
Defines functions .onAttach VarCalcMatchC MatchLoopCfast MatchLoopC RmatchLoop print.summary.ks.boot summary.ks.boot ks.boot get.ydata get.xdata MatchBalance Mt.test.unpaired Mt.test Mks.test Mks.test.handler kswsig kstiesig kssig ks PrintBalanceUV summary.balanceUV balanceUV sdiff sdiff.pooled Rmatch print.summary.Match summary.Match Match

Documented in balanceUV ks.boot Match MatchBalance print.summary.ks.boot print.summary.Match summary.balanceUV summary.ks.boot summary.Match

# Jasjeet S. Sekhon <sekhon@berkeley.edu>
# https://www.jsekhon.com
# UC Berkeley

# Match(): function to estimate treatments using a matching estimator.
# Currently only the ability to estimate average treatment effects
# using the approach of Abadie and Imbens is implemented.  In the
# future, quantile treatment effects will be implemented along with
# the ability to use robust estimation when estimating the propensity
# score. MatchBalance(), and balanceUV() test for balance.

Match  <- function(Y=NULL,Tr,X,Z=X,V=rep(1,length(Y)), estimand="ATT", M=1,
                   BiasAdjust=FALSE,exact=NULL,caliper=NULL, replace=TRUE, ties=TRUE,
                   CommonSupport=FALSE,Weight=1,Weight.matrix=NULL, weights=NULL,
                   Var.calc=0, sample=FALSE, restrict=NULL, match.out=NULL,
                   distance.tolerance=0.00001, tolerance=sqrt(.Machine$double.eps),

    BiasAdj  <- as.double(BiasAdjust)
    sample  <- as.double(sample)

    if ( (BiasAdj != 0) & (BiasAdj != 1) )
        warning("User set 'BiasAdjust' to a non-logical value.  Resetting to the default which is FALSE.")        
        BiasAdj <- 0
    #we don't need to use a Y
    if (is.null(Y))
        Y = rep(0, length(Tr))
        version <- "fast"

            warning("'BiasAdjust' set to FALSE because Y is NULL")
            BiasAdj <- FALSE
    Y  <- as.double(Y)
    Tr <- as.double(Tr)
    X  <- as.matrix(X)
    Z  <- as.matrix(Z)
    V  <- as.matrix(V)

    orig.nobs  <- length(Y)
    nobs  <- orig.nobs
    xvars <- ncol(X)    
    orig.tr.nobs <- length(Tr)
    if (orig.tr.nobs != orig.nobs)
        stop("length(Y) != length(Tr)")
    if( orig.tr.nobs != nrow(X))
        stop("length(Tr) != nrow(X)")
    if( orig.nobs != nrow(X))
        stop("length(Y) != nrow(X)")
    if( orig.nobs != nrow(V))
        stop("length(Y) != nrow(V)")
    if( orig.nobs != nrow(Z))
        stop("length(Y) != nrow(Z)")

    if (is.null(weights))
        weights <- rep(1,length(Y))
        weights.flag <- FALSE
      } else {
        weights.flag <- TRUE
        weights <- as.double(weights)
        if( orig.tr.nobs != length(weights))
            stop("length(Tr) != length(weights)")

    isna  <- sum(is.na(Y)) + sum(is.na(Tr)) + sum(is.na(X)) + sum(is.na(weights)) + sum(is.na(Z)) + sum(is.na(V))
    if (isna!=0)
        stop("Match(): input includes NAs")

    if (sum(Tr !=1 & Tr !=0) > 0) {
      stop("Treatment indicator ('Tr') must be a logical variable---i.e., TRUE (1) or FALSE (0)")
    if (var(Tr)==0) {
      stop("Treatment indicator ('Tr') must contain both treatment and control observations")
    if (distance.tolerance < 0)
        warning("User set 'distance.tolerance' to less than 0.  Resetting to the default which is 0.00001.")
        distance.tolerance <- 0.00001

    if (CommonSupport !=1 & CommonSupport !=0) {
      stop("'CommonSupport' must be a logical variable---i.e., TRUE (1) or FALSE (0)")
        tr.min <- min(X[Tr==1,1])
        tr.max <- max(X[Tr==1,1])

        co.min <- min(X[Tr==0,1])
        co.max <- max(X[Tr==0,1])

        if(tr.min >= co.min)
            indx1 <- X[,1] < (tr.min-distance.tolerance)
          } else {
            indx1 <- X[,1] < (co.min-distance.tolerance)            

        if(co.max <= tr.max)
            indx2 <- X[,1] > (co.max+distance.tolerance)
          } else {
            indx2 <- X[,1] > (tr.max+distance.tolerance)            

        indx3 <- indx1==0 & indx2==0
        Y  <- as.double(Y[indx3])
        Tr <- as.double(Tr[indx3])
        X  <- as.matrix(X[indx3,])
        Z  <- as.matrix(Z[indx3,])
        V  <- as.matrix(V[indx3,])
        weights <- as.double(weights[indx3])

        #let's recalculate these for common support
        orig.nobs  <- length(Y)
        nobs  <- orig.nobs
      }#end of CommonSupport

    #check additional inputs
    if (tolerance < 0)
        warning("User set 'tolerance' to less than 0.  Resetting to the default which is 0.00001.")
        tolerance <- 0.00001
    if (M < 1)
        warning("User set 'M' to less than 1.  Resetting to the default which is 1.")
        M <- 1
    if ( M != round(M) )
        warning("User set 'M' to an illegal value.  Resetting to the default which is 1.")
        M <- 1        
    if (Var.calc < 0)
        warning("User set 'Var.calc' to less than 0.  Resetting to the default which is 0.")
        Var.calc <- 0
    if ( (sample != 0) & (sample != 1) )
        warning("User set 'sample' to a non-logical value.  Resetting to the default which is FALSE.")        
        sample <- 0
    if (Weight != 1 & Weight != 2 & Weight != 3)
        warning("User set 'Weight' to an illegal value.  Resetting to the default which is 1.")        
        Weight <- 1
    if (version!="fast" & version != "standard" & version != "legacy" & version != "Matchby" & version != "MatchbyAI")
        warning("User set 'version' to an illegal value.  Resetting to the default which is 'standard'.")        
        version <- "standard"

        version <- "fast"
        Matchby.call <- TRUE
        MatchbyAI <- FALSE
      } else if(version=="MatchbyAI")
        version <- "standard"
        Matchby.call <- TRUE
        MatchbyAI <- TRUE
      } else {
        Matchby.call <- FALSE
        MatchbyAI <- FALSE

    if (Var.calc !=0 & version=="fast")
        warning("Var.calc cannot be estimate when version=='fast'")
    if (BiasAdj!=FALSE & version=="fast")
        warning("Bias Adjustment cannot be estimated when version=='fast'")
    if (replace!=FALSE & replace!=TRUE)
        warning("'replace' must be TRUE or FALSE.  Setting to TRUE")
        replace <- TRUE
        ties <- FALSE        
        if (version=="legacy")
          warning("'version' is set to 'fast' because replace==FALSE")
    if (ties!=FALSE & ties!=TRUE)
        warning("'ties' must be TRUE or FALSE.  Setting to TRUE")
        ties <- TRUE
        if (version=="legacy")
          warning("'version' is set to 'fast' because ties==FALSE")

        if(BiasAdjust==TRUE) {
          warning("Bias Adjustment can only be estimated when ties==TRUE and replace=TRUE.  Setting BiasAdjust=FALSE")
          BiasAdjust <- FALSE
          BiasAdj  <- 0

    if (!is.null(match.out) & !inherits(match.out, "Match")) {
      warning("match.out object not of class 'Match'")

    ccc  <- tolerance
    cdd  <- distance.tolerance

    orig.treated.nobs  <- sum(Tr==1)
    orig.control.nobs  <- sum(Tr==0)
    orig.wnobs  <- sum(weights)
    orig.weighted.treated.nobs <- sum( weights[Tr==1] )
    orig.weighted.control.nobs <- sum( weights[Tr==0] )    
    weights.orig  <- as.matrix(weights)
    zvars <- ncol(Z);

    estimand.orig <- estimand
    if (estimand=="ATT")
        estimand  <- 0

        if(BiasAdj==1 & orig.treated.nobs<zvars)
            warning("Fewer treated obs than variables in 'Z': BiasAdjust set to FALSE")

      } else if(estimand=="ATE") {
        estimand  <- 1

        if(BiasAdj==1 & orig.nobs<zvars)
            warning("Fewer obs than variables in 'Z': BiasAdjust set to FALSE")
      } else if(estimand=="ATC") {
        estimand  <- 2

        if(BiasAdj==1 & orig.control.nobs<zvars)
            warning("Fewer control obs than variables in 'Z': BiasAdjust set to FALSE")

      } else {
        estimand  <- 0
        warning("User set 'estimand' to an illegal value.  Resetting to the default which is 'ATT'")

    if (!is.null(Weight.matrix))

        if(inherits(Weight.matrix, "GenMatch"))
            Weight.matrix = Weight.matrix$Weight.matrix
        if (Weight==2)
            warning("User supplied 'Weight.matrix' is being used even though 'Weight' is not set equal to 3")
        Weight  <- 3
      } else {
        Weight.matrix <- dim(X)[2]

    if(Var.calc > orig.weighted.treated.nobs)
        warning("'Var.calc' > the number of treated obs: 'Var.calc' reset to ",
                orig.weighted.treated.nobs, immediate.=Matchby.call)
        Var.calc <- orig.weighted.treated.nobs
    if(Var.calc > orig.weighted.control.nobs)
        warning("'Var.calc' > the number of control obs: 'Var.calc' reset to ",
                orig.weighted.control.nobs,  immediate.=Matchby.call)
        Var.calc <- orig.weighted.control.nobs
    if(orig.nobs > 20000 & version!="fast" & !Matchby.call)
        warning("The version='fast' option is recommended for large datasets if speed is desired.  For additional speed, you may also consider using the ties=FALSE option.", immediate.=TRUE)

    #check the restrict matrix input
          stop("'restrict' must be a matrix of restricted observations rows and three columns: c(i,j restriction)")

        if(ncol(restrict)!=3 )
          stop("'restrict' must be a matrix of restricted observations rows and three columns: c(i,j restriction)")

    if (!is.null(exact))
        exact = as.vector(exact)
        nexacts = length(exact)
        if ( (nexacts > 1) & (nexacts != xvars) )
            warning("length of exact != ncol(X). Ignoring exact option")
            exact <- NULL
          } else if (nexacts==1 & (xvars > 1) ){
            exact <- rep(exact, xvars)

    if (!is.null(caliper))
        caliper = as.vector(caliper)
        ncalipers = length(caliper)
        if ( (ncalipers > 1) & (ncalipers != xvars) )
            warning("length of caliper != ncol(X). Ignoring caliper option")
            caliper <- NULL
          } else if (ncalipers==1 & (xvars > 1) ){
            caliper <- rep(caliper, xvars)

    if (!is.null(caliper))
        ecaliper <- vector(mode="numeric", length=xvars)
        sweights  <- sum(weights.orig)
        for (i in 1:xvars)
            meanX  <- sum( X[,i]*weights.orig )/sweights
            sdX  <- sqrt(sum( (X[,i]-meanX)^2 )/sweights)
            ecaliper[i]  <- caliper[i]*sdX
      } else {
        ecaliper <- NULL

    if (!is.null(exact))
            max.diff <- abs(max(X)-min(X) + tolerance * 100)
            ecaliper <- matrix(max.diff, nrow=xvars, ncol=1)
        for (i in 1:xvars)
            if (exact[i])
              ecaliper[i] <- tolerance;

        #replace==FALE, needs enough observation
        orig.weighted.control.nobs <- sum(weights[Tr!=1])
            if (orig.weighted.treated.nobs > orig.weighted.control.nobs)
                warning("replace==FALSE, but there are more (weighted) treated obs than control obs.  Some treated obs will not be matched.  You may want to estimate ATC instead.")
          } else if(estimand==1) 
              if (orig.weighted.treated.nobs > orig.weighted.control.nobs)
                  warning("replace==FALSE, but there are more (weighted) treated obs than control obs.  Some treated obs will not be matched.  You may want to estimate ATC instead.")
              if (orig.weighted.treated.nobs < orig.weighted.control.nobs)
                  warning("replace==FALSE, but there are more (weighted) control obs than treated obs.  Some control obs will not be matched.  You may want to estimate ATT instead.")
            } else 
          if (orig.weighted.treated.nobs < orig.weighted.control.nobs)
              warning("replace==FALSE, but there are more (weighted) control obs than treated obs.  Some obs will be dropped.  You may want to estimate ATC instead")
        #we need a restrict matrix if we are going to not do replacement
            restrict <- t(as.matrix(c(0,0,0)))
        if(version!="fast" &  version!="standard")
            warning("reverting to 'standard' version because replace=FALSE")
      }#end of replace==FALSE

#    if(version=="fast" & is.null(ecaliper) & sum(weights==1)==orig.nobs)
    if(version=="fast" | version=="standard")
            ret <- RmatchLoop(Y=Y, Tr=Tr, X=X, Z=Z, V=V, All=estimand, M=M, BiasAdj=BiasAdj,
                              Weight=Weight, Weight.matrix=Weight.matrix, Var.calc=Var.calc,
                              weight=weights, SAMPLE=sample, ccc=ccc, cdd=cdd,
                              ecaliper=ecaliper, exact=exact, caliper=caliper,
                              restrict=restrict, MatchLoopC.indx=match.out$MatchLoopC,
                              weights.flag=weights.flag,  replace=replace, ties=ties,
                              version=version, MatchbyAI=MatchbyAI)
          } else {
            ret <- RmatchLoop(Y=Y, Tr=Tr, X=X, Z=Z, V=V, All=estimand, M=M, BiasAdj=BiasAdj,
                              Weight=Weight, Weight.matrix=Weight.matrix, Var.calc=Var.calc,
                              weight=weights, SAMPLE=sample, ccc=ccc, cdd=cdd,
                              ecaliper=ecaliper, exact=exact, caliper=caliper,
                              restrict=restrict, weights.flag=weights.flag,  replace=replace, ties=ties,
                              version=version, MatchbyAI=MatchbyAI)   
      } else {
        ret <- Rmatch(Y=Y, Tr=Tr, X=X, Z=Z, V=V, All=estimand, M=M, BiasAdj=BiasAdj,
                      Weight=Weight, Weight.matrix=Weight.matrix, Var.calc=Var.calc,
                      weight=weights, SAMPLE=sample, ccc=ccc, cdd=cdd,
                      ecaliper=ecaliper, restrict=restrict)

            if(ret$valid < 1)
                if (ret$sum.caliper.drops > 0) {
                  warning("'Match' object contains no valid matches (probably because of the caliper or the exact option).") 
                } else {
                  warning("'Match' object contains no valid matches")
              } else {
                if (ret$sum.caliper.drops > 0) {
                  warning("'Match' object contains only 1 valid match (probably because of the caliper or the exact option).") 
                } else {
                  warning("'Match' object contains only one valid match")
          } #endof if(!Matchby.call)

        z <- NA
        class(z)  <- "Match"    
    indx <-  cbind(ret$art.data[,1],  ret$art.data[,2],  ret$W)

    index.treated  <- indx[,1]
    index.control  <- indx[,2]
    weights        <- indx[,3]
    sum.caliper.drops <- ret$sum.caliper.drops

    indx  <- as.matrix(cbind(index.treated,index.control))
    if (estimand==0) {
      index.treated  <- indx[,1]
      index.control  <- indx[,2]
    } else if(estimand==1) {
      tmp.index.treated  <- indx[,1]
      tmp.index.control  <- indx[,2]
      tl  <- length(tmp.index.treated)
      index.treated <- vector(length=tl, mode="numeric")
      index.control <- vector(length=tl, mode="numeric")
      trt  <- Tr[tmp.index.treated]==1
      for (i in 1:tl)
          if (trt[i]) {
            index.treated[i]  <- tmp.index.treated[i]
            index.control[i]  <- tmp.index.control[i]
          } else {
            index.treated[i]  <- tmp.index.control[i]
            index.control[i]  <- tmp.index.treated[i]
    } else if(estimand==2) {
      index.treated  <- indx[,2]
      index.control  <- indx[,1]

    mdata  <- list()
    mdata$Y  <- c(Y[index.treated],Y[index.control])
    mdata$Tr <- c(Tr[index.treated],Tr[index.control])
    mdata$X  <- rbind(X[index.treated,],X[index.control,])
    mdata$orig.weighted.treated.nobs <- orig.weighted.treated.nobs

    #naive standard errors
    mest  <- sum((Y[index.treated]-Y[index.control])*weights)/sum(weights)
    v1  <- Y[index.treated] - Y[index.control]
    varest  <- sum( ((v1-mest)^2)*weights)/(sum(weights)*sum(weights))
    se.standard  <- sqrt(varest)

    wnobs <- sum(weights)

        actual.drops <- orig.weighted.treated.nobs-wnobs
      } else if (estimand==1)
          actual.drops <- orig.wnobs-wnobs
        } else {
          actual.drops <- (orig.wnobs-orig.weighted.treated.nobs)-wnobs 

    #What obs were dropped?
    index.dropped <-  NULL #nothing was dropped
    if (sum.caliper.drops > 0 )
            matched.index <- which(Tr==1)
            matched <- !(matched.index %in% index.treated)        
          } else if(estimand.orig=="ATC")
              matched.index <- which(Tr==0)
              matched <- !(matched.index %in% index.control)
            } else if(estimand.orig=="ATE")
                matched.index <- 1:length(Tr)
                matched <- !(matched.index %in% c(index.treated,index.control))
        index.dropped <- matched.index[matched]  #obs not matched
      } #end of sum.caliper.drops > 0
    z  <- list(est=ret$est, se=ret$se, est.noadj=mest, se.standard=se.standard,
               index.treated=index.treated, index.control=index.control, index.dropped=index.dropped,
               weights=weights, orig.nobs=orig.nobs, orig.wnobs=orig.wnobs,
               nobs=nobs, wnobs=wnobs,
               caliper=caliper, ecaliper=ecaliper, exact=exact,
               ndrops=actual.drops, ndrops.matches=sum.caliper.drops, 
               MatchLoopC=ret$MatchLoopC, version=version,

        z$YCAUS   <- ret$YCAUS
        z$ZCAUS   <- ret$ZCAUS
        z$Kcount  <- ret$Kcount
        z$KKcount <- ret$KKcount
        z$Sigs    <- ret$Sigs

    class(z)  <- "Match"    
  } #end of Match

summary.Match  <- function(object, ..., full=FALSE, digits=5)
    if(!is.list(object)) {
      warning("'Match' object contains less than two valid matches.  Cannot proceed.")
    if (!inherits(object, "Match")) {
      warning("Object not of class 'Match'")

        cat("Estimate... ",format(object$est,digits=digits),"\n")
        cat("AI SE...... ",format(object$se,digits=digits),"\n")
        cat("T-stat..... ",format(object$est/object$se,digits=digits),"\n")
        cat("p.val...... ",format.pval((1-pnorm(abs(object$est/object$se)))*2,digits=digits),"\n")
      } else {
        cat("Estimate... ",format(object$est,digits=digits),"\n")
        cat("SE......... ",format(object$se.standard,digits=digits),"\n")
        cat("T-stat..... ",format(object$est/object$se.standard,digits=digits),"\n")
        cat("p.val...... ",format.pval((1-pnorm(abs(object$est/object$se.standard)))*2,digits=digits),"\n")

        cat("Est noAdj.. ",format(object$est.noadj,digits=digits),"\n")        
        cat("SE......... ",format(object$se.standard,digits=digits),"\n")
        cat("T-stat..... ",format(object$est.noadj/object$se.standard,digits=digits),"\n")
        cat("p.val...... ",format.pval((1-pnorm(abs(object$est.noadj/object$se.standard)))*2,digits=digits),"\n")

      cat("Original number of observations (weighted)... ", round(object$orig.wnobs, 3),"\n")
    cat("Original number of observations.............. ", object$orig.nobs,"\n")
      cat("Original number of treated obs (weighted).... ", round(object$mdata$orig.weighted.treated.nobs, 3),"\n")
        cat("Original number of treated obs............... ", object$orig.treated.nobs,"\n")
      } else {
        cat("Original number of control obs............... ",
    cat("Matched number of observations............... ", round(object$wnobs, 3),"\n")
    cat("Matched number of observations  (unweighted). ", length(object$index.treated),"\n")

        cat("Number of obs dropped by 'exact' or 'caliper' ", object$ndrops.matches, "\n")
        if (object$ndrops.matches!=round(object$ndrops))
          cat("Weighted #obs dropped by 'exact' or 'caliper' ", round(object$ndrops, 3),"\n")        
      }else if(!is.null(object$caliper))
        cat("Caliper (SDs)........................................  ",object$caliper,"\n")            
        cat("Number of obs dropped by 'exact' or 'caliper' ", object$ndrops.matches, "\n")
        if (object$ndrops.matches!=round(object$ndrops))
          cat("Weighted #obs dropped by 'exact' or 'caliper' ", round(object$ndrops, 3),"\n")        
    z <- list()
    class(z) <- "summary.Match"
  } #end of summary.Match

print.summary.Match <- function(x, ...)

Rmatch <- function(Y, Tr, X, Z, V, All, M, BiasAdj, Weight, Weight.matrix, Var.calc, weight,
                   SAMPLE, ccc, cdd, ecaliper=NULL, restrict=NULL)
    sum.caliper.drops <- 0
    X.orig <- X

#are we using the restriction matrix?
    if(is.matrix(restrict)) {
      restrict.trigger <- TRUE
    } else {
      restrict.trigger <- FALSE
# if SATC is to be estimated the treatment indicator is reversed  
    if (All==2) {
      Tr <- 1-Tr


# check on the number of matches, to make sure the number is within the limits
# feasible given the number of observations in both groups.
    if (All==1)
        M <- min(M,min(sum(Tr),sum(1-Tr)));        
      } else {
        M <- min(M,sum(1-Tr));

# two slippage parameters that are used to determine whether distances are equal
# distances less than ccc or cdd are interpeted as zero.
# these are passed in.  ccc, cdd

# I. set up
# I.a. vector for which observations we want the average effect
# iot_t is the vector with weights in the average treatment effects
# iot_c is the vector of indicators for potential controls

    if (All==1)
        iot.t <- weight;
        iot.c <- as.matrix(rep(1,length(Tr)))
      } else {
        iot.t <- Tr*weight;
        iot.c <- 1-Tr    

# I.b. determine sample and covariate vector sizes
    N  <- nrow(X)
    Kx <- ncol(X)
    Kz <- ncol(Z)

# K covariates
# N observations
#    Nt <- sum(Tr)
#    Nc <- sum(1-Tr)
#    on <- as.matrix(rep(1,N))

# I.c. normalize regressors to have mean zero and unit variance.
# If the standard deviation of a variable is zero, its normalization
# leads to a variable with all zeros.
# The matrix AA enables one to transform the user supplied weight matrix 
# to take account of this transformation.  BUT THIS IS NOT USED!!
# Mu_X and Sig_X keep track of the original mean and variances
#    AA    <- diag(Kx)
    Mu.X  <- matrix(0, Kx, 1)
    Sig.X <- matrix(0, Kx, 1)

    for (k in 1:Kx)
        Mu.X[k,1] <- sum(X[,k]*weight)/sum(weight)
        eps <- X[,k]-Mu.X[k,1]
        Sig.X[k,1] <- sqrt(max(ccc, sum(X[,k]*X[,k]*weight))/sum(weight)-Mu.X[k,1]^2)
        Sig.X[k,1] <- Sig.X[k,1]*sqrt(N/(N-1))
        if(Sig.X[k,1] < ccc)
          Sig.X[k,1] <- ccc
#        AA[k,k]=Sig.X[k,1]
      } #end of k loop

#    Nv <- nrow(V)
    Mv <- ncol(V)
    Mu.V  <- matrix(0, Mv, 1)
    Sig.V <- matrix(0, Mv, 1)

    for (j in 1:Mv)
        Mu.V[j,1]= ( t(V[,j])%*%weight ) /sum(weight)
#        dv <- V[,j]-Mu.V[j,1]
        sv <- sum(V[,j]*V[,j]*weight)/sum(weight)-Mu.V[j,1]^2
        if (sv > 0)
            sv <- sqrt(sv)
          } else {
            sv <- 0
        sv <- sv * sqrt(N/(N-1))
        Sig.V[j,1] <- sv
      } #end of j loop

# I.d. define weight matrix for metric, taking into account normalization of
# regressors.
# If the eigenvalues of the regressors are too close to zero the Mahalanobis metric
# is not used and we revert back to the default inverse of variances.
    if (Weight==1)
      } else if (Weight==2) {
        if (min (eigen( t(X)%*%X/N, only.values=TRUE)$values) > ccc)
            Weight.matrix= solve(t(X)%*%X/N) 
          } else {
            Weight.matrix <- diag(Kx)
      # DO NOT RESCALE THE Weight.matrix!!
      #else if (Weight==3)
      #  {
      #    Weight.matrix <- AA %*% Weight.matrix %*% AA
      #  }

#    if (exact==1)
#      {
#        Weight.matrix <- cbind(Weight.matrix, matrix(0,nrow=Kx,ncol=Mv))
#        Weight.matrix <- rbind(Weight.matrix, cbind(matrix(0,nrow=Mv,ncol=Kx),
#                               1000*solve(diag(as.vector(Sig.V*Sig.V), nrow=length(Sig.V)))))
#        Weight.matrix <- as.matrix(Weight.matrix)
#        X <- cbind(X,V)
#        Mu.X  <- rbind(Mu.X, matrix(0, nrow(Mu.V), 1))
#        Sig.X <- rbind(Sig.X, matrix(1, nrow(Sig.V), 1))
#      } #end of exact

    Nx <- nrow(X)
    Kx <- ncol(X)

    if ( min(eigen(Weight.matrix, only.values=TRUE)$values) < ccc )
      Weight.matrix <- Weight.matrix + diag(Kx)*ccc

    # I.fg. initialize matrices before looping through sample
    YCAUS  <- as.matrix(rep(0, N))
    SCAUS  <- as.matrix(rep(0, N))
    XCAUS  <- matrix(0, nrow=N, ncol=Kx)
    ZCAUS  <- matrix(0, nrow=N, ncol=Kz)
    Kcount <- as.matrix(rep(0, N))
    KKcount <- as.matrix(rep(0, N))
    MMi     <- as.matrix(rep(0, N))

# II. Loop through all observations that need to be matched.
    INN <- as.matrix(1:N)
    ww <- chol(Weight.matrix) # so that ww*ww=w.m
#    TT <- as.matrix(1:N)

    # initialize some data objects
    DD <- NULL
    I  <- NULL
    IM <- NULL
    IT <- NULL
    IX <- NULL
    IZ <- NULL
    IY <- NULL
    W  <- NULL
    ADist <- NULL
    WWi <- NULL
    Xt <- NULL
    Zt <- NULL
    Yt <- NULL
    Xc <- NULL
    Zc <- NULL
    Yc <- NULL

    for (i in 1:N)
        #treatment indicator for observation to be matched        
        TREATi <- Tr[i]

        # proceed with all observations if All==1
        # but only with treated observations if All=0        
        if ( (TREATi==1 & All!=1) | All==1 )
            # covariate value for observation to be matched                        
            xx <- t(as.matrix(X[i,]))

            # covariate value for observation to be matched            
            zz <- t(as.matrix(Z[i,]))

            # outcome value for observation to be matched                        
            yy <- Y[i]

            #JSS: check *
            foo <- as.matrix(rep(1, Nx))
            DX <- (X - foo %*% xx) %*% t(ww)

            if (Kx>1)
                foo <- t(DX*DX)
                Dist <- as.matrix(apply(foo, 2, sum))
              } else {
                Dist <- as.matrix(DX*DX)
              } #end of Kx

            # Dist distance to observation to be matched
            # is N by 1 vector

            #use the restriction matrix
            if (restrict.trigger)
                for (j in 1:nrow(restrict))
                    if (restrict[j,1]==i)
                        if (restrict[j,3] < 0) {
                          Dist[restrict[j,2]] = .Machine$double.xmax
                        } else {
                          Dist[restrict[j,2]] = restrict[j,3]
                      } else if (restrict[j,2]==i) {
                        if (restrict[j,3] < 0) {
                          Dist[restrict[j,1]] = .Machine$double.xmax
                        } else {
                          Dist[restrict[j,1]] = restrict[j,3]
              } #end if restrict.trigger

            # set of potential matches (all observations with other treatment)
            # JSS, note:logical vector
            POTMAT <- Tr == (1-TREATi) 

            # X's for potential matches
#            XPOT <- X[POTMAT,]
            DistPot <- Dist[POTMAT,1]

#            TTPotMat <- TT[POTMAT,1]
            weightPot <- as.matrix(weight[POTMAT,1])

            # sorted distance of potential matches            
            S <- sort(DistPot)
            L <- order(DistPot)
            weightPot.sort <- weightPot[L,1]
            weightPot.sum <- cumsum(weightPot.sort)
            tt <- 1:(length(weightPot.sum))
            MMM <- min(tt[weightPot.sum>=M])

            # distance at last match
            Distmax <- S[MMM]

            # selection of actual matches 
            #logical index
            if (restrict.trigger)
                ACTMAT <- POTMAT & ( (Dist <= (Distmax+cdd))  & (Dist < .Machine$double.xmax) )

                if (sum(ACTMAT) < 1)
              } else {
                ACTMAT <- POTMAT & ( Dist <= (Distmax+cdd) )
            Ii <- i * matrix(1, nrow=sum(ACTMAT), ncol=1)
            IMi <- as.matrix(INN[ACTMAT,1])
                for (j in 1:length(Ii))
                    for( x in 1:Kx)
                        diff <- abs(X.orig[i,x] - X.orig[IMi[j], x])
                        if (diff > ecaliper[x])
#                            print(diff)

                            ACTMAT[IMi[j]] <- FALSE
                            sum.caliper.drops <- sum.caliper.drops+1
                      } #x loop
                  } #j loop

                if (sum(ACTMAT) < 1)
              } #ecaliper check

            # distance to actual matches            
            ACTDIST <- as.matrix(Dist[ACTMAT,1])

            # counts how many times each observation is matched.
            Kcount <- Kcount + weight[i] * weight*ACTMAT/sum(ACTMAT*weight)
            KKcount <- KKcount+weight[i,1] * weight*weight*ACTMAT /

            # counts how many times each observation is matched.
            # counts number of matches for observation i
            # Unless there are ties this should equal M

            Mi <- sum(weight*ACTMAT)            
            MMi[i,1] <- Mi
            Wi <- as.matrix(weight[ACTMAT,1])

            # mean of Y's for actual matches
            ymat <- t(Y[ACTMAT,1]) %*% Wi/Mi

            # mean of X's for actual matches
            # mean of Z's for actual matches
            if (length(Wi)>1)
                xmat <- t(t(X[ACTMAT,]) %*% Wi/Mi)
                zmat <- t(t(Z[ACTMAT,]) %*% Wi/Mi)
              } else {
                xmat <- t(X[ACTMAT,]) * as.double(Wi)/Mi
                zmat <- t(Z[ACTMAT,]) * as.double(Wi)/Mi

            # estimate causal effect on y for observation i
            YCAUS[i,1] <- TREATi %*% (yy-ymat)+(1-TREATi) %*% (ymat-yy)

            # difference between x and actual matches for observation i
            XCAUS[i,] <- TREATi %*% (xx-xmat)+(1-TREATi) %*% (xmat-xx)

            ZCAUS[i,] <- TREATi %*% (zz-zmat)+(1-TREATi) %*% (zmat-zz)

            # collect results
            I  <- rbind(I, i * matrix(1, nrow=sum(ACTMAT), ncol=1))
            DD <- rbind(DD, ACTDIST)
            IM <- rbind(IM, as.matrix(INN[ACTMAT,1]))
            IT <- rbind(IT, TREATi * as.matrix(rep(1, sum(ACTMAT))))
            IX <- rbind(IX, as.matrix(rep(1, sum(ACTMAT))) %*% xx)
            IZ <- rbind(IZ, as.matrix(rep(1, sum(ACTMAT))) %*% zz)
            IY <- rbind(IY, as.matrix(rep(1, sum(ACTMAT))) * yy)

            # weight for matches
            W <- as.matrix(c(W, weight[i,1] * Wi/Mi))
            ADist <- as.matrix(c(ADist, ACTDIST))
            WWi   <- as.matrix(c(WWi, Wi))

            if (TREATi==1)

                if (ncol(X) > 1)
                    # covariates for treated
                    Xt <- rbind(Xt, as.matrix(rep(1, sum(ACTMAT))) %*% xx)                    
                    # covariate for matches
                    Xc <- rbind(Xc, X[ACTMAT,])
                  } else {
                    # covariates for treated
                    Xt <- as.matrix(c(Xt, as.matrix(rep(1, sum(ACTMAT))) %*% xx))
                    # covariate for matches
                    Xc <- as.matrix(c(Xc, X[ACTMAT,]))

                if (ncol(Z) > 1)
                    # covariates for treated                
                    Zt <- rbind(Zt, as.matrix(rep(1, sum(ACTMAT))) %*% zz)
                    # covariate for matches
                    Zc <- rbind(Zc, Z[ACTMAT,])
                  } else {
                    # covariates for treated                
                    Zt <- as.matrix(c(Zt, as.matrix(rep(1, sum(ACTMAT))) %*% zz))
                    # covariate for matches                
                    Zc <- as.matrix(c(Zc, Z[ACTMAT,]))

                # outcome for treated                              
                Yt <- as.matrix(c(Yt, yy * as.matrix(rep(1, sum(ACTMAT))) ))
                # outcome for matches
                Yc <- as.matrix(c(Yc, Y[ACTMAT,1]))
              } else {

                if (ncol(X) > 1)
                    # covariates for controls
                    Xc <- rbind(Xc, as.matrix(rep(1, sum(ACTMAT))) %*% xx)
                    # covariate for matches
                    Xt <- rbind(Xt, X[ACTMAT,])
                  } else {
                    # covariates for controls                
                    Xc <- as.matrix(c(Xc, as.matrix(rep(1, sum(ACTMAT))) %*% xx))
                    # covariate for matches
                    Xt <- as.matrix(c(Xt, X[ACTMAT,]))

                if (ncol(Z) > 1)
                    # covariates for controls                
                    Zc <- rbind(Zc, as.matrix(rep(1, sum(ACTMAT))) %*% zz)
                    # covariate for matches                
                    Zt <- rbind(Zt, Z[ACTMAT,])
                  } else {
                    # covariates for controls                
                    Zc <- as.matrix(c(Zc, as.matrix(rep(1, sum(ACTMAT))) %*% zz))
                    # covariate for matches                
                    Zt <- as.matrix(c(Zt, Z[ACTMAT,]))
                # outcome for controls                               
                Yc <- as.matrix(c(Yc, as.matrix(rep(1, sum(ACTMAT))) * yy))
                # outcome for matches
                Yt <- as.matrix(c(Yt, Y[ACTMAT,1]))

              } #end of TREATi
          } #end of if
      } #i loop

    # transform matched covariates back for artificial data set
    Xt.u <- Xt
    Xc.u <- Xc
    IX.u <- IX
    for (k in 1:Kx)
        Xt.u[,k] <- Mu.X[k,1]+Sig.X[k,1] * Xt.u[,k]
        Xc.u[,k] <- Mu.X[k,1]+Sig.X[k,1] * Xc.u[,k]
        IX.u[,k] <- Mu.X[k,1]+Sig.X[k,1] * IX.u[,k]
    if (All!=1)
        I  <- as.matrix(I[IT==1,])
        IM <- as.matrix(IM[IT==1,])
        IT <- as.matrix(IT[IT==1,])
        IY <- as.matrix(IY[IT==1,])
        Yc <- as.matrix(Yc[IT==1,])
        Yt <- as.matrix(Yt[IT==1,])
        W  <- as.matrix(W[IT==1,])
        ADist <- as.matrix(ADist[IT==1,])
        WWi   <- as.matrix(WWi[IT==1,])
        IX.u  <- as.matrix(IX.u[IT==1,])
        Xc.u  <- as.matrix(Xc.u[IT==1,])
        Xt.u  <- as.matrix(Xt.u[IT==1,])
        Xc    <- as.matrix(Xc[IT==1,])
        Xt <- as.matrix(Xt[IT==1,])
        Zc <- as.matrix(Zc[IT==1,])
        Zt <- as.matrix(Zt[IT==1,])
        IZ <- as.matrix(IZ[IT==1,])
      } #end of if

    if (length(I) < 1)
      } else if(length(I) < 2)

    if (BiasAdj==1)
        # III. Regression of outcome on covariates for matches
        if (All==1)
            # number of observations
            NNt <- nrow(Z)
            # add intercept        
            ZZt <- cbind(rep(1, NNt), Z)
            # number of covariates
            Nx <- nrow(ZZt)
            Kx <- ncol(ZZt)
            xw <- ZZt*(sqrt(Tr*Kcount) %*% t(as.matrix(rep(1,Kx))))
            foo <- min(eigen(t(xw)%*%xw, only.values=TRUE)$values)
            foo <- as.double(foo<=ccc)
            foo2 <- apply(xw, 2, sd)

            options(show.error.messages = FALSE)
            wout <- NULL
            try(wout <- solve( t(xw) %*% xw + diag(Kx) * ccc * (foo) * max(foo2)) %*%
                (t(xw) %*% (Y*sqrt(Tr*Kcount))))
                wout2 <- NULL
                try(wout2 <- ginv( t(xw) %*% xw + diag(Kx) * ccc * (foo) * max(foo2)) %*%
                    (t(xw) %*% (Y*sqrt(Tr*Kcount))))
                    wout <-wout2
                    warning("using generalized inverse to calculate Bias Adjustment probably because of singular 'Z'")
            options(show.error.messages = TRUE)
                warning("unable to calculate Bias Adjustment probably because of singular 'Z'")
                BiasAdj <- 0
              } else {
                NW <- nrow(wout)
#                KW <- ncol(wout)
                Alphat <- wout[2:NW,1]
          } else {
            Alphat <- matrix(0, nrow=Kz, ncol=1)
          } #end if ALL

        # III.b.  Controls
        NNc <- nrow(Z)
        ZZc <- cbind(matrix(1, nrow=NNc, ncol=1),Z)
        Nx <- nrow(ZZc)
        Kx <- ncol(ZZc)
        xw <- ZZc*(sqrt((1-Tr)*Kcount) %*% matrix(1, nrow=1, ncol=Kx))
        foo <- min(eigen(t(xw)%*%xw, only.values=TRUE)$values)
        foo <- as.double(foo<=ccc)
        foo2 <- apply(xw, 2, sd)

        options(show.error.messages = FALSE)
        wout <- NULL        
        try(wout <- solve( t(xw) %*% xw + diag(Kx) * ccc * (foo) * max(foo2)) %*%
            (t(xw) %*% (Y*sqrt((1-Tr)*Kcount))))
            wout2 <- NULL
            try(wout2 <- ginv( t(xw) %*% xw + diag(Kx) * ccc * (foo) * max(foo2)) %*%
                (t(xw) %*% (Y*sqrt((1-Tr)*Kcount))))
                wout <-wout2
                warning("using generalized inverse to calculate Bias Adjustment probably because of singular 'Z'")
        options(show.error.messages = TRUE)
            warning("unable to calculate Bias Adjustment probably because of singular 'Z'")
            BiasAdj <- 0
          } else {
            NW <- nrow(wout)
#            KW <- ncol(wout)
            Alphac <- as.matrix(wout[2:NW,1])

        # III.c. adjust matched outcomes using regression adjustment for bias adjusted matching estimator

        SCAUS <- YCAUS-Tr*(ZCAUS %*% Alphac)-(1-Tr)*(ZCAUS %*% Alphat)
        # adjusted control outcome
        Yc.adj <- Yc+BiasAdj * (IZ-Zc) %*% Alphac
        # adjusted treated outcome
        Yt.adj <- Yt+BiasAdj*(IZ-Zt) %*% Alphat
        Tau.i <- Yt.adj - Yc.adj
      } else {
        Yc.adj <- Yc
        Yt.adj <- Yt
        Yt.adj <- Yt
        Tau.i <- Yt.adj - Yc.adj        

    art.data <- cbind(I,IM,IT,DD,IY,Yc,Yt,W,WWi,ADist,IX.u,Xc.u,Xt.u,

    # III. If conditional variance is needed, initialize variance vector
    # and loop through all observations

    Nx <- nrow(X)
    Kx <- ncol(X)

#   ww <- chol(Weight.matrix)
#   NN <- as.matrix(1:N)
    if (Var.calc>0)
        Sig <- matrix(0, nrow=N, ncol=1)
        # overall standard deviation of outcome
        # std <- sd(Y)
        for (i in 1:N)
            # treatment indicator observation to be matched
            TREATi <- Tr[i,1]
            # covariate value for observation to be matched
            xx <- X[i,]
            # potential matches are all observations with the same treatment value
            POTMAT <- (Tr==TREATi)
            POTMAT[i,1] <- 0
            weightPOT <- as.matrix(weight[POTMAT==1,1])
            DX <- (X - matrix(1, Nx,1) %*% xx) %*% t(ww)
            if (Kx>1)
                foo <- apply(t(DX*DX), 2, sum)
                Dist <- as.matrix(foo)
              } else {
                Dist <- DX*DX

            # distance to observation to be matched

            # Distance vector only for potential matches
            DistPot <- Dist[POTMAT==1,1]
            # sorted distance of potential matches
            S <- sort(DistPot)
            L <- order(DistPot)
            weightPOT.sort <- weightPOT[L,1]
            weightPOT.sum <- cumsum(weightPOT.sort)
            tt <-  1:(length(weightPOT.sum))
            MMM <- min(tt[weightPOT.sum >= Var.calc])
            MMM <- min(MMM,length(S))

            # distance of Var_calc-th closest match
            ACTMAT <- (POTMAT==1) & (Dist<= (Distmax+ccc))

            # indicator for actual matches, that is all potential
            # matches closer than, or as close as the Var_calc-th
            # closest

            Yactmat <- as.matrix(c(Y[i,1], Y[ACTMAT,1]))
            weightactmat <- as.matrix(c(weight[i,1], weight[ACTMAT,1]))
            fm <- t(Yactmat) %*% weightactmat/sum(weightactmat)
            sm <- sum(Yactmat*Yactmat*weightactmat)/sum(weightactmat)
            sigsig <- (sm-fm %*% fm)*sum(weightactmat)/(sum(weightactmat)-1)
            # standard deviation of actual matches
            Sig[i,1] <- sqrt(sigsig)
          }# end of i loop
        #variance estimate 
        Sigs <- Sig*Sig
      } #end of var.calc > 0

    # matching estimator
    est <- t(W) %*% Tau.i/sum(W)
#    est.t <- sum((iot.t*Tr+iot.c*Kcount*Tr)*Y)/sum(iot.t*Tr+iot.c*Kcount*Tr)
#    est.c <- sum((iot.t*(1-Tr)+iot.c*Kcount*(1-Tr))*Y)/sum(iot.t*(1-Tr)+iot.c*Kcount*(1-Tr))

    if (Var.calc==0)
        eps <- Tau.i - as.double(est)
        eps.sq <- eps*eps
        Sigs <- 0.5 * matrix(1, N, 1) %*% (t(eps.sq) %*% W)/sum(W)
#        sss <- sqrt(Sigs[1,1])
      } #end of Var.calc==0

    SN <- sum(iot.t)
    var.sample <- sum((Sigs*(iot.t+iot.c*Kcount)*(iot.t+iot.c*Kcount))/(SN*SN))

    if (All==1)
        var.pop <- sum((Sigs*(iot.c*Kcount*Kcount+2*iot.c*Kcount-iot.c*KKcount))/(SN*SN))
      } else {

    if (BiasAdj==1)
        dvar.pop <- sum(iot.t*(SCAUS-as.double(est))*(SCAUS-as.double(est)))/(SN*SN)
      } else {
        dvar.pop <- sum(iot.t*(YCAUS-as.double(est))*(YCAUS-as.double(est)))/(SN*SN)

    var.pop <- var.pop + dvar.pop

    if (SAMPLE==1)
        var <- var.sample
      } else {
        var <- max(var.sample, var.pop)
        var <- var.pop

    var.cond <- max(var.sample,var.pop)-var.sample
    se <- sqrt(var)
    se.cond <- sqrt(var.cond)

#    Sig <- sqrt(Sigs)
#    aug.data <- cbind(Y,Tr,X,Z,Kcount,Sig,weight)

    if (All==2)
      est <- -1*est

#    if (exact==1)
#      {
#        Vt.u <- Xt.u[,(Kx-Mv+1):Kx]
#        Vc.u <- Xc.u[,(Kx-Mv+1):Kx]
#        Vdif <- abs(Vt.u-Vc.u)
#        if (Mv>1)
#          Vdif <- as.matrix(apply(t(Vdif), 2, sum))
#        em[1,1] <- length(Vdif)
#        em[2,1] <- sum(Vdif>0.000001)
#      }#end of exact==1

    return(list(est=est, se=se, se.cond=se.cond, W=W,
  }# end of Rmatch

# See Rosenbaum and Rubin (1985) and Smith and Todd Rejoinder (JofEconometrics) p.9
sdiff.pooled  <- function(Tr, Co, weights=rep(1,length(Co)),
    if (!match)
        obs.Tr <- sum(weights.Tr)
        obs.Co <- sum(weights.Co)
#        obs.total <- obs.Tr+obs.Co
        mean.Tr <- sum(Tr*weights.Tr)/obs.Tr
        mean.Co <- sum(Co*weights.Co)/obs.Co
        diff  <- mean.Tr - mean.Co

#match Rubin
#        mean.total <- sum(Tr*weights.Tr)/obs.total + sum(Co*weights.Co)/obs.total
#        var.total  <- sum( ( (Tr - mean.total)^2 )*weights.Tr)/(obs.total-1) +
#          sum( ( (Co - mean.total)^2 )*weights.Co)/(obs.total-1)
        var.pooled <- ( sum( ( (Tr - mean.Tr)^2)*weights.Tr)/(obs.Tr-1) +
          sum( ( (Co - mean.Co)^2 )*weights.Co)/(obs.Co-1) )/2 

        if(var.pooled==0 & diff==0)
            sdiff <- 0
          } else {
            sdiff <- 100*diff/sqrt( var.pooled )
      } else{
        diff  <- sum( (Tr-Co)*weights ) /sum(weights)
        mean.Tr <- sum(Tr*weights)/sum(weights)
        mean.Co <- sum(Co*weights)/sum(weights)

#match Rubin
        obs <- sum(weights)

#       obs for total        
#       obs = sum(weights)*2
#        mean.total <- (mean.Tr + mean.Co)/2
#        var.total  <- sum( ( (Tr - mean.total)^2 )*weights)/(obs-1) +
#          sum( ( (Co - mean.total)^2 )*weights)/(obs-1)
        var.pooled  <- ( sum( ( (Tr - mean.Tr)^2 )*weights)/(obs-1) +
          sum( ( (Co - mean.Co)^2 )*weights)/(obs-1) )/2

        if(var.pooled==0 & diff==0)
            sdiff <- 0
          } else {
            sdiff <- 100*diff/sqrt(var.pooled)


# See sdiff.rubin for Rosenbaum and Rubin (1985) and Smith and Todd Rejoinder (JofEconometrics) p.9
sdiff  <- function(Tr, Co, weights=rep(1,length(Co)),

    if (!match)
        obs.Tr <- sum(weights.Tr)
        obs.Co <- sum(weights.Co)
        mean.Tr <- sum(Tr*weights.Tr)/obs.Tr
        mean.Co <- sum(Co*weights.Co)/obs.Co
        diff  <- mean.Tr - mean.Co

            var  <- sum( ( (Co - mean.Co)^2 )*weights.Co)/(obs.Co-1)
          } else {
            var  <- sum( ( (Tr - mean.Tr)^2 )*weights.Tr)/(obs.Tr-1)

        if(var==0 & diff==0)
          } else {
            sdiff <- 100*diff/sqrt( (var) )
      } else{
        mean.Tr <- sum(Tr*weights)/sum(weights)
        mean.Co <- sum(Co*weights)/sum(weights)
        diff  <- mean.Tr - mean.Co

            var  <- sum( ( (Co - mean.Co)^2 )*weights)/(sum(weights)-1)
          } else {
            var  <- sum( ( (Tr - mean.Tr)^2 )*weights)/(sum(weights)-1)

        if(var==0 & diff==0)
            sdiff <- 0
          } else {
            sdiff <- 100*diff/sqrt( (var) )


# function runs sdiff and t.test
balanceUV  <- function(Tr, Co, weights=rep(1,length(Co)), exact=FALSE, ks=FALSE, nboots=1000,
                       paired=TRUE, match=FALSE,
                       weights.Tr=rep(1,length(Tr)), weights.Co=rep(1,length(Co)),
    ks.out  <- NULL

    if (!match)
        sbalance.pooled  <- sdiff.pooled(Tr=Tr, Co=Co,

        sbalance.constvar  <- sdiff(Tr=Tr, Co=Co,

        obs.Tr <- sum(weights.Tr)
        obs.Co <- sum(weights.Co)        
        mean.Tr <- sum(Tr*weights.Tr)/obs.Tr
        mean.Co <- sum(Co*weights.Co)/obs.Co
        var.Tr  <- sum( ( (Tr - mean.Tr)^2 )*weights.Tr)/(obs.Tr-1)
        var.Co  <- sum( ( (Co - mean.Co)^2 )*weights.Co)/(obs.Co-1)
        var.ratio  <- var.Tr/var.Co

        qqsummary <- qqstats(x=Tr, y=Co, standardize=TRUE)
        qqsummary.raw <- qqstats(x=Tr, y=Co, standardize=FALSE)

        tt  <- Mt.test.unpaired(Tr, Co,

        if (ks)
          ks.out <- ks.boot(Tr, Co,nboots=nboots)
      } else {
        sbalance.pooled  <- sdiff(Tr=Tr, Co=Co, weights=weights, match=TRUE)
        sbalance.constvar  <- sdiff(Tr=Tr, Co=Co, weights=weights, match=TRUE, estimand=estimand)
        mean.Tr  <- sum(Tr*weights)/sum(weights);
        mean.Co  <- sum(Co*weights)/sum(weights);
        var.Tr  <- sum( ( (Tr - mean.Tr)^2 )*weights)/sum(weights);
        var.Co  <- sum( ( (Co - mean.Co)^2 )*weights)/sum(weights);
        var.ratio  <- var.Tr/var.Co

        qqsummary <- qqstats(x=Tr, y=Co, standardize=TRUE)
        qqsummary.raw <- qqstats(x=Tr, y=Co, standardize=FALSE)

            tt  <- Mt.test(Tr, Co, weights)
          } else {
            tt  <- Mt.test.unpaired(Tr, Co, weights.Tr=weights, weights.Co=weights)
        if (ks)
          ks.out  <- ks.boot(Tr, Co, nboots=nboots)

    ret  <- list(sdiff=sbalance.constvar,
                 var.Tr=var.Tr,var.Co=var.Co, p.value=tt$p.value,
                 ks=ks.out, tt=tt,

    class(ret) <-  "balanceUV"
  } #balanceUV

summary.balanceUV  <- function(object, ..., digits=5)

    if (!inherits(object,  "balanceUV")) {
      warning("Object not of class 'balanceUV'")

    cat("mean treatment........", format(object$mean.Tr, digits=digits),"\n")
    cat("mean control..........", format(object$mean.Co, digits=digits),"\n")
    cat("std mean diff.........", format(object$sdiff, digits=digits),"\n\n")    

    cat("mean raw eQQ diff.....", format(object$qqsummary.raw$meandiff, digits=digits),"\n")
    cat("med  raw eQQ diff.....", format(object$qqsummary.raw$mediandiff, digits=digits),"\n")
    cat("max  raw eQQ diff.....", format(object$qqsummary.raw$maxdiff, digits=digits),"\n\n")

    cat("mean eCDF diff........", format(object$qqsummary$meandiff, digits=digits),"\n")
    cat("med  eCDF diff........", format(object$qqsummary$mediandiff, digits=digits),"\n")
    cat("max  eCDF diff........", format(object$qqsummary$maxdiff, digits=digits),"\n\n")

    cat("var ratio (Tr/Co).....", format(object$var.ratio, digits=digits),"\n")
    cat("T-test p-value........", format.pval(object$tt$p.value,digits=digits), "\n")            
    if (!is.null(object$ks))
            cat("KS Bootstrap p-value..", format.pval(object$ks$ks.boot.pvalue, digits=digits), "\n")
        cat("KS Naive p-value......", format(object$ks$ks$p.value, digits=digits), "\n")                        
        cat("KS Statistic..........", format(object$ks$ks$statistic, digits=digits), "\n")
  } #end of summary.balanceUV

#print Before and After balanceUV together
PrintBalanceUV  <- function(BeforeBalance, AfterBalance, ..., digits=5)

    if (!inherits(BeforeBalance,  "balanceUV")) {
      warning("BeforeBalance not of class 'balanceUV'")

    if (!inherits(AfterBalance, "balanceUV")) {
      warning("AfterBalance not of class 'balanceUV'")

    space.size <- digits*2
#    space <- rep(" ",space.size)

    cat("                      ", "Before Matching", "\t \t After Matching\n")
    cat("mean treatment........", format(BeforeBalance$mean.Tr, digits=digits, width=space.size), "\t \t",
        format(AfterBalance$mean.Tr, digits=digits, width=space.size), 
    cat("mean control..........", format(BeforeBalance$mean.Co, digits=digits, width=space.size), "\t \t",
        format(AfterBalance$mean.Co, digits=digits, width=space.size),
    cat("std mean diff.........", format(BeforeBalance$sdiff, digits=digits, width=space.size), "\t \t",
        format(AfterBalance$sdiff, digits=digits, width=space.size),
    cat("mean raw eQQ diff.....", format(BeforeBalance$qqsummary.raw$meandiff, digits=digits, width=space.size), "\t \t",
        format(AfterBalance$qqsummary.raw$meandiff, digits=digits, width=space.size),
    cat("med  raw eQQ diff.....", format(BeforeBalance$qqsummary.raw$mediandiff, digits=digits, width=space.size), "\t \t",
        format(AfterBalance$qqsummary.raw$mediandiff, digits=digits, width=space.size),
    cat("max  raw eQQ diff.....", format(BeforeBalance$qqsummary.raw$maxdiff, digits=digits, width=space.size), "\t \t",
        format(AfterBalance$qqsummary.raw$maxdiff, digits=digits, width=space.size),

    cat("mean eCDF diff........", format(BeforeBalance$qqsummary$meandiff, digits=digits, width=space.size), "\t \t",
        format(AfterBalance$qqsummary$meandiff, digits=digits, width=space.size),
    cat("med  eCDF diff........", format(BeforeBalance$qqsummary$mediandiff, digits=digits, width=space.size), "\t \t",
        format(AfterBalance$qqsummary$mediandiff, digits=digits, width=space.size),
    cat("max  eCDF diff........", format(BeforeBalance$qqsummary$maxdiff, digits=digits, width=space.size), "\t \t",
        format(AfterBalance$qqsummary$maxdiff, digits=digits, width=space.size),

    cat("var ratio (Tr/Co).....", format(BeforeBalance$var.ratio, digits=digits, width=space.size), "\t \t",
        format(AfterBalance$var.ratio, digits=digits, width=space.size),
    cat("T-test p-value........", format(format.pval(BeforeBalance$tt$p.value,digits=digits), justify="right", width=space.size), "\t \t",
        format(format.pval(AfterBalance$tt$p.value,digits=digits), justify="right", width=space.size),
    if (!is.null(BeforeBalance$ks))
            cat("KS Bootstrap p-value..", format(format.pval(BeforeBalance$ks$ks.boot.pvalue, digits=digits),  justify="right",width=space.size), "\t \t",
                format(format.pval(AfterBalance$ks$ks.boot.pvalue, digits=digits),  justify="right", width=space.size),
        cat("KS Naive p-value......", format(format.pval(BeforeBalance$ks$ks$p.value, digits=digits),  justify="right",width=space.size), "\t \t",
            format(format.pval(AfterBalance$ks$ks$p.value, digits=digits),  justify="right",width=space.size),
        cat("KS Statistic..........", format(BeforeBalance$ks$ks$statistic, digits=digits, width=space.size), "\t \t",
            format(AfterBalance$ks$ks$statistic, digits=digits, width=space.size),
  } #end of PrintBalanceUV

#removed as of 0.99-7 (codetools)
#McNemar  <- function(Tr, Co, weights=rep(1,length(Tr)))

McNemar2 <- function (Tr, Co, correct = TRUE, weights=rep(1,length(Tr)))
  x  <- Tr
  y  <- Co
  if (is.matrix(x)) {
    stop("this version of McNemar cannot handle x being a matrix")
  } else {
    if (is.null(y)) 
      stop("if x is not a matrix, y must be given")
    if (length(x) != length(y)) 
      stop("x and y must have the same length")
    DNAME <- paste(deparse(substitute(x)), "and", deparse(substitute(y)))
    OK <- complete.cases(x, y)
    x <- factor(x[OK])
    y <- factor(y[OK])
    r <- nlevels(x)
    if ((r < 2) || (nlevels(y) != r))
        stop("x and y must have the same number of levels (minimum 2)")
  tx <- table(x, y)
  facs  <- levels(x)
  txw  <- tx
  for(i in 1:r)
      for(j in 1:r)
          indx  <- x==facs[i] & y==facs[j]
          txw[i,j]  <- sum(weights[indx]);
  pdiscordant  <- sum( ( (x!=y)*weights )/sum(weights) )
  x  <- txw
  PARAMETER <- r * (r - 1)/2
  METHOD <- "McNemar's Chi-squared test"
  if (correct && (r == 2) && any(x - t(x))) {
    y <- (abs(x - t(x)) - 1)
    METHOD <- paste(METHOD, "with continuity correction")
  } else y <- x - t(x)
  x <- x + t(x)
  STATISTIC <- sum(y[upper.tri(x)]^2/x[upper.tri(x)])
  PVAL <- pchisq(STATISTIC, PARAMETER, lower.tail = FALSE)
  names(STATISTIC) <- "McNemar's chi-squared"
  names(PARAMETER) <- "df"

  RVAL <- list(statistic = STATISTIC, parameter = PARAMETER, 
               p.value = PVAL, method = METHOD, data.name = DNAME,
  class(RVAL) <- "htest"

#  Compute the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test statistic
# Code for the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test is adopted from the Splus code
# written by Rand R. Wilcox for his book titled "Introduction to
# Robust Estimation and Hypothesis Testing." Academic Press, 1997.
#  Also see 
#@book( knuth1998,
#  author=       {Knuth, Donald E.},
#  title=        {The Art of Computer Programming, Vol. 2: Seminumerical Algorithms},
#  edition=      "3rd",
#  publisher=    "Addison-Wesley", address= "Reading: MA", 
#  year=         1998
# and Wilcox 1997 
#  w=T computes the weighted version instead. 
#  sig=T indicates that the exact significance level is to be computed.
#  If there are ties, the reported significance level is exact when
#  using the unweighted test, but for the weighted test the reported
#  level is too high.
#  This function uses the functions ecdf, kstiesig, kssig and kswsig
#  This function returns the value of the test statistic, the approximate .05
#  critical value, and the exact significance level if sig=T.
#  Missing values are automatically removed

  #  compute empirical cdf for data in x evaluated at val
  #  That is, estimate P(X <= val) 
  }#end ecdf
  z<-sort(c(x,y))  # Pool and sort the observations
  for (i in 2:length(z))if(z[i-1]==z[i])tie<-T #check for ties
  v<-1   # Initializes v
  for (i in 1:length(z))v[i]<-abs(ecdf(x,z[i])-ecdf(y,z[i]))
  crit<-1.36*sqrt((length(x)+length(y))/(length(x)*length(y))) # Approximate
#                                                       .05 critical value
  if(!w && sig && !tie)siglevel<-kssig(length(x),length(y),ks)
  if(!w && sig && tie)siglevel<-kstiesig(x,y,ks)
    if(length(x)>100 || length(y)>100){
      print("When either sample size is greater than 100,")
      print("the approximate critical value can be inaccurate.")
      print("It is recommended that the exact significance level be computed.")
    for (i in 1:length(z)){
    if(tie && sig){
      print("Ties were detected. The reported significance level")
      print("of the weighted Kolmogorov-Smirnov test statistic is not exact.")
                                        #round off siglevel in a nicer way
  if(is.double(ks) & is.double(crit) & !is.na(ks) & !is.na(crit))
      if (is.na(siglevel) & ks < crit)
          siglevel  <- 0.99999837212332
      if (is.double(siglevel) & !is.na(siglevel))
          if (siglevel < 0)
            siglevel  <- 0

#    Compute significance level of the  Kolmogorov-Smirnov test statistic
#    m=sample size of first group
#    n=sample size of second group
#    val=observed value of test statistic
  for (i in 0:m){
    for (j in 0:n)cmat[i+1,j+1]<-abs(i/m-j/n)
  for (i in 0:m){
    for (j in 0:n)if(i*j==0)umat[i+1,j+1]<-cmat[i+1,j+1]
    else umat[i+1,j+1]<-cmat[i+1,j+1]*(umat[i+1,j]+umat[i,j+1])

#    Compute significance level of the  Kolmogorov-Smirnov test statistic
#    for the data in x and y.
#    This function allows ties among the  values.
#    val=observed value of test statistic
for (i in 0:m){
for (j in 0:n){
if(k > 0 && k<length(z) && z[k]==z[k+1])cmat[i+1,j+1]<-1
for (i in 0:m){
for (j in 0:n)if(i*j==0)umat[i+1,j+1]<-cmat[i+1,j+1]
else umat[i+1,j+1]<-cmat[i+1,j+1]*(umat[i+1,j]+umat[i,j+1])

#    Compute significance level of the weighted
#    Kolmogorov-Smirnov test statistic
#    m=sample size of first group
#    n=sample size of second group
#    val=observed value of test statistic
  for (i in 1:m-1){
    for (j in 1:n-1)cmat[i+1,j+1]<-abs(i/m-j/n)*sqrt(m*n/((i+j)*(1-(i+j)/mpn)))
  for (i in 0:m){
    for (j in 0:n)if(i*j==0)umat[i+1,j+1]<-cmat[i+1,j+1]
    else umat[i+1,j+1]<-cmat[i+1,j+1]*(umat[i+1,j]+umat[i,j+1])

Mks.test.handler <- function(w)
    #suppress the following warning:
    #In ks.test() :
    # p-values will be approximate in the presence of ties
    if( any( grepl( "ties", w) ) )
      invokeRestart( "muffleWarning" )

    #invoke as:
    #withCallingHandlers( ks.test(round(x1), round(x2)), warning = Mks.test.handler )

Mks.test <- function(...)
    RVAL <- withCallingHandlers( ks.test(...), warning = Mks.test.handler )

Mt.test  <- function(Tr, Co, weights)
    v1  <- Tr-Co
    estimate  <- sum(v1*weights)/sum(weights)
    var1  <- sum( ((v1-estimate)^2)*weights )/( sum(weights)*sum(weights) )

    parameter  <- Inf

    #get rid of NA for t.test!
    if (estimate==0 & var1==0)
        statistic = 0        
        p.value = 1
      }  else {
        statistic  <- estimate/sqrt(var1)
        p.value    <- (1-MATCHpt(abs(statistic), df=sum(weights)-1))*2

    z  <- list(statistic=statistic, parameter=parameter, p.value=p.value,
  } #end of Mt.test

Mt.test.unpaired  <- function(Tr, Co,
    obs.Tr <- sum(weights.Tr)
    obs.Co <- sum(weights.Co)
    mean.Tr <- sum(Tr*weights.Tr)/obs.Tr
    mean.Co <- sum(Co*weights.Co)/obs.Co
    estimate <- mean.Tr-mean.Co
    var.Tr  <- sum( ( (Tr - mean.Tr)^2 )*weights.Tr)/(obs.Tr-1)
    var.Co  <- sum( ( (Co - mean.Co)^2 )*weights.Co)/(obs.Co-1)
    dim <- sqrt(var.Tr/obs.Tr + var.Co/obs.Co)

    parameter  <- Inf

    #get rid of NA for t.test!
    if (estimate==0 & dim==0)
        statistic = 0
        p.value = 1
      }  else {
        statistic  <- estimate/dim

        a1 <- var.Tr/obs.Tr
        a2 <- var.Co/obs.Co
        dof <- ((a1 + a2)^2)/( (a1^2)/(obs.Tr - 1) + (a2^2)/(obs.Co - 1) )    
        p.value    <- (1-MATCHpt(abs(statistic), df=dof))*2

    z  <- list(statistic=statistic, parameter=parameter, p.value=p.value,
  } #end of Mt.test.unpaired

MatchBalance <- function(formul, data=NULL, match.out=NULL, ks=TRUE, 
                         nboots=500, weights=NULL,
                         digits=5, paired=TRUE, print.level=1)
    if(!is.list(match.out) & !is.null(match.out)) {
      warning("'Match' object contains no valid matches")
      match.out  <- NULL

    if ((!inherits(match.out, "Match")) & (!inherits(match.out, "Matchby")) & (!is.null(match.out)) ) {
      warning("Object not of class 'Match'")
      match.out  <- NULL

    orig.na.action <- as.character(options("na.action"))
    if (is.null(data))
        xdata <- as.data.frame(get.xdata(formul,datafr=environment(formul)))
        Tr <- as.double(get.ydata(formul,datafr=environment(formul)))

      } else {
        data  <- as.data.frame(data)

        xdata  <- as.data.frame(get.xdata(formul, data))
        Tr  <- as.double(get.ydata(formul, data))

    if (is.null(weights))
      weights <- rep(1,length(Tr))

      stop("'weights' must be a numeric vector")

    if( sum(is.na(xdata))!=0 | sum(is.na(Tr))!=0)

        if(orig.na.action!="na.omit" & orig.na.action!="na.exclude" & orig.na.action!="na.fail")
          warning("'na.action' should be set to 'na.omit', 'na.exclude' or 'na.fail' see 'help(na.action)'")

        if (orig.na.action=="na.fail")
            stop("NA's found in data input.")            
          } else {

        indx1 <- apply(is.na(xdata),1,sum)==0 & is.na(Tr)==0
        Tr <- Tr[indx1]
        xdata = xdata[indx1,]
        weights <- weights[indx1]
      } #end of na

    if (sum(Tr !=1 & Tr !=0) > 0) {
      stop("Treatment indicator must be a logical variable---i.e., TRUE (1) or FALSE (0)")

    nvars  <- ncol(xdata)
    names.xdata  <- names(xdata)

    findx  <- 1
    if (sum(xdata[,1]==rep(1,nrow(xdata)))==nrow(xdata))
        findx  <- 2

    if(nboots < 10 & nboots > 0)
      nboots <- 10
    if (ks)
        ks.bm <- KSbootBalanceSummary(index.treated=(Tr==0),

        if (!is.null(match.out))
            ks.am <- KSbootBalanceSummary(index.treated=match.out$index.treated,

    BeforeMatchingBalance <- list()
    AfterMatchingBalance <- list()

    BMsmallest.p.value <- 1
    BMsmallest.number <- 1
    BMsmallest.name <- names.xdata[findx]

    AMsmallest.p.value <- NULL
    AMsmallest.number <- NULL
    AMsmallest.name <- NULL
    if (!is.null(match.out))
        AMsmallest.p.value <- 1
        AMsmallest.number <- 1
        AMsmallest.name <- names.xdata[findx]        

    for( i in findx:nvars)
        count <- i-findx+1
        if(print.level > 0)
          cat("\n***** (V",count,") ", names.xdata[i]," *****\n",sep="")
        ks.do  <- FALSE
        is.dummy  <- length(unique( xdata[,i] )) < 3
        if (ks & !is.dummy)
          ks.do  <- TRUE

        BeforeMatchingBalance[[count]]  <-  balanceUV(xdata[,i][Tr==1], xdata[,i][Tr==0], nboots=0,
                                                      weights.Tr=weights[Tr==1], weights.Co=weights[Tr==0],
        if (BeforeMatchingBalance[[count]]$tt$p.value < BMsmallest.p.value)
            BMsmallest.p.value <- BeforeMatchingBalance[[count]]$tt$p.value
            BMsmallest.number <- count
            BMsmallest.name <- names.xdata[i]            
          } else if (BeforeMatchingBalance[[count]]$tt$p.value == BMsmallest.p.value)
              BMsmallest.number <- c(BMsmallest.number,count)
              BMsmallest.name <- c(BMsmallest.name,names.xdata[i])
        if (ks.do)
            BeforeMatchingBalance[[count]]$ks <- list()
            BeforeMatchingBalance[[count]]$ks$ks <- list()
            BeforeMatchingBalance[[count]]$ks$ks$p.value <- ks.bm$ks.naive.pval[count]
            BeforeMatchingBalance[[count]]$ks$ks$statistic <- ks.bm$ks.stat[count]              
            if (nboots > 0)
                BeforeMatchingBalance[[count]]$ks$ks.boot.pvalue <- ks.bm$ks.boot.pval[count]

                if (ks.bm$ks.boot.pval[count] < BMsmallest.p.value)
                    BMsmallest.p.value <- ks.bm$ks.boot.pval[count]
                    BMsmallest.number <- count
                    BMsmallest.name <- names.xdata[i]            
                  } else if ( (ks.bm$ks.boot.pval[count] == BMsmallest.p.value) & (sum(BMsmallest.number==count)==0) )
                      BMsmallest.number <- c(BMsmallest.number,count)
                      BMsmallest.name <- c(BMsmallest.name,names.xdata[i])
              } else {
                BeforeMatchingBalance[[count]]$ks$ks.boot.pvalue <- NA

                if (ks.bm$ks.naive.pval[count] < BMsmallest.p.value)
                    BMsmallest.p.value <- ks.bm$ks.naive.pval[count]
                    BMsmallest.number <- count
                    BMsmallest.name <- names.xdata[i]            
                  } else if ( (ks.bm$ks.naive.pval[count] == BMsmallest.p.value) & (sum(BMsmallest.number==count)==0) )
                      BMsmallest.number <- c(BMsmallest.number,count)
                      BMsmallest.name <- c(BMsmallest.name,names.xdata[i])
          } else {
            BeforeMatchingBalance[[count]]$ks <- NULL
        if (!is.null(match.out))
            AfterMatchingBalance[[count]]  <- balanceUV(xdata[,i][match.out$index.treated],
                                                        weights=match.out$weights, nboots=0,
                                                        paired=paired, match=TRUE)
            if (AfterMatchingBalance[[count]]$tt$p.value < AMsmallest.p.value)
                AMsmallest.p.value <- AfterMatchingBalance[[count]]$tt$p.value
                AMsmallest.number <- count
                AMsmallest.name <- names.xdata[i]            
              } else if ( (AfterMatchingBalance[[count]]$tt$p.value == AMsmallest.p.value) & (sum(AMsmallest.number==count)==0) )
                      AMsmallest.number <- c(AMsmallest.number,count)
                      AMsmallest.name <- c(AMsmallest.name,names.xdata[i])
            if (ks.do)
                AfterMatchingBalance[[count]]$ks <- list()
                AfterMatchingBalance[[count]]$ks$ks <- list()
                AfterMatchingBalance[[count]]$ks$ks$p.value <- ks.am$ks.naive.pval[count]
                AfterMatchingBalance[[count]]$ks$ks$statistic <- ks.am$ks.stat[count]
                if (nboots > 0)
                    AfterMatchingBalance[[count]]$ks$ks.boot.pvalue <- ks.am$ks.boot.pval[count]

                    if (ks.am$ks.boot.pval[count] < AMsmallest.p.value)
                        AMsmallest.p.value <- ks.am$ks.boot.pval[count]
                        AMsmallest.number <- count
                        AMsmallest.name <- names.xdata[i]            
                      } else if ( (ks.am$ks.boot.pval[count] == AMsmallest.p.value) & (sum(AMsmallest.number==count)==0) )
                          AMsmallest.number <- c(AMsmallest.number,count)
                          AMsmallest.name <- c(AMsmallest.name,names.xdata[i])
                  } else {
                    AfterMatchingBalance[[count]]$ks$ks.boot.pvalue <- NA

                    if (ks.am$ks.naive.pval[count] < AMsmallest.p.value)
                        AMsmallest.p.value <- ks.am$ks.naive.pval[count]
                        AMsmallest.number <- count
                        AMsmallest.name <- names.xdata[i]            
                      } else if ( (ks.am$ks.naive.pval[count] == AMsmallest.p.value) & (sum(AMsmallest.number==count)==0) )
                          AMsmallest.number <- c(AMsmallest.number,count)
                          AMsmallest.name <- c(AMsmallest.name,names.xdata[i])
              } else {
                AfterMatchingBalance[[count]]$ks <- NULL
            if(print.level > 0)
              PrintBalanceUV(BeforeMatchingBalance[[count]], AfterMatchingBalance[[count]], digits=digits)
          } else {
            if(print.level > 0)
                cat("before matching:\n")
                summary(BeforeMatchingBalance[[count]], digits=digits)
          } #end of if match.out
      } #end of for loop
    if(print.level & ( (nvars-findx+1) > 1))

        if (BMsmallest.p.value < 1)
            cat("Before Matching Minimum p.value:", format.pval(BMsmallest.p.value, digits=digits),"\n")
            cat("Variable Name(s):",BMsmallest.name, " Number(s):",BMsmallest.number,"\n\n")
          } else {
            cat("Before Matching Minimum p.value: 1\n\n")

        if (!is.null(match.out))
            if(AMsmallest.p.value < 1)
                cat("After Matching Minimum p.value:", format.pval(AMsmallest.p.value, digits=digits),"\n")
                cat("Variable Name(s):",AMsmallest.name, " Number(s):",AMsmallest.number,"\n\n")
              } else {
                cat("After Matching Minimum p.value: 1\n\n")
          } #end of !is.null(match.out)
      }#end of print.level & (nvars > 1)
  } #end of MatchBalance

get.xdata <- function(formul, datafr) {
  t1 <- terms(formul, data=datafr);
  if (length(attr(t1, "term.labels"))==0 & attr(t1, "intercept")==0) {
    m <- NULL;  # no regressors specified for the model matrix
  } else {
    m <- model.matrix(formul, data=datafr, drop.unused.levels = TRUE)

# get.ydata:
# Return response vector corresponding to the formula in formul
get.ydata <- function(formul, datafr) {
  t1 <- terms(formul, data=datafr);
  if (length(attr(t1, "response"))==0) {
    m <- NULL;  # no response variable specified
  }  else {
    m <- model.response(model.frame(formul, data=datafr))

# bootstrap ks test implemented.  Fast version

ks.boot  <- function(Tr, Co, nboots=1000, alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater"), print.level=0)
    alternative <- match.arg(alternative)
    tol <- sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)
    Tr <- Tr[!is.na(Tr)]
    Co <- Co[!is.na(Co)]

    w    <- c(Tr, Co)
    obs  <- length(w)
    n.x <- length(Tr)
    n.y <- length(Co)
    cutp <- n.x
    ks.boot.pval <- NULL
    bbcount <- 0

    if (nboots < 10)
        nboots  <- 10
        warning("At least 10 'nboots' must be run; seting 'nboots' to 10")

    if (nboots < 500)
      warning("For publication quality p-values it is recommended that 'nboots'\n be set equal to at least 500 (preferably 1000)") 
    fs.ks  <- Mks.test(Tr, Co, alternative=alternative)    

    if (alternative=="two.sided")
        if (print.level > 0)
          cat("ks.boot: two.sided test\n")
        for (bb in 1:nboots)
            if (print.level > 1)
              cat("s:", bb, "\n")
            sindx  <- sample(1:obs, obs, replace=TRUE)
            X1tmp <- w[sindx[1:cutp]]
            X2tmp <- w[sindx[(cutp+1):obs]]
            s.ks <- ks.fast(X1tmp, X2tmp, n.x=n.x, n.y=n.y, n=obs)
            if (s.ks >= (fs.ks$statistic - tol) )
              bbcount  <- bbcount + 1
      } else {
        if (print.level > 0)
        for (bb in 1:nboots)
            if (print.level > 1)
              cat("s:", bb, "\n")
            sindx  <- sample(1:obs, obs, replace=TRUE)
            X1tmp <- w[sindx[1:cutp]]
            X2tmp <- w[sindx[(cutp+1):obs]]
            s.ks <- Mks.test(X1tmp, X2tmp, alternative=alternative)$statistic
            if (s.ks >= (fs.ks$statistic - tol) )
              bbcount  <- bbcount + 1                                
    ks.boot.pval  <- bbcount/nboots
    ret  <- list(ks.boot.pvalue=ks.boot.pval, ks=fs.ks, nboots=nboots)
    class(ret)  <- "ks.boot"
  } #end of ks.boot

summary.ks.boot <- function(object, ..., digits=5)
    if(!is.list(object)) {
      warning("object not a valid 'ks.boot' object")

    if (!inherits(object,  "ks.boot")) {
      warning("Object not of class 'ks.boot'")
    cat("Bootstrap p-value:    ", format.pval(object$ks.boot.pvalue, digits=digits), "\n")
    cat("Naive p-value:        ", format(object$ks$p.value, digits=digits), "\n")
    cat("Full Sample Statistic:", format(object$ks$statistic, digits=digits), "\n")
#    cat("nboots completed      ", object$nboots, "\n")

    z <- list()
    class(z) <- "summary.ks.boot"
  } #end of summary.ks.boot

print.summary.ks.boot <- function(x, ...)

RmatchLoop <- function(Y, Tr, X, Z, V, All, M, BiasAdj, Weight, Weight.matrix, Var.calc, weight,
                       SAMPLE, ccc, cdd, ecaliper=NULL, exact=NULL, caliper=NULL, restrict=NULL,
                       MatchLoopC.indx=NULL, weights.flag, replace=TRUE, ties=TRUE,
                       version="standard", MatchbyAI=FALSE)
    s1 <- MatchGenoudStage1caliper(Tr=Tr, X=X, All=All, M=M, weights=weight,
                                   exact=exact, caliper=caliper,

    sum.caliper.drops <- 0
    X.orig <- X

#are we using the restriction matrix?
    if(is.matrix(restrict)) {
      restrict.trigger <- TRUE
    } else {
      restrict.trigger <- FALSE
# if SATC is to be estimated the treatment indicator is reversed    
    if (All==2)
      Tr <- 1-Tr

# check on the number of matches, to make sure the number is within the limits
# feasible given the number of observations in both groups.
    if (All==1)
        M <- min(M,min(sum(Tr),sum(1-Tr)));        
      } else {
        M <- min(M,sum(1-Tr));

# two slippage parameters that are used to determine whether distances are equal
# distances less than ccc or cdd are interpeted as zero.
# these are passed in.  ccc, cdd

# I. set up
# I.a. vector for which observations we want the average effect
# iot_t is the vector with weights in the average treatment effects
# iot_c is the vector of indicators for potential controls

    if (All==1)
        iot.t <- weight;
        iot.c <- as.matrix(rep(1,length(Tr)))
      } else {
        iot.t <- Tr*weight;
        iot.c <- 1-Tr    

# I.b. determine sample and covariate vector sizes
    N  <- nrow(X)
    Kx <- ncol(X)
    Kz <- ncol(Z)

# K covariates
# N observations
#    Nt <- sum(Tr)
#    Nc <- sum(1-Tr)
#    on <- as.matrix(rep(1,N))

# I.c. normalize regressors to have mean zero and unit variance.
# If the standard deviation of a variable is zero, its normalization
# leads to a variable with all zeros.
# The matrix AA enables one to transform the user supplied weight matrix 
# to take account of this transformation.  BUT THIS IS NOT USED!!
# Mu_X and Sig_X keep track of the original mean and variances
#    AA    <- diag(Kx)
    Mu.X  <- matrix(0, Kx, 1)
    Sig.X <- matrix(0, Kx, 1)

    for (k in 1:Kx)
        Mu.X[k,1] <- sum(X[,k]*weight)/sum(weight)
        eps <- X[,k]-Mu.X[k,1]
        Sig.X[k,1] <- sqrt(max(ccc, sum(X[,k]*X[,k]*weight))/sum(weight)-Mu.X[k,1]^2)
        Sig.X[k,1] <- Sig.X[k,1]*sqrt(N/(N-1))
        if(Sig.X[k,1] < ccc)
          Sig.X[k,1] <- ccc        
#        AA[k,k]=Sig.X[k,1]
      } #end of k loop

#    Nv <- nrow(V)
    Mv <- ncol(V)
    Mu.V  <- matrix(0, Mv, 1)
    Sig.V <- matrix(0, Mv, 1)

    for (j in 1:Mv)
        Mu.V[j,1]= ( t(V[,j])%*%weight ) /sum(weight)
#        dv <- V[,j]-Mu.V[j,1]
        sv <- sum(V[,j]*V[,j]*weight)/sum(weight)-Mu.V[j,1]^2
        if (sv > 0)
            sv <- sqrt(sv)
          } else {
            sv <- 0
        sv <- sv * sqrt(N/(N-1))
        Sig.V[j,1] <- sv
      } #end of j loop

# I.d. define weight matrix for metric, taking into account normalization of
# regressors.
# If the eigenvalues of the regressors are too close to zero the Mahalanobis metric
# is not used and we revert back to the default inverse of variances.
    if (Weight==1)
      } else if (Weight==2) {
        if (min (eigen( t(X)%*%X/N, only.values=TRUE)$values) > 0.0000001)
            Weight.matrix= solve(t(X)%*%X/N)
          } else {
            Weight.matrix <- diag(Kx)
      # DO NOT RESCALE THE Weight.matrix!!
      #else if (Weight==3)
      #  {
      #    Weight.matrix <- AA %*% Weight.matrix %*% AA
      #  }

#    if (exact==1)
#      {
#        Weight.matrix <- cbind(Weight.matrix, matrix(0,nrow=Kx,ncol=Mv))
#        Weight.matrix <- rbind(Weight.matrix, cbind(matrix(0,nrow=Mv,ncol=Kx),
#                               1000*solve(diag(as.vector(Sig.V*Sig.V), nrow=length(Sig.V)))))
#        Weight.matrix <- as.matrix(Weight.matrix)
#        X <- cbind(X,V)
#        Mu.X  <- rbind(Mu.X, matrix(0, nrow(Mu.V), 1))
#        Sig.X <- rbind(Sig.X, matrix(1, nrow(Sig.V), 1))
#      } #end of exact

    if ( min(eigen(Weight.matrix, only.values=TRUE)$values) < ccc )
      Weight.matrix <- Weight.matrix + diag(Kx)*ccc

    ww <- chol(Weight.matrix) # so that ww*ww=w.m

        caliperflag <- 0
        use.ecaliper <- 0
      } else {
        caliperflag <- 1
        use.ecaliper <- s1$ecaliper

    #if we have a diagonal matrix we can void cblas_dgemm
    if (Kx > 1)
        DiagWeightMatrixFlag <- as.double(sum( (Weight.matrix!=diag(diag(Weight.matrix))) )==0)
      } else {
        DiagWeightMatrixFlag <- 1

    # 1] I (unadjusted); 2] IM (unadjusted); 3] weight; 4] I (adjusted); 5] IM (adjusted)
            MatchLoopC.indx <- MatchLoopC(N=s1$N, xvars=Kx, All=s1$All, M=s1$M,
                                          cdd=cdd, caliperflag=caliperflag, replace=replace, ties=ties,
                                          ww=ww, Tr=s1$Tr, Xmod=s1$X,
                                          CaliperVec=use.ecaliper, Xorig=X.orig,
                                          restrict.trigger=restrict.trigger, restrict=restrict,
          } else {
            MatchLoopC.indx <- MatchLoopCfast(N=s1$N, xvars=Kx, All=s1$All, M=s1$M,
                                              cdd=cdd, caliperflag=caliperflag, replace=replace, ties=ties,
                                              ww=ww, Tr=s1$Tr, Xmod=s1$X,
                                              CaliperVec=use.ecaliper, Xorig=X.orig,
                                              restrict.trigger=restrict.trigger, restrict=restrict,

    indx <- MatchLoopC.indx

        ret <- list()
        ret$valid <- 0
        if (caliperflag)
            ret$sum.caliper.drops <- indx[1,6]
          } else {
            ret$sum.caliper.drops <- 0
    #we now keep going if we only have 1 valid match
    #else if (nrow(indx)< 2)
    #  {
    #    ret <- list()
    #    ret$valid <- 1
    #    if (caliperflag)
    #      {
    #        ret$sum.caliper.drops <- indx[1,6]
    #      } else {
    #        ret$sum.caliper.drops <- 0
    #      }
    #    return(ret)
    #  }
    if (All==2)
        foo <- indx[,5]
        indx[,5] <- indx[,4]
        indx[,4] <- foo

    if (caliperflag)
        sum.caliper.drops <- indx[1,6]
      } else {
        sum.caliper.drops <- 0

    # Generate variables which we need later on

    I <- indx[,1]
    IT <- Tr[indx[,1]]
    IM <- indx[,2]

#    IX <- X[indx[,1],]
#    Xt <- X[indx[,4],]
#    Xc <- X[indx[,5],]

#    IY <- Y[indx[,1]]
    Yt <- Y[indx[,4]]
    Yc <- Y[indx[,5]]

    W <- indx[,3]
    if(BiasAdj==1 & sum(W) < ncol(Z))
        warning("Fewer (weighted) matches than variables in 'Z': BiasAdjust set to FALSE")

        if(sum(W) < ncol(Z))
            warning("Fewer matches than variables for Bias Adjustment")
        IZ <- Z[indx[,1],]
        Zt <- Z[indx[,4],]
        Zc <- Z[indx[,5],]

    est.func <- function(N, All, Tr, indx, weight, BiasAdj, Kz)
        Kcount <- as.matrix(rep(0, N))    
        KKcount <- as.matrix(rep(0, N))
        YCAUS <- matrix(0, nrow=N, ncol=1)

        if (BiasAdj==1)
            ZCAUS <- matrix(0, nrow=N, ncol=Kz)
          } else {
            ZCAUS <- NULL
        for (i in 1:N)
            if ( ( Tr[i]==1 & All!=1) | All==1 )

                foo.indx <- indx[,1]==i
                foo.indx2 <- foo.indx
                sum.foo <- sum(foo.indx)
                if (sum.foo < 1)
                foo <- rep(FALSE, N)
                foo.indx <- indx[foo.indx,2]
                foo[foo.indx] <- rep(TRUE,sum.foo)

                #   inner.func <- function(N, weight, indx, foo.indx2, Y, Tr, foo)
                Kcount <- Kcount + weight[i] * weight*foo/sum(foo*weight)
                KKcount <- KKcount + weight[i]*weight*weight*foo/
                foo.indx2.2 <- indx[foo.indx2,2];
                foo.indx2.3 <- indx[foo.indx2,3];
                sum.foo.indx2.3 <- sum(foo.indx2.3)

                    YCAUS[i] <- Y[i] - sum((Y[foo.indx2.2]*foo.indx2.3))/sum.foo.indx2.3
                  } else {
                    YCAUS[i] <- sum((Y[foo.indx2.2]*foo.indx2.3))/sum.foo.indx2.3 - Y[i]

                if (BiasAdj==1)
                        if (sum.foo > 1)
                            ZCAUS[i,] <-
                              Z[i,] - t(Z[foo.indx2.2,]) %*% foo.indx2.3/sum.foo.indx2.3
                          } else {
                            ZCAUS[i,] <-
                              Z[i,] - Z[foo.indx2.2,]*foo.indx2.3/sum.foo.indx2.3
                      } else {
                        if (sum.foo > 1)
                            ZCAUS[i,] <- t(Z[foo.indx2.2,]) %*% foo.indx2.3/sum.foo.indx2.3 - Z[i,]
                          } else {
                            ZCAUS[i,] <- Z[foo.indx2.2,]*foo.indx2.3/sum.foo.indx2.3 - Z[i,]
                  } #endof BiasAdj
          } #end of if
      } #end of est.func
    if(version=="standard" & BiasAdj==0)
        ret <- .Call("EstFuncC", as.integer(N), as.integer(All), as.integer(nrow(indx)),
                     as.double(Y), as.double(Tr),
                     as.double(weight), as.double(indx),
        YCAUS <- ret[,1];
        Kcount <- ret[,2];
        KKcount <- ret[,3];
      } else if (version=="standard") {
        ret.est <- est.func(N=N, All=All, Tr=Tr, indx=indx, weight=weight, BiasAdj=BiasAdj, Kz=Kz)
        YCAUS <- ret.est$YCAUS
        ZCAUS <- ret.est$ZCAUS
        Kcount <- ret.est$Kcount
        KKcount <- ret.est$KKcount

    if (All!=1)
        I  <- as.matrix(I[IT==1])
        IT <- as.matrix(IT[IT==1])
        Yc <- as.matrix(Yc[IT==1])
        Yt <- as.matrix(Yt[IT==1])
        W  <- as.matrix(W[IT==1])
        if (BiasAdj==1)
            if (Kz > 1)
                Zc <- as.matrix(Zc[IT==1,])
                Zt <- as.matrix(Zt[IT==1,])
                IZ <- as.matrix(IZ[IT==1,])
              } else{
                Zc <- as.matrix(Zc[IT==1])
                Zt <- as.matrix(Zt[IT==1])
                IZ <- as.matrix(IZ[IT==1])            
#        IM <- as.matrix(IM[IT==1,])
#        IY <- as.matrix(IY[IT==1])
#        IX.u  <- as.matrix(IX.u[IT==1,])
#        Xc.u  <- as.matrix(Xc.u[IT==1,])
#        Xt.u  <- as.matrix(Xt.u[IT==1,])
#        Xc    <- as.matrix(Xc[IT==1,])
#        Xt <- as.matrix(Xt[IT==1,])
      } #end of if
    if (length(I) < 1)
    if (BiasAdj==1)
        # III. Regression of outcome on covariates for matches
        if (All==1)
            # number of observations
            NNt <- nrow(Z)
            # add intercept        
            ZZt <- cbind(rep(1, NNt), Z)
            # number of covariates
            Kx <- ncol(ZZt)
            xw <- ZZt*(sqrt(Tr*Kcount) %*% t(as.matrix(rep(1,Kx))))
            foo <- min(eigen(t(xw)%*%xw, only.values=TRUE)$values)
            foo <- as.double(foo<=ccc)
            foo2 <- apply(xw, 2, sd)

            options(show.error.messages = FALSE)
            wout <- NULL
            try(wout <- solve( t(xw) %*% xw + diag(Kx) * ccc * (foo) * max(foo2)) %*%
                (t(xw) %*% (Y*sqrt(Tr*Kcount))))
                wout2 <- NULL
                try(wout2 <- ginv( t(xw) %*% xw + diag(Kx) * ccc * (foo) * max(foo2)) %*%
                    (t(xw) %*% (Y*sqrt(Tr*Kcount))))
                    wout <-wout2
                    warning("using generalized inverse to calculate Bias Adjustment probably because of singular 'Z'")
            options(show.error.messages = TRUE)
                warning("unable to calculate Bias Adjustment probably because of singular 'Z'")
                BiasAdj <- 0
              } else {
                NW <- nrow(wout)
#                KW <- ncol(wout)
                Alphat <- wout[2:NW,1]
          } else {
            Alphat <- matrix(0, nrow=Kz, ncol=1)
          } #end if ALL

        # III.b.  Controls
        NNc <- nrow(Z)
        ZZc <- cbind(matrix(1, nrow=NNc, ncol=1),Z)
        Kx <- ncol(ZZc)
        xw <- ZZc*(sqrt((1-Tr)*Kcount) %*% matrix(1, nrow=1, ncol=Kx))
        foo <- min(eigen(t(xw)%*%xw, only.values=TRUE)$values)
        foo <- as.double(foo<=ccc)
        foo2 <- apply(xw, 2, sd)

        options(show.error.messages = FALSE)
        wout <- NULL        
        try(wout <- solve( t(xw) %*% xw + diag(Kx) * ccc * (foo) * max(foo2)) %*%
            (t(xw) %*% (Y*sqrt((1-Tr)*Kcount))))
            wout2 <- NULL
            try(wout2 <- ginv( t(xw) %*% xw + diag(Kx) * ccc * (foo) * max(foo2)) %*%
                (t(xw) %*% (Y*sqrt((1-Tr)*Kcount))))
                wout <-wout2
                warning("using generalized inverse to calculate Bias Adjustment probably because of singular 'Z'")
        options(show.error.messages = TRUE)
            warning("unable to calculate Bias Adjustment probably because of singular 'Z'")
            BiasAdj <- 0
          } else {
            NW <- nrow(wout)
#            KW <- ncol(wout)
            Alphac <- as.matrix(wout[2:NW,1])

        # III.c. adjust matched outcomes using regression adjustment for bias adjusted matching estimator
        IZ <- as.matrix(IZ)
        Zc <- as.matrix(Zc)
        Zt <- as.matrix(Zt)
        Alphat <- as.matrix(Alphat)

        SCAUS <- YCAUS-Tr*(ZCAUS %*% Alphac)-(1-Tr)*(ZCAUS %*% Alphat)
        # adjusted control outcome
        Yc.adj <- Yc+BiasAdj * (IZ-Zc) %*% Alphac
        # adjusted treated outcome
        Yt.adj <- Yt+BiasAdj*(IZ-Zt) %*% Alphat
        Tau.i <- Yt.adj - Yc.adj
      } else {
        Yc.adj <- Yc
        Yt.adj <- Yt
        Tau.i <- Yt.adj - Yc.adj        
    art.data <- cbind(I,IM)

    # III. If conditional variance is needed, initialize variance vector
    # and loop through all observations

    if (Var.calc>0)
        #For R version of this function see Matching version < 4.5-0008
        Sigs <- VarCalcMatchC(N=N, xvars=ncol(X), Var.calc=Var.calc,
                              cdd=cdd, caliperflag=caliperflag, 
                              ww=ww, Tr=Tr, Xmod=s1$X,
                              CaliperVec=use.ecaliper, Xorig=X.orig,
                              restrict.trigger=restrict.trigger, restrict=restrict,
                              Y=Y, weightFlag=weights.flag, weight=weight)            
      } #end of var.calc > 0

    est <- t(W) %*% Tau.i/sum(W) # matching estimator

        if (Var.calc==0)
            eps <- Tau.i - as.double(est)
            eps.sq <- eps*eps
            Sigs <- 0.5 * matrix(1, N, 1) %*% (t(eps.sq) %*% W)/sum(W) #sss <- sqrt(Sigs[1,1])
          } #end of Var.calc==0
        SN <- sum(iot.t)
        var.sample <- sum((Sigs*(iot.t+iot.c*Kcount)*(iot.t+iot.c*Kcount))/(SN*SN))
        if (All==1)
            var.pop <- sum((Sigs*(iot.c*Kcount*Kcount+2*iot.c*Kcount-iot.c*KKcount))/(SN*SN))
          } else {
        if (BiasAdj==1)
            dvar.pop <- sum(iot.t*(SCAUS-as.double(est))*(SCAUS-as.double(est)))/(SN*SN)
          } else {
            dvar.pop <- sum(iot.t*(YCAUS-as.double(est))*(YCAUS-as.double(est)))/(SN*SN)
        var.pop <- var.pop + dvar.pop
        if (SAMPLE==1)
            var <- var.sample
          } else {
            #var <- max(var.sample, var.pop)
            var <- var.pop
        var.cond <- max(var.sample,var.pop)-var.sample
        se <- sqrt(var)
        se.cond <- sqrt(var.cond)
        #Sig <- sqrt(Sigs)        
      } else {
    if (All==2)
      est <- -1*est

#    if (exact==1)
#      {
#        Vt.u <- Xt.u[,(Kx-Mv+1):Kx]
#        Vc.u <- Xc.u[,(Kx-Mv+1):Kx]
#        Vdif <- abs(Vt.u-Vc.u)
#        if (Mv>1)
#          Vdif <- as.matrix(apply(t(Vdif), 2, sum))
#        em[1,1] <- length(Vdif)
#        em[2,1] <- sum(Vdif>0.000001)
#      }#end of exact==1

        return(list(est=est, se=se, se.cond=se.cond, W=W,
      } else {
          Sigs <- NULL
        return(list(est=est, se=se, se.cond=se.cond, W=W,
                    YCAUS=YCAUS, Kcount=Kcount, KKcount=KKcount,
  }# end of RmatchLoop

MatchLoopC <- function(N, xvars, All, M, cdd, caliperflag, replace, ties, ww, Tr, Xmod, weights, CaliperVec, Xorig,
                       restrict.trigger, restrict, DiagWeightMatrixFlag)

        restrict.nrow <- nrow(restrict)
      } else {
        restrict.nrow <- 0

    ret <- .Call("MatchLoopC", as.integer(N), as.integer(xvars), as.integer(All), as.integer(M),
                 as.double(cdd), as.integer(caliperflag), as.integer(replace), as.integer(ties),
                 as.double(ww), as.double(Tr),
                 as.double(Xmod), as.double(weights), as.double(CaliperVec), as.double(Xorig),
                 as.integer(restrict.trigger), as.integer(restrict.nrow), as.double(restrict),
  } #end of MatchLoopC

MatchLoopCfast <- function(N, xvars, All, M, cdd, caliperflag, replace, ties, ww, Tr, Xmod, CaliperVec,
                           Xorig, restrict.trigger, restrict, DiagWeightMatrixFlag)

        restrict.nrow <- nrow(restrict)
      } else {
        restrict.nrow <- 0
    ret <- .Call("MatchLoopCfast", as.integer(N), as.integer(xvars), as.integer(All), as.integer(M),
                 as.double(cdd), as.integer(caliperflag), as.integer(replace), as.integer(ties),
                 as.double(ww), as.double(Tr),
                 as.double(Xmod), as.double(CaliperVec), as.double(Xorig),
                 as.integer(restrict.trigger), as.integer(restrict.nrow), as.double(restrict),
  } #end of MatchLoopCfast

VarCalcMatchC <- function(N, xvars, Var.calc, cdd, caliperflag, ww, Tr, Xmod, CaliperVec,
                          Xorig, restrict.trigger, restrict, DiagWeightMatrixFlag,
                          Y, weightFlag, weight)

        restrict.nrow <- nrow(restrict)
      } else {
        restrict.nrow <- 0
    ret <- .Call("VarCalcMatchC", as.integer(N), as.integer(xvars), as.integer(Var.calc),
                 as.double(cdd), as.integer(caliperflag), 
                 as.double(ww), as.double(Tr),
                 as.double(Xmod), as.double(CaliperVec), as.double(Xorig),
                 as.integer(restrict.trigger), as.integer(restrict.nrow), as.double(restrict),
                 as.integer(weightFlag), as.double(weight),
  } #end of VarCalcMatchC

.onAttach <- function( ... )
  MatchLib <- dirname(system.file(package = "Matching"))
  version <- packageDescription("Matching", lib.loc = MatchLib)$Version
  BuildDate <- packageDescription("Matching", lib.loc = MatchLib)$Date

  foo <- paste("## \n##  Matching (Version ", version, ", Build Date: ", BuildDate, ")\n", 
               "##  See https://www.jsekhon.com for additional documentation.\n",
               "##  Please cite software as:\n",
               "##   Jasjeet S. Sekhon. 2011. ``Multivariate and Propensity Score Matching\n",
               "##   Software with Automated Balance Optimization: The Matching package for R.''\n",
               "##   Journal of Statistical Software, 42(7): 1-52. \n##\n",
               sep = "")

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Matching documentation built on Sept. 14, 2023, 5:08 p.m.