings
performSOGLFunction to perform analysis using Similarity of Ordered Gene...
plotESFunction to do plots in combination of effect size method
plotgeneFunction to visuaze change in expression of one gene
plotgene2Function to visuaze change in expression of one gene
plotpatternFunction to do plot signifficance of Meta-Analysis Patterns
plotQvsChiFunction to plot quantiles of Cochran's Q statistic and...
plot.SOGLresultFunction to plot an object of class SOGLresult
prelimScoreFunction compute preliminary Similarity Score for Ordered...
prepareDataFunction to prepare data
preparePermutationsFunction to prepare permutation and subsamples to convert list to matrix
RandomScoreFunction to do compute random and subsampled similarity score
rank.genesRank genes
rank.genes.advFunction to rank genes
RankProductWrapper function for RankProduct method
ratioFunction to calculate the ratio of co-significant:...
sd.filterMicroarray probes filtering
selectAlphaFunction to select the most optimal alpha parameter
selectClassFunction to select class labels from MetaArray object
selectGenesFunction to select genes that account for Similarity score
sigScoreFunction to calculate signifficance of similarity score to do compute test statistic iterativelly
T.selectFunction to help with selection of threshold for T-statistics
VennMapperWrapper function for VennMapping
ZFunction to compute Z-statistics in contingency table
zScoresFunction for Meta-analysis of gene expression data
MAMA documentation built on Jan. 15, 2017, 3:05 p.m.