
Defines functions searchFormulaWeb getPredicted revertAdduct filterFormula getFormula

Documented in filterFormula getFormula getPredicted revertAdduct searchFormulaWeb

#' @title Find possible formulas for a given m/z
#' @description Using m/z and isotope distributions for each element, find possible molecular formulas within allowed error margin
#' @param mz M/z of interest
#' @param add_name Which adducts to consider
#' @param adducts Full adduct table (data(adducts) loads it into memory)
#' @param ppm Allowed error margin in parts per million
#' @param elements Considered elements in formula generation, Default: c("C", "H", "N", "O", "P", "S")
#' @return Table with found formulas, their adduct and isotope percentage.
#' @seealso
#'  \code{\link[stringr]{str_match}}
#'  \code{\link[Rdisop]{initializeCHNOPS}}
#' @rdname getFormula
#' @export
#' @importFrom stringr str_match_all
#' @importFrom Rdisop decomposeMass initializeElements
#' @importFrom data.table data.table
#' @examples
#' getFormula(170, "[M+H]1+", adducts, 3)
getFormula <- function(mz, add_name, adducts, ppm, elements = c("C", "H", "N", "O", "P", "S")) {
  Name <- NULL
  def.ele <- elements
  row <- adducts[Name == add_name]
  add.ele <- if (!is.na(row$AddEx)) {
    ele <- gsub(stringr::str_match_all(row$AddEx, pattern = "[A-Z][a-z]?\\d*|\\(.*?\\)\\d+")[[1]][, 1], pattern = "\\d", replacement = "")
  else {
  filter <- "."
  add.only.ele <- setdiff(add.ele, def.ele)
  total.ele <- unique(c(def.ele, add.ele))
  total.ele <- total.ele[total.ele != ""]
  predicted <- Rdisop::decomposeMass(as.numeric(mz), ppm = ppm, elements = Rdisop::initializeElements(names = total.ele), z = row$Charge)
  ppms <- abs((predicted$exactmass - as.numeric(mz)) / (1e-06 * as.numeric(mz)))
  data.table::data.table(fullformula = predicted$formula, dppm = ppms)

#' @title Apply seven golden rules to a vector of formulas
#' @description Returns formulas that pass the user-given rules.
#' @param formulas Molecular formulas
#' @param rules Rules to apply. Default: c("senior", "lewis", "hc", "chnops", "nops")
#' @return Vector of formulas that pass rules
#' @seealso
#'  \code{\link[enviPat]{check_chemform}}
#'  \code{\link[data.table]{rbindlist}}
#'  \code{\link[stringr]{str_match}}
#' @rdname filterFormula
#' @export
#' @importFrom enviPat check_chemform
#' @importFrom data.table data.table rbindlist
#' @importFrom stringr str_match
#' @examples
#' filterFormula("C6H12O6")
filterFormula <- function(formulas, rules = c("senior", "lewis", "hc", "chnops", "nops")) {
  data(isotopes, package = "enviPat", envir = environment())
  corrected <- enviPat::check_chemform(isotopes = isotopes, chemforms = formulas)
  deconstructed <- data.table::data.table(nrC = as.numeric(stringr::str_match(corrected$new_formula, pattern = "C(\\d*)")[, 2]), nrH = as.numeric(stringr::str_match(corrected$new_formula, pattern = "H(\\d*)")[, 2]), nrBr = as.numeric(stringr::str_match(corrected$new_formula, pattern = "Br(\\d*)")[, 2]), nrCl = as.numeric(stringr::str_match(corrected$new_formula, pattern = "Cl(\\d*)")[, 2]), nrF = as.numeric(stringr::str_match(corrected$new_formula, pattern = "F(\\d*)")[, 2]), nrN = as.numeric(stringr::str_match(corrected$new_formula,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     pattern = "N(\\d*)"
  )[, 2]), nrO = as.numeric(stringr::str_match(corrected$new_formula, pattern = "O(\\d*)")[, 2]), nrP = as.numeric(stringr::str_match(corrected$new_formula, pattern = "P(\\d*)")[, 2]), nrS = as.numeric(stringr::str_match(corrected$new_formula, pattern = "S(\\d*)")[, 2]), nrSi = as.numeric(stringr::str_match(corrected$new_formula, pattern = "Si(\\d*)")[, 2]), nrNa = as.numeric(stringr::str_match(corrected$new_formula, pattern = "Na(\\d*)")[, 2]))
  electron.per.atom <- data.table::data.table(nrC = 12, nrH = 1, nrBr = 79, nrCl = 35, nrF = 19, nrN = 14, nrO = 16, nrP = 31, nrS = 32, nrSi = 28, nrNa = 11)
  deconstructed[is.na(deconstructed)] <- 0
  deconstructed$nrAtoms <- rowSums(deconstructed)
  deconstructed$senior <- sapply(1:nrow(deconstructed), function(i) {
    row <- deconstructed[i, ]
    with(row, {
      if ((4 * nrC + 1 * nrH + 1 * nrBr + 1 * nrCl + 1 * nrF + 5 * nrN + 2 * nrO + 5 * nrP + 6 * nrS + 4 * nrSi) >= (2 * (nrAtoms - 1))) {
      } else {
  deconstructed$eminus <- sapply(1:nrow(deconstructed), function(i) {
    row <- deconstructed[i, ]
    with(row, {
      4 * nrC + nrH + 7 * nrBr + 7 * nrCl + 7 * nrF + 5 * nrN + 6 * nrO + 5 * nrP + 6 * nrS + 4 * nrSi
  deconstructed$lewis <- sapply(1:nrow(deconstructed), function(i) {
    row <- deconstructed[i, ]
    with(row, {
      lewis.sum <- 4 * nrC + 1 * nrH + 1 * nrBr + 1 * nrCl + 1 * nrF + 3 * nrN + 2 * nrO + 3 * nrP + 2 * nrS + 4 * nrSi
      if (lewis.sum %% 2 == 0 & eminus > 7) {
      } else {
  ch_nops_chnops_rows <- lapply(1:nrow(deconstructed), function(i) {
    row <- deconstructed[i, ]
    res <- data.table::data.table(hc = FALSE, chnops = FALSE, nops = FALSE)
      res <- with(row, {
        HC <- nrH / nrC
        NC <- nrN / nrC
        OC <- nrO / nrC
        PC <- nrP / nrC
        SC <- nrS / nrC
        hc <- HC %between% c(0, 6)
        chnops <- HC %between% c(0.2, 3) & NC %between% c(0, 2) & OC %between% c(0, 1.2) & PC %between% c(0, 0.32) & SC %between% c(0, 65)
        nops <- NC %between% c(0, 4) & OC %between% c(0, 3) & PC %between% c(0, 2) & SC %between% c(0, 3)
        data.table::data.table(hc = hc, chnops = chnops, nops = nops)
  checks <- data.table::rbindlist(ch_nops_chnops_rows)
  deconstructed <- cbind(deconstructed, checks)
  if (length(rules) > 0) {
    passes.checks <- rep(TRUE, nrow(deconstructed))
    for (rule in rules) {
      passes.checks <- passes.checks & deconstructed[[rule]]
    keep.candidates <- formulas[passes.checks]
  else {
    keep.candidates <- formulas

#' @title Break formula apart into adduct and main formula
#' @description Used to use the formula creation function and consider adducts at the same time.
#' @param formula Formula of interest
#' @param add_name Adduct names to consider ('Name' column of adduct table)
#' @param adduct_table Full adduct table, Default: adducts
#' @return Table with formula, adduct, isotope
#' @seealso
#'  \code{\link[enviPat]{check_ded}},\code{\link[enviPat]{subform}},\code{\link[enviPat]{mergeform}},\code{\link[enviPat]{multiform}}
#' @rdname revertAdduct
#' @export
#' @importFrom enviPat check_ded subform mergeform multiform
#' @examples
#' revertAdduct("C6H13O6", "[M+H]1+")
revertAdduct <- function(formula, add_name, adduct_table = adducts) {
  Name <- NULL
  row <- adduct_table[Name == add_name]
  if (!is.na(row$AddEx) & row$AddEx != "") {
    if (!as.logical(enviPat::check_ded(formula, row$AddEx))) {
      formula <- enviPat::subform(formula, row$AddEx)
    else {
  if (!is.na(row$RemEx) & row$RemEx != "") {
    formula <- enviPat::mergeform(formula, row$RemEx)
  row$xM <- as.numeric(row$xM)
  if (row$xM > 1 & row$xM != "") {
    demultiplied <- enviPat::multiform(formula, 1 / row$xM)
    if (!grepl(demultiplied, pattern = "\\.")) {
      formula <- demultiplied
  if (!is.na(row$AddAt) & row$AddAt != "") {
    if (!as.logical(enviPat::check_ded(formula, row$AddAt))) {
      formula <- enviPat::subform(formula, row$AddAt)
    else {
  if (!is.na(row$RemAt) & row$RemAt != "") {
    formula <- enviPat::mergeform(formula, row$RemAt)

#' @title Get predicted formulas and adducts from m/z value
#' @description Wrapper function to predict formulas and then consider adducts as well.
#' @param mz M/z of interest
#' @param ppm Error margin in parts per million, Default: 2
#' @param mode M/z found in positive or negative mode?, Default: 'positive'
#' @param rules Which golden rules to apply?, Default: c("senior", "lewis", "hc", "chnops", "nops")
#' @param elements Which elements to consider?, Default: c("C", "H", "N", "O", "P", "S")
#' @param search Check the found formulas on PubChem or ChemSpider?, Default: c("PubChem", "ChemSpider")
#' @param detailed Look up details like description etc. if hit found? Makes things slower!, Default: TRUE
#' @param adduct_table Adduct table to use, referred to by 'calc_adducts'. Allows use for custom 'adducts' such as in-source fragments etc.
#' @param calc_adducts Which adducts to consider?, Default: adducts[Ion_mode == mode, ]$Name
#' @return Table of found matches and associated info
#' @seealso
#'  \code{\link[data.table]{rbindlist}}
#'  \code{\link[enviPat]{check_chemform}}
#' @rdname getPredicted
#' @export
#' @importFrom data.table data.table rbindlist
#' @importFrom enviPat check_chemform
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{getPredicted(mz = 170, ppm = 2, mode = "positive",
#' rules = c("hc", "chnops", "nops"),
#' elements = c("C","H","O"))}
getPredicted <- function(mz, ppm = 2, mode = "positive",
                         rules = c("senior", "lewis", "hc", "chnops", "nops"),
                         elements = c("C", "H", "N", "O", "P", "S"), search = c("PubChem", "ChemSpider"),
                         detailed = TRUE,
                         calc_adducts = adducts[Ion_mode == mode, ]$Name,
                         adduct_table = adducts) {
  Name <- Ion_mode <- fullformula <- NULL
  cat("\n      _...._\n    .`      `.    *             *\n   / ***      \\            Predicting   *\n  : **         :    *   molecular formulas...\n  :            :\n   \\          /\n*   `-.,,,,.-'        *\n     _(    )_             *\n  * )        (                  *\n   (          ) *\n    `-......-`\n")
  print("Considered adducts:")
  per_adduct_results <- lapply(calc_adducts, function(add_name) {
    row <- adduct_table[Name == add_name]
    predicted <- getFormula(mz = mz, ppm = ppm, add_name = add_name, adducts = adduct_table, elements = elements)
    if (nrow(predicted) == 0) {
    keep.candidates <- filterFormula(predicted$fullformula, rules = rules)
    if (length(keep.candidates) == 0) {
    iter.rows <- predicted[fullformula %in% keep.candidates, ]
    res <- lapply(1:nrow(iter.rows), function(i, row) {
      formula <- iter.rows[i, ]$fullformula
      checked <- enviPat::check_chemform(isotopes, formula)
      new_formula <- checked[1, ]$new_formula
      theor_orig_formula <- new_formula
      theor_orig_formula <- revertAdduct(theor_orig_formula, add_name, adduct_table = adduct_table)
      if (is.na(theor_orig_formula)) {
      else {
        data.table::data.table(query_mz = c(mz), compoundname = theor_orig_formula, baseformula = theor_orig_formula, fullformula = new_formula, basecharge = c(0), finalcharge = c(adduct_table[Name == add_name]$Charge), adduct = row$Name, `%iso` = 100, identifier = new_formula, structure = paste0("[", new_formula, "]0"), description = "Predicted possible formula for this m/z value.", source = "magicball", dppm = iter.rows[i, ]$dppm)
    }, row = row)
    if (length(res) > 0) {
      flattenlist <- function(x) {
        morelists <- sapply(x, function(xprime) class(xprime)[1] == "list")
        out <- c(x[!morelists], unlist(x[morelists], recursive = FALSE, use.names = TRUE))
        if (sum(morelists)) {
        else {
      res_proc <- flattenlist(res)
      tbl <- data.table::rbindlist(res_proc[!sapply(res_proc, is.null)])
    uniques <- unique(tbl$baseformula)
    if (is.null(uniques)) {
  total_tbl <- data.table::rbindlist(per_adduct_results[sapply(per_adduct_results, function(x) nrow(x) > 0)], fill = TRUE)

#' @title Find web hits for a molecular formula
#' @description Takes molecular formula, and scours PubChem and/or ChemSpider for compounds matching that formula.
#' @param formulas Character vector of formulas to check
#' @param search Which databases to check?, Default: c("PubChem", "ChemSpider")
#' @param apikey API key for ChemSpider
#' @param detailed Find detailed results? Not just the compound name, but other associated info?, Default: FALSE
#' @return Data table with match results.
#' @seealso
#'  \code{\link[pbapply]{pbapply}}
#'  \code{\link[data.table]{as.data.table}},\code{\link[data.table]{rbindlist}}
#'  \code{\link[enviPat]{check_chemform}}
#'  \code{\link[gsubfn]{fn}}
#'  \code{\link[stringr]{str_extract}},\code{\link[stringr]{str_match}}
#'  \code{\link[XML]{readHTMLTable}}
#'  \code{\link[rlist]{list.clean}}
#'  \code{\link[jsonlite]{read_json}}
#'  \code{\link[httr]{POST}},\code{\link[httr]{add_headers}},\code{\link[httr]{content_type}},\code{\link[httr]{content}},\code{\link[httr]{GET}}
#'  \code{\link[RJSONIO]{fromJSON}}
#' @rdname searchFormulaWeb
#' @export
#' @importFrom pbapply pblapply
#' @importFrom data.table data.table as.data.table rbindlist
#' @importFrom enviPat check_chemform
#' @importFrom gsubfn fn
#' @importFrom stringr str_extract str_match
#' @importFrom XML readHTMLTable
#' @importFrom rlist list.clean
#' @importFrom jsonlite read_json
#' @importFrom httr POST add_headers content_type content GET
#' @importFrom RJSONIO fromJSON
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{searchFormulaWeb(formulas = c("C6H12O6"),
#' search = c("pubchem", "chemspider",
#' "knapsack", "supernatural2",
#' "chemidplus"), detailed = TRUE)}
searchFormulaWeb <- function(formulas, search = c("pubchem", "chemspider", "knapsack", "supernatural2", "chemidplus"), apikey = "", detailed = TRUE) {
  V1 <- V2 <- . <- c_id <- metabolite <- organism <- NULL
  formulas <- unique(gsub(formulas, pattern = "\\[2\\]H", replacement = "D"))
  if (length(search) > 0) {
    i <- 0
    count <- length(formulas)
    if (count == 0) {
    list_per_website <- lapply(search, function(db) {
      switch(db, chemidplus = {
        print("Searching ChemIDplus...")
        batchSize <- 25
        rows <- pbapply::pblapply(formulas, function(origform) {
          form <- gsub("([A-z]+)1(?=[A-z]|$)", "\\1", origform, perl = TRUE)
          form <- gsub("([A-z]\\d+)", "\\1-", form)
          form <- tolower(gsub("-$", "", form))
          toturl <- gsubfn::fn$paste("https://chem.nlm.nih.gov/api/data/formula/equals/$form?data=totals")
          totals <- 0
              totals <- jsonlite::read_json(toturl)$substances
            silent = TRUE
          if (totals > 0) {
            batches <- seq(1, totals, 25)
            rows <- lapply(batches, function(batch) {
              url <- gsubfn::fn$paste("https://chem.nlm.nih.gov/api/data/formula/equals/$form?data=complete&batchStart=$batch")
              res <- jsonlite::read_json(url)$results
              dt <- data.table::rbindlist(lapply(res, function(l) {
                if (grepl(pattern = "\\.", l$summary$f)) {
                } else {
                  data.table::data.table(compoundname = l$summary$na, baseformula = origform, structure = l$structureDetails$s, source = "chemidplus", description = if (length(l$notes) > 0) paste0("From ", l$notes[[1]]$e[[1]]$s, ": ", l$notes[[1]]$e[[1]]$d) else "No further info available.", identifier = l$summary$rn)
              }), fill = TRUE, use.names = TRUE)
            tbl <- data.table::rbindlist(rows, use.names = TRUE)
          } else {
        data.table::rbindlist(rows, fill = TRUE)
      }, supernatural2 = {
        print("Searching SUPER NATURAL II...")
        rows <- pbapply::pblapply(formulas, function(formula) {
          rows <- data.table::data.table(compoundname = formula, baseformula = formula, structure = paste0("[", formula, "]0"), source = "magicball", description = "No hits for this predicted formula.")
          molwt <- enviPat::check_chemform(isotopes, formula)$monoisotopic_mass
          mzmin <- molwt - 1e-04
          mzmax <- molwt + 1e-04
          theurl <- gsubfn::fn$paste("http://bioinf-applied.charite.de/supernatural_new/index.php?site=compound_search&start=0&supplier=all&molwt1=$mzmin&molwt2=$mzmax&classification=all")
          html <- readLines(theurl)
          count <- stringr::str_extract(html, "count_compounds=(\\d+)")
          total <- as.numeric(gsub(count[!is.na(count)], pattern = ".*=", replacement = ""))
          if (length(total) > 0) {
            pages <- total / 15
            rows <- lapply(0:ceiling(pages), function(i) {
              db.frag <- data.table::data.table()
                theurl <- gsub(theurl, pattern = "start=(\\d)", replacement = paste0("start=", i))
                html <- readLines(theurl)
                formulas <- stringr::str_extract(html, "(\\d+)")
                identifiers <- stringr::str_extract(html, "SN(\\d+)")
                identifiers <- unique(identifiers[!is.na(identifiers)])
                smi_rows <- grep(html, pattern = "SMILES") + 1
                smiles <- stringr::str_match(html[smi_rows], "value=\"(.*)\"\\/>")[, 2]
                identifiers <- unique(identifiers[!is.na(identifiers)])
                tables <- XML::readHTMLTable(theurl)
                tables <- rlist::list.clean(tables, fun = is.null, recursive = FALSE)
                rows <- lapply(tables, function(tbl) {
                  if ("Name" %in% tbl$V1) {
                    tbl <- data.table::as.data.table(tbl)
                    data.table::data.table(compoundname = gsub(tbl[V1 == "Name", V2], pattern = "[^\001-\177]+.-", replacement = ""), description = paste0("Toxicity class (1-6): ", tbl[V1 == "Tox-class", V2]), baseformula = tbl[V1 == "Formula", V2], identifier = "???", charge = tbl[V1 == "Charge", V2], structure = "", source = "supernatural2")
                  } else {
                db.frag <- data.table::rbindlist(rows)
                db.frag$identifier <- identifiers
                db.frag$structure <- smiles
                if (nrow(db.frag) > 0) {
                  keep <- which(enviPat::check_chemform(isotopes, as.character(db.frag$baseformula))$new_formula == formula)
                  db.frag[keep, ]
                } else {
            rows <- data.table::rbindlist(rows, fill = TRUE)
        data.table::rbindlist(rows, fill = TRUE)
      }, knapsack = {
        print("Searching knapsack...")
        oldpar <- options()
        options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        rows <- pbapply::pblapply(formulas, function(formula) {
          url <- gsubfn::fn$paste("http://www.knapsackfamily.com/knapsack_core/result.php?sname=formula&word=$formula")
          description <- "No hits for this predicted formula."
          rows <- data.table::data.table(compoundname = formula, baseformula = formula, structure = paste0("[", formula, "]0"), description = description, source = "magicball")
          res <- XML::readHTMLTable(url, header = TRUE, )[[1]]
          res.firstrow <- colnames(res)
          if (!is.null(res.firstrow)) {
            colnames(res) <- c("c_id", "cas_id", "metabolite", "formula", "mw", "organism")
            res <- data.table::as.data.table(rbind(res.firstrow, res))
            res.aggr <- unique(res[, .(identifier = c_id, compoundname = metabolite, baseformula = formula, source = "knapsack", description = paste0("Found in organisms: ", paste0(organism, collapse = ", "))), by = c_id])
            res.aggr <- res.aggr[, -"c_id"]
            uniques <- unique(res.aggr$identifier)
            if (detailed) {
              rows.detailed <- pbapply::pblapply(uniques[!is.na(uniques)], function(id) {
                url <- gsubfn::fn$paste("http://www.knapsackfamily.com/knapsack_core/information.php?word=$id")
                tbl <- XML::readHTMLTable(url, header = TRUE, )[[1]]
                flipped <- t(tbl)
                colnames(flipped) <- flipped[1, ]
                flipped <- as.data.frame(flipped[-1, ])
                data.table::data.table(identifier = id, structure = flipped$SMILES[1])
              res <- merge(res.aggr, data.table::rbindlist(rows.detailed), by = "identifier")
            } else {
              res <- res.aggr
          } else {
        data.table::rbindlist(rows, fill = TRUE)
      }, pubchem = {
        print("Searching PubChem...")
        rows <- pbapply::pblapply(formulas, function(formula) {
          url <- paste0("https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/rest/pug/compound/fastformula/", formula, "/cids/JSON")
          description <- "No hits for this predicted formula."
          rows <- data.table::data.table(compoundname = formula, baseformula = formula, structure = paste0("[", formula, "]0"), description = description, source = "magicball")
            pc_res <- jsonlite::read_json(url, simplifyVector = TRUE)
            ids <- pc_res$IdentifierList$CID
            rows$description <- paste0("PubChem found these IDs: ", paste0(ids, collapse = ", "))
            rows$source <- c("pubchem")
            if (detailed) {
              rows <- pubChemInfo(ids)
        data.table::rbindlist(rows, fill = TRUE)
      }, chemspider = {
        print("Searching ChemSpider...")
        cs_url <- "https://api.rsc.org/compounds/v1/filter/formula/batch"
        formblocks <- split(formulas, ceiling(seq_along(formulas) / 100))
        if (apikey == "") {
          print("No ChemSpider API key supplied!")
        rows <- pbapply::pblapply(formblocks, function(formgroup) {
          formjson <- paste0("\"", paste0(formgroup, collapse = "\",\""), "\"")
          post_body <- gsubfn::fn$paste("{\"formulas\": [$formjson]}")
          r <- httr::POST(url = cs_url, httr::add_headers(apikey = apikey), body = post_body, httr::content_type("application/json"), encode = "raw")
          if (r$status_code == 429) {
            print("Too many requests for your API key...")
          qid <- RJSONIO::fromJSON(httr::content(r, "text", encoding = "UTF-8"))
          done_url <- gsubfn::fn$paste("https://api.rsc.org/compounds/v1/filter/formula/batch/$qid/status")
          res_url <- gsubfn::fn$paste("https://api.rsc.org/compounds/v1/filter/formula/batch/$qid/results")
          done_r <- httr::GET(done_url, httr::add_headers(apikey = apikey))
          if (done_r$status_code == 200) {
            res_r <- httr::GET(res_url, httr::add_headers(apikey = apikey))
            results <- RJSONIO::fromJSON(httr::content(res_r, "text", encoding = "UTF-8"))
            res_rows <- lapply(results[[1]], function(l) {
              if (length(l$results) == 0) {
                description <- "No hits for this predicted formula."
                data.table::data.table(compoundname = l$formula, baseformula = l$formula, structure = paste0("[", l$formula, "]0"), description = description, source = "magicball")
              } else {
                pastedIds <- paste0(l$results, collapse = ", ")
                description <- paste0("ChemSpider found these IDs: ", pastedIds)
                if (detailed) {
                  res <- chemspiderInfo(l$results, apikey = apikey)
                  res$baseformula <- c(l$formula)
                } else {
                  data.table::data.table(compoundname = l$formula, baseformula = l$formula, structure = paste0("[", l$formula, "]0"), `%iso` = c(100), description = description, source = "chemspider")
            data.table::rbindlist(res_rows, fill = TRUE)
        data.table::rbindlist(rows, fill = TRUE)
    fin <- data.table::rbindlist(list_per_website, fill = TRUE, use.names = TRUE)
    if (nrow(fin) > 0) {
      fin$identifier <- as.character(fin$identifier)
      fin$structure <- sapply(fin$structure, function(smi) {
        if (is.na(smi)) {
        } else {
  else {
    print("Please select at least one database to search in!")

#' @title Find more info through ChemSpider.
#' @description Takes ChemSpider CIDs and finds name, SMILES, citations on pubmed/references.
#' @param ids Character vector of ChemSpider IDs.
#' @param maxn Max ids per batch (batch search is used), Default: 100
#' @param apikey ChemSpider API key
#' @return Data table with match results
#' @seealso
#'  \code{\link[gsubfn]{fn}}
#'  \code{\link[httr]{POST}},\code{\link[httr]{add_headers}}
#'  \code{\link[jsonlite]{read_json}}
#' @rdname chemspiderInfo
#' @export
#' @importFrom gsubfn fn
#' @importFrom httr POST add_headers
#' @importFrom jsonlite parse_json
#' @importFrom data.table data.table
chemspiderInfo <- function(ids, maxn = 100, apikey) {
  split.ids <- split(ids, ceiling(seq_along(ids) / maxn))
  row.blocks <- lapply(split.ids, function(ids) {
    pastedIds <- paste0(ids, collapse = ", ")
    post_body <- gsubfn::fn$paste("{\n                                    \"recordIds\": [\n                                        $pastedIds\n                                    ],\n                                    \"fields\": [\n                                        \"CommonName\", \"SMILES\",\"PubMedCount\",\"ReferenceCount\",\"RSCCount\"\n                                    ]\n                                }")
    cs_url <- "https://api.rsc.org/compounds/v1/records/batch"
    r <- httr::POST(url = cs_url, httr::add_headers(apikey = apikey), body = post_body)
    json <- rawToChar(r$content)
    parsed <- jsonlite::parse_json(json)[[1]]
    json_table <- data.table::rbindlist(parsed, fill = TRUE)
    data.table::data.table(compoundname = json_table$commonName, structure = json_table$smiles, identifier = json_table$id, `%iso` = c(100), source = "chemspider", description = paste0("ChemSpider(", json_table$id, "). ", "Referenced ", json_table$referenceCount, " times. ", "Mentioned in PubMed ", json_table$pubMedCount, " times. ", "RSC count: ", json_table$rscCount, "."))
  data.table::rbindlist(row.blocks, fill = TRUE)

#' @title Find additional info on a PubChem ID.
#' @description Takes PubChem ID and finds name, formula, smiles, charge
#' @param ids Vector of identifiers.
#' @param maxn Compounds searched per batch search, Default: 30
#' @return Table with additional info on PubChem IDs
#' @seealso
#'  \code{\link[data.table]{rbindlist}}
#' @rdname pubChemInfo
#' @export
#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
#' @importFrom data.table rbindlist
#' @examples
#' pubChemInfo(c(5793))
pubChemInfo <- function(ids, maxn = 30) {
  Title <- Description <- CID <- NULL
  split.ids <- split(ids, ceiling(seq_along(ids) / maxn))
  chunk.row.list <- pbapply::pblapply(split.ids, function(idgroup) {
    url_struct <- paste0("https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/rest/pug/compound/cid/", paste0(idgroup, collapse = ","), "/property/MolecularFormula,CanonicalSMILES,Charge/JSON")
    struct_res <- jsonlite::fromJSON(url_struct, simplifyVector = TRUE)
    keep.ids <- which(struct_res$PropertyTable$Properties$Charge == 0)
    if (length(keep.ids) == 0) {
    idgroup <- idgroup[keep.ids]
    rows <- struct_res$PropertyTable$Properties[keep.ids, ]
    url_desc <- paste0("https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/rest/pug/compound/cid/", paste0(idgroup, collapse = ","), "/description/JSON")
      desc_res <- jsonlite::fromJSON(url_desc, simplifyVector = TRUE)
      descs <- as.data.table(desc_res$InformationList$Information)
      if ("Description" %in% colnames(descs)) {
        descs.adj <- descs[, list(name = Title[!is.na(Title)], Description = paste(Description[!is.na(Description)], collapse = " ")), by = CID]
      else {
        descs.adj <- descs[, list(name = Title[!is.na(Title)], Description = c("No further description available. ")), by = CID]
      descs.adj$Description <- gsub(descs.adj$Description, pattern = "</?a(|\\s+[^>]+)>", replacement = "", perl = TRUE)
      if (any(descs.adj$Description == "")) {
        descs.adj[Description == ""]$Description <- c("No further description available. ")
      rows <- unique(merge(rows, descs.adj, by.x = "CID", by.y = "CID"))
    if (is.null(rows)) {
    if (nrow(rows) == 0) {
    colnames(rows) <- c("identifier", "baseformula", "structure", "charge", "compoundname", "description")
    url_syn <- paste0("https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/rest/pug/compound/cid/", paste0(idgroup, collapse = ","), "/synonyms/JSON")
    syn.adj <- data.table()
      synonyms <- jsonlite::fromJSON(url_syn, simplifyVector = TRUE)
      syn.adj <- synonyms$InformationList$Information
    if (nrow(syn.adj) > 0) {
      rows.adj <- merge(rows, syn.adj, by.x = "identifier", by.y = "CID")
      rows.renamed <- lapply(1:nrow(rows.adj), function(i) {
        row <- rows.adj[i, ]
        synonyms <- row$Synonym[[1]]
        old.name <- row$compoundname
        new.name <- synonyms[1]
        if (is.null(new.name)) {
          new.name <- old.name
        desc.names <- synonyms[-1]
        row$compoundname <- new.name
        row$description <- paste0(paste0("PubChem(", row$identifier, "). ", row$description, "Other names: ", paste0(if (length(desc.names) > 0) {
          c(old.name, desc.names)
        } else {
        }, collapse = "; "), ". "))
        row <- data.table::as.data.table(row)
        row[, -"Synonym"]
      tbl.renamed <- data.table::rbindlist(rows.renamed, fill = TRUE)
    else {
      tbl.renamed <- rows
    tbl.fin <- data.table::as.data.table(tbl.renamed)
    tbl.fin$source <- c("pubchem")
    result <- tbl.fin[, c("compoundname", "baseformula", "structure", "description", "source", "identifier")]
    result[, "%iso"] <- c(100)
  res <- chunk.row.list[sapply(chunk.row.list, function(x) {
    returnme <- FALSE
      if (nrow(x) > 0) {
        returnme <- TRUE

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