#' @title Calculate Depth from Echoes
#' @description Calculate the estimated depth of echolocation clicks using
#' surface reflected echoes. This uses the time delay between the received
#' signal and its surface echo to estimate the depth of a calling animal.
#' Requires that a set of waveform clips has been
#' created using \link{writeEventClips}, and that events have been localized.
#' @param x \linkS4class{AcousticStudy} object
#' @param wav either folder containing wave clips or list of wave clip files
#' @param clipLen length (seconds) of clip to analyze
#' @param spParams list of species-specific parameters, see details
#' @param soundSpeed sound speed (meters/second) to use for calculations
#' @param hpDepthError maximum error (meters) in hydrophone depth measurement
#' @param locType name of localization, note that this function is not computing
#' any localization, only using previously calculated
#' @param plot logical flag to create summary plots
#' @param nPlot number of waveform plots to create for summary
#' @param nCol number of columns for waveform summary plot
#' @param plotDir directory to store plot outputs, default \code{NULL} will result
#' in no plots being created
#' @param progress logical flag to show progress bar
#' @param verbose logical flag to show messages
#' @author Taiki Sakai \email{}
#' @details \code{spParams} allows for species-specific filtering and acceptable
#' echo time delays to be specified. These are provided as a list with elements
#' \code{freqLow} and \code{freqHigh} specifying the lower and upper ends of a
#' bandpass filter to apply to the signals (in Hz), which can aid in properly
#' detecting the echoes. Parameters \code{minTime} and \code{maxTime} can
#' also be supplied to define ranges on allowed time delay values. Alternatively
#' if \code{maxTime} is \code{NULL} or not present it will be calculated from the
#' hydrophone geometry, and \code{minTime} can be calculated from geometry by
#' providing \code{minDepth} and \code{maxRange} as the minimum detectable depth
#' and maximum detectable range (in meters).
#' If the same values for these parameters should be used for all detections in
#' \code{x}, then \code{spParams} can be provided as a list with each parameter named,
#' e.g. \preformatted{
#' list(freqLow=10e3, freqHigh=50e3, minTime=.001, maxTime=NULL)}
#' If different values should be used for different species, then \code{spParams}
#' must be a named list where the names match the species in \code{x}, providing
#' a separate list of values for each species. e.g.
#' \preformatted{
#' list(Zc=list(freqLow=10e3, freqHigh=50e3, minTime=.001, maxTime=NULL),
#' Pm=list(freqLow=2e3, freqHigh=16e3, minTime=.001, maxTime=NULL))}
#' @return the AcousticStudy object \code{x} with estimated dive depth outputs
#' added for each detection that had a matching wav clip file in \code{wav}.
#' Detections that either did not have matchinf wav files or did not have
#' localizations will have \code{NA} for all dive depth outputs. The depth outputs
#' are
#' \describe{
#' \item{maxTime}{Delay time with maximum correlation value}
#' \item{pair2Time}{Delay time with second highest correlation value}
#' \item{pair3Time}{Delay time with third highest correlation value}
#' \item{maxMag}{Correlation magnitude for "maxTime"}
#' \item{pair2Mag}{Correlation magnitude for "pair2Time"}
#' \item{pair3Mag}{Correlation magnitude for "pair3Time"}
#' \item{maxDepth}{Calculated depth for "maxTime"}
#' \item{pair2Depth}{Calculated depth for "pair2Time"}
#' \item{pair3Depth}{Calculated depth for "pair3Time"}
#' }
#' @examples
#' # example not run because it requires access to large files not present
#' # in the package testing material
#' \dontrun{
#' study <- addRecordings(study, folder='path/to/recordings')
#' wavPath <- 'path/to/wavFiles'
#' writeEventClips(study, outDir=wavPath, mode='detection')
#' study <- calculateEchoDepth(study, wav=wavPath)
#' }
#' @importFrom PAMmisc findEchoTimes
#' @importFrom graphics layout
#' @importFrom grDevices png
#' @export
calculateEchoDepth <- function(x,
verbose=TRUE) {
startTime <- Sys.time()
if(length(wav) == 1 &&
dir.exists(wav)) {
wav <- list.files(wav, pattern='wav$', full.names=TRUE, recursive=TRUE)
if(isFALSE(plot)) {
nPlot <- 0
plotDir <- NULL
if(isTRUE(plot) && is.null(plotDir)) {
stop('Must specify output directory "plotDir" in order to create summary plots.')
wavExists <- file.exists(wav)
if(!any(wavExists)) {
stop('Could not find any of the wav files, check input')
if(any(!wavExists)) {
warning(sum(!wavExists), ' wav files could not be found on disk.')
wav <- wav[wavExists]
locData <- bind_rows(lapply(events(x), function(x) {
}), .id='eventId')
hasLoc <- locData$eventId[!$locLat)]
# x <- x[hasLoc]
clickData <- getClickData(x[hasLoc], measures=FALSE)
if(!'hpDepth' %in% colnames(clickData)) {
stop('Hydrophone depth data not found, please add with "addHydrophoneDepth"')
if(!all(c('Latitude', 'Longitude') %in% colnames(clickData))) {
stop('GPS data not found, please add with "addGps"')
addedCols <- c('radialDist', 'wavFile',
'maxTime', 'pair2Time', 'pair3Time',
'maxMag', 'pair2Mag', 'pair3Mag',
'maxDepth', 'pair2Depth','pair3Depth')
# dropping these if they already present for join
clickData <- dropCols(clickData, addedCols)
clickData <- left_join(clickData, locData[c('eventId', 'locName',
'locLat', 'locLong',
'perpDist', 'perpDistErr')],
clickData$radialDist <- distGeo(matrix(c(clickData$Longitude, clickData$Latitude), ncol=2),
matrix(c(clickData$locLong, clickData$locLat), ncol=2))
wavMatchDf <- data.frame(wavFile=wav,
UID=parseEventClipName(wav, 'UID'),
Channel=parseEventClipName(wav, 'channel'),
eventId=parseEventClipName(wav, 'event'))
# drop this col in case already exists before join
clickData$wavFile <- NULL
clickData <- left_join(clickData, wavMatchDf, by=c('eventId', 'UID', 'Channel'))
wavNoMatch <- !wav %in% clickData$wavFile[!$wavFile)]
hasMatch <- !$wavFile) #clickData$wavFile %in% basename(wav)
if(!any(hasMatch)) {
stop('No detections had matching wav files, check directory.')
if(sum(wavNoMatch) > 0) {
warning(sum(wavNoMatch), ' wav files could not be matched to detections.')
wav <- wav[!wavNoMatch]
# clickData <- clickData[hasMatch, ]
spParams <- checkSpeciesParams(clickData$species, spParams)
clickData <- split(clickData, clickData$eventId)
if(progress) {
if(verbose) {
cat('Processing', length(clickData), 'events...')
evIx <- 1
if(!is.null(plotDir) &&
!dir.exists(plotDir)) {
clickData <- lapply(clickData, function(ev) {
ev <- arrange(ev, UTC)
if(ev$species[1] %in% names(spParams)) {
thisParams <- spParams[[ev$species[1]]]
} else {
thisParams <- spParams
result <- vector('list', length=nrow(ev))
wavClips <- vector('list', length=nrow(ev))
hasWav <- !$wavFile)
nPlot <- min(nPlot, sum(hasWav))
nRow <- ceiling(nPlot / nCol) * 2
if(nPlot > 0) {
png(file.path(plotDir, paste0(ev$eventId[1], '_Wavs.png')),
width = 2*nCol, height=2*nRow, units='in', res=300)
par(mfrow=c(nRow, nCol))
if(progress) {
cat(paste0('\n', evIx, '/', length(clickData), '\n'))
pb <- txtProgressBar(min=0, max=nrow(ev), style=3)
evIx <<- evIx + 1
plotIx <- which(hasWav)[round(seq(from=1, to=sum(hasWav), length.out=nPlot), 0)]
for(i in seq_along(result)) {
if($wavFile[i])) {
result[[i]] <- list(maxTime = NA,
pair2Time = NA,
pair3Time = NA,
maxMag = NA,
pair2Mag = NA,
pair3Mag = NA,
maxDepth = NA,
pair2Depth = NA,
pair3Depth = NA
doPlot <- i %in% plotIx
if(doPlot) {
plotCol <- ((which(i==plotIx)-1) %% nCol) + 1
plotRow <- floor((which(i==plotIx)-1)/nCol)*2 + 1
par(mfg=c(plotRow, plotCol))
# thisWav <- WaveMC(downsample(thisWav, 96e3), samp.rate=96e3, bit=16)
waveHeightErr <- ifelse('waveHeight' %in% colnames(ev), ev$waveHeight[i], 0)
if(is.null(thisParams$minTime)) {
minTime <- 2*(ev$hpDepth[i] + hpDepthError + waveHeightErr) * thisParams$minDepth /
(soundSpeed * thisParams$maxRange)
} else {
minTime <- thisParams$minTime
if(is.null(thisParams$maxTime)) {
maxTime <- 2 * (ev$hpDepth[i] + hpDepthError + waveHeightErr) / soundSpeed
} else {
maxTime <- thisParams$maxTime
thisEcho <- findEchoTimes(wav=ev$wavFile[i],
filter=c(thisParams$freqLow, thisParams$freqHigh),
plotText=paste0('UID: ',ev$UID[i], '\nIndex: ', which(i==which(hasWav))))
thisDepth <- calculateDepth(arrDepth=ev$hpDepth[i],
slantRange = ev$radialDist[i],
delayTime = thisEcho$time,
soundSpeed = soundSpeed
outVals <- list(maxTime = thisEcho$time[1],
pair2Time = thisEcho$time[2],
pair3Time = thisEcho$time[3],
maxMag = thisEcho$mag[1],
pair2Mag = thisEcho$mag[2],
pair3Mag = thisEcho$mag[3],
maxDepth = thisDepth[1],
pair2Depth = thisDepth[2],
pair3Depth = thisDepth[3]
result[[i]] <- outVals
wavClips[[i]] <- thisEcho$wav
if(progress) {
setTxtProgressBar(pb, value=i)
result <- bind_rows(result)
result <- cbind(ev, result)
if(nPlot > 0 &&
!is.null(plotDir)) { # closing png plot for wav summary
on.exit() # and removing that on.exit call
if(plot) {
png(file.path(plotDir, paste0(ev$eventId[1], '_Summary.png')), width=12, height=8, units='in', res=300)
f <- layout(
matrix(c(1,1,2,2,3,3, 4,4,4,5,5,5), ncol=2, byrow=F)#,
result <- arrange(result, UTC)
plot(x=(result$UTC), y=result$pair2Time * 1e3, col='black',
ylab='Time (ms)')
points(x=(result$UTC), y=result$pair3Time * 1e3, col='black')
points(x=(result$UTC), y=result$maxTime * 1e3, col='red')
## Depth Plot
plot(x=result$UTC, y=-result$pair2Depth, col='black', ylim=c(-4e3,0),
main='^ Delay Times ^ - v Estimated Depth v',
xlab='', ylab='Depth (m)')
points(x=result$UTC, y=-result$pair3Depth, col='black')
points(x=result$UTC, y=-result$maxDepth, col='red')
## Angle Plot
plot(x=result$UTC, y=result$angle * 180 / pi,
main='Received Angle', ylab='Angle', xlab='UTC')
## echogram
thisSr <- readWave(wav[1], header=TRUE)$sample.rate
wavClips <-, wavClips)
plotEchogram(wavClips, q=c(.01, .999), sr=thisSr)
par(mar=c(4, 4, 2, 1))
## Concat Clicks
avgSpec <- calculateAverageSpectra(x[ev$eventId[1]], evNum=1, plot=c(TRUE, FALSE))
clickData <- bind_rows(clickData)
# dont need to carry these around
locCols <- c('locName',
'locLat', 'locLong',
'perpDist', 'perpDistErr')
clickData <- dropCols(clickData, locCols)
endTime <- Sys.time()
procTime <- round(as.numeric(difftime(endTime, startTime, units='secs')), 0)
x <- detDataToStudy(x, clickData)
if(verbose) {
cat('\nProcessing took ', procTime, ' seconds', sep='')
calculateDepth <- function(arrDepth, slantRange, delayTime, soundSpeed, perpDist=NULL) {
# a <- slantRange + extradist
# b <- slantRange
# c <- arrDepth*2
# rs <- b^2 + c^2
# ls <- a^2 - rs
# ls <- ls / (-2*b*c)
# phi <- acos(ls)
# depth <- slantRange*sin(phi-pi/2) + arrDepth
extradist <- delayTime * soundSpeed
extradist * (2*slantRange + extradist) / 4 / arrDepth
plotEchogram <- function(wavMat, sr, q=c(.01, .999)) {
wavMat <- 10*log10(abs(wavMat) + 1e-10)
lims <- quantile(wavMat, q)
wavMat[wavMat < lims[1]] <- lims[1]
wavMat[wavMat > lims[2]] <- lims[2]
viridis32 <- c("#440154FF", "#470D60FF", "#48196BFF", "#482475FF", "#472E7CFF",
"#453882FF", "#424186FF", "#3E4B8AFF", "#3A548CFF", "#365D8DFF",
"#32658EFF", "#2E6D8EFF", "#2B758EFF", "#287D8EFF", "#25848EFF",
"#228C8DFF", "#1F948CFF", "#1E9C89FF", "#20A386FF", "#25AB82FF",
"#2EB37CFF", "#3ABA76FF", "#48C16EFF", "#58C765FF", "#6ACD5BFF",
"#7ED34FFF", "#93D741FF", "#A8DB34FF", "#BEDF26FF", "#D4E21AFF",
"#E9E51AFF", "#FDE725FF")
image(z=t(wavMat), x=1:ncol(wavMat), y=(1:nrow(wavMat))/sr*1e3,
xlab='', ylab='Time (ms)', main='Echogram',
checkSpeciesParams <- function(species, params) {
if(is.null(params)) {
warning('No "spParams" specified. No filtering will be applied to',
' signals, and allowed delay times may be inaccurate.')
return(list(freqLow = 0, freqHigh=NULL, minTime=.001, maxTime=NULL))
if(hasParamNames(params)) {
species <- unique(species)
if(any( {
stop('Species labels have not been assigned, either use "setSpecies" or',
' change "spParams" to only list required parameters.')
matchSpecies <- species %in% names(params)
if(!all(matchSpecies)) {
noMatch <- species[!matchSpecies]
warning('Species ', paste0(noMatch, collapse=', '),
' were present in data but not in provided species params (',
paste0(names(params), collapse=', '), ')')
speciesProper <- sapply(params, function(x) {
if(!all(speciesProper)) {
stop('Not all species have the required fields, check "spParams".')
hasParamNames <- function(x) {
all(c('freqLow', 'freqHigh') %in% names(x)) &&
(all(c('minTime', 'maxTime') %in% names(x)) ||
all(c('minDepth', 'maxRange') %in% names(x)))
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