
context("blrm_exnex tests")


eps <- 1E-4
eps_low <- 0.02

## reference runs (TODO: take from gold runs?)
single_agent  <- run_example("single_agent")
combo2  <- run_example("combo2")
combo3  <- run_example("combo3")


## perform some basic checks on the shape of outputs
check_model_basic  <- function(fit, envir) {
  data <- fit$data
  num_obs  <- nrow(data)
  ss  <- summary(fit, interval_prob=c(0,0.16,0.33,1))

  expect_equal(nrow(ss), num_obs)
  expect_equal(ncol(ss), 8)
  expect_equal(sum(is.na(ss)), 0)
  ss2  <- summary(fit, interval_prob=c(0,1))
  expect_equal(sum((ss2[,"(0,1]"] - 1)<eps), nrow(data))
  ss3  <- summary(fit, interval_prob=c(-1,100), predictive=TRUE, transform=FALSE)
  expect_equal(sum((ss3[,"(-1,100]"] - 1)<eps), nrow(data))

  ## check that the median and 50% interval prob align
  s_med  <- ss[,"50%"]
  for(i in seq_along(s_med)) {
    i <- 1
    q_med  <- s_med[i]
    s_q  <- summary(fit, interval_prob=c(0,q_med,1))
    expect_true(abs(s_q[i,6] - 0.5) < eps)
    expect_true(abs(s_q[i,7] - 0.5) < eps)

  iter  <- getOption("OncoBayes2.MC.iter")
  warmup  <- getOption("OncoBayes2.MC.warmup")
  chains  <- getOption("OncoBayes2.MC.chains")
  num_sim <- chains * (iter - warmup)

  plin  <- posterior_linpred(fit)
  expect_equal(nrow(plin), num_sim)
  expect_equal(ncol(plin), nrow(data))
  expect_equal(sum(is.na(ss)), 0)

  envir$fit  <- fit
  envir$data1  <- data[1,,drop=FALSE]

  suppressMessages(capture.output(single_obs_fit <- with(envir, update(fit, data=data1))))
  ss1  <- summary(single_obs_fit)
  expect_equal(nrow(ss1), 1)
  expect_equal(ncol(ss1), 5)
  expect_equal(sum(is.na(ss1)), 0)

  plin1  <- posterior_linpred(single_obs_fit)
  expect_equal(nrow(plin1), num_sim)
  expect_equal(ncol(plin1), 1)

test_that("blrm_exnex data handling consistency single-agent",
          check_model_basic(single_agent$blrmfit, single_agent))

test_that("blrm_exnex data handling consistency combo2",
          check_model_basic(combo2$blrmfit, combo2))

test_that("blrm_exnex data handling consistency combo3",
          check_model_basic(combo3$blrmfit, combo3))

test_that("blrm_exnex data handling consistency single-agent with cmdstanr backend", {
          opts <- options(OncoBayes2.MC.backend="cmdstanr")
          single_agent_cmdstanr  <- run_example("single_agent")
          check_model_basic(single_agent_cmdstanr$blrmfit, single_agent_cmdstanr)

test_that("blrm_exnex data handling consistency combo2 with cmdstanr backend", {
          opts <- options(OncoBayes2.MC.backend="cmdstanr")
          combo2_cmdstanr  <- run_example("combo2")
          check_model_basic(combo2_cmdstanr$blrmfit, combo2_cmdstanr)

test_that("blrm_exnex data handling consistency combo3 with cmdstanr backend", {
          opts <- options(OncoBayes2.MC.backend="cmdstanr")
          combo3_cmdstanr  <- run_example("combo3")
          check_model_basic(combo3_cmdstanr$blrmfit, combo3_cmdstanr)

test_that("interval probabilites are consistent", {
  combo2_sens  <- combo2
  sens_low <- hist_combo2 %>%
    mutate(num_toxicities=0, num_patients=3*num_patients)
  combo2_sens$sens_low  <- sens_low
  outp <- suppressMessages(capture.output(sens_fit_low <- with(combo2_sens, update(blrmfit, iter=11000, warmup=1000, chains=1, data=sens_low))))
  s_low  <- summary(sens_fit_low, interval_prob=c(0,0.9,1))
  expect_equal(sum((s_low[,"(0,0.9]"] - 1)<eps), nrow(sens_low))
  expect_equal(sum((s_low[,"(0.9,1]"])<eps), nrow(sens_low))

  s_low_L  <- summary(sens_fit_low, interval_prob=c(-100,4,100), transform=FALSE)
  expect_equal(sum((s_low_L[,"(-100,4]"] - 1)<eps), nrow(sens_low))
  expect_equal(sum((s_low_L[,"(4,100]"])<eps), nrow(sens_low))

  s_low_pp_resp  <- summary(sens_fit_low, interval_prob=c(-1,0.9,1), transform=TRUE, predictive=TRUE)
  expect_equal(sum((s_low_pp_resp[,"(-1,0.9]"] - 1)<eps), nrow(sens_low))
  expect_equal(sum((s_low_pp_resp[,"(0.9,1]"])<eps), nrow(sens_low))

  s_low_pp_count  <- summary(sens_fit_low, interval_prob=c(-1,10,100), transform=FALSE, predictive=TRUE)
  expect_equal(sum((s_low_pp_count[,"(-1,10]"] - 1)<eps), nrow(sens_low))
  expect_equal(sum((s_low_pp_count[,"(10,100]"])<eps), nrow(sens_low))

  sens_high <- hist_combo2 %>%
    mutate(num_patients=20, num_toxicities=num_patients)
  combo2_sens$sens_high <- sens_high
  outp <- suppressMessages(capture.output(sens_fit_high <- with(combo2_sens, update(blrmfit, iter=11000, warmup=1000, chains=1, data=sens_high))))
  s_high  <- summary(sens_fit_high, interval_prob=c(0,0.1,1))
  expect_equal(sum((s_high[,"(0.1,1]"] - 1)<eps), nrow(sens_low))
  expect_equal(sum((s_high[,"(0,0.1]"])<eps), nrow(sens_low))

  s_high_L  <- summary(sens_fit_high, interval_prob=c(-100,0,100), transform=FALSE)
  expect_equal(sum((s_high_L[,"(-100,0]"])<eps), nrow(sens_high))
  expect_equal(sum((s_high_L[,"(0,100]"]-1)<eps), nrow(sens_high))

  s_high_pp_resp  <- summary(sens_fit_high, interval_prob=c(-1,0.1,1), transform=TRUE, predictive=TRUE)
  expect_equal(sum((s_high_pp_resp[,"(-1,0.1]"])<eps_low), nrow(sens_high))
  expect_equal(sum((s_high_pp_resp[,"(0.1,1]"] - 1)<eps_low), nrow(sens_high))

  s_high_pp_count  <- summary(sens_fit_high, interval_prob=c(-1,0,100), transform=FALSE, predictive=TRUE)
  expect_equal(sum((s_high_pp_count[,"(-1,0]"])<eps_low), nrow(sens_high))
  expect_equal(sum((s_high_pp_count[,"(0,100]"] - 1)<eps_low), nrow(sens_high))

test_that("predictive interval probabilites are correct", {
    ## as we use a semi-analytic scheme to get more accurate posterior
    ## predictive summaries, we test here against a simulation based
    ## approach
    single_agent_test <- single_agent
    single_agent_test$test_data <- mutate(single_agent$blrmfit$data, num_patients=100, num_toxicities=c(0,0,0,25,50))
    fit  <- with(single_agent_test, update(blrmfit, iter=21000, warmup=1000, chains=1, data=test_data))
    ndata <- transform(fit$data, num_patients=100)
    s_pp <- summary(fit, newdata=ndata, prob=0.5, interval_prob=c(-1,1), predictive=TRUE, transform=TRUE)
    post <- posterior_predict(fit, newdata=ndata)/100
    nr <- nrow(s_pp)
    expect_equal(sum( abs( colMeans(post) - s_pp[,"mean"] ) < eps_low ), nr)
    ## expect_equal(sum( ( apply(post, 2, sd) - s_pp[,"sd"] ) < eps_low ), nr) ## rather unstable estimates...skip
    expect_equal(sum( abs( apply(post, 2, quantile, probs=0.5, type=3) - s_pp[,"50%"] ) < eps_low ), nr)
    expect_equal(sum( abs( apply(post, 2, quantile, probs=0.25, type=3) - s_pp[,"25%"] ) < eps_low ), nr)
    expect_equal(sum( abs( apply(post, 2, quantile, probs=0.75, type=3) - s_pp[,"75%"] ) < eps_low ), nr)
    expect_equal(sum( abs( apply(post, 2, function(x) mean(x <= 1)) - s_pp[,"(-1,1]"] ) < eps_low ), nr)

    num <- fit$data$num_patients
    nr <- length(num)
    test <- sweep(predictive_interval(fit, prob=0.5), 1, num, "/")
    pp <- sweep(posterior_predict(fit), 2, num, "/")
    ref <- t(apply(pp, 2, quantile, c(0.25, 0.75), type=3))
    expect_equal(sum(abs(test - ref) < eps_low), 2*nr)

## TODO: Add proper runs which are compared against published results,
## e.g. from the book chapter

test_that("interval probabilites are not NaN", {
  ss1  <- summary(combo2$blrmfit, interval_prob=c(0.1, 0.4))
  ss2  <- summary(combo2$blrmfit, transform=FALSE, interval_prob=logit(c(0.1, 0.4)))

test_that("correctness of numerical stable log1m_exp_max0", {
    b <- -1E-22
    expect_true(abs(OncoBayes2:::log1m_exp_max0(b - 1E-5) - log1p(-exp(b - 1E-5))) < 1E-10)
    expect_true(abs(OncoBayes2:::log1m_exp_max0(b - 1E-3) - log1p(-exp(b - 1E-3))) < 1E-10)
    expect_true(abs(OncoBayes2:::log1m_exp_max0(b - 1E-1) - log1p(-exp(b - 1E-1))) < 1E-10)
    expect_true(abs(OncoBayes2:::log1m_exp_max0(b - 1E-0) - log1p(-exp(b - 1E-0))) < 1E-10)

test_that("all expected posterior quantiles are returned", {

  prob <- 0.95
  f <- function(){
    summary(combo2$blrmfit, prob = prob)
  ss1  <- f()
  p <- unique(c((1 - prob)/ 2, (1 - (1 - prob) / 2), 0.5))
  plab <- as.character(100 * p)
    sapply(plab, function(lab){
      any(grepl(names(ss1), pattern = lab))

  prob <- c(0.5, 0.95)
  ss2 <- f()
  p <- unique(c((1 - prob)/ 2, (1 - (1 - prob) / 2), 0.5))
  plab <- as.character(100 * p)
    sapply(plab, function(lab){
      any(grepl(names(ss2), pattern = lab))


query_fit <- function(fit) {
  s1 <- summary(fit)
  s2 <- summary(fit, interval_prob=c(0,0.16,0.33,1.0))
  expect_true(ncol(s1) == ncol(s2)-3)
  pl <- posterior_linpred(fit)
  pi <- posterior_interval(fit)
  pp <- predictive_interval(fit)

test_that("blrmfit methods work for single agent models", {
  ## this test is successfull if methods run without errors as we do
  ## not have running examples given they are too costly.

test_that("blrmfit methods work for combo2 models", {
  ## this test is successfull if methods run without errors as we do
  ## not have running examples given they are too costly.

test_that("blrmfit methods work for combo3 models", {
  ## this test is successfull if methods run without errors as we do
  ## not have running examples given they are too costly.

test_that("blrm_exnex accepts single-stratum data sets with general prior definition", {

    num_comp <- 1 # one investigational drug
    num_inter <- 0 # no drug-drug interactions need to be modeled
    num_groups <- nlevels(hist_SA$group_id) # no stratification needed
    num_strata <- 1 # no stratification needed

    dref <- 50

    hist_SA_alt  <- mutate(hist_SA, stratum=factor(1))

    ## in case a single stratum is used in the data, the priors for tau should accept
    blrmfit <- blrm_exnex(
        cbind(num_toxicities, num_patients - num_toxicities) ~
            1 + log(drug_A / dref) |
            0 |
        data = hist_SA_alt,
        prior_EX_mu_mean_comp = matrix(
            c(logit(1/2), # mean of intercept on logit scale
              log(1)),    # mean of log-slope on logit scale
            nrow = num_comp,
            ncol = 2
        prior_EX_mu_sd_comp = matrix(
            c(2,  # sd of intercept
              1), # sd of log-slope
            nrow = num_comp,
            ncol = 2
        prior_EX_tau_mean_comp = array(0, c(1,num_comp,2)),
        prior_EX_tau_sd_comp   = array(1, c(num_comp,2)),
        prior_EX_prob_comp = matrix(1, nrow = num_comp, ncol = 1),
        prior_tau_dist = 0,
        prior_PD = FALSE,

    expect_true(nrow(summary(blrmfit)) == nrow(hist_SA_alt))


test_that("blrm_exnex summaries do not change depending on global variable definitions of dref", {

    num_comp <- 1 # one investigational drug
    num_inter <- 0 # no drug-drug interactions need to be modeled
    num_groups <- nlevels(hist_SA$group_id) # no stratification needed
    num_strata <- 1 # no stratification needed

    dref <- 50

    hist_SA_alt  <- mutate(hist_SA, stratum=factor(1))

    ## in case a single stratum is used in the data, the priors for tau should accept
    blrmfit <- blrm_exnex(
        cbind(num_toxicities, num_patients - num_toxicities) ~
            1 + log(drug_A / dref) |
            0 |
        data = hist_SA_alt,
        prior_EX_mu_mean_comp = matrix(
            c(logit(1/2), # mean of intercept on logit scale
              log(1)),    # mean of log-slope on logit scale
            nrow = num_comp,
            ncol = 2
        prior_EX_mu_sd_comp = matrix(
            c(2,  # sd of intercept
              1), # sd of log-slope
            nrow = num_comp,
            ncol = 2
        prior_EX_tau_mean_comp = array(0, c(1,num_comp,2)),
        prior_EX_tau_sd_comp   = array(1, c(num_comp,2)),
        prior_EX_prob_comp = matrix(1, nrow = num_comp, ncol = 1),
        prior_tau_dist = 0,
        prior_PD = FALSE,

    mean1 <- summary(blrmfit)$mean
    pmean1 <- summary(blrmfit, predictive=TRUE)$mean

    dref <- 1000

    mean2 <- summary(blrmfit)$mean
    pmean2 <- summary(blrmfit, predictive=TRUE)$mean

    expect_equal(mean1, mean2)
    expect_equal(pmean1, pmean2)

test_that("blrm_exnex rejects wrongly nested stratum/group combinations in data sets", {

    hist_data <- tibble(
        group_id = as.factor(c(rep("trial_a",2),rep("trial_b",3), rep("trial_c",1))),
        stratum_id = as.factor(c(rep("reg1",2),rep("reg2",2), "reg3", rep("reg1",1))),
        drug = c(20*5, 30*5, 20*14, 30*14, 45*7, 0),
        num_toxicities = c(0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0),
        num_patients = c(2, 6, 3, 4, 9, 29)

    num_comp <-  1
    num_strata <-  nlevels(hist_data$stratum_id)
    num_groups <-  nlevels(hist_data$group_id)

    expect_error(blrmfit <- blrm_exnex(cbind(num_toxicities, num_patients-num_toxicities) ~
                              1 + I(log(drug)) |
                              0 | stratum_id/group_id,
                          prior_EX_mu_mean_comp = matrix(c(logit(0.20), 0), # (E(mu_alpha), E(mu_beta))
                                                         nrow = num_comp,
                                                         ncol = 2,
                                                         byrow = TRUE),
                          prior_EX_mu_sd_comp = matrix(c(2, 1), # (sd(mu_alpha), sd(mu_beta))
                                                       nrow = num_comp,
                                                       ncol = 2,
                                                       byrow = TRUE),
                          prior_EX_tau_mean_comp=abind(matrix(log( c(0.25, 0.125)), nrow=num_comp, ncol=2, TRUE), #level 1 reg1
                                                       matrix(log(2*c(0.25, 0.125)), nrow=num_comp, ncol=2, TRUE),#level 2 reg2
                                                       matrix(log(2*c(0.25, 0.125)), nrow=num_comp, ncol=2, TRUE),#level 3 reg3
                          prior_EX_tau_sd_comp=abind(matrix(c(log(4)/1.96,log(2)/1.96), nrow=num_comp, ncol=2, TRUE),
                                                     matrix(c(log(4)/1.96,log(2)/1.96), nrow=num_comp, ncol=2, TRUE),
                                                     matrix(c(log(4)/1.96,log(2)/1.96), nrow=num_comp, ncol=2, TRUE),
                          prior_is_EXNEX_comp = rep(FALSE, num_comp),
                          prior_EX_prob_comp=matrix(1, nrow = num_groups, ncol = num_comp),
                          ), "^Inconsistent.*")

test_that("update.blrmfit grows the data set", {

    single_agent_new  <- single_agent
    single_agent_new$new_cohort_SA <- data.frame(group_id="trial_A", num_patients=4, num_toxicities=2, drug_A=50)
    single_agent_new$new_blrmfit_1 <- with(single_agent_new, update(blrmfit, add_data=new_cohort_SA))
    expect_true(nrow(summary(single_agent_new$new_blrmfit_1)) == nrow(hist_SA)+1)

    ## ensure that the data accumulates
    new_blrmfit_2 <- with(single_agent_new, update(new_blrmfit_1, add_data=new_cohort_SA))
    expect_true(nrow(summary(new_blrmfit_2)) == nrow(hist_SA)+2)

    combo2_new  <- combo2
    combo2_new$new_codata <- data.frame(group_id=c("IIT", "trial_AB"),
                                        drug_A=c(8, 8),
                                        drug_B=c(800, 900),
                                        drug_C=c(10, 20),
                                        num_patients=10, num_toxicities=2, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)

    ## this one will fail due to a factor levels mismatch
    expect_error(new_blrmfit_3 <- with(combo2_new, update(blrmfit, add_data=new_codata)),
                 "Mismatch in factor level defintion of grouping", fixed=TRUE)

    combo2_new$new_codata  <-  mutate(combo2_new$new_codata,
    new_blrmfit_3 <- with(combo2_new, update(blrmfit, add_data=new_codata))
    expect_true(nrow(summary(new_blrmfit_3)) == nrow(codata_combo2)+2)
    ## Test that adding dummy data does not change results in the other rows
    combo2_new_with_dummy <- combo2
    combo2_new_with_dummy$new_codata <- add_row(combo2_new_with_dummy$new_codata, group_id = factor("IIT"), drug_A = 1, drug_B = 1, drug_C = 1, num_patients = 0, num_toxicities = 0)

    new_blrmfit_3_with_dummy <- with(combo2_new_with_dummy, update(blrmfit, add_data=new_codata))
    expect_equal(nrow(summary(new_blrmfit_3)) + 1, nrow(summary(new_blrmfit_3_with_dummy)))

    ## test if the log-likelihood is the same for parameter-vector 0
    ## on unconstrained space
    get_stanfit <- function(blrmfit) {
        capture.output(model <- sampling(OncoBayes2:::stanmodels$blrm_exnex, data=blrmfit$standata, chains=0))

    new_blrmfit_3_stanfit <- get_stanfit(new_blrmfit_3)
    new_blrmfit_3_with_dummy_stanfit <- get_stanfit( new_blrmfit_3_with_dummy)

    num_pars  <- rstan::get_num_upars(new_blrmfit_3_stanfit)
    theta_uconst <- rep(0.0, num_pars)
    log_prob_group <- rstan::log_prob(new_blrmfit_3_stanfit, theta_uconst, gradient=FALSE)
    log_prob_group_and_dummy  <- rstan::log_prob(new_blrmfit_3_with_dummy_stanfit, theta_uconst, gradient=FALSE)
    expect_equal(log_prob_group, log_prob_group_and_dummy)

    ## Same for empty group
    new_blrmfit_with_empty_group <- with(combo2_new, update(blrmfit, data=blrmfit$data))
    new_blrmfit_with_empty_group_and_dummy <- with(combo2_new, update(blrmfit, data=add_row(blrmfit$data, group_id = factor("IIT"), drug_A = 1, drug_B = 1, num_patients = 0, num_toxicities = 0)))
    expect_equal(nrow(summary(new_blrmfit_with_empty_group)) + 1, nrow(summary(new_blrmfit_with_empty_group_and_dummy)))
    ##summary(new_blrmfit_with_empty_group) - summary(new_blrmfit_with_empty_group_and_dummy)[1:nrow(summary(new_blrmfit_with_empty_group)),]
    ## change level order and test

    ## test if the log-likelihood is the same for parameter-vector 0
    ## on unconstrained space
    new_blrmfit_with_empty_group_stanfit <- get_stanfit(new_blrmfit_with_empty_group)
    num_pars  <- rstan::get_num_upars(new_blrmfit_with_empty_group_stanfit)
    theta_uconst <- rep(0.0, num_pars)
    combo2_new_blrmfit_stanfit <- get_stanfit(combo2_new$blrmfit)
    log_prob_prob_ref  <- rstan::log_prob(combo2_new_blrmfit_stanfit, theta_uconst, gradient=FALSE)
    log_prob_empty_group <- rstan::log_prob(new_blrmfit_with_empty_group_stanfit, theta_uconst, gradient=FALSE)
    new_blrmfit_with_empty_group_and_dummy_stanfit <- get_stanfit(new_blrmfit_with_empty_group_and_dummy)
    log_prob_empty_group_and_dummy  <- rstan::log_prob(new_blrmfit_with_empty_group_and_dummy_stanfit, theta_uconst, gradient=FALSE)
    expect_equal(log_prob_prob_ref, log_prob_empty_group)
    expect_equal(log_prob_prob_ref, log_prob_empty_group_and_dummy)

    combo2_new$flaky_new_codata  <-  mutate(combo2_new$new_codata,

    expect_error(new_blrmfit_4 <- with(combo2_new, update(blrmfit, add_data=flaky_new_codata)),
                 "Assertion on 'grouping and/or stratum columns'.*")

    with(combo2_new, {
        wrong_codata  <- new_codata
        levels_wrong  <- levels(codata_combo2$group_id)
        levels_wrong[1:2] <- levels_wrong[2:1]
        wrong_codata  <- mutate(wrong_codata, group_id=factor(as.character(group_id), levels=levels_wrong))
    expect_true(sum(levels(combo2_new$wrong_codata$group_id) != levels(codata_combo2$group_id)) == 2)

    expect_error(new_blrmfit_5 <- with(combo2_new, update(blrmfit, add_data=wrong_codata)),
                 "Mismatch in factor level defintion of grouping", fixed=TRUE)


test_that("update.blrmfit does regular updating", {
    single_agent_new  <- single_agent
    single_agent_new$only_cohort_SA <- data.frame(group_id="trial_A", num_patients=4, num_toxicities=2, drug_A=50, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
    single_agent_new$only_blrmfit_1 <- with(single_agent_new, update(blrmfit, data=only_cohort_SA))
    expect_true(nrow(summary(single_agent_new$only_blrmfit_1)) == 1)

test_that("update.blrmfit combines data and add_data", {
    single_agent_new  <- single_agent
    single_agent_new$only_cohort_SA <- data.frame(group_id="trial_A", num_patients=4, num_toxicities=2, drug_A=50)
    single_agent_new$hist_SA_sub <- hist_SA[1:3,]
    single_agent_new$only_blrmfit_1 <- with(single_agent_new, update(blrmfit, data=hist_SA_sub, add_data=only_cohort_SA))
    expect_true(nrow(summary(single_agent_new$only_blrmfit_1)) == 4)

test_that("blrm_exnex properly warns/errors if prior_is_EXNEX is inconsistent from prior_EX_prob", {

    hist_data <- tibble(
        group_id = as.factor(c(rep("trial_a",2),rep("trial_b",3), rep("trial_c",1))),
        stratum_id = as.factor(c(rep("reg1",2),rep("reg2",2), rep("reg2",2))),
        drug1 = c(20*5, 30*5, 20*14, 30*14, 45*7, 0),
        drug2 = c(20*5, 30*5, 20*14, 30*14, 45*7, 10),
        num_toxicities = c(0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0),
        num_patients = c(2, 6, 3, 4, 9, 29)

    num_comp <-  2
    num_strata <-  nlevels(hist_data$stratum_id)
    num_groups <-  nlevels(hist_data$group_id)
    num_inter <- 1

    expect_error(blrmfit <- blrm_exnex(cbind(num_toxicities, num_patients-num_toxicities) ~
                              1 + I(log(drug1)) |
                              1 + I(log(drug2)) |
                              0 + I(drug1 * drug2) | stratum_id/group_id,
                          prior_is_EXNEX_comp = rep(FALSE, 2),
                          prior_EX_prob_comp=matrix(c(0.5, 1, 1), nrow = num_groups, ncol = num_comp, byrow = FALSE), # 0.5 would be ignored
                          prior_is_EXNEX_inter = FALSE,
                          prior_EX_prob_inter = matrix(c(1, 1, 1), nrow = num_groups, ncol =num_inter),
                          prior_EX_mu_mean_inter = rep(0, num_inter),
                          prior_EX_mu_sd_inter = rep(1, num_inter),
                          prior_EX_tau_mean_inter =matrix(log(2)/1.96, nrow=num_strata, ncol=num_inter),
                          prior_EX_tau_sd_inter = matrix(log(2)/1.96, nrow=num_strata, ncol=num_inter),
                          prior_EX_mu_mean_comp = matrix(c(logit(0.20), 0), # (E(mu_alpha), E(mu_beta))
                                                         nrow = num_comp,
                                                         ncol = 2,
                                                         byrow = TRUE),
                          prior_EX_mu_sd_comp = matrix(c(2, 1), # (sd(mu_alpha), sd(mu_beta))
                                                       nrow = num_comp,
                                                       ncol = 2,
                                                       byrow = TRUE),
                          prior_EX_tau_mean_comp=abind(matrix(log( c(0.25, 0.125)), nrow=num_comp, ncol=2, TRUE), #level 1 reg1
                                                       matrix(log(2*c(0.25, 0.125)), nrow=num_comp, ncol=2, TRUE),#level 2 reg2
                          prior_EX_tau_sd_comp=abind(matrix(c(log(4)/1.96,log(2)/1.96), nrow=num_comp, ncol=2, TRUE),
                                                     matrix(c(log(4)/1.96,log(2)/1.96), nrow=num_comp, ncol=2, TRUE),
                          ), "*is_EXNEX*")

    expect_error(blrmfit <- blrm_exnex(cbind(num_toxicities, num_patients-num_toxicities) ~
                              1 + I(log(drug1)) |
                              1 + I(log(drug2)) |
                              0 + I(drug1 * drug2) | stratum_id/group_id,
                          prior_EX_mu_mean_comp = matrix(c(logit(0.20), 0), # (E(mu_alpha), E(mu_beta))
                                                         nrow = num_comp,
                                                         ncol = 2,
                                                         byrow = TRUE),
                          prior_EX_mu_sd_comp = matrix(c(2, 1), # (sd(mu_alpha), sd(mu_beta))
                                                       nrow = num_comp,
                                                       ncol = 2,
                                                       byrow = TRUE),
                          prior_EX_tau_mean_comp=abind(matrix(log( c(0.25, 0.125)), nrow=num_comp, ncol=2, TRUE), #level 1 reg1
                                                       matrix(log(2*c(0.25, 0.125)), nrow=num_comp, ncol=2, TRUE),#level 2 reg2
                          prior_EX_tau_sd_comp=abind(matrix(c(log(4)/1.96,log(2)/1.96), nrow=num_comp, ncol=2, TRUE),
                                                     matrix(c(log(4)/1.96,log(2)/1.96), nrow=num_comp, ncol=2, TRUE),
                          prior_is_EXNEX_comp = c(TRUE, FALSE),
                          prior_EX_prob_comp=cbind(c(1, 1, 1), c(0.5, 1, 1)), # 0.5 would be ignored
                          prior_is_EXNEX_inter = FALSE,
                          prior_EX_prob_inter = matrix(c(1, 1, 1), nrow = num_groups, ncol =num_inter),
                          prior_EX_mu_mean_inter = rep(0, num_inter),
                          prior_EX_mu_sd_inter = rep(1, num_inter),
                          prior_EX_tau_mean_inter =matrix(log(2)/1.96, nrow=num_strata, ncol=num_inter),
                          prior_EX_tau_sd_inter = matrix(log(2)/1.96, nrow=num_strata, ncol=num_inter),
                          ), "*is_EXNEX*")

    expect_error(blrmfit <- blrm_exnex(cbind(num_toxicities, num_patients-num_toxicities) ~
                              1 + I(log(drug1)) |
                              1 + I(log(drug2)) |
                              0 + I(drug1 * drug2) | stratum_id/group_id,
                          prior_EX_mu_mean_comp = matrix(c(logit(0.20), 0), # (E(mu_alpha), E(mu_beta))
                                                         nrow = num_comp,
                                                         ncol = 2,
                                                         byrow = TRUE),
                          prior_EX_mu_sd_comp = matrix(c(2, 1), # (sd(mu_alpha), sd(mu_beta))
                                                       nrow = num_comp,
                                                       ncol = 2,
                                                       byrow = TRUE),
                          prior_EX_tau_mean_comp=abind(matrix(log( c(0.25, 0.125)), nrow=num_comp, ncol=2, TRUE), #level 1 reg1
                                                       matrix(log(2*c(0.25, 0.125)), nrow=num_comp, ncol=2, TRUE),#level 2 reg2
                          prior_EX_tau_sd_comp=abind(matrix(c(log(4)/1.96,log(2)/1.96), nrow=num_comp, ncol=2, TRUE),
                                                     matrix(c(log(4)/1.96,log(2)/1.96), nrow=num_comp, ncol=2, TRUE),
                          prior_is_EXNEX_comp = c(FALSE, FALSE),
                          prior_is_EXNEX_inter = FALSE,
                          prior_EX_prob_comp=cbind(c(1, 1, 1), c(1, 1, 1)),
                          prior_EX_prob_inter = matrix(c(0.5, 1, 1), nrow = num_groups, ncol =num_inter),
                          prior_EX_mu_mean_inter = rep(0, num_inter),
                          prior_EX_mu_sd_inter = rep(1, num_inter),
                          prior_EX_tau_mean_inter =matrix(log(2)/1.96, nrow=num_strata, ncol=num_inter),
                          prior_EX_tau_sd_inter = matrix(log(2)/1.96, nrow=num_strata, ncol=num_inter),
                          ), "*is_EXNEX*")

    expect_warning(blrmfit <- blrm_exnex(cbind(num_toxicities, num_patients-num_toxicities) ~
                              1 + I(log(drug1)) |
                              1 + I(log(drug2)) |
                              0 + I(drug1 * drug2) | stratum_id/group_id,
                          prior_EX_mu_mean_comp = matrix(c(logit(0.20), 0), # (E(mu_alpha), E(mu_beta))
                                                         nrow = num_comp,
                                                         ncol = 2,
                                                         byrow = TRUE),
                          prior_EX_mu_sd_comp = matrix(c(2, 1), # (sd(mu_alpha), sd(mu_beta))
                                                       nrow = num_comp,
                                                       ncol = 2,
                                                       byrow = TRUE),
                          prior_EX_tau_mean_comp=abind(matrix(log( c(0.25, 0.125)), nrow=num_comp, ncol=2, TRUE), #level 1 reg1
                                                       matrix(log(2*c(0.25, 0.125)), nrow=num_comp, ncol=2, TRUE),#level 2 reg2
                          prior_EX_tau_sd_comp=abind(matrix(c(log(4)/1.96,log(2)/1.96), nrow=num_comp, ncol=2, TRUE),
                                                     matrix(c(log(4)/1.96,log(2)/1.96), nrow=num_comp, ncol=2, TRUE),
                          prior_is_EXNEX_comp = c(TRUE, TRUE),
                          prior_EX_prob_comp=cbind(c(1, 1, 1), c(1, 1, 1)), # 0.5 would be ignored
                          prior_is_EXNEX_inter = FALSE,
                          prior_EX_prob_inter = matrix(c(1, 1, 1), nrow = num_groups, ncol =num_inter),
                          prior_EX_mu_mean_inter = rep(0, num_inter),
                          prior_EX_mu_sd_inter = rep(1, num_inter),
                          prior_EX_tau_mean_inter =matrix(log(2)/1.96, nrow=num_strata, ncol=num_inter),
                          prior_EX_tau_sd_inter = matrix(log(2)/1.96, nrow=num_strata, ncol=num_inter),
                          ), "*is_EXNEX*")

    expect_warning(blrmfit <- blrm_exnex(cbind(num_toxicities, num_patients-num_toxicities) ~
                              1 + I(log(drug1)) |
                              1 + I(log(drug2)) |
                              0 + I(drug1 * drug2) | stratum_id/group_id,
                          prior_EX_mu_mean_comp = matrix(c(logit(0.20), 0), # (E(mu_alpha), E(mu_beta))
                                                         nrow = num_comp,
                                                         ncol = 2,
                                                         byrow = TRUE),
                          prior_EX_mu_sd_comp = matrix(c(2, 1), # (sd(mu_alpha), sd(mu_beta))
                                                       nrow = num_comp,
                                                       ncol = 2,
                                                       byrow = TRUE),
                          prior_EX_tau_mean_comp=abind(matrix(log( c(0.25, 0.125)), nrow=num_comp, ncol=2, TRUE), #level 1 reg1
                                                       matrix(log(2*c(0.25, 0.125)), nrow=num_comp, ncol=2, TRUE),#level 2 reg2
                          prior_EX_tau_sd_comp=abind(matrix(c(log(4)/1.96,log(2)/1.96), nrow=num_comp, ncol=2, TRUE),
                                                     matrix(c(log(4)/1.96,log(2)/1.96), nrow=num_comp, ncol=2, TRUE),
                          prior_is_EXNEX_comp = c(FALSE, FALSE),
                          prior_is_EXNEX_inter = TRUE,
                          prior_EX_prob_comp=cbind(c(1, 1, 1), c(1, 1, 1)),
                          prior_EX_prob_inter = matrix(c(1, 1, 1), nrow = num_groups, ncol =num_inter),
                          prior_EX_mu_mean_inter = rep(0, num_inter),
                          prior_EX_mu_sd_inter = rep(1, num_inter),
                          prior_EX_tau_mean_inter =matrix(log(2)/1.96, nrow=num_strata, ncol=num_inter),
                          prior_EX_tau_sd_inter = matrix(log(2)/1.96, nrow=num_strata, ncol=num_inter),
                          ), "*is_EXNEX*")


test_that("blrm_exnex posterior predictons are not randomly shuffled in their order", {
    ## as some MCMC diagnostics rely on the original order of the MCMC
    ## chain, we test here for the intercept that no permutation is
    ## being done
    post_rv <- posterior::as_draws_rvars(as.array(single_agent$blrmfit$stanfit, pars="beta_group"))
    post_pl <- posterior_linpred(single_agent$blrmfit, newdata=mutate(hist_SA, drug_A=single_agent$dref)[1,])
    apost_rv <- posterior::draws_of(post_rv$beta_group, TRUE)
    iter <- posterior::niterations(post_rv)
    for(i in seq_len(posterior::nchains(post_rv))) {
        expect_true(all(rank(apost_rv[,i,1,1,1]) == rank(post_pl[seq( iter * (i-1), iter * i - 1) + 1,])))
        expect_true(all(abs(apost_rv[,i,1,1,1] - post_pl[seq( iter * (i-1), iter * i - 1) + 1,]) < eps), "Draws per chain must match with high accuracy (pp_data may slightly modify floating-point representation of number).")

check_inter_linpred_consistency <- function(example, model_data, logit_pref) {
    example$model_data <- model_data
    example$logit_pref <- logit_pref
    with(example, {
        fake_fit <- sample_prior_mean(blrmfit)
        drugs <- grep("^drug", names(model_data), value=TRUE)
        nr <- nrow(model_data)
        dcomp <- expand.grid(lapply(dref, c, 0))
        names(dcomp) <- drugs
        ## returns per term the log(1-p(DLT))
        drug_log_inverse_p_term <- function(term) {
        for(i in 1:nrow(dcomp)) {
            log_pNo <- sum(sapply(dcomp[i,], drug_log_inverse_p_term))
            ref <- logit(1-exp(log_pNo))
            nd <- model_data
            nd[,drugs] <- 0
            nd[,drugs] <- dcomp[i,]
            pp <- posterior_linpred(fake_fit, newdata=nd, transform=FALSE)
            expect_equal(as.vector(pp[1,]), rep(ref, times=nr))

test_that("posterior_linpred is consistent at reference dose (single-agent)", check_inter_linpred_consistency(single_agent, hist_SA, 0))
test_that("posterior_linpred is consistent at reference dose (combo2)", check_inter_linpred_consistency(combo2, codata_combo2, logit(0.2)))
test_that("posterior_linpred is consistent at reference dose (combo3)", check_inter_linpred_consistency(combo3, hist_combo3, logit(1/3)))

check_slope_linpred_consistency <- function(example, model_data, logit_pref) {
    example$model_data <- model_data
    example$logit_pref <- logit_pref
    with(example, {
        fake_fit <- sample_prior_mean(blrmfit)
        drugs <- grep("^drug", names(model_data), value=TRUE)
        nr <- nrow(model_data)
        dcomp <- expand.grid(lapply(exp(1) * dref, c, 0))
        names(dcomp) <- drugs
        ## returns per term the log(1-p(DLT))
        drug_log_inverse_p_term <- function(term) {
            ## we assume that the prior mean for the slope is 1 here
            return(log(inv_logit(-logit_pref - 1)))
        for(i in 1:nrow(dcomp)) {
            log_pNo <- sum(sapply(dcomp[i,], drug_log_inverse_p_term))
            ref <- logit(1-exp(log_pNo))
            nd <- model_data
            nd[,drugs] <- 0
            nd[,drugs] <- dcomp[i,]
            pp <- posterior_linpred(fake_fit, newdata=nd, transform=FALSE)
            expect_equal(as.vector(pp[1,]), rep(ref, times=nr))

test_that("posterior_linpred is consistent at exp(1) times reference dose (single-agent)", check_slope_linpred_consistency(single_agent, hist_SA, 0))
test_that("posterior_linpred is consistent at exp(1) times reference dose (combo2)", check_slope_linpred_consistency(combo2, codata_combo2, logit(0.2)))
test_that("posterior_linpred is consistent at exp(1) times reference dose (combo3)", check_slope_linpred_consistency(combo3, hist_combo3, logit(1/3)))

  "no unexpected error of posterior summary when num_groups = 1 or 2 and has_inter = TRUE",
      ## this test is to trigger a problem in posterior prior to
      ## 1.4.0, see https://github.com/stan-dev/posterior/issues/265
      ## for the bug report
      groups <- "one_group"
      combo_data <- tibble(
          group_id = factor(groups, groups),
          drug_A = 1,
          drug_B = 1,
          num_patients = 3,
          num_toxicities = 1

      num_groups <- 1
      fit <- blrm_exnex(
          cbind(num_toxicities, num_patients - num_toxicities) ~
              1 + I(log(drug_A)) |
              1 + I(log(drug_B)) |
              0 + I(2 * drug_A * drug_B / (1 + drug_A * drug_B)) |
          data = combo_data,
          prior_EX_mu_mean_comp = matrix(
              c(log(1/4), 0,
                log(1/4), 0),
              nrow = 2,
              ncol = 2,
              byrow = TRUE
          prior_EX_mu_sd_comp = matrix(
              c(1, 0.7,
                1, 0.7),
              nrow = 2,
              ncol = 2,
              byrow = TRUE
          prior_EX_mu_mean_inter = 0,
          prior_EX_mu_sd_inter = 1,
          prior_EX_tau_mean_comp = matrix(
              c(0, 0),
              nrow = 2,
              ncol = 2
          prior_EX_tau_sd_comp = matrix(
              c(1, 1),
              nrow = 2,
              ncol = 2
          prior_EX_tau_mean_inter = matrix(0),
          prior_EX_tau_sd_inter = matrix(1),
          prior_is_EXNEX_comp = c(FALSE, FALSE),
          prior_is_EXNEX_inter = FALSE,
          prior_EX_prob_comp = matrix(1, nrow = num_groups, ncol = 2),
          prior_EX_prob_inter = matrix(1, nrow = num_groups, ncol = 1),
          prior_tau_dist = 0,
          prior_PD = FALSE

      expect_data_frame(summary(fit), nrows=1)

      groups <- c(groups, "new_group")
      new_data <- combo_data
      levels(new_data$group_id) <- groups
      num_groups <- 2

      fit2 <- update(fit, data = new_data)
      expect_data_frame(summary(fit2), nrows=1)

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