
Defines functions importGSHHS importEvents fixPOS fixBound findPolys extractPolyData dividePolys convUL convLP convDP convCP combinePolys combineEvents closePolys clipPolys clipLines calcVoronoi calcSummary calcMidRange calcConvexHull calcCentroid calcArea as.PolySet as.PolyData as.LocationSet as.EventData appendPolys addStipples addPolys addPoints addLines addLabels

Documented in addLabels addLines addPoints addPolys addStipples appendPolys as.EventData as.LocationSet as.PolyData as.PolySet calcArea calcCentroid calcConvexHull calcMidRange calcSummary calcVoronoi clipLines clipPolys closePolys combineEvents combinePolys convCP convDP convLP convUL dividePolys extractPolyData findPolys fixBound fixPOS importEvents importGSHHS

## Copyright (C) 2003-2022  Fisheries and Oceans Canada
## Nanaimo, British Columbia
## This file is part of PBS Mapping.
## PBS Mapping is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## PBS Mapping is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with PBS Mapping; if not, write to the Free Software
## Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
## PBS Mapping
## File:
##   PBSmapping.r
## Version:
## Description:
##   Mapping software for R.
## Authors:
##   Specifications: Jon Schnute, Nicholas Boers, Rowan Haigh
##   Code:           Nicholas Boers (and others as documented)
## Change Log:
##    See PBSmapping/ChangeLog

## Functions:
## =========
##  addLabels............Add labels to an exist map
##  addLines.............Add polylines to an existing map plot
##  addPoints............Add points to an existing map plot
##  addPolys.............Add polygons to an existing map plot
##  addStipples..........Add stipples to an existing map plot
##  appendPolys..........Append a two-column matrix to a PolySet
##  as.EventData.........Coerce a data frame to an object with class EventData
##  as.LocationSet.......Coerce a data frame to an object with class LocationSet
##  as.PolyData..........Coerce a data frame to an object with class PolyData
##  as.PolySet...........Coerce a data frame to an object with class PolySet
##  calcArea.............Calculate the areas of polygons found in a PolySet
##  calcCentroid.........Calculate the centroids of polygons found in a PolySet
##  calcLength...........Calculate the length of polylines found in a PolySet
##  calcMidRange.........Calculate the midpoint of the X/Y ranges of polygons found in a PolySet
##  calcSummary..........Apply functions to polygons in a PolySet
##  calcVoronoi..........Calculate the Voronoi (Dirichlet) tesselation for a set of points
##  clipLines............Clip a PolySet, where each unique (PID, SID) describes a polyline
##  clipPolys............Clip a PolySet, where each unique (PID, SID) describes a polygon
##  closePolys...........Close a PolySet of polylines to form polygons
##  combineEvents........Combine measurements of events
##  combinePolys.........Combine several polygons into a single polygon by modifying the PID and SID indices
##  convCP...............Convert output from contourLines into a PolySet
##  convDP...............Convert EventData/PolyData into a PolySet
##  convLP...............Convert two polylines into a polygon
##  convUL...............Convert coordinates between UTM and Lon/Lat
##  dividePolys..........Divide a single polygon into several polygons
##  extractPolyData......Extract PolyData from a PolySet
##  findCells............Find events in grid cells
##  findPolys............Find events in polygons
##  fixBound.............Fix a PolySet's vertices by moving vertices near a boundary to the actual boundary
##  fixPOS...............Fix the POS column of a PolySet by recalculating it using sequential integers
##  importEvents.........Import a text file and convert into EventData
##  importGSHHS..........Import a GSHHG binary file provided by Paul Wessel
##  importLocs...........Import a text file and convert into a LocationSet
##  importPolys..........Import a text file and convert into a PolySet with optional PolyData attribute
##  importShapefile......Import an ArcGIS shapefile (temporarily removed due to maptools disappearing)
##  is.EventData.........Returns TRUE if its argument is of class EventData.
##  is.LocationSet.......Returns TRUE if its argument is of class LocationSet
##  is.PolyData..........Returns TRUE if its argument is of class PolyData
##  is.PolySet...........Returns TRUE if its argument is of class PolySet
##  isConvex.............Determine whether polygons found in a PolySet are convex
##  isIntersecting.......Determine whether polygons found in a PolySet are self-intersecting
##  joinPolys............Join one or two PolySets using a logic operation
##  locateEvents.........Locate events on the current plot (using the locator function)
##  locatePolys..........Locate polygons on the current plot (using the locator function)
##  makeGrid.............Make a grid of polygons, using PIDs and SIDs according to the input arguments
##  makeProps............Append column for polygon property to PolyData based on measurements in PolyData's Z column
##  plotLines............Plot a PolySet as polylines
##  plotMap..............Plot a PolySet as a map, using the correct aspect ratio
##  plotPoints...........Plot EventData/PolyData, where each unique EID or (PID, SID) describes a point
##  plotPolys............Plot a PolySet as polygons
##  print.EventData......Displays information about an EventData object
##  print.LocationSet....Displays information about a LocationSet object
##  print.PolyData.......Displays information about a PolyData object
##  print.PolySet........Displays information about a PolySet object
##  print.summary.PBS....Displays information about a summary.PBS object
##  refocusWorld.........Refocus the 'worldLL'/'worldLLhigh' data sets.
##  summary.EventData....summary method for EventData class
##  summary.LocationSet..summary method for LocationSet class
##  summary.PolyData.....summary method for PolyData class
##  summary.PolySet......summary method for PolySet class
##  thickenPolys.........Thicken a PolySet, where each unique (PID, SID) describes a polygon
##  thinPolys............Thin a PolySet, where each unique (PID, SID) describes a polygon

PBSprint <- FALSE

## addLabels----------------------------2008-08-25
##  Add labels to an exist map
##  '...' contains arguments for the 'text()' function
addLabels <- function(data, xlim=NULL, ylim=NULL, polyProps=NULL,
   placement="DATA", polys=NULL, rollup=3,
   cex=NULL, col=NULL, font=NULL, ...)
	## performs the validation below when we know what type of data we have

	## load the limits, so we can clip before plotting
	if (is.null(xlim))
		xlim <- options()$map.xlim;
	if (is.null(ylim))
		ylim <- options()$map.ylim;
	if (is.null(xlim) || is.null(ylim)) {
		stop("You must create a plot before you can add to one.\n");

	projectionPlot <- options()$map.projection;
	if (placement == "DATA") {
		projectionData <- attr(data, "projection");
	} else {
		projectionData <- attr(polys, "projection");
	.checkProjection(projectionPlot, projectionData);
	zoneData <- attr(data, "zone");

	## assume PolyData
	EventData <- FALSE;
	type <- "p";

	## test for PolyData/EventData
	if (!any(is.element(names(data), c("PID", "EID")))) {
		stop("'data' must be PolyData or EventData.\n");
	## test for 'label' column
	if (!is.element("label", names(data))) {
		stop("'data' is missing a column named 'label'.\n");

	## test for EventData
	if (is.EventData (data)) {
		## ensure placement="DATA"
		if (placement != "DATA") {
			stop("When 'data' is EventData, the 'placement' attribute must equal \"DATA\".\n");

		data <- .validateEventData(data);
		if (is.character(data))
			stop(paste("Invalid EventData 'data'.\n", data, sep=""));
		EventData <- TRUE;
		type <- "e";
	## otherwise, PolyData...
	else {
		data <- .validatePolyData(data);
		if (is.character(data))
			stop(paste("Invalid PolyData 'data'.\n", data, sep=""));

	## if placement is 'DATA', test for 'X'/'Y' columns (they might possibly
	## be missing at this point if 'data' is PolyData)
	if (placement == "DATA") {
		if (any(!is.element(c("X", "Y"), names(data)))) {
			stop("'data' must contain columns 'X' and 'Y' when placement=\"DATA\"'.\n");

	## at this point, placement is DATA and 'data' has label, X, and Y columns
	## fall through for general handling...

	## otherwise, add 'X'/'Y' columns (only possible for PolyData)
	else {
		if (is.null(polys)) {
			stop("Must supply 'polys' when placement is not equal to \"DATA\".\n");
		polys <- .validatePolySet(polys);
		if (is.character(polys))
			stop(paste("Invalid PolySet 'polys'.\n", polys, sep=""));

		## if 'data' contains SID, 'polys' must as well
		if ((is.element("SID", names(data)) && !is.element("SID", names(polys)))) {
			stop("Since 'data' contains an SID field, 'polys' must as well.\n");

		## at this point, placement != DATA, 'data' has label column, and 'polys'
		## is a valid PolySet

		## reduce 'polys' if possible to avoid unnecessary processing (we only
		## need to calculate X/Y for PIDs/SIDs that appear in 'data')
		polys <- polys[is.element(paste(polys$PID, polys$SID), unique(paste(data$PID, data$SID))), ];

		## 'polys': PolySet >> PolyData
		if (placement == "CENTROID") {
			polys <- calcCentroid(polys, rollup=rollup);
		} else if (placement == "MEAN_RANGE") {
			polys <- calcMidRange(polys, rollup=rollup);
		} else if (placement == "MEAN_XY") {
			polys <- calcSummary(polys, rollup=rollup, FUN=mean);
		} else {
			stop(paste("Unknown 'placement'.	Must be one of \"DATA\", \"CENTROID\",",
			"\"MEAN_RANGE\", or \"MEAN_XY\".\n", sep="\n"));

		## at this point, 'polys' is PolyData with X/Y columns; merge label column
		## from 'data' with PolyData 'polys'

		data <- merge(data, polys, by=intersect(intersect(names(data), names(polys)), c("PID", "SID")), all.x=TRUE);

		## check if any entries were not found in PolyData 'polys'
		n <- nrow(data);
		data <- na.omit(data);
		if (nrow(data) != n) {
			warning("Omitted some polygons from 'data' because they did not exist in 'polys'.\n");

		## we can continue as if placement was DATA, as 'data' now has
		## PID, (optional SID), X, Y, and label columns
		## fall through for general handling...

	## clip the data
	data <- data[data$X >= xlim[1] & data$X <= xlim[2] & data$Y >= ylim[1] & data$Y <= ylim[2], ];

	## add the labels
	.addFeature(feature="labels", data=data, polyProps=polyProps, isEventData=EventData, cex=cex, col=col, font=font, ...);

	## prepare the return value
	if (!is.null(data)) {
		## add projection and zone
		attr(data, "projection") <- projectionData;
		attr(data, "zone") <- zoneData;

		## add to the class attribute
		if (EventData && !is.EventData(data, fullValidation=FALSE)) {
			class(data) <- c("EventData", class(data));
		} else if (!EventData && !is.PolyData(data, fullValidation=FALSE)) {
			class(data) <- c("PolyData", class(data));
	invisible (data);

## addLines-----------------------------2012-03-01
##  Add polylines to an existing map plot.
##  '...' contains arguments for the 'lines()' function
## ---------------------------------------------NB
addLines <- function(polys, xlim=NULL, ylim=NULL, polyProps=NULL,
   lty=NULL, col=NULL, arrows=FALSE, ...)
	## check 'polys'
	polys <- .validatePolySet(polys);
	if (is.character(polys))
		stop(paste("Invalid PolySet 'polys'.\n", polys, sep=""));

	## load/check 'xlim'/'ylim'
	if (is.null(xlim))
		xlim <- options()$map.xlim;
	if (is.null(ylim))
		ylim <- options()$map.ylim;
	if (is.null(xlim) || is.null(ylim)) {
		stop("You must create a plot before you can add to one.\n");

	## load/check 'projection'
	projectionPlot <- options()$map.projection;
	projectionPoly <- attr(polys, "projection");
	.checkProjection(projectionPlot, projectionPoly);

	## clip
	polys <- .clip(polys, xlim, ylim, isPolygons=FALSE, keepExtra=FALSE);
	if (is.null(polys)) {
		warning("All vertices were clipped: no polylines to plot.\n");
		return (NULL);

	## valid columns for PolyProps (described in ?lines under ... and in ?arrows)
	if (arrows)
		pPropsCols <- c("lty", "lwd", "col", "pch", "lend", "ljoin", "lmitre", "angle", "length", "code")
		pPropsCols <- c("lty", "lwd", "col", "pch", "lend", "ljoin", "lmitre", "type")
	## properties that aren't included in par
	nonParProps <- c("angle", "length", "code", "type")
	## validate the polyProps argument
	polyProps <- .validatePolyProps(polyProps, parCols=pPropsCols);
	if (is.character(polyProps))
		stop(paste("Invalid PolyData 'polyProps'.\n", polyProps, sep=""));
	if (is.element("SID", names(polyProps))
			&& !is.element("SID", names(polys))) {
		stop("No lines to plot since 'polyProps' contains SIDs but 'polys' does not.\n");

	## obtain default values for 'polyProps': !par values from ?lines/?arrows
	propDefaults <- append(par(setdiff(pPropsCols, nonParProps)),			## in par
		list(type="l",length=0.25,angle=30,code=2)) # !in par
	## don't replace attributes already in 'polyProps' with default values
	propDefaults <- propDefaults[setdiff(names(propDefaults), c(names(polyProps)))]
	## use this function's arguments to override defaults obtained from par
	if (!is.null(col)) propDefaults[["col"]] <- col;
	if (!is.null(lty)) propDefaults[["lty"]] <- lty;
	## look into ..., too, and evaluate statements like
	##	 if (!is.null(list(...)$lwd)) propDefaults[[\"lwd\"]] <- list(...)$lwd;
	pPropsColsTmp <- setdiff(pPropsCols, c("col", "lty"));
	expr <- paste("if (!is.null(list(...)$", pPropsColsTmp, ")) propDefaults[[\"", pPropsColsTmp,
		"\"]] <- list(...)$", pPropsColsTmp, sep="", collapse="; ");

	## adds an SID column to 'polyProps' if one exists in 'polys'
	polyProps <- .preparePolyProps(polys$PID, polys$SID, polyProps);

	## flesh out 'polyProps' columns (add propDefaults to polyProps, cycling by PID)
	if (length(propDefaults) > 0)
		polyProps <- .addProps(type="p", polyProps=polyProps, propDefaults);
	polyPropsReturn <- polyProps;

	## create an index for the properties
	## use an expression like
	##   polyProps$props <- paste(polyProps$lty, polyProps$lwd, ..., sep="-");
	expr <- paste("polyProps$props <- paste(",
		paste("polyProps$", pPropsCols, sep="", collapse=", "), ", sep=\"-\")", sep="");
	## determine if we can use "fast IDs" (i.e., no 'paste')
	fastIDdig <- .createFastIDdig(polysA=polys, polysB=polyProps, cols=c("PID", "SID"));
	## if fastIDdig > 0, we can use "fast IDs"; must divide SID by 10^fastIDdig

	polyProps$IDs <- .createIDs(polyProps, cols=c("PID", "SID"), fastIDdig);
	polyPropsIdx <- split(polyProps$IDs, polyProps$props);

	## create an 'IDs' column for 'polys'
	polys$IDs <- .createIDs(polys, cols=c("PID", "SID"), fastIDdig);

	## reduce before split
	toSplit <- polyProps[!duplicated(polyProps$props), c(pPropsCols, "props")];
	res <- split(toSplit[, pPropsCols], toSplit$props);
	## create lists of X/Y vertices
	polyx <- split(polys$X, polys$IDs);
	polyy <- split(polys$Y, polys$IDs);

	for (prop in names(polyPropsIdx)) {
		toSet <- as.vector(res[prop][[1]]);

		## separate lines with NAs for plotting;
		## for arrows, a start/end of NA does not produce a warning/error
		new.x <- .insertNAs(polyx, polyPropsIdx[[prop]]);
		new.y <- .insertNAs(polyy, polyPropsIdx[[prop]]);

		## when we call lines, set par values like
		##   col=as.vector(toSet$col), lwd=as.vector(toSet$lwd), ...
		if (arrows) {
				"x0=new.x[1:(length(new.x)-1)], ",
				"y0=new.y[1:(length(new.y)-1)], ",
				"x1=new.x[2:length(new.x)], ",
				"y1=new.y[2:length(new.y)], ",
				paste(pPropsCols, "=as.vector(toSet$", pPropsCols, ")", sep="", collapse=", "), ")", sep="")))
		} else {
			eval(parse(text=paste("lines(x=new.x, y=new.y, ",
				paste(pPropsCols, "=as.vector(toSet$", pPropsCols, ")", sep="", collapse=", "), ")", sep="")))

	## add to the class attribute
	if (!is.null(polyPropsReturn) &&
			!is.PolyData(polyPropsReturn, fullValidation=FALSE))
		class(polyPropsReturn) <- c("PolyData", class(polyPropsReturn));


## addPoints----------------------------2010-11-10
##	Add points to an existing map plot.
##	'...' contains arguments for the '.addFeature()' function,
##	which will then pass those arguments to 'points' function.
## ---------------------------------------------NB
addPoints <- function(data, xlim=NULL, ylim=NULL, polyProps=NULL,
   cex=NULL, col=NULL, pch=NULL, ...)
	## performs the validation below when we know what type of data we have

	if (is.null(xlim))
		xlim <- options()$map.xlim;
	if (is.null(ylim))
		ylim <- options()$map.ylim;
	if (is.null(xlim) || is.null(ylim)) {
		stop("You must create a plot before you can add to one.\n");

	projectionPlot <- options()$map.projection;
	projectionData <- attr(data, "projection");
	.checkProjection(projectionPlot, projectionData);

	## perform some additional validation
	## convert matrix to data frame
	if (is.matrix(data)) {
		data <- .mat2df(data);
	if (!any(is.element(names(data), c("PID", "EID")))) {
		stop("'data' must be either PolyData or EventData.\n");

	## if it contains neither an EID nor PID column, add an EID column
	## and produce a warning
	if (!any(is.element(c("EID", "PID"), names(data)))) {
		data$EID <- 1:nrow(data);
		warning(paste("'data' contains neither an 'EID' nor 'PID' column.	Added an 'EID' column",
			"for plotting only.\n", sep="\n"));

	## is it event data? -- validate it here
	isEventData <- FALSE;
	type <- "p";
	if (is.element("EID", names(data)) && !is.element("PID", names(data))) {
		isEventData <- TRUE;
		type <- "e";
		data <- .validateEventData(data);
		if (is.character(data))
			stop(paste("Invalid EventData 'data'.\n", data, sep=""));
		## we know the EventData has X and Y columns
	} else {
		data <- .validatePolyData(data);
		if (is.character(data))
			stop(paste("Invalid PolyData 'data'.\n", data, sep=""));
		## does the PolyData have X and Y columns?
		if (any(!is.element(c("X", "Y"), names(data))))
			stop("'data' must contain columns 'X' and 'Y'.\n");

	## clip
	data <- data[data$X >= xlim[1] & data$X <= xlim[2]
		& data$Y >= ylim[1] & data$Y <= ylim[2], ];

	polyPropsReturn <-
		.addFeature(feature="points", data=data, polyProps=polyProps,
		isEventData=isEventData, cex=cex, col=col, pch=pch, ...);

	if (!is.null(polyPropsReturn) && !is.PolyData(polyPropsReturn, fullValidation=FALSE))
		class(polyPropsReturn) <- c("PolyData", class(polyPropsReturn));

	invisible (polyPropsReturn);

## addPolys-----------------------------2018-06-05
##  Add polygons to an existing map plot.
## ------------------------------------------NB|RH
addPolys <- function(polys, xlim=NULL, ylim=NULL, polyProps=NULL,
   border=NULL, lty=NULL, col=NULL, colHoles=NULL, density=NA, angle=NULL, ...)
	## check 'polys'
	polys <- .validatePolySet(polys);
	if (is.character(polys))
		stop(paste("Invalid PolySet 'polys'.\n", polys, sep=""));

	## load/check 'xlim'/'ylim'
	if (is.null(xlim))
		xlim <- options()$map.xlim;
	if (is.null(ylim))
		ylim <- options()$map.ylim;
	if (is.null(xlim) || is.null(ylim)) {
		stop("You must create a plot before you can add to one.\n");

	## load/check 'projection'
	projectionPlot <- options()$map.projection;
	projectionPoly <- attr(polys, "projection");
	.checkProjection(projectionPlot, projectionPoly);

	## clip
	polys <- .clip(polys, xlim, ylim, isPolygons=TRUE, keepExtra=FALSE);
	if (is.null(polys)) {
		warning("All vertices were clipped: no polygons to plot.\n");
		return (NULL);

	## "polyProps": valid columns
	pPropsCols <- c("angle", "border", "col", "colHoles", "lty", "density")

	## validate the polyProps argument
	pProps <- .validatePolyProps(polyProps, parCols=pPropsCols);
	if (is.character(pProps))
		stop(paste("Invalid PolyData 'polyProps'.\n", pProps, sep=""));
	if (is.element("SID", names(pProps)) && !is.element("SID", names(polys))) {
		stop("No polygons to plot since 'polyProps' contains SIDs but 'polys' does not.\n");

	## default values
	pPropsDefs <- list(angle=45, border=1, col=0, colHoles=NULL, lty=par("lty"), density=NA);
	## ... used only when not already in "pProps"
	pPropsDefs <- pPropsDefs[!is.element(names(pPropsDefs), names(pProps))];

	## allow arguments to override defaults
	for (p in setdiff(pPropsCols, "density")) {
		## create an expression like
		##   if (!is.null(angle)) pPropsDefaults[["angle"]] <- angle;
		## for each of the properties and evaluate it
		expr <- paste("if (!is.null(", p, ")) pPropsDefs[[\"", p, "\"]] <- ", p, sep="");
	## handle "density" with care: in R (1.8.1+), density == NULL is equivalent to
	## density == 0, and density == NA equivalent to density < 0; make the
	## conversion here to match S-PLUS
	if (is.null(density)) {
		pPropsDefs[["density"]] <- 0;
	} else if (is.na(density)) {
		pPropsDefs[["density"]] <- -1;
	} else {
		pPropsDefs[["density"]] <- density;

	## add an SID column to 'polyProps' (if one exists in 'polys')
	pProps <- .preparePolyProps(polys$PID, polys$SID, pProps);

	## add all of the new attributes to 'polyProps'; if "colHoles" not already
	## in "pProps", this function will not add it (since def. value is NULL)
	if (length(pPropsDefs) > 0)
		pProps <- .addProps(type="p", polyProps=pProps, pPropsDefs);

	## only play with "pProps$colHoles" if it's a character vector; otherwise, cannot possibly
	## contain the string "transparent"
	if (is.element("colHoles", names(pProps)) && is.character (pProps$colHoles)) {
		pProps$colHoles[pProps$colHoles == "transparent"] <- NA;

	## save a copy to return
	polyPropsReturn <- pProps;

	## create an index for the properties
	## use an expression like
	##	 pProps$props <- paste(pProps$angle, pProps$border, ..., sep="-");
	## that includes each of the properties and evaluate it
	expr <- paste("pProps$props <- paste(",
		paste("pProps$", pPropsCols, sep="", collapse=", "), ", sep=\"-\")", sep="");

	## attempt to use fast IDs (i.e., no "paste"); calculate it here so we can
	## reuse it and also use consistent indices between calls to .createIDs
	fastIDdig <- .createFastIDdig(polysA=polys, polysB=pProps, cols=c("PID", "SID"));

	## Create a data structure that links each plotting style with a list
	## of IDs to plot using that style.
	polys$IDs <- .createIDs(polys, cols=c("PID", "SID"), fastIDdig);
	idxS <- which(!duplicated(polys$IDs))
	idxE <- c((idxS-1)[-1], length(polys$IDs))
	holes <- (polys$POS[idxS] > polys$POS[idxE])
	holesIDs <- (polys[idxS, "IDs"])[holes];

	pProps$IDs <- .createIDs(pProps, cols=c("PID", "SID"), fastIDdig)
	holes <- is.element(pProps$IDs, holesIDs)

	pPropsOuter <- pProps[!holes, c("IDs", "props")]
	pPropsOuter <- split(pPropsOuter$IDs, pPropsOuter$props)

	## the only case where we (completely) do not plot holes as when
	## all of the "colHole"s are trasparent
	if (is.element("colHoles", names(pProps)) && all(is.na(pProps$colHoles))) {
		pPropsHoles <- NA
	} else if (any(holes)) {
		pPropsHoles <- pProps[holes, c("IDs", "props")]
		pPropsHoles <- split(pPropsHoles$IDs, pPropsHoles$props)
	} else {
		pPropsHoles <- NULL

	integrateHoles <- !is.element("colHoles", names(pProps));

	## Create a data structure that links each plotting style with the style's
	## associated settings.
	pProps <- pProps[!duplicated(pProps$props), ];
	pProps <- split(pProps[, intersect(pPropsCols, names(pProps))], pProps$props);

	## create 'polylines' and 'polys'
	polylines <- polys;

	## "integrate holes" for 'polys' if necessary
	## note that "polylines" is not "rolled up"; it contains original PIDs/SIDs
	if (integrateHoles && length(unique(polys$SID)) > 1) {
		polys <- .rollupPolys(polys, rollupMode=2, exteriorCCW=-1, closedPolys=1, addRetrace=TRUE);

	## create an 'IDs' column for both 'polys' and 'polylines'
	polylines$IDs <- .createIDs(polylines, cols=c("PID", "SID"), fastIDdig);
	polys$IDs <- .createIDs(polys, cols=c("PID", "SID"), fastIDdig);

	polylinex <- split(polylines$X, polylines$IDs);
	polyliney <- split(polylines$Y, polylines$IDs);
	polyx <- split(polys$X, polys$IDs);
	polyy <- split(polys$Y, polys$IDs);

	#- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
	## Problem: the R polygon command behaves different from the S polygon
	##  command. The R command draws filling lines according to the 'lty' par
	##  parameter, whereas the S polygon command ignores 'lty' for filling lines.
	#- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
	## Problem:
	##  S-PLUS draws retrace lines when 'lty' != 0.
	##  R refused to draw shading lines (i.e., density) when 'lty' == 0.
	## To stop S-PLUS from plotting retrace lines, the polygon command needs:
	##   1) lty=0 *AND*
	##   2) border=F
	## To stop R from plotting retrace lines, the polygon command needs:
	##   1) lty=0 *OR*
	##   2) border=F
	#- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
	if (!is.null(version$language) && (version$language == "R")) {
		fillBorder <- NA;	 ## in R, NA => omit borders
		polyLty <- 1;
	} else {
		fillBorder <- FALSE;
		polyLty <- 0;

	## walk through the properties, plotting the appropriate fills and edges as we go
	mode <- "o"
	pPropsIdx <- pPropsOuter

	## A) if "pPropsHoles" == NA, all holes were transparent and we have
	##    absolutely nothing to plot for holes; in this instance, range need to include the holes
	## B) if "pPropsHoles" != NA, we either plot borders (if we integrated holes)
	##    or a filled polygon; in these instances, range much include the holes

	## pPropsHoles is NULL when no holes
	## pPropsHoles is NA when "colHoles" are all transparent
	if (!is.null(pPropsHoles) && !any(is.na(pPropsHoles))) {
		range <- c(1:length(pPropsOuter),NA,1:length(pPropsHoles))
	} else {
		range <- c(1:length(pPropsOuter),NA,NA)

	for (propIdx in range) {
		if (is.na(propIdx)) {
			if (mode == "o") {
				## switch modes
				mode <- "h"
				pPropsIdx <- pPropsHoles
				if (is.null(pPropsIdx))

		## set up the drawing parameters
		prop <- names(pPropsIdx)[propIdx]
		toSet <- as.vector(pProps[prop][[1]]);

		## need to as.vector function to remove levels (remove the factors!)
		border <- as.vector(toSet$border);
		lty <- as.vector(toSet$lty);
		if (mode == "o" || is.null(toSet$colHoles)) {
			col <- as.vector(toSet$col);
		} else if (mode == "h") {
			col <- as.vector(toSet$colHoles);
		density <-	as.vector(toSet$density);
		angle <- as.vector(toSet$angle);

		if (!is.na(col)) {
			## plot the fill
			new.polyx <- .insertNAs(polyx, pPropsIdx[[propIdx]])
			new.polyy <- .insertNAs(polyy, pPropsIdx[[propIdx]])

			## Subtle differences exist between the S-PLUS and R "polygon" command.
			## The S-PLUS command fails if not given at least three points, whereas the
			## R command draws nothing for 0-1 point and a line for 2 points.
			## The following tests for 0 points...
			## RH (180605) added 'xpd=TRUE' (see line 1636)
			if (!all(is.na(new.polyx)))
				polygon(x=new.polyx, y=new.polyy, col=col, lty=polyLty,
					border=fillBorder, density=density, angle=angle, xpd=TRUE, ...);

			## plot the edges
			if (is.na(as.logical(border)) || as.logical(border)) {
				if (is.character(border) && !is.na(as.logical(border)))
					border <- as.logical(border);

				new.polylinex <- .insertNAs(polylinex, pPropsIdx[[propIdx]])
				new.polyliney <- .insertNAs(polyliney, pPropsIdx[[propIdx]])

				## RH (180605) added 'xpd=TRUE' (see line 1636)
				polygon(x=new.polylinex, y=new.polyliney, lty=lty,
					border=border, density=0, xpd=TRUE, ...);

	if (!is.null(polyPropsReturn) && !is.PolyData(polyPropsReturn, fullValidation=FALSE))
		class(polyPropsReturn) <- c("PolyData", class(polyPropsReturn));


## addStipples--------------------------2004-06-16
##  side=-1 implies outside
##  side= 0 implies both sides
##  side=+1 implies inside
## Note:
##  It is up to the caller to replot the polygons if the stipples cover part of it.
##  'distance' measured as a percentage of the abs(diff(xlim))
## ---------------------------------------------NB
addStipples <- function(polys, xlim=NULL, ylim=NULL, polyProps=NULL,
   side=1, density=1, distance=4, ...)
	## initialization
	polys <- .validatePolySet(polys);
	if (is.character(polys))
		stop(paste("Invalid PolySet 'polys'.\n", polys, sep=""));

	if (is.null(xlim))
		xlim <- options()$map.xlim;
	if (is.null(ylim))
		ylim <- options()$map.ylim;
	if (is.null(xlim) || is.null(ylim)) {
		stop("You must create a plot before you can add to one.\n");

	projectionPlot <- options()$map.projection;
	projectionPoly <- attr(polys, "projection");
	.checkProjection(projectionPlot, projectionPoly);

	## always thicken polys to a distance 2% of the plot region (xlim)
	## since thickenPolys() wants a tolerance in kilometers, convert degrees
	## to kilometers if necessary
	if (projectionPlot == "LL") {
		## Equatorial radius 6,378.14 km
		## Polar radius 6,356.78 km
		## Mean radius 6,371.3 km
		## Sources:
		##  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earth
		##  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earth_radius
		R <- 6371.3;

		## Use arc length along the line of latitude (mean(ylim))
		##  (NOT a Great Circle distance in this case)

		## This is the radius of the line of latitude, perpedicular to the axis of rotation
		radiusAtLat <- R * sin(pi/2.0 - (abs(mean(ylim))*pi/180.0));
		arcLen <- radiusAtLat * (abs(diff(xlim))*pi/180.0);
		tol <- arcLen * 0.02;
	} else {
		tol <- abs(diff(xlim)) * 0.02;

	## Distance is measured as a percentage abs(diff(xlim)); adjust for latitude
	distance <- distance / 100.0;
	distX <- abs(diff(xlim)) * distance;
	if (projectionPlot == "LL") {
		xyRatio <- cos((mean(ylim) * pi) / 180);
		distY <- distX * xyRatio;
	} else {
		distY <- distX;

	## 1) clip polys to the window to avoid excess computations
	## 2) extend the limits to avoid plotting stipples along the border where
	##    a border only artificially exists because of the clipping; 1.1 fudge-
	##    factor added to ensure points will be off the plot region
	polys <- .clip(polys,
		xlim=xlim + c(-distX, distX)*1.1,
		ylim=ylim + c(-distY, distY)*1.1,
		isPolygons=TRUE, keepExtra=FALSE);
	thick <- thickenPolys(polys, tol=tol, keepOrig=FALSE);
	x <- rep(thick$X, each=(15 * density));
	y <- rep(thick$Y, each=(15 * density));
	events <- data.frame(EID=1:length(x),
		X=x + runif(length(x), -distX, distX),
		Y=y + runif(length(y), -distY, distY));

	## keep only those events that fall within the proper limits
	events <- events[events$X > xlim[1] & events$X < xlim[2]
		& events$Y > ylim[1] & events$Y < ylim[2], ];

	link <- findPolys(events, polys)
	if (side == -1) {
		## if outside
		stip <- events[!is.element(events$EID, unique(link$EID)), ]
	} else if (side == 1) {
		## if inside
		link <- link[link$Bdry == FALSE, ]
		stip <- events[is.element(events$EID, unique(link$EID)), ]
	} else {
		## else both sides
		stip <- events;

	stip <- merge(stip, link[, intersect(names(link), c("EID", "PID", "SID"))], all.x=TRUE, by="EID");
	stip <- stip[, !is.element(names(stip), "EID")];

	.addFeature(feature="points", data=stip, polyProps=polyProps, isEventData=FALSE, ...);

	if (!is.null(polyProps) && !is.PolyData(polyProps, fullValidation=FALSE))
		class(polyProps) <- c("PolyData", class(polyProps));

appendPolys <- function(polys, mat, PID=NULL, SID=NULL, isHole=FALSE)
	## validate the arugments
	if (missing(polys) || missing(mat)) {
		stop(paste("Requires arguments 'polys' and 'mat'.	To create a new PolySet, pass",
		"NULL as the 'polys' argument.\n", sep="\n"));
	## validate 'polys'
	if (!is.null(polys)) {
		polys <- .validatePolySet(polys);
		if (is.character(polys))
			stop(paste("Invalid PolySet 'polys'.\n", polys, sep=""));
	## validate 'mat'
	if (!is.matrix(mat) || (ncol(mat) != 2) || !is.numeric(mat)) {
		stop(paste("'mat' must be a matrix with two numeric columns.	The first column contains",
		"the X values and the second contains the Y values.\n", sep="\n"));
	if ((!is.null(PID) && (!is.numeric(PID) || length(PID) != 1)) ||
		(!is.null(SID) && (!is.numeric(SID) || length(SID) != 1)) ||
		(!is.logical(isHole) || length(isHole) != 1)) {
		stop(paste("If supplied as arguments, the length of 'PID', 'SID', and 'isHole' must",
			"equal one.	'PID' and 'SID' must be numerics, and 'isHole' must be a",
			"logical.\n", sep="\n"));

	## save the attributes of the data frame (.validatePolySet returns a data frame);
	## in this case, SAVE ALL ATTRIBUTES since we are "modifying" an existing data set
	attrNames <- setdiff(names(attributes(polys)), c("names", "row.names", "class"));
	attrValues <- attributes(polys)[attrNames];

	## get PID
	if (is.null(PID)) {
		if (is.null(polys)) {
			PID <- 1;
		} else {
			PID <- max(polys$PID) + 1;

	## get SID; only set it if there exists an SID column
	if (is.null(SID) && !is.null(polys) && is.element("SID", names(polys))) {
		curSIDs <- polys[polys$PID == PID, "SID"];
		if (!is.null(curSIDs) && (length(curSIDs) > 0)) {
			SID <- max(curSIDs) + 1;
		} else {
			SID <- 1;

	## build the POS column
	POS <- 1:nrow(mat);
	if (isHole)
		POS <- rev(POS);

	## build the new rows
	if (!is.null(SID)) {
		newRows <- data.frame(PID=rep(PID, nrow(mat)), SID=rep(SID, nrow(mat)), POS=POS, X=mat[, 1], Y=mat[, 2]);
	} else {
		newRows <- data.frame(PID=rep(PID, nrow(mat)), POS=POS, X=mat[, 1], Y=mat[, 2]);

	## if SID not in 'polys', but it is specified here, add it to 'polys'
	if (!is.null(polys) && !is.element("SID", names(polys)) && !is.null(SID))
		polys$SID <- rep(1, nrow(polys));

	## create ordering for 'poly' columns
	extraCols <- vector();
	if (!is.null(polys)) {
		extraCols <- setdiff(names(polys), c("PID", "SID", "POS", "X", "Y"));
		cols <- c("PID", "POS", "X", "Y", extraCols);
	} else {
		cols <- c("PID", "POS", "X", "Y");
	if (is.element("SID", names(polys)) || !is.null(SID))
		cols <- c(cols[1], "SID", cols[-1]);

	## append NA for extraCols in our 'newRows'
	if (length(extraCols) > 0)
		newRows <- cbind(newRows, matrix(NA, nrow=nrow(newRows), ncol=length(extraCols)));

	## bind 'em
	if (!is.null(polys)) {
		ret <- (rbind(polys[, cols], newRows));
	} else {
		ret <- (newRows);

	if (!is.null(ret)) {
		## restore the attributes (including projection and zone)
		attributes(ret) <- c(attributes(ret), attrValues);

		if (!is.PolySet(ret, fullValidation=FALSE))
			class(ret) <- c("PolySet", class(ret));

	return (ret);

as.EventData <- function(x, projection=NULL, zone=NULL)
	## if a data frame, remove all other classes
	if (is.data.frame(x))
		class(x) <- "data.frame"

	x <- .validateEventData(x);
	if (is.character(x))
		stop(paste("Cannot coerce into EventData.\n", x, sep=""));;

	if (!is.EventData(x, fullValidation=FALSE))
		class(x) <- c("EventData", class(x));
	if (!is.null(projection))
		attr(x, "projection") <- projection;
	if (!is.null(zone))
		attr(x, "zone") <- zone;

	return (x);

as.LocationSet <- function(x)
	## if a data frame, remove all other classes
	if (is.data.frame(x))
		class(x) <- "data.frame"

	x <- .validateLocationSet(x);
	if (is.character(x))
		stop(paste("Cannot coerce into a LocationSet.\n", x, sep=""));;

	if (!is.LocationSet(x, fullValidation=FALSE))
		class(x) <- c("LocationSet", class(x));

	return (x);

as.PolyData <- function(x, projection=NULL, zone=NULL)
	## if a data frame, remove all other classes
	if (is.data.frame(x))
		class(x) <- "data.frame"

	x <- .validatePolyData(x);
	if (is.character(x))
		stop(paste("Cannot coerce into PolyData.\n", x, sep=""));;

	if (!is.PolyData(x, fullValidation=FALSE))
		class(x) <- c("PolyData", class(x));
	if (!is.null(projection))
		attr(x, "projection") <- projection;
	if (!is.null(zone))
		attr(x, "zone") <- zone;

	return (x);

as.PolySet <- function(x, projection=NULL, zone=NULL)
	## if a data frame, remove all other classes
	if (is.data.frame(x))
		class(x) <- "data.frame"

	x <- .validatePolySet(x);
	if (is.character(x))
		stop(paste("Cannot coerce into a PolySet.\n", x, sep=""));;

	if (!is.PolySet(x, fullValidation=FALSE))
		class(x) <- c("PolySet", class(x));
	if (!is.null(projection))
		attr(x, "projection") <- projection;
	if (!is.null(zone))
		attr(x, "zone") <- zone;

	return (x);

calcArea <- function(polys, rollup=3)
	polys <- .validatePolySet(polys);
	if (is.character(polys))
		stop(paste("Invalid PolySet 'polys'.\n", polys, sep=""));

	## copied the following code to calcCentroid()
	msg <- ""
	## check if projection is LL
	if (!is.null(attr(polys, "projection"))
		&& !is.na(attr(polys, "projection"))
		&& attr(polys, "projection") == "LL") {
		msg <- paste("To calculate the areas of polygons defined by longitude-latitude",
			"coordinates, this routine first projects them in UTM.\n", sep="\n");
		## check if zone needs to be set
		## SIMILAR code to convUL()
		if (is.null(attr(polys, "zone")) || is.na(attr(polys, "zone"))) {
			m <- mean(polys$X)
			if (m <= -180 || m > 180) {
				msg <- paste(msg, paste(
					"\nAttempted to automatically calculate the missing 'zone' attribute, but",
					"that failed because the mean longitude falls outside the range",
					"-180 < x <= 180.\n", sep="\n"), sep="");
			attr(polys, "zone") <- ceiling((m + 180) / 6);
			msg <- paste(msg, paste("\nFor the UTM conversion, automatically detected zone ",
				attr(polys, "zone"), ".\n", sep=""), sep="");
		} else {
			msg <- paste(msg, paste( "\nUsing 'zone' attribute (", 
				attr(polys, "zone"), ").\n", sep=""), sep="");
		## now the zone is set
		polys <- convUL(polys);

	## rollup 'polys' to fix CW/CCW and rollup polys
	## since the calcArea function returns signed areas, this is important
	polys <- .rollupPolys(polys, rollupMode=rollup, exteriorCCW=1, closedPolys=1, addRetrace=TRUE);

	inRows <- nrow(polys);
	outCapacity <- inRows;

	## create the data structure that the C functions expect
	if (!is.element("SID", names(polys))) {
		inID <- c(polys$PID, integer(length=inRows), polys$POS);
	} else {
		inID <- c(polys$PID, polys$SID, polys$POS);
	inXY <- c(polys$X, polys$Y);

	## call the C function
	results <- .C("calcArea",
		outID=integer(2 * outCapacity),
	## note: outRows is set to how much space is allocated -- the C function should consider this

	if (results$outStatus == 1) {
		stop("Insufficient physical memory for processing.\n");
	if (results$outStatus == 2) {
		stop(paste("Insufficient memory allocated for output.	Please upgrade to the latest",
			"version of the software, and if that does not fix this problem, please",
			"file a bug report.\n", sep="\n"));

	## determine the number of rows in the result
	outRows <- as.vector(results$outRows);

	## extract the data from the C function results
	if (outRows > 0) {
		d <- data.frame(PID=results$outID[1:outRows],

		if (!is.element("SID", names(polys)) || rollup == 1)
			d$SID <- NULL;

		if (!is.PolyData(d, fullValidation=FALSE))
			class(d) <- c("PolyData", class(d));

	} else {

## calcCentroid:
## Capabilities:
##   [Y] Holes
##   [-] Projection
## Legend:
##   [Y] yes   [N] no   [-] N/A   [?] good question
## Returns:
##   PolyData with centroids of all polygons.
##   Values for 'rollup' include:
##     1 - rollup to the PID level
##     2 - rollup to the hole level; i.e., integrate holes
##     3 - do not rollup
##   Setting onlyPID=TRUE results in only one centroid per PID.
calcCentroid <- function(polys, rollup=3)
	polys <- .validatePolySet(polys);
	if (is.character(polys))
		stop(paste("Invalid PolySet 'polys'.\n", polys, sep=""));

	## to ensure correct orientation of the exterior/interior vertices, run a
	## fixPOS() on the PolySet
	if ((rollup == 1) || (rollup == 2)) {
		polys <- .rollupPolys(polys, rollupMode=rollup, exteriorCCW=1, closedPolys=1, addRetrace=TRUE);
		## As for the overall clockwise/counter-clockwise orientation of the
		## merged PolySet, it shouldn't matter.	The retrace lines don't change
		## the area, and hence shouldn't change the centroid.

	inRows <- nrow(polys);
	outCapacity <- inRows;

	## create the data structure that the C functions expect
	if (!is.element("SID", names(polys))) {
		inID <- c(polys$PID, integer(length=inRows), polys$POS);
	} else {
		inID <- c(polys$PID, polys$SID, polys$POS);
	inXY <- c(polys$X, polys$Y);

	## call the C function
	results <- .C("calcCentroid",
		outID=integer(2 * outCapacity),
		outXY=double(2 * outCapacity),
	## note: outRows is set to how much space is allocated -- the C function should consider this

	if (results$outStatus == 1) {
		stop("Insufficient physical memory for processing.\n");
	if (results$outStatus == 2) {
		stop(paste("Insufficient memory allocated for output.	Please upgrade to the latest",
			"version of the software, and if that does not fix this problem, please",
			"file a bug report.\n", sep="\n"));

	## determine the number of rows in the result
	outRows <- as.vector(results$outRows);

	## extract the data from the C function results
	if (outRows > 0) {
		d <- data.frame(PID=results$outID[1:outRows],

		if (!is.element("SID", names(polys)))
			d$SID <- NULL;

		## add projection and zone
		attr(d, "projection") <- attr(polys, "projection");
		attr(d, "zone") <- attr(polys, "zone");

		if (!is.PolyData(d, fullValidation=FALSE))
			class(d) <- c("PolyData", class(d));

	} else {

# New calcConvexHull using chull() in package grDevices
calcConvexHull <- function(xydata,keepExtra=FALSE)
	xydata <- .validateXYData(xydata);
	if (is.character(xydata))
		stop(paste("Invalid X/Y data 'xydata'.\n", xydata, sep=""));

	inRows <- nrow(xydata);
	ii     <- grDevices::chull(xydata$X,xydata$Y); n <- length(ii)
	hull0  <- xydata[ii,]
	zXY    <- is.element(names(hull0),c("X","Y"))
	zExtra <- !zXY
	hull   <- cbind(PID=rep(1,n),POS=1:n,hull0[,zXY])
	if (keepExtra && any(zExtra==TRUE)) {
			hull <- cbind(hull,hull0[,zExtra])
			names(hull)[5:ncol(hull)] <- names(hull0)[zExtra] }

	## add projection and zone attributes
	attr(hull, "inRows") <- inRows;
	attr(hull, "projection") <- attr(xydata, "projection");
	attr(hull, "zone") <- attr(xydata, "zone");

	if (!is.PolySet(hull, fullValidation=FALSE))
		class(hull) <- c("PolySet", class(hull));
	hull <- rbind(hull,hull[1,]); hull[n+1,2] <- n+1; # close polygon

calcLength <- function (polys, rollup=3, close=FALSE)
	polys <- .validatePolySet(polys);
	if (is.character(polys))
		stop(paste("Invalid PolySet 'polys'.\n", polys, sep=""));

	## according to documentation
	if (rollup == 2) {
		rollup <- 3;
		warning("'rollup=2' has no meaning in 'calcLength'; reset it to 'rollup=3'.\n");

	## STEP 1: compute a distance column
	if (!is.null(attr(polys, "projection")) && !is.na(attr(polys, "projection"))
		&& ((attr(polys, "projection") == "UTM") || (attr(polys, "projection") == "LL")
		|| (attr(polys, "projection") == 1))) {
		## if necessary, close polygons; don't roll them up until after the distance calculation
		if (close) {
			polys <- .rollupPolys(polys, rollupMode=3, exteriorCCW=-1, closedPolys=1, addRetrace=FALSE);
		polys$D <- .calcDist(polys);
	else {
		stop(paste("Invalid projection attribute.	Supported projections include \"LL\",", "\"UTM\", and 1.\n"));

	## STEP 2: prepare the result
	if (is.element("D", names(polys))) {
		## simplify polys
		polys <- polys[, which(is.element(names(polys), c("PID", "SID", "D")))]

		## build index and remove "unnecessary" distances (i.e., distances between polygons)
		polys$IDX <- .createIDs(polys, cols=c("PID", "SID"));
		polys$D[which(!duplicated(polys$IDX)[c(2:nrow(polys), 1)])] <- 0;

		## split and sum
		## if rollup equals 1, split by PID rather than IDX
		if (rollup == 1) {
			idx <- "PID";
		} else {
			idx <- "IDX";
		result <- split(polys$D, polys[[idx]])
		result <- lapply(result, sum);
		polys <- polys[!duplicated(polys[[idx]]), ]
		toMerge <- data.frame(names(result), length=unlist(result))
		names(toMerge)[1] <- idx;
		polys <- merge(polys, toMerge, by=idx)

	if (is.element("SID", names(polys)) && (rollup != 1)) {
		d <- data.frame(PID=polys$PID, SID=polys$SID, length=polys$length);
	} else {
		d <- data.frame(PID=polys$PID, length=polys$length);

	if (!is.null(d) && !is.PolyData(d, fullValidation=FALSE))
		class(d) <- c("PolyData", class(d));

	return (d);

calcMidRange <- function(polys, rollup=3)
	polys <- .validatePolySet(polys);
	if (is.character(polys))
		stop(paste("Invalid PolySet 'polys'.\n", polys, sep=""));

	## calculate range
	polys <- calcSummary (polys, FUN="range", rollup=rollup);

	## calculate mean range
	polys$X <- (polys$X1 + polys$X2) / 2;
	polys$Y <- (polys$Y1 + polys$Y2) / 2;

	## drop obsolete columns
	polys$X1 <- NULL;
	polys$X2 <- NULL;
	polys$Y1 <- NULL;
	polys$Y2 <- NULL;

	## no need to assign 'projection' and 'zone' attributes; 'calcSummary'
	## maintains them

	## assign class if necessary
	if (!is.null(polys) &&
			!is.PolyData(polys, fullValidation=FALSE))
		class(polys) <- c("PolyData", class(polys));

	return (polys);

#	Apply functions to polygons in a PolySet.
calcSummary <- function(polys, rollup=3, FUN, ...)
	## Maintains extra attributes.
	polys <- .validatePolySet(polys);
	if (is.character(polys))
		stop(paste("Invalid PolySet 'polys'.\n", polys, sep=""));

	## roll up the PolySet if necessary; don't change the number of points
	if (rollup == 1 || rollup == 2) {
		polys <- .rollupPolys(polys, rollupMode=rollup, exteriorCCW=-1,
													closedPolys=-1, addRetrace=FALSE);
	} else if (rollup != 3) {
"Invalid value for argument 'rollup'.	Must equal 1, 2 or 3.\n");

	## create an index
	idx <- .createIDs(polys, cols=c("PID", "SID"), fastIDdig=NULL);
	uniqueIdx <- unique(idx);

	## get data value (run FUN on each vector of X and vector of Y)
	dataX <- lapply(split(polys$X, idx), FUN, ...);
	dataY <- lapply(split(polys$Y, idx), FUN, ...);

	nCol <- length(dataX[[1]]);

	## as soon as you bind in a string with numbers in a matrix, the whole
	## matrix becomes characters (all items in matrix have same type)

	## cbind() can result in calling the data frame method if the arguments
	## are all either data frames or vectors, and this will result in the
	## coercion of character vectors to factors. (source: R cbind() help file)

	dataX <- cbind(data.frame(IDX=names(dataX)),
		as.data.frame(matrix(unlist(dataX, use.names=FALSE), ncol=nCol, byrow=TRUE)));
	dataX$IDX <- as.character(dataX$IDX); # remove factor
	dataY <- cbind(data.frame(IDX=names(dataY)),
		as.data.frame(matrix(unlist(dataY, use.names=FALSE), ncol=nCol, byrow=TRUE)));
	dataY$IDX <- as.character(dataY$IDX); # remove factor

	if (nCol > 1) {
		names(dataX) <- c("IDX", paste("X", seq(1, nCol), sep=""));
		names(dataY) <- c("IDX", paste("Y", seq(1, nCol), sep=""));
	} else {
		names(dataX) <- c("IDX", "X");
		names(dataY) <- c("IDX", "Y");

	polys <- polys[!duplicated(idx), ];

	## build PolyData result
	result <- data.frame(IDX=idx[!duplicated(idx)]);
	result$PID <- polys$PID;
	result$SID <- polys$SID;
	result <- merge(result, dataX, by="IDX");
	result <- merge(result, dataY, by="IDX");
	result <- result[, -1];

	if (!is.null(result)) {
		## copy the projection and zone attribute from input
		attr(result, "projection") <- attr(polys, "projection");
		attr(result, "zone") <- attr(polys, "zone");

		if (!is.PolyData(result, fullValidation=FALSE))
			class(result) <- c("PolyData", class(result));

	return (result);

# Calculate the Voronoi (Dirichlet) tesselation for a set of points.
calcVoronoi <- function(xydata, xlim=NULL, ylim=NULL, eps=1e-09, frac=0.0001)
	.checkRDeps ("calcVoronoi", c("deldir"))

	xydata <- .validateXYData(xydata)
	if (is.character(xydata))
		stop(paste("Invalid X/Y data 'xydata'.\n", xydata, sep=""))
	if (nrow(xydata) < 2)
		stop("This function requires two or more input points.\n")

	if (!is.null(xlim) && (length(xlim) != 2 || diff(xlim) < 0))
		stop("Invalid 'xlim' argument.\n")
	if (!is.null(ylim) && (length(ylim) != 2 || diff(ylim) < 0))
		stop("Invalid 'xlim' argument.\n")

	## if limits null, calculate them by increasing each extent by 10% of its range
	if (is.null(xlim))
		xlim <- range(xydata$X) + (rep(diff(range(xydata$X)) * 0.10, 2) * c(-1, 1))
	if (is.null(ylim))
		ylim <- range(xydata$Y) + (rep(diff(range(xydata$Y)) * 0.10, 2) * c(-1, 1))

	if (!is.null(attr(xydata, "projection"))
			&& attr(xydata, "projection") == "LL")
		warning(paste("When the projection is \"LL\", this function naively treats the data as",
			"a one-to-one projection. Consider converting it to UTM before running", "this function.", sep="\n"));

	dd <- deldir(xydata$X, xydata$Y, rw=c(xlim, ylim), eps=eps, frac=frac, digits=7) ## package deldir
	if (is.null(dd))
		stop(paste("The call to \"deldir\", this function's dependency, failed.	The function",
			"does not support linear (horizontal/vertical) data and that could be the", "cause.", sep="\n"));

	## dd$dirsgs:
	##  (x1, y1) -> (x2, y2): a line segment in a Dirichlet tile
	##  ind1 and ind2: indices of the two points separated by this line segment
	dirsgs <- dd$dirsgs

	## dd$summary:
	##  (x, y): points used in the tesselation; may be less than input if some
	##    points judged to be the same (see "frac" argument)
	##  n.tside: number of side of the Dirichlet tile surrounding the point
	summary <- dd$summary

	## we will use "summary" below AND in ".addCorners" to determine closest polygon for adding corners

	## each line segment belongs to two tiles (ind1 and ind2); create a data
	## structure with two copies of each point (i.e., a copy for each tile)
	pt1tile1 <- dirsgs[, c("x1", "y1", "ind1", "bp1")]
	pt1tile2 <- dirsgs[, c("x1", "y1", "ind2", "bp1")]
	pt2tile1 <- dirsgs[, c("x2", "y2", "ind1", "bp2")]
	pt2tile2 <- dirsgs[, c("x2", "y2", "ind2", "bp2")]
	names(pt1tile1) <- names(pt1tile2) <- names(pt2tile1) <- names(pt2tile2) <- c("X", "Y", "tile", "bp")
	res <- rbind(pt1tile1, pt1tile2, pt2tile1, pt2tile2)
	res <- res[order(res$tile), ]

	## the points in "res" are ordered by "tile" -- the same order of the points in "summary"

	## add the "origin" point (twice) for each tile to the data structure
	res$Xo <- rep(summary[, "x"], times=2*summary[, "n.tside"])
	res$Yo <- rep(summary[, "y"], times=2*summary[, "n.tside"])
	## compute offset from each "origin"
	res$Xdiff <- res$X - res$Xo
	res$Ydiff <- res$Y - res$Yo
	## compute the arctan for each offset, so that we know the order when building polygons
	res$atan2 <- atan2(res$Ydiff, res$Xdiff)

	## NOTE: the order set below is paramount to the next section of code.
	## DO NOT change the ordering unless you revise the next section as well.

	## order them and then eliminate duplicates
	res <- res[order(res$tile, res$atan2), ]
	res <- res[!duplicated(paste(res$tile, res$atan2)), ]

	## number of vertices in each polygon
	nVerts <- diff(c(which(!duplicated(res$tile)), length(res$tile)+1))

	## At this point, the order of points in each tile is sometimes inappropriate
	## for plotting. To obtain the best results, tiles with boundary points should
	## have one boundary point appear first in the tile and one last.
	## Here is the idea:
	## We have two types of tiles:
	##   (1) "correct" tiles (completely interior OR boundary points in the first and last position) and
	##   (2) "incorrect" tiles (boundary points adjacent to each other in a given tile).
	## We only need to reorder vertices of the "incorrect" tiles. We can think of
	## the reordering as "rotating" the vertices until the first and last are the boundary points.
	## If F is a non-boundary point and T is a boundary point, a tile with seven
	## vertices may initially look like FFFTTFF.	If we rotate these vertices right three times
	##   FFFFTTF (1st rotation)
	##   FFFFFTT (2nd rotation)
	##   TFFFFFT (3rd rotation)
	## we achieve the desired ordering.
	## To calculate the rotation, we look at the index of the first boundary point
	## in the tile.	If we subtract its index from the number of vertices and add
	## one, we obtain the number of right rotations (e.g., 7 - 5 + 1=3 in the above example).
	## Given the number of right rotations, we can build a new index vector that
	## will "rotate" points within the desired tiles.

	## divide 'res' into two data frames, one where tiles touch two or fewer
	## boundary points and one where tiles touch more than two boundary points
	bpByTile <- split(res$bp, res$tile)
	noRotate <- rep((lapply(bpByTile, "sum") > 2), times=lapply(bpByTile, "length"))
	resNoRotate <- res[noRotate, ]   ## touch more than two
	res <- res[!noRotate, ]          ## touch two or fewer

	## vertices in each tile
	tileLen <- diff(c(which(!duplicated(res$tile)), nrow(res)+1))
	## find the tiles to rotate
	bpByTile <- split(res$bp, res$tile)
	bpByTileWhich <- lapply(bpByTile, "which")
	toRotate <- (lapply(bpByTileWhich, "diff") == 1)
	toRotate[is.na(toRotate)] <- FALSE

	## focus on the tiles to fix
	toFix <- bpByTileWhich[toRotate]
	toFixLen <- tileLen[toRotate]
	toFixMin <- lapply(toFix, "min")

	## setup a "rotation" vector
	rotR <- unlist(toFixLen) - unlist(toFixMin)
	rotR <- -1 - rotR

	## a "-1" rotation means no change, "-2" means one to the right, ...
	rot <- rep(-1, length(tileLen))
	rot[toRotate] <- rotR

	## start with an index of 1 .. len for each tile
	newIDX <- unlist(lapply(tileLen, "seq"))

	## rotate those indices
	rot <- rep(rot, times=unlist(tileLen))
	newIDX <- newIDX + rot
	mod <- rep(unlist(tileLen), times=unlist(tileLen))
	newIDX <- (newIDX %% mod) + 1

	## adjust indices from 1 .. len to reflect their position in the data frame
	base <- rep(which(!duplicated(res$tile)) - 1, times=unlist(tileLen))
	newIDX <- newIDX + base

	## reorder
	res <- res[newIDX, ]

	## combine the two 'res' data frames (the no rotate and rotate one)
	if (any(noRotate)) {
		res <- rbind(resNoRotate, res)
		## it is safe to 'order' by tile: according to the R help on 'order',
		## "any unresolved ties will be left in their original ordering."
		res <- res[order(res$tile), ]

	## build the POS column
	maxPos <- max(nVerts);
	POS <- rep(seq(from=1, to=maxPos), times=length(nVerts));
	n <- vector();
	n[seq(1, by=2, length.out=length(nVerts))] <- nVerts;
	n[seq(2, by=2, length.out=length(nVerts))] <- maxPos - nVerts;
	b <- rep(c(TRUE, FALSE), length.out=length(n));
	POS <- POS[rep(b, n)];

	names(res)[is.element(names(res), "tile")] <- "PID"
	res$POS <- POS

	res <- res[, c("PID", "POS", "X", "Y")]
	class(res) <- c("PolySet", class(res))

	## polygons that straddle corners will be missing the corner points;
	## add the missing corner points now
	res <- .addCorners(res, summary)

	## ensure edges reach the proper extents
	res <- .expandEdges(res, data.frame(X=summary[, "x"], Y=summary[, "y"]), xlim, ylim)

	## set attributes appropriate to the result
	attr(res, "projection") <- 1;
	attr(res, "zone") <- NULL;

	return (res);

clipLines <- function(polys, xlim, ylim, keepExtra=FALSE)
	polys <- .validatePolySet(polys);
	if (is.character(polys))
		stop(paste("Invalid PolySet 'polys'.\n", polys, sep=""));

	ret <- .clip(polys, xlim, ylim, isPolygons=FALSE, keepExtra);

	## .clip retains extra attributes

	if (!is.null(ret) &&
			!is.PolySet(ret, fullValidation=FALSE))
		class(ret) <- c("PolySet", class(ret));

	return (ret);

clipPolys <- function(polys, xlim, ylim, keepExtra=FALSE)
	polys <- .validatePolySet(polys);
	if (is.character(polys))
		stop(paste("Invalid PolySet 'polys'.\n", polys, sep=""));

	ret <- .clip(polys, xlim, ylim, isPolygons=TRUE, keepExtra);

	## .clip retains extra attributes

	if (!is.null(ret) &&
			!is.PolySet(ret, fullValidation=FALSE))
		class(ret) <- c("PolySet", class(ret));

	return (ret);

closePolys <- function(polys)
	polys <- .validatePolySet(polys);
	if (is.character(polys))
		stop(paste("Invalid PolySet 'polys'.\n", polys, sep=""));

	## save attributes, so they can be added to the resulting data frame
	attrNames  <- setdiff(names(attributes(polys)), c("names", "row.names", "class"));
	attrValues <- attributes(polys)[attrNames];

	xlim <- range(polys$X);
	ylim <- range(polys$Y);

	inRows <- nrow(polys);
	outCapacity <- as.integer(2 * inRows);

	## create the data structure that the C function expects
	if (!is.element("SID", names(polys))) {
		inID <- c(polys$PID, integer(length=inRows), polys$POS);
	} else {
		inID <- c(polys$PID, polys$SID, polys$POS);
	inXY <- c(polys$X, polys$Y);
	limits <- c(xlim, ylim);

	## call the C function
	results <- .C("closePolys",
		outID=integer(3 * outCapacity),
		outXY=double(2 * outCapacity),
	## note: outRows is set to how much space is allocated -- the C function should consider this

	if (results$outStatus == 1) {
		stop("Insufficient physical memory for processing.\n");
	if (results$outStatus == 2) {
		stop(paste("Insufficient memory allocated for output.	Please upgrade to the latest",
			"version of the software, and if that does not fix this problem, please",
			"file a bug report.\n", sep="\n"));

	## determine the number of rows in the result
	outRows <- as.vector(results$outRows);

	## extract the data from the C function results
	if (outRows > 0) {
		d <- data.frame(PID=results$outID[1:outRows],

		if (!is.element("SID", names(polys)))
			d$SID <- NULL;

		## restore the attributes, including 'projection' and 'zone'
		attributes(d) <- c(attributes(d), attrValues);

		if (!is.PolySet(d, fullValidation=FALSE))
			class(d) <- c("PolySet", class(d));

	} else {

#	Combine measurements of events.
combineEvents <- function(events, locs, FUN, ..., bdryOK=TRUE)
	events <- .validateEventData(events);
	if (is.character(events))
		stop(paste("Invalid EventData 'events'.\n", events, sep=""));
	if (!is.element("Z", names(events))) {
		stop ("EventData is missing required column 'Z'.\n");

	## filter the boundary points
	if (!bdryOK)
		locs <- locs[locs$Bdry == 0, ];

	## make the list...
	if (is.element("SID", names(locs))) {
		colIDs <- 2;
		colNames <- c("PID", "SID", "Z");
		locs <- split(locs$EID, paste(locs$PID, locs$SID, sep="-"));
	} else {
		colIDs <- 1;
		colNames <- c("PID", "Z");
		locs <- split(locs$EID, locs$PID);

	summary <- lapply(locs, function(x, FUN, events, ...){
		FUN(events[is.element(events$EID, x), "Z"], ...);
	}, FUN, events, ...);

	## The as.numeric function calls (below) are very important.
	## They prevent elements in the PID and SID columns from becoming factors.
	output <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(names(summary), "-")));
	output <- as.data.frame(matrix(output, byrow=TRUE, ncol=colIDs));

	output <- cbind(output, unlist(summary));
	names(output) <- colNames;

	if (!is.null(output) &&
			!is.PolyData(output, fullValidation=FALSE))
		class(output) <- c("PolyData", class(output));


combinePolys <- function(polys)
	polys <- .validatePolySet(polys)
	if (is.character(polys))
		stop(paste("Invalid PolySet 'polys'.\n", polys, sep=""))

	## save the attributes for the data frame (.validatePolySet returns a data frame)
	attrNames <- setdiff(names(attributes(polys)), c("names", "row.names", "class"));
	attrValues <- attributes(polys)[attrNames];

	IDs <- .createIDs(polys, cols=c("PID", "SID"))

	## create/insert new PID/SID columns
	nVerts <- diff(c(which(!duplicated(IDs)), length(IDs) + 1))
	nPolys <- length(nVerts)
	polys$SID <- rep(1:nPolys, times=nVerts)
	polys$PID <- 1

	## reorder columns
	columns <- c("PID", "SID", "POS", "X", "Y")
	polys <- polys[, c(columns, setdiff(names(polys), columns))]

	## restore the attributes
	attributes(polys) <- c(attributes(polys), attrValues);

	return (polys)

convCP <- function(data, projection=NULL, zone=NULL)
	## do a preliminary test on the 'data' to see if it resulted from a call to
	## contourLines()
	if ((length(data) < 1) || (length(data[[1]]) != 3) || (any(!is.element(names(data[[1]]), c("level", "x", "y"))))) {
		stop(paste("convCP() accepts data from R's contourLines() function.	The format of",
			"'data' does not match the expected format.\n", sep="\n"));

	## 'vData': 'data' converted to a vector
	vData <- unlist(data);

	levelsIdx <- which(names(vData) == "level");
	levelsIdx <- c(levelsIdx, length(vData) + 1);
	## 'nVerts': number of vertices for each polyline
	nVerts <- (diff(levelsIdx) - 1) / 2;
	## 'levelsIdx': indices to each 'level' element in vector 'vData'
	levelsIdx <- levelsIdx[-length(levelsIdx)];

	## create the X column
	## 'n': number of times to repeat each Boolean
	## 'b': vector of Booleans
	n <- vector();
	n[seq(1, by=2, length=length(nVerts))] <- nVerts;
	n[seq(2, by=2, length=length(nVerts))] <- nVerts + 1;
	n <- c(1, n[-length(n)], n[length(n)-1]);
	b <- rep(c(FALSE, TRUE), length.out=length(n));
	x <- vData [rep(b, n)];

	## create the Y column
	n <- vector();
	n[seq(1, by=2, length=length(nVerts))] <- nVerts + 1;
	n[seq(2, by=2, length=length(nVerts))] <- nVerts;
	b <- rep(c(FALSE, TRUE), length.out=length(n));
	y <- vData [rep(b, n)];

	## 'dupLevel': Boolean vector; TRUE when a level is a duplicate
	dupLevel <- duplicated(vData[levelsIdx]);

	## create the PID column
	pid <- vector()
	pid[which(!dupLevel)] <- 1:length(unique(vData[levelsIdx]));
	pid[which(dupLevel)] <- rep(pid[!dupLevel], diff(c(which(!dupLevel), length(levelsIdx)+1))-1);
	PolyData <- data.frame(PID=pid);
	pid <- rep(PolyData$PID, nVerts);

	## create the SID column
	d <- diff(c(which(!dupLevel), length(levelsIdx)+1));
	maxSid <- max(d);
	sid <- rep(seq(from=1, to=maxSid), times=length(d));
	n <- vector();
	n[seq(1, by=2, length.out=length(d))] <- d;
	n[seq(2, by=2, length.out=length(d))] <- maxSid - d;
	b <- rep(c(TRUE, FALSE), length.out=length(n));
	PolyData$SID <- sid[rep(b, n)];
	sid <- rep(PolyData$SID, nVerts);

	## create the POS column
	maxPos <- max(nVerts);
	pos <- rep(seq(from=1, to=maxPos), times=length(nVerts));
	n <- vector();
	n[seq(1, by=2, length.out=length(nVerts))] <- nVerts;
	n[seq(2, by=2, length.out=length(nVerts))] <- maxPos - nVerts;
	b <- rep(c(TRUE, FALSE), length.out=length(n));
	pos <- pos[rep(b, n)];

	## add level column to 'PolyData'
	PolyData$level <- vData[levelsIdx];

	## put the data frames together in a list
	PolySet <- data.frame(PID=pid, SID=sid, POS=pos, X=x, Y=y);

	if (!is.null(PolySet)) {
		## add attributes from arguments; we cannot add them from 'data' since it isn't a PBS Mapping type
		if (!is.null(projection))
			attr(PolySet, "projection") <- projection;
		if (!is.null(zone))
			attr(PolySet, "zone") <- zone;

		## add class attributes as necessary
		if (!is.PolySet(PolySet, fullValidation=FALSE))
			class(PolySet) <- c("PolySet", class(PolySet));
	if (!is.null(PolyData) && !is.PolyData(PolyData, fullValidation=FALSE))
		class(PolyData) <- c("PolyData", class(PolyData));

	return (list(PolySet=PolySet, PolyData=PolyData));

convDP <- function(data, xColumns, yColumns)
	## validate all the arguments
	if (!any(is.element(names(data), c("PID", "EID")))) {
		stop("'data' must be either PolyData or EventData.\n");
	## if 'data' contains both 'PID' and 'EID' columns, assume it is PolyData and ignore 'EID'
	if (is.element("EID", names(data)) && !is.element("PID", names(data))) {
		## replace EID with PID so we can .validatePolyData(), 
		## which is less restrictive than .validateEventData()
		names(data)[which(is.element(names(data), "EID"))] <- "PID";
	data <- .validatePolyData(data);
	if (is.character(data))
		stop(paste("Invalid PolyData 'data'.\n", data, sep=""));

	if (missing(xColumns) || missing(yColumns))
		stop("Must specify 'xColumns' and 'yColumns' vectors.\n");
	if ((length(xColumns) != length(yColumns)) || (length(xColumns)==0))
		stop("Length of 'xColumns' and 'yColumns' must be the same and greater than 0.\n");
	if (!all(is.element(xColumns, names(data))) || !all(is.element(yColumns, names(data))))
		stop(paste("One or more column specified in 'xColumns' or 'yColumns' does not",
			"exist in 'data'.\n", sep="\n"));

	result <- matrix(nrow=(nrow(data) * length(xColumns)), ncol=2);
	for (i in 1:length(xColumns)) {
		result[seq(i, by=length(xColumns), length=nrow(data)), 1] <- data[, xColumns[i]];
		result[seq(i, by=length(yColumns), length=nrow(data)), 2] <- data[, yColumns[i]];
	result <- cbind(rep(1:length(xColumns), nrow(data)), result);
	if (is.element("SID", names(data)))
		result <- cbind(rep(data$SID, each=length(xColumns)), result);
	result <- cbind(rep(data$PID, each=length(xColumns)), result);

	result <- as.data.frame(result);
	if (is.element("SID", names(data))) {
		names(result) <- c("PID", "SID", "POS", "X", "Y");
	} else {
		names(result) <- c("PID", "POS", "X", "Y");

	if (!is.null(result)) {
		## copy the 'projection' and 'zone' attribute from input
		attr(result, "projection") <- attr(data, "projection");
		attr(result, "zone") <- attr(data, "zone");

		if (!is.PolySet(result, fullValidation=FALSE))
			class(result) <- c("PolySet", class(result));


convLP <- function(polyA, polyB, reverse=TRUE)
	polyA <- .validatePolySet(polyA);
	if (is.character(polyA))
		stop(paste("Invalid PolySet 'polyA'.\n", polyA, sep=""));
	polyB <- .validatePolySet(polyB);
	if (is.character(polyB))
		stop(paste("Invalid PolySet 'polyB'.\n", polyB, sep=""));

	## test for obvious user errors
	if ((length(unique(polyA$PID)) > 1 || length(unique(polyB$PID)) > 1) ||
		(is.element("SID", names(polyA)) && length(unique(polyA$SID)) > 1) ||
		(is.element("SID", names(polyB)) && length(unique(polyB$SID)) > 1)) {
		warning("Each PolySet should contain only one polyline.\n");

	result <- polyA[, c("X", "Y")];
	if (reverse) {
		result <- rbind(result, polyB[nrow(polyB):1, c("X", "Y")]);
	} else {
		result <- rbind(result, polyB[, c("X", "Y")]);
	result <- cbind(1:nrow(result), result);
	result <- cbind(rep(polyA[1, "PID"], nrow(result)), result);
	names(result) <- c("PID", "POS", "X", "Y");

	if (!is.null(result)) {
		## add 'projection' and 'zone' attributes
		if (is.null(attr(polyA, "projection")) && !is.null(attr(polyB, "projection"))) {
			attr(result, "projection") <- attr(polyB, "projection");
		} else if ((!is.null(attr(polyA, "projection")) && 
			is.null(attr(polyB, "projection"))) || ((!is.null(attr(polyA, "projection")) && 
			!is.null(attr(polyB, "projection"))) && (attr(polyA, "projection") == attr(polyB, "projection")))) {
			attr(result, "projection") <- attr(polyA, "projection");

		if (is.null(attr(polyA, "zone")) && !is.null(attr(polyB, "zone"))) {
			attr(result, "zone") <- attr(polyB, "zone");
		} else if ((!is.null(attr(polyA, "zone")) && is.null(attr(polyB, "zone"))) ||
			((!is.null(attr(polyA, "zone")) && !is.null(attr(polyB, "zone"))) && 
			(attr(polyA, "zone") == attr(polyB, "zone")))) {
			attr(result, "zone") <- attr(polyA, "zone");

		if (!is.PolySet(result, fullValidation=FALSE))
			class(result) <- c("PolySet", class(result));

	invisible (result);

convUL <- function(xydata, km=TRUE, southern=NULL)
	xydata <- .validateXYData(xydata);
	if (is.character(xydata))
		stop(paste("Invalid X/Y data 'xydata'.\n", xydata, sep=""));
	## check for valid projection/zone attributes
	if (!is.element("projection", names(attributes(xydata))) || (!is.element(attr(xydata, "projection"), c("LL", "UTM")))) {
		stop("Missing or invalid projection attribute.\n");

	## automagically set the zone attribute, if possible SIMILAR code to calcArea()
	if ((attr(xydata, "projection") == "LL") && (is.null(attr(xydata, "zone")) || is.na(attr(xydata, "zone")))) {
		m <- mean(xydata$X);
		if ((m <= -180) || (m > 180)) {
			stop(paste("Attempted to automatically calculate the missing 'zone' attribute, but",
				"that failed because the mean longitude falls outside the range",
				"-180 < x <= 180.  Please manually set the attribute and then try again.\n", sep="\n"));
		attr(xydata, "zone") <- ceiling((m + 180) / 6);
		message("convUL: For the UTM conversion, automatically detected zone ", attr(xydata, "zone"), ".");
	else if (!is.element("zone", names(attributes(xydata))) || (attr(xydata, "zone") < 1) || (attr(xydata, "zone") > 60)) {
		stop("Invalid or missing zone attribute; possibly out of valid range.\n");

## TO HERE (formatting code layout only)

	## determine whether in the northern or southern hemisphere
	if (is.null(southern)) {
		if (attr(xydata, "projection") == "LL")
			southern <- (mean(range(xydata$Y)) < 0)
		else if (attr(xydata, "projection") == "UTM")
			southern <- FALSE
			stop("Projection attribute must be UTM or LL.")

		message("convUL: Converting coordinates within the ",
						ifelse(southern, "southern", "northern"), " hemisphere.")

	inXY <- c(xydata$X, xydata$Y);
	outCapacity <- inVerts <- nrow(xydata);
	inProj <- attr(xydata, "projection");
	inZone <- attr(xydata, "zone");
	if (inProj == "UTM") {
		## C function expects data to be in metres...
		if (km) {
			inXY <- inXY * 1000;
		toUTM <- FALSE;
	} else {
		toUTM <- TRUE;

	## call the C function
	results <- .C("convUL",
								outXY=double(2 * outCapacity),
	## note: outVerts is set to how much space is allocated -- the C function
	##			 should consider this

	if (results$outStatus == 1) {
"Insufficient physical memory for processing.\n");
	if (results$outStatus == 2) {
"Insufficient memory allocated for output.	Please upgrade to the latest",
"version of the software, and if that does not fix this problem, please",
"file a bug report.\n",

	## determine the number of rows in the result
	outRows <- as.vector(results$outVerts);

	## extract the data from the C function results
	if (outRows > 0) {
		## C function returns data in metres...
		if (inProj == "LL" && km)
			results$outXY <- results$outXY / 1000;

		xydata$X <- results$outXY[1:outRows];
		xydata$Y <- results$outXY[(outCapacity+1):(outCapacity+outRows)];

		if (inProj == "UTM") {
			attr(xydata, "projection") <- "LL";
		} else {
			attr(xydata, "projection") <- "UTM";

		## no need to set zone attribute, same as input

		## no need to set class, same as input

	} else {

dividePolys <- function(polys)
	polys <- .validatePolySet(polys)
	if (is.character(polys))
		stop(paste("Invalid PolySet 'polys'.\n", polys, sep=""))

	## save the attributes for the data frame (.validatePolySet returns a data
	## frame)
	attrNames <- setdiff(names(attributes(polys)),
											 c("names", "row.names", "class"));
	attrValues <- attributes(polys)[attrNames];

	IDs <- .createIDs(polys, cols=c("PID", "SID"))
	startsIdx <- which(!duplicated(IDs))

	POSstart <- polys[startsIdx, "POS"]
	## the calculation for POSend works even with one polygon
	POSend <- polys[c(startsIdx[-1] - 1, nrow(polys)), "POS"]
	isHole <- POSstart > POSend
	nVerts <- diff(c(startsIdx, length(IDs) + 1))

	## create new PID/SID columns
	newPID <- rep(1:sum(!isHole),
								times=diff(c(which(!(isHole)), length(isHole)+1)))
	newSID <- (1:length(newPID))
	subSID <- rep(newSID[!duplicated(newPID)] - 1,
								times=diff(c(which(!duplicated(newPID)), length(newPID)+1)))
	newSID <- newSID - subSID

	## insert new PID/SID columns
	polys$PID <- rep(newPID, times=nVerts)
	polys$SID <- rep(newSID, times=nVerts)

	## reorder columns
	columns <- c("PID", "SID", "POS", "X", "Y")
	polys <- polys[, c(columns, setdiff(names(polys), columns))]

	## restore the attributes
	attributes(polys) <- c(attributes(polys), attrValues);

	return (polys)

extractPolyData <- function(polys)
	polys <- .validatePolySet(polys);
	if (is.character(polys))
		stop(paste("Invalid PolySet 'polys'.\n", polys, sep=""));

	## filter out POS, oldPOS, X, Y columns
	polys <- polys[, !is.element(names(polys), c("POS", "oldPOS", "X", "Y"))];
	## check to see if it was reduced to a vector... (or if only PID/SID remained)
	if (length(setdiff(names(polys), c("PID", "SID"))) == 0) {
"No extra fields to include in a PolyData object.\n");

	## before building an index, ensure one doesn't already exist
	tempIDX <- date();
	if (is.element(tempIDX, names(polys))) {
"Failed attempt to create temporary index column; column already",

	polys[[tempIDX]] <- .createIDs(polys, cols=c("PID", "SID"));
	pdata <- polys[!duplicated(polys[[tempIDX]]),
								 intersect(names(polys), c("PID", "SID", tempIDX))];

	## a function used to process each list element below
	processElement <- function(a) {
		a <- unique(as.vector(a));

		if (length(a) > 1) {
			warning("Added non-unique values to PolyData as 'NA'.\n");
			return (NA);
		} else {
			return (a);

	## process each column individually
	for (column in setdiff(names(polys), c(tempIDX, "PID", "SID"))) {
		temp <- split(polys[[column]], polys[[tempIDX]]);
		temp <- lapply(temp, processElement);
		temp <- data.frame(names(temp), unlist(temp));
		names(temp) <- c(tempIDX, column);
		pdata <- merge(pdata, temp, by=tempIDX, all.x=TRUE);

	## remove index column
	pdata[[tempIDX]] <- NULL;

	## order the results
	if (is.element("SID", names(pdata))) {
		pdata <- pdata[order(pdata$PID, pdata$SID), ];
	} else {
		pdata <- pdata[order(pdata$PID), ];

	## add a class, if necessary
	if (!is.null(pdata) &&
			!is.PolyData(pdata, fullValidation=FALSE))
		class(pdata) <- c("PolyData", class(pdata));

	return (pdata);

# Find events in grid cells
findCells <- function (events, polys, includeBdry=NULL)
	events <- .validateEventData(events);
	if (is.character(events))
		stop(paste("Invalid EventData 'events'.\n", events, sep=""));
	polys <- .validatePolySet(polys);
	if (is.character(polys))
		stop(paste("Invalid PolySet 'polys'.\n", polys, sep=""));

	## get parameters to makeGrid: we'll use them to adjust the PID/SID
	## values in the output
	gridPars <- .getGridPars(polys, fullValidation=TRUE);
	if (is.null(gridPars))
		stop("Invalid 'polys'; appears altered since call to 'makeGrid'.\n");

	## prepare data for the C function
	nEvents <- nrow(events);
	brksX <- sort(unique(polys$X));
	brksY <- sort(unique(polys$Y));

	## call the C function for the X's
	resultsX <- .C("findCells",
	## call the C function for the Y's
	resultsY <- .C("findCells",

	## build the output data structures
	d <- data.frame(EID=events$EID,

	bdryX <- d[d$PIDbdry == 1 & d$PID > 1 & d$PID < length(brksX), ];
	bdryX$PID <- bdryX$PID - 1;
	d <- rbind(d, bdryX);
	bdryY <- d[d$SIDbdry == 1 & d$SID > 1 & d$SID < length(brksY), ];
	bdryY$SID <- bdryY$SID - 1;
	d <- rbind(d, bdryY);

	d$Bdry <- as.integer(d$PIDbdry | d$SIDbdry);

	## filter out the bad stuff
	d <- d[d$PID != -1 & d$SID != -1, c("EID", "PID", "SID", "Bdry")];
	if (nrow(d)==0) return(NULL)
	d[d$PID == length(brksX), "PID"] <- length(brksX) - 1;
	d[d$SID == length(brksY), "SID"] <- length(brksY) - 1;

	## at this point:
	## - d uses PID/SID as if called with byrow=T, addSID=T
	## - transform to correct settings...
	if (gridPars$addSID && !gridPars$byrow) {
		## swap
		tmp <- d$PID;
		d$PID <- d$SID;
		d$SID <- tmp;
	} else if (!gridPars$addSID && gridPars$byrow) {
		d$PID <- (d$SID - 1) * (length(brksX) - 1) + d$PID;
		d$SID <- NULL;
	} else if (!gridPars$addSID && !gridPars$byrow) {
		d$PID <- (d$PID - 1) * (length(brksY) - 1) + d$SID;
		d$SID <- NULL;

	## Check new argument `includeBdry' (2014-12-15)
	if (!is.null(includeBdry) && any(d$Bdry==1)) {
		if (includeBdry==0)
		else {
			if (includeBdry==1)
			d =dd[order(dd$EID),]
		if (nrow(d)==0) return(NULL)

	if (!is.LocationSet(d, fullValidation=FALSE))
		class(d) <- c("LocationSet", class(d));
	return (d);

# Find events in polygons
findPolys <- function(events, polys, maxRows=1e+05, includeBdry=NULL)
	events <- .validateEventData(events);
	if (is.character(events))
		stop(paste("Invalid EventData 'events'.\n", events, sep=""));
	polys <- .validatePolySet(polys);
	if (is.character(polys))
		stop(paste("Invalid PolySet 'polys'.\n", polys, sep=""));

	## create the data structure that the C function expects
	inEvents <- nrow(events);
	inEventsID <- events$EID;
	inEventsXY <- c(events$X, events$Y);

	inPolys <- nrow(polys);
	if (!is.element("SID", names(polys))) {
		inPolysID <- c(polys$PID, integer(length=inPolys), polys$POS);
	} else {
		inPolysID <- c(polys$PID, polys$SID, polys$POS);
	inPolysXY <- c(polys$X, polys$Y);

	## the maximum number of rows in the results occurs when each event
	## lies in all of the polygons; we can easily calculate this case
	## but it often results in too much allocated memory

	## instead, simply use an argument that the user can tune (this makes
	## the behavior more consistent with joinPolys, too)
	outCapacity <- maxRows;

	## call the C function
	results <- .C("findPolys",
		outID=integer(4 * outCapacity),
	## note: outRows is set to how much space is allocated -- the C function should consider this

	if (results$outStatus == 1) {
"Insufficient physical memory for processing.",
"Try reducing this function's 'maxRows' argument to reduce its memory",
"requirements.\n", sep="\n"));
	if (results$outStatus == 2) {
"Insufficient memory allocated for output.",
"Try increasing this function's 'maxRows' argument to increase the memory",
"that it allocates for the output.\n", sep="\n"));

	## determine the number of rows in the result
	outRows <- as.vector(results$outRows);
	if (outRows == 0) return(NULL)

	## extract the data from the C function results
	d <- data.frame(EID=results$outID[1:outRows],

	## Check new argument `includeBdry' (2014-12-15)
	if (!is.null(includeBdry) && any(d$Bdry==1)) {
		if (includeBdry==0)
		else {
			if (includeBdry==1)
			d =dd[order(dd$EID,dd$PID,dd$SID),]
		if (nrow(d)==0) return(NULL)

	if (!is.element("SID", names(polys)))
		d$SID <- NULL;

	if (!is.LocationSet(d, fullValidation=FALSE))
		class(d) <- c("LocationSet", class(d));


fixBound <- function(polys, tol)
	polys <- .validatePolySet(polys);
	if (is.character(polys))
		stop(paste("Invalid PolySet 'polys'.\n", polys, sep=""));

	if (length(tol) == 1) {
		tolX <- tolY <- tol;
	} else if (length(tol) == 2) {
		tolX <- tol[1]; tolY <- tol[2];
	} else {
"Invalid value for 'tol'.	It must be a vector of length 1 or 2.\n");

	xlim <- range(polys$X);
	rangeX <- abs(diff(xlim));
	xDiff <- c(-(tolX * rangeX), (tolX * rangeX));
	leftBnd	<- c(xDiff + xlim[1]);
	rightBnd <- c(xDiff + xlim[2]);

	ylim <- range(polys$Y);
	rangeY <- abs(diff(ylim));
	yDiff <- c(-(tolY * rangeY), (tolY * rangeY));
	lowerBnd <- c(yDiff + ylim[1]);
	upperBnd <- c(yDiff + ylim[2]);

	polys$X[leftBnd[1]	< polys$X & polys$X < leftBnd[2]] <- xlim[1];
	polys$X[rightBnd[1] < polys$X & polys$X < rightBnd[2]] <- xlim[2];
	polys$Y[lowerBnd[1] < polys$Y & polys$Y < lowerBnd[2]] <- ylim[1];
	polys$Y[upperBnd[1] < polys$Y & polys$Y < upperBnd[2]] <- ylim[2];

	## retains attributes including	'projection' and 'zone'

	if (!is.null(polys) &&
			!is.PolySet(polys, fullValidation=FALSE))
		class(polys) <- c("PolySet", class(polys));


fixPOS <- function(polys, exteriorCCW=NA)
	polys <- .validatePolySet(polys);
	if (is.character(polys))
		stop(paste("Invalid PolySet 'polys'.\n", polys, sep=""));

	if (is.na(exteriorCCW)) {
		exteriorCCW <- -1;
	} else {
		exteriorCCW <- as.logical(exteriorCCW);
		if (is.na(exteriorCCW)) {
			stop("Invalid value for 'exteriorCCW'.	Assign it a Boolean value or NA.\n");

	polys <- .rollupPolys(polys, rollupMode=3, exteriorCCW=exteriorCCW,
												closedPolys=-1, addRetrace=FALSE);

	## .rollupPolys() result retains attributes of 'polys'

	if (!is.null(polys) &&
			!is.PolySet(polys, fullValidation=FALSE))
		class(polys) <- c("PolySet", class(polys));

	return (polys);

importEvents <- function(EventData, projection=NULL, zone=NULL)
	return(as.EventData(read.table(EventData, header=TRUE),
											projection=projection, zone=zone))

## importGSHHS--------------------------2023-06-01
## Import a GSHHG binary file provided by Paul Wessel.
## The C call on gshhs using x-limits (0,360) is the only
## limit that ties the polygons near the Greenwhich meridian together.
## The meshing at the International date line is not yet ideal.
## ------------------------------------------NB|RH
importGSHHS <- function(gshhsDB, xlim, ylim, maxLevel=4, n=0, useWest=FALSE)
	## Transform all X-coordinates to lie between 0 and 360
	normAngle = function(x){(x + 360.)%%360.}

	## Determine if the specified limits lie in the western hemisphere
	isitWest  = function(lim){
		world = 1:360
		if (diff(lim)>0) span = lim[1]:lim[2]
		else span = setdiff(world,lim[2]:lim[1])
		sum(span>180) > sum(span<=180)
	## Get gshhsDB filename (with and without path information)
	if (missing(gshhsDB))
		gshhsDB <- paste(system.file(package="PBSmapping"), "gshhs_f.b", sep="/")
		gshhsDB <- path.expand(gshhsDB)
	if (!file.exists(gshhsDB))
		stop("Unable to find gshhsDB \"", gshhsDB, "\"")
	gshhsDB.name = basename(substitute(gshhsDB))
	isBorder = grepl("borders",gshhsDB.name)

	## Sometimes border longitudes lie between (-180,180) or (0,360).
	## Easiest solution is to import all and use refocusWorld.
	if (isBorder) {
		.checkClipLimits(c(xlim, ylim))
		#DBdir  = dirname(substitute(gshhsDB))
		#DBinfo = readLines(paste0(DBdir,"/README.TXT"))
		#DBver  = strsplit(sub("^[[:space:]]+","",DBinfo[grep("Version",DBinfo)[1]]),split=" ")[[1]][2]
		xres <- .Call("importGSHHS", as.character(gshhsDB), as.numeric(c(0,360,-90,90)), 
			as.integer(maxLevel), as.integer(n), PACKAGE = "PBSmapping")
		xPS  = refocusWorld(as.PolySet(as.data.frame(xres),projection="LL"),xlim=xlim,ylim=ylim)
		if (is.null(xPS) || !length(xPS$PID)) return(NULL)
		attr(xPS, "PolyData") <- attr(xres, "PolyData")
		if (useWest) xlim <- xlim - 360.
		if (!all(xlim==attributes(xPS)$rf.xlim)) {  ## refocusWorld adjusts xlims
			xadj = (xlim-attributes(xPS)$rf.xlim)[1]
			xPS$X = xPS$X + xadj
	## ----------------------------------------------
	## Headers in GSHHS database range from 0 to 360 while the underlying data
	## range from -180 to 180; if xlim spans the globe use c(0,360) and 
	## refocusWorld the world
	## ----------------------------------------------
	xlim.orig <- NULL
	if (abs(diff(xlim)) >= 360) {
		xlim.orig <- xlim
		xres <- .Call("importGSHHS", as.character(gshhsDB), as.numeric(c(0,360,ylim)), 
			as.integer(maxLevel), as.integer(n), PACKAGE = "PBSmapping")
		xPS  = refocusWorld(as.PolySet(as.data.frame(xres),projection="LL"),xlim=xlim,ylim=ylim)
		if (is.null(xPS) || !length(xPS$PID)) return(NULL)
		PolyData    <- attr(xres, "PolyData")
		clipAsPolys <- attr(xres, "clipAsPolys")
		if (useWest) xlim <- xlim - 360.
		if (!all(xlim==attributes(xPS)$rf.xlim)) {  ## refocusWorld adjusts xlims
			xadj = (xlim-attributes(xPS)$rf.xlim)[1]
			xPS$X = xPS$X + xadj
	else {
		## ----------------------------------------------
		## Try to subset the workd using the C code (tricky)
		## Set up limits: for lon, (-20, 360)
		## ----------------------------------------------
		limits <- list(c(xlim, ylim))
		overlap = ifelse(grepl("gshhs",gshhsDB.name),-20.,0.)
		nxlim   = normAngle(xlim)

		## Check if xlim spans the Greenwich meridian
		## ----------------------------------------------
		green0 = (nxlim[1] >= nxlim[2]) | nxlim[2] > 340.
		green1 = nxlim[1]==0  && grepl("gshhs",gshhsDB.name)
		green2 = nxlim[2]==0  && grepl("gshhs",gshhsDB.name)
		green  = green0 | green1 | green2
		if (green) {
			if (green1) {
				limits[[1]] = c(0.,normAngle(xlim[2]),ylim)
				#limits[[2]] = c(340.,360.,ylim) # maybe not necessary
				bighalf = "R"
			} else if (green2) {
				limits[[1]] = c(normAngle(xlim[1]),360.,ylim)
				limits[[2]] = c(-20.,0.,ylim)
				bighalf = "L"
			} else {
				if ( (360-nxlim[1]) >= nxlim[2] ) {
					limits[[1]] = c(nxlim[1],360.,ylim)
					limits[[2]] = c(overlap,nxlim[2],ylim)
					bighalf = "L"
				else {
					limits[[1]] = c(overlap,xlim[2],ylim)
					limits[[2]] = c(nxlim[1],360.,ylim)
					bighalf = "R"
		isWest = isitWest(limits[[1]][1:2]) # defined solely by user's xlim

		## Initilialize
		x = xbit = list()
		pidlen = 0
		clipAsPolys = logical()
		PolyData = data.frame()

		## Go through 1 or 2 limits, depending on whether `xlim' includes 0 degrees
		## ----------------------------------------------
		for (i in 1:length(limits)) {
			## return an R object -- C call unfortunately converts western hemisphere to negative
			#xres <- .Call("importGSHHS", as.character(gshhsDB), as.numeric(c(0,360,0,90)), as.integer(maxLevel), as.integer(n), PACKAGE = "PBSmapping") # debug only
			xres <- .Call("importGSHHS", as.character(gshhsDB), as.numeric(limits[[i]]),
				as.integer(maxLevel), as.integer(n), PACKAGE = "PBSmapping")
			if (is.null(xres) || !length(xres$PID)) next

			## Documentation states that levels are ignored for lines
			## Check that user-specified levels are honoured (RH 230601)
			if (any(attributes(xres)$PolyData$Level > maxLevel)) {
				pdata = attributes(xres)$PolyData
				keep  = pdata$Level <= maxLevel
				kpid  = pdata$PID[keep]
				pdata = lapply(pdata,function(x){x[keep]})  ## because pdata is a list at this point
				xpid  = is.element(xres[["PID"]], pdata[["PID"]])
				xres  = lapply(xres,function(x){x[xpid]})  ## because xres is a list at this point
				attr(xres, "PolyData") = pdata

			## Attempt to reverse the mess created by the C-code.
			## If xlim spans the Internation Date Line but not Greenwich
			## ----------------------------------------------
			dateline = (normAngle(xlim[1]) >= 45. & normAngle(xlim[2]) <= 315.) & !green
			#if ( any(is.element(c(180,-180),floor(limits[[i]][1]):ceiling(limits[[i]][2]))) & !green ) {
			if (dateline) {
				xneg  = sapply(split(xres[["X"]],xres[["PID"]]),function(x){all(x<0)})
				pneg  = names(xneg[xneg])  ## PIDs with all-negative coordinates
				xmove = is.element(xres[["PID"]],pneg)
				xres[["X"]][xmove] = normAngle(xres[["X"]][xmove])
			#isWestMess = median(xres[["X"]]) < 0  ## `isWestMess' can be different than `isWest'

			## Collect attributes also from each C call
			pdata <- as.data.frame(attr(xres, "PolyData"))
			clipAsPolys <- c(clipAsPolys, attr(xres, "clipAsPolys"))

			## Renumber the PIDs to accommodate a possible second set
			pidnam = unique(xres$PID)
			pid    = (pidlen+1):(pidlen+length(pidnam))
			names(pid) = pidnam
			xres[["oldPID"]] = xres[["PID"]]
			xres[["PID"]] = as.vector(pid[as.character(xres[["PID"]])])
			pdata$oldPID = pdata$PID
			pdata$PID = as.vector(pid[as.character(pdata$PID)])
			pidlen = rev(pid)[1]
			for (j in names(xres)){
				if (length(x)==0) x[[j]] = xres[[j]]
				else              x[[j]] = c(x[[j]],xres[[j]]) # add on results from second limit
			PolyData = rbind(PolyData,pdata)
			xbit[[i]] = xres  ## collect the separate results for debugging only
		} ## end limits loop

		## Code to activate when debugging
		#if ( "PBSmodelling" %in% rownames(installed.packages()) ) {
		#	if ( exists("XBIT",envir=.PBSmapEnv) )
		#		PBSmodelling::tget(XBIT, tenv=.PBSmapEnv) else XBIT = list()
		#	XBIT[[gshhsDB.name]] = xbit
		#	PBSmodelling::tput(XBIT, tenv=.PBSmapEnv)
		#	PBSmodelling::tput(isWest, tenv=.PBSmapEnv)
		if (length(x)==0 || !length(x$PID))

		## Headers in the GSHHS database range from 0 to 360 while the underlying
		## data ranges from -180 to 180; if our xlim > 180, shift it
		xoff = 0.
		#else if (max(xlim) > 180) { ## too harsh for places like NZ
		if (median(xlim) > 180) {
			xlim.orig <- xlim
			if (useWest) {
				xlim <- xlim - 360.
				xoff = 360.
				if (median(x[["X"]])>0) x[["X"]] = x[["X"]] - 360.
			} else {
				if (median(x[["X"]])<0) x[["X"]] = x[["X"]] + 360.  ## adjust for .Call("importGSHHS")
		XLIM = range(x[["X"]]) # imported data from C-function

		## Convert the list to a PolySet
		xPS <- as.PolySet(as.data.frame(x), projection = "LL")
	} ##----- end else 

	## Clip the PolySet
	## ----------------------------------------------
	if (any(clipAsPolys))
		xPS <- clipPolys(xPS, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim)
		xPS <- clipLines(xPS, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim)
	if (is.null(xPS)) return(NULL)
	xPS$oldPOS <- NULL

	## Sort so that holes immediately follow their parents
	xPS <- xPS[order(xPS$PID, xPS$SID), ]

	## Display a message if the output longitudes differ from xlim
	if (!is.null(xlim.orig))
		message("importGSHHS: input xlim was (", paste(xlim.orig, collapse=", "),
					") and the longitude range of the extracted data is (",
					paste(range(xPS$X), collapse=", "), ").")
	attr(xPS, "PolyData") <- PolyData
	return (xPS)

importLocs <- function(LocationSet)
	return(as.LocationSet(read.table(LocationSet, header=TRUE)))

importPolys <- function(PolySet, PolyData=NULL, projection=NULL, zone=NULL)
	x <- as.PolySet(read.table(PolySet, header=TRUE), projection=projection,
	if (!is.null(PolyData)) {
		xDat <- as.PolyData(read.table(PolyData, header=TRUE))
		attr(x, "PolyData") <- xDat

### importShapefile----------------------2018-09-06
### This function has several slow parts:
### 1) conversion of the matrix (verts) to X and Y columns in a data frame
### 2) 'lapply's to create POS columns
### Changes 2008-07-15:
###	 Nick's loop to extract data from 'shapeList' has been replaced
###		 by Rowan's series of 'sapply' calls.
###	 Rowan added check for polygons with 0 vertices.
### 2012-04-04: Rowan created function 'placeHoles' 
###	 to place holes under correct solids.
### 2018-09-06: RH modified 'placeHoles' to better deal with orphans,
###	 but can be slow if imported file has many solids|holes|vertices.
### ------------------------------------------NB|RH
#importShapefile <- function (fn, readDBF=TRUE, projection=NULL, zone=NULL, 
#	 minverts=3, placeholes=FALSE, show.progress=FALSE)
#	## initialization
#	.checkRDeps("importShapefile", c("maptools", "foreign"))
#	## call to normalizePath added to perform ~ expansion; otherwise,
#	## pathnames beginning with a ~ fail in the later call to
#	## Rshapeget
#	fn <- normalizePath(fn, mustWork=FALSE)
#	fn <- .getBasename(fn, "shp")
#	## test for the required '.shx' file
#	shxFile <- paste(fn, ".shx", sep="")
#	if (!file.exists(shxFile))
#		stop(paste(
#		"Cannot find the index file (\"", shxFile, "\") required to import\n",
#		"the shapefile.\n", sep=""))
#	## read shapefile
#	eval(parse(text="shapeList <- .Call(\"Rshapeget\",as.character(fn),as.logical(FALSE),PACKAGE=\"maptools\")"))
#	if (length(shapeList) < 1)
#		stop("The shapefile is empty or an error occurred while importing.\n")
#	shpType=unique(sapply(shapeList,function(x){x$shp.type}))
#	if (length(shpType) != 1)
#		stop ("Supports only a single shape type per shapefile.\n")
#	nVerts=sapply(shapeList,function(x){x$nVerts})
#	v0=is.element(nVerts,0) # any shapefiles with 0 vertices?
#	if (any(v0==TRUE)) {
#		nVerts=nVerts[!v0]; shapeList=shapeList[!v0] }
#	shpID=sapply(shapeList,function(x){x$shpID})
#	nParts=sapply(shapeList,function(x){x$nParts})
#	pStarts=sapply(shapeList,function(x){x$Pstart},simplify=FALSE)
#	if (length(pStarts)!=length(nParts) && all((nParts==sapply(pStarts,length))!=TRUE))
#		stop ("Mismatch in 'nParts' and 'pStarts'.\n")
#	pStarts=unlist(pStarts)
#	v1=unlist(sapply(shapeList,function(x){x$verts[,1]},simplify=FALSE))
#	v2=unlist(sapply(shapeList,function(x){x$verts[,2]},simplify=FALSE))
#	verts=cbind(v1,v2)
#	## Keep track of parents and children
#	PC=pStarts
#	zP=is.element(PC,0); PC[zP]=1; PC[!zP]=0
#	## reformat results
#	#if (shpType == 3 || shpType == 5) {	## PolySet
#	if (shpType %in% c(3,13,23, 5,15,25)) {	## PolyLine, PolyLineZ, PolyLineM, Polygon, PolygonZ, PolygonM
#		## create preliminary PID/SID columns
#		PID <- rep(1:(length(unique(shpID))), times=nParts)
#		SID <- unlist(lapply(split(nParts, 1:(length(nParts))), "seq"))
#		## to determine the number of vertices in each part, we divide the problem
#		## into two cases:
#		## 1) last component/hole of each polygon: the total vertices in the polygon
#		##		less the starting POS of that last component/hole
#		## 2) otherwise: use a "diff" on the starting POS's of each part
#		lastComp <- rev(!duplicated(rev(PID)))
#		nv <- vector()
#		nv[lastComp] <- rep(nVerts, times=nParts)[lastComp] - pStarts[lastComp]
#		nv[!lastComp] <- diff(pStarts)[diff(pStarts) > 0]
#		## create PID/SID columns
#		PID <- rep(PID, times=nv)
#		SID <- rep(SID, times=nv)
#		## create POS column; we'll fix the ordering for holes later
#		POS <- unlist(lapply(split(nv, 1:(length(nv))), "seq"))
#		## build the data frame
#		df <- data.frame(PID=PID, SID=SID, POS=POS, X=verts[, 1], Y=verts[, 2])
#		#if (shpType == 5) {
#		if (shpType %in% c(5,15,25)) {
#			## PolySet: polygons: reorder vertices for holes
#			or <- .calcOrientation (df)
#			## where "orientation" == -1, we need to reverse the POS
#			or$solid <- is.element(or$orientation,1); or$hole <- !or$solid
#			if (any(or$hole)) {
#				or$nv <- nv
#				toFix <- rep(or$hole, times=or$nv)
#				o <- or$nv[or$hole]
#				newPOS <- unlist(lapply(lapply(split(o, 1:length(o)), "seq"), "rev"))
#				df[toFix, "POS"] <- newPOS	}
#			if (placeholes) {
#				## Fix to the problem where ArcPew does not put solid shapes before holes
#				class(df) <- c("PolySet", setdiff(class(df),"PolySet"))
#				df=placeHoles(df, minVerts=minverts, orient=TRUE, show.progress=show.progress)
#			}
#		}
#		class(df) <- c("PolySet", class(df))
#	#} else if (shpType == 1) {	## EventData
#	} else if (shpType %in% c(1,11,21)) {	## Point, PointZ, PointM
#		EID <- 1:(length(unique(shpID)))
#		df <- data.frame(EID=EID, X=verts[, 1], Y=verts[, 2])
#		class(df) <- c("EventData", class(df))
#	} else {
#		stop ("Shape type not supported.\n");
#	}
#	## "cbind" the DBF for EventData or attach as an attribute for PolySets:
#	## According to the "ESRI Shapefile Technical Description", any set of fields
#	## may be present in the DBF file.
#	## The (relevant) requirements are:
#	##	 (1) one record per shape feature (i.e., per PID or EID), and
#	##	 (2) same order as in shape (*.shp) file.
#	dbfFile <- paste(fn, ".dbf", sep="")
#	if (readDBF && !file.exists(dbfFile)) {
#		warning(paste(
#		"The argument 'readDBF' is true but the attribute database\n",
#		"(\"", dbfFile, "\") does not exist.\n", sep=""))
#	} else if (readDBF) {
#		dbf <- foreign::read.dbf (dbfFile)
#		if (shpType == 1) {	## EventData
#			if (nrow(df) != nrow(dbf)) {
#				warning(paste(
#				"The shapefile and its associated DBF do not contain the",
#				"same number of records. DBF ignored.\n", sep="\n"))
#				return (df)
#			}
#			df.class=class(df)
#			df <- cbind(df, dbf)
#			class(df) <- df.class
#		} else if (shpType == 3 || shpType == 5) {
#			## add index to result
#			dbf <- cbind(1:nrow(dbf), dbf)
#			names(dbf)[1] <- "PID"
#			class(dbf) <- c("PolyData", class(dbf))
#			attr(df, "PolyData") <- dbf
#		}
#	## At this point, shpTypes != 1, 3, 5 caused the "stop" above; we do not
#	## need an "else" to check here
#	}
#	attr(df,"parent.child")=PC
#	attr(df,"shpType")=shpType
#	prjFile <- paste(fn, ".prj", sep="")
#	if (file.exists(prjFile)) {
#		prj=scan(prjFile, what="character", quiet=TRUE, skipNul=TRUE)
#		prj=prj[!is.element(prj,"")][1]
#		if (length(prj)==0 || is.na(prj) || is.null(prj)) prj="Unknown" }
#	else prj="Unknown"
#	attr(df,"prj")=prj
#	xmlFile <- paste(fn, ".shp.xml", sep="")
#	if (file.exists(xmlFile)) {
#		xml=readLines(xmlFile); attr(df,"xml")=xml }
#	if (regexpr("GEO",prj)>0 | regexpr("Degree",prj)>0) proj="LL"
#	else if (regexpr("PROJ",prj)>0 && regexpr("UTM",prj)>0) proj="UTM"
#	else proj=1
#	attr(df,"projection")=proj
#	if (proj=="UTM" && any(df$X>500))
#		{df$X=df$X/1000; df$Y=df$Y/1000}
#	if (!is.null(zone))
#		attr(df, "zone") <- zone
#	if (!is.null(projection))
#		attr(df,"projection")=projection
#	return (df) }

is.EventData <- function(x, fullValidation=TRUE)
	if (fullValidation) {
		msg <- .validateEventData(x)
		if (is.character(msg))
			return (FALSE)

	return (inherits(x, "EventData", which=TRUE) == 1);

is.LocationSet <- function(x, fullValidation=TRUE)
	if (fullValidation) {
		msg <- .validateLocationSet(x)
		if (is.character(msg))
			return (FALSE)

	return (inherits(x, "LocationSet", which=TRUE) == 1);

is.PolyData <- function(x, fullValidation=TRUE)
	if (fullValidation) {
		msg <- .validatePolyData(x)
		if (is.character(msg))
			return (FALSE)

	return (inherits(x, "PolyData", which=TRUE) == 1);

is.PolySet <- function(x, fullValidation=TRUE)
	if (fullValidation) {
		msg <- .validatePolySet(x)
		if (is.character(msg))
			return (FALSE)

	return (inherits(x, "PolySet", which=TRUE) == 1);

isConvex <- function(polys)
	polys <- .validatePolySet(polys);
	if (is.character(polys))
		stop(paste("Invalid PolySet 'polys'.\n", polys, sep=""));

	## create the data structure that the C function expects
	inPolys <- nrow(polys);
	if (!is.element("SID", names(polys))) {
		inPolysID <- c(polys$PID, vector(length=inPolys));
	} else {
		inPolysID <- c(polys$PID, polys$SID);
	inPolysXY <- c(polys$X, polys$Y);

	## if each point appears in more than two polygons, this number will be
	## too low
	outCapacity <- inPolys;

	## call the C function
	results <- .C("isConvex",
								outID=integer(2 * outCapacity),
	## note: outRows is set to how much space is allocated -- the C function
	##			 should consider this

	if (results$outStatus == 1) {
"Insufficient physical memory for processing.\n");
	if (results$outStatus == 2) {
"Insufficient memory allocated for output.	Please upgrade to the latest",
"version of the software, and if that does not fix this problem, please",
"file a bug report.\n",

	## determine the number of rows in the result
	outRows <- as.vector(results$outRows);

	## extract the data from the C function results
	if (outRows > 0) {
		d <- data.frame(PID=results$outID[1:outRows],

		## when I had this conversion in the about data.frame() call, the 'convex'
		## column became factors...
		d$convex <- as.logical(d$convex);

		if (!is.element("SID", names(polys)))
			d$SID <- NULL;

		if (!is.PolyData(d, fullValidation=FALSE))
			class(d) <- c("PolyData", class(d));

	} else {

isIntersecting <- function(polys, numericResult=FALSE)
	polys <- .validatePolySet(polys);
	if (is.character(polys))
		stop(paste("Invalid PolySet 'polys'.\n", polys, sep=""));

	## create the data structure that the C function expects
	inPolys <- nrow(polys);
	if (!is.element("SID", names(polys))) {
		inPolysID <- c(polys$PID, integer(length=inPolys), polys$POS);
	} else {
		inPolysID <- c(polys$PID, polys$SID, polys$POS);
	inPolysXY <- c(polys$X, polys$Y);

	## if ecah point appears in more than two polygons, this number will be
	## too low
	outCapacity <- inPolys;

	## call the C function
	results <- .C("isIntersecting",
								outID=integer(2 * outCapacity),
	## note: outRows is set to how much space is allocated -- the C function
	##			 should consider this

	if (results$outStatus == 1) {
"Insufficient physical memory for processing.\n");
	if (results$outStatus == 2) {
"Insufficient memory allocated for output.	Please upgrade to the latest",
"version of the software, and if that does not fix this problem, please",
"file a bug report.\n",

	## determine the number of rows in the result
	outRows <- as.vector(results$outRows);

	## extract the data from the C function results
	if (outRows > 0) {
		d <- data.frame(PID=results$outID[1:outRows],

		if (!numericResult)
			d$intersecting <- as.logical(d$intersecting);

		if (!is.element("SID", names(polys)))
			d$SID <- NULL;

		if (!is.PolyData(d, fullValidation=FALSE))
			class(d) <- c("PolyData", class(d));

	} else {

# Join one or two PolySets using a logic operation.
joinPolys <- function(polysA, polysB=NULL, operation="INT")
	polysA <- .validatePolySet(polysA)
	if (is.character(polysA))
		stop(paste("Invalid PolySet 'polysA'.\n", polysA, sep=""))

	if (!is.null(polysB)) {
		polysB <- .validatePolySet(polysB)
		if (is.character(polysB))
			stop(paste("Invalid PolySet 'polysB'.\n", polysB, sep=""))

	validOps <- c("INT", "UNION", "DIFF", "XOR")
	if (!is.element(operation, validOps)) {
"Invalid \"operation.\"	Must be one of: ", paste(validOps, collapse=", "),
	op <- which(is.element(validOps, operation)) - 1

	inputHasSID <- is.element("SID", names(polysA))
	if (!is.element("SID", names(polysA))) {
		polysA$SID <- 1
	if (!is.element("SID", names(polysB))) {
		polysB$SID <- 1

	## call the C function
	results <- .Call("joinPolys",
									 sX	=as.numeric(polysA$X),
									 sY	=as.numeric(polysA$Y),
									 cX	=as.numeric(polysB$X),
									 cY	=as.numeric(polysB$Y),

	if (is.null(results)){
	} else if (nrow(results) > 0) {
		## the C routine might add an SID column when one previously didn't exist...
		if (!inputHasSID && all(results$SID == 1)) {
			results$SID <- NULL

		## copy the 'projection' and 'zone' attribute from the input
		attr(results, "projection") <- attr(polysA, "projection")
		attr(results, "zone") <- attr(polysA, "zone")

		if (!is.PolySet(results, fullValidation=FALSE))
			class(results) <- c("PolySet", class(results))

	} else {

locateEvents <- function(EID, n=512, type="p", ...)
	if (!missing(EID)) {
		if (any(!is.numeric(EID))) {
"When the 'EID' argument exists, it must contain a vector of numeric",
		n <- length(EID);

	events <- locator(n, type, ...);
	## when 0 pts., S-PLUS returns an object of class "missing", whereas
	## R returns NULL; when > 0 pts., both return an object of class "list"

	if (!missing(EID) || (data.class(events) == "list")) {
		if (missing(EID)) {
			EventData <- data.frame(EID=1:length(events$x),
		} else {
			EventData <- data.frame(EID=EID,
															X=c(events$x, rep(NA, n - length(events$x))),
															Y=c(events$y, rep(NA, n - length(events$y))));

		if (!is.null(EventData)) {
			## set the projection attribute
			attr(EventData, "projection") <- options()$map.projection;
			## does not set "zone" attribute as per documentation

			if (!is.EventData(EventData, fullValidation=FALSE))
				class(EventData) <- c("EventData", class(EventData));

		return (EventData);
	} else {
		return (NULL);

locatePolys <- function(pdata, n=512, type="o", ...)
	if (!missing(pdata)) {
		pdata <- .validatePolyData(pdata);
		if (is.character(pdata))
			stop(paste("Invalid PolyData 'pdata'.\n", pdata, sep=""));
		polys <- nrow(pdata);
	} else {
		polys <- 1;

	PID <- 1;
	output <- NULL;
	for (i in 1:polys) {
		## replace as necessary from 'pdata'
		if (!missing(pdata)) {
			PID <- pdata[i, "PID"];
			if (is.element("SID", names(pdata)))
				SID <- pdata[i, "SID"];
			if (is.element("n", names(pdata)))
				n <- pdata[i, "n"];
			if (is.element("type", names(pdata)))
				type <- pdata[i, "type"]

		pts <- locator(n=abs(n), type=type, ...);
		if (length(pts$x) == 0) {
"You must locate at least one point.\n");
		if (type == "l" || type == "o")
			lines(pts$x[c(1, length(pts$x))], pts$y[c(1, length(pts$y))], ...);

		if (missing(pdata) || (!missing(pdata) && !is.element("n", names(pdata))))
			## keep the sign in case we are generating a hole with no parent
			n <- sign(n) * length(pts$x);

		## create vectors for data frame
		PID <- rep(PID, abs(n));
		if (!is.null(SID))
			SID <- rep(SID, abs(n));
		if (n > 0) POS <- 1:n else POS <- abs(n):1;
		if (!missing(pdata) && is.element("n", names(pdata))) {
			pts$x <- c(pts$x, rep(NA, abs(n) - length(pts$x)));
			pts$y <- c(pts$y, rep(NA, abs(n) - length(pts$y)));

		if (!is.null(SID)) {
			output <- rbind(output, data.frame(PID=PID, SID=SID, POS=POS,
																				 X=pts$x, Y=pts$y));
		} else {
			output <- rbind(output, data.frame(PID=PID, POS=POS,
																				 X=pts$x, Y=pts$y));

	if (!is.null(output)) {
		## set the projection attribute
		attr(output, "projection") <- options()$map.projection;
		## does not set "zone" attribute as per documentation

		if (!is.PolySet(output, fullValidation=FALSE))
			class(output) <- c("PolySet", class(output));


## makeGrid-----------------------------2019-01-04
## Make a regular tesselation (default squares)
## The code checks the Xs and Ys for errors, 
## and then generates the Xs and Ys.
## Hexagonal tesselation added (RH 181120)
## Changed hexagon orientation to match rectangles when byrow=T (RH 190104)
## ------------------------------------------NB|RH
makeGrid <- function(x, y, byrow=TRUE, addSID=TRUE, 
	 projection=NULL, zone=NULL, type="rectangle")
	## check Xs and Ys for errors
	dX <- diff(x);
	dY <- diff(y);
	if (any(c(dX, dY) < 0)) {
		stop("Either the 'x' vector or the 'y' vector was not sequential.\n");
	if (length(x) < 2 || length(y) < 2) {
		stop("Both x and y must have a length > 1.\n");
	numX <- length(x);
	numY <- length(y);

	if (type=="rectangle") {
		## generate the Xs and Ys
		nV <- 4; nX=numX - 1; nY=numY -1
		x1 <- rep(x[1:(numX - 1)], times=numY - 1);
		y1 <- rep(y[1:(numY - 1)], each=numX - 1);
		x2 <- x1 + rep(dX, times=numY - 1);
		y2 <- y1 + rep(dY, each=numX - 1);

		xP <- as.vector(rbind(x1, x2, x2, x1))
		yP <- as.vector(rbind(y1, y1, y2, y2))

		## set up for (byrow && addSID)
		pid <- rep(rep(1:nX, each=nV), times=nY);
		sid <- rep(1:nY, each=nV * nX);
		pos <- rep(1:nV, times=(nX * nY));

	} else if (grepl("^hexagon$",type)) { ## added by RH 181120

		nV	 =6; nX=numX; nY=numY
		rX	 =dX[1]/2
		rY	 =dY[1]/2
		ff	 =0.5 ## intrusion/extrusion factor for hexagon vertices

		## Change hexagon behaviour byrow to be consistent with rectangles -- byrow increments PID by column (RH 190104)
		if (byrow) {
			## hexagons (flat-topped) by contiguous columns -- odd-even column centroids need to be staggered
			## Start vertices from left-most
			oY	 =rY * c(0, 1, 1, 0, -1, -1)
			yodd =as.vector(sapply(y,function(a,b){a+b},b=oY))
			yeven=as.vector(sapply(y[-1],function(a,b){a+b},b=oY)) - rY
			yP	 =rep(c(yodd,yeven),floor(nX/2))
			if (!(nX%%2)==0)
				yP=c(yP, yodd)

			## Get PID, SID, POS before xP
			nny =rep(c(nY,nY-1),length(oddY))[1:length(oddY)]
			pid =rep(1:length(nny), nny*nV)
			sid =as.vector(unlist(lapply(table(pid)/nV,function(a,n){rep(1:a,each=n)},n=nV)))
			pos =rep(1:nV, times=sum(table(pid)/nV))

			## Deal with X based on PID
			oX	 =rX * c(-(1+ff), -ff, ff, (1+ff), ff, -ff)
			xlst=lapply(1:nX, function(i,xx,nn,oo) {
				rep(xx[i] + oo, nn[i])
			}, xx=x, nn=as.vector(table(pid)/nV), oo=oX)
		} else {
			## hexagons (pointy-topped) by contiguous rows -- odd-even row centroids need to be staggered
			## Start vertices from bottom-most
			oX	 =rX * c(0,-1,-1,0,1,1)
			#oX	 =rX * sin(arads)
			xodd =as.vector(sapply(x,function(a,b){a+b},b=oX))
			xeven=as.vector(sapply(x[-1],function(a,b){a+b},b=oX)) - rX
			xP	 =rep(c(xodd,xeven),floor(nY/2))
			if (!(nY%%2)==0)
				xP=c(xP, xodd)

			## Get PID, SID, POS before yP
			nnx =rep(c(nX,nX-1),length(oddX))[1:length(oddX)]
			pid =rep(1:length(nnx), nnx*nV)
			sid =as.vector(unlist(lapply(table(pid)/nV,function(a,n){rep(1:a,each=n)},n=nV)))
			pos =rep(1:nV, times=sum(table(pid)/nV))

			## Deal with Y based on PID
			oY	 =rY * c(-(1+ff), -ff, ff, (1+ff), ff, -ff)
			#oY	 =rY * cos(arads) * aspect
			ylst=lapply(1:nY, function(i,yy,nn,oo) {
				rep(yy[i] + oo, nn[i])
			}, yy=y, nn=as.vector(table(pid)/nV), oo=oY)

	## Make data frame
	pSet <- data.frame(PID=pid, SID=sid, POS=pos, X=xP, Y=yP);
	if (!addSID || (!byrow && type=="rectangle")) {
		## adjust for alternative indexing
		pSet <- .createGridIDs(pSet, addSID, byrow);

	if (!is.null(pSet)) {
		if (!is.null(projection))
			attr(pSet, "projection") <- projection;
		if (!is.null(zone))
			attr(pSet, "zone") <- zone;

		if (!is.PolySet(pSet, fullValidation=FALSE))
			class(pSet) <- c("PolySet", class(pSet));


# the default value for 'propVals' is less than optimal if 'breaks' is a vector
# of length 1...
makeProps <- function(pdata, breaks, propName="col",
											propVals=1:(length(breaks) - 1))
	pdata <- .validatePolyData(pdata);
	if (is.character(pdata))
		stop(paste("Invalid PolyData 'pdata'.\n", pdata, sep=""));

	if (!is.element("Z", names(pdata)))
"'Z' column is missing in 'pdata'.\n");

	if ((length(breaks) == 1 && breaks < 2) || (length(breaks) == 0))
"You must have at least two breaks.\n");

	if (is.null(propVals))
"'propVals' cannot be NULL.\n");

	if (length(breaks) == 1) {
		numBreaks <- breaks;
	} else {
		numBreaks <- length(breaks) - 1;

	propVals <- rep(propVals, length.out=numBreaks);
	propIdx <- cut(pdata$Z, breaks, include.lowest=TRUE);
	pdata[[propName]] <- propVals[unclass(propIdx)];

	if (!is.null(pdata) &&
			!is.PolyData(pdata, fullValidation=FALSE))
		class(pdata) <- c("PolyData", class(pdata));


plotLines <- function(polys, xlim=NULL, ylim=NULL, projection=FALSE,
											plt=c(0.11, 0.98, 0.12, 0.88), polyProps=NULL,
											lty=NULL, col=NULL, bg=0, axes=TRUE,
											tckLab=TRUE, tck=0.014, tckMinor=0.5 * tck, ...)
	## The only layout graphics parameter accepted by 'plotLines()' is 'plt'.
	## Since the function changes the plot region to satisfy the aspect ratio,
	## it is assigned a default value to improve consistency among plots.
	r <- .plotMaps(polys=polys, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, projection=projection,
								 plt=plt, polyProps=polyProps, border=NULL, lty=lty, col=col,
								 density=NULL, angle=NULL, bg=bg, axes=axes, tckLab=tckLab,
								 tck=tck, tckMinor=tckMinor, isType="lines", ...);

	if (!is.null(r) &&
			!is.PolyData(r, fullValidation=FALSE))
		class(r) <- c("PolyData", class(r));


plotMap <- function(polys, xlim=NULL, ylim=NULL, projection=TRUE,
										plt=c(0.11, 0.98, 0.12, 0.88), polyProps=NULL,
										border=NULL, lty=NULL, col=NULL, colHoles=NULL,
										density=NA, angle=NULL, bg=0, axes=TRUE,
										tckLab=TRUE, tck=0.014, tckMinor=0.5 * tck, ...)
	## The only layout graphics parameter accepted by 'plotMap()' is 'plt'.
	## Since the function changes the plot region to satisfy the aspect ratio,
	## it is assigned a default value to improve consistency among plots.
	r <- .plotMaps(polys=polys, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, projection=projection,
								 plt=plt, polyProps=polyProps, border=border, lty=lty, col=col,
								 colHoles=colHoles, density=density, angle=angle, bg=bg,
								 axes=axes, tckLab=tckLab, tck=tck, tckMinor=tckMinor,
								 isType="polygons", ...);

	if (!is.null(r) &&
			!is.PolyData(r, fullValidation=FALSE))
		class(r) <- c("PolyData", class(r));


plotPoints <- function(data, xlim=NULL, ylim=NULL, projection=FALSE,
											 plt=c(0.11, 0.98, 0.12, 0.88), polyProps=NULL,
											 cex=NULL, col=NULL, pch=NULL, axes=TRUE,
											 tckLab=TRUE, tck=0.014, tckMinor=0.5 * tck, ...)
	## The only layout graphics parameter accepted by 'plotPoints()' is 'plt'.
	## Since the function changes it to satisfy the aspect ratio, it's assigned
	## a default value.
	r <- .plotMaps(polys=data, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, projection=projection,
								 plt=plt, polyProps=polyProps, border=NULL, lty=NULL, col=col,
								 density=NULL, angle=NULL, bg=NULL,
								 cex=cex, pch=pch, # both become part of '...'
								 axes=axes, tckLab=tckLab, tck=tck, tckMinor=tckMinor,
								 isType="points", ...);

	if (!is.null(r) &&
			!is.PolyData(r, fullValidation=FALSE))
		class(r) <- c("PolyData", class(r));


plotPolys <- function(polys, xlim=NULL, ylim=NULL, projection=FALSE,
											plt=c(0.11, 0.98, 0.12, 0.88), polyProps=NULL,
											border=NULL, lty=NULL, col=NULL, colHoles=NULL,
											density=NA, angle=NULL, bg=0, axes=TRUE,
											tckLab=TRUE, tck=0.014, tckMinor=0.5 * tck, ...)
	## The only layout graphics parameter accepted by 'plotPolys()' is 'plt'.
	## Since the function changes it to satisfy the aspect ratio, it's assigned
	## a default value.
	r <- .plotMaps(polys=polys, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, projection=projection,
								 plt=plt, polyProps=polyProps, border=border, lty=lty, col=col,
								 colHoles=colHoles, density=density, angle=angle, bg=bg,
								 axes=axes, tckLab=tckLab, tck=tck, tckMinor=tckMinor,
								 isType="polygons", ...);

	if (!is.null(r) &&
			!is.PolyData(r, fullValidation=FALSE))
		class(r) <- c("PolyData", class(r));


print.EventData <- function(x, ...)
	if (exists("PBSprint") && (PBSprint || .PBSmapEnv$PBSprint)) {
		print(summary.EventData(x), ...);
	} else {

print.LocationSet <- function(x, ...)
	if (exists("PBSprint") && (PBSprint || .PBSmapEnv$PBSprint)) {
		print(summary.LocationSet(x), ...);
	} else {

print.PolyData <- function(x, ...)
	if (exists("PBSprint") && (PBSprint || .PBSmapEnv$PBSprint)) {
		print(summary.PolyData(x), ...);
	} else {

print.PolySet <- function(x, ...)
	if (exists("PBSprint") && (PBSprint || .PBSmapEnv$PBSprint)) {
		print(summary.PolySet(x), ...);
	} else {

print.summary.PBS <- function(x, ...)
	str <-
		c(x$type, "",
			"", "",
			"Records				 : ", ifelse(is.null(x$records),"NULL", x$records),
			"	Contours			: ", ifelse(x$type == "EventData",
																	 ifelse(is.null(x$contours), "NULL",
			"		Holes			 : ", ifelse(x$type != "PolySet",
																	 ifelse(is.null(x$holes), "NULL", x$holes)),
			"	Events				: ", ifelse(x$type == "EventData",
																	 ifelse(is.null(x$events), "NULL", x$events),
			"		On boundary : ", ifelse(x$type != "LocationSet",
																	 ifelse(is.null(x$boundary), "NULL",
			"", "",
			"Ranges", "",
			"	X						 : ", ifelse(is.null(x$range.x), "NULL",
																				 paste(range(x$range.x),collapse=", "),
																				 "]", sep="")),
			"	Y						 : ", ifelse(is.null(x$range.y), "NULL",
																				 paste(range(x$range.y),collapse=", "),
																				 "]", sep="")),
			"", "",
			"Attributes", "",
			"	Projection		: ", ifelse(is.null(x$attr.projection), "NULL",
			"	Zone					: ", ifelse(is.null(x$attr.zone), "NULL",
			"", "",
			"Extra columns	 : ", ifelse(is.null(x$columns), "NULL", x$columns));

	for (i in seq(1, by=2, length.out=(length(str)/2))) {
		cat (str[i], str[i+1], "\n", sep="");

## refocusWorld-------------------------2019-03-14
##	Refocus the 'worldLL'/'worldLLhigh' data sets.
## ------------------------------------------NB|RH
refocusWorld <- function(polys, xlim=NULL, ylim=NULL, clip.AN=TRUE)
	## Define a local function to assist with shifting
	.shiftRegion <- function(polys, shift=0) {
		npolys			 <- polys;
		npolys$xmin	<- polys$xmin + (360 * shift);
		npolys$xmax	<- polys$xmax + (360 * shift);
		npolys$shift <- polys$shift + shift;
		return (npolys);
	## Validate input
	polys <- .validatePolySet(polys);
	if (is.character(polys))
		stop(paste("Invalid PolySet 'polys'.\n", polys, sep=""));

	## Default values
	if (is.null(xlim))
		xlim <- range(polys$X)
	if (is.null(ylim))
		ylim <- range(polys$Y)

	## Validate/adjust xlim
	if (abs(diff(xlim)) > 360)
		stop("Invalid 'xlim' range: cannot exceed 360 degrees.\n");
	warn <- FALSE;
	while (min(xlim) < -360) {
		xlim <- xlim + 360;
		warn <- TRUE;
	while (max(xlim) > 360) {
		xlim <- xlim - 360;
		warn <- TRUE;
	if (warn)
		warning(paste("Shifted 'xlim' to ", paste(xlim, collapse=","), ": use new limits in future plots.\n", sep=""));

	## Save the attributes of the data frame
	attrNames	<- setdiff(names(attributes(polys)), c("names", "row.names", "class"));
	attrValues <- attributes(polys)[attrNames];
	## Build indices in case both PID *and* SID exist
	polys$IDs <- .createIDs(polys, cols=c("PID", "SID"));
	## Build a data frame with the ranges
	xrng <- lapply(split(polys[, c("X")], polys$IDs), range)
	yrng <- lapply(split(polys[, c("Y")], polys$IDs), range)
	ppid <- lapply(split(polys[, c("PID")], polys$IDs), unique)
	npol <- lapply(split(polys[, c("PID")], polys$IDs), length)
	rng	<- data.frame(IDs=names(xrng),
		PID =unlist(ppid),
		ymax=unlist(yrng)[c(FALSE,TRUE)], shift=0);

	## 'rng' currently contains one row per polygon; to wrap the region,
	## let's make the range [-360,360] contain *every* polygon that exists
	## within that range -- doing so will require replicating polygons;
	## for "shifted" polygons, we'll add a "shift" field to the data frame
	nrng <- rng;	# 'nrng' will be the new range data frame

	## Go right until every polygon's X is greater than the range
	srng <- .shiftRegion (rng, 1);
	while (any(srng$xmin < 360)) {
		# typically one iteration
		nrng <- rbind (nrng, srng);
		srng <- .shiftRegion (srng, 1);
	## Go left until every polygon's X is less than the range
	srng <- .shiftRegion (rng, -1);
	while (any(srng$xmax > -360)) {
		# typically one iteration
		nrng <- rbind(nrng, srng);
		srng <- .shiftRegion (srng, -1);

	## We've added polygons that are completely outside of the range; remove those polygons
	nrng <- nrng[nrng$xmax > -360 & nrng$xmin < 360, ]

	## Identify all of the polygons within the region of interest (x/ylim)
	nrng <- nrng[!(nrng$xmax < xlim[1] | nrng$xmin > xlim[2] |
		nrng$ymax < ylim[1] | nrng$ymin > ylim[2]), ];

	## Eliminate duplicated polys for now, i.e., Antarctica (dealt with below if necessary)
	dups <- duplicated(nrng$IDs);
	if (any(dups)) {
		warning(paste("Removed duplicates of following polygons (Antarctica?): ",
			paste(unique(nrng$PID[dups]), collapse=", "), "\n", sep=""));
		nrng <- nrng[!dups, ];
	## Given relevant PIDs and their shift factors, let's create a new data
	## frame containing only those polygons, where we've shifted the X values
	idx <- split(1:nrow(polys), polys$IDs)		## to extract relevant polygons
	len <- lapply(idx, length)								## num vertices in each polygon

	## Indices for relevant polys
	idx <- unlist(idx[as.character(nrng$IDs)])
	## Number vertices in relevant polys
	len <- unlist(len[as.character(nrng$IDs)])
	## Build the return value
	npolys	 <- polys[idx, setdiff (names (polys), "IDs")];
	npolys$X <- npolys$X + rep(nrng$shift * 360, len);

	## Deal with Antarctica (RH 181026)
	is.Ant	=sapply(yrng,function(x){all(x< -60)}) & sapply(npol,function(x){x>100})
	if (any(is.Ant)) { ## borders don't usually extend into Antarctica (RH 190314)
		pid.Ant =ppid[[names(is.Ant)[is.Ant]]]
		if (pid.Ant %in% nrng$PID) {
			z.Ant	 =is.element(npolys$PID,pid.Ant) & npolys$X>=0 & npolys$X<=360 & !is.na(npolys$X) & npolys$Y> -90 & !is.na(npolys$Y)
			p0.Ant	=npolys[z.Ant,]
			## Reverse direction of polygon from west to east (if necessary)
			if (p0.Ant$X[1] > rev(p0.Ant$X)[1])
			## Get the Antarctic base polygon and add duplicates to West and East
			pW.Ant	=pE.Ant=p0.Ant
			pW.Ant$X=pW.Ant$X - 360
			pE.Ant$X=pE.Ant$X + 360
			vW.Ant	=pW.Ant[1,,drop=FALSE]
			vE.Ant	=pE.Ant[nrow(pE.Ant),,drop=FALSE]
			## Stitch together lower W vertex, three Antarcticas (West, Central, East), and lower E vertex
			big.Ant =rbind(vW.Ant, pW.Ant, p0.Ant, pE.Ant, vE.Ant)
			## Replace Antarctica
			npolys	=npolys[!is.element(npolys$PID,pid.Ant),]
			if (clip.AN) {
				clip.Ant=clipPolys(big.Ant, xlim=range(npolys$X), ylim=ylim)	## Antarctica clipped
				npolys	=rbind(npolys, clip.Ant[,colnames(npolys)])
			} else {
				npolys	=rbind(npolys, big.Ant[,colnames(npolys)])
	row.names(npolys) <- NULL;
	## Restore the attributes
	attributes(npolys) <- c(attributes(npolys), attrValues);
	attr(npolys,"rf.xlim")=xlim # RH added for use in importGSHHS

summary.EventData <- function(object, ...)
	z <- list();
	z$type <- "EventData";
	z$records <- nrow(object);
	z$events <- length(unique(object$EID));
	z$columns <- paste(setdiff(names(object), c("EID", "X", "Y")), collapse=", ");
	z$range.x <- range(object$X);
	z$range.y <- range(object$Y);
	z$attr.projection <- attr(object, "projection");
	z$attr.zone <- attr(object, "zone");
	class(z) <- "summary.PBS";


summary.LocationSet <- function(object, ...)
	## create 'IDX' vector used later for 'unique'/'duplicated'
	IDX <- .createIDs(object, cols=c("PID", "SID"));

	z <- list();
	z$type <- "LocationSet";
	z$events <- length(unique(object$EID));
	z$contours <- length(unique(IDX));
	z$records <- nrow(object);
	z$boundary <- sum(object$Bdry);
	z$attr.projection <- attr(object, "projection");
	z$attr.zone <- attr(object, "zone");
	z$columns <- paste(setdiff(names(object), c("EID", "PID", "SID", "Bdry")),
										 collapse=", ");
	class(z) <- "summary.PBS";


summary.PolyData <- function(object, ...)
	## create 'IDX' vector used later for 'unique'/'duplicated'
	IDX <- .createIDs(object, cols=c("PID", "SID"));

	z <- list();
	z$type <- "PolyData";
	z$records <- nrow(object);
	z$contours <- length(unique(IDX));
	z$columns <- paste(setdiff(names(object), c("PID", "SID")), collapse=", ");
	z$attr.projection <- attr(object, "projection");
	z$attr.zone <- attr(object, "zone");
	class(z) <- "summary.PBS";


summary.PolySet <- function(object, ...)
	## create 'IDX' vector used later for 'unique'/'duplicated'
	## create 'holes' (Boolean) vector to count how many holes exist
	IDX <- .createIDs(object, cols=c("PID", "SID"));
	if (is.element("SID", names(object))) {
		idxFirst <- which(!duplicated(IDX));
		idxLast <- c((idxFirst-1)[-1], length(IDX));
		holes <- object$POS[idxFirst] > object$POS[idxLast];
	} else {
		holes <- NULL;

	z <- list();
	z$type <- "PolySet";
	z$records <- nrow(object);
	z$contours <- length(unique(IDX));
	z$holes <- sum(holes);
	z$range.x <- range(object$X);
	z$range.y <- range(object$Y);
	z$attr.projection <- attr(object, "projection");
	z$attr.zone <- attr(object, "zone");
	z$columns <- paste(setdiff(names(object), c("PID", "SID", "POS", "X", "Y")),
										 collapse=", ");
	class(z) <- "summary.PBS";


thickenPolys <- function(polys, tol=1, filter=3, keepOrig=TRUE,
	polys <- .validatePolySet(polys);
	if (is.character(polys))
		stop(paste("Invalid PolySet 'polys'.\n", polys, sep=""));

	## PART 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------
	## - estimate 'outCapacity'
	## - this should use the same distance formula as the underlying C code;
	##	 otherwise, the estimation may be wrong

	## create an 'idx' vector for working with 'polys'
	idx <- .createIDs(polys, cols=c("PID", "SID"));

	## if closing polygons, ensure they all close before we calculate
	## 'outCapacity'; close them all, even if already closed, as a
	## precaution
	if (close) {
		## find start and end of each polygon
		starts <- which(!duplicated(idx));
		## special case of a single polygon
		if (length(starts) == 1) {
			ends <- length(idx);
		} else {
			ends <- c((starts[-1]) - 1, length(idx));

		## create a vector of [start #1, end #1, start #2, end #2, ...]
		toDupe <- vector();
		toDupe[seq(1, by=2, length=length(starts))] <- starts;
		toDupe[seq(2, by=2, length=length(ends))] <- ends;

		## determine next avail. PID
		newPID <- max(polys$PID) + 1;

		## create a new PolySet to use in these calculations
		newRows <- polys[toDupe, ];
		newRows$PID <- rep((newPID:(newPID + length(starts) - 1)), each=2)
		tempPolys <- rbind(polys, newRows);

		## update 'idx'; it won't matter that the new 'idx' values
		## are a different format since they're using new PIDs (i.e., they
		## don't need to match anything); they just need to be relative to
		## earlier 'idx' value, and they will be since we're using a 'paste'
		if (is.element("SID", names(newRows))) {
			idx <- c(idx, paste(newRows$PID, newRows$SID));
		} else {
			idx <- c(idx, newRows$PID);
	} else {
		tempPolys <- polys;

	## compute a distance vector
	projection <- attr(polys, "projection");
	if (!is.null(projection) && !is.na(projection)
			&& ((projection == "UTM") || (projection == "LL")
					|| (projection == 1))) {
		dist <- .calcDist(tempPolys);
	else {
"Invalid projection attribute.	Supported projections include \"LL\",",
"\"UTM\", and 1.\n"));
	## filter the distances between polygons (make them not count...)
	dist[((which(!duplicated(idx)) - 1)[-1])] <- 0;

	if (keepOrig == TRUE) {
		## since original points are kept, calculate the capacity based on how
		## many points will be added between the original points
		outCapacity <- sum(ceiling(dist / tol));
	} else {
		## since original points are not kept, calculate the length of each
		## polygon, and then determine how many points will be required to
		## represent that polygon
		dist <- unlist(lapply(split(dist, idx), sum), use.names=FALSE);
		outCapacity <- sum(ceiling(dist / tol));

	## add a fudge factor
	outCapacity <- outCapacity + 1000;

	## PART 2 --------------------------------------------------------------------
	## - thicken the PolySet

	pLL <- 0;
	pUTM <- 1;

	projection <- attributes(polys)$projection;
	if (!is.null(projection) && !is.na(projection) && projection == "LL") {
		proj <- pLL;
	} else {
		proj <- pUTM;

	## save the attributes of the data frame (.validatePolySet returns a data
	## frame); in this case, SAVE ALL ATTRIBUTES since we are "modifying" an
	## existing data set
	attrNames <- setdiff(names(attributes(polys)),
											 c("names", "row.names", "class"));
	attrValues <- attributes(polys)[attrNames];

	inRows <- nrow(polys);

	## create the data structures that the C function expects
	if (!is.element("SID", names(polys))) {
		inID <- c(polys$PID, integer(length=inRows), polys$POS);
	} else {
		inID <- c(polys$PID, polys$SID, polys$POS);
	inXY <- c(polys$X, polys$Y);

	## call the C function
	results <- .C("thickenPolys",
								outID=integer(3 * outCapacity),
								outXY=double(2 * outCapacity),
	## note: outRows is set to how much space is allocated -- the C function
	##			 should take this into consideration

	if (results$outStatus == 1) {
"Insufficient physical memory for processing.\n");
	if (results$outStatus == 2) {
"Insufficient memory allocated for output.	Please upgrade to the latest",
"version of the software, and if that does not fix this problem, please",
"file a bug report.\n",

	## determine the number of rows in the result
	outRows <- as.vector(results$outRows);

	## extract the data from the C function results
	if (outRows > 0) {
		d <- data.frame(PID=results$outID[1:outRows],

		if (!is.element("SID", names(polys)))
			d$SID <- NULL;

		## restore the attributes (including projection and zone)
		attributes(d) <- c(attributes(d), attrValues);

		if (!is.PolySet(d, fullValidation=FALSE))
			class(d) <- c("PolySet", class(d));

	} else {

thinPolys <- function(polys, tol=1, filter=3)
	polys <- .validatePolySet(polys);
	if (is.character(polys))
		stop(paste("Invalid PolySet 'polys'.\n", polys, sep=""));

	pLL <- 0;
	pUTM <- 1;

	projection <- attributes(polys)$projection;
	if (!is.null(projection) && !is.na(projection) && projection == "LL") {
		proj <- pLL;
	} else {
		proj <- pUTM;

	## save the attributes of the data frame (.validatePolySet returns a data
	## frame); in this case, SAVE ALL ATTRIBUTES since we are "modifying" an
	## existing data set
	attrNames <- setdiff(names(attributes(polys)),
											 c("names", "row.names", "class"));
	attrValues <- attributes(polys)[attrNames];

	inRows <- nrow(polys);
	outCapacity <- as.integer(inRows);

	## create the data structures that the C function expects
	if (!is.element("SID", names(polys))) {
		inID <- c(polys$PID, integer(length=inRows), polys$POS);
	} else {
		inID <- c(polys$PID, polys$SID, polys$POS);

	## adjust units to what the C function expects
	if (proj == pLL) {
		## degrees >> micro-degrees
		inXY <- c(polys$X, polys$Y) * 10^6;
	} else {
		## kilometers >> meters
		inXY <- c(polys$X, polys$Y) * 10^3;

	## call the C function
	results <- .C("thinPolys",
								outID=integer(3 * outCapacity),
								outXY=integer(2 * outCapacity),
	## note: outRows is set to how much space is allocated -- the C function
	##			 should take this into consideration

	if (results$outStatus == 1) {
"Insufficient physical memory for processing.\n");
	if (results$outStatus == 2) {
"Insufficient memory allocated for output.	Please upgrade to the latest",
"version of the software, and if that does not fix this problem, please",
"file a bug report.\n",

	## determine the number of rows in the result
	outRows <- as.vector(results$outRows);

	## extract the data from the C function results
	if (outRows > 0) {
		if (proj == pLL) {
			results$outXY <- results$outXY / 10^6;
		} else {
			results$outXY <- results$outXY / 10^3;

		d <- data.frame(PID=results$outID[1:outRows],

		if (!is.element("SID", names(polys)))
			d$SID <- NULL;

		## restore the attributes (including projection and zone)
		attributes(d) <- c(attributes(d), attrValues);

		if (!is.PolySet(d, fullValidation=FALSE))
			class(d) <- c("PolySet", class(d));

	} else {

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PBSmapping documentation built on Nov. 4, 2023, 9:08 a.m.