
Defines functions validate_condition validate_data equal_observations add_inactive_single_units calculate_combination_size get_active_elements possible_combinations probability_of_combination probability_of_event_size summarise_event_size summarise_combination netfacs_randomize netfacs_bootstrap

Documented in add_inactive_single_units calculate_combination_size equal_observations get_active_elements netfacs_bootstrap netfacs_randomize possible_combinations probability_of_combination probability_of_event_size summarise_combination summarise_event_size validate_condition validate_data

# These functions are used internally by NetFACS and are not intended for end users.

#' Calculate expected probability from single bootstrap
#' @param subject A character vector of unique subjects present in the data
#' @param subject.weight A numeric vector of weights to be used when sampling
#'   subjects
#' @param null.subjects A denoting the subject of null.elements
#' @param null.elements A list of active elements in the null condition
#' @param test.combinations A vector denoting AU combinations that are present
#'   in the test data
#' @param max.combination.size A positive integer indicating the maximum AU
#'   combination size considered in the bootstrap
#' @param max.event.size A positive integer indicating the maximum event size to
#'   be considered
#' @return A list of bootstrapped probabilities for combinations and event sizes
#' @importFrom Rfast Table
netfacs_bootstrap <- function(subject,
                              max.event.size) {
  subj.boot <- sample(
    x = subject,
    replace = TRUE,
    prob = subject.weight
  elements.boot <- null.elements[null.subjects %in% unique(subj.boot)]
  # calculate probabilities for random dataset
  rs.boot <-
      elements = elements.boot,
      maxlen = max.combination.size
  # order to match real data
  boot.prob <-
    rs.boot$observed.prob[match(test.combinations, rs.boot$combination)]
  boot.prob[is.na(boot.prob)] <- 0
  # names(boot.prob) <- test.combinations
  # Calculate probability of event sizes (how many AUs active at once) occurring
  event.size.prob <- probability_of_event_size(elements.boot, max.event.size)
  out <-
      combination.prob = boot.prob,
      event.size.prob = event.size.prob

#' Calculate probabilities from single randomization
#' @param m A numeric matrix
#' @param test.combinations A vector of AU combinations observed in test data
#' @param max.combination.size A positive integer
#' @param max.event.size A Positive integer
#' @return A list of randomized probabilities for combinations and event sizes
#' @importFrom picante randomizeMatrix
#' @importFrom Rfast rowsums Table
netfacs_randomize <- function(m,
                              max.event.size) {
  # To establish the expected probabilities for SINGLE elements, the data is compared to permutations that keep the number of elements per row constant but allow for the element probability to vary
  m1 <-
      samp = m,
      null.model = "richness",
      iterations = 100
  elements.m1 <- get_active_elements(m1)
  rs.boot.1 <- probability_of_combination(
    elements = elements.m1,
    maxlen = 1
  # for element combinations >= 2, do permutations that keep the number of cases per row and per column the same
  m2 <-
      samp = m,
      null.model = "independentswap",
      iterations = 100
  elements.m2 <- get_active_elements(m2)
  rs.boot.2 <- probability_of_combination(
    elements = elements.m2,
    maxlen = max.combination.size
  # keep only combinations >1
  comb.size <- calculate_combination_size(rs.boot.2$combination)
  rs.boot.2 <- rs.boot.2[comb.size > 1, ]
  # combine the datasets
  rs.rand <- rbind(rs.boot.1, rs.boot.2)
  rand.prob <-
    rs.rand$observed.prob[match(test.combinations, rs.rand$combination)]
  rand.prob[is.na(rand.prob)] <- 0
  # names(rand.prob) <- test.combinations
  ##### combination size information per event; shuffle so that the number of time each element appears is kept constant, but number of elements per row differs
  m.es <-
      samp = m,
      null.model = "frequency",
      iterations = 100
  event.size.prob <- probability_of_event_size(m.es, max.event.size)
  out <-
      combination.prob = rand.prob,
      event.size.prob = event.size.prob

#' Summarise combination results from bootstrap
#' @param combination A vector of AU combinations
#' @param combination.size A vector denoting the number of active AUs in combination
#' @param boot.prob A matrix with boot probabilities of a given combination in
#'   columns
#' @param observed.prob A vector with probability of combination in test data
#' @param tail upper.tail or lower.tail,
#' @param test.count Number of times a combination occurs in test dataset
#' @importFrom Rfast rowsums Table
#' @return A dataframe
summarise_combination <- function(
) {
  # check that arguments have same number of observations
  if (!equal_observations(combination, boot.prob, observed.prob)) {
    stop("combination, boot.prob, and observed.prob arguments must have the same number of observations.")
  expected.prob <- Rfast::rowmeans(boot.prob)
  effect.size <- observed.prob - expected.prob
  # create probability increase by comparing the observed probability with the
  # mean probability of the randomization process
  prob.increase <- observed.prob / expected.prob
  prob.increase[is.infinite(prob.increase)] <- NA # Inf occurs when dividing n/0
  if (tail == "upper.tail") {
    pvalue <- Rfast::rowmeans(boot.prob >= observed.prob)
  if (tail == "lower.tail") {
    pvalue <- Rfast::rowmeans(boot.prob <= observed.prob)
  out <-
      combination = combination,
      combination.size = combination.size,
      count = test.count,
      expected.prob = expected.prob,
      observed.prob = observed.prob,
      effect.size = effect.size,
      pvalue = pvalue,
      prob.increase = prob.increase


#' Summarise event size probabilities
#' @param observed.prob A named vector with probabilities of event sizes.
#' @param boot.prob A matrix with boot probabilities of a given event
#'   size. Combination size in rows, trials in columns.
#' @return A dataframe
summarise_event_size <- function(observed.prob,
                                 boot.prob) {
  # check that arguments have same number of observations
  if (!equal_observations(boot.prob, observed.prob)) {
    stop("Arguments must have the same number of observations.")
  # observed.prob <- event.size.count / sum(event.size.count)
  expected.prob <- Rfast::rowmeans(boot.prob)
  # effect size here is the difference between the observed and expected values
  effect.size <- observed.prob - expected.prob
  # p-value: two-sided, testing how many of the permutation results for that combination size are more extreme than the observed value
  p.u <- Rfast::rowmeans(boot.prob >= observed.prob)
  p.l <- Rfast::rowmeans(boot.prob <= observed.prob)
  pvalue <- pmin(p.u, p.l)
  out <-
      combination.size = names(observed.prob),
      observed.prob = observed.prob,
      expected.prob = expected.prob,
      effect.size = effect.size,
      pvalue = pvalue

#' Count number of event sizes
#' @param elements A list of vectors containing active elements or a binary
#'   matrix with events in rows
#' @param max.event.size A positive integer
#' @return A named vector, including probabilities for event sizes that were not
#'   observed in the data
#' @importFrom Rfast rowsums Table
probability_of_event_size <- function(elements,
                                      max.event.size) {
  event.sizes <- 1:max.event.size
  # probability of event sizes in test data
  if (is.list(elements)) {
    es.count <- Table(sapply(elements, FUN = length))
  } else {
    es.count <- Table(rowsums(elements))
  # calculate prob before filtering event.sizes
  es.prob <- es.count / sum(es.count)
  es.prob <- es.prob[names(es.prob) %in% event.sizes]
  # missing event sizes have count of 0
  es.prob.all <- rep(0, times = max.event.size)
  names(es.prob.all) <- event.sizes
  es.prob.all[match(names(es.prob), event.sizes)] <- es.prob

#' Calculate probabilities of single elements and combinations occurring
#' @param elements A vector with all elements observed together at an event. Or
#'   a list of vectors or a binary matrix with elements as \code{colnames()}
#' @param maxlen maximum size of combinations to be considered
#' @param sep String. Separator used for showing combinations of elements
#' @return Function returns a dataframe with observed probabilities for each
#'   combination in the dataset
#' @importFrom Rfast Table
probability_of_combination <- function(elements, maxlen, sep = "_") {
  if (is.matrix(elements)) {
    elements <- get_active_elements(elements)
  # calculate all combinations per observation
  if (is.list(elements)) {
    combs <- unlist(
      lapply(elements, function(x) {
        possible_combinations(x, maxlen, sep)
  } else if (is.vector(elements)) {
    combs <- possible_combinations(elements, maxlen, sep)

  # count how many times each AU combination occurred
  n.combs <- Table(combs)
  observed.prob <- n.combs / length(elements)

  # put results in a data frame
    combination = names(observed.prob),
    observed.prob = observed.prob,
    count = n.combs,
    row.names = NULL

#' Calculate all possible combinations of elements
#' Takes a vector of elements and returns a vector with all possible
#' combinations
#' @param elements A vector of elements
#' @param maxlen maximum size of combinations to be considered
#' @param sep String. Separator used for showing combinations of elements
#' @return A vector with all element combinations
#' @importFrom arrangements combinations
possible_combinations <- function(elements, maxlen, sep = "_") {
      1:min(length(elements), maxlen),
      function(comb_len) {
          combinations(x = elements, k = comb_len),
          MARGIN = 1,
          FUN = paste, collapse = sep

#' Extract active elements from matrix
#' @param m A binary matrix where 1 indicates an element was active. colnames(m)
#'   must contain the element names
#' @return A list of vectors
get_active_elements <- function(m) {
  elements <- lapply(1:nrow(m), function(x) {
    colnames(m)[m[x, ] == 1]

#' Calculate combination size
#' @param x A character vector of AU combinations, sep by _
#' @return A vector
calculate_combination_size <- function(x) {
        as.character(x), "_",
        fixed = TRUE

#' Add inactive (missing) single units
#' @param d A dataframe, result of \code{\link{probability_of_combination}}
#' @param single.units A character vector of single AUs
add_inactive_single_units <- function(d, single.units) {
  innactive.single.units <-
    single.units[!single.units %in% d$combination]
  if (length(innactive.single.units) > 0) {
    res <- data.frame(
      combination = innactive.single.units,
      observed.prob = 0,
      count = 0,
      combination.size = 1
    return(rbind(res, d))

#' Check that ALL objects have the same number of observations
#' lenght(vector), nrow(matrix), nrow(dataframe)
#' @param x Object to compare number of observations
#' @param ... Additional objects to compare number of observations
#' @return Logical
equal_observations <- function(x, ...) {
      function(z) vctrs::vec_size(z) == vctrs::vec_size(x)

# validate function arguments ---------------------------------------------

#' Check that 'data' argument is formatted correctly
#' @param data data passed by the user
#' @return data as a matrix
validate_data <- function(data) {
  if (missing(data)) {
    stop("Data must be specified using the 'data' argument.", call. = FALSE)
  if (!isTRUE(nrow(data) > 0L)) {
    stop("Argument 'data' does not contain observations.", call. = FALSE)
  # elements will later be split and combined using "_", and therefore element names must not contain "_"
  if (any(grepl(pattern = "_", colnames(data)))) {
    stop("Column names of 'data' must not contain '_'.", call. = FALSE)
  # data must be coercible to a binary matrix
  data <- try(as.matrix(data), silent = TRUE)
  if (methods::is(data, "try-error")) {
    stop("Argument 'data' must be coercible to a matrix.", call. = FALSE)
  # checking for character "0","1" ensures that the common mistake of having "o" (or other characters) in the matrix is not coerced to NA unintentionally
  if (isFALSE(all(data %in% c(0,1) | data %in% c("0", "1", " 0", " 1", "NA", NA), 
                  na.rm = TRUE) )) {
    stop("Argument 'data' must a binary matrix (containing only 0 or 1) or be coercible to one.", call. = FALSE)
  # suppressWarnings(apply(data, 2, as.numeric))

#' Check that condition arguments are formatted correctly
#' @param data data passed by the user
#' @param condition condition passed by the user
#' @param test.condition condition passed by the user
#' @param null.condition condition passed by the user
validate_condition <- function(data,
                               null.condition) {
  # ********* validation when "condition" IS specified
  # ********* i.e. when doing bootstraps 
  if (!is.null(condition)) {
    if (any(is.na(condition))) {
      stop("Argument 'condition' must not contain NA.",
           call. = FALSE
    # Error messages in case test.condition is wrongly specified
    if (length(condition) != nrow(data)) {
      stop("Argument 'condition' must be the same length as nrow 'data'.",
           call. = FALSE
    if (is.null(test.condition)) {
      stop("Argument 'condition' has been specified without a 'test.condition'. Specify 'test.condition'.", call. = FALSE)
    if (!test.condition %in% condition) {
      stop("Argument 'test.condition' is not part of the 'condition' vector.",
           call. = FALSE
    if (!is.null(null.condition)) {
      if (!null.condition %in% condition) {
        stop("Argument 'null.condition' is not part of the 'condition' vector.",
             call. = FALSE
  # ********* validation when "condition" is NOT specified
  # ********* i.e. when doing permutations
  if (is.null(condition)) {
    if (!is.null(test.condition)) {
      warning("test.condition was specified without a condition vector. Ignoring test.condition.", call. = FALSE)
    if (!is.null(null.condition)) {
      warning("null.condition was specified without a condition vector. Ignoring null.condition.", call. = FALSE)

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NetFACS documentation built on Dec. 7, 2022, 1:12 a.m.