
Defines functions tsrq nlLoss rcLoss l1Loss invmap map invbc bc invao ao invmcjII mcjII invmcjI mcjI invcloglog cloglog invlogit logit powrecbase invpowerbase powerbase

Documented in ao bc cloglog invao invbc invcloglog invlogit invmap invmcjI invmcjII invpowerbase l1Loss logit map mcjI mcjII nlLoss powerbase powrecbase rcLoss tsrq

### Transformation models

# base transformation functions

powerbase <- function(x, lambda){
(x^(lambda) - 1)/lambda

invpowerbase <- function(x, lambda, replace = TRUE){
sx <- if(replace) 0 else NA
val <- (lambda*x + 1)^(1/lambda)
val[(lambda*x + 1) <= 0] <- sx

powrecbase <- function(x, lambda){
1/(2*lambda) * (x^lambda - x^(-lambda))

# Logit transformation
logit <- function(theta, omega = 0.001){
if(any(theta < 0) | any(theta > 1)) stop("theta outside interval")
theta[theta == 0] <- omega
theta[theta == 1] <- 1-omega
val <- log(theta/(1-theta))

# Inverse logit transformation
invlogit <- function(x){
val <- exp(x)/(1 + exp(x))
val[val < 0] <- 0
val[val > 1] <- 1

# c-log-log transformation
cloglog <- function(theta, omega = 0.001){
if(any(theta < 0) | any(theta > 1)) stop("theta outside interval")
theta[theta == 0] <- omega
theta[theta == 1] <- 1-omega
val <- log(-log(1 - theta))

# inverse c-log-log transformation
invcloglog <- function(x){
val <- 1 - exp(-exp(x))

# Proposal I (one parameter)

mcjI <- function(x, lambda, symm = TRUE, dbounded = FALSE, omega = 0.001){

	if(any(x < 0) | any(x > 1)) stop("x outside interval")
	x[x == 0] <- omega
	x[x == 1] <- 1 - omega
} else {
	if(any(x <= 0)) stop("x must be strictly positive")

		x <- x/(1-x)
	} else {
		x <- -log(1-x)
} else {
		x <- log(1+x)

if(lambda != 0){
	val <-  powrecbase(x, lambda)
	} else {val <- log(x)}



# Inverse proposal I (one parameter)

invmcjI <- function(x, lambda, symm = TRUE, dbounded = FALSE){

		if(lambda != 0){
				x <- lambda*x
				y <- (x + sqrt(1 + x^2))^(1/lambda)
				val <- y/(1+y)
			} else {
			val <- invlogit(x)
	} else {
		if(lambda != 0){
				x <- lambda*x
				val <- (x + sqrt(1 + x^2))^(1/lambda)
				val <- 1 - exp(-val)
			} else {
			val <- invcloglog(x)
else {
	if(lambda != 0){
		x <- lambda*x
		val <- (x + sqrt(1 + x^2))^(1/lambda)
	} else {val <- exp(x)}

		val <- exp(val) - 1


# Proposal II (two parameters)

mcjII <- function(x, lambda, delta, dbounded = FALSE, omega = 0.001){

	if(any(x < 0) | any(x > 1)) stop("x outside interval")
	x[x == 0] <- omega
	x[x == 1] <- 1 - omega
} else {
	if(any(x <= 0)) stop("x must be strictly positive")

if(lambda == 0){
	lambda <- 1e-10
if(delta == 0){
	delta <- 1e-10

	x <- ((1-x)^(-delta) - 1)/delta
	val <- powrecbase(x, lambda)
else {
	x <- x/(1+x)
	x <- ((1-x)^(-delta) - 1)/delta
	val <- powrecbase(x, lambda)



# Inverse proposal II (two parameters)

invmcjII <- function(x, lambda, delta, dbounded = FALSE){

if(lambda == 0){
	lambda <- 1e-10
if(delta == 0){
	delta <- 1e-10

	x <- lambda*x
	val <- (x + sqrt(1 + x^2))^(1/lambda)
	val <- 1 - (val*delta + 1)^(-1/delta)
else {
	x <- lambda*x
	val <- (x + sqrt(1 + x^2))^(1/lambda)
	val <- 1 - (val*delta + 1)^(-1/delta)
	val <- val/(1-val)


# Aranda-Ordaz transformation (symmetric and asymmetric)

ao <- function(theta, lambda, symm = TRUE, omega = 0.001){
if(any(theta < 0) | any(theta > 1)) stop("theta outside interval")
theta[theta == 0] <- omega
theta[theta == 1] <- 1 - omega

	if(lambda != 0){
	val <- (2/lambda)* ((theta^lambda) - (1-theta)^lambda)/((theta^lambda) + (1-theta)^lambda)
	} else {
	val <- logit(theta)
} else {
	if(lambda != 0){
	val <- log(((1-theta)^(-lambda) - 1)/lambda)
	} else {
	val <- cloglog(theta)



# Inverse Aranda-Ordaz transformation (symmetric and asymmetric)

invao <- function(x, lambda, symm  = TRUE, replace = TRUE){
sx <- if(replace) 0 else NA
dx <- if(replace) 1 else NA

	if(lambda != 0){
		y <- (lambda*x/2)
		a <- (1 + y)^(1/lambda)
		b <- (1 - y)^(1/lambda)
		val <- rep(dx, length(x))
		val <- ifelse(abs(y) < 1, a/(a + b), val)
		val[y <= -1] <- sx
	} else {val <- invlogit(x)}
} else {
	if(lambda != 0){
		y <- lambda*exp(x)
		val <- ifelse(y > -1, 1 - (1 + y)^(-1/lambda), 1)
	} else {val <- invcloglog(x)}


# Box-Cox transformation

bc <- function(x, lambda){
if(any(x <= 0)) stop("x must be strictly positive")
val <- if(lambda != 0) powerbase(x, lambda) else log(x)

# Inverse Box-Cox transformation

invbc <- function(x, lambda, replace = TRUE){

val <- if(lambda != 0) invpowerbase(x, lambda, replace = replace) else exp(x)

# Mapping from x.r[1],x.r[2] to 0,1

map <- function(x, x.r = NULL){
if(is.null(x.r)) x.r <- range(x, na.rm = TRUE)
theta <- (x - x.r[1])/(x.r[2] - x.r[1])
attr(theta, "range") <- x.r

# Mapping from 0,1 to x.r[1],x.r[2]

invmap <- function(x, x.r = NULL){

if(is.null(x.r)) x.r <- attr(x, "range")

(x.r[2] - x.r[1]) * x + x.r[1]


# L1-norm and residual cusum loss functions
l1Loss <- function(x, tau, weights){

ind <- ifelse(x < 0, 1, 0)
sum(weights * x * (tau - ind))/sum(weights)


rcLoss <- function(lambda, x, y, weights, tsf, symm = TRUE, dbounded = FALSE, tau = 0.5, method.rq = "fn"){

if(length(tau) > 1) stop("One quantile at a time")
n <- length(y)
out <- rep(NA, n)

z <- switch(tsf,
	mcjI = mcjI(y, lambda, symm, dbounded, omega = 0.001),
	bc = bc(y, lambda),
	ao = ao(y, lambda, symm, omega = 0.001)

Rfun <- function(x, t, e) mean(apply(x, 1, function(xj,t) all(xj <= t), t = t) * e)

fit <- try(rq.wfit(x, z, tau = tau, weights = weights, method = method.rq), silent = T)

if(!inherits(fit, "try-error")){
	e <- as.numeric(fit$residuals <= 0)
	#out <- apply(x, 1, function(t, z, e) Rfun(z, t, e), z = x, e = tau - e)
	for(i in 1:n){
	#out[i] <- mean(apply(x, 1, function(x,t) all(x <= t), t = x[i,]) * (tau - e))
	out[i] <- mean(apply(t(x) <= x[i,], 2, function(x) all(x)) * (tau - e))	



nlLoss <- function(theta, x, y, tau, tsf, symm = TRUE, dbounded = FALSE, smooth = FALSE, omicron = 0.001) {

	ans <- Inf
	attr(ans, "grad") <- matrix(Inf, ncol(x))

n <- length(y)
eta <- x %*% matrix(theta[-1])
res <- switch(tsf,
	bc = y - invbc(eta, lambda = theta[1]),
	ao = y - invao(eta, lambda = theta[1], symm = symm),
	mcjI = y - invmcjI(eta, lambda = theta[1], symm = symm, dbounded = dbounded)

d1 <- switch(tsf,
	bc = d1bc(eta, lambda = theta[1]),
	ao = d1ao(eta, lambda = theta[1], symm = symm),
	mcjI = d1mcjI(eta, lambda = theta[1], symm = symm, dbounded = dbounded)

d2 <- switch(tsf,
	bc = d2bc(eta, lambda = theta[1]),
	ao = d2ao(eta, lambda = theta[1], symm = symm),
	mcjI = d2mcjI(eta, lambda = theta[1], symm = symm, dbounded = dbounded)

	s <- ifelse(res <= (tau - 1)*omicron, -1, ifelse(res >= tau*omicron, 1, 0))
	w <- as.numeric(1 - s^2)
	W <- diag(w, n, n)
	vs <- s*((2*tau - 1)*s + 1)/2
	cs <- sum(0.25*(1-2*tau)*omicron*s - 0.25*(1-2*tau+2*tau^2)*omicron*s^2)
	res <- matrix(res)
	ans <- as.numeric(0.5 * omicron * t(res) %*% W %*% res + t(vs) %*% res + cs)
	gradl <- -sum(1/omicron * W %*% (res * d2) + (vs * d2))
	gradb <- -t(x) %*% matrix(1/omicron * W %*% (res * d1) + (vs * d1))
	grad <- c(gradl, gradb)
	#hess <- 1/omicron * t(x) %*% (W * d1) %*% x
} else {
	ind <- tau - as.numeric(res < 0)
	ans <- as.numeric(sum(res*ind))
	grad <- c(-sum(ind*d2), -t(x) %*% (ind * d1))
	#hess <- matrix(0, ncol(x), ncol(x))

	ans <- Inf
	grad <- matrix(Inf, ncol(x))

attr(ans, "grad") <- matrix(grad)


# One-parameter transformations (MCJI, Box-Cox, Aranda-Ordaz)

# Two-stage estimator

tsrq <- function(formula, data = sys.frame(sys.parent()), tsf = "mcjI", symm = TRUE, dbounded = FALSE, lambda = NULL, conditional = FALSE, tau = 0.5, subset, weights, na.action, contrasts = NULL, method = "fn"){

if(any(tau <= 0) | any(tau >= 1)) stop("Quantile index out of range")

nq <- length(tau)

call <- match.call()
mf <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
m <- match(c("formula", "data", "subset", "weights", "na.action"), names(mf), 0L)
mf <- mf[c(1L, m)]
if (method == "model.frame") 
mf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
mf[[1L]] <- as.name("model.frame")
mf <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
mt <- attr(mf, "terms")
x <- model.matrix(mt, mf, contrasts)
y <-  y.old <- model.response(mf, "numeric")
w <- if (missing(weights)) rep(1, length(y)) else as.vector(model.weights(mf))

if(tsf == "mcjII") stop("For two-parameter transformations, see 'tsrq2' and 'nlrq2'")
if(!tsf %in% c("bc","ao","mcjI")) stop("'tsf' not recognized")

isBounded <- (tsf == "mcjI" && dbounded)
isBounded <- tsf == "ao" || isBounded
if(isBounded) y <- map(y)

if(is.null(lambda) && !conditional){
	lambda <- if(tsf == "ao" & symm == FALSE) seq(-2, 2, by = 0.005)
		else seq(0, 2, by = 0.005)
nl <- length(lambda)

n <- length(y)
p <- ncol(x)

zhat <- res <- array(NA, dim = c(n, nq, nl))
matLoss <- rejected <- matrix(NA, nq, nl)
Ind <- array(NA, dim = c(n, nq, nl))

	# estimate linear QR for a sequence of lambdas
	for(i in 1:nl){

	# transform response
	newresponse <- switch(tsf,
		mcjI = mcjI(y, lambda[i], symm, dbounded, omega = 0.001),
		bc = bc(y, lambda[i]),
		ao = ao(y, lambda[i], symm, omega = 0.001)

	# estimate linear QR for different taus
		for(j in 1:nq){
			fit <- try(do.call(rq.wfit, args = list(x = x, y = newresponse, tau = tau[j], weights = w, method = method)), silent = TRUE)
			if(!inherits(fit, "try-error")){
			zhat[,j,i] <- drop(x %*% fit$coefficients)
			Fitted <- switch(tsf,
				mcjI = invmcjI(zhat[,j,i], lambda[i], symm, dbounded),
				bc = invbc(zhat[,j,i], lambda[i]),
				ao = invao(zhat[,j,i], lambda[i], symm),
			res <- y - Fitted
			if(tsf == "bc"){
				FLAG <- lambda[i]*zhat[,j,i] + 1 > 0
				Ind[,j,i] <- FLAG
				rejected[j,i] <- mean(!FLAG)

			if(tsf == "ao" & symm == TRUE){
				FLAG <- abs(lambda[i]*zhat[,j,i]/2) - 1 < 0
				Ind[,j,i] <- FLAG
				rejected[j,i] <- mean(!FLAG)
			matLoss[j,i] <- l1Loss(res, tau = tau[j], weights = w)
	if(all(is.na(matLoss))) return(list(call = call, y = y, x = x))
	# minimise for lambda
	lambdahat <- apply(matLoss, 1, function(x, lambda) lambda[which.min(x)], lambda = lambda)
} else {
	if(is.null(lambda)) stop("Must specify value for 'lambda' when 'conditional = TRUE'")
	if(length(lambda) != nq) stop("Length of 'lambda' must be the same as length of 'tau'")
	lambdahat <- lambda

betahat <- matrix(NA, p, nq)
colnames(betahat) <- tau
Fitted <- matrix(NA, n, nq)
colnames(Fitted) <- tau
fit <- list()
Rho <- function(u, tau) u * (tau - (u < 0))

for(j in 1:nq){
	# transform response with optimal lambda
	newresponse <- switch(tsf,
		mcjI = mcjI(y, lambdahat[j], symm, dbounded, omega = 0.001),
		bc = bc(y, lambdahat[j]),
		ao = ao(y, lambdahat[j], symm, omega = 0.001)
	# fit final model
	z <- do.call(rq.wfit, args = list(x = x, y = newresponse, tau = tau[j], weights = w, method = method))

	betahat[,j] <- coefficients(z)
	tmp <- z$fitted.values
	Fitted[,j] <- switch(tsf,
		mcjI = invmcjI(tmp, lambdahat[j], symm, dbounded),
		bc = invbc(tmp, lambdahat[j]),
		ao = invao(tmp, lambdahat[j], symm)
	class(z) <- "rq"
	z$na.action <- attr(mf, "na.action")
	z$formula <- stats::update(formula, newresponse ~ .)
	z$terms <- mt
	z$xlevels <- .getXlevels(mt, mf)
	z$call <- call
	z$tau <- tau[j]
	z$weights <- w
	z$residuals <- drop(z$residuals)
	z$rho <- sum(Rho(z$residuals, tau[j]))
	z$method <- method
	z$fitted.values <- drop(z$fitted.values)
	attr(z, "na.message") <- attr(m, "na.message")
	z$model <- mf
	fit[[j]] <- z

	Fitted <- apply(Fitted, 2, function(x,x.r) invmap(x, x.r), x.r = range(y.old))

dimnames(betahat) <- list(dimnames(x)[[2]], paste("tau =", format(round(tau, 3))))
names(lambdahat) <- paste("tau =", format(round(tau, 3)))

fit$call <- call
fit$method <- method
fit$mf <- mf
mf <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
m <- match(c("formula", "data", "subset", "weights", "na.action"), names(mf), 0L)
mf <- mf[c(1L, m)]
mf[[1L]] <- as.name("get_all_vars")
fit$data <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
fit$y <- y.old
if(isBounded) fit$theta <- y
fit$x <- x
fit$weights <- w
fit$tau <- tau
fit$lambda <- lambdahat
fit$lambda.grid <- if(conditional) NULL else lambda
fit$tsf <- tsf
attr(fit$tsf, "symm") <- symm
attr(fit$tsf, "dbounded") <- dbounded
attr(fit$tsf, "isBounded") <- isBounded
attr(fit$tsf, "npar") <- 1
attr(fit$tsf, "conditional") <- conditional
fit$objective <- matLoss
fit$optimum <- apply(matLoss, 1, function(x) x[which.min(x)])
fit$coefficients <- betahat
fit$fitted.values <- drop(Fitted)
fit$rejected <- rejected
fit$terms <- mt
fit$term.labels <- colnames(x)
fit$rdf <- n - p - 1
fit$fn <- "tsrq"
class(fit) <- "rqt"

# Cusum process estimator

rcrq <- function(formula, data = sys.frame(sys.parent()), tsf = "mcjI", symm = TRUE, dbounded = FALSE, lambda = NULL, tau = 0.5, subset, weights, na.action, contrasts = NULL, method = "fn"){

if(any(tau <= 0) | any(tau >= 1)) stop("Quantile index out of range")

nq <- length(tau)

call <- match.call()
mf <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
m <- match(c("formula", "data", "subset", "weights", "na.action"), names(mf), 0L)
mf <- mf[c(1L, m)]
if (method == "model.frame") 
mf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
mf[[1L]] <- as.name("model.frame")
mf <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
mt <- attr(mf, "terms")
x <- model.matrix(mt, mf, contrasts)
y <-  y.old <- model.response(mf, "numeric")
w <- if (missing(weights)) rep(1, length(y)) else as.vector(model.weights(mf))

if(tsf == "mcjII") stop("For two-parameter transformations, see 'tsrq2' and 'nlrq2'")
if(!tsf %in% c("bc","ao","mcjI")) stop("'tsf' not recognized")

isBounded <- (tsf == "mcjI" && dbounded)
isBounded <- tsf == "ao" || isBounded
if(isBounded) y <- map(y)

	lambda <- if(tsf == "ao" & symm == FALSE) seq(-2, 2, by = 0.05)
		else seq(0, 2, by = 0.05)

n <- length(y)
p <- ncol(x)
nl <- length(lambda)

matLoss <- rejected <- matrix(NA, nq, nl)

for(i in 1:nl){

# estimate linear QR for for sequence of lambdas

	for(j in 1:nq){
	matLoss[j,i] <- rcLoss(lambda[i], x, y, w, tsf, symm = symm, dbounded = dbounded, tau = tau[j], method.rq = method)


if(all(is.na(matLoss))) return(list(call = call, y = y, x = x))

# minimise for lambda
lambdahat <- apply(matLoss, 1, function(x, lambda) lambda[which.min(x)], lambda = lambda)

betahat <- matrix(NA, p, nq)
colnames(betahat) <- tau
Fitted <- matrix(NA, n, nq)
colnames(Fitted) <- tau
fit <- list()
Rho <- function(u, tau) u * (tau - (u < 0))

for(j in 1:nq){
	# transform response with optimal lambda
	newresponse <- switch(tsf,
		mcjI = mcjI(y, lambdahat[j], symm, dbounded, omega = 0.001),
		bc = bc(y, lambdahat[j]),
		ao = ao(y, lambdahat[j], symm, omega = 0.001)
	# fit final model
	z <- do.call(rq.wfit, args = list(x = x, y = newresponse, tau = tau[j], weights = w, method = method))

	betahat[,j] <- coefficients(z)
	tmp <- z$fitted.values
	Fitted[,j] <- switch(tsf,
		mcjI = invmcjI(tmp, lambdahat[j], symm, dbounded),
		bc = invbc(tmp, lambdahat[j]),
		ao = invao(tmp, lambdahat[j], symm)
	class(z) <- "rq"
	z$na.action <- attr(mf, "na.action")
	z$formula <- stats::update(formula, newresponse ~ .)
	z$terms <- mt
	z$xlevels <- .getXlevels(mt, mf)
	z$call <- call
	z$tau <- tau[j]
	z$weights <- w
	z$residuals <- drop(z$residuals)
	z$rho <- sum(Rho(z$residuals, tau[j]))
	z$method <- method
	z$fitted.values <- drop(z$fitted.values)
	attr(z, "na.message") <- attr(m, "na.message")
	z$model <- mf
	fit[[j]] <- z

	Fitted <- apply(Fitted, 2, function(x,x.r) invmap(x, x.r), x.r = range(y.old))

dimnames(betahat) <- list(dimnames(x)[[2]], paste("tau =", format(round(tau, 3))))
names(lambdahat) <- paste("tau =", format(round(tau, 3)))

fit$call <- call
fit$method <- method
fit$mf <- mf
mf <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
m <- match(c("formula", "data", "subset", "weights", "na.action"), names(mf), 0L)
mf <- mf[c(1L, m)]
mf[[1L]] <- as.name("get_all_vars")
fit$data <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
fit$y <- y.old
if(isBounded) fit$theta <- y
fit$x <- x
fit$weights <- w
fit$tau <- tau
fit$lambda <- lambdahat
fit$lambda.grid <- lambda
fit$tsf <- tsf
attr(fit$tsf, "symm") <- symm
attr(fit$tsf, "dbounded") <- dbounded
attr(fit$tsf, "isBounded") <- isBounded
attr(fit$tsf, "npar") <- 1
attr(fit$tsf, "conditional") <- FALSE
fit$objective <- matLoss
fit$optimum <- apply(matLoss, 1, function(x) x[which.min(x)])
fit$coefficients <- betahat
fit$fitted.values <- drop(Fitted)
fit$rejected <- rejected
fit$terms <- mt
fit$term.labels <- colnames(x)
fit$rdf <- n - p - 1
fit$fn <- "rcrq"
class(fit) <- "rqt"


# Nonlinear estimator

switch_check <- function(l0, l1, tol_ll, t0, t1, tol_theta, rule = "1"){
    deltal <- abs(l1/l0 - 1)
    deltat <- max(abs(t1/t0 - 1))
    switch(rule, `1` = deltal < tol_ll, `2` = deltal < tol_ll && 
        deltat < tol_theta)

nlControl <- function(tol_ll = 1e-05, tol_theta = 0.001, check_theta = FALSE, step = NULL, beta = 0.5, gamma = 1.25, reset_step = FALSE, maxit = 1000, smooth = FALSE, omicron = 0.001, verbose = FALSE) 
    if (beta > 1 || beta < 0) 
        stop("Beta must be a decreasing factor in (0,1)")
    if (gamma < 1) 
        stop("Beta must be a nondecreasing factor >= 1")
    if (maxit < 0) 
        stop("Number of iterations cannot be negative")
    list(tol_ll = tol_ll, tol_theta = tol_theta, 
        check_theta = check_theta, step = step, beta = beta, 
        gamma = gamma, reset_step = reset_step, maxit = as.integer(maxit),
        smooth = smooth, omicron = omicron, verbose = verbose)

nl.fit.rqt <- function(theta, x, y, tau, tsf, symm = TRUE, dbounded = FALSE, control){

step <- control$step
maxit <- control$maxit

theta_0 <- theta
ll_0 <- nlLoss(theta = theta_0, x = x, y = y, tau = tau, tsf = tsf, symm = symm, dbounded = dbounded, smooth = control$smooth, omicron = control$omicron)
eps <- .Machine$double.eps

for(i in 1:maxit) {
	if(control$verbose) cat(paste0("  (", i, ") logLik = ", round(ll_0,12), "\n"))
	# line search
	theta_1 <- theta_0 - attributes(ll_0)$grad*step
	ll_1 <- nlLoss(theta = theta_1, x = x, y = y, tau = tau, tsf = tsf, symm = symm, dbounded = dbounded, smooth = control$smooth, omicron = control$omicron)

	if(ll_1 > ll_0){
		if(control$verbose) cat("  Decreasing step...\n")
		step <- step*control$beta
	} else {
		rule <- if(control$check_theta) "2" else "1"
		check <- switch_check(ll_0, ll_1, control$tol_ll, theta_0, theta_1, control$tol_theta, rule = rule)
		if(check) break
		theta_0 <- theta_1
		ll_0 <- ll_1
		step <- if(control$reset_step) control$loop_step else step*control$gamma

list(par = as.numeric(theta_1), grad = attributes(ll_1)$grad, optimum = as.numeric(ll_1), CONVERGE = if(i==maxit) -1 else i)


nlrq1 <- function(formula, data = sys.frame(sys.parent()), tsf = "mcjI", symm = TRUE, dbounded = FALSE, start = NULL, tau = 0.5, subset, weights, na.action, contrasts = NULL, control = list()){

if(any(tau <= 0) | any(tau >= 1)) stop("Quantile index out of range")

nq <- length(tau)

call <- match.call()
mf <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
m <- match(c("formula", "data", "subset", "weights", "na.action"), names(mf), 0L)
mf <- mf[c(1L, m)]
mf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
mf[[1L]] <- as.name("model.frame")
mf <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
mt <- attr(mf, "terms")
x <- model.matrix(mt, mf, contrasts)
y <-  y.old <- model.response(mf, "numeric")
w <- if (missing(weights)) rep(1, length(y)) else as.vector(model.weights(mf))

if(tsf == "mcjII") stop("For two-parameter transformations, see 'tsrq2' and 'nlrq2'")
if(!tsf %in% c("bc","ao","mcjI")) stop("'tsf' not recognized")

isBounded <- (tsf == "mcjI" && dbounded)
isBounded <- tsf == "ao" || isBounded
if(isBounded) y <- map(y)

n <- length(y)
p <- ncol(x)

# starting values
lambda_0 <- if(is.null(start)) 0 else start[1]

newresponse <- switch(tsf,
	mcjI = mcjI(y, lambda = lambda_0, symm = symm, dbounded = dbounded, omega = 0.001),
	bc = bc(y, lambda = lambda_0),
	ao = ao(y, lambda = lambda_0, symm = symm, omega = 0.001)

	start <- c(lambda_0, rq.fit(x, newresponse, tau = 0.5)$coef)
} else {
	if(length(start) != (p + 1)) stop("Length of vector of starting values does not match number of parameters")

if (is.null(names(control))) 
	control <- nlControl()
else {
	control_default <- nlControl()
	control_names <- intersect(names(control), names(control_default))
	control_default[control_names] <- control[control_names]
	control <- control_default
if (is.null(control$step)) 
	control$step <- sd(as.numeric(y))

# estimate nonlinear QR using gradient search

fit <- list()
betahat <- matrix(NA, p, nq)
lambdahat <- rep(NA, nq)
Fitted <- matrix(NA, n, nq)

for(j in 1:nq){
	fit[[j]] <- try(nl.fit.rqt(theta = start, x = x, y = y, tau = tau[j], tsf = tsf, symm = symm, dbounded = dbounded, control = control))
		tmp <- x%*%matrix(fit[[j]]$par[-1])
		betahat[,j] <- fit[[j]]$par[-1]
		lambdahat[j] <- fit[[j]]$par[1]
		Fitted[,j] <- switch(tsf,
			mcjI = invmcjI(tmp, lambdahat[j], symm, dbounded),
			bc = invbc(tmp, lambdahat[j]),
			ao = invao(tmp, lambdahat[j], symm)

	Fitted <- apply(Fitted, 2, function(x,x.r) invmap(x, x.r), x.r = range(y.old))

dimnames(betahat) <- list(dimnames(x)[[2]], paste("tau =", format(round(tau, 3))))
names(lambdahat) <- paste("tau =", format(round(tau, 3)))

fit$call <- call
fit$method <- "gradient-search"
fit$mf <- mf
mf <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
m <- match(c("formula", "data", "subset", "weights", "na.action"), names(mf), 0L)
mf <- mf[c(1L, m)]
mf[[1L]] <- as.name("get_all_vars")
fit$data <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
fit$y <- y.old
if(isBounded) fit$theta <- y
fit$x <- x
fit$weights <- w
fit$tau <- tau
fit$lambda <- lambdahat
fit$tsf <- tsf
attr(fit$tsf, "symm") <- symm
attr(fit$tsf, "dbounded") <- dbounded
attr(fit$tsf, "isBounded") <- isBounded
attr(fit$tsf, "npar") <- 1
attr(fit$tsf, "conditional") <- FALSE
fit$coefficients <- betahat
fit$fitted.values <- drop(Fitted)
fit$terms <- mt
fit$term.labels <- colnames(x)
fit$rdf <- n - p - 1
fit$fn <- "nlrq1"
fit$control <- control
class(fit) <- "rqt"

# Two-parameter transformations (MCJII)

# Two-stage estimator

tsrq2 <- function(formula, data = sys.frame(sys.parent()), dbounded = FALSE, lambda = NULL, delta = NULL, conditional = FALSE, tau = 0.5, subset, weights, na.action, contrasts = NULL, method = "fn"){

if(any(tau <= 0) | any(tau >= 1)) stop("Quantile index out of range")

call <- match.call()
mf <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
m <- match(c("formula", "data", "subset", "weights", "na.action"), 
	names(mf), 0)
mf <- mf[c(1, m)]
mf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
mf[[1]] <- as.name("model.frame")
mf <- eval.parent(mf)
if (method == "model.frame") 
mt <- attr(mf, "terms")
x <- model.matrix(mt, mf, contrasts)
y <- y.old <- model.response(mf)
w <- if (missing(weights)) rep(1, length(y)) else as.vector(model.weights(mf))
if(dbounded) y <- map(y)

if(is.null(lambda) && !conditional){
	lambda <- seq(0, 2, by = 0.005)
if(is.null(delta) && !conditional){
	delta <- seq(0, 2, by = 0.005)
nl <- length(lambda)
nd <- length(delta)

n <- length(y)
p <- ncol(x)
nq <- length(tau)

matLoss <- array(NA, dim = c(nl, nd, nq), dimnames = list(lambda = 1:nl, delta = 1:nd, tau = tau))

	for(k in 1:nd){
		for(i in 1:nl){
		# transform response
		newresponse <- mcjII(y, lambda[i], delta[k], dbounded, omega = 0.001)
			for(j in 1:nq){
			fit <- try(do.call(rq.wfit, args = list(x = x, y = newresponse, tau = tau[j], weights = w, method = method)), silent = TRUE)
				if(!inherits(fit, "try-error")){
				Fitted <- invmcjII(drop(x %*% fit$coefficients), lambda[i], delta[k], dbounded)
				matLoss[i,k,j] <- l1Loss(y - Fitted, tau = tau[j], weights = w)
	if(all(is.na(matLoss))) return(list(call = call, y = y, x = x))

	# minimise for lambda
	parhat <- apply(matLoss, 3, function(x, lambda, delta){
	m <- which(x == min(x, na.rm = TRUE), arr.ind = TRUE)[1,];
	return(c(lambda[m[1]], delta[m[2]]))}, lambda = lambda, delta = delta)
} else {
	if(is.null(lambda)) stop("Must specify value for 'lambda' when 'conditional = TRUE'")
	if(length(lambda) != nq) stop("Length of 'lambda' must be the same as length of 'tau'")
	if(is.null(delta)) stop("Must specify value for 'delta' when 'conditional = TRUE'")
	if(length(delta) != nq) stop("Length of 'delta' must be the same as length of 'tau'")
	parhat <- matrix(c(lambda, delta), ncol = nq, byrow = TRUE)

betahat <- matrix(NA, p, nq)
Fitted <- matrix(NA, n, nq)
colnames(Fitted) <- tau
fit <- list()
Rho <- function(u, tau) u * (tau - (u < 0))

for(j in 1:nq){
	# transform response with optimal lambda
	newresponse <- mcjII(y, parhat[1,j], parhat[2,j], dbounded, omega = 0.001)
	# fit final model
	z <- do.call(rq.wfit, args = list(x = x, y = newresponse, tau = tau[j], weights = w, method = method))

	betahat[,j] <- coefficients(z)
	tmp <- z$fitted.values
	Fitted[,j] <- invmcjII(z$fitted.values, parhat[1,j], parhat[2,j], dbounded)
	class(z) <- "rq"
	z$na.action <- attr(mf, "na.action")
	z$formula <- stats::update(formula, newresponse ~ .)
	z$terms <- mt
	z$xlevels <- .getXlevels(mt, mf)
	z$call <- call
	z$tau <- tau[j]
	z$weights <- w
	z$residuals <- drop(z$residuals)
	z$rho <- sum(Rho(z$residuals, tau[j]))
	z$method <- method
	z$fitted.values <- drop(z$fitted.values)
	attr(z, "na.message") <- attr(m, "na.message")
	z$model <- mf
	fit[[j]] <- z

	Fitted <- apply(Fitted, 2, function(x,x.r) invmap(x, x.r), x.r = range(y.old))

dimnames(betahat) <- list(dimnames(x)[[2]], paste("tau =", format(round(tau, 3))))
dimnames(parhat) <- list(c("lambda","delta"), paste("tau =", format(round(tau, 3))))

fit$call <- call
fit$method <- method
fit$mf <- mf
mf <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
m <- match(c("formula", "data", "subset", "weights", "na.action"), names(mf), 0L)
mf <- mf[c(1L, m)]
mf[[1L]] <- as.name("get_all_vars")
fit$data <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
fit$y <- y.old
if(dbounded) fit$theta <- y
fit$x <- x
fit$weights <- w
fit$tau <- tau
fit$eta <- parhat
fit$lambda.grid <- if(conditional) NULL else lambda
fit$delta.grid <- if(conditional) NULL else delta
fit$tsf <- "mcjII"
attr(fit$tsf, "dbounded") <- dbounded
attr(fit$tsf, "isBounded") <- dbounded
attr(fit$tsf, "npar") <- 2
attr(fit$tsf, "conditional") <- conditional
fit$objective <- matLoss
fit$optimum <- if(conditional) NA else apply(matLoss, 3, function(x){m <- which(x == min(x, na.rm = TRUE), arr.ind = TRUE)[1,];return(x[m[1],m[2]])})
fit$coefficients <- betahat
fit$fitted.values <- drop(Fitted)
fit$terms <- mt
fit$term.labels <- colnames(x)
fit$rdf <- n - p - 2
fit$fn <- "tsrq2"
class(fit) <- "rqt"

# Nelder-Mead optimization (joint estimation)

nlrq2 <- function(formula, data = sys.frame(sys.parent()), dbounded = FALSE, start = NULL, tau = 0.5, subset, weights, na.action, contrasts = NULL){

if(any(tau <= 0) | any(tau >= 1)) stop("Quantile index out of range")

call <- match.call()
mf <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
m <- match(c("formula", "data", "subset", "weights", "na.action"), 
	names(mf), 0)
mf <- mf[c(1, m)]
mf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
mf[[1]] <- as.name("model.frame")
mf <- eval.parent(mf)
mt <- attr(mf, "terms")
x <- model.matrix(mt, mf, contrasts)
y <- y.old <- model.response(mf)
w <- if (missing(weights)) rep(1, length(y)) else as.vector(model.weights(mf))
if(dbounded) y <- map(y)

n <- length(y)
p <- ncol(x)
nq <- length(tau)

if(is.null(start)) start <- rep(0, p + 2)

f <- function(theta, dataLs){

	if(theta[2] < 0) return(Inf)
	Fitted <- invmcjII(dataLs$x %*% matrix(theta[-c(1:2)]), lambda = theta[1], delta = theta[2], dbounded = dataLs$dbounded)
	return(l1Loss(dataLs$y - Fitted, tau = dataLs$tau, weights = dataLs$weights))

fit <- list()
betahat <- matrix(NA, p, nq)
parhat <- matrix(NA, 2, nq)
Fitted <- matrix(NA, n, nq)

for(j in 1:nq){
	fit[[j]] <- try(optim(par = start, fn = f, method = "Nelder-Mead", dataLs = list(x = x, y = y, dbounded = dbounded, tau = tau[j], weights = w)), silent = T)

	if(!inherits(fit[[j]], "try-error")){
		betahat[,j] <- fit[[j]]$par[-c(1:2)]
		parhat[,j] <- c(fit[[j]]$par[1], fit[[j]]$par[2])
		Fitted[,j] <- invmcjII(x %*% matrix(betahat[,j]), parhat[1,j], parhat[2,j], dbounded)

	Fitted <- apply(Fitted, 2, function(x,x.r) invmap(x, x.r), x.r = range(y.old))

dimnames(betahat) <- list(dimnames(x)[[2]], paste("tau =", format(round(tau, 3))))
dimnames(parhat) <- list(c("lambda","delta"), paste("tau =", format(round(tau, 3))))

fit$call <- call
fit$method <- "Nelder-Mead"
fit$mf <- mf
mf <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
m <- match(c("formula", "data", "subset", "weights", "na.action"), names(mf), 0L)
mf <- mf[c(1L, m)]
mf[[1L]] <- as.name("get_all_vars")
fit$data <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
fit$y <- y.old
if(dbounded) fit$theta <- y
fit$x <- x
fit$weights <- w
fit$tau <- tau
fit$eta <- parhat
fit$tsf <- "mcjII"
attr(fit$tsf, "dbounded") <- dbounded
attr(fit$tsf, "isBounded") <- dbounded
attr(fit$tsf, "npar") <- 2
attr(fit$tsf, "conditional") <- FALSE
fit$coefficients <- betahat
fit$fitted.values <- drop(Fitted)
fit$terms <- mt
fit$term.labels <- colnames(x)
fit$rdf <- n - p - 2
fit$fn <- "nlrq2"
class(fit) <- "rqt"

# Print, summary, bootstrap, predict, fitted for class rqt

print.rqt <- function(x, ...){

if (!is.null(cl <- x$call)) {
type <- if(attr(x$tsf, "isBounded")) "(doubly bounded response)" else "(singly bounded response)"
tsf <- switch(x$tsf,
	mcjI = "Proposal I",
	bc = "Box-Cox",
	ao = "Aranda-Ordaz",
	mcjII = "Proposal II")
if(x$tsf %in% c("mcjI", "ao")){
	tsf <- paste(tsf, if(attr(x$tsf, "symm"))
	"symmetric" else "asymmetric")
tsf <- paste(tsf, "transformation", type)

cat(tsf, "\n")
cat("\nOptimal transformation parameter:\n")
if(x$tsf == "mcjII") print(x$eta) else print(x$lambda)

coef <- x$coefficients
cat("\nCoefficients linear model (transformed scale):\n")
print(coef, ...)

nobs <- length(x$y)
p <- ncol(x$x)
rdf <- nobs - p
cat("\nDegrees of freedom:", nobs, "total;", rdf, "residual\n")
if (!is.null(attr(x, "na.message"))) 
	cat(attr(x, "na.message"), "\n")

predict.rqt <- function(object, newdata, na.action = na.pass, type = "response", namevec = NULL, ...){

tau <- object$tau
nq <- length(tau)
tsf <- object$tsf
symm <- attributes(tsf)$symm
dbounded <- attributes(tsf)$dbounded
isBounded <- attributes(tsf)$isBounded

if(tsf == "mcjII"){
	etahat <- object$eta
} else {
	lambdahat <- object$lambda

if(!missing(newdata)) {
	mt <- terms(object)
	Terms <- delete.response(mt)
	object$mf <- model.frame(Terms, newdata, na.action = na.action, xlev = object$levels) # model frame
	if (!is.null(cl <- attr(Terms, "dataClasses")))
		.checkMFClasses(cl, object$mf)
	object$x <- model.matrix(Terms, object$mf, contrasts.arg = object$contrasts) # model matrix
	object$data <- newdata # input variables

linpred <- object$x %*% object$coefficients

Fitted <- matrix(NA, nrow(linpred), ncol(linpred))
if(type == "link"){

if(type == "response"){
	if(tsf == "mcjII"){
		for(j in 1:nq){
			Fitted[,j] <- invmcjII(x = linpred[,j], lambda = etahat['lambda',j], delta = etahat['delta',j], dbounded = dbounded)
	} else {
		for(j in 1:nq){
			Fitted[,j] <- switch(tsf,
				mcjI = invmcjI(linpred[,j], lambdahat[j], symm, dbounded),
				bc = invbc(linpred[,j], lambdahat[j]),
				ao = invao(linpred[,j], lambdahat[j], symm))

		Fitted <- apply(Fitted, 2, function(x,x.r) invmap(x, x.r), x.r = range(object$y))

if(type == "maref"){
	if(is.null(namevec)) stop("When type = 'maref', the argument namevec must be provided")
	if(tsf == "mcjII") stop("Marginal effects not available for tsf = 'mcjII'")
	Fitted <- maref(object, namevec = namevec)



terms2expr <- function(object){

if(!inherits(object, "terms")) stop("Only objects of class 'terms'")

Irm <- function(x){
	n <- nchar(x)
	flag <- substr(x, 1, 2) == "I(" & substr(x, n, n) == ")"
	if(flag) x <- substr(x, 2, n)

x <- object
variables <- as.list(attr(x, "variables"))[-1]
mt <- attr(x, "term.labels")
mt <- sapply(mt, Irm)
mt <- sub(":", "*", mt)
term.labels <- names(mt)

#coefs <- term.labels
#coefs <- gsub(pattern = "\\(", replacement = "", x = coefs)
#coefs <- gsub(pattern = "\\)", replacement = "", x = coefs)
#coefs <- gsub(pattern = "[[:punct:]]", replacement = "", x = coefs)
#coefs <- gsub(pattern = "[[:space:]]", replacement = "", x = coefs)
#coefs <- gsub(pattern = ":", replacement = "_", x = coefs)
#coefs <- paste0("beta.", coefs)
coefs <- paste0("beta", 1:length(term.labels))

val <- as.formula(paste(variables[1], "~", paste(paste(coefs, mt, sep = "*"), collapse = " + ")))
attr(val, "terms") <- as.vector(mt)
attr(val, "labels") <- term.labels
attr(val, "coefs") <- coefs


maref.rqt <- function(object, namevec){

tau <- object$tau
nq <- length(tau)

tsf <- object$tsf
symm <- attributes(tsf)$symm
dbounded <- attributes(tsf)$dbounded

betahat <- object$coefficients
lambdahat <- object$lambda

# Model frames and matrices
mt <- terms(object)
all_vars <- get_all_vars(delete.response(mt), object$data)

# Work out expression of linear predictor for symbolic derivative
f <- terms2expr(mt)
var_labels <- all.vars(mt)[-1]
g <- parse(text = paste0("function(", paste(var_labels, collapse = ", "), ", ", paste(attr(f, "coefs"), collapse = ", "), "){}"))
d2 <- deriv(expr = f, namevec = as.character(namevec), function.arg = eval(g))
cat("The linear component of the marginal effect is calculated as derivative of", "\n", deparse(f), "\n with respect to", namevec, "\n")


linpred <- object$x %*% betahat
n <- nrow(object$x)
dlinpred <- matrix(NA, n, nq)

for(j in 1:nq){
	argsLs <- as.list(betahat[attr(f, "labels"),j])
	names(argsLs) <- attr(f, "coefs")
	argsLs <- c(as.list(all_vars), argsLs)
	D <- do.call(d2, args = argsLs)
	dlinpred[,j] <- attr(D, "gradient")

val <- matrix(NA, n, nq)
for(j in 1:nq)(
val[,j] <- switch(tsf,
	mcjI = d1mcjI(linpred[,j], lambdahat[j], symm, dbounded),
	bc = d1bc(linpred[,j], lambdahat[j]),
	ao = d1ao(linpred[,j], lambdahat[j], symm),



boot.rqt <- function(data, inds, object){

tau <- object$tau
nq <- length(tau)
all.obs <- rownames(object$x)
n <- length(all.obs)
flag <- !object$tsf %in% c("mcjII")
nn <- if(flag) c(object$term.labels, "lambda") else c(object$term.labels, "lambda", "delta")

if(nq == 1){
	fit <- stats::update(object, data = data[inds,])
	val <- fit$coefficients
	val <- if(flag) c(val, fit$lambda) else c(val, fit$eta)
} else {
	fit <- stats::update(object, data = data[inds,])
	val <- fit$coefficients
	val <- if(flag) rbind(val, fit$lambda) else rbind(val, fit$eta)

val <- as.vector(val)
names(val) <- rep(nn, nq)


summary.rqt <- function(object, alpha = 0.05, se = "boot", R = 50, sim = "ordinary", stype = "i", conditional = FALSE, ...){

call <- match.call(expand.dots = TRUE)

tau <- object$tau
nq <- length(tau)
mpar <- ncol(object$x)
ntot <- mpar + attr(object$tsf, "npar")
if(mpar == 1) object$mf$intercept <- 1

flag <- (!conditional) && (se %in% c("iid","nid"))

if(object$tsf == "mcjII" && flag)  stop("Summary not available. Change to 'se = boot'.")
if(object$fn == "rcrq" && flag) stop("Summary not available. Change to 'se = boot'.")
if(conditional && object$fn == "nlrq2") stop("Conditional inference not available for objects from 'nlrq2'. Change to 'conditional = FALSE'.")

if(attr(object$tsf, "conditional")){
	if(!conditional) warning("Main call 'conditional = TRUE'")
	conditional <- TRUE

	ans <- B <- list()
	for(j in 1:nq){
		Args <- list()
		Args$object <- object[[j]]
		Args$se <- se
		if(se == "boot") Args$R <- R
		nn <- c("covariance","hs","bsmethod","mofn","iid")
		nn <- nn[pmatch(names(call), nn, duplicates.ok = FALSE)]
		nn <- nn[!is.na(nn)]
		if(length(nn) > 0) {tmp <- as.list(call[[nn]]); names(tmp) <- nn; Args <- c(Args, tmp)}
		tmp <- do.call(summary.rq, args = Args)
		ans[[j]] <- tmp$coefficients
		if(!is.null(tmp$B)) B[[j]] <- tmp$B
		if(object$tsf == "mcjII") {
			tmp <- matrix(NA, nrow = 2, ncol = ncol(ans[[j]]))
			tmp[,1] <- object$eta[,j]
			rownames(tmp) <- c("lambda","delta")
		} else {
			tmp <- matrix(c(object$lambda[j], rep(NA, ncol(ans[[j]]) - 1)), nrow = 1)
			rownames(tmp) <- "lambda"
		ans[[j]] <- rbind(ans[[j]], tmp)
	object$B <- B
} else {
	if(se == "boot"){
		Args <- list()
		Args$data <- object$mf
		Args$statistic <- boot.rqt
		Args$object <- object
		Args$R <- R
		Args$sim <- sim
		Args$stype <- stype
		nn <- c("strata","L","m","weights","ran.gen","mle","simple","parallel","ncpus","cl")
		nn <- nn[pmatch(names(call), nn, duplicates.ok = FALSE)]
		nn <- nn[!is.na(nn)]
		if(length(nn) > 0) {tmp <- as.list(call[[nn]]); names(tmp) <- nn; Args <- c(Args, tmp)}
		B <- do.call(boot, args = Args)
		ci <- mapply(boot.ci, index = 1:(ntot*nq), MoreArgs = list(boot.out = B, conf = 1 - alpha, type = "perc"))[4,]
		ci <- t(sapply(ci, function(x) x[4:5]))

		S <- cov(B$t, use = "complete.obs")
		val <- cbind(B$t0, apply(B$t, 2L, mean, na.rm=TRUE) - B$t0, sqrt(diag(S)), ci)
		nn <- c("Value", "Bias", "Std. Error", "Lower bound", "Upper bound")
		colnames(val) <- nn
		maxn <- seq(0, ntot*nq, by = ntot)[-1]
		minn <- seq(1, ntot*nq, by = ntot)
		ans <- list()
		for(j in 1:nq){
			ans[[j]] <- val[minn[j]:maxn[j], ]
		names(ans) <- tau
		object$B <- B
	} else if(se %in% c("iid", "nid")) {
		ans <- list()
		S <- se_rqt(object, se = se)
		for(j in 1:nq){
			val <- c(object[[j]]$coefficients, lambda = object$lambda[j])
			val <- cbind(val, sqrt(diag(S[,,j])), val - sqrt(diag(S[,,j]))*qnorm(1-alpha/2), val + sqrt(diag(S[,,j]))*qnorm(1-alpha/2))
			nn <- c("Value", "Std. Error", "Lower bound", "Upper bound")
			colnames(val) <- nn
			ans[[j]] <- val
		names(ans) <- tau
	} else ans <- NULL	

attr(ans, "conditional") <- conditional
object$coefficients <- ans
object$call <- call
class(object) <- c("summary.rqt", class(object))


print.summary.rqt <- function(x, ...){

if (!is.null(cl <- x$call)) {

tau <- x$tau
nq <- length(tau)
mpar <- ncol(x$x)

type <- if(attr(x$tsf, "isBounded")) "(doubly bounded response)" else "(singly bounded response)"
tsf <- switch(x$tsf,
	mcjI = "Proposal I",
	bc = "Box-Cox",
	ao = "Aranda-Ordaz",
	mcjII = "Proposal II")
if (x$tsf %in% c("mcjI", "ao")){ 
	tsf <- paste(tsf, if (attr(x$tsf, "symm")) 
	else "asymmetric")
tsf <- paste(tsf, "transformation", type)

cat(tsf, "\n")

conditional <- if(attr(x$coefficients, "conditional")) "conditional" else "unconditional"
cat("\nSummary for", conditional, "inference\n")

for(i in 1:nq){
cat("\ntau = ", tau[i], "\n")

cat("\nOptimal transformation parameter:\n")
print(x$coefficients[[i]][-c(1:mpar),], ...)

cat("\nCoefficients linear model (transformed scale):\n")
print(x$coefficients[[i]][1:mpar,], ...)

nobs <- length(x$y)
p <- ncol(x$x)
rdf <- nobs - p
cat("\nDegrees of freedom:", nobs, "total;", rdf, "residual\n")
if (!is.null(attr(x, "na.message"))) 
	cat(attr(x, "na.message"), "\n")


fitted.rqt <- function(object, ...){



residuals.rqt <- function(object, ...){

return(object$y - object$fitted.values)


coef.rqt <- coefficients.rqt <- function(object, all = FALSE, ...){

if(!inherits(object, "rqt")) stop("Class 'rqt' only")

tau <- object$tau
nq <- length(tau)
tsf <- object$tsf
nn <- object$term.labels

	nn <- if(tsf %in% "mcjII") c(nn, "lambda", "delta") else c(nn, "lambda")

tpar <- if(tsf %in% "mcjII") object$eta else object$lambda

	ans <- object$coefficients
} else {
	ans <- if(nq == 1) c(object$coefficients, tpar)
		else rbind(object$coefficients, tpar)

if(nq == 1){
	names(ans) <- nn
} else {
	rownames(ans) <- nn
	colnames(ans) <- paste("tau =", tau)



### Asymptotics

d1bc <- function(x, lambda){
zero <- rep(0, length(x))
g1 <- deriv(~ (lambda*x + 1)^(1/lambda), "x", func = function(x,lambda){})
g2 <- deriv(~ exp(x), "x", func = function(x){})
    if (lambda != 0) {
        val <- as.numeric(attributes(g1(x, lambda))$gradient)
		val <- ifelse(lambda * x + 1 > 0, val, zero)
    else {
        val <- as.numeric(attributes(g2(x))$gradient)

d2bc <- function(x, lambda){
g1 <- deriv(~ (lambda*x + 1)^(1/lambda), "lambda", func = function(lambda,x){})
    if (lambda != 0) {
        val <- as.numeric(attributes(g1(lambda,x))$gradient)
    else {
        val <- as.numeric(attributes(g1(0.00001,x))$gradient)

d1mcjI <- function(x, lambda, symm, dbounded){

	g1 <- deriv(~ (lambda*x + sqrt(1 + (lambda*x)^2))^(1/lambda)/(1 + (lambda*x + sqrt(1 + (lambda*x)^2))^(1/lambda)), "x", func = function(x, lambda){})
	g2 <- deriv(~ exp(x)/(1+exp(x)), "x", func = function(x){})
		if(lambda != 0){
			val <- as.numeric(attributes(g1(x, lambda))$gradient)
		} else {
			val <- as.numeric(attributes(g2(x))$gradient)
	} else {
	g1 <- deriv(~ 1 - exp(-(lambda*x + sqrt(1 + (lambda*x)^2))^(1/lambda)), "x", func = function(x, lambda){})
	g2 <- deriv(~ 1 - exp(-exp(x)), "x", func = function(x){})
		if(lambda != 0){
			val <- as.numeric(attributes(g1(x, lambda))$gradient)
		} else {
			val <- as.numeric(attributes(g2(x))$gradient)
} else {
	g1 <- deriv(~ (lambda*x + sqrt(1 + (lambda*x)^2))^(1/lambda), "x", func = function(x, lambda){})
	g2 <- deriv(~ exp(x), "x", func = function(x){})
		if (lambda != 0) {
			val <- as.numeric(attributes(g1(x, lambda))$gradient)
		} else {
			val <- as.numeric(attributes(g2(x))$gradient)
	} else {
	g1 <- deriv(~ exp((lambda*x + sqrt(1 + (lambda*x)^2))^(1/lambda)) - 1, "x", func = function(x, lambda){})
	g2 <- deriv(~ exp(exp(x)) - 1, "x", func = function(x){})
		if (lambda != 0) {
			val <- as.numeric(attributes(g1(x, lambda))$gradient)
		} else {
			val <- as.numeric(attributes(g2(x))$gradient)



d2mcjI <- function(x, lambda, symm, dbounded){

	g1 <- deriv(~ (lambda*x + sqrt(1 + (lambda*x)^2))^(1/lambda)/(1 + (lambda*x + sqrt(1 + (lambda*x)^2))^(1/lambda)), "lambda", func = function(lambda, x){})
		if(lambda != 0){
			val <- as.numeric(attributes(g1(lambda, x))$gradient)
		} else {
			val <- as.numeric(attributes(g1(0.00001,x))$gradient)
	} else {
	g1 <- deriv(~ 1 - exp(-(lambda*x + sqrt(1 + (lambda*x)^2))^(1/lambda)), "lambda", func = function(lambda, x){})
		if(lambda != 0){
			val <- as.numeric(attributes(g1(lambda, x))$gradient)
		} else {
			val <- as.numeric(attributes(g1(0.00001,x))$gradient)
} else {
	g1 <- deriv(~ (lambda*x + sqrt(1 + (lambda*x)^2))^(1/lambda), "lambda", func = function(lambda, x){})
		if (lambda != 0) {
			val <- as.numeric(attributes(g1(lambda, x))$gradient)
		} else {
			val <- as.numeric(attributes(g1(0.00001,x))$gradient)
	} else {
	g1 <- deriv(~ exp((lambda*x + sqrt(1 + (lambda*x)^2))^(1/lambda)) - 1, "lambda", func = function(lambda, x){})
		if (lambda != 0) {
			val <- as.numeric(attributes(g1(lambda, x))$gradient)
		} else {
			val <- as.numeric(attributes(g1(0.00001,x))$gradient)



d1ao <- function(x, lambda, symm){
zero <- rep(0, length(x))
g1 <- deriv(~ (1 + lambda*x/2)^(1/lambda)/((1 + lambda*x/2)^(1/lambda) + (1 - lambda*x/2)^(1/lambda)), "x", func = function(x, lambda){})
g2 <- deriv(~ exp(x)/(1+exp(x)), "x", func = function(x){})
	if(lambda != 0){
		val <- as.numeric(attributes(g1(x, lambda))$gradient)
		val <- ifelse(abs(lambda * x/2) < 1, val, zero)
	} else {
		val <- as.numeric(attributes(g2(x))$gradient)
} else {
g1 <- deriv(~ 1 - (1 + lambda*exp(x))^(-1/lambda), "x", func = function(x, lambda){})
g2 <- deriv(~ 1 - exp(-exp(x)), "x", func = function(x){})
	if(lambda != 0){
		val <- as.numeric(attributes(g1(x, lambda))$gradient)
		val <- ifelse(lambda * exp(x) > -1, val, zero)
		} else {
		val <- as.numeric(attributes(g2(x))$gradient)



d2ao <- function(x, lambda, symm){
zero <- rep(0, length(x))
g1 <- deriv(~ (1 + lambda*x/2)^(1/lambda)/((1 + lambda*x/2)^(1/lambda) + (1 - lambda*x/2)^(1/lambda)), "lambda", func = function(lambda, x){})
	if(lambda != 0){
		val <- as.numeric(attributes(g1(lambda, x))$gradient)
		val <- ifelse(abs(lambda * x/2) < 1, val, zero)
	} else {
		val <- as.numeric(attributes(g1(0.00001,x))$gradient)
} else {
g1 <- deriv(~ 1 - (1 + lambda*exp(x))^(-1/lambda), "lambda", func = function(lambda, x){})
	if(lambda != 0){
		val <- as.numeric(attributes(g1(lambda, x))$gradient)
		val <- ifelse(lambda * exp(x) > -1, val, zero)
		} else {
		val <- as.numeric(attributes(g1(0.00001,x))$gradient)



se_rqt <- function(object, se = "nid"){

tau <- object$tau
nq <- length(tau)
tsf <- object$tsf
symm <- attributes(tsf)$symm
dbounded <- attributes(tsf)$dbounded
isBounded <- attributes(tsf)$isBounded
lambdahat <- object$lambda

betahat <- as.matrix(object$coefficients)
linpred <- predict(object, type = "link")
fis <- sparsity.rqt(object, se = se)$density # density of 'u = y - hinv(xb)' 

x <- object$x
n <- nrow(x)
p <- ncol(x)

g1 <- g2 <- matrix(NA, n, nq)
dbl <- matrix(NA, p, nq)
V <- array(NA, dim = c(p + 1, p + 1, nq))

for(j in 1:nq){
	g1[,j] <- switch(tsf,
		mcjI = d1mcjI(linpred[,j], lambdahat[j], symm, dbounded),
		bc = d1bc(linpred[,j], lambdahat[j]),
		ao = d1ao(linpred[,j],lambdahat[j], symm)

	g2[,j] <- switch(tsf,
		mcjI = d2mcjI(linpred[,j], lambdahat[j], symm, dbounded),
		bc = d2bc(linpred[,j], lambdahat[j]),
		ao = d2ao(linpred[,j], lambdahat[j], symm)
	f0 <- fis[,j]
	dbl[,j] <- - solve(crossprod(sqrt(f0 * g1[,j]) * x)/n) %*% matrix(colMeans((f0 * g2[,j] * x)))

	A <- rbind(cbind(diag(p), matrix(0, p, p), rep(0, p)),

	d2 <- cbind(g1[,j] * x, g2[,j])
	d <- cbind(x,d2)
	H <- A %*% (t(f0*d) %*% d2)/n
	Hinv <- try(chol2inv(chol(H)), silent = TRUE)
	if(inherits(Hinv, "try-error")) Hinv <- try(solve(H), silent = TRUE)
	if(inherits(Hinv, "try-error")){
		Hinv <- matrix(NA, p + 1, p + 1)
		warning("Singular 'H' matrix")
	L <- tau[j] * (1 - tau[j]) * A %*% (crossprod(d)/n) %*% t(A)

	V[,,j] <- Hinv %*% L %*% t(Hinv)/n



sparsity.rqt <- function(object, se = "nid", hs = TRUE){
    mt <- terms(object)
    m <- model.frame(object)
    y <- model.response(m)
    x <- model.matrix(mt, m, contrasts = object$contrasts)
    wt <- model.weights(object$model)
    taus <- object$tau
    nt <- length(taus)
    eps <- .Machine$double.eps^(2/3)

    vnames <- dimnames(x)[[2]]
    residm <- sweep(- predict(object, type = "response"), 1, y, FUN = "+")
    n <- length(y)
    p <- length(coefficients(object, all = TRUE))
    rdf <- n - p
    if (!is.null(wt)) {
        residm <- residm * wt
        x <- x * wt
        y <- y * wt
    if (is.null(se)) {
		se <- "nid"

spar <- dens <- matrix(NA, n, nt)
for(i in 1:nt){

tau <- taus[i]

    if (se == "iid") {
		resid <- residm[,i]
        pz <- sum(abs(resid) < eps)
        h <- max(p + 1, ceiling(n * bandwidth.rq(tau, n, hs = hs)))
        ir <- (pz + 1):(h + pz + 1)
        ord.resid <- sort(resid[order(abs(resid))][ir])
        xt <- ir/(n - p)
        spar[,i] <- rq(ord.resid ~ xt)$coef[2]
        dens[,i] <- 1/spar[,i]
    else if (se == "nid") {
        h <- bandwidth.rq(tau, n, hs = hs)
        if (tau + h > 1) 
            stop("tau + h > 1:  error in summary.rq")
        if (tau - h < 0) 
            stop("tau - h < 0:  error in summary.rq")
		call <- getCall(object)
		call$tau <- tau + h
		bhi <- eval(call, attr(terms(object), ".Environment"), parent.frame())
		call$tau <- tau - h
        blo <- eval(call, attr(terms(object), ".Environment"), parent.frame())
        dyhat <- predict(bhi, type = "response") - predict(blo, type = "response")
        if (any(dyhat <= 0)) 
            warning(paste(sum(dyhat <= 0), "non-positive fis"))
        f <- pmax(0, (2 * h)/(dyhat - eps))
        dens[,i] <- f
		spar[,i] <- 1/f
    else if (se == "ker") {
        h <- bandwidth.rq(tau, n, hs = hs)
        if (tau + h > 1) 
            stop("tau + h > 1:  error in summary.rq")
        if (tau - h < 0) 
            stop("tau - h < 0:  error in summary.rq")
        uhat <- c(residm[,i])
        h <- (qnorm(tau + h) - qnorm(tau - h)) * min(sqrt(var(uhat)), 
            (quantile(uhat, 0.75) - quantile(uhat, 0.25))/1.34)
        f <- dnorm(uhat/h)/h
        dens[,i] <- f
		spar[,i] <- 1/f
}# loop i

	colnames(dens) <- colnames(spar) <- taus
    return(list(density = dens, sparsity = spar, bandwidth = h))

sparsity.rq <- sparsity.rqs <-function(object, se = "nid", hs = TRUE){
    mt <- terms(object)
    m <- model.frame(object)
    y <- model.response(m)
    x <- model.matrix(mt, m, contrasts = object$contrasts)
    wt <- model.weights(object$model)
    taus <- object$tau
    nq <- length(taus)
    eps <- .Machine$double.eps^(2/3)

    vnames <- dimnames(x)[[2]]
    residm <- as.matrix(object$residuals)
    n <- length(y)
    p <- nrow(as.matrix(object$coef))
    rdf <- n - p
    if (!is.null(wt)) {
        residm <- residm * wt
        x <- x * wt
        y <- y * wt
    if (is.null(se)) {
		se <- "nid"

spar <- dens <- matrix(NA, n, nq)
for(i in 1:nq){

tau <- taus[i]

    if (se == "iid") {
		resid <- residm[,i]
		pz <- sum(abs(resid) < eps)
        h <- max(p + 1, ceiling(n * bandwidth.rq(tau, n, hs = hs)))
        ir <- (pz + 1):(h + pz + 1)
        ord.resid <- sort(resid[order(abs(resid))][ir])
        xt <- ir/(n - p)
        spar[,i] <- rq(ord.resid ~ xt)$coef[2]
        dens[,i] <- 1/spar[,i]
    else if (se == "nid") {
        h <- bandwidth.rq(tau, n, hs = hs)
        if (tau + h > 1) 
            stop("tau + h > 1:  error in summary.rq")
        if (tau - h < 0) 
            stop("tau - h < 0:  error in summary.rq")
        bhi <- rq.fit.fnb(x, y, tau = tau + h)$coef
        blo <- rq.fit.fnb(x, y, tau = tau - h)$coef
        dyhat <- x %*% (bhi - blo)
        if (any(dyhat <= 0)) 
            warning(paste(sum(dyhat <= 0), "non-positive fis"))
        f <- pmax(0, (2 * h)/(dyhat - eps))
        dens[,i] <- f
	  spar[,i] <- 1/f
    else if (se == "ker") {
        h <- bandwidth.rq(tau, n, hs = hs)
        if (tau + h > 1) 
            stop("tau + h > 1:  error in summary.rq")
        if (tau - h < 0) 
            stop("tau - h < 0:  error in summary.rq")
        uhat <- c(residm[,i])
        h <- (qnorm(tau + h) - qnorm(tau - h)) * min(sqrt(var(uhat)), 
            (quantile(uhat, 0.75) - quantile(uhat, 0.25))/1.34)
        f <- dnorm(uhat/h)/h
        dens[,i] <- f
	  spar[,i] <- 1/f
}# loop i

	colnames(dens) <- colnames(spar) <- taus
    return(list(density = dens, sparsity = spar, bandwidth = h))

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