
Defines functions MCmcmc addcols.mcmc make.inits write.bugs.code conv.par sims.array.2.mcmc.list mat2.mcmc.list trans.mcmc

Documented in MCmcmc

#' Fit a model for method comparison studies using WinBUGS
#' A model linking each of a number of methods of measurement linearly to the
#' "true" value is set up in BUGS and run via the function
#' \code{\link[R2WinBUGS]{bugs}} from the \code{R2WinBUGS} package.
#' The model set up for an observation \eqn{y_{mir}}{y_mir} is: \deqn{y_{mir} =
#' \alpha_m + \beta_m(\mu_i+b_{ir} + c_{mi}) + }{y_mir = alpha_m +
#' beta_m*(mu_i+b_ir+c_mi) + e_mir}\deqn{ e_{mir}}{y_mir = alpha_m +
#' beta_m*(mu_i+b_ir+c_mi) + e_mir} where \eqn{b_{ir}}{b_ir} is a random
#' \code{item} by \code{repl} interaction (included if \code{"ir"} is in \code{random})
#' and \eqn{c_{mi}}{c_mi} is a random \code{meth} by \code{item} interaction
#' (included if \code{"mi"} is in \code{random}). The \eqn{\mu_i}{mu_i}'s are
#' parameters in the model but are not monitored --- only the
#' \eqn{\alpha}{alpha}s, \eqn{\beta}{beta}s and the variances of
#' \eqn{b_{ir}}{b_{ir}}, \eqn{c_{mi}}{c_{mi}} and \eqn{e_{mir}}{e_{mir}} are
#' monitored and returned. The estimated parameters are only determined up to a
#' linear transformation of the \eqn{\mu}{mu}s, but the linear functions
#' linking methods are invariant. The identifiable conversion parameters are:
#' \deqn{\alpha_{m\cdot k}=\alpha_m - \alpha_k \beta_m/\beta_k, \quad
#' }{alpha_m|k=alpha_m-alpha_k beta_m/beta_k, beta_m|k=beta_m/beta_k}\deqn{
#' \beta_{m\cdot k}=\beta_m/\beta_k}{alpha_m|k=alpha_m-alpha_k beta_m/beta_k,
#' beta_m|k=beta_m/beta_k} The posteriors of these are derived and included in
#' the \code{posterior}, which also will contain the posterior of the variance
#' components (the SDs, that is).  Furthermore, the posterior of the point
#' where the conversion lines intersects the identity as well as the prediction
#' SDs between any pairs of methods are included.
#' The function \code{summary.MCmcmc} method gives estimates of the conversion
#' parameters that are consistent. Clearly, \deqn{\mathrm{median}(\beta_{1\cdot
#' 2})= }{median(beta.1.2)=1/median(beta.2.1)}\deqn{
#' 1/\mathrm{median}(\beta_{2\cdot 1})}{median(beta.1.2)=1/median(beta.2.1)}
#' because the inverse is a monotone transformation, but there is no guarantee
#' that \deqn{\mathrm{median}(\alpha_{1\cdot 2})=
#' \mathrm{median}(-\alpha_{2\cdot 1}/
#' }{median(alpha.1.2)=median(-alpha.2.1/beta.2.1)}\deqn{ \beta_{2\cdot
#' 1})}{median(alpha.1.2)=median(-alpha.2.1/beta.2.1)} and hence no guarantee
#' that the parameters derived as posterior medians produce conversion lines
#' that are the same in both directions. Therefore, \code{summary.MCmcmc}
#' computes the estimate for \eqn{\alpha_{2\cdot 1}}{alpha.2.1} as
#' \deqn{(\mathrm{median}(\alpha_{1\cdot 2})-\mathrm{median}(\alpha_{2\cdot 1})
#' }{(median(alpha.1.2)-median(alpha.2.1)/ median(beta.2.1))/2}\deqn{
#' /\mathrm{median}(\beta_{2\cdot 1}))/2}{(median(alpha.1.2)-median(alpha.2.1)/
#' median(beta.2.1))/2} and the estimate of \eqn{\alpha_{1\cdot 2}}{alpha.1.2}
#' correspondingly. The resulting parameter estimates defines the same lines.
#' @param data Data frame with variables \code{meth}, \code{item}, \code{repl}
#' and \code{y}, possibly a \code{\link{Meth}} object.  \code{y} represents a
#' measurement on an \code{item} (typically patient or sample) by method
#' \code{meth}, in replicate \code{repl}.
#' @param bias Character. Indicating how the bias between methods should be
#' modelled. Possible values are \code{"none"}, \code{"constant"},
#' \code{"linear"} and \code{"proportional"}. Only the first three letters are
#' significant. Case insensitive.
#' @param IxR Logical. Are the replicates linked across methods, i.e. should a
#' random \code{item} by \code{repl} be included in the model.
#' @param linked Logical, alias for \code{IxR}.
#' @param MxI Logical, should a \code{meth} by \code{item} effect be included
#' in the model?
#' @param matrix Logical, alias for \code{MxI}.
#' @param varMxI Logical, should the method by item effect have method-specific
#' variances. Ignored if only two methods are compared.
#' @param n.chains How many chains should be run by WinBUGS --- passed on to
#' \code{bugs}.
#' @param n.iter How many total iterations --- passed on to \code{bugs}.
#' @param n.burnin How many of these should be burn-in --- passed on to
#' \code{bugs}.
#' @param n.thin How many should be sampled --- passed on to \code{bugs}.
#' @param bugs.directory Where is WinBUGS (>=1.4) installed --- passed on to
#' \code{bugs}. The default is to use a parameter from options(). If you use
#' this routinely, this is most conveniently set in your \code{.Rprofile} file.
#' @param debug Should WinBUGS remain open after running --- passed on to
#' \code{bugs}.
#' @param clearWD Should the working directory be cleared for junk files after
#' the running of WinBUGS --- passed on to \code{bugs}.
#' @param bugs.code.file Where should the bugs code go?
#' @param code.only Should \code{MCmcmc} just create a bugs code file and a set
#' of inits? See the \code{list.ini} argument.
#' @param ini.mult Numeric. What factor should be used to randomly perturb the
#' initial values for the variance components, see below in details.
#' @param list.ini List of lists of starting values for the chains, or logical
#' indicating whether starting values should be generated.  If \code{TRUE} (the
#' default), the function VC.est will be used to generate initial
#' values for the chains. \code{list.ini} is a list of length \code{n.chains}.
#' Each element of which is a list with the following vectors as elements:
#' \describe{ \item{\code{mu}}{- length I} \item{\code{alpha}}{- length M}
#' \item{\code{beta}}{- length M} \item{\code{sigma.mi}}{- length M - if M is
#' 2 then length 1} \item{\code{sigma.ir}}{- length 1}
#' \item{\code{sigma.mi}}{- length M} \item{\code{sigma.res}}{- length M}} If
#' \code{code.only==TRUE}, \code{list.ini} indicates whether a list of initial
#' values is returned (invisibly) or not.  If \code{code.only==FALSE},
#' \code{list.ini==FALSE} is ignored.
#' @param org Logical. Should the posterior of the original model parameters be
#' returned too? If \code{TRUE}, the \code{MCmcmc} object will have an
#' attribute, \code{original}, with the posterior of the parameters in the
#' model actually simulated.
#' @param program Which program should be used for the MCMC simulation.
#' Possible values are "\code{BRugs}", "\code{ob}", "\code{winbugs}", "\code{wb}" (WinBUGS), "\code{jags}"
#' (JAGS). Case insensitive. Defaults to "\code{JAGS}" since: 1) JAGS is
#' available on all platforms and 2) JAGS seems to be faster than BRugs on
#' (some) windows machines.
#' @param Transform Transformation of data (\code{y}) before analysis.  See
#' \code{\link{choose.trans}}.
#' @param trans.tol The tolerance used to check whether the supplied
#' transformation and its inverse combine to the identity.
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed on to \code{\link[R2WinBUGS]{bugs}}.
#' @return If \code{code.only==FALSE}, an object of class \code{MCmcmc} which
#' is a \code{\link[coda]{mcmc.list}} object of the relevant parameters, i.e.
#' the posteriors of the conversion parameters and the variance components
#' transformed to the scales of each of the methods.
#' Furthermore, the object have the following attributes:
#' \item{random}{Character vector indicating which random effects ("ir","mi")
#' were included in the model.} \item{methods}{Character vector with the method
#' names.} \item{data}{The data frame used in the analysis. This is used in
#' \code{\link{plot.MCmcmc}} when plotting points.} \item{mcmc.par}{A list
#' giving the number of chains etc. used to generate the object.}
#' \item{original}{If \code{org=TRUE}, an \code{\link[coda]{mcmc.list}} object
#' with the posterior of the original model parameters, i.e.  the variance
#' components and the unidentifiable mean parameters.} \item{Transform}{The
#' transformation used to the measurements before the analysis.} If
#' \code{code.only==TRUE}, a list containing the initial values is generated.
#' @author Bendix Carstensen, Steno Diabetes Center,
#' \url{http://BendixCarstensen.com}, Lyle Gurrin, University of Melbourne,
#' \url{http://www.epi.unimelb.edu.au/about/staff/gurrin-lyle}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{BA.plot}}, \code{\link{plot.MCmcmc}},
#' \code{\link{print.MCmcmc}}, \code{\link{check.MCmcmc}}
#' @references B Carstensen: Comparing and predicting between several methods
#' of measurement, Biostatistics, 5, pp 399-413, 2004
#' @keywords models design regression nonlinear
#' @examples
#' data( ox )
#' str( ox )
#' ox <- Meth( ox )
#' # Writes the BUGS program to your console
#' MCmcmc( ox, MI=TRUE, IR=TRUE, code.only=TRUE, bugs.code.file="" )
#' ### What is written here is not necessarily correct on your machine.
#' # ox.MC <- MCmcmc( ox, MI=TRUE, IR=TRUE, n.iter=100, program="JAGS" )
#' # ox.MC <- MCmcmc( ox, MI=TRUE, IR=TRUE, n.iter=100 )
#' #  data( ox.MC )
#' #   str( ox.MC )
#' # print( ox.MC )
#' @importFrom coda varnames
#' @export
MCmcmc <-
function( data,
          bias = "linear",
           IxR = has.repl(data), linked = IxR,
           MxI = TRUE,           matrix = MxI,
        varMxI = nlevels(factor(data$meth)) > 2,
      n.chains = 4,
        n.iter = 2000,
      n.burnin = n.iter/2,
        n.thin = ceiling((n.iter-n.burnin)/1000),
bugs.directory = getOption("bugs.directory"),
         debug = FALSE,
bugs.code.file = "model.txt",
       clearWD = TRUE,
     code.only = FALSE,
      ini.mult = 2,
      list.ini = TRUE,
           org = FALSE,
       program = "JAGS",
     Transform = NULL,
     trans.tol = 1e-6,
           ... )
# Is the supplied dataframe a Meth object? If not make it!
if( !inherits( data, "Meth" ) ) data <- Meth( data, print=FALSE )
# Transform the response if necessary
Transform <- choose.trans( Transform )
if( !is.null(Transform) )
  check.trans( Transform, data$y, trans.tol=trans.tol )
  data$y <- Transform$trans( data$y )

# Check that a dataframe is supplied
if( !is.data.frame(data) | missing( data ) )
stop( "A dataframe should be supplied as the first argument." )

# Check the bias argument:
if( !( substr(tolower(bias),1,3) %in% c("non","con","lin","pro") ) )
  stop( "Specification of 'bias=\"", bias, "\"' is not defined\n",
        "  'bias' must be one of \"none\", \"const\", \"linear\", \"prop\"\n" )
int   <- substr(bias,1,3) %in% c("con","lin")
slope <- substr(bias,1,3) %in% c("lin","pro")

# Make program choice case-insensitive
program <- tolower( program )
program <- #if(        program %in% c("brugs","openbugs","ob") ) "openbugs"
           #else { 

           if ( program %in% c(         "winbugs","wb") )  "winbugs"
           else { if( program %in% c(      "jags","jag","jg") )     "jags"
           else stop( "\n\nProgram '", program, "' not supported!" )

# Fill in the variance components arguments:
if( missing(MxI) ) MxI <- matrix
if( missing(IxR) ) IxR <- linked

# Make the table of replicates for printing before method names are wiped
TT <- summary.Meth( data )

# Get the names of methods that actually appear in data IN THAT ORDER.
# This quirk is necessary to avoid accidental reordering of method names
# if they are not alphabetically ordered
# meth.names <- names( tt <- table( data$meth ) )[tt>0]

# Quantities needed later
N  <- nrow( data )
Mn <-  levels( data$meth )
Nm <- nlevels( data$meth )
Ni <- nlevels( data$item )
Rn <-  levels( data$repl )
Nr <- nlevels( data$repl )
# Number of replicates per (item,method)
Nrep <- with( data, max(apply(table(item,meth,repl),1:2,function(x)sum(x>0))) )

# Print an explanatory text of what goes on:
cat( "\nComparison of", Nm, "methods, using", N, "measurements",
     "\non", Ni, "items, with up to", Nrep, "replicate measurements,",
     "\n(replicate values are in the set:", Rn, ")",
     "\n\nNo. items with measurements on each method:\n" )
print( summary.Meth( data ) )
cat( if( code.only ) "\nBugs program for a model with"
     else "\nSimulation run of a model with",
     if( !int & !slope ) "\n- no bias (intercept==0, slope==1)",
     if(  int & !slope ) "\n- fixed bias (slope==1)",
     if( !int &  slope ) "\n- proportional bias (intercept==0)",
     if( !MxI & !IxR ) "\n- no random interactions:",
     if(  MxI & !IxR ) "\n- method by item interaction:",
     if( !MxI &  IxR ) "\n- item by replicate interaction:",
     if(  MxI &  IxR ) "\n- method by item and item by replicate interaction:",
     if( code.only & !missing( bugs.code.file) & bugs.code.file!="" )
         paste( "is written to the file",
                paste( getwd(), bugs.code.file, sep="/" ), "\n" )
     else if ( !code.only )
          paste( "\n- using", n.chains, "chains run for",
                                n.iter, "iterations \n  (of which",
                              n.burnin, "are burn-in),",
                 if( n.thin==1 ) "\n- monitoring all values of the chain:"
                 else paste( "\n- monitoring every", n.thin, "values of the chain:" ),
                 "\n- giving a posterior sample of",
                 round( n.chains*(n.iter-n.burnin)/n.thin ), "observations.\n\n" )
# Make sure that it is printed before WinBUGS is fired up

# Compute the range of the y's, and expand it to the range
# used for the "true" values for each item and for sd's
u.range <- range( data$y ) + c(-1,1) * 0.1 * diff( range( data$y ) )

# Write the BUGS gode to a file (or optionally the screen)
write.bugs.code( int=int, slope=slope, MxI=MxI, IxR=IxR, varMxI=varMxI,
                 N=N, Nm=Nm, Ni=Ni, Nr=Nr, u.range=u.range,
                 file = if( code.only & missing(bugs.code.file) ) ""
                        else bugs.code.file )

# Generate the appropriate list of inits for the chains if not given:
# (This first part is to allow list.ini=TRUE and code.only=TRUE to
# generate inits too )
do.inits <- !code.only
if( is.logical( list.ini ) & code.only ) do.inits <- list.ini
if( do.inits )
list.ini <- make.inits( data=data, Nm=Nm,
                        int=int, slope=slope,
                        IxR=IxR, MxI=MxI, varMxI=varMxI,
                        n.chains=n.chains, ini.mult=ini.mult )

# If we want to execute the BUGS code --- well, then get on with it:
if( !code.only )
# Construct the data input data to WinBUGS
# First convert the variables to numerical 1,2,3,... for the sake of BUGS
bdat <- data
bdat$meth <- as.integer( bdat$meth )
bdat$item <- as.integer( bdat$item )
bdat$repl <- as.integer( bdat$repl )
data.list <- c( list( N=N, Ni=Ni, Nm=Nm ),
                if( IxR ) list( Nr=Nr  ),
                as.list( bdat[,c("meth","item",if( IxR )"repl","y")] ) )

# Run bugs

# Check the availability of required package
Got.coda  <- TRUE # requireNamespace( "coda" )
Got.r2win <-
Got.brugs <-
Got.jags  <-
Got.pr    <- FALSE
# if( tolower(substr(program,1,1)) %in% c("b","o","w") ) Got.r2win <- requireNamespace( "R2WinBUGS", quietly=TRUE )
#if( tolower(substr(program,1,1)) %in% c("b","o"    ) ) Got.brugs <- requireNamespace( "BRugs"    , quietly=TRUE )
if( tolower(substr(program,1,1)) %in% c("j"        ) ) Got.jags  <- requireNamespace( "rjags"    , quietly=TRUE )
if( !Got.coda |
    !( Got.jags | Got.r2win ) )
  stop( "Using the MCmcmc function for estimation requires that\n",
        "the packages 'R2WinBUGS' or 'rjags' as well as 'coda' are installed.\n",
        "In addition WinBUGS, JAGS or openBugs is required too.\n",
        "(All installed packages are shown if you type 'library()'.)" )

# Is the location of WinBUGS supplied if needed ?
#if( !code.only & is.null( bugs.directory ) & program=="winbugs" ) stop(
#"\nYou must supply the name of the folder where WinBUGS is installed,",
#"\neither by using the parameter bugs.directory=...,",
#"\n    or by setting options(bugs.directory=...).",
#"\nThe latter will last you for the rest of your session.\n" )

#if( !Got.brugs & program=="openbugs" )
#  stop( "Using the MCmcmc function with BRugs / openbugs option requires",
#        "that the BRugs package is installed\n" )

# If we are using BRugs we only continue if on a windows system:
if( .Platform$OS.type != "windows" & !Got.jags )
  cat( "The MCmcmc function only works on non-Windows systems if you have JAGS\n" )
  return( NULL )

if(  is.null(bugs.directory) &&
    !is.null(bugs.dir <- getOption("R2WinBUGS.bugs.directory")) )
  bugs.directory <- bugs.dir

if( program == "jags"  )
cat("Initialization and burn-in:\n")
m <- rjags::jags.model( file = bugs.code.file,
                 data = data.list,
             n.chains = n.chains,
                inits = list.ini,
              n.adapt = n.burnin )
res <- rjags::coda.samples( m,
       variable.names = names( list.ini[[1]] ),
               n.iter = n.iter-n.burnin,
                 thin = n.thin )

#if( program %in% c("winbugs","openbugs")  )
#res <- openbugs::bugs(  data = data.list,
#parameters.to.save = names( list.ini[[1]] ),
#             inits = list.ini,
#        model.file = bugs.code.file,
#          n.chains = n.chains,
#            n.iter = n.iter,
#          n.burnin = n.burnin,
#            n.thin = n.thin,
#    bugs.directory = bugs.directory,
#             debug = debug,
#           program = program,
#           codaPkg = TRUE )

# and read the result into an mcmc.list object
# --- different approach for WinBUGS and OpenBUGS
#if( program == "winbugs"  )
#  res <- read.bugs( res, quiet=TRUE )
#if( program == "openbugs" )
#  res <- sims.array.2.mcmc.list( res$sims.array )

# Now produce a mcmc object with the relevant parameters

# First add dummy colums for alpha and beta if they are not in the model.
# This facilitates all subsequent calculations
if( !int )
  alphas <- rbind( rep( 0, Nm ) )
  colnames( alphas ) <- paste( "alpha[", 1:Nm, "]", sep="" )
  res <- addcols.mcmc( res, alphas )
if( !slope )
  betas <- rbind( rep( 1, Nm ) )
  colnames( betas ) <- paste( "beta[", 1:Nm, "]", sep="" )
  res <- addcols.mcmc( res, betas )

# Construct a new mcmc object with the translation parameters and variance
# components as columns.
new.res <- trans.mcmc( res, MxI, IxR, Nm = Nm,
                            Mn = Mn,
                            n.chains = n.chains )

# Return the mcmc.list of relevant parameters
MCobj <- new.res

# Give class and attributes to the resulting object
class( MCobj ) <- c( "MCmcmc", class( MCobj ) )
attr( MCobj, "random" )  <- c( if(MxI) "MxI", if(IxR) "IxR" )
attr( MCobj, "methods" ) <- Mn
attr( MCobj, "data" )    <- data
attr( MCobj, "Transform" ) <- Transform
# Not implemented yet, but should be
attr( res, "RandomRaters" ) <- FALSE
attr( MCobj, "mcmc.par" )<- list( n.chains = n.chains,
                                    n.iter = n.iter,
                                  n.burnin = n.burnin,
                                    n.thin = n.thin,
                                       dim = dim(as.matrix(MCobj)) )
if( org ) attr( MCobj, "orginal" ) <- res

invisible( MCobj )
# In case only the bugs code was wanted, we return the inits:
else if( do.inits ) invisible( list.ini )

### addcols.mcmc
addcols.mcmc <-
function( obj, cols )
if( !inherits( obj, "mcmc" ) &&
    !inherits( obj, "mcmc.list" ) ) stop( "obj must be a mcmc(.list) object" )
if( inherits( obj, "mcmc.list" ) )
  return( coda::as.mcmc.list( lapply( obj, addcols.mcmc, cols ) ) )
if( length(dim(cols))==1 && length(cols)<1 )
  cols <- cols[rep(1:nrow(cols),nrow(obj))[1:nrow(obj)]]
if( length(dim(cols))>1 && nrow(cols)<nrow(obj) )
  cols <- cols[rep(1:nrow(cols),nrow(obj))[1:nrow(obj)],]
xx <- cbind( obj, cols )
attr( xx, "mcpar") <- attr( obj, "mcpar")
class( xx ) <- "mcmc"
return( xx )

### make.inits
make.inits <-
function( data, Nm, int, slope, IxR, MxI, varMxI, n.chains, ini.mult=2 )
# function to clean up a list
rm.null <- function( lst ) lst[!sapply( lst, is.null )]
# n.chains must be at least 2:
if( n.chains < 2 ) stop( "n.chains must be at least 2, it is ", n.chains )
# Get variance component estimates and construct inits
vcm <- VC.est( data, IxR=IxR, MxI=MxI, varMxI=varMxI )
if( MxI ) sig.mi  <- vcm$VarComp[,"MxI"]
if( IxR ) sig.ir  <- vcm$VarComp[,"IxR"][1]
          sig.res <- vcm$VarComp[,"res"]

# Produce a list of lists of length n.chains;
# the first one starting "correctly",
# and it has to be a list with one list as the first element
list.ini <- list( rm.null(
            list( "alpha" = vcm$Bias,
                   "beta" = rep(1,Nm),
               "sigma.mi" = if( MxI )
                            if( Nm > 2 & varMxI )
               "sigma.ir" = if( IxR ) sig.ir,
              "sigma.res" = sig.res ) ) )
# and the subsequent with perturbed starting values for the variance components
for( j in 2:n.chains )
list.add <- rm.null(
            list( "alpha" = vcm$Bias,
                   "beta" = rep(1,Nm),
               "sigma.mi" = if( MxI )
                            if( Nm > 2 & varMxI )
                            sig.mi * ini.mult^sample(-1:1,Nm,replace=TRUE)
                            sig.mi[1] * ini.mult^sample(-1:1, 1,replace=TRUE)
               "sigma.ir" = if( IxR )
                            sig.ir * ini.mult^sample(-1:1, 1,replace=TRUE),
              "sigma.res" = sig.res* ini.mult^sample(-1:1,Nm,replace=TRUE) ) )
list.ini <- c( list.ini, list( list.add ) )

### write.bugs.code
write.bugs.code <-
function( int, slope, IxR, MxI, varMxI, # Defining structure of model
          u.range, # The range of the true values is relevant for the
                   # application of the initial values of the variance
                   # components and of initial values of(alpha,beta)=(0,1)
          N, Nm, Ni, Nr, # Defining structure of the data.
          file="" )
#  Write the BUGS code according to the arguments
cat( "model {
      for(j in 1:Ni)
        u[j] ~ dunif(", paste( u.range, collapse="," ), ")
      for (i in 1:N)
        y[i] ~ dnorm( mu[i],tau.res[meth[i]] )
        mu[i] <- ",
if( int ) "alpha[meth[i]] +",
if( slope ) "
                  beta[meth[i]] *", "( u[item[i]]",
if( IxR ) "+ e.ir[item[i],repl[i]]",
if( MxI ) "+
if( IxR ) "
        for(r in 1:Nr)
           for(i in 1:Ni)  { e.ir[i,r] ~ dnorm( 0, tau.ir ) }
if( MxI ) paste( "
        for(m in 1:Nm)
           for(i in 1:Ni)  { e.mi[m,i] ~ dnorm( 0,",
                             if( Nm>2 & varMxI ) "tau.mi[m]" else "tau.mi", " ) }
           }" ),
if( IxR ) paste("
                sigma.ir ~ dunif(0,", ceiling(10*u.range[2]), ") ;  tau.ir <- pow( sigma.ir,-2)" ),
if( MxI & ( Nm == 2 | !varMxI ) )
                sigma.mi ~ dunif(0,", ceiling(10*u.range[2]), ") ; tau.mi  <- pow(sigma.mi,-2)" ),
       for( m in 1:Nm )
          { ",
if( int ) "
                alpha[m] ~ dnorm(0,0.0025)",
if( slope ) "
                 beta[m] ~ dunif(0,10)",
if( MxI & Nm > 2 & varMxI )
             sigma.mi[m] ~ dunif(0,", ceiling(10*u.range[2]), ") ; tau.mi[m]  <- pow(sigma.mi[m],-2)" ),
            sigma.res[m] ~ dunif(0,", paste( ceiling(10*u.range[2]) ), ") ; tau.res[m] <- pow(sigma.res[m],-2)
       file = file )

### conv.par
conv.par <-
function( sim.mat, i, j )
# Function to produce posteriors of the conversion parameters from method i to j.

# Find the columns of sim.mat with the relevant alphas and betas
# Note the "\\" necessary to escape the special meaning of "[" in grep.
wh <-  c( grep( paste("alpha\\[",i,"]",sep=""), colnames(sim.mat) ),
          grep( paste("alpha\\[",j,"]",sep=""), colnames(sim.mat) ),
          grep( paste( "beta\\[",i,"]",sep=""), colnames(sim.mat) ),
          grep( paste( "beta\\[",j,"]",sep=""), colnames(sim.mat) ) )

# First compute the alpha, beta and intersection with the identity
# The result is a matrix object with 3 columns
ab.conv <- abconv( sim.mat, wh,
                   col.names = paste( c("alpha","beta","id"), j, i, sep="." ) )

# The variance for predicting method j from i:
# First the residual variances
var.conv <- sim.mat[,paste("sigma.res[",j,"]", sep="" )]^2 +
            ab.conv[,paste("beta",j,i,sep=".")]^2 *
            sim.mat[,paste("sigma.res[",i,"]", sep="" )]^2

# And if there is a method by item interaction this one too
# Recall that the sigma.mi random effect is specified as multiplied by beta
MxI <- any( as.logical( grep( "sigma.mi\\[", colnames(sim.mat) ) ) )
if( MxI ) var.conv <- var.conv +
                      sim.mat[,paste("beta[", j, "]", sep="" )]^2 *
                      sim.mat[,paste("sigma.mi[", j, "]", sep="" )]^2 +
                      ab.conv[,paste("beta",j,i,sep=".")]^2 *
                      sim.mat[,paste("beta[", i, "]", sep="" )]^2 *
                      sim.mat[,paste("sigma.mi[", i, "]", sep="" )]^2
sd.conv <- sqrt( var.conv )
ab.conv <- cbind( ab.conv, sd.conv )
names( ab.conv ) = paste( c("alpha","beta","id.int","sd.pred"),
                          "[", j, "].[", i, "]", sep="" )
ab.conv <- as.matrix( ab.conv )
if( i == j ) ab.conv[,4,drop=FALSE]
        else ab.conv

### sims.array.2.mcmc.list
sims.array.2.mcmc.list <-
function( aa )
zz <- list(list())
for( i in 1:(dim(aa)[2]) )
   tmp <- coda::mcmc( aa[,i,] )
   zz <- c( zz, list(tmp) )
return( coda::mcmc.list( zz[-1] ) )

### mat2.mcmc
mat2.mcmc.list <-
function( mm, n.chains )
zz <- list(list())
n.sims <- dim(mm)[1]/n.chains
if( floor(n.sims)!=n.sims)
  stop( "Matrix supplied does not have nrows a multiple of n.chains" )
for( i in 1:n.chains )
tmp <- coda::mcmc( mm[(i-1)*n.sims+(1:n.sims),] )
zz <- c( zz, list(tmp) )
return( coda::mcmc.list( zz[-1] ) )

### trans.mcmc
trans.mcmc <-
function( res, MxI, IxR, names=TRUE, Nm, Mn, n.chains )
# First convert to a matrix
sim.mat <- as.matrix( res )

# Get the residual variances 'as is'
new.res <- sim.mat[,grep("sigma.res",colnames(sim.mat))]

# Parameters for each method
for( i in Nm:1 )
# Conversion from i to j
for( j in Nm:1 )
new.res <- cbind( conv.par(sim.mat,i,j), new.res )
# The remaining variance components:
# Put the sds of the MxI and IxR effects on the right scales:
if( MxI )
  # First if Nm==2 there is only 1 sigma.mi which must be multiplied with
  # each of the two estimated betas
  if( Nm==2 )
    new.res <- cbind( new.res,
                      sim.mat[,paste("beta[",i,"]",sep="")] )
    new.res <- cbind( new.res,
                      sim.mat[,paste(    "beta[",i,"]",sep="")] )
  colnames( new.res )[ncol(new.res)] <- paste("sigma.mi[",i,"]",sep="")
if( IxR )
  new.res <- cbind( new.res,
                    sim.mat[,paste("beta[",i,"]",sep="")] )
  colnames( new.res )[ncol(new.res)] <- paste("sigma.ir[",i,"]",sep="")

# Total variance for each method (as SD, of course)
for(i in 1:Nm )
  var.tot <- new.res[,paste("sigma.res[",i,"]",sep="")]^2
  if( IxR ) var.tot <- var.tot + new.res[,paste("sigma.ir[",i,"]",sep="")]^2
  if( MxI ) var.tot <- var.tot + new.res[,paste("sigma.mi[",i,"]",sep="")]^2
  new.res <- cbind( new.res, sqrt( var.tot ) )
  colnames( new.res )[ncol(new.res)] <- paste("sigma.tot[",i,"]",sep="")

# Put the method names into the posterior results matrix colnames
if( names )
zz <<- colnames( new.res )
for( i in 1:Nm )
   zz <- gsub( paste("\\[",i,"]",sep=""),
               paste("[",Mn[i],"]",sep=""), zz )
zz <- gsub( "].\\[", ".", zz )
zz -> colnames( new.res )

return( mat2.mcmc.list( new.res, n.chains ) )

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