##================= MAd ================##
##================= Meta-Analysis Mean Differences ================##
# Package created by AC Del Re & William T. Hoyt
# This package contains all the relevant functions to conduct a
# mean differences (d and g) meta-analysis using standard procedures
# as described in Cooper, Hedges, & Valentine's Handbook of
# Research Synthesis and Meta-Analysis (2009).
## Robust SE based on Hedges et al., (2010) Eq. 6, Research Synthesis Methods
# Coded by Mike Cheung, PhD (author of metaSEM package) with modifications
# by AC Del Re
# If the correlations of the dependent effect sizes are unknown, one
# approach is to conduct the meta-analysis by assuming that the effect
# sizes are independent. A robust standard error is then calculated to
# adjust for the dependence. You may refer to Hedges et. al., (2010) for
# more information. I have coded it here for reference.
# Hedges, L. V., Tipton, E., & Johnson, M. C. (2010). Robust variance
# estimation in meta-regression with dependent effect size estimates.
# Research Synthesis Methods, 1(1), 39-65. doi:10.1002/jrsm.5
# model: object fitted by metafor()
# cluster: indicator for clusters of studies
robustSE <- function(model, cluster=NULL, CI=.95, digits=3) {
# Number of clusters assumed independent if not specified
# model$ complete cases
if (is.null(cluster)) {
} else {
res2 <- diag(residuals(model)^2)
X <- model$X
b <- model$b
W <- diag(1/(model$vi+model$tau2))
meat <- t(X) %*% W %*% res2 %*% W %*% X # W is symmetric
bread <- solve( t(X) %*% W %*% X)
V.R <- bread %*% meat %*% bread # Robust sampling covariance matrix
p <- length(b) # no. of predictors including intercept
se <- sqrt( diag(V.R)*m/(m-p) ) # small sample adjustment (Eq.7)
tval <- b/se
pval <- 2*(1-pt(abs(tval),df=(m-p)))
crit <- qt( (1-CI)/2, df=(m-p), lower.tail=FALSE ) <- b-crit*se
ci.ub <- b+crit*se
round(data.frame(estimate=b, se=se, t=tval,, ci.u=ci.ub, p=pval), digits)
####==== META-REGRESSION (for continuous & categorical moderators)====####
mareg <- function(formula, var, data, method = "REML", subset, digits=3, ...) {
print.mareg <- function (x, digits = 3, ...){
cat("\nCall:\n", deparse(x$call), "\n\n", sep = "")
coef <- as.vector(x$b)
names(coef) <- rownames(x$b)
print(round(coef, digits))
summary.mareg <- function(object, digits = 3,...) {
b <- object$b
se <- object$se
z <- object$zval
ci.lower <- object$
ci.upper <- object$ci.ub
p <- object$pval
QE <- object$QE
QEp <- object$QEp
QE.df <- round(object$k - object$p, 0)
QM <- object$QM
QMp <- object$QMp
QM.df <- round(object$m, 0)
tau2_empty <- object$tau2_empty
tau2 <- object$tau2
R2 <- object$R2
table <- round(cbind(b, se, z, ci.lower, ci.upper, p), digits)
colnames(table) <- c("estimate", "se", "z", "ci.l",
"ci.u", "p")
#rownames(table) <- object$predictors
table2 <- round(cbind(QE, QE.df, QEp, QM, QM.df, QMp), digits)
colnames(table2) <- c("QE", "QE.df", "QEp", "QM", "QM.df", "QMp")
model <- list(coef = table, fit = table2, tau2_empty=tau2_empty,
tau2=tau2, R2=R2)
rownames(model$fit) <-NULL
class(model) <- "summary.mareg"
#return(round(model, digits))
print.summary.mareg <- function(x, digits=3,...) {
cat("\n Model Results:", "", "\n", "\n")
printCoefmat(x$coef, signif.stars = TRUE)
cat("\n Heterogeneity & Fit:", "", "\n" ,"\n")
# formula based function for meta-regression
mareg.default <- function(formula, var, data, method = "REML",
subset, ...) {
if (!requireNamespace("metafor", quietly = TRUE)) {
"Package \"metafor\" must be installed to use this function.",
call. = FALSE
} # requires metafor's rma function
call <-
mf <- = FALSE)
args <- match(c("formula", "var", "data", "subset"),
names(mf), 0)
mf <- mf[c(1, args)]
mf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
mf[[1]] <-"model.frame")
mf <- eval.parent(mf)
terms <- attr(mf, "terms")
yi <- model.response(mf)
vi <- model.extract(mf, "var")
mods <- model.matrix(terms, mf, contrasts)
intercept <- which(colnames(mods) == "(Intercept)")
if(length(intercept > 0)) mods <- mods[ , -intercept]
model0 <- metafor::rma(yi=yi, vi=vi, method=method, ...)
model <- metafor::rma(yi,vi=vi,mods=mods, method=method, ...)
predictors <- colnames(mods)
model$out <- with(model, list(estimate=b, se=se, z=zval,,
ci.u=ci.ub, "Pr(>|z|)"=pval, predictors=predictors))
model$out2 <- with(model, data.frame(QE, QEp, QM, QMp))
model$call <- call
model$tau2_empty <- model0$tau2
model$R2 <- 1-(model$tau2 / model$tau2_empty)
class(model) <- c("mareg", "rma.uni", "rma")
print.summary.mareg <- function(x, ...) {
cat("\n Model Results:", "", "\n", "\n")
printCoefmat(x$coef, signif.stars = TRUE)
cat("\n Heterogeneity & Fit:", "", "\n" ,"\n")
printCoefmat(x$fit, signif.stars = TRUE)
# r2 <- function(x) {
# UseMethod("r2")
# }
# r2.mareg <- function(x) {
# cat("\n Explained Variance:", "", "\n")
# cat("\n Tau^2 (total):", round(x$tau2_empty,4))
# cat("\n Tau^2 (model):", round(x$tau2,4))
# cat("\n R^2 (% expl. var.):", round(x$R2,2), "\n")
# }
# # function to print objects to Word
# wd <- function(object, get = FALSE, new = FALSE, ...) {
# UseMethod("wd")
# }
# wd.default <- function(object, get = FALSE, new = FALSE, ...) {
# require('R2wd', quietly = TRUE)
# get <- get
# open <- R2wd::wdGet(get) # If no word file is open, it will start a new one
# if(new == TRUE){
# new <- R2wd::wdNewDoc("c:\\Temp.doc")
# }
# else{
# new <- NULL
# }
# wd1 <- round(data.frame(estimate=object$b, se=object$se, z=object$zval,
# ci.lower=object$, ci.upper=object$ci.ub, "p"=object$pval), 4)
# title <- R2wd::wdHeading(level = 2, " Model Results:")
# wd2 <- round(data.frame(QE=object$QE, QEp=object$QEp, QM=object$QM, QMP=object$QMp), 4)
# obj1 <- R2wd::wdTable(wd1, ...)
# title2 <- R2wd::wdHeading(level = 2, "Heterogeneity & Fit:")
# obj2 <- R2wd::wdTable(wd2, ...)
# out <- (list(open, new, title, obj1, title2, obj2))
# class(out) <- "wd"
# return(out)
# }
# wd.mareg <- function(object, get = FALSE, new = FALSE, ...) {
# require('R2wd', quietly = TRUE)
# get <- get
# open <- R2wd::wdGet(get) # If no word file is open, it will start a new one
# if(new == TRUE){
# new <- R2wd::wdNewDoc("c:\\Temp.doc")
# }
# else{
# new <- NULL
# }
# QE.df <- round(object$k - object$p, 0)
# QM.df <- round(object$m, 0)
# wd1 <- round(data.frame(estimate=object$b, se=object$se, z=object$zval,
# ci.l=object$, ci.u=object$ci.ub, "p"=object$pval), 4)
# title <- R2wd::wdHeading(level = 2, " Model Results:")
# wd2 <- round(data.frame(QE=object$QE, QE.df = QE.df,
# QEp=object$QEp, QM=object$QM, QM.df=QM.df, QMp=object$QMp), 4)
# obj1 <- R2wd::wdTable(wd1)
# title2 <- R2wd::wdHeading(level = 2, "Heterogeneity & Fit:")
# obj2 <- R2wd::wdTable(wd2, ...)
# out <- (list(open, new, title, obj1, title2, obj2))
# class(out) <- "wd.mareg"
# return(out)
# }
# wd.omni <- function(object, get = FALSE, new = FALSE, ...) {
# require('R2wd', quietly = TRUE)
# get <- get
# open <- R2wd::wdGet(get) # If no word file is open, it will start a new one
# if(new == TRUE){
# new <- R2wd::wdNewDoc("c:\\Temp.doc")
# }
# else{
# new <- NULL
# }
# k <- object$k
# estimate <- object$estimate
# #var <- object$var
# se <- object$se
# ci.l <- object$ci.l
# ci.u <- object$ci.u
# z <- object$z
# p <- object$p
# Q <- object$Q
# Q.df <- object$df.Q
# Qp <- object$Qp
# I2 <- object$I2
# results1 <- data.frame(estimate, se, ci.l, ci.u, z, p)
# #results <- formatC(table, format="f", digits=digits)
# results1$k <- object$k
# results1 <- results1[c(8,1:7)]
# results2 <- data.frame(Q, Q.df, Qp)
# results2$I2 <- object$I2
# title <- R2wd::wdHeading(level = 2, " Omnibus Model Results:")
# obj1 <- R2wd::wdTable(results1)
# title2 <- R2wd::wdHeading(level = 2, "Heterogeneity:")
# obj2 <- R2wd::wdTable(results2)
# out <- (list(open, new, title, obj1, title2, obj2))
# class(out) <- "wd.omni"
# return(out)
# }
# wd.macat <- function(object, get = FALSE, new = FALSE, ...) {
# require('R2wd', quietly = TRUE)
# get <- get
# open <- R2wd::wdGet(get) # If no word file is open, it will start a new one
# if(new == TRUE){
# new <- R2wd::wdNewDoc("c:\\Temp.doc")
# }
# else{
# new <- NULL
# }
# x1 <- object$Model
# x2 <- object$Heterogeneity
# mod <- x1$mod
# k <- x1$k
# estimate <- x1$estimate
# var <- x1$var
# se <- x1$se
# ci.l <- x1$ci.l
# ci.u <- x1$ci.u
# z <- x1$z
# p <- x1$p
# Q <- x1$Q
# df <- x1$df
# p.h <- x1$p.h
# I2 <- x1$I2
# Qoverall <- x2$Q
# Qw <- x2$Qw
# Qw.df <- x2$df.w
# Qw.p <- x2$p.w
# Qb <- x2$Qb
# Qb.df <- x2$df.b
# Qb.p <- x2$p.b
# results1 <- data.frame(estimate, var, se, ci.l, ci.u, z, p,
# Q, df, p.h)
# #results <- formatC(table, format="f", digits=digits)
# results1$k <- x1$k
# results1$I2 <- x1$I2
# results1$mod <- x1$mod
# results1 <- results1[c(13,11, 1:10,12)]
# results2 <- round(data.frame(Q=Qoverall, Qw, Qw.df, Qw.p, Qb, Qb.df, Qb.p),4)
# results1[2:12] <-round(results1[2:12],3)
# title <- R2wd::wdHeading(level = 2, " Categorical Moderator Results:")
# obj1 <- R2wd::wdTable(results1)
# title2 <- R2wd::wdHeading(level = 2, "Heterogeneity:")
# obj2 <- R2wd::wdTable(results2)
# out <- (list(open, new, title, obj1, title2, obj2))
# class(out) <- "wd.macat"
# return(out)
# }
# 3.18.10 internal for GUI: convert to factor
facts <- function(meta, mod) {
meta[,mod] <- factor(meta[,mod])
##============ COMPUTATIONS TO CALCULATE EFFECT SIZES ================##
# Formulas for computing d, var(d), g (bias removed from d), and var(g)
# in designs with independent groups.
# Section 12.3.1 & Table 12.1 (Cooper et al., 2009; pp. 226-228)
# Computing d and g, independent groups
# (12.3.1) Study reported:
# m.1 (post-test mean of treatment), m.2 (post-test mean of comparison),
# sd.1 (treatment standard deviation at post-test), sd.2 (comparison
# standard deviation at post-test), n.1 (treatment), n.2 (comparison/control).
d_to_g <- function(d, var.d, n.1, n.2) {
df<- (n.1+n.2)-2
out<-cbind(g, var.g)
mean_to_d <- function(m.1,m.2,sd.1,sd.2,n.1, n.2) {
var.d<-(n.1+n.2)/(n.1*n.2)+ (d^2)/(2*(n.1+n.2))
# (1) Study reported:
# m.1 (post-test mean of treatment), m.2 (post-test mean of comparison),
# s.pooled (pooled standard deviation), n.1 (treatment),
# n.2 (comparison/control).
mean_to_d2 <- function(m.1,m.2,s.pooled,n.1, n.2) {
var_d<-(n.1+n.2)/(n.1*n.2)+ (d^2)/(2*(n.1+n.2))
# (2) Study reported:
# t (t-test value of treatment v comparison), n.1 (treatment),
# n.2 (comparison/control).
t_to_d <- function(t, n.1, n.2) {
var_d<-(n.1+n.2)/(n.1*n.2)+ (d^2)/(2*(n.1+n.2))
# (3) Study reported:
# f (F-test value of treatment v comparison), n.1 (treatment),
# n.2 (comparison/control).
f_to_d <- function(f,n.1, n.2) {
var_d<-(n.1+n.2)/(n.1*n.2)+ (d^2)/(2*(n.1+n.2))
# (4) Study reported:
# p-value (for ONE-tailed test), n.1 (treatment), n.2 (comparison/control).
p_to_d1 <- function(p, n.1, n.2) {
var_d<-(n.1+n.2)/(n.1*n.2)+ (d^2)/(2*(n.1+n.2))
# (5) Study reported:
# p-value (for TWO-tailed test), n.1 (treatment), n.2 (comparison/control).
p_to_d2 <- function(p, n.1, n.2) {
var_d<-(n.1+n.2)/(n.1*n.2)+ (d^2)/(2*(n.1+n.2))
# rtod converts Pearson r to Cohen's d (also retains (N-1)/N).
r_to_d <- function(r, N) { 2*r*sqrt((N-1)/(N*(1-r^2)))*abs(r)/r }
# Formulas for computing d and var(d) in designs with independent groups
# using ANCOVA. Section 12.3.3 & Table 12.3 (Cooper et al., 2009; pp. 228-230).
# Computing d and g from ANCOVA
# (12.3.3) Study reported:
# m.1.adj (adjusted mean of treatment from ANCOVA),
# m.2.adj (adjusted mean of comparison/control from ANCOVA),
# sd.adj (adjusted standard deviation), n.1 (treatment),
# n.2 (comparison/control), R (covariate outcome correlation or multiple
# correlation), q (number of covariates).
ancova_to_d1 <- function(m.1.adj,m.2.adj,sd.adj,n.1, n.2, R, q) {
var_d<-((n.1+n.2)*(1-R^2))/(n.1*n.2)+ (d^2)/(2*(n.1+n.2))
# Table 12.3 (1) Study reported:
# m.1.adj (adjusted mean of treatment from ANCOVA),
# m.2.adj (adjusted mean of comparison/control from ANCOVA),
# s.pooled (pooled standard deviation), n.1 (treatment),
# n.2 (comparison/control), R (covariate outcome correlation or multiple
# correlation), q (number of covariates).
ancova_to_d2 <- function(m.1.adj, m.2.adj, s.pooled, n.1, n.2, R, q) {
var_d<-((n.1+n.2)*(1-R^2))/(n.1*n.2)+ (d^2)/(2*(n.1+n.2))
# (2) Study reported:
# t (t-test value from ANCOVA), n.1 (treatment),
# n.2 (comparison/control), R (covariate outcome correlation or multiple
# correlation), q (number of covariates).
tt.ancova_to_d <- function(t, n.1, n.2, R, q) {
var_d<-((n.1+n.2)*(1-R^2))/(n.1*n.2)+ (d^2)/(2*(n.1+n.2))
# (3) Study reported:
# f (F-test value from ANCOVA), n.1 (treatment),
# n.2 (comparison/control),R (covariate outcome correlation or multiple
# correlation), q (number of covariates).
f.ancova_to_d<-function(f,n.1, n.2, R, q) {
var_d<-((n.1+n.2)*(1-R^2))/(n.1*n.2)+ (d^2)/(2*(n.1+n.2))
# (4) Study reported:
# p-value (for ONE-tailed test, from ANCOVA), n.1 (treatment),
# n.2 (comparison/control), R (covariate outcome correlation or multiple
# correlation), q (number of covariates).
p.ancova_to_d1 <- function(p, n.1, n.2, R, q) {
var_d<-((n.1+n.2)*(1-R^2))/(n.1*n.2)+ (d^2)/(2*(n.1+n.2))
# (5) Study reported:
# p-value (for TWO-tailed test, from ANCOVA), n.1 (treatment),
# n.2 (comparison/control), R (covariate outcome correlation or multiple
# correlation), q (number of covariates).
p.ancova_to_d2 <- function(p, n.1, n.2, R, q) {
var_d<-((n.1+n.2)*(1-R^2))/(n.1*n.2)+ (d^2)/(2*(n.1+n.2))
# computing d from odds ratio
or_to_d <- function(or) {
lor <- log(or)
d <- lor*sqrt(3)/pi
out <- cbind(lor, d)
# computing d from log odds ratio
lor_to_d <- function(lor, var.lor) {
d <- lor*sqrt(3)/pi
var.d <- 3*var.lor/pi^2
out <- cbind(d, var.d)
# compute or from proportions
#prop_to_or <- function(p1, p2, n.ab, {
# or <-(p1*(1-p2))/(p2*(1-p1))
# lor <- log(or)
# var.lor <- 1/(n.ab*p1*(1-p1))+1/(*p2*(1-p2))
# out <- cbind(or,lor,var.lor)
# return(out)
#prop_to_d <-function(p1, p2, n.ab, {
# or <-(p1*(1-p2))/(p2*(1-p1))
# lor <- log(or)
# var.lor <- 1/(n.ab*p1*(1-p1))+1/(*p2*(1-p2))
# d <- lor*sqrt(3)/pi
# var.d <- 3*var.lor/pi^2
# out <- cbind(or,lor,var.lor, d, var.d)
# return(out)
# Odds Ratio to d: if have info for 'failure' in both conditions
# (B = # tmt failure; D = # non-tmt failure) and the sample size
# for each group (n.1 & n.2 respectively):
fail_to_d <- function(B, D, n.1, n.0) {
A <- n.1 - B # tmt success
B <- B # tmt failure
C <- n.0 - D # non-tmt success
D <- D # non-tmt failure
p1 <- A/n.1 # proportion 1
p2 <- C/n.0 # proportion 2
n.ab <- A+B # n of A+B <- C+D # n of C+D
or <- (p1 * (1 - p2))/(p2 * (1 - p1)) # odds ratio
lor <- log(or) # log odds ratio
var.lor <- 1/A + 1/B + 1/C + 1/D # variance of log odds ratio
#var.lor <- 1/(n.ab*p1*(1-p1))+1/(*p2*(1-p2))
d <- lor * sqrt(3)/pi # conversion to d
var.d <- 3 * var.lor/pi^2 # variance of d
out <- cbind(or, lor, var.lor, d, var.d)
# Formulas for computing r in designs with independent groups.
# Section 12.4 & Table 12.4 (Cooper et al., 2009; pp. 231-234).
# (1) Study reported:
# t (t-test value of differences between 2 groups), n (total sample size)
r_from_t <- function(t, n) {
r <- sqrt((t^2)/(t^2 + n-2))
var_r <- ((1-r^2)^2)/(n-1)
out <- cbind(r, var_r)
# Converting d (mean difference) to r where n.tmt = n.comparison
# (Section 12.5.4; pp. 234)
r_from_d <- function(d, var.d, a=4) {
r <- d/sqrt((d^2) + a)
var_r <- (a^2*var.d)/(d^2 + a)^3
out <- cbind(r, var_r)
# Converting d to r where n.tmt (not) = n.comparison (Section 12.5.4; pp. 234)
r_from_d1 <- function(d, n.1, n.2, var.d) {
a <- ((n.1 + n.2)^2)/(n.1*n.2)
r <- d/sqrt((d^2) + a)
var_r <- (a^2*var.d)/(d^2 + a)^3
out <- cbind(r, var_r)
# Converting Chi-squared statistic with 1 df to r
r_from_chi <- function(chi.sq, n) sqrt(chi.sq/n)
##============ COMPUTING EFFECT SIZE ESTIMATE ==============##
compute_ds <- function(n.1, m.1, sd.1, n.2, m.2, sd.2, data,
denom = "") {
call <-
mf <- = FALSE)
args <- match(c("n.1", "m.1", "sd.1", "n.2", "m.2", "sd.2", "data"),
names(mf), 0)
mf <- mf[c(1, args)]
mf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
mf[[1]] <-"model.frame")
meta <- data
mf.n.1 <- mf[[match("n.1", names(mf))]]
n.1 <- eval(mf.n.1, data, enclos = sys.frame(sys.parent()))
mf.m.1 <- mf[[match("m.1", names(mf))]]
m.1 <- eval(mf.m.1, data, enclos = sys.frame(sys.parent())) <- mf[[match("sd.1", names(mf))]]
sd.1 <- eval(, data, enclos = sys.frame(sys.parent()))
mf.n.2 <- mf[[match("n.2", names(mf))]]
n.2 <- eval(mf.n.2, data, enclos = sys.frame(sys.parent()))
mf.m.2 <- mf[[match("m.2", names(mf))]]
m.2 <- eval(mf.m.2, data, enclos = sys.frame(sys.parent())) <- mf[[match("sd.2", names(mf))]]
sd.2 <- eval(, data, enclos = sys.frame(sys.parent()))
if(denom == ""){
meta$s.within <- sqrt(((n.1-1)*sd.1^2+
(n.2-1)*sd.2^2)/(n.1 + n.2-2))#
meta$d <-(m.1-m.2)/meta$s.within
meta$var.d <- ((n.1+n.2)/(n.1*n.2))+
#meta$se.d <- sqrt(meta$var.d)
if(denom == "") {
meta$d <-(m.1-m.2)/sd.2 # in denominator
meta$var.d <- ((n.1+n.2)/(n.1*n.2))+
#meta$se.d <- sqrt(meta$var.d)
# if already have d and var.d and want to derive g and var.g:
compute_gs <- function(d, var.d, n.1, n.2, data) {
call <-
mf <- = FALSE)
args <- match(c("d", "var.d", "n.1", "n.2", "data"),
names(mf), 0)
mf <- mf[c(1, args)]
mf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
mf[[1]] <-"model.frame")
meta <- data
mf.d <- mf[[match("d", names(mf))]]
d <- eval(mf.d, data, enclos = sys.frame(sys.parent()))
mf.var.d <- mf[[match("var.d", names(mf))]]
var.d <- eval(mf.var.d, data, enclos = sys.frame(sys.parent()))
mf.n.1 <- mf[[match("n.1", names(mf))]]
n.1 <- eval(mf.n.1, data, enclos = sys.frame(sys.parent()))
mf.n.2 <- mf[[match("n.2", names(mf))]]
n.2 <- eval(mf.n.2, data, enclos = sys.frame(sys.parent()))
df <- (n.1+n.2)-2
j <- 1-(3/(4*df-1))
meta$g <- j*d
meta$var.g <- j^2*var.d
meta$se.g <- sqrt(var.d)
# will compute both d and g
compute_dgs <- function(n.1, m.1, sd.1, n.2, m.2, sd.2, data,
denom = "") {
call <-
mf <- = FALSE)
args <- match(c("n.1", "m.1", "sd.1", "n.2", "m.2", "sd.2", "data"),
names(mf), 0)
mf <- mf[c(1, args)]
mf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
mf[[1]] <-"model.frame")
meta <- data
mf.n.1 <- mf[[match("n.1", names(mf))]]
n.1 <- eval(mf.n.1, data, enclos = sys.frame(sys.parent()))
mf.m.1 <- mf[[match("m.1", names(mf))]]
m.1 <- eval(mf.m.1, data, enclos = sys.frame(sys.parent())) <- mf[[match("sd.1", names(mf))]]
sd.1 <- eval(, data, enclos = sys.frame(sys.parent()))
mf.n.2 <- mf[[match("n.2", names(mf))]]
n.2 <- eval(mf.n.2, data, enclos = sys.frame(sys.parent()))
mf.m.2 <- mf[[match("m.2", names(mf))]]
m.2 <- eval(mf.m.2, data, enclos = sys.frame(sys.parent())) <- mf[[match("sd.2", names(mf))]]
sd.2 <- eval(, data, enclos = sys.frame(sys.parent()))
if(denom == ""){
meta$s.within <- sqrt(((n.1-1)*sd.1^2+
meta$d <-(m.1-m.2)/meta$s.within
meta$var.d <- ((n.1+n.2)/(n.1*n.2))+
df <- n.1+n.2-2
j <- 1-(3/(4*df-1))
meta$g <- j*meta$d
meta$var.g <- j^2*meta$var.d
meta$se.g <- sqrt(meta$var.g)
if(denom == "") {
meta$d <-(m.1-m.2)/sd.2 # in denominator
meta$var.d <- (n.1+n.2)/(n.1*n.2)+
df <- n.1+n.2-2
j <- 1-(3/(4*df-1))
meta$g <- j*meta$d
meta$var.g <- j^2*meta$var.d
meta$se.g <- sqrt(meta$var.g)
##============ WITHIN STUDY AGGREGATION OF EFFECT SIZES =============##
# Automated within-study effect size aggregation function accounting for
# dependencies among effect sizes g (unbiased estimate of d).
# Required inputs are n.1 (treatment sample size), n.2 (comparison sample size)
# id (study id), g (unbiased effect size).
aggs <- function(es, n.1, n.2, cor = .50) {
n.1 <- mean(n.1)
n.2 <- mean(n.2)
N_ES <- length(es)
corr.mat <- matrix (rep(cor, N_ES^2), nrow=N_ES)
diag(corr.mat) <- 1
es1es2 <- cbind(es) %*% es
PSI <- (8*corr.mat + es1es2*corr.mat^2)/(2*(n.1+n.2))
PSI.inv <- solve(PSI)
a <- rowSums(PSI.inv)/sum(PSI.inv)
var <- 1/sum(PSI.inv)
es <- sum(es*a)
out<-cbind(es,var, n.1, n.2)
# automated agg
# newAggFn.R includes separate functions
# aggs1() and agg1() are for g1 (pooled sd in denom);
# aggs2() and agg2() are for g2 (sdC in denom).
# aggs1() is for g1 (pooled sd in denominator)
aggs1 <- function (es, n.1, n.2, cor = 0.5) {
n.1 <- mean(n.1)
n.2 <- mean(n.2)
N_ES <- length(es)
corr.mat <- if (is.matrix(cor)==TRUE) cor else matrix(rep(cor, N_ES^2), nrow = N_ES)
diag(corr.mat) <- 1
es1es2 <- cbind(es) %*% es
PSI <- (1/n.1 + 1/n.2)*corr.mat + 0.5*es1es2*corr.mat^2/(n.1 + n.2)
PSI.inv <- solve(PSI)
a <- rowSums(PSI.inv)/sum(PSI.inv)
var1 <- 1/sum(PSI.inv)
es1 <- sum(es * a)
out <- cbind(es1, var1, n.1, n.2)
# aggs2() is for g2 (sdC in denom)
aggs2 <- function(es, n.1, n.2, cor = 0.5) {
n.1 <- mean(n.1)
n.2 <- mean(n.2)
N_ES <- length(es)
# corr.mat <- matrix(rep(cor, N_ES^2), nrow = N_ES)
corr.mat <- if (is.matrix(cor)==TRUE) cor else matrix(rep(N_ES, N_ES^2), nrow = N_ES)
diag(corr.mat) <- 1
es1es2 <- cbind(es) %*% es
PSI <- (1/n.1 + 1/n.2)*corr.mat + 0.5*es1es2*corr.mat^2/(n.2)
PSI.inv <- solve(PSI)
a <- rowSums(PSI.inv)/sum(PSI.inv)
var2 <- 1/sum(PSI.inv)
es2 <- sum(es * a)
out <- cbind(es2, var2, n.1, n.2)
# agg1() uses aggs1() to aggregate
agg1 <- function (id, es, var, n.1, n.2, cor = 0.5, mod = NULL, data)
mf <-
args <- match(c("id", "es", "var", "n.1", "n.2", "mod", "cor",
"data"), names(mf), 0)
mf <- mf[c(1, args)]
mf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
mf[[1]] <-"model.frame") <- mf[[match("id", names(mf))]]
id <- eval(, data, enclos = sys.frame(sys.parent())) <- mf[[match("es", names(mf))]]
es <- eval(, data, enclos = sys.frame(sys.parent()))
mf.var <- mf[[match("var", names(mf))]]
var <- eval(mf.var, data, enclos = sys.frame(sys.parent()))
mf.n.1 <- mf[[match("n.1", names(mf))]]
n.1 <- eval(mf.n.1, data, enclos = sys.frame(sys.parent()))
mf.n.2 <- mf[[match("n.2", names(mf))]]
n.2 <- eval(mf.n.2, data, enclos = sys.frame(sys.parent()))
mf.mod <- mf[[match("mod", names(mf))]]
mod <- eval(mf.mod, data, enclos = sys.frame(sys.parent()))
data$var1 <- var
if (is.null(mod)) {
st <- unique(id)
out <- data.frame(id = st)
for (i in 1:length(st)) {
out$id[i] <- st[i]
out$es1[i] <- aggs1(es = es[id == st[i]], n.1 = n.1[id == st[i]],
n.2 = n.2[id == st[i]], cor)[1]
n_id <- sum(match(id, st[i], nomatch = 0))
out$var1[i] <- ifelse(n_id == 1, data$var1[id == st[i]],
aggs1(es = es[id == st[i]], n.1 = n.1[id == st[i]],
n.2 = n.2[id == st[i]], cor)[2])
out$n.1[i] <- round(mean(n.1[id == st[i]]), 0)
out$n.2[i] <- round(mean(n.2[id == st[i]]), 0)
if (!is.null(mod)) {
st <- unique(id)
um <- unique(mod)
out <- data.frame(id = rep(st, rep(length(um), length(st))),
mod <- rep(um, length(st)))
for (i in 1:length(st)) {
for (j in 1:length(um)) {
ro <- (i - 1) * length(um) + j
m1 <- match(id, st[i], nomatch = 0)
m2 <- match(mod, um[j], nomatch = 0)
num <- sum(m1 * m2)
out$g1[ro] <- ifelse(num == 0, NA, aggs1(es = es[id == st[i] & mod == um[j]],
n.1 = n.1[id == st[i] & mod == um[j]],
n.2 = n.2[id == st[i] & mod == um[j]], cor)[1])
out$var1[ro] <- ifelse(num == 0, NA, data$var1[id == st[i] & mod == um[j]])
out$var1[ro] <- ifelse(num > 1, aggs1(es = es[id == st[i] & mod == um[j]],
n.1 = n.1[id == st[i] & mod == um[j]],
n.2 = n.2[id == st[i] & mod == um[j]], cor)[2], out$var1[ro])
out$n.1[ro] <- round(mean(n.1[id == st[i] & mod == um[j]]), 0)
out$n.2[ro] <- round(mean(n.2[id == st[i] & mod == um[j]]), 0)
out <- out[$es1) == 0, ]
# agg2() uses aggs2() to aggregate
agg2 <- function (id, es, var, n.1, n.2, cor = 0.5, mod = NULL, data)
mf <-
args <- match(c("id", "es", "var", "n.1", "n.2", "mod", "cor",
"data"), names(mf), 0)
mf <- mf[c(1, args)]
mf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
mf[[1]] <-"model.frame") <- mf[[match("id", names(mf))]]
id <- eval(, data, enclos = sys.frame(sys.parent())) <- mf[[match("es", names(mf))]]
es <- eval(, data, enclos = sys.frame(sys.parent()))
mf.var <- mf[[match("var", names(mf))]]
var <- eval(mf.var, data, enclos = sys.frame(sys.parent()))
mf.n.1 <- mf[[match("n.1", names(mf))]]
n.1 <- eval(mf.n.1, data, enclos = sys.frame(sys.parent()))
mf.n.2 <- mf[[match("n.2", names(mf))]]
n.2 <- eval(mf.n.2, data, enclos = sys.frame(sys.parent()))
mf.mod <- mf[[match("mod", names(mf))]]
mod <- eval(mf.mod, data, enclos = sys.frame(sys.parent()))
data$var1 <- var
if (is.null(mod)) {
st <- unique(id)
out <- data.frame(id = st)
for (i in 1:length(st)) {
out$id[i] <- st[i]
out$es2[i] <- aggs2(es = es[id == st[i]], n.1 = n.1[id == st[i]],
n.2 = n.2[id == st[i]], cor)[1]
n_id <- sum(match(id, st[i], nomatch = 0))
out$var2[i] <- ifelse(n_id == 1, data$var1[id == st[i]],
aggs2(es = es[id == st[i]], n.1 = n.1[id == st[i]],
n.2 = n.2[id == st[i]], cor)[2])
out$n.1[i] <- round(mean(n.1[id == st[i]]), 0)
out$n.2[i] <- round(mean(n.2[id == st[i]]), 0)
if (!is.null(mod)) {
st <- unique(id)
um <- unique(mod)
out <- data.frame(id = rep(st, rep(length(um), length(st))),
mod <- rep(um, length(st)))
for (i in 1:length(st)) {
for (j in 1:length(um)) {
ro <- (i - 1) * length(um) + j
m1 <- match(id, st[i], nomatch = 0)
m2 <- match(mod, um[j], nomatch = 0)
num <- sum(m1 * m2)
out$es2[ro] <- ifelse(num == 0, NA, aggs2(es = es[id == st[i] & mod == um[j]],
n.1 = n.1[id == st[i] & mod == um[j]],
n.2 = n.2[id == st[i] & mod == um[j]], cor)[1])
out$var2[ro] <- ifelse(num == 0, NA, data$var1[id == st[i] & mod == um[j]])
out$var2[ro] <- ifelse(num > 1, aggs2(es = es[id == st[i] & mod == um[j]],
n.1 = n.1[id == st[i] & mod == um[j]],
n.2 = n.2[id == st[i] & mod == um[j]], cor)[2], out$var1[ro])
out$n.1[ro] <- round(mean(n.1[id == st[i] & mod == um[j]]), 0)
out$n.2[ro] <- round(mean(n.2[id == st[i] & mod == um[j]]), 0)
out <- out[$es2) == 0, ]
# Two more functions for BHHR approach
aggsB <- function(es, var, cor=.5) { # BHHR method to compute gComp, vgComp
SE <- sqrt(var)
SEmat <- SE %*% t(SE) # cross-products
rmat <- if (is.matrix(cor)==TRUE) cor else matrix(rep(cor, length(SEmat)), ncol=length(SE))
diag(rmat) <- rep(1, length(SE)) # Option: user could input rmat instead of r
VCV <- SEmat*rmat
esComp <- mean(es)
varComp <- sum(VCV)*(1/length(VCV))
out <- cbind(esComp,varComp)
aggB <- function (id, es, var, cor = 0.5, data) {
mf <-
args <- match(c("id", "es", "var", "cor", "data"), names(mf), 0)
mf <- mf[c(1, args)]
mf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
mf[[1]] <-"model.frame") <- mf[[match("id", names(mf))]]
id <- eval(, data, enclos = sys.frame(sys.parent())) <- mf[[match("es", names(mf))]]
es <- eval(, data, enclos = sys.frame(sys.parent()))
mf.var <- mf[[match("var", names(mf))]]
var <- eval(mf.var, data, enclos = sys.frame(sys.parent()))
st <- unique(id)
out <- data.frame(id = st)
for (i in 1:length(st)) {
out$es[i] <- aggsB(es = es[id == st[i]], var = var[id == st[i]], cor)[1]
out$var[i] <- aggsB(es = es[id == st[i]], var = var[id == st[i]], cor)[2]
agg <- function(id, es, var, n.1=NULL, n.2=NULL, method="BHHR", cor = .50, mod=NULL, data) {
mf <-
args <- match(c("id", "es", "var", "n.1", "n.2", "mod", "cor",
"data"), names(mf), 0)
mf <- mf[c(1, args)]
mf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
mf[[1]] <-"model.frame") <- mf[[match("id", names(mf))]]
id <- eval(, data, enclos = sys.frame(sys.parent())) <- mf[[match("es", names(mf))]]
es <- eval(, data, enclos = sys.frame(sys.parent()))
mf.var <- mf[[match("var", names(mf))]]
var <- eval(mf.var, data, enclos = sys.frame(sys.parent()))
mf.n.1 <- mf[[match("n.1", names(mf))]]
n.1 <- eval(mf.n.1, data, enclos = sys.frame(sys.parent()))
mf.n.1 <- mf[[match("n.1", names(mf))]]
n.1 <- eval(mf.n.1, data, enclos = sys.frame(sys.parent()))
mf.n.2 <- mf[[match("n.2", names(mf))]]
n.2 <- eval(mf.n.2, data, enclos = sys.frame(sys.parent()))
mf.mod <- mf[[match("mod", names(mf))]]
mod <- eval(mf.mod, data, enclos = sys.frame(sys.parent()))
if(min(cor)<0 | max(cor)>1){
stop("Assumed correlation between measures should be positive or zero (and not > 1)")
if(length(n.1)==0 | length(n.2)==0) stop("missing n.1 and/or n.2 arguments") else
out <- agg1(id=id, es=es, var=var, n.1=n.1, n.2=n.2, cor, mod, data)
} else
if(length(n.1)==0 | length(n.2)==0) stop("missing n.1 and/or n.2 arguments") else
out <- agg2(id=id, es=es, var=var, n.1=n.1, n.2=n.2, cor, mod, data)
} else
out <- aggB(id=id, es=es, var=var, cor, data)
} else stop("method must be either 'GO1', 'GO2', or 'BHHR'")
##=== Add Fixed and Random Effects Weights ===##
# Required input is a data.frame with column names id (study id),
# g (unbiased standardized mean diff ES), and n.1 (group 1 sample size),
# n.2 (group 2 sample size).
# required inputs are g, var.g and will output weights, ci, etc
wgts <- function(g, var.g, data) {
call <-
mf <- = FALSE)
args <- match(c("g", "var.g", "data"),
names(mf), 0)
mf <- mf[c(1, args)]
#mf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
mf[[1]] <-"model.frame")
mf.g <- mf[[match("g", names(mf))]]
meta <- data
g <- eval(mf.g, data, enclos = sys.frame(sys.parent()))
mf.var.g <- mf[[match("var.g", names(mf))]]
var.g <- eval(mf.var.g, data, enclos = sys.frame(sys.parent()))
meta$l.ci95 <- g-1.96*sqrt(var.g) #create random ci for each study
meta$u.ci95 <- g + 1.96*sqrt(var.g)
meta$z.score <- g/sqrt(var.g)
meta$wi <- 1/var.g # computing weight for each study
meta$wiTi <- meta$wi*g # used to calculate omnibus
meta$wiTi2 <- meta$wi*(g)^2 # used to calculate omnibus
# random effects #
sum.wi <- sum(meta$wi, na.rm=TRUE) # used to calculate random effects
sum.wiTi <- sum(meta$wiTi, na.rm=TRUE) # used to calculate random effects
sum.wiTi2 <- sum(meta$wiTi2, na.rm=TRUE) # used to calculate random effects
Q <- sum.wiTi2-(sum.wiTi^2)/sum.wi #used to calculate random effects
k <- sum(! # number of studies
df <- k-1 # degree of freedom
sum.wi2 <- sum(meta$wi^2, na.rm=TRUE) # used to calculate random effects
comp <- sum.wi-sum.wi2/sum.wi # (pg. 271) used to calculate random effects
meta$tau <- (Q-(k - 1))/comp # Level 2 variance
meta$var.tau <- meta$tau + var.g # Random effects variance (within study var + between var)
meta$wi.tau <- 1/meta$var.tau # Random effects weights
meta$wiTi.tau <- meta$wi.tau*g
meta$wiTi2.tau <- meta$wi.tau*(g)^2
##================= FIXED AND RANDOM EFFECTS OMNIBUS ===============##
# Function to calculate fixed and random effects omnibus effect size for g,
# outputing omnibus effect size, variance, standard error, upper and lower
# confidence intervals, and heterogeneity test.
# Required input is a data.frame with column names id (study id),
# g (unbiased standardized mean diff ES), and n.1 (group 1 sample size),
# n.2 (group 2 sample size).
omni <- function(g, var, data, type="weighted", method = "random") {
# Computes fixed and random effects omnibus effect size for correlations.
# Args:
# g: vector of unbiased estimate of standardized mean diff (d)
# var: vector of variances of g.
# data: data.frame where g and var for each study are located.
# type: "weighted" or "unweighted". "weighted" is the default. Use the
# unweighted variance method only if Q is rejected and is very large relative to k.
# Returns:
# Fixed or random (Restricted Maximal Likelihood) effects omnibus effect size, variance, standard error,
# upper and lower confidence intervals, p-value, Q (heterogeneity test), I2
# (I-squared--proportion of total variation in tmt effects due to heterogeneity
# rather than chance).
call <-
mf <- = FALSE)
args <- match(c("g", "var", "data", "type", "method"),
names(mf), 0)
mf <- mf[c(1, args)]
mf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
mf[[1]] <-"model.frame")
mf.g <- mf[[match("g", names(mf))]]
g <- eval(mf.g, data, enclos = sys.frame(sys.parent()))
mf.var.g <- mf[[match("var", names(mf))]]
var.g <- eval(mf.var.g, data, enclos = sys.frame(sys.parent()))
#mf <- eval.parent(mf)
#terms <- attr(mf, "terms")
#g <- model.extract(mf, "g")
#var.g <- model.extract(mf, "var")
l.ci95 <- g-1.96*sqrt(var.g) #create random ci for each study
u.ci95 <- g + 1.96*sqrt(var.g)
z.score <- g/sqrt(var.g)
wi <- 1/var.g # computing weight for each study
wiTi <- wi*g # used to calculate omnibus
wiTi2 <- wi*(g)^2 # used to calculate omnibus
# random effects #
sum.wi <- sum(wi, na.rm=TRUE) # used to calculate random effects
sum.wiTi <- sum(wiTi, na.rm=TRUE) # used to calculate random effects
sum.wiTi2 <- sum(wiTi2, na.rm=TRUE) # used to calculate random effects
Q <- sum.wiTi2-(sum.wiTi^2)/sum.wi #used to calculate random effects
k <- sum(! # number of studies
df <- k-1 # degree of freedom
sum.wi2 <- sum(wi^2, na.rm=TRUE) # used to calculate random effects
comp <- sum.wi-sum.wi2/sum.wi # (pg. 271) used to calculate random effects
tau <- (Q-(k - 1))/comp # Level 2 variance
var.tau <- tau + var.g # Random effects variance (within study var + between var)
wi.tau <- 1/var.tau # Random effects weights
wiTi.tau <- wi.tau*g
wiTi2.tau <- wi.tau*(g)^2
k <- length(! # number of studies
df <- k-1
sum.wi <- sum(wi, na.rm=TRUE) # used to calculate omnibus
sum.wiTi <- sum(wiTi, na.rm=TRUE) # used to calculate omnibus
sum.wiTi2 <- sum(wiTi2, na.rm=TRUE) # used to calculate omnibus
T.agg <- sum.wiTi/sum.wi # omnibus g
var.T.agg <- 1/sum.wi # omnibus var.g
se.T.agg <- sqrt(var.T.agg)
z.value <- T.agg/se.T.agg
p.value <- 2*pnorm(abs(z.value), lower.tail=FALSE) <- T.agg-1.96*se.T.agg <- T.agg + 1.96*se.T.agg
Q <- sum.wiTi2-(sum.wiTi^2)/sum.wi # FE homogeneity test
I2 <- (Q-(k-1))/Q # I-squared
I2 <- ifelse(I2<0, 0, I2)
I2 <- paste(round(I2*100, 4), "%", sep="")
p.homog <- pchisq(Q, df, lower.tail=FALSE) # <.05 = sig. heterogeneity
# random effects #
sum.wi2 <- sum(wi^2, na.rm=TRUE)
comp <- sum.wi-sum.wi2/sum.wi
sum.wi.tau <- sum(wi.tau, na.rm=TRUE)
sum.wiTi.tau <- sum(wiTi.tau, na.rm=TRUE)
sum.wiTi2.tau <- sum(wiTi2.tau, na.rm=TRUE)
T.agg.tau <- sum.wiTi.tau/sum.wi.tau
if(type == "weighted") {
var.T.agg.tau <- 1/sum.wi.tau
se.T.agg.tau <- sqrt(var.T.agg.tau)
z.valueR <- T.agg.tau/se.T.agg.tau
p.valueR <- 2*pnorm(abs(z.valueR), lower.tail=FALSE) <- T.agg.tau-1.96*se.T.agg.tau <- T.agg.tau + 1.96*se.T.agg.tau
if(type == "unweighted") { # unweighted variance method
var.agg <- (sum(g^2)-sum(g)^2/k)/(k-1) #14.20
#q.num <- (1/k)*sum(var.g)
unwgtvar.T.agg.tau <- var.agg-(1/k)*sum(var.g) #14.22
var.T.agg.tau <- ifelse(unwgtvar.T.agg.tau <= 0, 0, unwgtvar.T.agg.tau) #if var < 0, its set to 0
se.T.agg.tau <- sqrt(var.T.agg.tau)
z.valueR <- T.agg.tau/se.T.agg.tau
p.valueR <- 2*pnorm(abs(z.valueR), lower.tail=FALSE) <- T.agg.tau-1.96*se.T.agg.tau <- T.agg.tau + 1.96*se.T.agg.tau
Fixed <- list(k=k, estimate=T.agg, se=se.T.agg,,, z=z.value, p=p.value,
Q=Q, df.Q=df, Qp=p.homog, I2=I2, call=call)
Random <- list(k=k, estimate=T.agg.tau,
z=z.valueR, p=p.valueR, Q=Q, df.Q=df, Qp=p.homog,
I2=I2, call=call)
if(method == "fixed") { <- Fixed
row.names( <- NULL
if(method == "random") { <- Random
row.names( <- NULL
class( <-"omni"
print.omni <- function (x, digits = 3, ...){
k <- x$k
estimate <- x$estimate
var <- x$var
se <- x$se
ci.l <- x$ci.l
ci.u <- x$ci.u
z <- x$z
p <- x$p
Q <- x$Q
df.Q <- x$df.Q
Qp <- x$Qp
I2 <- x$I2
results1 <- round(data.frame(estimate, se,ci.l, ci.u, z, p),digits)
#results <- formatC(table, format="f", digits=digits)
results1$k <- x$k
results1 <- results1[c(7,1:2,5,3:4,6)]
results2 <- round(data.frame(Q, df.Q, Qp),digits)
results2$I2 <- x$I2
cat("\n Model Results:", "", "\n", "\n")
cat("\n Heterogeneity:", "", "\n","\n")
##================= Categorical Moderator Analysis ================##
macat <- function (g, var, mod, data, method= "random") {
# Computes single predictor categorical moderator analysis. Computations
# derived from chapter 15, Cooper et al. (2009).
# Args:
# meta: data.frame with g (standardized mean diff),var.g (variance of g)
# mod: Categorical moderator variable used for moderator analysis.
# Returns:
# Fixed or random effects moderator means per group, k per group,
# 95% confidence intervals, z-value, p-value, variances,
# standard errors, Q, df(Q), and I-squared.
# Also outputs Q-statistic, Q-within & between, df(Qw & Qb), and
# homogeneity p-value within & between levels.
call <-
mf <- = FALSE)
args <- match(c("g", "var","mod", "data","method"),
names(mf), 0)
mf <- mf[c(1, args)]
mf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
mf[[1]] <-"model.frame")
mf.g <- mf[[match("g", names(mf))]]
meta <- data
meta$g <- eval(mf.g, data, enclos = sys.frame(sys.parent()))
mf.var.g <- mf[[match("var", names(mf))]]
meta$var.g <- eval(mf.var.g, data, enclos = sys.frame(sys.parent()))
mf.mod <- mf[[match("mod", names(mf))]]
meta$mod <- eval(mf.mod, data, enclos = sys.frame(sys.parent()))
meta$mod <- as.character(meta$mod)
meta$k <- 1
meta$TW <- 1/meta$var.g
meta$TWD <- meta$TW * meta$g
meta$TWDS <- meta$TWD * meta$g
temp <- aggregate(meta[c("k", "TW", "TWD", "TWDS")], by = meta["mod"],
FUN = sum)
temp$mod <- as.character(temp$mod)
lastrows <- dim(temp)[1] + 1
temp[lastrows, 2:5] <- apply(temp[, -1], 2, FUN = sum)
temp$mod[lastrows] <- "Overall"
temp$g <- temp$TWD/temp$TW
temp$var.g <- 1/temp$TW
temp$se.g <- sqrt(temp$var.g)
temp$Q <- temp$TWDS - temp$TWD^2/temp$TW
temp$df <- temp$k - 1
temp$z.value <- temp$g/temp$se.g
temp$p.value <- 2 * pnorm(abs(temp$z.value), lower.tail = FALSE)
temp$p_homog <- ifelse(temp$df == 0, 1, pchisq(temp$Q, temp$df,
lower.tail = FALSE))
temp$I2 <- (temp$Q - (temp$df))/temp$Q
temp$I2 <- ifelse(temp$I2 < 0, 0, temp$I2)
temp$I2 <- paste(round(temp$I2 * 100, 0), "%", sep = "")
# fixed effect homogeneity (used in RE for Q, Qw, df.w, p.w)
kf <- temp$k[temp$mod == "Overall"]
levelsf <- length(temp$mod) - 1
Qb.dff <- levelsf - 1
Qw.dff <- kf - levelsf
Qsf <- temp$Q[temp$mod == "Overall"]
Qwf <- sum(temp$Q[!temp$mod == "Overall"])
Qw_p.valuef <- 1 - pchisq(Qwf, Qw.dff)
if(method == "fixed") {
out <- aggregate(meta[c("k", "TW", "TWD", "TWDS")], by = meta["mod"],
FUN = sum)
out$mod <- as.character(out$mod)
lastrow <- dim(out)[1] + 1
out[lastrow, 2:5] <- apply(out[, -1], 2, FUN = sum)
out$mod[lastrow] <- "Overall"
out$g <- out$TWD/out$TW
out$var.g <- 1/out$TW
out$se.g <- sqrt(out$var.g)
out$Q <- out$TWDS - out$TWD^2/out$TW
out$df <- out$k - 1
out$z.value <- out$g/out$se.g
out$p.value <- 2 * pnorm(abs(out$z.value), lower.tail = FALSE)
out$L.95ci <- out$g - 1.96 * out$se.g
out$U.95ci <- out$g + 1.96 * out$se.g
out$p_homog <- ifelse(out$df == 0, 1, pchisq(out$Q, out$df,
lower.tail = FALSE))
out$I2 <- (out$Q - (out$df))/out$Q
out$I2 <- ifelse(out$I2 < 0, 0, out$I2)
out$I2 <- paste(round(out$I2 * 100, 0), "%", sep = "")
out$TW <- NULL
out$TWD <- NULL
out$TWDS <- NULL
k <- out$k[out$mod == "Overall"]
levels <- length(out$mod) - 1
Qb.df <- levels - 1
Qw.df <- k - levels
Qs <- out$Q[out$mod == "Overall"]
Qw <- sum(out$Q[!out$mod == "Overall"])
Qw_p.value <- 1 - pchisq(Qw, Qw.df)
Qb <- Qs - Qw
Qb_p.value <- 1 - pchisq(Qb, Qb.df)
mod.Qstat <- data.frame(Qs, Qw, Qw.df, Qw_p.value, Qb, Qb.df,
names(mod.Qstat) <- c("Q", "Qw", "df.w", "p.w", "Qb", "df.b",
if(method=="random") {
meta$TWS <- meta$TW^2
out <- aggregate(meta[c("k", "TW", "TWS", "TWD", "TWDS")],
by = meta["mod"], FUN = sum)
out$Q <- out$TWDS - out$TWD^2/out$TW
Q <- sum(out$Q)
out$df <- out$k - 1
df <- sum(out$df)
out$c <- out$TW - (out$TWS/out$TW)
c <- sum(out$c)
TSw <- (Q - df)/c
tau <- ifelse(TSw < 0, 0, TSw)
meta$var.tau <- meta$var.g + tau
meta$TW.tau <- 1/meta$var.tau
meta$TWD.tau <- meta$TW.tau * meta$g
meta$TWDS.tau <- meta$TWD.tau * meta$g
out <- aggregate(meta[c("k", "TW.tau", "TWD.tau", "TWDS.tau")],
by = meta["mod"], FUN = sum)
lastrow <- dim(out)[1] + 1
out[lastrow, 2:5] <- apply(out[, -1], 2, FUN = sum)
out$mod[lastrow] <- "Overall"
out$g <- out$TWD.tau/out$TW.tau
out$var.g <- 1/out$TW.tau
out$g <- out$TWD.tau/out$TW.tau
out$se.g <- sqrt(out$var.g)
out$Q <- out$TWDS.tau - out$TWD.tau^2/out$TW.tau
out$df <- out$k - 1
out$z.value <- out$g/out$se.g
out$p.value <- 2 * pnorm(abs(out$z.value), lower.tail = FALSE)
out$L.95ci <- out$g - 1.96 * out$se.g
out$U.95ci <- out$g + 1.96 * out$se.g
out$p_homog <- ifelse(out$df == 0, 1, pchisq(out$Q, out$df,
lower.tail = FALSE))
out$I2 <- temp$I2
out$TW.tau <- NULL
out$TWD.tau <- NULL
out$TWDS.tau <- NULL
k <- out$k[out$mod == "Overall"]
levels <- length(out$mod) - 1
Qb.df <- levels - 1
Qw.df <- k - levels
Q <- out$Q[out$mod == "Overall"]
Qw <- sum(out$Q[!out$mod == "Overall"])
Qw_p.value <- 1 - pchisq(Qw, Qw.df)
Qb <- Q - Qw
Qb_p.value <- 1 - pchisq(Qb, Qb.df)
Qs <- temp$Q[temp$mod == "Overall"]
Qw <- sum(temp$Q[!temp$mod == "Overall"])
Qw_p.value <- Qw_p.valuef
mod.Qstat <- data.frame(Qs, Qw, Qw.df, Qw_p.value, Qb, Qb.df,
names(mod.Qstat) <- c("Q", "Qw", "df.w", "p.w", "Qb", "df.b",
out$Q <- temp$Q
out$df <- temp$df
out$p_homog <- temp$p_homog
colnames(out) <- c("mod", "k", "estimate", "var", "se", "Q",
"df", "z", "p", "ci.l", "ci.u", "p.h", "I2")
out1 <- out[, c(1, 2, 3, 5, 4, 10, 11, 8, 9, 6, 7, 12, 13)]
out2 <- mod.Qstat
out <- list(Model=out1, Heterogeneity=out2)
class(out) <- "macat"
print.macat <- function (x, digits = 3, ...){
x1 <- x$Model
x2 <- x$Heterogeneity
mod <- x1$mod
k <- x1$k
estimate <- x1$estimate
var <- x1$var
se <- x1$se
ci.l <- x1$ci.l
ci.u <- x1$ci.u
z <- x1$z
p <- x1$p
Q <- x1$Q
df <- x1$df
p.h <- x1$p.h
I2 <- x1$I2
Qoverall <- x2$Q
Qw <- x2$Qw
Qw.df <- x2$df.w
Qw.p <- x2$p.w
Qb <- x2$Qb
Qb.df <- x2$df.b
Qb.p <- x2$p.b
results1 <- round(data.frame(estimate, var, se, ci.l, ci.u, z, p,
Q, df, p.h), digits)
#results <- formatC(table, format="f", digits=digits)
results1$k <- x1$k
results1$I2 <- x1$I2
results1$mod <- x1$mod
results1 <- results1[c(13,11, 1:10,12)]
results2 <- round(data.frame(Q=Qoverall, Qw, Qw.df, Qw.p, Qb, Qb.df, Qb.p),digits)
cat("\n Model Results:", "", "\n", "\n")
cat("\n Heterogeneity:", "", "\n","\n")
# Function for planned comparisons between 2 levels of moderator (fixed effects)
macatC <- function(x1, x2, g, var, mod, data, method= "random", type= "post.hoc") {
# Directly compares 2 levels of a categorical moderator using a fixed effects model.
# Computations derived from chapter 15, Cooper et al. (2009).
# Args:
# meta: data.frame with g (standardized mean diff),var.g (variance of g),
# n.1 (grp 1 sample size), n.2 (grp 2 sample size).
# mod: Categorical moderator variable used for moderator analysis.
# x1: One level of categorical moderator
# x2: Other level (comparison group) of same categorical moderator
# method: "post.hoc" assumes the comparision was not planned prior to conducting
# the meta-analysis. The other option "planned" assumes you have planned
# a priori to compare these levels of the categorical moderator.
# Default is "post.hoc1".
# Returns:
# Random effects moderator means per group, mean difference (d), variance of difference,
# p-value, and 95% confidence intervals.
call <-
mf <- = FALSE)
args <- match(c("x1", "x.2", "g", "var", "mod", "data"),
names(mf), 0)
mf <- mf[c(1, args)]
mf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
mf[[1]] <-"model.frame")
mf.g <- mf[[match("g", names(mf))]]
g <- eval(mf.g, data, enclos = sys.frame(sys.parent()))
mf.var <- mf[[match("var", names(mf))]]
var.g <- eval(mf.var, data, enclos = sys.frame(sys.parent()))
mf.mod <- mf[[match("mod", names(mf))]]
mod <- eval(mf.mod, data, enclos = sys.frame(sys.parent()))
modsig <- macat(g=g, var=var.g, mod=mod, data=data, method=method)
modsig$mod <- as.factor(modsig$Model$mod)
com1 <- levels(modsig$mod)[x1] # first level of moderator
com2 <- levels(modsig$mod)[x2] # second level of moderator <- modsig$Model[modsig$mod==com1, "estimate"] <- modsig$Model[modsig$mod==com2, "estimate"]
x1.var <- modsig$Model[modsig$mod==com1, "var"]
x2.var <- modsig$Model[modsig$mod==com2, "var"]
g <- (-1)* + 1* # pg 288 (Cooper et al., 2009)
var <- (-1)^2*x1.var + (1)^2*x2.var
df <- 2-1
chi.sqr <- g^2/var
#m <- meta
#m$mod <- mod
#if(type == "post.hoc1") { # post-hoc comparison (Tukey HSD method)
# fit<-aov(g~mod,weights=meta$wi)
# fit<-TukeyHSD(fit)
if(type == "post.hoc") { # post-hoc comparison (Scheffe method)
z <- g/sqrt(var)
z2 <- z^2
levels <- length(levels(as.factor(mod))) <- levels-1
p.value <- 1-pchisq(z2,
L.95ci <- g-1.96*sqrt(var)
U.95ci <- g + 1.96*sqrt(var)
fit <- data.frame(g, var, p.value) # , L.95ci, U.95ci)
names(fit) <- c("diff", "var.diff",
"p") #, "CI.lower", "CI.lower" )
if (type == "planned") { # planned comparison (a priori)
df <- 2-1
chi.sqr <- g^2/var
p.value <- 1-pchisq(chi.sqr, df)
L.95ci <- g-1.96*sqrt(var)
U.95ci <- g + 1.96*sqrt(var)
fit <- data.frame(g, var, p.value) # , L.95ci, U.95ci)
names(fit) <- c("diff", "var.diff",
"p") #, "ci.l", "ci.u" )
# multifactor cat mod analysis [IN PROGRESS]:
#add relevant columns and it will works fine!
#MFCatMod <- function(meta, mod1, mod2) {
# m <- Wifun(meta)
# m$mod1 <- mod1
# m$mod2 <- mod2
# fixed <- ddply(m, c("mod1", "mod2"), summarise, sum.wi = sum(wi),
# sum.wiTi = sum(wiTi), sum.wiTi2 = sum(wiTi2))
# fixed$ES <- fixed$sum.wiTi/fixed$sum.wi
# random <- ddply(m, c("mod1", "mod2"), summarise, sum.wi.tau = sum(wi.tau),
# sum.wiTi.tau = sum(wiTi.tau), sum.wiTi2.tau = sum(wiTi2.tau))
# random$ES <- random$sum.wiTi.tau/random$sum.wi.tau
# out <- list(Fixed = fixed, Random = random)
# return(out)
##============= GRAPHICS =============##
# requires ggplot2
##=== Meta-regression scatterplot with weighted regression line ===##
plotcon <- function(g, var, mod, data, method= "random", modname=NULL,
title=NULL, ...) {
# Outputs a scatterplot from a fixed or random effects meta-regression (continuous and/or
# categorical).
if (!requireNamespace("ggplot2", quietly = TRUE)) {
"Package \"ggplot2\" must be installed to use this function.",
call. = FALSE
if (!requireNamespace("metafor", quietly = TRUE)) {
"Package \"metafor\" must be installed to use this function.",
call. = FALSE
call <-
mf <- = FALSE)
args <- match(c("g", "var","mod", "data","method"),
names(mf), 0)
mf <- mf[c(1, args)]
mf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
mf[[1]] <-"model.frame")
mf.g <- mf[[match("g", names(mf))]]
g <- eval(mf.g, data, enclos = sys.frame(sys.parent()))
mf.var.g <- mf[[match("var", names(mf))]]
var.g <- eval(mf.var.g, data, enclos = sys.frame(sys.parent()))
mf.mod <- mf[[match("mod", names(mf))]]
mod <- eval(mf.mod, data, enclos = sys.frame(sys.parent()))
data$g <- g
data$var.g <- var.g
data$mod <- mod
if(method=="fixed") {
m1 <- mareg(g~as.numeric(mod), var=var.g, method="FE", data=data)
#preds <- predict(dat)
#preds <-
congraph <- ggplot2::ggplot(data=data,ggplot2::aes(x=mod, y=g, size=1/var.g), na.rm=TRUE) +
ggplot2::geom_point(alpha=.7) +
ggplot2::geom_abline(intercept=m1$b[1], slope=m1$b[2]) +
ggplot2::expand_limits(x = 0) +
ggplot2::xlab(modname) + ggplot2::ylab("Effect Size") +
ggplot2::ggtitle(title) +
ggplot2::theme_bw() +
ggplot2::theme(legend.position = "none")
if(method=="random") {
m1 <- mareg(g~as.numeric(mod), var=var.g, method="REML", data=data)
#preds <- predict(dat)
#preds <-
congraph <- ggplot2::ggplot(data=data,ggplot2::aes(x=mod, y=g, size=1/var.g), na.rm=TRUE) +
ggplot2::geom_point(alpha=.7) +
ggplot2::geom_abline(intercept=m1$b[1], slope=m1$b[2]) +
ggplot2::expand_limits(x = 0) +
ggplot2::xlab(modname) + ggplot2::ylab("Effect Size") +
ggplot2::ggtitle(title) +
ggplot2::theme_bw() +
ggplot2::theme(legend.position = "none")
##=== Categorical Moderator Graph ===##
# Intermediate level function to add mean to boxplot
wmean <- function (x, weights = NULL, normwt = "ignored", na.rm = TRUE)
if (!length(weights))
return(mean(x, na.rm = na.rm))
if (na.rm) {
s <- ! + weights)
x <- x[s]
weights <- weights[s]
sum(weights * x)/sum(weights)
plotcat <- function(g, var, mod, data, modname=NULL, title=NULL, ...) {
if (!requireNamespace("ggplot2", quietly = TRUE)) {
"Package \"ggplot2\" must be installed to use this function.",
call. = FALSE
call <-
mf <- = FALSE)
args <- match(c("g", "var","mod", "data"),
names(mf), 0)
mf <- mf[c(1, args)]
mf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
mf[[1]] <-"model.frame")
mf.g <- mf[[match("g", names(mf))]]
m <- data
m$g <- eval(mf.g, data, enclos = sys.frame(sys.parent()))
mf.var.g <- mf[[match("var", names(mf))]]
m$var.g <- eval(mf.var.g, data, enclos = sys.frame(sys.parent()))
var.g <- NULL
mf.mod <- mf[[match("mod", names(mf))]]
m$mod <- eval(mf.mod, data, enclos = sys.frame(sys.parent()))
m$mod <- as.character(m$mod)
catmod <- ggplot2::ggplot(meta, ggplot2::aes(factor(mod), g, weight = 1/var.g), na.rm=TRUE) +
ggplot2::geom_boxplot(ggplot2::aes(weight = 1/var.g), outlier.size=2,na.rm=TRUE) +
ggplot2::geom_jitter(ggplot2::aes(shape=factor(mod), size=1/var.g), alpha=.25) +
ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes(x=factor(mod),y=wmean(g, weights= 1/var.g, na.rm=TRUE)),shape = 23,
size = 3)+
ggplot2::xlab(modname) +
ggplot2::ylab("Effect Size") +
ggplot2::ggtitle(title) +
ggplot2::theme_bw() +
ggplot2::theme(legend.position = "none")
##=== Forest Plot ===##
#ForestPlot <- function(meta, method="random", title=NULL) {
# Outputs a forest plot from a fixed or random effects omnibus analysis.
# Computations derived from chapter 14, Cooper et al. (2009).
# Args:
# meta: data.frame with id, g (standardized mean diff),var.g (variance of g).
# method: Model used, either "random" or "fixed" effects. Default is "random".
# title: Plot title. Default is NULL.
# Returns:
# Forest plot with omnibus effect size (fixed or random), point for each study
# where size of point is based on the study's precision (based primarily on
# sample size) and 95% confidence intervals. The ggplot2 package outputs the rich graphics.
# require('ggplot2')
# meta <- meta
# meta$id <- factor(meta$id) # , levels=rev(id))
# meta$wi <- 1/meta$var.g
# meta$wi2 <- (1/meta$var.g)^2
# meta$wiTi <- meta$wi*meta$g
# meta$wiTi2 <- meta$wi*(meta$g)^2
# meta$k <- meta$mod
# sum.wi <- sum(meta$wi, na.rm=TRUE)
# sum.wi2 <- sum(meta$wi2, na.rm=TRUE)
# sum.wiTi <- sum(meta$wiTi, na.rm=TRUE)
# sum.wiTi2 <- sum(meta$wiTi2, na.rm=TRUE)
# if(method=="fixed") {
# T.agg <- sum.wiTi/sum.wi
# var.T.agg <- 1/sum.wi
# se.T.agg <- sqrt(var.T.agg)
# Q <- sum.wiTi2-(sum.wiTi^2)/sum.wi
# k <- sum(!$g))
# df <- k-1
# omnibus <- data.frame(id="Omnibus", g=T.agg)
# meta$l.ci95 <- meta$g-1.96*sqrt(meta$var.g) #create fixed ci for each study
# meta$u.ci95 <- meta$g + 1.96*sqrt(meta$var.g)
# forest <- ggplot(meta, ggplot2::aes(y = id,x=g))+ # aes(y = factor(id, levels=rev(levels(id))), x = g)) +
# geom_vline(xintercept=0) +
# ggplot2::geom_point(data=omnibus, colour="red", size=8, shape=23) +
# #ggplot2::geom_point(aes(size=wi)) +
# opts(title=title, legend.position="none") +
# geom_errorbarh(data=meta,aes(xmin = l.ci95, xmax=u.ci95), size=.3, alpha=.6) +
# geom_vline(colour="red", linetype=2, xintercept=T.agg) +
# #xlim(-1, 1) +
# xlab("Effect Size") +
# #scale_y_discrete(breaks = NA, labels=NA)+ # supress y-labels
# ylab(NULL)
# }
# if(method == "random") {
# comp <- sum.wi-sum.wi2/sum.wi
# Q <- sum.wiTi2-(sum.wiTi^2)/sum.wi
# k <- sum(!$g))
# df <- k-1
# tau <- (Q-k + 1)/comp #random effects variance
# meta$var.tau <- meta$var.g + tau
# meta$wi.tau <- 1/meta$var.tau
# meta$wiTi.tau <- meta$wi.tau*meta$g
# meta$wiTi2.tau <- meta$wi.tau*(meta$g)^2
# sum.wi.tau <- sum(meta$wi.tau, na.rm=TRUE)
# sum.wiTi.tau <- sum(meta$wiTi.tau, na.rm=TRUE)
# sum.wiTi2.tau <- sum(meta$wiTi2.tau, na.rm=TRUE)
# T.agg.tau <- sum.wiTi.tau/sum.wi.tau
# var.T.agg.tau <- 1/sum.wi.tau #the following is inaccurate 14.23: (Q - df)/comp
# se.T.agg.tau <- sqrt(var.T.agg.tau)
# omnibus.tau <- data.frame(id="Omnibus", g=T.agg.tau)
# meta$l.ci95 <- meta$g-1.96*sqrt(meta$var.g) #create random ci for each study
# meta$u.ci95 <- meta$g + 1.96*sqrt(meta$var.g)
# forest <- ggplot(meta, aes(y = id,x=g))+ #factor(id, levels=rev(levels(id))), x = g)) +
# geom_vline(xintercept=0) +
# ggplot2::geom_point(data=omnibus.tau, colour="red", size=8, shape=23) +
# #ggplot2::geom_point(aes(size=wi.tau)) +
# opts(title=title, legend.position="none") +
# #ggplot2::geom_point(data=meta,aes(size=wi.tau)) +
# geom_errorbarh(data=meta,aes(xmin = l.ci95, xmax=u.ci95), size=.3, alpha=.6) +
# geom_vline(colour="red", linetype=2, xintercept=T.agg.tau) +
# #xlim(-1, 1) +
# xlab("Effect Size") +
# #scale_y_discrete(breaks = NA, labels=NA)+ # supress y-labels
# ylab(NULL)
# }
# return(forest)
##=== Funnel Plot ===##
#plotfunnel <- function(g, var, mod, data, method = "random", title=NULL) {
# Outputs a funnel plot from a fixed or random effects omnibus analysis to assess for
# publication bias in the meta-analysis.
# Computations derived from chapter 14, Cooper et al. (2009).
# Args:
# meta: data.frame with ig, g (standardized mean diff),var.g (variance of g).
# method: Model used, either "random" or "fixed" effects. Default is "random".
# title: Plot title. Default is NULL.
# Returns:
# Funnel plot with omnibus effect size (fixed or random), point for each study
# where size of point is based on the study's precision (based primarily on sample
# size) and standard error lines to assess for publication bias.
# The ggplot2 package outputs the rich graphics.
# require('ggplot2')
# call <-
# mf <- = FALSE)
# args <- match(c("g", "var","mod", "data","method"),
# names(mf), 0)
# mf <- mf[c(1, args)]
# mf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
# mf[[1]] <-"model.frame")
# mf.g <- mf[[match("g", names(mf))]]
# m <- data
# m$g <- eval(mf.g, data, enclos = sys.frame(sys.parent()))
# mf.var.g <- mf[[match("var", names(mf))]]
# m$var.g <- eval(mf.var.g, data, enclos = sys.frame(sys.parent()))
# mf.mod <- mf[[match("mod", names(mf))]]
# m$mod <- eval(mf.mod, data, enclos = sys.frame(sys.parent()))
# m$mod <- as.character(m$mod)
# compl<-!$mod)
# meta<-m[compl,]
# meta$wi <- 1/meta$var.g
# meta$wi2 <- (1/meta$var.g)^2
# meta$wiTi <- meta$wi*meta$g
# meta$wiTi2 <- meta$wi*(meta$g)^2
# sum.wi <- sum(meta$wi, na.rm=TRUE)
# sum.wiTi <- sum(meta$wiTi, na.rm=TRUE)
# sum.wiTi2 <- sum(meta$wiTi2, na.rm=TRUE)
# if(method=="fixed") {
# meta$se <- sqrt(meta$var.g)
## T.agg <- sum.wiTi/sum.wi
# var.T.agg <- 1/sum.wi
# se.T.agg <- sqrt(var.T.agg)
# Q <- sum.wiTi2-(sum.wiTi^2)/sum.wi
# k <- sum(!$g))
# df <- k-1
# omnibus <- T.agg
# funnel <- ggplot(meta, aes(y = se, x = g)) +
# geom_vline(colour="black", linetype=1,
# xintercept=omnibus) +
# #ggplot2::geom_point(aes(size=wi)) +
# opts(title=title, legend.position="none") +
# xlim(-1.7, 1.7) +
# ylim(.028, .5) +
# xlab("g") +
# ylab("Standard Error") +
# stat_abline(intercept=omnibus/1.96, slope=(-1/1.96)) +
# stat_abline(intercept=(-omnibus/1.96), slope=1/1.96) +
# scale_y_continuous(trans="reverse")
# }
# if(method == "random") {
# comp <- sum.wi-sum.wi2/sum.wi
# Q <- sum.wiTi2-(sum.wiTi^2)/sum.wi
# k <- sum(!$g))
# df <- k-1
# tau <- (Q-k + 1)/comp #random effects variance
# meta$var.tau <- meta$var.g + tau
# meta$se.tau <- sqrt(meta$var.tau)
# sum.wi2 <- sum(meta$wi^2, na.rm=TRUE)
# comp <- sum.wi-sum.wi2/sum.wi
# sum.wi.tau <- sum(meta$wi.tau, na.rm=TRUE)
# sum.wiTi.tau <- sum(meta$wiTi.tau, na.rm=TRUE)
# sum.wiTi2.tau <- sum(meta$wiTi2.tau, na.rm=TRUE)
# T.agg.tau <- sum.wiTi.tau/sum.wi.tau
# var.T.agg.tau <- 1/sum.wi.tau
# se.T.agg.tau <- sqrt(var.T.agg.tau)
# omnibus.tau <- T.agg.tau
# funnel <- ggplot(meta, aes(y = se.tau, x = g)) +
# geom_vline(colour="black", linetype=1,
# xintercept=omnibus.tau) +
# #ggplot2::geom_point(aes(size=wi.tau)) +
# opts(title=title, legend.position="none") +
# #xlim(-2, 2) +
# #ylim(.028, .5) +
# xlab("Fisher's z") +
# ylab("Standard Error") +
# stat_abline(intercept=omnibus.tau/1.96, slope=(-1/1.96)) +
# stat_abline(intercept=(-omnibus.tau/1.96), slope=1/1.96) +
# scale_y_continuous(trans="reverse")
# }
# return(funnel)
##===================== PUBLICATION BIAS ===================##
# Three approaches to assess for publication bias: (1) Fail
# Safe N, (2) Trim & Fill, and (3) Selection Modeling.
# Fail Safe N provides an estimate of the number of missing studies that
# would need to exist to overturn the current conclusions.
PubBias <- function(data) { # requires a data.frame having been analyzed by 'weights'
meta <- data # function
k <- length(meta$z.score)
sum.z <- sum(meta$z.score)
Z <- sum.z/sqrt(k)
k0 <- round(-k + sum.z^2/(1.96)^2, 0)
k.per <- round(k0/k, 0)
out <- list(""=cbind(k,Z,k0, k.per))
##================== INTERRATER RELIABILITY ================##
# Kappa coefficients for inter-rater reliability (categorical variables)
# Imputs required are rater1 (first rater on Xi categorical variable)
# and rater2 (second rater on same Xi categorical variable)
Kappa <- function(rater1, rater2) {
# Computes Kappa coefficients for inter-rater reliability (categorical variables).
# Args:
# rater1: First rater of categorical variable to be analyzed.
# rater2: Second rater on same categorical variable to be analyzed.
# Returns:
# Kappa coefficients for inter-rater reliability (categorical variables).
rater1 <- as.factor(rater1)
rater2 <- as.factor(rater2)
freq <- table(rater1, rater2) # frequency table
marg <- margin.table(freq) # total observations
marg2 <- margin.table(freq, 1) # A frequencies (summed over rater2)
marg1 <- margin.table(freq, 2) # B frequencies (summed over rater1)
cellper <- prop.table(freq) # cell percentages
rowper <- margin.table(freq, 2)/margin.table(freq) # row percentages
colper <- margin.table(freq, 1)/margin.table(freq) # column percentages
expected <- as.array(rowper) %*% t(as.array(colper))
p.e <- sum(diag(expected))
p.a_p.e <- sum(diag(cellper))- p.e
p.e1 <- 1-p.e
kappa <- p.a_p.e/p.e1
names(kappa) <- "Kappa"
cat("strong agreement: kappa > .75", "", "\n")
cat("moderate agreement: .40 < kappa < .75", "", "\n")
cat("weak agreement: kappa < .40", "", "\n","\n")
# icc (created by Matthias Gamer for the 'irr' package)
icc <- function (ratings, model = c("oneway", "twoway"), type = c("consistency",
"agreement"), unit = c("single", "average"), r0 = 0, conf.level = 0.95)
ratings <- as.matrix(na.omit(ratings))
model <- match.arg(model)
type <- match.arg(type)
unit <- match.arg(unit)
alpha <- 1 - conf.level
ns <- nrow(ratings)
nr <- ncol(ratings)
SStotal <- var(as.numeric(ratings)) * (ns * nr - 1)
MSr <- var(apply(ratings, 1, mean)) * nr
MSw <- sum(apply(ratings, 1, var)/ns)
MSc <- var(apply(ratings, 2, mean)) * ns
MSe <- (SStotal - MSr * (ns - 1) - MSc * (nr - 1))/((ns -
1) * (nr - 1))
if (unit == "single") {
if (model == "oneway") { <- "ICC(1)"
coeff <- (MSr - MSw)/(MSr + (nr - 1) * MSw)
Fvalue <- MSr/MSw * ((1 - r0)/(1 + (nr - 1) * r0))
df1 <- ns - 1
df2 <- ns * (nr - 1)
p.value <- pf(Fvalue, df1, df2, lower.tail = FALSE)
FL <- (MSr/MSw)/qf(1 - alpha/2, ns - 1, ns * (nr -
FU <- (MSr/MSw) * qf(1 - alpha/2, ns * (nr - 1),
ns - 1)
lbound <- (FL - 1)/(FL + (nr - 1))
ubound <- (FU - 1)/(FU + (nr - 1))
else if (model == "twoway") {
if (type == "consistency") { <- "ICC(C,1)"
coeff <- (MSr - MSe)/(MSr + (nr - 1) * MSe)
Fvalue <- MSr/MSe * ((1 - r0)/(1 + (nr - 1) *
df1 <- ns - 1
df2 <- (ns - 1) * (nr - 1)
p.value <- pf(Fvalue, df1, df2, lower.tail = FALSE)
FL <- (MSr/MSe)/qf(1 - alpha/2, ns - 1, (ns -
1) * (nr - 1))
FU <- (MSr/MSe) * qf(1 - alpha/2, (ns - 1) *
(nr - 1), ns - 1)
lbound <- (FL - 1)/(FL + (nr - 1))
ubound <- (FU - 1)/(FU + (nr - 1))
else if (type == "agreement") { <- "ICC(A,1)"
coeff <- (MSr - MSe)/(MSr + (nr - 1) * MSe +
(nr/ns) * (MSc - MSe))
a <- (nr * r0)/(ns * (1 - r0))
b <- 1 + (nr * r0 * (ns - 1))/(ns * (1 - r0))
Fvalue <- MSr/(a * MSc + b * MSe)
a <- (nr * coeff)/(ns * (1 - coeff))
b <- 1 + (nr * coeff * (ns - 1))/(ns * (1 - coeff))
v <- (a * MSc + b * MSe)^2/((a * MSc)^2/(nr -
1) + (b * MSe)^2/((ns - 1) * (nr - 1)))
df1 <- ns - 1
df2 <- v
p.value <- pf(Fvalue, df1, df2, lower.tail = FALSE)
FL <- qf(1 - alpha/2, ns - 1, v)
FU <- qf(1 - alpha/2, v, ns - 1)
lbound <- (ns * (MSr - FL * MSe))/(FL * (nr *
MSc + (nr * ns - nr - ns) * MSe) + ns * MSr)
ubound <- (ns * (FU * MSr - MSe))/(nr * MSc +
(nr * ns - nr - ns) * MSe + ns * FU * MSr)
else if (unit == "average") {
if (model == "oneway") { <- paste("ICC(", nr, ")", sep = "")
coeff <- (MSr - MSw)/MSr
Fvalue <- MSr/MSw * (1 - r0)
df1 <- ns - 1
df2 <- ns * (nr - 1)
p.value <- pf(Fvalue, df1, df2, lower.tail = FALSE)
FL <- (MSr/MSw)/qf(1 - alpha/2, ns - 1, ns * (nr -
FU <- (MSr/MSw) * qf(1 - alpha/2, ns * (nr - 1),
ns - 1)
lbound <- 1 - 1/FL
ubound <- 1 - 1/FU
else if (model == "twoway") {
if (type == "consistency") { <- paste("ICC(C,", nr, ")", sep = "")
coeff <- (MSr - MSe)/MSr
Fvalue <- MSr/MSe * (1 - r0)
df1 <- ns - 1
df2 <- (ns - 1) * (nr - 1)
p.value <- pf(Fvalue, df1, df2, lower.tail = FALSE)
FL <- (MSr/MSe)/qf(1 - alpha/2, ns - 1, (ns -
1) * (nr - 1))
FU <- (MSr/MSe) * qf(1 - alpha/2, (ns - 1) *
(nr - 1), ns - 1)
lbound <- 1 - 1/FL
ubound <- 1 - 1/FU
else if (type == "agreement") { <- paste("ICC(A,", nr, ")", sep = "")
coeff <- (MSr - MSe)/(MSr + (MSc - MSe)/ns)
a <- r0/(ns * (1 - r0))
b <- 1 + (r0 * (ns - 1))/(ns * (1 - r0))
Fvalue <- MSr/(a * MSc + b * MSe)
a <- (nr * coeff)/(ns * (1 - coeff))
b <- 1 + (nr * coeff * (ns - 1))/(ns * (1 - coeff))
v <- (a * MSc + b * MSe)^2/((a * MSc)^2/(nr -
1) + (b * MSe)^2/((ns - 1) * (nr - 1)))
df1 <- ns - 1
df2 <- v
p.value <- pf(Fvalue, df1, df2, lower.tail = FALSE)
FL <- qf(1 - alpha/2, ns - 1, v)
FU <- qf(1 - alpha/2, v, ns - 1)
lbound <- (ns * (MSr - FL * MSe))/(FL * (MSc -
MSe) + ns * MSr)
ubound <- (ns * (FU * MSr - MSe))/(MSc - MSe +
ns * FU * MSr)
rval <- structure(list(subjects = ns, raters = nr, model = model,
type = type, unit = unit, =, value = coeff,
r0 = r0, Fvalue = Fvalue, df1 = df1, df2 = df2, p.value = p.value,
conf.level = conf.level, lbound = lbound, ubound = ubound),
class = "icclist")
print.icclist <- function (x, ...)
icc.title <- ifelse(x$unit == "single", "Single Score Intraclass Correlation",
"Average Score Intraclass Correlation")
cat(paste(" ", icc.title, "\n\n", sep = ""))
cat(paste(" Model:", x$model, "\n"))
cat(paste(" Type :", x$type, "\n\n"))
cat(paste(" Subjects =", x$subjects, "\n"))
cat(paste(" Raters =", x$raters, "\n"))
results <- paste(formatC(x$, width = 11, flag = "+"),
"=", format(x$value, digits = 3))
cat("\n\n F-Test, H0: r0 =", x$r0, "; H1: r0 >", x$r0, "\n")
Ftest <- paste(formatC(paste("F(", x$df1, ",", format(x$df2,
digits = 3), ")", sep = ""), width = 11, flag = "+"),
"=", format(x$Fvalue, digits = 3), ", p =", format(x$p.value,
digits = 3), "\n\n")
cat(" ", round(x$conf.level * 100, digits = 1), "%-Confidence Interval for ICC Population Values:\n",
sep = "")
cat(paste(" ", round(x$lbound, digits = 3), " < ICC < ",
round(x$ubound, digits = 3), "\n", sep = ""))
##====== Additional Functions ========##
# will not use this function any more--if want independent data,
# people can use the function to do so (which I will display)
# Function to aggregate data set with complete data for 1 predictor
# for data having been aggregated by 'agg' function with one mo
#ComplData <- function(meta, mod, type= "independent", cor = .50) {
# Outputs an aggregated data.frame that will remove any missing data from the data
# set. This is particularly useful to output non-missing data based on a specified
# number of variables (generally in conjunction with the multivariate moderator
# functions above)
# Args:
# meta: data.frame with id, g (standardized mean diff),var.g (variance of g).
# mod1: Moderator variable wanting to be kept for further analysis.
# Returns:
# Reduced data.frame (with complete data) for the moderator entered into the
# function while aggregating based on Cooper et al. recommended procedured (2009).
# m <- meta
# m$mod <- mod
# compl <- !$mod)
# m <- m[compl, ]
# if(type == "independent") {
# meta <- agg_g2(m, m$id, m$g, m$var.g, m$n.1, m$n.2, m$mod,cor)
# meta <-, lapply(split(meta, meta$id),
# function(.data) .data[sample(nrow(.data), 1),]))
# }
# if(type == "dependent") {
# meta <- agg_g2(m, m$id, m$g, m$var.g, m$n.1, m$n.2,m$mod, cor)
# }
# meta$wi <- 1/meta$var.g
# meta$wi2 <- (1/meta$var.g)^2
# meta$wiTi <- meta$wi*meta$g
# meta$wiTi2 <- meta$wi*(meta$g)^2
# mod <- meta$mod
# sum.wi <- sum(meta$wi, na.rm=TRUE)
# sum.wi2 <- sum(meta$wi2, na.rm=TRUE)
# sum.wiTi <- sum(meta$wiTi, na.rm=TRUE)
# sum.wiTi2 <- sum(meta$wiTi2, na.rm=TRUE)
# comp <- sum.wi-sum.wi2/sum.wi
# Q <- sum.wiTi2-(sum.wiTi^2)/sum.wi
# k <- sum(!$g))
# df <- k-1
# tau <- (Q-(k - 1))/comp
# meta$var.tau <- meta$var.g + tau
# meta$wi.tau <- 1/meta$var.tau
# meta$wiTi.tau <- meta$wi.tau*meta$g
# meta$wiTi2.tau <- meta$wi.tau*(meta$g)^2
# return(meta)
##====== Multivariate Moderator Graphs ======##
# multimod <- ggplot(meta, aes(conmod, g, weight=wi), na.rm=TRUE) +
# opts(title=title, legend.position="none", na.rm=TRUE) +
# facet_wrap(~catmod) +
# ggplot2::geom_point( aes(size=wi, shape=catmod)) +
# geom_smooth(aes(group=1, weight=wi),
# method= lm, se=FALSE, na.rm=TRUE) +
# ylab("Effect Size") +
# xlab(
# Correction for Attenuation
atten <- function (g, xx, yy, data) {
call <-
mf <- = FALSE)
args <- match(c("g", "xx", "yy", "data"),
names(mf), 0)
mf <- mf[c(1, args)]
mf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
mf[[1]] <-"model.frame")
meta <- data
mf.g <- mf[[match("g", names(mf))]]
g <- eval(mf.g, data, enclos = sys.frame(sys.parent()))
mf.xx <- mf[[match("xx", names(mf))]]
xx <- eval(mf.xx, data, enclos = sys.frame(sys.parent()))
mf.yy <- mf[[match("yy", names(mf))]]
yy <- eval(mf.yy, data, enclos = sys.frame(sys.parent()))
meta$g.corrected <- g/(sqrt(xx)*sqrt(yy))
#---- old functions (for now, will keep for GUI)-----------
##================= MAd ================##
##================= Meta-Analysis Mean Differences ================##
# Package created by AC Del Re & William T. Hoyt
# This package contains all the relevant functions to conduct a
# mean differences (d and g) meta-analysis using standard procedures
# as described in Cooper, Hedges, & Valentine's Handbook of
# Research Synthesis and Meta-Analysis (2009).
# suggests('ggplot2')
# a formula for attenuation already created: correct.cor(x, y)
##=== New Functions ===##
# 3.18.10 internal for GUI: convert to factor
facts <- function(meta, mod) {
meta[,mod] <- factor(meta[,mod])
##=== Preliminary Steps ===##
# Import data into R:
# 1. Save main data file (excel or spss) to .csv [e.g., see save options in excel]
# 2. Import .csv file into R by setting the working directory to the location of
# your data file, e.g.:
# setwd("C:/Users/User/Documents/TA Meta-Analy/Horvath_2009/ANALYSIS/12-10-09")
# and then import data, e.g.:
# data <- read.csv("Alliance_1-30-10.csv", header=TRUE, na.strings="")
##==== Data Manipulation ====##
# set numeric variables to numeric, e.g.:
# df$g <- as.numeric(as.character(df$g))
# set categorical variables to factors or character, e.g.:
# df$id <- as.character(df$id)
# fix data with errors in factor names, requires car package,e.g.:
# library(car)
# df$outcome3 <- recode(df$outcome2, 'c("?", "adherence", "compliance", "depression",
# "depression ", "wellbeing", "work", "GAS")="Other";
# c("GSI", "SCL", "BSI")="SCL"; c("dropout")="Dropout";
# else= "Other"')
##============ COMPUTATIONS TO CALCULATE EFFECT SIZES ================##
# Formulas for computing d, var(d), g (bias removed from d), and var(g)
# in designs with independent groups.
# Section 12.3.1 & Table 12.1 (Cooper et al., 2009; pp. 226-228)
# Computing d and g, independent groups
# (12.3.1) Study reported:
# m.1 (post-test mean of treatment), m.2 (post-test mean of comparison),
# sd.1 (treatment standard deviation at post-test), sd.2 (comparison
# standard deviation at post-test), n.1 (treatment), n.2 (comparison/control).
d_to_g <- function(d, var.d, n.1, n.2) {
df<- (n.1+n.2)-2
out<-cbind(g, var.g)
mean_to_d <- function(m.1,m.2,sd.1,sd.2,n.1, n.2) {
var.d<-(n.1+n.2)/(n.1*n.2)+ (d^2)/(2*(n.1+n.2))
# (1) Study reported:
# m.1 (post-test mean of treatment), m.2 (post-test mean of comparison),
# s.pooled (pooled standard deviation), n.1 (treatment),
# n.2 (comparison/control).
mean_to_d2 <- function(m.1,m.2,s.pooled,n.1, n.2) {
var_d<-(n.1+n.2)/(n.1*n.2)+ (d^2)/(2*(n.1+n.2))
# (2) Study reported:
# t (t-test value of treatment v comparison), n.1 (treatment),
# n.2 (comparison/control).
t_to_d <- function(t, n.1, n.2) {
var_d<-(n.1+n.2)/(n.1*n.2)+ (d^2)/(2*(n.1+n.2))
# (3) Study reported:
# f (F-test value of treatment v comparison), n.1 (treatment),
# n.2 (comparison/control).
f_to_d <- function(f,n.1, n.2) {
var_d<-(n.1+n.2)/(n.1*n.2)+ (d^2)/(2*(n.1+n.2))
# (4) Study reported:
# p-value (for ONE-tailed test), n.1 (treatment), n.2 (comparison/control).
p_to_d1 <- function(p, n.1, n.2) {
var_d<-(n.1+n.2)/(n.1*n.2)+ (d^2)/(2*(n.1+n.2))
# (5) Study reported:
# p-value (for TWO-tailed test), n.1 (treatment), n.2 (comparison/control).
p_to_d2 <- function(p, n.1, n.2) {
var_d<-(n.1+n.2)/(n.1*n.2)+ (d^2)/(2*(n.1+n.2))
# rtod converts Pearson r to Cohen's d (also retains (N-1)/N).
r_to_d <- function(r, N) { 2*r*sqrt((N-1)/(N*(1-r^2)))*abs(r)/r }
# Formulas for computing d and var(d) in designs with independent groups
# using ANCOVA. Section 12.3.3 & Table 12.3 (Cooper et al., 2009; pp. 228-230).
# Computing d and g from ANCOVA
# (12.3.3) Study reported:
# m.1.adj (adjusted mean of treatment from ANCOVA),
# m.2.adj (adjusted mean of comparison/control from ANCOVA),
# sd.adj (adjusted standard deviation), n.1 (treatment),
# n.2 (comparison/control), R (covariate outcome correlation or multiple
# correlation), q (number of covariates).
ancova_to_d1 <- function(m.1.adj,m.2.adj,sd.adj,n.1, n.2, R, q) {
var_d<-((n.1+n.2)*(1-R^2))/(n.1*n.2)+ (d^2)/(2*(n.1+n.2))
# Table 12.3 (1) Study reported:
# m.1.adj (adjusted mean of treatment from ANCOVA),
# m.2.adj (adjusted mean of comparison/control from ANCOVA),
# s.pooled (pooled standard deviation), n.1 (treatment),
# n.2 (comparison/control), R (covariate outcome correlation or multiple
# correlation), q (number of covariates).
ancova_to_d2 <- function(m.1.adj, m.2.adj, s.pooled, n.1, n.2, R, q) {
var_d<-((n.1+n.2)*(1-R^2))/(n.1*n.2)+ (d^2)/(2*(n.1+n.2))
# (2) Study reported:
# t (t-test value from ANCOVA), n.1 (treatment),
# n.2 (comparison/control), R (covariate outcome correlation or multiple
# correlation), q (number of covariates).
tt.ancova_to_d <- function(t, n.1, n.2, R, q) {
var_d<-((n.1+n.2)*(1-R^2))/(n.1*n.2)+ (d^2)/(2*(n.1+n.2))
# (3) Study reported:
# f (F-test value from ANCOVA), n.1 (treatment),
# n.2 (comparison/control),R (covariate outcome correlation or multiple
# correlation), q (number of covariates).
f.ancova_to_d<-function(f,n.1, n.2, R, q) {
var_d<-((n.1+n.2)*(1-R^2))/(n.1*n.2)+ (d^2)/(2*(n.1+n.2))
# (4) Study reported:
# p-value (for ONE-tailed test, from ANCOVA), n.1 (treatment),
# n.2 (comparison/control), R (covariate outcome correlation or multiple
# correlation), q (number of covariates).
p.ancova_to_d1 <- function(p, n.1, n.2, R, q) {
var_d<-((n.1+n.2)*(1-R^2))/(n.1*n.2)+ (d^2)/(2*(n.1+n.2))
# (5) Study reported:
# p-value (for TWO-tailed test, from ANCOVA), n.1 (treatment),
# n.2 (comparison/control), R (covariate outcome correlation or multiple
# correlation), q (number of covariates).
p.ancova_to_d2 <- function(p, n.1, n.2, R, q) {
var_d<-((n.1+n.2)*(1-R^2))/(n.1*n.2)+ (d^2)/(2*(n.1+n.2))
# computing d from odds ratio
or_to_d <- function(or) {
lor <- log(or)
d <- lor*sqrt(3)/pi
out <- cbind(lor, d)
# computing d from log odds ratio
lor_to_d <- function(lor, var.lor) {
d <- lor*sqrt(3)/pi
var.d <- 3*var.lor/pi^2
out <- cbind(d, var.d)
# compute or from proportions
prop_to_or <- function(p1, p2, n.ab, {
or <-(p1*(1-p2))/(p2*(1-p1))
lor <- log(or)
var.lor <- 1/(n.ab*p1*(1-p1))+1/(*p2*(1-p2))
out <- cbind(or,lor,var.lor)
prop_to_d <-function(p1, p2, n.ab, {
or <-(p1*(1-p2))/(p2*(1-p1))
lor <- log(or)
var.lor <- 1/(n.ab*p1*(1-p1))+1/(*p2*(1-p2))
d <- lor*sqrt(3)/pi
var.d <- 3*var.lor/pi^2
out <- cbind(or,lor,var.lor, d, var.d)
# Odds Ratio to d: if have info for 'failure' in both conditions
# (B = # tmt failure; D = # non-tmt failure) and the sample size
# for each group (n.1 & n.2 respectively):
fail_to_d <- function(B, D, n.1, n.0) {
A <- n.1 - B # tmt success
B <- B # tmt failure
C <- n.0 - D # non-tmt success
D <- D # non-tmt failure
p1 <- A/n.1 # proportion 1
p2 <- C/n.0 # proportion 2
n.ab <- A+B # n of A+B <- C+D # n of C+D
or <- (p1 * (1 - p2))/(p2 * (1 - p1)) # odds ratio
lor <- log(or) # log odds ratio
var.lor <- 1/A + 1/B + 1/C + 1/D # variance of log odds ratio
#var.lor <- 1/(n.ab*p1*(1-p1))+1/(*p2*(1-p2))
d <- lor * sqrt(3)/pi # conversion to d
var.d <- 3 * var.lor/pi^2 # variance of d
out <- cbind(or, lor, var.lor, d, var.d)
# Formulas for computing r in designs with independent groups.
# Section 12.4 & Table 12.4 (Cooper et al., 2009; pp. 231-234).
# (1) Study reported:
# t (t-test value of differences between 2 groups), n (total sample size)
r_from_t <- function(t, n) {
r <- sqrt((t^2)/(t^2 + n-2))
var_r <- ((1-r^2)^2)/(n-1)
out <- cbind(r, var_r)
# Converting d (mean difference) to r where n.tmt = n.comparison
# (Section 12.5.4; pp. 234)
r_from_d <- function(d, var.d, a=4) {
r <- d/sqrt((d^2) + a)
var_r <- (a^2*var.d)/(d^2 + a)^3
out <- cbind(r, var_r)
# Converting d to r where n.tmt (not) = n.comparison (Section 12.5.4; pp. 234)
r_from_d1 <- function(d, n.1, n.2, var.d) {
a <- ((n.1 + n.2)^2)/(n.1*n.2)
r <- d/sqrt((d^2) + a)
var_r <- (a^2*var.d)/(d^2 + a)^3
out <- cbind(r, var_r)
# Converting Chi-squared statistic with 1 df to r
r_from_chi <- function(chi.sq, n) sqrt(chi.sq/n)
##============ COMPUTING EFFECT SIZE ESTIMATE ==============##
MeanDiffd <- function(meta, n.1= meta$n.1, m.1= meta$m.1, sd.1= meta$sd.1,
n.2= meta$n.2, m.2= meta$m.2, sd.2= meta$sd.2,
denom = "") {
if(denom == ""){
meta$s.within <- sqrt(((n.1-1)*sd.1^2+
(n.2-1)*sd.2^2)/(n.1 + n.2-2))#
meta$d <-(m.1-m.2)/meta$s.within
meta$var.d <- ((n.1+n.2)/(n.1*n.2))+
meta$se.d <- sqrt(meta$var.d)
if(denom == "") {
meta$d <-(m.1-m.2)/sd.2 # in denominator
meta$var.d <- ((n.1+n.2)/(n.1*n.2))+
meta$se.d <- sqrt(meta$var.d)
# if already have d and var.d and want to derive g and var.g:
MeanDiffg <- function(meta, d = meta$d, var.d = meta$var.d, n.1= meta$n.1,
n.2 = meta$n.2) {
meta$df <- (n.1+n.2)-2
meta$j <- 1-(3/(4*meta$df-1))
meta$g <- meta$j*d
meta$var.g <- meta$j^2*var.d
meta$se.g <- sqrt(meta$var.d)
meta$df <-NULL
meta$j <-NULL
# will compute both d and g
MeanDiff <- function(meta, n.1= meta$n.1, m.1= meta$m.1, sd.1= meta$sd.1,
n.2= meta$n.2, m.2= meta$m.2, sd.2= meta$sd.2,
denom = "") {
if(denom == ""){
meta$s.within <- sqrt(((meta$n.1-1)*meta$sd.1^2+
meta$d <-(meta$m.1-meta$m.2)/meta$s.within
meta$var.d <- ((meta$n.1+meta$n.2)/(meta$n.1*meta$n.2))+
meta$df <- meta$n.1+meta$n.2-2
meta$j <- 1-(3/(4*meta$df-1))
meta$g <- meta$j*meta$d
meta$var.g <- meta$j^2*meta$var.d
meta$se.g <- sqrt(meta$var.g)
if(denom == "") {
meta$d <-(meta$m.1-meta$m.2)/meta$sd.2 # in denominator
meta$var.d <- (meta$n.1+meta$n.2)/(meta$n.1*meta$n.2)+
meta$df <- meta$n.1+meta$n.2-2
meta$j <- 1-(3/(4*meta$df-1))
meta$g <- meta$j*meta$d
meta$var.g <- meta$j^2*meta$var.d
meta$se.g <- sqrt(meta$var.g)
meta$df <-NULL
meta$j <-NULL
##============ WITHIN STUDY AGGREGATION OF EFFECT SIZES =============##
# Automated within-study effect size aggregation function accounting for
# dependencies among effect sizes g (unbiased estimate of d).
# Required inputs are n.1 (treatment sample size), n.2 (comparison sample size)
# id (study id), g (unbiased effect size).
aggs <- function(g, n.1, n.2, cor = .50) {
n.1 <- mean(n.1)
n.2 <- mean(n.2)
#nT = nC = 0.5*nT
N_ES <- length(g)
corr.mat <- matrix (rep(cor, N_ES^2), nrow=N_ES)
diag(corr.mat) <- 1
g1g2 <- cbind(g) %*% g
PSI <- (8*corr.mat + g1g2*corr.mat^2)/(2*(n.1+n.2))
#PSI <- (1/nT + 1/nC)*corr.mat - (0.5*g1g2*corr.mat^2)/(nC+nT)
PSI.inv <- solve(PSI)
a <- rowSums(PSI.inv)/sum(PSI.inv)
var.g <- 1/sum(PSI.inv)
g <- sum(g*a)
out<-cbind(g,var.g, n.1, n.2)
# automated agg
agg_g <- function(meta,id, g, var.g, n.1, n.2, cor = .50) {
meta$var.g <- var.g
st <- unique(id)
out <- data.frame(id=st)
for(i in 1:length(st)) {
out$id[i] <- st[i]
out$g[i] <- aggs(g=g[id==st[i]], n.1= n.1[id==st[i]],
n.2 = n.2[id==st[i]], cor)[1]
lid <- sum(match(id, st[i], nomatch = 0))
out$var.g[i]<-ifelse(lid ==1, meta$var.g[id==st[i]],
n.1= n.1[id==st[i]],
n.2 = n.2[id==st[i]], cor)[2])
out$n.1[i] <- round(mean(n.1[id==st[i]]),0)
out$n.2[i] <- round(mean(n.2[id==st[i]]),0)
#additional agg functions for mods, etc
agg_g2 <- function(meta, id, g, var.g, n.1, n.2, mod, cor = .50) {
meta$var.g <- var.g # What's this for? (Why would they be different?)
st <- unique(id)
um <- unique(mod)
# Initialize id, mod for all possible combinations. Delete NAs at end.
out <- data.frame(id=rep(st, rep(length(um), length(st))))
out$mod <- rep(um, length(st))
for(i in 1:length(st)) {
for(j in 1:length(um)) {
# row of df to fill
ro <- (i-1)*length(um) + j
# Are there any rows in meta where id==i and mod==j?
m1<-match(id,st[i],nomatch=0) # (rows where id==i)
m2<-match(mod,um[j],nomatch=0) # (rows where mod==j)
# m1*m2 will = 1 for each row in which both are true.
# sum(m1*m2) gives the number of rows for which both are true.
num <- sum(m1*m2)
out$g[ro] <- ifelse(num==0,NA, #NA,
n.2=n.2[id==st[i]&mod==um[j]], cor)[1])
# lid <- sum(match(id, st[i], nomatch = 0)) [num takes place of lid.]
out$var.g[ro]<-ifelse(num==0, NA,
out$var.g[ro]<-ifelse(num > 1,
n.1= n.1[id==st[i]&mod==um[j]],
n.2 = n.2[id==st[i]&mod==um[j]],
out$n.1[ro] <- round(mean(n.1[id==st[i]&mod==um[j]]),0)
out$n.2[ro] <- round(mean(n.2[id==st[i]&mod==um[j]]),0)
# Strip out rows with no data.
out2 <- out[$g)==0,]
##=== Add Fixed and Random Effects Weights ===##
# Required input is a data.frame with column names id (study id),
# g (unbiased standardized mean diff ES), and n.1 (group 1 sample size),
# n.2 (group 2 sample size).
# MetaG <- function(meta, cor = .50) {
# meta <- agg_g(meta, meta$id, meta$g, meta$var.g, meta$n.1, meta$n.2, cor)
# meta$l.ci95 <- meta$g-1.96*sqrt(meta$var.g) #create random ci for each study
# meta$u.ci95 <- meta$g + 1.96*sqrt(meta$var.g)
# meta$z.score <- meta$g/sqrt(meta$var.g)
# meta$p.value <- 2*(1-pt(abs(meta$z.score), (meta$n.1 + meta$n.2) -1))
# meta$wi <- 1/meta$var.g # computing weight for each study
# meta$wiTi <- meta$wi*meta$g # used to calculate omnibus
# meta$wiTi2 <- meta$wi*(meta$g)^2 # used to calculate omnibus
# # random effects #
# sum.wi <- sum(meta$wi, na.rm=TRUE) # used to calculate random effects
# sum.wiTi <- sum(meta$wiTi, na.rm=TRUE) # used to calculate random effects
# sum.wiTi2 <- sum(meta$wiTi2, na.rm=TRUE) # used to calculate random effects
# Q <- sum.wiTi2-(sum.wiTi^2)/sum.wi #used to calculate random effects
# k <- sum(!$g)) # number of studies
# df <- k-1 # degree of freedom
# sum.wi2 <- sum(meta$wi^2, na.rm=TRUE) # used to calculate random effects
# comp <- sum.wi-sum.wi2/sum.wi # (pg. 271) used to calculate random effects
# meta$tau <- (Q-(k - 1))/comp # Level 2 variance
# meta$tau <- ifelse(meta$tau <= 0, 0, meta$tau)
# meta$var.tau <- meta$tau + meta$var.g # Random effects variance (within study var + between var)
# meta$wi.tau <- 1/meta$var.tau # Random effects weights
# meta$wiTi.tau <- meta$wi.tau*meta$g
# meta$wiTi2.tau <- meta$wi.tau*(meta$g)^2
# return(meta)
# }
# required inputs are id, g, var.g and will output weights, ci, etc
Wifun <- function(meta) {
meta$l.ci95 <- meta$g-1.96*sqrt(meta$var.g) #create random ci for each study
meta$u.ci95 <- meta$g + 1.96*sqrt(meta$var.g)
meta$z.score <- meta$g/sqrt(meta$var.g)
#meta$p.value <- 2*(1-pt(abs(meta$z.score), (meta$n.1+meta$n.2)-1))
meta$wi <- 1/meta$var.g # computing weight for each study
meta$wiTi <- meta$wi*meta$g # used to calculate omnibus
meta$wiTi2 <- meta$wi*(meta$g)^2 # used to calculate omnibus
# random effects #
sum.wi <- sum(meta$wi, na.rm=TRUE) # used to calculate random effects
sum.wiTi <- sum(meta$wiTi, na.rm=TRUE) # used to calculate random effects
sum.wiTi2 <- sum(meta$wiTi2, na.rm=TRUE) # used to calculate random effects
Q <- sum.wiTi2-(sum.wiTi^2)/sum.wi #used to calculate random effects
k <- sum(!$g)) # number of studies
df <- k-1 # degree of freedom
sum.wi2 <- sum(meta$wi^2, na.rm=TRUE) # used to calculate random effects
comp <- sum.wi-sum.wi2/sum.wi # (pg. 271) used to calculate random effects
meta$tau <- (Q-(k - 1))/comp # Level 2 variance
meta$var.tau <- meta$tau + meta$var.g # Random effects variance (within study var + between var)
meta$wi.tau <- 1/meta$var.tau # Random effects weights
meta$wiTi.tau <- meta$wi.tau*meta$g
meta$wiTi2.tau <- meta$wi.tau*(meta$g)^2
##================= FIXED AND RANDOM EFFECTS OMNIBUS ===============##
# Function to calculate fixed and random effects omnibus effect size for g,
# outputing omnibus effect size, variance, standard error, upper and lower
# confidence intervals, and heterogeneity test.
# Required input is a data.frame with column names id (study id),
# g (unbiased standardized mean diff ES), and n.1 (group 1 sample size),
# n.2 (group 2 sample size).
# OmnibusES<- function(meta, var="weighted", cor = .50 ) {
# # Computes fixed and random effects omnibus effect size for correlations.
# # Args:
# # meta: data.frame with g (standardized mean diff) and n (sample size)for each study.
# # var: "weighted" or "unweighted". "weighted" is the default. Use the
# # unweighted variance method only if Q is rejected and is very large relative to k.
# # Returns:
# # Fixed and random effects omnibus effect size, variance, standard error,
# # upper and lower confidence intervals, p-value, Q (heterogeneity test), I2
# # (I-squared--proportion of total variation in tmt effects due to heterogeneity
# # rather than chance).
# meta <- MetaG(meta, cor)
# k <- length(!$g)) # number of studies
# df <- k-1
# sum.wi <- sum(meta$wi, na.rm=TRUE) # used to calculate omnibus
# sum.wiTi <- sum(meta$wiTi, na.rm=TRUE) # used to calculate omnibus
# sum.wiTi2 <- sum(meta$wiTi2, na.rm=TRUE) # used to calculate omnibus
# T.agg <- sum.wiTi/sum.wi # omnibus g
# var.T.agg <- 1/sum.wi # omnibus var.g
# se.T.agg <- sqrt(var.T.agg)
# z.value <- T.agg/se.T.agg
# p.value <- 2*pnorm(abs(z.value), lower.tail=FALSE)
# <- T.agg-1.96*se.T.agg
# <- T.agg + 1.96*se.T.agg
# Q <- sum.wiTi2-(sum.wiTi^2)/sum.wi # FE homogeneity test
# I2 <- (Q-(k-1))/Q # I-squared
# I2 <- ifelse(I2<0, 0, I2)
# I2 <- paste(round(I2*100, 4), "%", sep="")
# p.homog <- pchisq(Q, df, lower.tail=FALSE) # <.05 = sig. heterogeneity
# # random effects #
# sum.wi2 <- sum(meta$wi^2, na.rm=TRUE)
# comp <- sum.wi-sum.wi2/sum.wi
# sum.wi.tau <- sum(meta$wi.tau, na.rm=TRUE)
# sum.wiTi.tau <- sum(meta$wiTi.tau, na.rm=TRUE)
# sum.wiTi2.tau <- sum(meta$wiTi2.tau, na.rm=TRUE)
# T.agg.tau <- sum.wiTi.tau/sum.wi.tau
# if(var == "weighted") {
# var.T.agg.tau <- 1/sum.wi.tau
# se.T.agg.tau <- sqrt(var.T.agg.tau)
# z.valueR <- T.agg.tau/se.T.agg.tau
# p.valueR <- 2*pnorm(abs(z.valueR), lower.tail=FALSE)
# <- T.agg.tau-1.96*se.T.agg.tau
# <- T.agg.tau + 1.96*se.T.agg.tau
# }
# if(var == "unweighted") { # unweighted variance method
# var.agg <- (sum(meta$g^2)-sum(meta$g)^2/k)/(k-1) #14.20
# #q.num <- (1/k)*sum(meta$var.g)
# unwgtvar.T.agg.tau <- var.agg-(1/k)*sum(meta$var.g) #14.22
# var.T.agg.tau <- ifelse(unwgtvar.T.agg.tau <= 0, 0, unwgtvar.T.agg.tau) #if var < 0, its set to 0
# se.T.agg.tau <- sqrt(var.T.agg.tau)
# z.valueR <- T.agg.tau/se.T.agg.tau
# p.valueR <- 2*pnorm(abs(z.valueR), lower.tail=FALSE)
# <- T.agg.tau-1.96*se.T.agg.tau
# <- T.agg.tau + 1.96*se.T.agg.tau
# }
# Fixed <- list(FixedEffects=c(k=k, r=T.agg, var.g=var.T.agg, se=se.T.agg,
#,, z.value=z.value, p.value=p.value,
# Q=Q, df.Q=df, p_homog=p.homog, I2=I2))
# Random <- list(RandomEffects=c(k=k, r=T.agg.tau, var.g=var.T.agg.tau,
# se=se.T.agg.tau,,,
# z.value=z.valueR, p.value=p.valueR, Q=Q, df.Q=df, p_homog=p.homog,
# I2=I2))
# <-, Random))
#$Omnibus <- c("k", "ES", "var.ES", "SE", "CI.lower",
# "CI.upper", "Z", "p", "Q", "df", "p.h",
# "I2")
# <-[c(3, 1, 2)]
# <-
# row.names( <- NULL
# return(
# }
# Now, if there is significant heterogeneity (p_homog < .05), look for moderators.
##================= Categorical Moderator Analysis ================##
# 03-26-10 update: fixed & random effects
CatModf <- function(meta, mod) {
# Computes single predictor categorical moderator analysis. Computations derived from
# chapter 15, Cooper et al. (2009).
# Args:
# meta: data.frame with g (standardized mean diff),var.g (variance of g),
# n.1 (grp 1 sample size), n.2 (grp 2 sample size).
# mod: Categorical moderator variable used for moderator analysis.
# Returns:
# Fixed effects moderator means per group, k per group, 95% confidence intervals,
# z-value, p-value, variances, standard errors, Q, df(Q), and I-squared.
meta$mod <- as.character(mod)
meta$k <- 1
meta$TW <- 1/meta$var.g
meta$TWD <- meta$TW*meta$g
meta$TWDS <- meta$TWD*meta$g
out <- aggregate(meta[c("k","TW","TWD", "TWDS")], by=meta["mod"], FUN=sum)
out$mod <- as.character(out$mod)
lastrow <- dim(out)[1] + 1
out[lastrow, 2:5] <- apply(out[,-1], 2, FUN=sum)
out$mod[lastrow] <- "Overall"
out$g <- out$TWD/out$TW
out$var.g <- 1/out$TW
out$se.g <- sqrt(out$var.g)
out$Q <- out$TWDS - out$TWD^2/out$TW
out$df <- out$k - 1
out$z.value <- out$g/out$se.g
out$p.value <- 2*pnorm(abs(out$z.value), lower.tail=FALSE)
out$L.95ci <- out$g-1.96*out$se.g
out$U.95ci <- out$g+1.96*out$se.g
out$p_homog <- ifelse(out$df==0, 1, pchisq(out$Q, out$df, lower.tail=FALSE))
out$I2 <- (out$Q-(out$df))/out$Q #I-squared
out$I2 <- ifelse(out$I2<0, 0, out$I2)
out$I2 <- paste(round(out$I2*100, 4), "%", sep="")
out$TW <- NULL
out$TWD <- NULL
out$TWDS <- NULL
colnames(out) <- c("Mod", "k", "ES", "var.ES", "SE","Q", "df", "Z",
"p", "CI.lower", "CI.upper", "p.h", "I2")
out <- out[, c(1, 2, 3, 5, 4, 10, 11, 8, 9, 6,7, 12, 13 )]
# Fixed effect single predictor categorical moderator Q-statistic
CatModfQ <- function(meta, mod) {
# Computes fixed effect Q-statistic (homogeneity test) for single predictor categorical
# moderator analysis. Computations derived from chapter 15, Cooper et al. (2009).
# Args:
# meta: data.frame with g (standardized mean diff),var.g (variance of g),
# n.1 (grp 1 sample size), n.2 (grp 2 sample size).
# mod: Categorical moderator variable used for moderator analysis.
# Returns:
# Fixed effects moderator Q-statistic, Q-within & between, df(Qw & Qb), and
# homogeneity p-value within & between levels.
mod.sig <- CatModf(meta, mod)
k <- mod.sig$k[mod.sig$Mod=="Overall"] #number of studies
levels <- length(mod.sig$Mod)-1
Qb.df <- levels-1
Qw.df <- k-levels
Q <- mod.sig$Q[mod.sig$Mod=="Overall"] #overall heterogeneity Q
Qw <- sum(mod.sig$Q[!mod.sig$Mod=="Overall"]) #overall within-group heterogeneity statistic
Qw_p.value <- 1-pchisq(Qw, Qw.df)
Qb <- Q-Qw #overall between-group heterogeneity
Qb_p.value <- 1-pchisq(Qb, Qb.df)
mod.Qstat <- data.frame(Q, Qw, Qw.df, Qw_p.value, Qb, Qb.df, Qb_p.value)
names(mod.Qstat) <- c("Q", "Qw", "df.w", "p.w", "Qb", "df.b", "p.b")
# Function for planned comparisons between 2 levels of moderator (fixed effects)
CatCompf <- function(meta, mod, x1, x2, method= "post.hoc1") {
# Directly compares 2 levels of a categorical moderator using a fixed effects model.
# Computations derived from chapter 15, Cooper et al. (2009).
# Args:
# meta: data.frame with g (standardized mean diff),var.g (variance of g),
# n.1 (grp 1 sample size), n.2 (grp 2 sample size).
# mod: Categorical moderator variable used for moderator analysis.
# x1: One level of categorical moderator
# x2: Other level (comparison group) of same categorical moderator
# method: "post.hoc" assumes the comparision was not planned prior to conducting
# the meta-analysis. The other option "planned" assumes you have planned
# a priori to compare these levels of the categorical moderator.
# Default is "post.hoc1".
# Returns:
# Random effects moderator means per group, mean difference (d), variance of difference,
# p-value, and 95% confidence intervals.
modsig <- CatModf(meta, mod)
modsig$Mod <- as.factor(modsig$Mod)
com1 <- levels(modsig$Mod)[x1] # first level of moderator
com2 <- levels(modsig$Mod)[x2] # second level of moderator <- modsig[modsig$Mod==com1, "ES"] <- modsig[modsig$Mod==com2, "ES"]
x1.var <- modsig[modsig$Mod==com1, "var.ES"]
x2.var <- modsig[modsig$Mod==com2, "var.ES"]
g <- (-1)* + 1* # pg 288 (Cooper et al., 2009)
var <- (-1)^2*x1.var + (1)^2*x2.var
df <- 2-1
chi.sqr <- g^2/var
m <- meta
m$mod <- mod
if(method == "post.hoc1") { # post-hoc comparison (Tukey HSD method)
if(method == "post.hoc2") { # post-hoc comparison (Scheffe method)
z <- g/sqrt(var)
z2 <- z^2
levels <- length(levels(as.factor(mod))) <- levels-1
p.value <- 1-pchisq(z2,
L.95ci <- g-1.96*sqrt(var)
U.95ci <- g + 1.96*sqrt(var)
fit <- data.frame(g, var, p.value, L.95ci, U.95ci)
names(fit) <- c("diff", "var.diff",
"p", "CI.lower", "CI.lower" )
if (method == "planned") { # planned comparison (a priori)
df <- 2-1
chi.sqr <- g^2/var
p.value <- 1-pchisq(chi.sqr, df)
L.95ci <- g-1.96*sqrt(var)
U.95ci <- g + 1.96*sqrt(var)
fit <- data.frame(g, var, p.value, L.95ci, U.95ci)
names(fit) <- c("diff", "var.diff",
"p", "CI.lower", "CI.lower" )
CatModr <- function(meta, mod) {
# Computes single predictor categorical moderator analysis. Computations derived from
# chapter 15, Cooper et al. (2009).
# Args:
# meta: data.frame with g (standardized mean diff),var.g (variance of g),
# n.1 (grp 1 sample size), n.2 (grp 2 sample size).
# mod: Categorical moderator variable used for moderator analysis.
# Returns:
# Fixed effects moderator means per group, k per group, 95% confidence intervals,
# z-value, p-value, variances, standard errors, Q, df(Q), and I-squared.
meta$mod <- as.character(mod)
meta$k <- 1
meta$TW <- 1/meta$var.g
meta$TWS <- meta$TW^2
meta$TWD <- meta$TW*meta$g
meta$TWDS <- meta$TWD*meta$g
out <- aggregate(meta[c("k","TW","TWS", "TWD", "TWDS")], by=meta["mod"], FUN=sum)
out$Q <- out$TWDS - out$TWD^2/out$TW
Q <- sum(out$Q)
out$df <- out$k - 1
df <- sum(out$df)
out$c <- out$TW - (out$TWS/out$TW) # 19.37 ch. 19 Borenstein (2009)
c <- sum(out$c)
TSw <- (Q - df)/c # 19.38 ch. 19 Borenstein (2009)
tau <- ifelse(TSw < 0, 0, TSw)
# add the tau variance to each indiv study & then compute TW again
meta$var.tau <- meta$var.g + tau
meta$TW.tau <- 1/meta$var.tau
meta$TWD.tau <- meta$TW.tau*meta$g
meta$TWDS.tau <- meta$TWD.tau*meta$g
out <- aggregate(meta[c("k","TW.tau","TWD.tau",
"TWDS.tau")], by=meta["mod"], FUN=sum)
lastrow <- dim(out)[1] + 1
out[lastrow, 2:5] <- apply(out[,-1], 2, FUN=sum)
out$mod[lastrow] <- "Overall"
out$g <- out$TWD.tau/out$TW.tau
out$var.g <- 1/out$TW.tau
out$g <- out$TWD.tau/out$TW.tau
out$se.g <- sqrt(out$var.g)
out$Q <- out$TWDS.tau - out$TWD.tau^2/out$TW.tau
out$df <- out$k - 1
out$z.value <- out$g/out$se.g
out$p.value <- 2*pnorm(abs(out$z.value), lower.tail=FALSE)
out$L.95ci <- out$g-1.96*out$se.g
out$U.95ci <- out$g+1.96*out$se.g
out$p_homog <- ifelse(out$df==0, 1, pchisq(out$Q, out$df, lower.tail=FALSE))
out$I2 <- (out$Q-(out$df))/out$Q # these values are not to be used
out$I2 <- ifelse(out$I2<0, 0, out$I2)
out$I2 <- paste(round(out$I2*100, 4), "%", sep="")
out$TW.tau <- NULL
out$TWD.tau <- NULL
out$TWDS.tau <- NULL
colnames(out) <- c("Mod", "k", "ES", "var.ES", "SE","Q", "df", "Z",
"p", "CI.lower", "CI.upper", "p.h", "I2")
out <- out[, c(1, 2, 3, 5, 4, 10, 11, 8, 9, 6,7, 12, 13 )]
#Q-statistic function (random effects)
CatModrQ <- function(meta, mod) {
# Computes random effect Q-statistic (homogeneity test) for single predictor categorical
# moderator analysis. Computations derived from chapter 15, Cooper et al. (2009).
# Args:
# meta: data.frame with g (standardized mean diff),var.g (variance of g),
# n.1 (grp 1 sample size), n.2 (grp 2 sample size).
# mod: Categorical moderator variable used for moderator analysis.
# Returns:
# Random effects moderator Q-statistic, Q-within & between, df(Qw & Qb), and
# homogeneity p-value within & between levels.
mod.sig <- CatModr(meta, mod)
k <- mod.sig$k[mod.sig$Mod=="Overall"] #number of studies
levels <- length(mod.sig$Mod)-1
Qb.df <- levels-1
Qw.df <- k-levels
Q <- mod.sig$Q[mod.sig$Mod=="Overall"] #overall heterogeneity Q
Qw <- sum(mod.sig$Q[!mod.sig$Mod=="Overall"]) #overall within-group heterogeneity statistic
Qw_p.value <- 1-pchisq(Qw, Qw.df)
Qb <- Q-Qw # overall between-group heterogeneity
Q <- Qw + Qb
Qb_p.value <- 1-pchisq(Qb, Qb.df)
mod.Qstat <- data.frame(Qb, Qb.df, Qb_p.value)
names(mod.Qstat) <- c("Qb", "df.b", "p.b")
## new function 2.20.10
# Integrated function with fixed and random es, Q, etc
CatMod <- function(meta, mod) {
fixed <- CatModf(meta,mod)
random <-CatModr(meta,mod)
random$Q <- fixed$Q
random$df<- fixed$df
random$p.h <- fixed$p.h
random$I2 <- fixed$I2
Qf <- CatModfQ(meta,mod) # fixed effect Q
Qr <- CatModrQ(meta,mod)
out<- list(Fixed=fixed, Q.fixed= Qf, Random=random, Q.random= Qr)
# Function for planned comparisons between 2 levels of moderator (random effects)
CatCompr <- function(meta, mod, x1, x2, method= "post.hoc1") {
# Directly compares 2 levels of a categorical moderator using a random effects model.
# Computations derived from chapter 15, Cooper et al. (2009).
# Args:
# meta: data.frame with g (standardized mean diff),var.g (variance of g),
# n.1 (grp 1 sample size), n.2 (grp 2 sample size).
# mod: Categorical moderator variable used for moderator analysis.
# x1: One level of categorical moderator
# x2: Other level (comparison group) of same categorical moderator
# method: "post.hoc1" assumes the comparision was not planned prior to conducting
# the meta-analysis. The other option "planned" assumes you have planned
# a priori to compare these levels of the categorical moderator.
# Default is "post.hoc1".
# Returns:
# Random effects moderator means per group, mean difference (d), variance of difference,
# p-value, and 95% confidence intervals.
modsig <- CatModr(meta, mod)
modsig$Mod <- as.factor(modsig$Mod)
com1 <- levels(modsig$Mod)[x1] # first level of moderator
com2 <- levels(modsig$Mod)[x2] # second level of moderator <- modsig[modsig$Mod==com1, "ES"] <- modsig[modsig$Mod==com2, "ES"]
x1.var <- modsig[modsig$Mod==com1, "var.ES"]
x2.var <- modsig[modsig$Mod==com2, "var.ES"]
g <- (-1)* + 1* # pg 288 (Cooper et al., 2009)
var <- (-1)^2*x1.var + (1)^2*x2.var
df <- 2-1
chi.sqr <- g^2/var
m <- meta
m$mod <- mod
meta$wi <- 1/meta$var.g
meta$wi2 <- (1/meta$var.g)^2
meta$wiTi <- meta$wi*meta$g
meta$wiTi2 <- meta$wi*(meta$g)^2
meta$k <- meta$mod
mod <- meta$mod
sum.wi <- sum(meta$wi, na.rm=TRUE)
sum.wi2 <- sum(meta$wi2, na.rm=TRUE)
sum.wiTi <- sum(meta$wiTi, na.rm=TRUE)
sum.wiTi2 <- sum(meta$wiTi2, na.rm=TRUE)
comp <- sum.wi-sum.wi2/sum.wi
Q <- sum.wiTi2-(sum.wiTi^2)/sum.wi
k <- sum(!$g))
df <- k-1
tau <- (Q-k + 1)/comp
meta$var.tau <- meta$var.g + tau
meta$wi.tau <- 1/meta$var.tau
meta$wiTi.tau <- meta$wi.tau*meta$g
meta$wiTi2.tau <- meta$wi.tau*(meta$g)^2
if(method == "post.hoc1") { # post-hoc comparison (Tukey HSD method)
if(method == "post.hoc2") { # post-hoc comparison (Scheffe method)
z <- g/sqrt(var)
z2 <- z^2
levels <- length(levels(as.factor(mod))) <- levels-1
p.value <- 1-pchisq(z2,
L.95ci <- g-1.96*sqrt(var)
U.95ci <- g + 1.96*sqrt(var)
fit <- data.frame(g, var, p.value, L.95ci, U.95ci)
names(fit) <- c("diff", "var.diff",
"p", "CI.lower", "CI.lower" )
if (method == "planned") { # planned comparison (a priori)
df <- 2-1
chi.sqr <- g^2/var
p.value <- 1-pchisq(chi.sqr, df)
L.95ci <- g-1.96*sqrt(var)
U.95ci <- g + 1.96*sqrt(var)
fit <- data.frame(g, var, p.value, L.95ci, U.95ci)
names(fit) <- c("diff", "var.diff",
"p", "CI.lower", "CI.lower" )
#integrated catcomp function outputting both fixed and random
CatComp <- function(meta, mod, x1=NULL, x2=NULL, method="post.hoc1") {
fixed <- CatCompf(meta,mod, x1, x2, method)
random <-CatCompr(meta,mod, x1, x2, method)
out<- list(Fixed=fixed, Random=random)
# multifactor cat mod analysis [IN PROGRESS]:
#add relevant columns and it will works fine!
#MFCatMod <- function(meta, mod1, mod2) {
# m <- Wifun(meta)
# m$mod1 <- mod1
# m$mod2 <- mod2
# fixed <- ddply(m, c("mod1", "mod2"), summarise, sum.wi = sum(wi),
# sum.wiTi = sum(wiTi), sum.wiTi2 = sum(wiTi2))
# fixed$ES <- fixed$sum.wiTi/fixed$sum.wi
# random <- ddply(m, c("mod1", "mod2"), summarise, sum.wi.tau = sum(wi.tau),
# sum.wiTi.tau = sum(wiTi.tau), sum.wiTi2.tau = sum(wiTi2.tau))
# random$ES <- random$sum.wiTi.tau/random$sum.wi.tau
# out <- list(Fixed = fixed, Random = random)
# return(out)
##==== META-REGRESSION FUNCTIONS (for continuous & categorical moderators)====##
# Assess the model fit from a meta-regression
MRfit <- function( ...) {
models <- list(...)
fit<-, models)
fit$R2 <- 1 - (fit$RSS / fit$RSS[1])
fit$R2.change <- c(NA, diff(fit$R2))
fit$R2[1] <- NA
fit$F <- NULL
names(fit) <- c("df.Q", "Qe", "predictors", "Q", "p",
"R^2", "R^2.change")
fit$p <- NULL
##====== Multiple Moderator Graphs ======##
# MultiModGraph <- function(meta, conmod, catmod, method="random",
#, title=NULL) {
# # Outputs a scatterplot and boxplot faceted by the categorical moderator from a
# # fixed or random effects moderator analysis. Computations derived from chapter
# # 14 and 15, Cooper et al. (2009).
# # Args:
# # meta: data.frame with id, g (standardized mean diff),var.g (variance of g).
# # conmod: Continuous moderator variable used for analysis.
# # catmod: Categorical moderator variable used for analysis.
# # method: Model used, either "random" or "fixed" effects. Default is "random".
# # Name of continuous moderator variable to appear on x-axis of plot.
# # Default is NULL.
# # title: Plot title. Default is NULL.
# # Returns:
# # Multivariate moderator scatterplot graph faceted by categorical moderator levels. Also
# # places a weighted regression line based on either a fixed or random effects analysis.
# # The ggplot2 packages outputs the rich graphics.
# m <- meta
# m$conmod <- conmod
# m$catmod <- catmod
# compl <- !$conmod)& !$catmod)
# meta <- m[compl, ]
# meta$wi <- 1/meta$var.g
# meta$wi2 <- (1/meta$var.g)^2
# meta$wiTi <- meta$wi*meta$g
# meta$wiTi2 <- meta$wi*(meta$g)^2
# mod <- meta$mod
# sum.wi <- sum(meta$wi, na.rm=TRUE)
# sum.wi2 <- sum(meta$wi2, na.rm=TRUE)
# sum.wiTi <- sum(meta$wiTi, na.rm=TRUE)
# sum.wiTi2 <- sum(meta$wiTi2, na.rm=TRUE)
# comp <- sum.wi-sum.wi2/sum.wi
# Q <- sum.wiTi2-(sum.wiTi^2)/sum.wi
# k <- sum(!$g))
# df <- k-1
# tau <- (Q-(k - 1))/comp
# meta$var.tau <- meta$var.g + tau
# meta$wi.tau <- 1/meta$var.tau
# meta$wiTi.tau <- meta$wi.tau*meta$g
# meta$wiTi2.tau <- meta$wi.tau*(meta$g)^2
# if(method=="fixed") {
# multimod <- ggplot(meta, aes(conmod, g, weight=wi), na.rm=TRUE) +
# opts(title=title, legend.position="none", na.rm=TRUE) +
# facet_wrap(~catmod) +
# ggplot2::geom_point( aes(size=wi, shape=catmod)) +
# geom_smooth(aes(group=1, weight=wi),
# method= lm, se=FALSE, na.rm=TRUE) +
# ylab("Effect Size") +
# xlab(
# }
# if(method=="random") {
# multimod <- ggplot(meta, aes(conmod, g, weight=wi.tau), na.rm=TRUE) +
# opts(title=title, legend.position="none", na.rm=TRUE) +
# facet_wrap(~catmod) +
# ggplot2::geom_point(aes(size=wi.tau, shape=catmod)) +
# geom_smooth(aes(group=1, weight=wi.tau),
# method = lm, se = FALSE, na.rm=TRUE) +
# ylab("Effect Size") +
# xlab(
# }
# return(multimod)
# }
# Correction for Attenuation
Rho_TU<- function(g,xx,yy) {
CorAtten <- function (meta, xx, yy) {
m <- meta
meta$xx <- xx
meta$yy <- yy
meta$g <- ifelse($xx & meta$yy), meta$g, Rho_TU(meta$g,
meta$xx, meta$yy))
meta$wi <- 1/meta$var.g
meta$wiTi <- meta$wi * meta$g
meta$wiTi2 <- meta$wi * (meta$g)^2
sum.wi <- sum(meta$wi, na.rm = TRUE)
sum.wi2 <- sum(meta$wi2, na.rm = TRUE)
sum.wiTi <- sum(meta$wiTi, na.rm = TRUE)
sum.wiTi2 <- sum(meta$wiTi2, na.rm = TRUE)
comp <- sum.wi - sum.wi2/sum.wi
Q <- sum.wiTi2 - (sum.wiTi^2)/sum.wi
k <- sum(!$g))
df <- k - 1
tau <- (Q - k + 1)/comp
meta$var.tau <- meta$var.g + tau
meta$wi.tau <- 1/meta$var.tau
meta$wiTi.tau <- meta$wi.tau * meta$g
meta$wiTi2.tau <- meta$wi.tau * (meta$g)^2
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