
Defines functions ccRamp ccSpec ccBreaks ccPalette revPalette

Documented in ccBreaks ccPalette ccRamp ccSpec revPalette

# Functions to define/extract compact colour specifications 
# Author: "Renaud Gaujoux"
# Creation: 19 Sep 2011

#' @import RColorBrewer
#' @importFrom colorspace sequential_hcl
#' @import grDevices

col2hex <- function (cname) 
	colMat <- col2rgb(cname)
	rgb(red = colMat[1, ]/255, green = colMat[2, ]/255, blue = colMat[3,]/255)

#cc <- function(x, cval=80, lval=30){
#	sapply(x, function(co){
#		if( is.integer(co) ) col2hex(if( co <= 8 ) co else colors()[co])		
#		else if( is.numeric(co) ) hcl(co, c=cval, l=lval)
#		else if( !grepl("^#") )
#		else co
#	})

#' Flags a Color Palette Specification for Reversion
#' @keywords internal
revPalette <- function(x){
	attr(x, 'revPalette') <- TRUE

#' Builds a Color Palette from Compact Color Specification
#' @keywords internal
ccPalette <- function(x, n=NA, verbose=FALSE){
	if( length(x)==1 ){
		# shortcut for single colors
		if( (is_NA(n) || n==1) && length(x) > 1L && all(grepl("^#", x)) ) return(x)
		sp <- ccSpec(x)
		x <- sp$palette
		if( is_NA(n) )
			n <- sp$n
		a <- attributes(x)
		if( is.integer(x) ) # integer code between 1 and 8: R basic colour
			x <- c("#F1F1F1", col2hex(x))
		else if( is.numeric(x) ) # numeric: hcl colour
			x <- rev(sequential_hcl(2, h = x, l = c(50, 95)))
		else if( is.character(x) ){ # Palette name: 
			if( require.quiet('RColorBrewer') && x %in% rownames(brewer.pal.info) ){
				if( verbose ) message("Load and generate ramp from RColorBrewer colour palette '", x, "'")			
				x <- brewer.pal(brewer.pal.info[x, 'maxcolors'], x)
				cpal <- c('RdYlBu2', 'rainbow', 'heat', 'topo', 'terrain', 'cm', 'gray', 'grey')
				i <- pmatch(x, cpal)				
				if( is.na(i) && (x %in% colours() || grepl("^#[0-9a-fA-F]+$", x)) ){
					x <- c("#F1F1F1", x)
					if( is.na(i) ){
						stop("Invalid palette name '", x, "': should be an RColorBrewer palette or one of "
							, paste("'", cpal ,"'", sep='', collapse=', ')
                            , ".\n  Available RColorBrewer palettes: ", str_out(rownames(brewer.pal.info), Inf), '.')
					x <- cpal[i]
					# use default value of 10 for n if not specified
					np <- if( is_NA(n) ) 10 else n
					x <- switch(x
							, RdYlBu2 = c("#D73027", "#FC8D59", "#FEE090", "#FFFFBF", "#E0F3F8", "#91BFDB", "#4575B4")
							, rainbow = rainbow(np)
							, gray = rev(gray.colors(np))
							, grey = rev(grey.colors(np))
							, heat = heat.colors(np)
							, topo = topo.colors(np)
							, terrain = terrain.colors(np)
							, cm = cm.colors(np)
							, stop("Unknown colour palette name: '", x, "'")
			stop("Invalid colour palette specification :", x)
		attributes(x) <- a
	# revert the palette if requested
	if( !is.null(attr(x, 'revPalette')) ){
		x <- rev(x)
		attr(x, 'revPalette') <- NULL
	# limit to the requested length
	if( !is_NA(n) )
		x <- x[1:n]
	# return converted palette

#' Generate Break Intervals from Numeric Variables 
#' Implementation is borrowed from the R core function \code{\link{cut.default}}.
#' @keywords internal
ccBreaks <- function(x, breaks){
	if (!is.numeric(x)) 
		stop("'x' must be numeric")
	if (length(breaks) == 1L) {
		if (is.na(breaks) | breaks < 2L) 
			stop("Invalid number of intervals: should be >= 2")
		nb <- as.integer(breaks + 1)
		dx <- diff(rx <- range(x, na.rm = TRUE))
		if (dx == 0) 
			dx <- abs(rx[1L])
		breaks <- seq.int(rx[1L] - dx/1000, rx[2L] + dx/1000, 
				length.out = nb)
	else nb <- length(breaks <- sort.int(as.double(breaks)))
	if (anyDuplicated(breaks)) 
		stop("'breaks' are not unique")

#' Extract Colour Palette Specification
#' @param a character string that specify a colour palette.
#' @return a list with elements: palette, n and rev
#' @keywords internal
ccSpec <- function(x){

	n <- NA
	rv <- FALSE
	if( length(x) == 1 ){
		if( is.character(x) ){
			# flag as reversed if it starts with a '-'
			if( grepl('^-', x) ){		
				x <- substr(x, 2, nchar(x))
				rv <- TRUE
			# extract length for string
			sm <- str_match(x, "([^:]+):([0-9]+).*")[1,]
			if( !is_NA(sm[1]) ){
				n <- as.integer(sm[3])
				x <- sm[2]
			# convert to a colour code if possible
			# use maximum colour number of brewer sets 
			if( is_NA(n) && isString(x) && require.quiet('RColorBrewer') && x %in% rownames(brewer.pal.info) ){
				n <- brewer.pal.info[x,'maxcolors']
			}else if( grepl("^[1-8]$", x) ){# integer code between 1 and 8: R basic colour
				x <- palette()[as.integer(x)]
			}else if( grepl("^[0-9.]+$", x) ) # numeric: hcl colour
				x <- as.numeric(x)
		}else if( is.numeric(x) ){
			if( x < 0 ){
				x <- -x
				rv<- TRUE
			# single integer specification: use R default colours  
			if( isInteger(x) ){
				if( x <= 8 ) x <- palette()[x]
				else x <- colours()[x]
	if( rv )
		x <- revPalette(x)
	res <- list(palette=x, n=n, rev=rv)
#	print(res)

#' Builds a Color Ramp from Compact Color Specification
#' @keywords internal 
ccRamp <- function(x, n=NA, ...){ #breaks, data, ...){
	# generate random color specification if necessary
	if( missing(x) )
		x <- round(runif(1) * 360)
	# extract specifications
	sp <- ccSpec(x)
	x <- sp$palette
	if( missing(n) ){
		n <- sp$n
		if( is_NA(n) ) n <- 50		
	# create a palette from specification x
	x <- ccPalette(x, ...)
#	# compute breaks
#	breaks <- 
#	if( !missing(breaks) ){
#		breaks <- ccBreaks(x, breaks)
#		if( missing(n) )
#			n <- length(breaks)
#		breaks
#	}
#	else if( !missing(data) ){
#		if( missing(n) )
#			n <- length(x)
#		ccBreaks(data, n)
#	}

	if( is_NA(n) )
		n <- length(x)

	# return ramp from palette

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