# file MASS/R/lda.R
# copyright (C) 1994-2023 W. N. Venables and B. D. Ripley
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 or 3 of the License
# (at your option).
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at
lda <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("lda")
lda.formula <- function(formula, data, ..., subset, na.action)
m <- = FALSE)
m$... <- NULL
m[[1L]] <- quote(stats::model.frame)
m <- eval.parent(m)
Terms <- attr(m, "terms")
grouping <- model.response(m)
x <- model.matrix(Terms, m)
xint <- match("(Intercept)", colnames(x), nomatch = 0L)
if(xint > 0L) x <- x[, -xint, drop = FALSE]
res <- lda.default(x, grouping, ...)
res$terms <- Terms
## fix up call to refer to the generic, but leave arg name as `formula'
cl <-
cl[[1L]] <-"lda")
res$call <- cl
res$contrasts <- attr(x, "contrasts")
res$xlevels <- .getXlevels(Terms, m)
res$na.action <- attr(m, "na.action")
} <- function(x, ...)
res <- lda(structure(data.matrix(x), class = "matrix"), ...)
cl <-
cl[[1L]] <-"lda")
res$call <- cl
lda.matrix <- function(x, grouping, ..., subset, na.action)
if(!missing(subset)) {
x <- x[subset, , drop = FALSE]
grouping <- grouping[subset]
if(!missing(na.action)) {
dfr <- na.action(structure(list(g = grouping, x = x),
class = "data.frame"))
grouping <- dfr$g
x <- dfr$x
# res <- NextMethod("lda")
res <- lda.default(x, grouping, ...)
cl <-
cl[[1L]] <-"lda")
res$call <- cl
lda.default <-
function(x, grouping, prior = proportions, tol = 1.0e-4,
method = c("moment", "mle", "mve", "t"),
CV = FALSE, nu = 5, ...)
if(is.null(dim(x))) stop("'x' is not a matrix")
x <- as.matrix(x)
stop("infinite, NA or NaN values in 'x'")
n <- nrow(x)
p <- ncol(x)
if(n != length(grouping))
stop("nrow(x) and length(grouping) are different")
g <- as.factor(grouping)
lev <- lev1 <- levels(g)
counts <- as.vector(table(g))
if(!missing(prior)) {
if(any(prior < 0) || round(sum(prior), 5) != 1) stop("invalid 'prior'")
if(length(prior) != nlevels(g)) stop("'prior' is of incorrect length")
prior <- prior[counts > 0L]
if(any(counts == 0L)) {
empty <- lev[counts == 0L]
"group %s is empty",
"groups %s are empty"),
paste(empty, collapse = " ")), domain = NA)
lev1 <- lev[counts > 0L]
g <- factor(g, levels = lev1)
counts <- as.vector(table(g))
proportions <- counts/n
ng <- length(proportions)
names(prior) <- names(counts) <- lev1
method <- match.arg(method)
if(CV && !(method == "moment" || method == "mle"))
stop(gettext("cannot use leave-one-out CV with method %s",
sQuote(method)), domain = NA)
## drop attributes to avoid e.g. matrix() methods
group.means <- tapply(c(x), list(rep(g, p), col(x)), mean)
f1 <- sqrt(diag(var(x - group.means[g, ])))
if(any(f1 < tol)) {
const <- format((1L:p)[f1 < tol])
"variable %s appears to be constant within groups",
"variables %s appear to be constant within groups"),
paste(const, collapse = " ")),
domain = NA)
# scale columns to unit variance before checking for collinearity
scaling <- diag(1/f1, , p)
if(method == "mve") {
# adjust to "unbiased" scaling of covariance matrix
cov <- n/(n - ng) * cov.rob((x - group.means[g, ]) %*% scaling)$cov
sX <- svd(cov, nu = 0L)
rank <- sum(sX$d > tol^2)
if(rank == 0L) stop("rank = 0: variables are numerically constant")
if(rank < p) warning("variables are collinear")
scaling <- scaling %*% sX$v[, 1L:rank] %*%
} else if(method == "t") {
if(nu <= 2) stop("'nu' must exceed 2")
w <- rep(1, n)
repeat {
w0 <- w
X <- x - group.means[g, ]
sX <- svd(sqrt((1 + p/nu)*w/n) * X, nu = 0L)
X <- X %*% sX$v %*% diag(1/sX$d,, p)
w <- 1/(1 + drop(X^2 %*% rep(1, p))/nu)
group.means <- tapply(w*x, list(rep(g, p), col(x)), sum)/, g, sum), p)
if(all(abs(w - w0) < 1e-2)) break
X <- sqrt(nu/(nu-2)*(1 + p/nu)/n * w) * (x - group.means[g, ]) %*% scaling
X.s <- svd(X, nu = 0L)
rank <- sum(X.s$d > tol)
if(rank == 0L) stop("rank = 0: variables are numerically constant")
if(rank < p) warning("variables are collinear")
scaling <- scaling %*% X.s$v[, 1L:rank] %*% diag(1/X.s$d[1L:rank],,rank)
} else {
fac <- if(method == "moment") 1/(n-ng) else 1/n
X <- sqrt(fac) * (x - group.means[g, ]) %*% scaling
X.s <- svd(X, nu = 0L)
rank <- sum(X.s$d > tol)
if(rank == 0L) stop("rank = 0: variables are numerically constant")
if(rank < p) warning("variables are collinear")
scaling <- scaling %*% X.s$v[, 1L:rank] %*% diag(1/X.s$d[1L:rank],,rank)
# now have variables scaled so that W is the identity
if(CV) {
x <- x %*% scaling
dm <- group.means %*% scaling
K <- if(method == "moment") ng else 0L
dist <- matrix(0, n, ng)
for(i in 1L:ng) {
dev <- x - matrix(dm[i, ], n, rank, byrow = TRUE)
dist[, i] <- rowSums(dev^2)
ind <- cbind(1L:n, g)
nc <- counts[g]
cc <- nc/((nc-1)*(n-K))
dist2 <- dist
for(i in 1L:ng) {
dev <- x - matrix(dm[i, ], n, rank, byrow = TRUE)
dev2 <- x - dm[g, ]
tmp <- rowSums(dev*dev2)
dist[, i] <- (n-1L-K)/(n-K) * (dist2[, i] + cc*tmp^2/(1 - cc*dist2[ind]))
dist[ind] <- dist2[ind] * (n-1L-K)/(n-K) * (nc/(nc-1))^2 /
(1 - cc*dist2[ind])
dist <- 0.5 * dist - matrix(log(prior), n, ng, byrow = TRUE)
dist <- exp(-(dist - min(dist, na.rm = TRUE)))
cl <- factor(lev1[max.col(dist)], levels = lev)
## convert to posterior probabilities
posterior <- dist/drop(dist %*% rep(1, length(prior)))
dimnames(posterior) <- list(rownames(x), lev1)
return(list(class = cl, posterior = posterior))
xbar <- colSums(prior %*% group.means)
fac <- if(method == "mle") 1/ng else 1/(ng - 1)
X <- sqrt((n * prior)*fac) * scale(group.means, center = xbar, scale = FALSE) %*% scaling
X.s <- svd(X, nu = 0L)
rank <- sum(X.s$d > tol * X.s$d[1L])
if(rank == 0L) stop("group means are numerically identical")
scaling <- scaling %*% X.s$v[, 1L:rank]
dimnames(scaling) <- list(NULL, paste("LD", 1L:rank, sep = ""))
else {
dimnames(scaling) <- list(colnames(x), paste("LD", 1L:rank, sep = ""))
dimnames(group.means)[[2L]] <- colnames(x)
cl <-
cl[[1L]] <-"lda")
structure(list(prior = prior, counts = counts, means = group.means,
scaling = scaling, lev = lev, svd = X.s$d[1L:rank],
N = n, call = cl),
class = "lda")
predict.lda <- function(object, newdata, prior = object$prior, dimen,
method = c("plug-in", "predictive", "debiased"), ...)
if(!inherits(object, "lda")) stop("object not of class \"lda\"")
if(!is.null(Terms <- object$terms)) { # formula fit
Terms <- delete.response(Terms)
if(missing(newdata)) newdata <- model.frame(object)
else {
newdata <- model.frame(Terms, newdata, na.action=na.pass,
xlev = object$xlevels)
if (!is.null(cl <- attr(Terms, "dataClasses")))
.checkMFClasses(cl, newdata)
x <- model.matrix(Terms, newdata, contrasts.arg = object$contrasts)
xint <- match("(Intercept)", colnames(x), nomatch = 0L)
if(xint > 0L) x <- x[, -xint, drop = FALSE]
} else { # matrix or data-frame fit
if(missing(newdata)) {
if(!is.null(sub <- object$call$subset))
newdata <-
eval.parent(parse(text = paste(deparse(object$call$x,
backtick = TRUE),
"[", deparse(sub, backtick = TRUE),",]")))
else newdata <- eval.parent(object$call$x)
if(!is.null(nas <- object$call$na.action))
newdata <- eval(call(nas, newdata))
dim(newdata) <- c(1L, length(newdata)) # a row vector
x <- as.matrix(newdata) # to cope with dataframes
if(ncol(x) != ncol(object$means)) stop("wrong number of variables")
if(length(colnames(x)) > 0L &&
any(colnames(x) != dimnames(object$means)[[2L]]))
warning("variable names in 'newdata' do not match those in 'object'")
ng <- length(object$prior)
if(!missing(prior)) {
if(any(prior < 0) || round(sum(prior), 5) != 1) stop("invalid 'prior'")
if(length(prior) != ng) stop("'prior' is of incorrect length")
## remove overall means to keep distances small
means <- colSums(prior*object$means)
scaling <- object$scaling
x <- scale(x, center = means, scale = FALSE) %*% scaling
dm <- scale(object$means, center = means, scale = FALSE) %*% scaling
method <- match.arg(method)
dimen <- if(missing(dimen)) length(object$svd) else min(dimen, length(object$svd))
N <- object$N
if(method == "plug-in") {
dm <- dm[, 1L:dimen, drop = FALSE]
dist <- matrix(0.5 * rowSums(dm^2) - log(prior), nrow(x),
length(prior), byrow = TRUE) - x[, 1L:dimen, drop=FALSE] %*% t(dm)
dist <- exp( -(dist - apply(dist, 1L, min, na.rm=TRUE)))
} else if (method == "debiased") {
dm <- dm[, 1L:dimen, drop=FALSE]
dist <- matrix(0.5 * rowSums(dm^2), nrow(x), ng, byrow = TRUE) -
x[, 1L:dimen, drop=FALSE] %*% t(dm)
dist <- (N - ng - dimen - 1)/(N - ng) * dist -
matrix(log(prior) - dimen/object$counts , nrow(x), ng, byrow=TRUE)
dist <- exp( -(dist - apply(dist, 1L, min, na.rm=TRUE)))
} else { # predictive
dist <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(x), ncol = ng)
p <- ncol(object$means)
# adjust to ML estimates of covariances
X <- x * sqrt(N/(N-ng))
for(i in 1L:ng) {
nk <- object$counts[i]
dev <- scale(X, center = dm[i, ], scale = FALSE)
dev <- 1 + rowSums(dev^2) * nk/(N*(nk+1))
dist[, i] <- prior[i] * (nk/(nk+1))^(p/2) * dev^(-(N - ng + 1)/2)
posterior <- dist / drop(dist %*% rep(1, ng))
nm <- names(object$prior)
cl <- factor(nm[max.col(posterior)], levels = object$lev)
dimnames(posterior) <- list(rownames(x), nm)
list(class = cl, posterior = posterior, x = x[, 1L:dimen, drop = FALSE])
print.lda <- function(x, ...)
if(!is.null(cl <- x$call)) {
names(cl)[2L] <- ""
dput(cl, control = NULL)
cat("\nPrior probabilities of groups:\n")
print(x$prior, ...)
cat("\nGroup means:\n")
print(x$means, ...)
cat("\nCoefficients of linear discriminants:\n")
print(x$scaling, ...)
svd <- x$svd
names(svd) <- dimnames(x$scaling)[[2L]]
if(length(svd) > 1L) {
cat("\nProportion of trace:\n")
print(round(svd^2/sum(svd^2), 4L), ...)
plot.lda <- function(x, panel = panel.lda, ..., cex = 0.7,
dimen, abbrev = FALSE,
xlab = "LD1", ylab = "LD2")
panel.lda <- function(x, y, ...) text(x, y, as.character(g), cex = cex, ...)
if(!is.null(Terms <- x$terms)) { # formula fit
data <- model.frame(x)
X <- model.matrix(delete.response(Terms), data)
g <- model.response(data)
xint <- match("(Intercept)", colnames(X), nomatch = 0L)
if(xint > 0L) X <- X[, -xint, drop=FALSE]
} else { # matrix or data-frame fit
xname <- x$call$x
gname <- x$call[[3L]]
if(!is.null(sub <- x$call$subset)) {
X <- eval.parent(parse(text=paste(deparse(xname, backtick=TRUE),
"[", deparse(sub, backtick=TRUE),",]")))
g <- eval.parent(parse(text=paste(deparse(gname, backtick=TRUE),
"[", deparse(sub, backtick=TRUE),"]")))
} else {
X <- eval.parent(xname)
g <- eval.parent(gname)
if(!is.null(nas <- x$call$na.action)) {
df <- data.frame(g = g, X = X)
df <- eval(call(nas, df))
g <- df$g
X <- df$X
if(abbrev) levels(g) <- abbreviate(levels(g), abbrev)
means <- colMeans(x$means)
X <- scale(X, center=means, scale=FALSE) %*% x$scaling
if(!missing(dimen) && dimen < ncol(X)) X <- X[, 1L:dimen, drop = FALSE]
if(ncol(X) > 2L) {
pairs(X, panel = panel, ...)
} else if(ncol(X) == 2L) {
eqscplot(X[, 1L:2L], xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, type = "n", ...)
panel(X[, 1L], X[, 2L], ...)
} else ldahist(X[, 1L], g, xlab = xlab, ...)
ldahist <-
function(data, g, nbins = 25, h, x0 = -h/1000, breaks,
xlim = range(breaks), ymax = 0, width,
type = c("histogram", "density", "both"), sep = (type != "density"),
col = 5L,
xlab = deparse(substitute(data)), bty = "n", ...)
type <- match.arg(type)
data <- data[!]
g <- g[!]
counts <- table(g)
groups <- names(counts)[counts > 0L]
if(missing(breaks)) {
if(missing(h)) h <- diff(pretty(data, nbins))[1L]
first <- floor((min(data) - x0)/h)
last <- ceiling((max(data) - x0)/h)
breaks <- x0 + h * c(first:last)
if(type == "histogram" || type == "both") {
if(any(diff(breaks) <= 0)) stop("'breaks' must be strictly increasing")
if(min(data) < min(breaks) || max(data) > max(breaks))
stop("'breaks' do not cover the data")
est <- vector("list", length(groups))
names(est) <- groups
for (grp in groups){
bin <- cut(data[g == grp], breaks, include.lowest = TRUE)
est1 <- tabulate(bin, length(levels(bin)))
est1 <- est1/(diff(breaks) * length(data[g == grp]))
ymax <- max(ymax, est1)
est[[grp]] <- est1
if(type == "density" || type == "both"){
xd <- vector("list", length(groups))
for (grp in groups){
if(missing(width)) width <- width.SJ(data[g == grp])
xd1 <- density(data[g == grp], n = 200L, width = width,
from = xlim[1L], to = xlim[2L])
ymax <- max(ymax, xd1$y)
xd[[grp]] <- xd1
dev.hold(); on.exit(dev.flush())
plot(xlim, c(0, ymax), type = "n", xlab = xlab, ylab = "", bty = bty)
else {
oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(length(groups), 1L))
on.exit(par(oldpar), add = TRUE)
for (grp in groups) {
if(sep) plot(xlim, c(0, ymax), type = "n",
xlab = paste("group", grp), ylab = "", bty = bty)
if(type == "histogram" || type == "both") {
n <- length(breaks)
rect(breaks[-n], 0, breaks[-1L], est[[grp]], col = col, ...)
if(type == "density" || type == "both") lines(xd[[grp]])
pairs.lda <- function(x, labels = colnames(x), panel = panel.lda,
dimen, abbrev = FALSE, ..., cex = 0.7,
type = c("std", "trellis"))
panel.lda <- function(x,y, ...) text(x, y, as.character(g), cex = cex, ...)
type <- match.arg(type)
if(!is.null(Terms <- x$terms)) { # formula fit
data <- model.frame(x)
X <- model.matrix(delete.response(Terms), data)
g <- model.response(data)
xint <- match("(Intercept)", colnames(X), nomatch = 0L)
if(xint > 0L) X <- X[, -xint, drop = FALSE]
} else { # matrix or data-frame fit
xname <- x$call$x
gname <- x$call[[3L]]
if(!is.null(sub <- x$call$subset)) {
X <- eval.parent(parse(text=paste(deparse(xname, backtick=TRUE),
"[", deparse(sub, backtick=TRUE),",]")))
g <- eval.parent(parse(text=paste(deparse(gname, backtick=TRUE),
"[", deparse(sub, backtick=TRUE),"]")))
} else {
X <- eval.parent(xname)
g <- eval.parent(gname)
if(!is.null(nas <- x$call$na.action)) {
df <- data.frame(g = g, X = X)
df <- eval(call(nas, df))
g <- df$g
X <- df$X
g <- as.factor(g)
if(abbrev) levels(g) <- abbreviate(levels(g), abbrev)
means <- colMeans(x$means)
X <- scale(X, center = means, scale = FALSE) %*% x$scaling
if(!missing(dimen) && dimen < ncol(X)) X <- X[, 1L:dimen]
if(type == "std") pairs(X, panel = panel, ...)
else {
print(lattice::splom(~X, groups = g, panel = lattice::panel.superpose,
key = list(
text = list(levels(g)),
points = lattice::Rows(lattice::trellis.par.get("superpose.symbol"),
columns = min(5L, length(levels(g)))
model.frame.lda <- function(formula, ...)
oc <- formula$call
oc$prior <- oc$tol <- oc$method <- oc$CV <- oc$nu <- NULL
oc[[1L]] <- quote(stats::model.frame)
if(length(dots <- list(...))) {
nargs <- dots[match(c("data", "na.action", "subset"), names(dots), 0L)]
oc[names(nargs)] <- nargs
if (is.null(env <- environment(formula$terms))) env <- parent.frame()
eval(oc, env)
coef.lda <- function(object, ...) object$scaling
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