
Defines functions .validateXYData .validatePolySet .validatePolyProps .validatePolyData .validateLocationSet .validateEventData .validateData .preparePolyProps .plotMaps .rollupPolys .mat2df .is.in .insertNAs .initPlotRegion .expandEdges .createIDs .createGridIDs .createFastIDdig .closestPoint .clip .checkRDeps .checkProjection .checkClipLimits .calcOrientation .calcDist .addProps .addLabels .addFeature .addBubblesLegend .addCorners .addAxis

Documented in .is.in

## Copyright (C) 2003-2018  Fisheries & Oceans Canada
## Nanaimo, British Columbia
## This file is part of PBS Mapping.

## Dot (hidden) functions kept in one file for
## convenience (RH 2018-08-24)

## .addAxis-----------------------------2011-12-20
## 'xlim'/'ylim': vectors of length 2
## 'tckLab'/'tck'/'tckMinor': vectors of length 1 or 2
## Returns: NULL (invisible)
## ---------------------------------------------NB
.addAxis <- function(xlim, ylim, tckLab, tck, tckMinor, ...)
  # force 'tck*' to length 2
  tckLab   <- rep(tckLab,   length.out = 2);
  tck      <- rep(tck,      length.out = 2);
  tckMinor <- rep(tckMinor, length.out = 2);

  # reduce 'cex' and 'mex' to appropriate sizes for axis labels; these settings
  # should remain after the function termimates; .addLabels() will use the same
  # units for measuring lines

  # changing 'cex' causes plot(...) to change 'mai', so let's reset 'mai'
  # after setting 'cex'
  mai <- par()$mai;
  par(cex = par()$cex * 0.8);   # decrease font size
  par(mai = mai);
  par(mex = par()$cex);         # decrease spacing to match font size

  # 1 is the horizontal axis, 2 is the vertical axis
  lim <- list(xlim, ylim);
  rotate <- list(0, 90)
  for (i in 1:2) {
    if (((i == 1) && (par()$xaxt != "n")) ||
        ((i == 2) && (par()$yaxt != "n"))) {
      # create both major and minor ticks
      ticks <- pretty(lim[[i]]);
      ticksMinor <- pretty(c(0, diff(ticks)[1]));
      ticksMinor <- (sort(rep(ticks, length(ticksMinor))) +
                     rep(ticksMinor, length(ticks)));

      # filter them for anything on the extents
      ticks <- ticks[ticks > lim[[i]][1] & ticks < lim[[i]][2]];
      ticksMinor <-
        ticksMinor[ticksMinor > lim[[i]][1] & ticksMinor < lim[[i]][2]];

      if (!tckLab[i]) {
        tickLabels <- FALSE;
      } else {
        tickLabels <- as.character(ticks);

      # plot the axis
      # major ticks
      axis(side = i, at = ticks, labels = tickLabels, tck = tck[i],
           srt = rotate[[i]]);
      # minor ticks
      axis(side = i, at = ticksMinor, labels = FALSE, tck = tckMinor[i]);


## .addAxis2----------------------------2013-03-13
## Modified from the function `.addAxis` to 
## add axes to any side of the plot. 
## Note: temporary until incorporation and testing.
## ------------------------------------------NB/RH
.addAxis2 <- function (side=1:2, xlim, ylim, tckLab, tck, tckMinor, ...) 
	tckLab <- rep(tckLab, length.out = 4)
	tck <- rep(tck, length.out = 4)
	tckMinor <- rep(tckMinor, length.out = 4)
	mai <- par()$mai
	# Nick: The following calls to par() are very strange to me as 
	# repeated calls to `.addAxis` sequently reduced the size of cex
	#par(cex = par()$cex * 0.8)
	#par(mai = mai)
	#par(mex = par()$cex)
	lim <- list(xlim,ylim,xlim,ylim)
	rotate <- list(0,90,0,90)
	for (i in side) {
		if (((i %in% c(1,3)) && (par()$xaxt != "n")) || ((i %in% c(2,4)) && (par()$yaxt != "n"))) {
			ticks <- pretty(lim[[i]])
			ticksMinor <- pretty(c(0, diff(ticks)[1]))
			ticksMinor <- (sort(rep(ticks, length(ticksMinor))) + 
				rep(ticksMinor, length(ticks)))
			ticks <- ticks[ticks > lim[[i]][1] & ticks < lim[[i]][2]]
			ticksMinor <- ticksMinor[ticksMinor > lim[[i]][1] & 
				ticksMinor < lim[[i]][2]]
			if (!tckLab[i]) {
				tickLabels <- FALSE
			else {
				tickLabels <- as.character(ticks)
			axis(side = i, at = ticks, labels = tickLabels, tck = tck[i], srt = rotate[[i]], ...)
			axis(side = i, at = ticksMinor, labels = FALSE, tck = tckMinor[i], ...)

.addCorners <- function(polys, ptSummary)
  xlim <- range(polys$X)
  ylim <- range(polys$Y)

  corners <- list(tl=c(xlim[1], ylim[2]), tr=c(xlim[2], ylim[2]),
                  bl=c(xlim[1], ylim[1]), br=c(xlim[2], ylim[1]));
  # two "tests" for each corner:
  # each list element is the function to apply to X and then Y
  tests <- list(tl=c(min, max), tr=c(max, max),
                bl=c(min, min), br=c(max, min));

  for (c in names(corners)) {
    # do we need to add a corner point? check whether a point is already in the
    # corner
    if (nrow(polys[polys$X == (corners[[c]])[1] &
                   polys$Y == (corners[[c]])[2], ]) > 0)

    # find candidate PIDs for the corner;
    # candidates touch a boundary on either side of the corner point
    polysA <- polys[polys$X == (corners[[c]])[1], ]
    if (nrow(polysA) > 0)
      # for those polys with an X on the boundary, which ones have a Y
      # that is the min/max? get their PIDs
      PIDsA <- polysA[polysA$Y == ((tests[[c]])[2])[[1]](polysA$Y), "PID"]

    polysB <- polys[polys$Y == (corners[[c]])[2], ]
    if (nrow(polysB) > 0)
      PIDsB <- polysB[polysB$X == ((tests[[c]])[1])[[1]](polysB$X), "PID"]

    if (nrow(polysA) == 0 || nrow(polysB) == 0) {
      warning(paste("Unable to close a corner (", c, ").", sep=""));

    # determine candidates
    cand <- intersect(PIDsA, PIDsB)

    # no candidates (this shouldn't happen...)
    if (length(cand) == 0)
      stop(paste("Unable to close a corner (", c, ") since no candidates exist.",

    # more than one candidate and we need to find the appropriate one
    if (length(cand) > 1) {
      # compute the distance from each candidate point to the corner
      pts <- data.frame (x=ptSummary[cand, "x"], y=ptSummary[cand, "y"])
      pts$cornerX <- (corners[[c]])[1];
      pts$cornerY <- (corners[[c]])[2];
      pts$dist <- sqrt((pts$x - pts$cornerX)^2 + (pts$y - pts$cornerY)^2)
      shortest <- which(pts$dist == min(pts$dist))
      if (length(shortest) != 1)
"Unable to determine the appropriate polygon to close corner ", c, ".", sep=""))
      cand <- cand[shortest]

    # add corner point
    newPoly <- polys[polys$PID == cand, ]
    polys <- polys[polys$PID != cand, ]

    xydata <- data.frame(X=c(newPoly$X, corners[[c]][1]),
                         Y=c(newPoly$Y, corners[[c]][2]));

    newPoly <- calcConvexHull(xydata)
    newPoly$PID <- cand

    polys <- rbind(polys, newPoly);

  polys <- polys[order(polys$PID), ]
  return (polys)


#  Construct legend for the function addBubble.
.addBubblesLegend <- function(radii.leg, usr.xdiff, usr.ydiff,
   symbol.zero, symbol.fg, symbol.bg, legend.pos, legend.breaks,
   legend.type, legend.title, legend.cex, ...)
	## ratio of y to x: units-per-inch (Y) / units-per-inch (X)
	ratio.y.x = (usr.ydiff / par("pin")[2]) / (usr.xdiff / par("pin")[1])

	## calculate the height and width of the legend, which is essential to calculating its position
	gap.x <- par("cxy")[1] * legend.cex / 2
	gap.y <- par("cxy")[2] * legend.cex / 2
	radii.leg.y <- radii.leg * ratio.y.x
	leg.tex.w <- strwidth(legend.breaks, units = "user") * legend.cex
	title.w = strwidth(legend.title)
	max.tex.w <- max(leg.tex.w)

		nested = {
			## height of the legend is the biggest bubble + title
			legend.height <- 2 * max(radii.leg.y) + 3 * gap.y
			legend.width <- 2 * max(radii.leg) + gap.x + max.tex.w
		horiz = {
			## height of the legend is the biggest bubble + title + tag
			legend.height <- 2 * max(radii.leg.y) + 3 * gap.y
			legend.width <- 2 * sum(radii.leg) + (length(legend.breaks) - 1) * gap.x
		vert = {
			legend.height <- 2 * sum(radii.leg.y) + (length(legend.breaks) - 1) * gap.y + 3 * gap.y
			legend.width <- 2 * max(radii.leg) + gap.x + max.tex.w

	## reflect an adjustment in X if the title is broader than the legend
	if (title.w > legend.width) {
		w.adj <- (title.w - legend.width) / 2
	} else {
		w.adj <- 0

	## if we already have positions, keep them; otherwise, calculate
	## positions given the described corner
	#if (class(legend.pos) == "numeric") {
	if (inherits(legend.pos, "numeric")) {
		legend.loc <- legend.pos
	} else {
		corners <- c("bottomleft", "bottomright", "topleft", "topright")
		if (legend.pos %in% corners) {
			legend.loc <- switch(legend.pos,
				bottomleft =
					c(par("usr")[1] + 0.025 * usr.xdiff + w.adj, par("usr")[3] + 0.025 * usr.ydiff + legend.height),
				bottomright =
					c(par("usr")[2] - (0.025 * usr.xdiff + legend.width + w.adj), par("usr")[3] + 0.025 * usr.ydiff + legend.height),
				topleft =
					c(par("usr")[1] + 0.025 * usr.xdiff + w.adj, par("usr")[4] - 0.025 * usr.ydiff),
				topright =
					c(par("usr")[2] - (0.025 * usr.xdiff + legend.width + w.adj), par("usr")[4] - 0.025 * usr.ydiff)
	## the calling function should already have validated legend.type
		nested = {
			## legend.loc[1] specifies X for *center* of circle; we need
			## to shift it right by the largest radius
			legend.loc[1] <- legend.loc[1] + max(radii.leg)
			## the legend will be drawn from the bottom up; shift
			## legend.loc[2] so that it refers to the bottom
			legend.loc[2] <- legend.loc[2] - legend.height
			r <- rev(radii.leg)
			bb <- rev(legend.breaks)

			## position of the right edge of the text labels legend
			x.text.leg <- legend.loc[1] + max(r) + gap.x + max.tex.w

			## draw the circles, lines, and labels
			for (i in 1:length(r)) {
				symbols(legend.loc[1], legend.loc[2] + r[i] * ratio.y.x,
					circles=r[i], inches=FALSE, add=TRUE, bg=symbol.bg[length(r)-i+1], fg=symbol.fg)
				lines(c(legend.loc[1], legend.loc[1] + r[1] + gap.x), rep(legend.loc[2] + 2 * r[i] * ratio.y.x, 2))
				text(x.text.leg, legend.loc[2] + 2 * r[i] * ratio.y.x, bb[i], adj=c(1, .5), cex=legend.cex)
			## add the title
			x.title.leg <- legend.loc[1] - max(radii.leg) + (legend.width / 2)
			text(x.title.leg, legend.loc[2]+legend.height, legend.title, adj=c(0.5,0.5), cex=legend.cex+0.2, col="black")

			## set positions for plotting of zero (later)
			zlab <- c(x.title.leg, legend.loc[2]+legend.height/4) 
		horiz = {
			## legend.loc[2] currently identifies the top of the legend
			legend.loc[2] <- legend.loc[2] + max(radii.leg.y) - legend.height 
			## compute offsets for horizontal spacing
			offset <- vector()
			for (i in 1:length(radii.leg))
				offset[i] <- 2 * sum(radii.leg[1:i]) - radii.leg[i] + (i - 1) * gap.x
			## draw circles, labels
			symbols(legend.loc[1] + offset, rep(legend.loc[2],length(radii.leg)),
				circles = radii.leg, inches = FALSE, bg = symbol.bg, fg = symbol.fg, add = TRUE)
			text(legend.loc[1] + offset, legend.loc[2] + radii.leg.y + gap.y, 
				legend.breaks, adj = c(0.5, 0.5), cex = legend.cex)
			## add the title
			text(legend.loc[1] + legend.width / 2, legend.loc[2] + legend.height - max(radii.leg.y),
				legend.title, adj = c(0.5, 0.5), cex = legend.cex + 0.2, col = "black")
			## set positions for plotting of zero (later)
			zlab <- c(legend.loc[1], legend.loc[2] - legend.height / 8) 
		vert = {
			## part of the calculations have been made above to calculate the height of the legend
			if (any(legend.pos == c("bottomleft","topleft")))
				legend.loc[1] <- legend.loc[1] + 0.05 * usr.xdiff
			## compute offsets for vertical spacing
			offset <- vector()
			for (i in 1:length(legend.breaks))
				offset[i] <- gap.y + 2 * sum(radii.leg.y[1:i]) - radii.leg.y[i] + i * gap.y
			## draw circles, labels
			symbols(rep(legend.loc[1], length(legend.breaks)), legend.loc[2] - offset,
				circles = radii.leg, bg = symbol.bg, fg = symbol.fg, inches = FALSE, add = TRUE)
			x.text.leg <- legend.loc[1] + max(radii.leg) + gap.x + max.tex.w
			text(rep(x.text.leg, length(legend.breaks)), legend.loc[2] - offset, legend.breaks,
				cex = legend.cex, adj = c(1, 0.5), col="black")
			## add the title
			text(legend.loc[1] + legend.width / 2 - max(radii.leg), legend.loc[2],
				legend.title, adj = c(0.5, 0.5), cex = legend.cex + 0.2, col = "black")
			## set positions for plotting of zero (later)
			zlab <- c(legend.loc[1] + legend.width / 8, legend.loc[2])
	## plot the zero if need be
	if (!is.logical(symbol.zero))
		legend(zlab[1], zlab[2], legend = "zero", pch = symbol.zero, xjust = 0,
			yjust = 1, bty = "n", cex = 0.8, x.intersp = 0.5)

.addFeature <- function(feature, data, polyProps, isEventData,
                        cex = NULL, col = NULL, font = NULL, pch = NULL, ...)
  # 'feature == "points"': add 'data' with points()
  # 'feature == "labels"': add 'data' with text()
  # 'data': if is PolyData, relaxed unique PID requirement (for addStipples())
  # 'isEventData': if TRUE, look for an EID column in 'data'
  # '...' contains arguments for either the 'text()' or 'points()' function
  # Returns: PolyProps
  data <- .mat2df(data);
  if (isEventData) {
    type <- "e";
  } else {
    type <- "p";

  # given 'feature', appropriate columns in polyProps
  if (feature == "points") {
    relevantProps <- c("cex", "col", "pch");
  } else {
    relevantProps <- c("cex", "col", "font");

  # validate the polyProps argument
  polyProps <- .validatePolyProps(polyProps, parCols = relevantProps);
  if (is.character(polyProps))
    stop(paste("Invalid PolyData 'polyProps'.\n", polyProps, sep=""));

  # at this point, 'data' has:
  # (!isEventData): PID, (optional SID), X, Y, and label columns
  # (isEventData):  EID, X, Y, and label columns

  # defaults for 'polyProps'
  parValues <- list(cex = par("cex"), col = par("col"),
                    font = par("font"), pch = par("pch"));
  # don't replace existing values with defaults
  parValues <- parValues[setdiff(names(parValues), names(polyProps))];
  # keep only applicable values
  parValues <- parValues[intersect(names(parValues), relevantProps)];
  # override defaults with values passed as arguments
  if (!is.null(cex))  parValues[["cex"]]  <- cex;
  if (!is.null(col))  parValues[["col"]]  <- col;
  if (!is.null(font)) parValues[["font"]] <- font;
  if (!is.null(pch))  parValues[["pch"]]  <- pch;

  # make basic 'polyProps' if necessary
  if (is.null(polyProps)) {
    if (isEventData) {
      polyProps <- data.frame(EID = unique(data$EID));
    } else {
      polyProps <- data.frame(PID = unique(data$PID));
  # merge SIDs into PolyProps if necessary
  if (!isEventData
      && is.element("SID", names(data))
      && !is.element("SID", names(polyProps))) {
    # grab SIDs from 'polys' for all PIDs in 'polyProps'
    p <- data[is.element(data$PID, unique(polyProps$PID)), c("PID", "SID")];
    # by filtering things first (above), we speed up the paste() (below)
    # add those SIDs to 'polyProps'
    polyProps <- merge(polyProps,
                       p[!duplicated(paste(p$PID, p$SID)), c("PID", "SID")],

  # flesh out 'polyProps'
  if (length(parValues) > 1)
    polyProps <- .addProps(type = type, polyProps = polyProps, parValues);
  polyPropsReturn <- polyProps;

  # reduce data to IDs found in 'polyProps'
  if (isEventData) {
    data <- data.frame(data[is.element(data$EID, unique(polyProps$EID)), ]);
  } else {
    if (is.element("SID", names(polyProps))) {
      # 'polyProps' may have an SID field and 'polys' may not
      if (!is.element("SID", names(data)))
        stop("Since 'polyProps' contains an SID column, 'data' must as well.\n");
      data <- data[is.element(paste(data$PID, data$SID),
                              unique(paste(polyProps$PID, polyProps$SID))), ];
    } else {
      data <- data[is.element(data$PID, unique(polyProps$PID)), ];

  # flatten relevant columns
  propColumns <- intersect(names(polyProps), relevantProps);
  # paste the columns together
  exprStr <- paste("paste(",
                   paste(paste('polyProps[, "', propColumns, '"]', sep=""),
                         collapse=", "),
                   ");", sep="");
  polyProps$props <- eval(parse(text=exprStr))

  # merge that 'props' column into data
  if (isEventData) {
    data <- merge(data, polyProps[, c("EID", "props")], by="EID");
  } else {
    # if SID exists in 'polyProps' it exists in 'data' (and vice-versa)
    if (is.element("SID", names(polyProps))) {
      data <- merge(data,
                    polyProps[, c("PID", "SID", "props")], by=c("PID", "SID"));
    } else {
      data <- merge(data, polyProps[, c("PID", "props")], by="PID");

  # split data on the 'props' column
  data <- split(data, data$props);
  # keep polyProps for getting at individual properties
  polyProps <- polyProps[!duplicated(polyProps$props), ];

  # plot each set of properties on its own
  for (c in names(data)) {
    d <- (data[[c]]);
    p <- (as.list(polyProps[polyProps$props == c, propColumns]));

    if (feature == "labels") {
      text(x = d$X, y = d$Y, labels = as.character(d$label),
           cex = p$cex, col = p$col, font = p$font, ...);
    } else {
      points (x = d$X, y = d$Y,
              cex = p$cex, col = p$col, pch = p$pch, ...);
  return (polyPropsReturn);

## .addLabels---------------------------2008-08-25
## 'projection' should equal "LL" (for longitude/latitude),
## "UTM" (for Universal Transverse Mercator), or anything else (for X/Y).
## 'main', 'sub', 'xlab', 'ylab' may all be part of '...'
## ------------------------------------------NB/RH
.addLabels <- function(projection = NULL, ...)
  dots <- list(...);
  main=dots$main;  sub=dots$sub;  xlab=dots$xlab;  ylab=dots$ylab;

  # set label defaults (if necessary)
  if (!is.null(projection) && !is.na(projection) && projection == "UTM") {
    if (is.null(xlab)) xlab <- "UTM Easting (km)";
    if (is.null(ylab)) ylab <- "UTM Northing (km)";
  } else if (!is.null(projection) && !is.na(projection) && projection == "LL") {
    if (is.null(xlab)) xlab <- "Longitude (\u00B0)"
    if (is.null(ylab)) ylab <- "Latitude (\u00B0)"
  } else {
    if (is.null(xlab)) xlab <- "X";
    if (is.null(ylab)) ylab <- "Y";
  if (is.null(main)) main <- "";
  if (is.null(sub))  sub  <- "";
  # 'xlab'/'ylab' cannot equal NULL at this point
  title (main=main, sub=sub, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab) # cannot add dots - conflicts with formal arguments

## .addProps-----------------------------2004-06-24
## cycles properties in '...' by PID
##  'type = "e"': EventData
##  'type = "p"': PolyData
##  'polyProps': a data frame
##  '...': parameters in the form (col = 1, cex = 1, ...),
##    each of which can be a list object
## If '...' contains parameters that already exist in 'polyProps', these
## parameters will overwrite the existing columns in 'polyProps' -- avoid
## this behaviour by not including properties in '...' that already exist
## in 'polyProps'.
## Returns: polyProps
.addProps <- function(type, polyProps, ...)
  # clean up param -- in case it contains one or more lists
  param <- list(...);
  newParam <- list();
  for (i in 1:length(param)) {
    if (is.list(param[[i]])) {
      newParam <- c(newParam, param[[i]]);
    } else {
      newParam <- c(newParam, param[i]);
  param <- newParam;

  if (type == "e") {
    polyProps$IDX <- polyProps$EID;
  } else if (type == "p") {
    # IDX is PID rather than paste(PID, SID) because we cycle by PID
    polyProps$IDX <- polyProps$PID;
  } else {
    stop (
"Unknown 'type'.  Must be either \"e\" or \"p\".");

  uIDX <- unique(polyProps$IDX);

  for (c in names(param)) {
    # add it if it isn't NULL
    if (!is.null(param[[c]])) {
      # remove column if already exists
      if (is.element(c, names(polyProps))) {
        # use data.frame() to ensure it isn't reduced to a vector
        polyProps <- data.frame(polyProps[, !is.element(names(polyProps), c)]);
        # if reduced to 1 column, it loses the name; reset it
        if (ncol(polyProps) == 1) {
          if (type == "p") names(polyProps) <- "PID";
          if (type == "e") names(polyProps) <- "EID";

      # build new structure
      newColumn <- data.frame(IDX=uIDX);
      newColumn[, c] <- rep(param[[c]], length.out = length(uIDX));

      # merge new structure
      polyProps <- merge(polyProps, newColumn, by = "IDX");

  # remove IDX column; use data.frame() to ensure it isn't reduced to a vector
  polyProps <- data.frame(polyProps[, !is.element(names(polyProps), "IDX")]);
  # if reduced to 1 column, it loses the name; reset it
  if (ncol(polyProps) == 1) {
    if (type == "p") names(polyProps) <- "PID";
    if (type == "e") names(polyProps) <- "EID";

  return (polyProps);

.calcDist <- function(polys)
  # Assumes 'polys' contains valid PolySet with 'projection' attribute
  # containing LL/UTM/1.
  # Returns: distance vector (distances between each point)
  # calculate distance for UTM/1:1
  if (!is.null(attr(polys, "projection"))
      && !is.na(attr(polys, "projection"))
      && ((attr(polys, "projection") == "UTM")
          || (attr(polys, "projection") == 1))) {
    len <- nrow(polys)

    D <- c(sqrt((polys$X[1:(len-1)] - polys$X[2:len])^2
                 + (polys$Y[1:(len-1)] - polys$Y[2:len])^2),

  # calculate distance for LL
  else if (!is.null(attr(polys, "projection"))
           && !is.na(attr(polys, "projection"))
           && (attr(polys, "projection") == "LL")) {
    # Equatorial radius 6,378.14 km
    # Polar radius 6,356.78 km
    # Mean radius 6,371.3 km
    # Sources:
    #   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earth
    #   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earth_radius
    R <- 6371.3;

    # degrees to radians
    polys[, c("X", "Y")] <- polys[, c("X", "Y")] * pi / 180.0
    len <- nrow(polys)

    # Source:
    #   http://www.census.gov/cgi-bin/geo/gisfaq?Q5.1
    # Algorithm originally in pseudocode.
    s0 <- 1:(len - 1);  # 's' for 's'hift
    s1 <- 2:len;        # (s0 + 1;)

    dlon <- polys$X[s1] - polys$X[s0];   # dlon = lon2 - lon1
    dlat <- polys$Y[s1] - polys$Y[s0];   # dlat = lat2 - lat1
    cosPolysY <- cos(polys$Y);
    # a = (sin(dlat/2))^2 + cos(lat1) * cos(lat2) * (sin(dlon/2))^2
    a <- (sin(dlat / 2))^2 + cosPolysY[s0] * cosPolysY[s1] *
      (sin(dlon / 2))^2;
    # c = 2 * arcsin(min(1, sqrt(a)))
    a <- sqrt(a);
    a[a > 1] <- 1;
    cc <- 2 * asin(a);
    # d = R * c
    D <- c(R * cc, 0);
  # unknown projection
  else {
"Invalid projection attribute.  Supported projections include \"LL\",",
"\"UTM\", and 1.\n"));

  return (D);

.calcOrientation <- function(polys)
  # Assumes 'polys' contains a valid PolySet.
  # Returns:
  #   data frame (invisible) with 'orientation' column (-1 when
  #     counter-clockwise; 0 when N/A; +1 when clockwise)
  #   OR: NULL (invisible) (if no rows in output)
  inRows <- nrow(polys);
  # Memory requirement for output are lower than nrow(polys); in fact, they
  # are length(unique(paste(polys$PID, polys$SID))).
  # The extra time to compute the real memory requirements makes doing so
  # not worth it.
  outCapacity <- nrow(polys);

  # create the data structure that the C functions expect
  # Using $<col> notation seems faster than [, "col"] notation.
  if (!is.element("SID", names(polys))) {
    inID <- c(polys$PID, integer(length = inRows), polys$POS);
  } else {
    inID <- c(polys$PID, polys$SID, polys$POS);
  inXY <- c(polys$X, polys$Y);

  # call the C function
  results <- .C("calcOrientation",
                inID = as.integer(inID),
                inXY = as.double(inXY),
                inVerts = as.integer(inRows),
                outID = integer(2 * outCapacity),
                outOrientation = double(outCapacity),
                outRows = as.integer(outCapacity),
                outStatus = integer(1),
                PACKAGE = "PBSmapping");
  # note: outRows is set to how much space is allocated -- the C function
  #       should consider this

  if (results$outStatus == 1) {
"Insufficient physical memory for processing.\n");
  if (results$outStatus == 2) {
"Insufficient memory allocated for output.  Please upgrade to the latest",
"version of the software, and if that does not fix this problem, please",
"file a bug report.\n",
               sep = "\n"));

  # determine the number of rows in the result
  outRows <- as.vector(results$outRows);

  # extract the data from the C function results
  if (outRows > 0) {
    d <- data.frame(PID = results$outID[1:outRows],
                    SID = results$outID[(outCapacity+1):(outCapacity+outRows)],
                    orientation = results$outOrientation[1:outRows]);

    if (!is.element("SID", names(polys)))
      d$SID <- NULL;

  } else {

.checkClipLimits <- function(limits)
  # Makes sure that the X & Y limits are within the bounds of the GSHHS databases
  if (limits[1] > limits[2])
    stop("xlim[1] is larger than xlim[2]")
  if (limits[3] > limits[4])
    stop("ylim[1] is larger than ylim[2]")
  if (limits[1] > 360 || limits[2] < -20)
    stop("xlim are outside of the range of c(-20,360)")
  if (limits[3] > 90 || limits[4] < -90)
    stop("ylim are outside of the range of c(-90,90)")

.checkProjection <- function(projectionPlot, projectionPoly)
  if (is.null(projectionPlot)) {
    projMapStr <- "NULL";
  } else {
    projMapStr <- as.character(projectionPlot);
  if (is.null(projectionPoly)) {
    projPolyStr <- "NULL";
  } else {
    projPolyStr <- as.character(projectionPoly);
  msg <- paste(
"The data's 'projection' attribute (", projPolyStr, ") differs from the\n",
"projection of the plot region (", projMapStr, ").\n", sep="");

  if (xor(is.null(projectionPlot), is.null(projectionPoly))) {
  } else if ((!is.null(projectionPlot) && !is.null(projectionPoly)) &&
             (xor(is.na(projectionPlot), is.na(projectionPoly)))) {
  } else if (!is.null(projectionPlot) && !is.null(projectionPoly) &&
             !is.na(projectionPlot) && !is.na(projectionPoly) &&
             (projectionPlot != projectionPoly)) {

.checkRDeps <- function(caller = "unspecified", requires = NULL)
  if (is.null(version$language) || (version$language != "R")) {
    stop (paste ("
The function '", caller, "' requires several dependencies available only in R.\n",
"Please try again from within R.\n", sep=""));

  err <- NULL;
  for (pkg in requires) {
    if (!require(pkg, character.only = TRUE)) {
      err <- append (err, pkg);
  if (!is.null (err)) {
    err <- paste (err, collapse="', '");
    stop (paste ("
The function '", caller, "' requires the package(s) '", err, "'.\n",
"Please install the package(s) and try again.\n", sep=""));

.clip <- function(polys, xlim, ylim, isPolygons, keepExtra)
  # Does not validate 'polys'; called directly from addPolys since addPolys()
  # already validated data.
  # Maintains extra attributes.
  # Returns:
  #   data frame with 'oldPOS' column
  #   OR: NULL (if no rows in output)
  # if 'keepExtra', create PolyData from PolySet; after processing, merge these
  # data back into 'polys'
  if (keepExtra)
    pdata <- extractPolyData(polys);

  # save the attributes of the data frame
  attrNames <- setdiff(names(attributes(polys)),
                       c("names", "row.names", "class"));
  attrValues <- attributes(polys)[attrNames];

  inRows <- nrow(polys);
  outCapacity <- as.integer(2 * inRows);

  # create the data structures that the C function expects
  if (!is.element("SID", names(polys))) {
    inID <- c(polys$PID, integer(length = inRows), polys$POS);
  } else {
    inID <- c(polys$PID, polys$SID, polys$POS);
  inXY <- c(polys$X, polys$Y);
  limits <- c(xlim, ylim);

  # call the C function
  results <- .C("clip",
                inID = as.integer(inID),
                inXY = as.double(inXY),
                inVerts = as.integer(inRows),
                polygons = as.integer(isPolygons),
                limits = as.double(limits),
                outID = integer(4 * outCapacity),
                outXY = double(2 * outCapacity),
                outRows = as.integer(outCapacity),
                outStatus = integer(1),
                PACKAGE = "PBSmapping");
  # note: outRows is set to how much space is allocated -- the C function
  #       should take this into consideration

#browser();return() ##***** need to be alert for orphaned holes
  if (results$outStatus == 1) {
"Insufficient physical memory for processing.\n");
  if (results$outStatus == 2) {
"Insufficient memory allocated for output.  Please upgrade to the latest",
"version of the software, and if that does not fix this problem, please",
"file a bug report.\n",
               sep = "\n"));

  # determine the number of rows in the result
  outRows <- as.vector(results$outRows);

  # extract the data from the C function results
  if (outRows > 0) {
    # after creating a data frame several different ways, the following seemed
    # to be quickest
    d <- data.frame(PID = results$outID[1:outRows],
                    SID = results$outID[(outCapacity+1):(outCapacity+outRows)],
                    POS = results$outID[(2*outCapacity+1):(2*outCapacity+outRows)],
                    oldPOS = results$outID[(3*outCapacity+1):(3*outCapacity+outRows)],
                    X = results$outXY[1:outRows],
                    Y = results$outXY[(outCapacity+1):(outCapacity+outRows)]);

    # remove "SID" column if not in input
    if (!is.element("SID", names(polys)))
      d$SID <- NULL;

    # change oldPOSs of -1 to NA to meet specs.
    d$oldPOS[d$oldPOS == -1] <- NA;

    # if keepExtra, merge the PolyData back in...
    # 'merge' loses attributes!  Merge before restoring attributes
    if (keepExtra)
      d <- merge(x = d, y = pdata, all.x = TRUE,
                 by = intersect(c("PID", "SID"), names(d)));

    # restore the attributes
    attributes(d) <- c(attributes(d), attrValues);

    # a final test, to ensure the PolySet contains more than just
    # degenerate edges
    if (all(d$X == xlim[1]) || all(d$X == xlim[2]) ||
        all(d$Y == ylim[1]) || all(d$Y == ylim[2]))

  } else {

.closestPoint <- function(pts, pt)
  # "pts": data frame with columns "X" and "Y"
  # "pt":  data frame with columns "X" and "Y", and ONE row
  # Returns a vector of length "pts" where T indicates that the point is
  # closest to "pt".  Returns several Ts when several points equidistant.
  pts$Xorig <- pt$X
  pts$Yorig <- pt$Y

  pts$dist <- (pts$Xorig - pts$X) ^ 2 + (pts$Yorig - pts$Y) ^ 2

  return (pts$dist == min(pts$dist))

.createFastIDdig <- function(polysA, polysB = NULL, cols)
  # Determines the maximum number of digits in the second column of a data
  # frame.  If given two data frames ('polysA' and 'polysB', determines that
  # maximum between the two data frames.
  # Assumptions:
  #   both 'cols' contain integers
  # Arguments:
  #   'polysA': first data frame
  #   'polysB': second data frame, which may be missing one or both 'cols';
  #     if missing one or more 'cols', it's assumed they'll be derived from
  #     those in 'polysA'
  #   'cols': vector of length 2, listing columns to use
  # Note:
  #   If it returns 0, then the first and second columns will not fit into
  #   a double, and they must be 'paste'd toegether.
  # Returns:
  #   number of digits in SECOND column (max. of 'polysA' and 'polysB')
  #   OR NULL if the columns don't exist in the data frame(s)
  if ((length(cols) == 2)
      && all(is.element(cols, names(polysA)))) {
    digitsL <- floor(log10(max(polysA[[cols[1]]])) + 1);
    digitsR <- floor(log10(max(polysA[[cols[2]]])) + 1);

    # check 'polysB' as well
    if (!is.null(polysB)) {
      if (is.element(cols[1], names(polysB)))
        digitsL <- max(digitsL, floor(log10(max(polysB[[cols[1]]])) + 1));
      if (is.element(cols[2], names(polysB)))
        digitsR <- max(digitsR, floor(log10(max(polysB[[cols[2]]])) + 1));

    # 'double' has 15 digits of precision (decimal), according to my
    # 'C Pocket Reference' by Prinz, P. and U. Kirch-Prinz
    if ((digitsL + digitsR) <= 15) {
      return (digitsR);
    } else {
      return (0);
  } else {
    return (NULL);

.createGridIDs <- function(d, addSID, byrow)
  # Create IDs for a grid according to the addSID and byrow arguments.
  # Arguments:
  #  'd': PolySet (grid) created using addSID = T and byrow = T
  #  'addSID': if TRUE, include an SID column
  #  'byrow': if TRUE, increment PID along X
  if (addSID && !byrow) {
    # swap
    tmp <- d$PID;
    d$PID <- d$SID;
    d$SID <- tmp;
  } else if (!addSID && byrow) {
    d$PID <- (d$SID - 1) * (length(unique(d$X)) - 1) + d$PID;
    d$SID <- NULL;
  } else if (!addSID && !byrow) {
    d$PID <- (d$PID - 1) * (length(unique(d$Y)) - 1) + d$SID;
    d$SID <- NULL;

  return (d);

.createIDs <- function(x, cols, fastIDdig = NULL)
  # Creates an IDs (or IDX) column from its input.
  # Arguments:
  #   'x': data frame with one or more columns
  #   'cols': columns to use when creating the index; OK if individual
  #     columns are missing
  #   'fastIDdig': (optional) maximum number of digits in the second column, if
  #     only two integer columns, and the maximum number of digits between them
  #     is less than 15; often the output from '.createFastIDdig'; a user would
  #     want to pass in 'fastIDdig' when creating (some) matching indices for two
  #     different data frames
  # Note:
  #   If 'fastIDdig' equals NULL, executes '.createFastIDdig' to create it (but
  #   only if two columns).
  # Returns:
  #   index column if everything OK
  #   NULL if error
  # use 'is.element' instead of 'intersect' because 'intersect' gives no
  # guarantee of order (as far as I can see)
  presentCols <- cols[is.element(cols, names(x))]

  if (length(presentCols) == 1) {
    return (x[[presentCols]]);
  } else if (length(presentCols) == 2) {
    # if a fastIDdig wasn't passed in, try to create one
    if (is.null(fastIDdig)) {
      fastIDdig <- .createFastIDdig(polysA=x, polysB=NULL, cols=presentCols);

    # if called the function above, 'fastIDdig' won't equal NULL (but might
    # equal 0)
    # if the user passed it in, it should only equal NULL if there is
    # only one ID column, in which case we shouldn't be in this branch
    # of the 'if'
    if (fastIDdig > 0) {
      return (as.double(x[[presentCols[1]]]
                        + (x[[presentCols[2]]] / 10^fastIDdig)));
    } else {
      return (paste(x[[presentCols[1]]], x[[presentCols[2]]], sep = "-"));
  } else if (length(presentCols) > 2) {
    exprStr <- paste("paste(",
                     paste(paste("x$", presentCols, sep=""),
                           collapse=", "),
                     ");", sep="");
    return (eval(parse(text=exprStr)));

  return (NULL);

.expandEdges <- function(polys, pts, xlim, ylim)
  # expects all arguments to be specified
  polyRange <- c(range(polys$X), range(polys$Y))
  ptsRange <- c(range(pts$X), range(pts$Y))

  # set "toFix" based on points outside the PolySet
  toFixPts <- c(ptsRange[1] < polyRange[1],
                ptsRange[2] > polyRange[2],
                ptsRange[3] < polyRange[3],
                ptsRange[4] > polyRange[4])
  # update "toFix" to extend PolySet to limits outside of its range
  toFixLim <- c(signif(xlim[1], 5) < signif(polyRange[1], 5),
                signif(xlim[2], 5) > signif(polyRange[2], 5),
                signif(ylim[1], 5) < signif(polyRange[3], 5),
                signif(ylim[2], 5) > signif(polyRange[4], 5))
  # the use of "signif" reduces the number of unnecessary edges in
  # "toFixLim" due to rouding error; digits = 6 seemed insufficient
  # to compensate for rounding error

  toFix <- toFixPts | toFixLim

  # if nothing to fix, return
  if (!any(toFix))
    return (polys)

  # side: 1 = left, 2 = right, 3 = bottom, 4 = top
  for (side in which(toFix)) {
    # a point that causes expansion
    if (side == 1) {
      PID <- which(pts$X < polyRange[side])
    } else if (side == 2) {
      PID <- which(pts$X > polyRange[side])
    } else if (side == 3) {
      PID <- which(pts$Y < polyRange[side])
    } else if (side == 4) {
      PID <- which(pts$Y > polyRange[side])
    } else {
      stop ("Internal error: unrecognized value of \"size\" in point check.")

    # no points caused the expansion, so it must be a limit that causes it
    if (length(PID) == 0) {
      # must determine PID using another method
      if (side == 1 || side == 2) {
        PID <- which(.closestPoint(pts, data.frame(X=xlim[side], Y=mean(ylim))))
      } else if (side == 3 || side == 4) {
        PID <- which(.closestPoint(pts, data.frame(X=mean(xlim), Y=ylim[side - 2])))
      } else {
        stop ("Internal error: unrecognized value of \"size\" in limit check.")

    # sanity check
    if (length(PID) != 1)
      stop ("Internal error: unable to determine appropriate PID for expansion.")

    newPoly <- polys[polys$PID == PID, ]
    polys <- polys[polys$PID != PID, ]

    if (side == 1 || side == 2) {
      newXY <- data.frame(X=c(newPoly$X, rep(xlim[side], 2)),
                          Y=c(newPoly$Y, range(newPoly$Y)))
    } else if (side == 3 || side == 4) {
      newXY <- data.frame(X=c(newPoly$X, range(newPoly$X)),
                          Y=c(newPoly$Y, rep(ylim[side - 2], 2)))
    } else {
      stop ("Internal error: unrecognized value of \"size\" in data frame setup.")

    newPoly <- calcConvexHull(newXY)
    newPoly$PID <- PID

    polys <- rbind(polys, newPoly)

  polys <- polys[order(polys$PID), ]

  return (polys);

.fixGSHHSWorld <- function (world) {
  # store desired limits
  xlim <- range(world$X)
  ylim <- range(world$Y)
  ylim[1] <- -90
  # determine PID of Antarctica: we'll use it to extract the current Antarctica,
  # which we'll grow west/east, then clip, then merge with the other polygons
  event <- data.frame(EID = 1, X = 85, Y = -72)
  event <- findPolys(event, world)
  pid <- event$PID[1]
  # extract current Antarctica
  curAnt <- world[is.element(world$PID,pid), ]

  # ensure the points are ordered from left to right
  if (curAnt$X[1] > curAnt$X[nrow(curAnt)])
    curAnt <- curAnt[nrow(curAnt):1, ]

  # create a copy to the left and a copy to the right; add corners
  left <- curAnt[c(1,1:nrow(curAnt)), ]
  left$X <- left$X - 360
  left$Y[1] <- -90
  right <- curAnt[c(1:nrow(curAnt), nrow(curAnt)), ]
  right$X <- right$X + 360
  right$Y[nrow(right)] <- -90

  # merge to create a new, very wide Antarctica
  curAnt <- rbind(left, curAnt, right)
  curAnt$POS <- 1:nrow(curAnt)
  # clip
  curAnt <- clipPolys(curAnt, xlim, ylim)
  curAnt$oldPOS <- NULL

  # merge into the existing world
  world <- rbind(world[world$PID < pid, ], curAnt, world[world$PID > pid, ])
  row.names(world) <- 1:length(row.names(world))


.getBasename <- function (fn, ext)
  # If appropriate, remove the extension from 'fn' to obtain the shapefile
  # name without the extension.  When testing for file existance, use the
  # extension 'ext'.
  # if appending .shp does not give a valid file...
  if (!file.exists (paste(fn, ".", ext, sep=""))) {
    # attempt to remove extension and try again
    fn <- sub ("\\..{3}$", "", fn);

    if (!file.exists (paste(fn, ".", ext, sep=""))) {
      stop (paste ("Cannot find the file \"", fn, ".", ext, "\".", sep=""));

  return (fn);

.getGridPars <- function (polys, fullValidation = TRUE)
  res <- list();
  res$x <- sort(unique(polys$X));
  res$y <- sort(unique(polys$Y));

  lenx <- length(res$x);
  leny <- length(res$y);
  if ((lenx < 2) || (leny < 2)) {
    return (NULL);

  # determine "addSID"
  if (is.element("SID", names(polys))) {
    res$addSID <- TRUE;
  } else {
    res$addSID <- FALSE;

  # determine "byrow"
  if (lenx == 2 && leny == 2) {
    # special case: only one polygon; byrow does not matter
    res$byrow <- TRUE;
  } else if (lenx == 2) {
    # special case: the second polygon in polys is _above_ the
    # first
    if (polys[1, "PID"] + 1 == polys[5, "PID"]) {
      res$byrow <- FALSE;
    } else {
      res$byrow <- TRUE;
  } else {
    # the second polygon in polys is to the _right_ of the
    # first
    if (polys[1, "PID"] + 1 == polys[5, "PID"]) {
      res$byrow <- TRUE;
    } else {
      res$byrow <- FALSE;

  res$projection <- attr(polys, "projection");
  res$zone <- attr(polys, "zone");

  if (fullValidation) {
    t <- makeGrid(x = res$x, y = res$y, byrow = res$byrow,
                  addSID = res$addSID, projection = res$projection,
                  zone = res$zone);
    if (is.character (all.equal (polys, t))) {
      return (NULL);

  return (res);

.initPlotRegion <- function(projection, xlim, ylim, plt)
  # Initialize the plot region, accounting for the aspect ratio.
  # 'projection': projection
  #   "UTM"   => UTM        <-- as per specs.
  #   "LL"    => Geographic <-- as per specs.
  #   NA      => none       <-- for plotLines, plotPolys
  #   numeric => specifies aspect ratio
  # 'xlim': x-limits of the plot
  # 'ylim': y-limits of the plot
  # 'plt': requested plot size
  # Returns: NULL (invisible)
  # Notes:
  # In a new plot, mar/mai are 'in-sync' with pin/plt, meaning that changing
  # mar/mai causes pin/plt to change.  Manually setting pin/plt causes mar/mai
  # to fall 'out-of-sync', meaning that changing mar/mai will have no effect
  # on pin/plt.  In this function, do not cause pin/plt to fall out-of-sync
  # (i.e., never directly set pin/plt). However, if they are already
  # out-of-sync, honour the pin setting (which is consistent with what R/S-PLUS
  # does).
  # Summary:
  # Read plt; whether in-sync or out-of-sync, this value reflects the
  # maximum plot region.  Calculate desired plot region, assume in-sync, and
  # set new region indirectly via mar/mai. If new region doesn't match the
  # expected region, it is out-of-sync, so set new region directly via pin/plt.
  # If the user allows pin/plt to fall out-of-sync and sets plt to NULL, the
  # function will still produce the correct aspect ratio, but may not honour
  # the mai/mar par() parameters.
  # validate 'xlim' and 'ylim'
  if ((missing(xlim) || is.null(xlim)) || !is.vector(xlim) ||
      (length(xlim) != 2) ||
      (missing(ylim) || is.null(ylim)) || !is.vector(ylim) ||
      (length(ylim) != 2)) {
"xlim and/or ylim is missing or invalid.\n");
  if (diff(ylim) == 0 || diff(xlim) == 0) {
"xlim/ylim must specify a region with area greater than 0.\n");

  # since all high-level plot functions call this function, we can
  # advance to the next frame here, unless par(new=T) is specified.

  # if 'plt' is NULL, the user doesn't want to use the default, so read its
  # current value from 'par' parameters
  if (is.null(plt))
    plt <- par("plt");

  # 'projection' cannot equal NULL
  if (is.null(projection))
"'projection' argument must not equal NULL.\n");

  # if projection isn't NA, adjust for the aspect ratio; in this section
  # we must indirectly set plt/pin via mai/mar if possible; if that doesn't
  # work, we must set them directly
  if (!is.na(projection))
      # use an additional scaling factor if LL
      xyRatio <- ifelse(projection == "LL", cos((mean(ylim) * pi) / 180), 1);

      # determine plot region aspect ratio; calculate indirectly using
      # fin and plt
      aspPlotRegion <-
        (par()$fin[1]*diff(plt[1:2])) / (par()$fin[2]*diff(plt[3:4]));
      if (is.infinite(aspPlotRegion))
        stop("Plot region must have an area greater than 0.\n");

      # determine desired aspect ratio; xyRatio != 1 only when proj == "LL"
      aspPolySet <- diff(xlim) / diff(ylim) * xyRatio;
      if (is.numeric(projection))
        aspPolySet <- aspPolySet / projection;
      if (is.infinite(aspPolySet) || (aspPolySet == 0))
"Either 'projection' is 0 or 'xlim'/'ylim' specify a region with an area",
"of 0.\n", sep="\n"));

      # adjust 'plt' to honour the aspect ratio
      if (aspPlotRegion < aspPolySet) {
        # shrink the Y direction
        pinX <- par()$fin[1]*diff(plt[1:2]);
        pinY <- pinX * aspPolySet^-1;
        toMove <- (diff(plt[3:4]) - pinY/par()$fin[2]) / 2;
        plt[3:4] <- plt[3:4] + c(toMove, -toMove);
      } else if (aspPlotRegion > aspPolySet) {
        # shrink the X direction
        pinY <- par()$fin[2]*diff(plt[3:4]);
        pinX <- pinY * aspPolySet;
        toMove <- (diff(plt[1:2]) - pinX/par()$fin[1]) / 2;
        plt[1:2] <- plt[1:2] + c(toMove, -toMove);

      # set the plot region indirectly via mai/mar
      # mai: (bottom, left, top, right)
      # fin: (width, height)
      # plt: (left, right, bottom, top)
      # If out-of-sync, may issue a warning re: plot specified in inches
      # too large.
      par(mai=c(par()$fin[2]*plt[3], par()$fin[1]*plt[1],
            par()$fin[2]*(1-plt[4]), par()$fin[1]*(1-plt[2])));

      # verify that it set OK; if not, set it directly via plt
      parPlt <- signif(as.double(par()$plt), digits=5);
      locPlt <- signif(as.double(plt), digits=5);
      if (any(parPlt != locPlt))
        par(plt = plt);
  # if projection is NA, continue at this point with no changes to
  # the plot region

  # must set 'usr' again because changing the other par() parameters changes it
  par(usr = c(xlim, ylim));


.insertNAs <- function(polys, idx) {
  # extract the polys of interest
  sel.polys <- polys[is.element(names(polys), idx)]
  # NOTE: the above code is _much_ faster in S-PLUS than an alternative...
  #  sel.polys <- polys[as.character(idx)]
  # ... which I tried first
  if (is.null(unlist(sel.polys)))
    return (NA)

  # lapply's are slower in S-PLUS than R; the next line is a bottle-neck
  # in S-PLUS (while having minimal impact on R runtime)
  lenPolys <- lapply(sel.polys, "length")
  nPolys <- length(lenPolys)

  # create a vector T, F, ..., T
  TFT <- rep(c(TRUE, FALSE), length.out=(nPolys * 2) - 1)

  # create a vector with the number of vertices/polygon, with each separated
  # by a 1
  reps <- rep(1, len=(nPolys * 2) - 1)
  reps[TFT] <- unlist(lenPolys)

  # create a vector that can select all of the NAs that seperate polygons
  # in the "new.polys" vector
  NAs <- rep(!TFT, times=reps)

  new.polys <- vector(length=(length(unlist(sel.polys)) + nPolys - 1))
  new.polys[NAs] <- NA
  new.polys[!NAs] <- unlist(sel.polys)

  return (new.polys)

## .is.in-------------------------------2018-09-06
## Check to see if a set of vertices occurs in a
## polygon (based on sp::point.in.polygon C code)
## ------------------------------------------NB|RH
.is.in <- function(events, polys, use.names=TRUE)
	if (!is.PolySet(polys))
		stop("Supply a PolySet to argument 'polys'")
	if (!all(c(is.element(c("X","Y"),colnames(events)),is.element(c("X","Y"),colnames(polys)))))
		stop("Objects 'events' and 'polys' must have column names 'X' and 'Y'")

	## Code lifted from NB's code in `findPolys'
	## Create the data structure that the C function expects
	if (!is.EventData(events))
		events  = as.EventData(data.frame(EID=1:nrow(events), events), projection=attributes(polys)$projection)
	inEvents   = nrow(events)
	inEventsID = events$EID
	inEventsXY = c(events$X, events$Y)

	inPolys = nrow(polys)
	if (!is.element("SID", names(polys))) {
		inPolysID = c(polys$PID, integer(length=inPolys), polys$POS)
	} else {
		inPolysID = c(polys$PID, polys$SID, polys$POS)
	inPolysXY = c(polys$X, polys$Y)

	## The maximum number of rows in the results occurs when each event
	## lies in all of the polygons; we can easily calculate this case
	## but it often results in too much allocated memory

	## Instead, simply use an argument that the user can tune (this makes
	## the behavior more consistent with joinPolys, too)
	outCapacity <- nrow(events)

	## Call the C function
	results <- .C("findPolys",
		inEventsID = as.integer(inEventsID),
		inEventsXY = as.double(inEventsXY),
		inEvents = as.integer(inEvents),
		inPolysID = as.integer(inPolysID),
		inPolysXY = as.double(inPolysXY),
		inPolys = as.integer(inPolys),
		outID = integer(4 * outCapacity),
		outRows = as.integer(outCapacity),
		outStatus = integer(1),
		PACKAGE = "PBSmapping")
	## Note: outRows is set to how much space is allocated -- the C function should consider this

	## Determine the number of rows in the result
	outRows <- as.vector(results$outRows)
	if (outRows == 0) {
		e.out  = events
		e.in   = events[0,]
		e.bdry = 0
	} else {
		## Extract the data from the C function results
		d <- data.frame(EID = results$outID[1:outRows],
			PID = results$outID[(outCapacity+1):(outCapacity+outRows)],
			SID = results$outID[(2*outCapacity+1):(2*outCapacity+outRows)],
			Bdry = results$outID[(3*outCapacity+1):(3*outCapacity+outRows)])
		e.in  = events[is.element(events$EID,d$EID),]
		e.out = events[!is.element(events$EID,d$EID),]
		e.bdry = d$Bdry
	out= list()
	out[["e.in"]]     = e.in
	out[["e.out"]]    = e.out
	out[["all.in"]]   = nrow(e.in)==nrow(events)
	out[["all.out"]]  = nrow(e.out)==nrow(events)
	out[["all.bdry"]] = all(e.bdry==1)

### .is.in.defunct-------------------------------2018-08-24
### Check to see if a set of vertices occurs in a
### polygon (based on sp::point.in.polygon C code)
#.is.in.defunct =function(events, polys, use.names=TRUE) {
#	if (!all(c(is.element(c("X","Y"),colnames(events)),is.element(c("X","Y"),colnames(polys)))))
#		stop("Objects 'events' and 'polys' must have column names 'X' and 'Y'")
#	.checkRDeps(".is.in", c("sp"))
#	eval(parse(text="in.out = .Call(\"R_point_in_polygon_sp\", as.numeric(events[,\"X\"]), as.numeric(events[,\"Y\"]), as.numeric(polys[,\"X\"]), as.numeric(polys[,\"Y\"]), PACKAGE = \"sp\")"))
#	if (use.names) {
#		if(is.PolySet(events) || is.PolyData(events))
#			names(in.out) = .createIDs(events, intersect(c("PID","SID"), colnames(events)))
#		if(is.EventData(events))
#			names(in.out) = events[,"EID"]
#	}
#	out = list()
#	out[["in.out"]] = in.out
#	out[["all.in"]] = all(as.logical(in.out))
#	return(out)

.mat2df <- function(data) {
  # Convert matrices to data.frames, preserving certain attributes.
  # Attributes to ignore: dim, dimnames, class
  pbsClass <- intersect(attributes(data)$class, c("EventData", "LocationSet",
              "PolyData", "PolySet"));
  attrNames <- names(attributes(data));
  if(all(is.element(attrNames, c("dim", "dimnames", "class")) == TRUE)) {
    addValues <- NULL;
  } else {
    addNames <- setdiff(attrNames, c("dim", "dimnames", "class"));
    addValues <- attributes(data)[addNames];
  data <- data.frame(unclass(data));
  if(!is.null(addValues)) {
    attributes(data) <- c(attributes(data), addValues);
  if(length(pbsClass) > 0) {
    attr(data, "class") <- c(pbsClass, "data.frame");

.rollupPolys <- function(polys, rollupMode, exteriorCCW, closedPolys,
  # rollupMode: method for rolling up the PolySet; essentially controls when
  #   to introduce a new PID (or PID/SID)
  #    1 = roll-up to the PID level (only PIDs in the result)
  #    2 = roll-up to the outer contour level (only outer contours in the
  #        result)
  #    3 = do not roll-up
  # exteriorCCW: modify vertices orientation (CW/CCW)?
  #   -1 = don't modify
  #    0 = exterior should be CW
  #   +1 = exterior should be CCW
  # closedPolys: whether the last and first vertices should be the same
  #   -1 = don't modify
  #    0 = ensure polygons do not close
  #   +1 = close the polygons
  # addRetrace: determines whether it adds retrace lines to the first vertex
  # of the parent after outputting a child
  #    0 = don't add
  #    1 = add
  # Note: does not validate the PolySet
  # Returns: PolySet (invisible) or NULL (invisible)
  # save the attributes for the data frame (.validatePolySet returns a data
  # frame)
  attrNames <- setdiff(names(attributes(polys)),
                       c("names", "row.names", "class"));
  attrValues <- attributes(polys)[attrNames];

  inRows <- nrow(polys);
  outCapacity <- 2 * inRows;

  # create the data structure that the C function expects
  if (!is.element("SID", names(polys))) {
    inID <- c(polys$PID, integer(length = inRows));
  } else {
    inID <- c(polys$PID, polys$SID);
  inXY <- c(polys$X, polys$Y);

  results <- .C("rollupPolys",
                inID = as.integer(inID),
                inPOS = as.double(polys$POS),
                inXY = as.double(inXY),
                inVerts = as.integer(inRows),
                outID = integer(3 * outCapacity),
                outXY = double(2 * outCapacity),
                outRows = as.integer(outCapacity),
                rollupMode = as.integer(rollupMode),
                exteriorCCW = as.integer(exteriorCCW),
                closedPolys = as.integer(closedPolys),
                addRetrace = as.integer(addRetrace),
                outStatus = integer(1),
                PACKAGE = "PBSmapping");
  # note: outRows is set to how much space is allocated -- the C function
  #       should take this into consideration

  if (results$outStatus == 1) {
"Insufficient physical memory for processing.\n");
  if (results$outStatus == 2) {
"Insufficient memory allocated for output.  Please upgrade to the latest",
"version of the software, and if that does not fix this problem, please",
"file a bug report.\n",
               sep = "\n"));
  if (results$outStatus == 3) {
"Unable to rollup the polygons, as one or more children did not have a",

  # determine the number of rows in the result
  outRows <- as.vector(results$outRows);

  # extract the data from the C function results
  if (outRows > 0) {
    d <- data.frame(PID = results$outID[1:outRows],
                    SID = results$outID[(outCapacity+1):(outCapacity+outRows)],
                    POS = results$outID[(2*outCapacity+1):(2*outCapacity+outRows)],
                    X = results$outXY[1:outRows],
                    Y = results$outXY[(outCapacity+1):(outCapacity+outRows)]);

    if (!is.element("SID", names(polys)) || rollupMode == 1)
      d$SID <- NULL;

    # restore the attributes
    attributes(d) <- c(attributes(d), attrValues);

  } else {

# Default for 'projection' must be logical type.
# For 'plotPoints()', 'cex'and 'pch' are part of '...' -- and they may equal
# NULL; when they equal NULL, don't try adding them to par()!
.plotMaps <- function(polys, xlim, ylim, projection, plt, polyProps,
                      border, lty, col, colHoles, density, angle, bg,
                      axes, tckLab, tck, tckMinor, isType, ...)
  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  # PART 1: deal with the '...' business; backup original 'par' values, and set
  #   values specified in '...' in 'par'
  # DO NOT backup 'new' (and some others)
  legalNames <- c("adj", "ann", "ask", "bg", "bty", "cex", "cex.axis",
                  "cex.lab", "cex.main", "cex.sub", "col", "col.axis",
                  "col.lab", "col.main", "col.sub", "crt", "csi", "err",
                  "exp", "fg", "font", "font.axis", "font.lab",
                  "font.main", "font.sub", "lab", "las", "lty",
                  "lwd", "mgp", "mkh", "pch", "smo", "srt", "tck",
                  "tcl", "tmag", "type", "xaxp", "xaxs", "xaxt", "xpd",
                  "yaxp", "yaxs", "yaxt");

  if (!is.null(version$language) && (version$language == "R")) {
    legalNames <- setdiff(legalNames, "csi");   # read-only in R
  legalNames <- intersect(legalNames, names(par()));

  backupPar <- par(legalNames);

  dots <- list(...);

  extraArgs <- setdiff(names(dots), legalNames);
  extraArgs <- setdiff(extraArgs, c("main", "sub", "type", "xlab", "ylab"));
  if (length(extraArgs) > 0) {
"Ignored unrecognized argument '", paste(extraArgs, collapse="', '"), "'.\n",
                  sep = ""));

  # special case: since they aren't explicit parameters, they end up being
  # part of '...'; but they may equal NULL (invalid values); remove them, since
  # they are explicitly passed into addPoints(), where they become part
  # of 'polyProps'
  if (isType == "points")
    legalNames <- setdiff(legalNames, c("cex", "pch"));

  par(dots[intersect(names(dots), legalNames)]);

  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  # PART 2: set 'projection' and 'labelprojection' to the appropriate values
  #  Since we validate here, it's unnecessary to validate when this function
  #    calls 'addLines'/'addPolys'

  # although 'projection' cannot equal NA from caller, we may set it
  # to NA within this function (to mean unprojected)
  if (is.null(projection) || is.na(projection))
    projection <- FALSE;

  if (is.logical(projection)) {
    if (projection) {
      if (!is.null(attr(polys, "projection"))) {
        projection <- attr(polys, "projection");
      } else {
        projection <- 1;
"'projection' set to 1:1 since unspecified 'projection' argument/attribute.\n");
    } else {
      projection <- NA;
  } else {
    # user specified 'projection': should be numeric, "LL", "UTM", and should
    # not conflict with 'polys'
    if (is.numeric(projection) || is.element(projection, c("LL", "UTM"))) {
      if (!is.null(attr(polys, "projection")) &&
          !is.element(projection, attr(polys, "projection"))) {
        projection <- attr(polys, "projection");
"'projection' argument overwritten with PolySet's 'projection' attribute.\n");
    } else {
"Either omit 'projection' argument or set it to a numeric value, \"LL\", or",
  # prevent duplicate warnings on call to 'addLines'/'addPolys'
  if (!is.null(polys))
    attr(polys, "projection") <- projection;
  labelProjection <- projection;

  # 'projection' type no longer 'logical'; now
  #   NA: no projection
  #   numeric: specified projection
  #   "LL": longitude-latitude
  #   "UTM": UTM

  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  # PART 3: get on with the routine

  # special case of NULL PolySet
  if (is.null(polys)) {
    if (is.null(xlim) || is.null(ylim) || is.null(projection)) {
"To plot a NULL PolySet, pass 'xlim', 'ylim', and 'projection' arguments.\n");
  else {
    # as far as this function is concerned, 'polys' must have an X/Y, and
    # that's it; do a basic check
    polys <- .validateXYData(polys);
    if (is.character(polys)) stop(paste("Invalid PolySet.\n", polys, sep=""));

  # detect limits if necessary
  if (is.null(xlim)) xlim <- range(polys$X);
  if (is.null(ylim)) ylim <- range(polys$Y);

  # check 'dots' for 'type'
  if (is.element("type", names(dots))) {
    if (dots$type == "n") {
      # set 'polys' to NULL since we've decided that type == "n" is equivalent
      # to passing a NULL PolySet
      polys <- NULL;
    } else {
"Either omit 'type' argument or set it to \"n\".\n");

  # set 'col' parameter appropriately for adding labels/etc.
  if (!is.null(polys)) {
    par(col = 1);
  } else {
    if (length(col) > 1) {
"Either omit 'col' argument or set it to a single-element vector when 'polys'",
"equals NULL or 'type = \"n\"'.\n",
                 sep = "\n"));
    } else if (!is.null(col)) {
      par(col = col);

  # save settings in 'options'
  options(map.xlim = xlim);
  options(map.ylim = ylim);
  options(map.projection = projection);

  # create plot region
  .initPlotRegion(projection=projection, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, plt=plt);

  ## plot background colour
  ## note (180605): RH had to specify xpd=TRUE to get `polygon' to honour the pin regions on Windows devga device.
  ## xpd: a logical value or NA. 
  ##      if FALSE, all plotting is clipped to the plot region (appears to be buggy), 
  ##      if TRUE,  all plotting is clipped to the figure region (adopted herein), and 
  ##      if NA, all plotting is clipped to the device region (can also use this but overkill).
  if (!is.null(bg))
    polygon(x=xlim[c(1,2,2,1)], y=ylim[c(1,1,2,2)], col=bg, border=0, xpd=TRUE);

  # plot PolySet 'polys'
  if (!is.null(polys)) {
    if (isType == "polygons") {
      # add polygons
      ret <- addPolys(polys, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, polyProps = polyProps,
                      border = border, lty = lty, col = col, colHoles = colHoles,
                      density = density, angle = angle);
    } else if (isType == "lines")  {
      # add lines
      ret <- addLines(polys, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, polyProps = polyProps,
                      lty = lty, col = col);
    } else if (isType == "points") {
      cex <- list(...)$cex;     # these were passed in '...'
      pch <- list(...)$pch;
      ret <- addPoints(polys, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, polyProps = polyProps,
                       cex = cex, col = col, pch = pch);
    } else {
"Unrecognized 'isType'.\n");
  } else {
    ret <- NULL;

  if (axes) {
    .addAxis(xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, tckLab = tckLab, tck = tck,
             tckMinor = tckMinor, ...);
  else {
    options(map.xline = 1);
    options(map.yline = 1);

  # labels must go after axis
  .addLabels(projection = labelProjection, ...);

  if (axes) {
    # since R won't plot outside the figure region, we don't want the
    # box to have a thicker line width


# .preparePolyProps:
#   Performs at least the following tasks:
#   1) creates 'polyProps' if it equals NULL
#   2) adds an SID column to 'polyProps' if one exists in 'polys'
#   3) removes from 'polyProps' any PIDs that do not exist in 'polys'
.preparePolyProps <- function(polysPID, polysSID, polyProps)
  # make 'polyProps' if necessary
  if (is.null(polyProps)) {
    polyProps <- data.frame(PID = unique(polysPID));
  } else {
    polyProps <- .validatePolyData(polyProps);
    if (is.character(polyProps))
      stop(paste("Invalid PolyData 'polyProps'.\n", polyProps, sep=""));

  # if SIDs in 'polys' but not 'polyProps', add SIDs from 'polys' into
  # 'polyProps'
  if (!is.null(polysSID) && !is.element("SID", names(polyProps))) {
    # identify unique PIDs/SIDs within "polys"
    p <- data.frame(PID=polysPID, SID=polysSID);
    p <- p[!duplicated(.createIDs(p, cols = c("PID", "SID"))), ]

    # only keep PIDs that appear in 'polyProps'
    p <- p[is.element(p$PID, unique(polyProps$PID)), ];

    # add the SIDs to 'polyProps'
    polyProps <- merge(polyProps, p, by="PID");
  return (polyProps);

## .validateData------------------------2018-09-10
## An element of noNACols and keyCols will only be 
## used if it exists in the data. To ensure it 
## exists in the data, make it a requiredCol.
## ------------------------------------------NB/RH
.validateData <- function(data, className,
	requiredCols=NULL, requiredAttr=NULL, noFactorCols=NULL,
	noNACols=NULL, keyCols=NULL, numericCols=NULL)
	fnam = as.character(substitute(data))
	## convert matrix to data frame
	if (is.matrix(data)) {
		data <- .mat2df(data);

	if (is.data.frame(data) && (nrow(data) > 0)) {
		## validate optional class name
		if (!is.null(className) && (class(data)[1] != "data.frame")) {
			if (class(data)[1] != className) {
				return(paste("Unexpected class (", class(data)[1], ").\n", sep=""));

		## ensure all the required columns exist in the PolySet
		if (!is.null(requiredCols) && !all(is.element(requiredCols, names(data)))) {
			return(paste("One or more of the required columns is missing.\n",
			"Required columns: ", paste(requiredCols, collapse = ", "), ".\n", sep=""));

		## ensure all the required attributes exists in the PolySet
		if (!is.null(requiredAttr) && !all(is.element(requiredAttr, names(attributes(data))))) {
			return(paste("One or more of the required attributes is missing.\n",
			"Required attributes: ", paste(requiredAttr, collapse = ", "), ".\n", sep=""));

		## check for NAs
		presentCols <- intersect(noNACols, names(data));
		if (length(presentCols) > 0) {
			# build an expression
			exprStr <- paste(paste("any(is.na(data$", presentCols, "))", sep=""), collapse=" || ");
			if (eval(parse(text=exprStr))) {
				return(paste("One or more columns (where NAs are not allowed) contains NAs.\n",
				"Columns that cannot contain NAs: ", paste(presentCols, collapse = ", "),
				".\n", sep=""));

		## check for factors
		presentCols <- intersect(noFactorCols, names(data));
		if (length(presentCols) > 0) {
			# build an expression
			exprStr <- paste(paste("is.factor(data$", presentCols, ")", sep=""), collapse=" || ");
			if (eval(parse(text=exprStr))) {
				return(paste("One or more columns contains factors where they are not allowed.\n",
				"Columns that cannot contain factors: ", paste(presentCols, collapse = ", "),
				".\n", sep=""));

		## check for uniqueness of the keys
		presentCols <- intersect(keyCols, names(data));
		if (length(presentCols) > 0) {
			if (length(presentCols) == 1) {
				keys <- data[[presentCols]];
			} else if ((length(presentCols) == 2) && ((length(intersect(presentCols, c("PID","SID","POS","EID"))) == 2)
				 || (all(is.integer(data[[presentCols[1]]])) && all(is.integer(data[[presentCols[2]]]))))) {
				## additional tests above to "ensure" the two columns contain integers
				keys <- .createIDs(data, cols=presentCols);
			} else {
				## paste the columns together
				#exprStr <- paste0("paste(", paste0(paste0("data$", presentCols), collapse=", "),");");## no longer seems to work
				#keys <- eval(parse(text=exprStr));
				keys = apply(data[,presentCols],1,paste0,collapse=".")
			## at this point, 'keys' is a vector
			if (any(duplicated(keys))) {
				return(paste("The 'key' for each record is not unique.\n",
				"Columns in key: ", paste(presentCols, collapse = ", "), ".\n", sep=""));

		## check for numeric columns
		presentCols <- intersect(numericCols, names(data));
		if (length(presentCols) > 0) {
			exprStr <- paste(paste("any(!is.numeric(data$", presentCols, "))", sep=""), collapse=" || ");
			if (eval(parse(text=exprStr))) {
				return(paste("One or more columns requires numeric values, but contains non-numerics.\n",
				"Columns that must contain numerics: ", paste(presentCols, collapse = ", "),
				".\n", sep=""));

		## Check for increasing/descreasing POS
		if (!is.null(className) && className == "PolySet") {
			idx <- .createIDs(data, cols=c("PID", "SID"));
			idxFirst <- which(!duplicated(idx));
			idxLast <- c((idxFirst-1)[-1], length(idx));
			## identify the holes
			holes <- (data$POS[idxFirst] > data$POS[idxLast])
			## outer/inner contour indices
			idxOuter <- rep(!holes, times=((idxLast-idxFirst)+1))
			idxInner <- !idxOuter;

			# POS[i] < POS[i+1]?
			lt <- c(data$POS[1:(nrow(data)-1)] < data$POS[2:(nrow(data))], FALSE);

			## Check outer contours; change last vertex of each polygon to
			## what we expect for valid outer contours
			lt[idxLast] <- TRUE;
			## Check for any that aren't in order
			j <- any(!lt[idxOuter])
			if (j) {
				j <- !lt;
				j[idxInner] <- FALSE;
				# add 1 because it's actually the next row that break it
				j <- which(j) + 1;
				return(paste("POS column must contain increasing values for outer contours.\n",
				"Offending rows: ", paste(j, collapse=", "), ".\n",	sep=""));

			## Check inner contours; change last vertex of each polygon to what
			## we expect for valid inner contours
			lt[idxLast] <- FALSE;
			# check for any that aren't in order
			j <- any(lt[idxInner])
			if (j) {
				j <- lt;
				j[idxOuter] <- FALSE;
				# do not add 1
				j <- which(j);

				return(paste("POS column must contain decreasing values for inner contours.\n",
				"Offending rows: ", paste(j, collapse=", "), ".\n",	sep=""));
			} ## end if j

			## Check for orphaned holes or hole vertices outside their solids
			## Note: takes a long time if there are thousand of holes (e.g. 'rca')
			## Originally reported all holes but now only reports bad hole vertices
			## (any hole vertex outside the enclosing solid)
			if (any(class(data) == "PolySet")) {
				polys = data
				polys$idx <- .createIDs(polys, cols=c("PID", "SID"));
				names(holes) = unique(idx) ## assume parallelism from above
				if (any(holes)) {
					solids = !holes
					snams = names(solids)[solids]
					snums = (1:length(solids))[solids]
					plist = list()
					for (i in 1:length(snums)) {
						ii  = snums[i]
						iii = snams[i]
						if (iii==rev(names(solids))[1] || solids[ii+1]) next
						endhole = ifelse (is.na(snums[i+1]) && rev(holes)[1], length(holes), (snums[i+1]-1))
						iholes = holes[(ii+1):endhole]
						if (!all(iholes)) stop ("Check '.validateData' code")
						jjj = names(iholes)
						jdx = idx[is.element(idx,jjj)]
						isolid = polys[is.element(polys$idx,iii),]
						ihole  = polys[is.element(polys$idx, jjj),]
						e.in.p = .is.in(ihole, isolid)
						if (e.in.p$all.in) next
						e.bad  = e.in.p$e.out
						plist[[iii]] = list()
						plist[[iii]][["solid"]] = isolid
						plist[[iii]][["hole.vout"]] = list()
						j.bad = split(e.bad, e.bad$idx)
						plist[[iii]][["hole.vout"]] = j.bad
	#if (length(j.bad)>1) {browser();return()}
					if (length(plist)>0) {
						assign ("solids_holes", plist,  envir=.PBSmapEnv)
						swo  = sapply(plist, function(x){length(x$hole.vout)})  ## solids with # of orphan holes
						## solids with # of holes that have vertices outside enclosing solids (originally 'solids with orphans')
						swo  = sapply(plist, function(x){nh=length(x$hole.vout); nv=sapply(x$hole.vout,nrow); paste0(nh, " hole",ifelse(nh>1,"s",""),": ", paste0("[",names(nv),"]=", nv,"v",collapse="; "))})
						swo.txt = paste0("   Solid ",names(swo)," --> ", swo, collapse="\n")
						cat(paste0("\n******* WARNING *******\n", fnam, ": Hole vertices (v) exist outside solids [PID.SID]:\n", swo.txt, "\nSee object '.PBSmapEnv$solids_holes' for details.\n\n"))
				} ## end if any holes
			} ## end if class==PolySet
		} ## end if className==PolySet
	} else {
		return(paste("The object must be either a matrix or a data frame.\n"));

.validateEventData <- function(EventData)
  # Perform some simple tests on the object to see if it can possibly be
  # an EventData object.
  # If the object is invalid, returns the error message.
                       className = "EventData",
                       requiredCols = c("EID", "X", "Y"),
                       requiredAttr = NULL,
                       noFactorCols = c("EID", "X", "Y"),
                       noNACols = c("EID", "X", "Y"),
                       keyCols = c("EID"),
                       numericCols = c("EID", "X", "Y")));

.validateLocationSet <- function(LocationSet)
  # Perform some simple tests on the object to see if it can possibly be
  # an EventData object.
  # If the object is invalid, returns the error message.
                       className = "LocationSet",
                       requiredCols = c("EID", "PID", "Bdry"),
                       requiredAttr = NULL,
                       noFactorCols = c("EID", "PID", "SID", "Bdry"),
                       noNACols = c("EID", "PID", "SID", "Bdry"),
                       keyCols = c("EID", "PID", "SID"),
                       numericCols = c("EID", "PID", "SID")));

.validatePolyData <- function(PolyData)
  # Perform some simple tests on the object to see if it can possibly be
  # a PolyData object.
  # If the object is invalid, returns the error message.
                       className = "PolyData",
                       requiredCols = c("PID"),
                       requiredAttr = NULL,
                       noFactorCols = c("PID", "SID"),
                       noNACols = c("PID", "SID"),
                       keyCols = c("PID", "SID"),
                       numericCols = c("PID", "SID")));

# 'polyProps' can be event properties, rather than polygon properties
.validatePolyProps <- function(polyProps, parCols = NULL)
  if (is.null(polyProps))
    return (NULL);

  return (.validateData(polyProps,
                        className = "PolyData",
                        requiredCols = NULL,            # PID/SID or EID
                        requiredAttr = NULL,
                        noFactorCols = parCols,
                        noNACols = NULL,
                        keyCols = NULL,
                        numericCols = NULL));

.validatePolySet <- function(polys)
  # Perform some simple tests on the object to see if it can possibly be
  # a PolySet object.
  # If the object is invalid, returns the error message.
                       className = "PolySet",
                       requiredCols = c("PID", "POS", "X", "Y"),
                       requiredAttr = NULL,
                       noFactorCols = c("PID", "SID", "POS", "X", "Y"),
                       noNACols = c("PID", "SID", "POS", "X", "Y"),
                       keyCols = c("PID", "SID", "POS"),
                       numericCols = c("PID", "SID", "POS", "X", "Y")));

.validateXYData <- function(xyData)
  # Perform some simple tests on the object to see if it can possibly be
  # an xyData object.
  # If the object is invalid, returns the error message.
                       className = NULL,
                       requiredCols = c("X", "Y"),
                       requiredAttr = NULL,
                       noFactorCols = c("X", "Y"),
                       noNACols = c("X", "Y"),
                       keyCols = NULL,
                       numericCols = c("X", "Y")));

Try the PBSmapping package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

PBSmapping documentation built on Nov. 4, 2023, 9:08 a.m.