
Defines functions sparseVector newSpVec newSpV sp2vec .sparseV2Mat spV2M Hilbert rsparsematrix bandSparse bdiag .bdiag .symDiagonal .trDiagonal .sparseDiagonal Diagonal spMatrix sparseMatrix Matrix

Documented in bandSparse bdiag .bdiag Diagonal Hilbert Matrix rsparsematrix .sparseDiagonal sparseMatrix sparseVector spMatrix .symDiagonal .trDiagonal

Matrix <- function(data = NA, nrow = 1, ncol = 1, byrow = FALSE,
                   dimnames = NULL, sparse = NULL,
                   doDiag = TRUE, forceCheck = FALSE)
    i.M <- i.sM <- i.dM <- i.sV <- i.m <- FALSE
    mnrow <- missing(nrow)
    mncol <- missing(ncol)
    if(isS4(data)) {
        cld <- getClassDef(class(data))
        i.M <- extends(cld, "Matrix")
        if(i.M) {
            i.sM <- extends(cld, "sparseMatrix")
            i.dM <- i.sM && extends(cld, "diagonalMatrix")
        } else if(extends(cld, "sparseVector")) {
            ## need to transmit missingness to 'spV2M'
            call. <- quote(spV2M(x = data, nrow =, ncol =, byrow = byrow))
                call.[[3L]] <- quote(nrow)
                call.[[4L]] <- quote(ncol)
            data <- eval(call.)
            i.M <- i.sM <- i.sV <- forceCheck <- TRUE
    } else {
        i.m <- is.matrix(data)
    if(!i.M) {
        ## validate non-Matrix 'data', throwing type errors _early_
        if(is.object(data)) {
                class(data) <- NULL # retaining 'dim'
                data <- as.vector(data)
        mode. <- mode(data)
        kind <- switch(mode., numeric = "d", logical = "l",
                       stop("invalid 'data'"))
    if(i.M || i.m) {
        ## 'data' is a Matrix or a numeric or logical matrix
        ## without a 'class' attribute
        if(!i.sV && !(mnrow && mncol && missing(byrow)))
            warning("'nrow', 'ncol', 'byrow' disregarded for [mM]atrix 'data'")
            dimnames(data) <- dimnames
            sparse <- sparseDefault(data)
        if(i.M) {
            ## return early in these cases:
                ## !doDiag has been documented to result in a coercion to
                ## symmetricMatrix; we must use diag2*() below because the
                ## "usual" as(<diagonalMatrix>, "(Csparse|unpacked)Matrix")
                ## inherits from triangularMatrix, _not_ symmetricMatrix
                       else if(sparse)
                           .diag2sparse(data, ".", "s", "C", "U")
                       else .diag2dense(data, ".", "s", FALSE, "U"))
                return(if(i.sM == sparse)
                       else if(sparse)
                           as(data, "CsparseMatrix")
                       else as(data, "unpackedMatrix"))
    } else {
        ## 'data' is a numeric or logical vector or non-matrix array
        ## without a 'class' attribute
        if(length(data) == 1L && !is.na(data) && data == 0 &&
           (is.null(sparse) || sparse)) {
            ## Matrix(0, ...): sparseMatrix unless sparse=FALSE
            ## MJ: we should _try_ to behave as R's do_matrix()
            ##     in the edge cases ... integer overflow is "OK"
            ##     since anyNA(Dim) is caught by validity methods
            if(mnrow == mncol) {
                nrow <- as.integer(nrow)
                ncol <- as.integer(ncol)
            } else if(mnrow) {
                ncol <- as.integer(ncol)
                if(ncol == 0L)
                    stop("data is too long")
                nrow <- as.integer(ceiling(1 / ncol))
            } else {
                nrow <- as.integer(nrow)
                if(nrow == 0L)
                    stop("data is too long")
                ncol <- as.integer(ceiling(1 / nrow))
            square <- nrow == ncol
                dimnames <- list(NULL, NULL)
            if(square && doDiag)
                return(new(paste0(kind, "diMatrix"),
                           Dim = c(nrow, ncol),
                           Dimnames = dimnames,
                           x = vector(mode., nrow)))
            data <- new(paste0(kind, if(square) "s" else "g", "CMatrix"),
                        Dim = c(nrow, ncol),
                        Dimnames = dimnames,
                        p = integer(ncol + 1))
            i.M <- i.sM <- sparse <- TRUE
        } else {
            ## usual case: vector|array->matrix
            data <- .External(Mmatrix,
                              data, nrow, ncol, byrow, dimnames, mnrow, mncol)
                sparse <- sparseDefault(data)
            i.m <- TRUE

    ## 'data' is a Matrix (but _not_ a diagonalMatrix) or a
    ## numeric or logical matrix without a 'class' attribute
    if(doDiag && isDiagonal(data))
        ## as(<[mM]atrix>, "diagonalMatrix") uses check = TRUE (a waste)
    if(i.m || i.sM != sparse) {
        data <- as(data, if(sparse) "CsparseMatrix" else "unpackedMatrix")
            ## as(<matrix>, "CsparseMatrix"), as(<matrix>, "unpackedMatrix")
            ## already check for symmetric, triangular structure
    if(!is(data, "generalMatrix"))
    else if(isSymmetric(data))
    else if(!(it <- isTriangular(data)))
    else if(attr(it, "kind") == "U")
    else tril(data)

sparseMatrix <- function(i, j, p, x, dims, dimnames,
                         symmetric = FALSE,
                         triangular = FALSE,
                         index1 = TRUE,
                         repr = c("C", "R", "T"),
                         check = TRUE,
                         use.last.ij = FALSE)
    if((m.i <- missing(i)) + (m.j <- missing(j)) + (m.p <- missing(p)) != 1L)
        stop("exactly one of 'i', 'j', and 'p' must be missing from call")
    if(symmetric && triangular)
        stop("use Diagonal() to construct diagonal (symmetric && triangular) sparse matrices")
    index1 <- as.logical(index1) # allowing {0,1}

    repr <- # keep in sync with toeplitz(<sparseVector>)
        ## NB: prior to 2020-05, we had 'giveCsparse' {T->"C" [default], F->"T"}
        ##     but no 'repr' ... the following is to remain backwards compatible
        else if(!missing(repr)) {
            warning("'giveCsparse' is deprecated; using 'repr' instead")
        ## } else {
        ##     repr <- if(giveCsparse) "C" else "T"
        ##     warning(gettextf("'giveCsparse' is deprecated; setting repr=\"%s\" for you", repr),
        ##             domain = NA)
        ## }
        } else if(giveCsparse) {
            ## NOT YET:
            ## warning("'giveCsparse' is deprecated; setting repr=\"C\" for you")
        } else {
            warning("'giveCsparse' is deprecated; setting repr=\"T\" for you")

    if(!m.p) {
        p <- as.integer(p)
        if((n.p <- length(p)) == 0L || anyNA(p) || p[1L] != 0L ||
           any((dp <- p[-1L] - p[-n.p]) < 0L))
            stop("'p' must be a nondecreasing vector c(0, ...)")
        if((n.dp <- length(dp)) > .Machine$integer.max)
            stop("dimensions cannot exceed 2^31-1")
        i. <- rep.int(seq.int(from = 0L, length.out = n.dp), dp)
        if(m.i) i <- i. else j <- i.

        i <- if(index1) as.integer(i) - 1L else as.integer(i) # need 0-index
        j <- if(index1) as.integer(j) - 1L else as.integer(j) # need 0-index

    rij <- cbind(if(n.i <- length(i)) range(i) else 0:-1,
                 if(n.j <- length(j)) range(j) else 0:-1,
                 deparse.level = 0L)
        stop("'i' and 'j' must not contain NA") # and not overflow
    if(any(rij[1L, ] < 0L))
        stop("'i' and 'j' must be ", if(index1) "positive" else "non-negative")
    dims <-
        if(!missing(dims)) {
            if(length(dims) != 2L ||
               any(is.na(dims) | dims < 0L | dims >= .Machine$integer.max + 1))
                stop("invalid 'dims'")
            if(any(dims - 1L < rij[2L, ]))
                stop("'dims' must contain all (i,j) pairs")
        } else if(symmetric || triangular)
            rep.int(max(rij), 2L) + 1L
        else rij[2L, ] + 1L

    kind <- if(m.x <- missing(x)) "n" else if(is.integer(x)) "d" else .M.kind(x)
    shape <-
        if(symmetric) {
            if(dims[1L] != dims[2L])
                stop("symmetric matrix must be square")
        } else if(triangular) {
            if(dims[1L] != dims[2L])
                stop("triangular matrix must be square")
        } else "g"

    r <- new(paste0(kind, shape, "TMatrix"))
    r@Dim <- dims
    if(!missing(dimnames) && !is.null(dimnames))
        r@Dimnames <-
            if(is.character(validDN(dimnames, dims)))
            else fixupDN(dimnames) # needs a valid argument
    if((symmetric || triangular) && all(i >= j))
        r@uplo <- "L" # else "U", the prototype
    if(!m.x) {
            x <- as.double(x)
        if((n.x <- length(x)) > 0L && n.x != n.i) {
            if(n.x < n.i) {
                if(n.i %% n.x != 0L)
                    warning(if(m.i) "p[length(p)] " else "length(i) ",
                            "is not an integer multiple of length(x)")
                x <- rep_len(x, n.i) # recycle
            } else if(n.x == 1L)
                x <- x[0L] # tolerate length(i) = 0, length(x) = 1
            else stop("length(x) must not exceed ",
                      if(m.i) "p[length(p)]" else "length(i)")
        if(use.last.ij && n.i == n.j &&
           anyDuplicated.matrix(ij <- cbind(i, j, deparse.level = 0L),
                                fromLast = TRUE)) {
            which.not.dup <- which(!duplicated(ij, fromLast = TRUE))
            i <- i[which.not.dup]
            j <- j[which.not.dup]
            x <- x[which.not.dup]
        r@x <- x
    r@i <- i
    r@j <- j

    switch(repr, "C" = .M2C(r), "T" = r, "R" = .M2R(r),
           ## should never happen:
           stop("invalid 'repr'; must be \"C\", \"R\", or \"T\""))

spMatrix <- function(nrow, ncol,
                     i = integer(0L), j = integer(0L), x = double(0L))
    new(paste0(if(is.integer(x)) "d" else .M.kind(x), "gTMatrix"),
        Dim = c(as.integer(nrow), as.integer(ncol)),
        i = as.integer(i) - 1L,
        j = as.integer(j) - 1L,
        x = if(is.integer(x)) as.double(x) else x)

Diagonal <- function(n, x = NULL, names = FALSE)
    nx <- length(x)
        n <- nx
    else if(!is.numeric(n) || length(n) != 1L || is.na(n) || n < 0L)
        stop("'n' must be a non-negative integer")
    if(is.double(n) && n >= .Machine$integer.max + 1)
        stop("dimensions cannot exceed 2^31-1")
    n <- as.integer(n) # discarding attributes
    if(is.null(x)) {
        r <- new("ddiMatrix")
        r@diag <- "U"
        if(n > 0L) {
            r@Dim <- c(n, n)
            if(is.character(names) && length(names) == n)
                r@Dimnames <- list(names, names)
        stop(gettextf("'x' has unsupported class \"%s\"", class(x)[1L]),
             domain = NA)
    names.x <- names(x) # keeping for later
    r <- new(switch(typeof(x),
                    ## discarding attributes, incl. 'dim' and 'names'
                    logical = { x <- as.logical(x); "ldiMatrix" },
                    integer =,
                    double = { x <- as.double(x); "ddiMatrix" },
                    stop(gettextf("'x' has unsupported type \"%s\"", typeof(x)),
                         domain = NA)))
    if(n == 0L)
    if(nx != 1L)
        r@x <-
            if(nx == n)
            else if(nx > 0L)
                rep_len(x, n)
            else stop("attempt to recycle 'x' of length 0 to length 'n' (n > 0)")
    else if(is.na(x) || x != 1)
        r@x <- rep.int(x, n)
    else r@diag <- "U"
    r@Dim <- c(n, n)
    if(is.character(names)) {
        if(length(names) == n)
            r@Dimnames <- list(names, names)
    } else if(isTRUE(names) && !is.null(names.x)) {
        names.x <- rep_len(names.x, n) # we know length(names.x) > 0L
        r@Dimnames <- list(names.x, names.x)

.sparseDiagonal <- function(n, x = NULL, uplo = "U", shape = "t",
                            unitri = TRUE, kind, cols)
        n <- length(x)
    else if(!is.numeric(n) || length(n) != 1L || is.na(n) || n < 0L)
        stop("'n' must be a non-negative integer")
    if(is.double(n) && n >= .Machine$integer.max + 1)
        stop("dimensions cannot exceed 2^31-1")
    n <- nj <- as.integer(n) # stripping attributes

    if(!(missing(shape) ||
         (is.character(shape) && length(shape) == 1L && !is.na(shape) &&
          any(shape == c("g", "t", "s")))))
        stop("'shape' must be one of \"g\", \"t\", \"s\"")

    if(!((m.kind <- missing(kind)) ||
         (is.character(kind) && length(kind) == 1L && !is.na(kind) &&
          any(kind == c("d", "l", "n")))))
        stop("'kind' must be one of \"d\", \"l\", \"n\"")

    if(m.kind || kind != "n") {
           x <- if(m.kind) { kind <- "d"; 1 } else switch(kind, d = 1, l = TRUE)
        else if(is.object(x))
            stop(gettextf("'x' has unsupported class \"%s\"",
                 domain = NA)
        else {
            kind. <- switch(typeof(x),
                            ## discarding attributes, incl. 'dim' in array case
                            logical = { x <- as.logical(x); "l" },
                            integer =,
                            double = { x <- as.double(x); "d" },
                            stop(gettextf("'x' has unsupported type \"%s\"",
                                 domain = NA))
                kind <- kind.
            else if(kind != kind.) {
                warning(gettextf("mismatch between typeof(x)=\"%s\" and kind=\"%s\"; using kind=\"%s\"",
                                 typeof(x), kind, kind.),
                        domain = NA)
                kind <- kind.

    if(!(m.cols <- missing(cols))) {
            stop("'cols' must be numeric")
        else if((nj <- length(cols)) > 0L &&
                (n == 0L || anyNA(rj <- range(cols)) ||
                 rj[1L] < 0L || rj[2L] >= n))
            stop("'cols' has elements not in seq(0, length.out = n)")
        else {
            cols <- as.integer(cols)
            shape <- "g"

    r <- new(paste0(kind, shape, "CMatrix"))
    r@Dim <- c(n, nj)
    if(shape != "g") {
        if(!missing(uplo)) {
            if(is.character(uplo) && length(uplo) == 1L && !is.na(uplo) &&
               any(uplo == c("U", "L")))
                r@uplo <- uplo
            else stop("'uplo' must be \"U\" or \"L\"")
        if(shape == "t" && unitri &&
           (kind == "n" || (!anyNA(x) && all(if(kind == "l") x else x == 1)))) {
            r@diag <- "U"
            r@p <- integer(nj + 1)
    if(nj > 0L) {
        r@p <- 0:nj
        r@i <- if(m.cols) 0:(nj - 1L) else cols
        if(kind != "n") {
            x <-
                if((nx <- length(x)) == n)
                else if(nx > 0L)
                    rep_len(x, n)
                else stop("attempt to recycle 'x' of length 0 to length 'n' (n > 0)")
            r@x <- if(m.cols) x else x[1L + cols]

.trDiagonal <- function(n, x = NULL, uplo = "U", unitri = TRUE, kind)
    .sparseDiagonal(n, x, uplo, shape = "t", unitri = unitri, kind = kind)

.symDiagonal <- function(n, x = NULL, uplo = "U", kind)
    .sparseDiagonal(n, x, uplo, shape = "s", kind = kind)

.bdiag <- function(lst)
        stop("'lst' must be a list")
    if((n <- length(lst)) == 0L)
    if(n == 1L)

### FIXME? this is _slow_ when 'lst' is list of 75000 3-by-3 dense matrices
    lst <- unname(lapply(lst, function(x) .M2T(asCspN(x))))

    cl <- vapply(lst, class, "")
    kind  <- substr(cl, 1L, 1L) # "n", "l", or "d"
    shape <- substr(cl, 2L, 2L) # "g", "s", or "t"

    if(!(any(kind == (kind. <- "d")) || any(kind == (kind. <- "l"))))
        kind. <- "n"
    else if(any(z <- kind == "n"))
        lst[z] <- lapply(lst[z], .sparse2kind, kind.)

    shape. <-
        if(all(symmetric <- shape == "s"))
        else if(all(shape == "t"))
        else "g"

    if(shape. != "g") {
        uplo <- vapply(lst, slot, "", "uplo") # "U" or "L"
        if(shape. == "s")
            uplo. <-
                if(all(z <- uplo == "U"))
                else if(!any(z))
                else {
                    uplo.. <- if(2 * sum(z) >= n) { z <- !z; "U" } else "L"
                    lst[z] <- lapply(lst[z], .tCRT)
        else if(any(uplo != (uplo. <- uplo[1L])))
            shape. <- "g"

    i_off <- c(0L, cumsum(vapply(lst, function(x) x@Dim[1L], 0L)))
    j_off <- c(0L, cumsum(vapply(lst, function(x) x@Dim[2L], 0L)))

    r <- new(paste0(kind., shape., "TMatrix"))
    r@Dim <- r@Dim <- c(i_off[n + 1L], j_off[n + 1L])
    if(shape. == "g")
        lst[symmetric] <- lapply(lst[symmetric], .sparse2g)
    else r@uplo <- uplo.
    r@i <- unlist(lapply(seq_len(n), function(k) i_off[k] + lst[[k]]@i),
                  FALSE, FALSE)
    r@j <- unlist(lapply(seq_len(n), function(k) j_off[k] + lst[[k]]@j),
                  FALSE, FALSE)
    if(kind. != "n")
        r@x <- unlist(lapply(lst, slot, "x"), FALSE, FALSE)

bdiag <- function(...)
    if((n <- ...length()) == 0L)
    else if(n > 1L)
    else if(!is.list(x <- ..1))
        as(x, "CsparseMatrix")
    else if(length(x) == 1L)
        as(x[[1L]], "CsparseMatrix")
    else .M2C(.bdiag(x))

bandSparse <- function(n, m = n, k, diagonals,
                       symmetric = FALSE,
                       repr = "C", giveCsparse = (repr == "C"))
    ## Purpose: Compute a band-matrix by speciyfying its (sub-)diagonal(s)
    ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    ## Arguments: (n,m) : Matrix dimension
    ##                k : integer vector of "diagonal numbers",  with identical
    ##                    meaning as in  band(*, k)
    ##         diagonals: (optional!) list of (sub/super)diagonals
    ##         symmetric: if TRUE, specify only upper or lower triangle;
    ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    ## Author: Martin Maechler, Date: 20 Feb 2009, 22:42

    if(use.x <- !missing(diagonals)) # when specified, must be matrix or list
        diag.isMat <- is.matrix(diagonals)
    len.k <- length(k)
    stopifnot(!use.x || is.list(diagonals) || diag.isMat,
              k == as.integer(k), n == as.integer(n), m == as.integer(m))
    k <- as.integer(k)
    n <- as.integer(n)
    m <- as.integer(m)
    stopifnot(n >= 0, m >= 0, -n+1 <= (mik <- min(k)), (mak <- max(k)) <= m - 1)
    if(missing(repr) && !giveCsparse) {
        warning("'giveCsparse' has been deprecated; setting 'repr = \"T\"' for you")
        repr <- "T"
    } else if(!missing(repr) && !missing(giveCsparse))
        warning("'giveCsparse' has been deprecated; will use 'repr' instead")
    if(use.x) {
        if(diag.isMat) {
            if(ncol(diagonals) != len.k)
                stop(gettextf("'diagonals' matrix must have %d columns (= length(k) )",
                              len.k), domain=NA)
            getD <- function(j) diagonals[,j]

        } else { ## is.list(diagonals):
            if(length(diagonals) != len.k)
                stop(gettextf("'diagonals' must have the same length (%d) as 'k'",
                              len.k), domain=NA)
            getD <- function(j) diagonals[[j]]
    sqr <- n == m
    if(symmetric) {
        if(!sqr) stop("matrix can only be symmetric if square, but n != m")
        if(mik < 0 && mak > 0)
            stop("for symmetric band matrix, only specify upper or lower triangle\n hence, all k must have the same sign")
    } else
        tri <- sqr && sign(mik)*sign(mak) >= 0 # triangular result
    dims <- c(n,m)
    k.lengths <- ## This is a bit "ugly"; I got the cases "by inspection"
        if(n >= m) {
            ifelse(k >= m-n,  m - pmax(0,k), n+k)
        } else { ## n < m (?? k >= -n+1 always !!)
            ifelse(k >= -n+1, n + pmin(0,k), m-k)
    i <- j <- integer(sum(k.lengths))
        x <- if(len.k > 0) # carefully getting correct type/mode
                 rep.int(getD(1)[1], length(i))
    off.i <- 0L
    for(s in seq_len(len.k)) {
        kk <- k[s] ## *is* integer
        l.kk <- k.lengths[s] ## == length of (sub-)diagonal kk
        ii1 <- seq_len(l.kk)
        ind <- ii1 + off.i
        if(kk >= 0) {
            i[ind] <- ii1
            j[ind] <- ii1 + kk
        } else { ## k < 0
            i[ind] <- ii1 - kk
            j[ind] <- ii1
        if(use.x) {
            xx <- getD(s)
            if(length(xx) < l.kk)
                warning(gettextf("the %d-th (sub)-diagonal (k = %d) is too short; filling with NA's",
                                 s, kk), domain=NA)
            x[ind] <- xx[ii1]
        off.i <- off.i + l.kk
    if(symmetric) { ## we should have smarter sparseMatrix()
        UpLo <- if(min(k) >= 0) "U" else "L"
        T <-
            if(use.x) {
                    x <- as.double(x)
                cc <- paste0(.M.kind(x), "sTMatrix")
                new(cc, i= i-1L, j= j-1L, x = x, Dim= dims, uplo=UpLo)
            } else new("nsTMatrix", i= i-1L, j= j-1L, Dim= dims, uplo=UpLo)
        switch(repr, "C" = .M2C(T), "T" = T, "R" = .M2R(T),
               stop("invalid 'repr'; must be \"C\", \"T\", or \"R\""))
    else { ## not symmetric, possibly triangular
            sparseMatrix(i=i, j=j, x=x, dims=dims, triangular=tri, repr=repr)
            sparseMatrix(i=i, j=j,	dims=dims, triangular=tri, repr=repr)

rsparsematrix <- function(nrow, ncol, density,
                          nnz = round(density * maxE),
                          symmetric = FALSE,
                          rand.x = function(n) signif(rnorm(n), 2L), ...)
    maxE <- if(symmetric) nrow*(nrow+1)/2 else nrow*ncol
    stopifnot((nnz <- as.integer(nnz)) >= 0,
              nrow >= 0, ncol >= 0, nnz <= maxE)
    ## sampling with*out* replacement (replace=FALSE !):
    ijI <- -1L +
        if(symmetric) sample(indTri(nrow, diag=TRUE), nnz)
        else sample.int(maxE, nnz)
    ## i,j below correspond to  ij <- decodeInd(code, nr) :
        sparseMatrix(i = ijI  %% nrow,
                     j = ijI %/% nrow,
                     index1 = FALSE,
                     symmetric = symmetric,
                     dims = c(nrow, ncol), ...)
        sparseMatrix(i = ijI  %% nrow,
                     j = ijI %/% nrow,
                     x = rand.x(nnz),
                     index1 = FALSE,
                     symmetric = symmetric,
                     dims = c(nrow, ncol), ...)

Hilbert <- function(n)
    n <- as.integer(n)
    i <- seq_len(n)
    new("dpoMatrix", Dim = c(n, n), x = c(1/outer(i - 1L, i, `+`)))

spV2M <- function(x, nrow, ncol, byrow = FALSE,
                  check = TRUE, symmetric = FALSE)
    if(check && !is(x, "sparseVector"))
	stop("'x' must inherit from \"sparseVector\"")
    if(!missing(ncol)) { ncol <- as.integer(ncol)
			 if(ncol < 0) stop("'ncol' must be >= 0") }
    if(!missing(nrow)) { nrow <- as.integer(nrow)
			 if(nrow < 0) stop("'nrow' must be >= 0") }
    n <- length(x)
    if(symmetric) {
	if(missing(nrow)) stop("Must specify 'nrow' when 'symmetric' is true")
	if(!missing(ncol) && nrow != ncol)
	    stop("'nrow' and 'ncol' must be the same when 'symmetric' is true")
	## otherwise  ncol will not used at all when (symmetric)
	if(check && as.double(nrow)^2 != n)
	    stop("'x' must have length nrow^2 when 'symmetric' is true")
	## x <- x[indTri(nrow, upper=TRUE, diag=TRUE)]
    } else if(missing(nrow)) {
	nrow <- as.integer(
	    if(missing(ncol)) { ## both missing: --> (n x 1)
		ncol <- 1L
	    } else {
		if(n %% ncol != 0) warning("'ncol' is not a factor of length(x)")
		as.integer(ceiling(n / ncol))
    } else if(missing(ncol)) {
        ncol <- if(symmetric) nrow else {
            if(n %% nrow != 0) warning("'nrow' is not a factor of length(x)")
            as.integer(ceiling(n / nrow)) }
    } else {                          ## both nrow and ncol specified
        n.n <- as.double(ncol) * nrow # no integer overflow
        if(n.n <  n) stop("nrow * ncol < length(x)", domain = NA)
        if(n.n != n) warning("nrow * ncol != length(x)", domain = NA)
    ## now nrow * ncol >= n  (or 'symmetric')
    ##	   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    kind <- .M.kind(x) # "d", "n", "l", "i", "z", ...
    has.x <- kind != "n"
    clStem <- if(symmetric) "sTMatrix" else "gTMatrix"
    ## "careful_new()" :
    cNam <- paste0(kind, clStem)
    chngCl <- is.null(newCl <- getClassDef(cNam))
    if(chngCl) { ## e.g. "igTMatrix" is not yet implemented
	if(kind == "z")
	    stop(gettextf("Class %s is not yet implemented", dQuote(cNam)),
		 domain = NA)
	## coerce to "double":
	newCl <- getClassDef(paste0("d", clStem))
    r <- new(newCl, Dim = c(nrow, ncol))
    ## now "compute"  the (i,j,x) slots given x@(i,x)
    i0 <- x@i - 1L
    if(byrow) { ## need as.integer(.) since <sparseVector> @ i can be double
	j <- as.integer(i0 %% ncol)
	i <- as.integer(i0 %/% ncol)
    } else { ## default{byrow = FALSE}
	i <- as.integer(i0 %% nrow)
	j <- as.integer(i0 %/% nrow)
	x <- if(chngCl) as.numeric(x@x) else x@x
    if(symmetric) {  ## using  uplo = "U"
	i0 <- i <= j ## i.e., indTri(nrow, upper=TRUE, diag=TRUE)
	i <- i[i0]
	j <- j[i0]
	if(has.x) x <- x[i0]
    r@j <- j
    r@i <- i
    if(has.x) r@x <- x

.sparseV2Mat <- function(from)
    spV2M(from, nrow = from@length, ncol = 1L, check = FALSE)

sp2vec <- function(x, mode = .type.kind[.M.kind(x)])
    ## sparseVector  ->  vector
    has.x <- .hasSlot(x, "x")## has "x" slot
    m.any <- (mode == "any")
	mode <- if(has.x) mode(x@x) else "logical"
    else if(has.x) # is.<mode>() is much faster than inherits() | is():
        xxOk <- switch(mode,
		       "double" = is.double(x@x),
		       "logical" = is.logical(x@x),
		       "integer" = is.integer(x@x),
		       "complex" = is.complex(x@x),
		       ## otherwise (does not happen with default 'mode'):
		       inherits(x@x, mode))
    r <- vector(mode, x@length)
    r[x@i] <-
	if(has.x) {
	    if(m.any || xxOk) x@x else as(x@x, mode)
	} else TRUE

newSpV <- function(class, x, i, length, drop0 = TRUE, checkSort = TRUE)
    if(has.x <- !missing(x)) {
	if(length(x) == 1 && (li <- length(i)) != 1) ## recycle x :
	    x <- rep.int(x, li)
	if(drop0 && isTRUE(any(x0 <- x == 0))) {
	    keep <- is.na(x) | !x0
	    x <- x[keep]
	    i <- i[keep]
    if(checkSort && is.unsorted(i)) {
	ii <- sort.list(i)
	if(has.x) x <- x[ii]
	i <- i[ii]
	new(class, x = x, i = i, length = length)
	new(class,        i = i, length = length)

newSpVec <- function(class, x, prev)
    newSpV(class = class, x = x, i = prev@i, length = prev@length)

sparseVector <- function(x, i, length)
    newSpV(class = paste0(if(missing(x)) "n" else .M.kind(x), "sparseVector"),
           x = x, i = i, length = length)

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