CI.BE: 1-2*alpha confidence interval given point estimate, CV, and n

View source: R/BE_CI.R

CI.BER Documentation

1–2*alpha confidence interval given point estimate, CV, and n


Utility function to calculate the 1–2α CI given point estimate, CV, and n for the various designs covered in this package.


CI.BE(alpha = 0.05, pe, CV, n, design = "2x2", robust = FALSE)



Type I error probability, significance level. Defaults to 0.05.


Point estimate (GMR).


Coefficient of variation as ratio (not percent).


Total number of subjects if a scalar is given.
Number of subjects in (sequence) groups if given as vector.


Character string describing the study’s design.
See known.designs() for designs covered in this package.


Defaults to FALSE.
Setting to TRUE will use the degrees of freedom according to the ‘robust’ evaluation (aka Senn’s basic estimator). These degrees of freedom are calculated as n-seq.
See known.designs()$df2 for designs covered in this package.


Returns the 1–2α confidence interval.
Returns a vector with named elements lower, upper if arguments pe and CV are scalars, else a matrix with columns lower, upper is returned.


The function assumes an evaluation using log-transformed data.
The function assumes equal variances in case of design="parallel" and the higher order crossover designs.
The implemented formula covers balanced and unbalanced designs.

Whether the function vectorizes properly is not thoroughly tested.


D. Labes


# 90% confidence interval for the 2x2 crossover
# n(total) = 24
CI.BE(pe = 0.95, CV = 0.3, n = 24)
# should give
#     lower     upper 
# 0.8213465 1.0988055 
# same total number but unequal sequences
CI.BE(pe = 0.95, CV = 0.3, n = c(13, 11))
#     lower     upper
# 0.8209294 1.0993637   

PowerTOST documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:40 a.m.