## Authors
## Martin Schlather,
## Copyright (C) 2015 -- 2017 Martin Schlather
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
## as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
## of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
## Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
## Hier sind Funktionen, die vermutlich kaum ein Anwender interessiert
## und wohl eher zum internen Gebrauch, wenn auch im NAMESPACE stehend;
## Ausnahme: rfGenerate* stehen in generatemodels.R
PrintModelList <-function (operators=FALSE, internal=FALSE,
newstyle=TRUE) {
stopifnot(internal <=2, internal >=0, operators<=1, operators>=0)
.C(C_PrintModelList, as.integer(internal), as.integer(operators),
showManpages <- function(path="/home/schlather/svn/RandomFields/RandomFields/man") {
files <- dir(path)
result <- character(length(files))
for (i in 1:length(files)) {
system(paste("grep \"\\examples\" -A 10000 ", path, "/", files[i], sep=""))
result[i] <- readline(files[i])
result <- cbind(files, result)
result <- result[result[, 2]!= "", ]
result[result[, 2]=="t", 2] <- "To Do"
result[result[, 2]=="s", 2] <- "dontshow"
# showManpages()
compareVersions <- function(path = "~/svn", package="RandomFields",
subpaths=c("cran", package)) {
path <- paste(path, package, subpaths[1], sep="/")
l <- list(list(subpath=paste(path, package, subpaths[2], "R", sep="/"),
list(subpath=paste0(path, package, subpaths[2], "/src", sep="/"),
list(subpath = paste0(path, package, subpaths[2], "/src", sep="/"),
pattern = "*\\.cc"))
for (i in 1:length(l)) {
subpath <- l[[i]]$subpath
pattern <- l[[i]]$pattern
files <- dir(path=subpath, pattern=pattern)
for (f in files) {
cmd <- paste("diff ", path, "/", subpath, "/", f, " ",
subpath,"/", f, sep="")
Print(cmd) #
jpegORpdf <- function(graphics=NULL) {
GD <- getOption("device")
ispdf <- is.logical(all.equal(GD, "pdf"))
isjpg <- is.logical(all.equal(GD, "jpeg"))
if (!ispdf && !isjpg) {
ispdf <- is.function(GD) && is.logical(all.equal(args(pdf), args(GD)))
isjpg <- is.function(GD) && is.logical(all.equal(args(jpeg), args(GD)))
if (is.null(graphics)) graphics <- RFoptions()$graphics
file <- graphics$file
if (file != "") {
f <- strsplit(file, "\\.")[[1]]
ext <- tolower(f[length(f)])
is_pdf <- ext == "pdf"
is_jpg <- ext == "jpeg" || ext == "jpg"
if (is_pdf || is_jpg) graphics$file <- paste(f[-length(f)], sep=".")
if (ispdf || isjpg) {
if ((is_pdf && isjpg) || (is_jpg && ispdf)) stop("'extension' does not fit given device")
} else {
ispdf <- is_pdf
isjpg <- is_jpg
if (ispdf) GD <- pdf
else if (isjpg) GD <- jpeg
graphics$ispdf <- ispdf
graphics$isjpg <- isjpg
graphics$ext <- c(".pdf", ".jpg")[isjpg + 1]
graphics$GD <- GD
# Print(graphics)
ScreenDevice <- function(height, width) {
graphics <- jpegORpdf()
if (graphics$ispdf || graphics$isjpg) {
if (graphics$filenumber == 99999)
stop("number of pictures exceeds max. number of pictures")
file <- graphics$file
if (file != "") {
if (!graphics$onefile) {
file <- paste(file,
formatC(format="d", flag="0", graphics$filenumber,
graphics$ext, sep="")
RFoptions(graphics.filenumber = graphics$filenumber + 1)
} else file <- paste(file, graphics$ext, sep="")
## Print(file, dev.list())
if (graphics$ispdf)
graphics$GD(height=height, width=width, onefile=FALSE, file=file)
else if (graphics$isjpg) graphics$GD(height=height, width=width,
file=file, units="in", res=graphics$resolution)
else stop("device not recognized by 'RandomFields'")
} else {
if (graphics$isjpg) stop("'file' in 'RFoptions' not set.")
args <- names(as.list(args(graphics$GD)))
if (all(c("width", "height") %in% args) &&
( !any(c("file", "filename") %in% args)) || graphics$ispdf) {
graphics$GD(height=height, width=width)
## Print("OK", height, width, RFoptions()$graphics, par()$cex)
if (RFoptions()$internal$warn_aspect_ratio) {
RFoptions(warn_aspect_ratio = FALSE)
cat("The graphical device does not seem to be a standard screen device. Hence the\naspect ratio might not be correct. (This message appears only one per session.)")
#restore_par <- function(oldpar) {
#, oldpar)
# graphics::par(cex = oldpar$cex) ## muss extra aufgerufen werden. noch mehr?
ArrangeDevice <- function(graphics, figs, dh=2.8, h.outer=1.2,
dw = 2.5, w.outer=0.7) {
# plot(1,1); return; Print("ARRANGE", graphics)
H <- curH <- graphics$height
curW <- graphics$width
if (is.finite(H) && H>0) {
if ($width) || graphics$width<=0.0) {
H <- H * pmin(1, graphics$increase_upto[1] / figs[1],
graphics$increase_upto[2] / figs[2])
DH <- H * dh / (dh + h.outer)
HO <- H - DH
curH <- figs[1] * DH + HO
W <- H * (dw + w.outer) / (dh + h.outer)
DW <- W * dw / (dw + w.outer)
WO <- W - DW
curW <- figs[2] * DW + WO
graphics <- jpegORpdf(graphics)
jpg_pdf <- graphics$isjpg || graphics$ispdf
if ($always_open_device)) {
open <- interactive() || jpg_pdf
RFoptions(graphics.always_open_device = open)
} else open <- graphics$always_open_device
if (length(dev.list()) > 0 && open) {
close <- graphics$always_close_device
if ( close <- jpg_pdf
if (close)
if (open) { # && raphics$grDefault) {
ScreenDevice(height=curH, width=curW)
} else warning("device could not be opened as 'height' (=", H,
") is not positive.")
if (graphics$split_screen) {
if (length(dev.list()) > 0 && any(par()$mfcol != 1)) par(mfcol=c(1,1))
} else {
if (any(figs != 1) && length(dev.list()) > 0) par(mfcol=figs)
return(c(curH, curW))
# p <- c("DSpat", "GeoGenetix", "LS2Wstat", "ProbForecastGOP", "scpm", "UncerIn2", " AHMbook", "CompRandFld", "constrainedKriging", "geoR", "georob", "geozoning", "lgcp", "NLMR", "raptr", "spagmix", "spatsurv", "windfarmGA", "fractaldim", "geostatsp", "IsoriX", "prioritizr", "rpanel", "SAMCpack", "SpaDES", "SpaDES.core", "", "spatstat")
# for (i in p) if (!"require", list(i))) install.packages(i)
# find -maxdepth 1 -type d -exec cat {}/00install.out \; > xxxx
ShowInstallErrors <- function(dir, pkgs)
for (i in 1:length(pkgs)) {
cat(pkgs[i], "\n")
for (f in c("00install.out", "00check.log"))
system(paste("grep [eE][rR][rR][oO][rR] ", dir, "/", pkgs[i],
".Rcheck/", f, sep=""))
StartExample <- function(reduced = TRUE, save.seed=TRUE) {
if (save.seed) {
RFopt <- RFoptions()
# L <- list(seed=RFopt$basic$seed)
# if (length(RFopt$coords) != 0) L$coord_system= RFopt$coords$coord_system
# assign("RandomFields_options", envir=.RandomFields.env, L)
assign("RandomFields_options", envir=.RandomFields.env, RFopt)
# Print(ls( envir=.RandomFields.env), .RandomFields.env)
if (!interactive()) {
## do not touch next lines
## REDUCED <- reduced, reduced
REDUCED <- reduced
RFoptions(examples_reduced = REDUCED)
FinalizeExample <- function() {
## print("finalize")
if (!interactive()) {
close.screen(all.screens = TRUE)
n <- length(dev.list()) - 2 ## otherwise R CMD check complains
## for missing graphic device
if (n > 0) {
for (i in 1:n) { ## OK
# Print(ls( envir=.RandomFields.env), .RandomFields.env)
options <- get("RandomFields_options", envir=.RandomFields.env)
# Print(options)
options$examples_reduced <- FALSE
RFoptions(LIST = options)"RFoptions", options)
#print("done finalize")
checkExamples <- function(exclude=NULL, include=1:length(.fct.list),
ask=FALSE, echo=TRUE, halt=FALSE, ignore.all=FALSE,
path=package, package="RandomFields",
read.rd.files=TRUE, local = TRUE,
libpath = NULL, single.runs = FALSE) {
.exclude <- exclude
.ask <- ask
.echo <- echo
.halt <- halt
.ignore.all <- ignore.all
.package <- package
.path <- path
.local <- local
useDynLib <- importClassesFrom <- import <-
importFrom <- exportClasses <-
importMethodsFrom <- exportMethods <- S3method <- function(...) NULL
.env <- new.env()
exportPattern <- function(p) { ## necessary to read NAMESPACE??!!
if (p == "^R\\.") p <- "^R."
all.pattern <- p %in% c("^[^\\.]", "^[^.]", ".") | get("all.pattern", .env)
if (!.ignore.all) assign("all.pattern", all.pattern, .env)
if (all.pattern) return(NULL)
stopifnot(nchar(p)==3, substr(p,1,1)=="^")
assign("p", c(get("p", .env), substring(p, 2)), .env)
export <- function(...) {
## code from 'rm'
dots <- = FALSE)$...
z <-deparse(substitute(...))
if (length(dots) && !all(sapply(dots, function(x) is.symbol(x) ||
stop("... must contain names or character strings")
z <- sapply(dots, as.character)
cat("export", z, "\n")
assign("export", c(get("export", .env), z), .env)
import <- importClassesFrom <- importMethodsFrom <- importFrom <- useDynLib <-
exportClasses <- S3method <- exportMethods <-
function(...) {
dots <- = FALSE)$...
# cat("other:", sapply(dots, as.character), "\n")
assign("export", NULL, .env)
assign("all.pattern", FALSE, .env)
assign("p", NULL, .env)
cat("'source' causes problems in valgrind")
.content <- readLines(paste(.path, "NAMESPACE", sep="/"), -1)
eval(parse(text = .content))
cat("\tend source\n")
if (is.logical(read.rd.files) && !read.rd.files) {
.package.env <- parent.env(.GlobalEnv)
while (attr(.package.env, "name") != paste("package:", .package, sep="")) {
.package.env <- parent.env(.package.env)
.orig.fct.list <- ls(envir=.package.env)
.ok <- (get("all.pattern", .env) |
substr(.orig.fct.list, 1, 1) %in% get("p", .env) |
.orig.fct.list %in% get("export", .env))
.fct.list <- .orig.fct.list[.ok]
} else {
if (is.logical(read.rd.files))
.path <- paste("./", .path, "/man", sep="")
else .path <- read.rd.files
.files <- dir(.path, pattern="d$")
.fct.list <- character(length(.files))
for (i in 1:length(.files)) {
#cat(i, .path, .files[i], "\n")
#if (i == 152) {cat("jumped\n"); next}
#Print(.path, .files[i])
.fn <- paste(.path, .files[i], sep="/")
.content <- readLines(.fn, n = 2)
if (substr(.content[1], 1, 5) != "\\name" &&
(substr(.content[1], 1, 1) != "%" || substr(.content[2], 1, 5) != "\\name"))
stop(.files[i], " does not start with '\\name' -- what at least in 2018 has caused problems in valgrind")
.content <- scan(.fn, what=character(), quiet=TRUE)
.content <- strsplit(.content, "alias\\{")
.content <- .content[which(lapply(.content, length) > 1)][[1]][2]
.fct.list[i] <-
strsplit(strsplit(.content,"\\}")[[1]][1], ",")[[1]][1]
.include <- if (is.numeric(include)) include else 1:99999 <- include
RFoptions(graphics.close_screen = TRUE, graphics.split_screen = TRUE)
.RFopt <- RFoptions()
.not_working_no <- .not_working <- NULL
.included.fl <- .fct.list[.include]
.not.isna <- !
.include <- .include[.not.isna]
.included.fl <- .included.fl[.not.isna]
.max.fct.list <- max(.included.fl)
if (single.runs) { <- "example..R"
file.out <- "example..Rout"
if (file.exists(file.out)) file.remove(file.out)
if (is.character( { <- sapply(strsplit(, ".Rd"), function(x) x[1])
ENVIR <- new.env()
.allwarnings <- list()
for (.idx in .include) {
if (is.character( && !(.fct.list[.idx] %in%
try(repeat, silent=TRUE)
if (.idx %in% .exclude) next
cat("\n\n\n\n\n", .idx, " ", .package, ":", .fct.list[.idx],
" (total=", length(.fct.list), ") \n", sep="")
.C(C_ResetWarnings, as.integer(FALSE))
if (.echo) cat(.idx, "")
.tryok <- TRUE
if (single.runs) {
txt <- paste("library(", package,", ", libpath, "); example(",
", ask =", .ask,
", echo =", .echo,
")", sep="")
write(, txt)
command <- paste("R < ",, ">>", file.out)
} else {
##stopifnot(RFoptions()$basic$print <=2 )
.res <- try(, list(.fct.list[.idx], ask=.ask,
echo=.echo, local=.local)))
w <- warnings()
.allwarnings <- c(.allwarnings, list(c("Help page ", .idx)), w)
print(w) ## ok
if (is(.res, "try-error")) {
if (.halt) {
stop("\n\n\t***** ",.fct.list[.idx], " (", .idx,
" out of ", max(.include), "). has failed. *****\n\n")
} else {
.not_working_no <- c(.not_working_no, .idx)
.not_working <- c(.not_working, .fct.list[.idx])
.tryok <- FALSE
RFoptions(storing = FALSE)
cat("****** '", .fct.list[.idx], "' (", .idx, ") done. ******\n")
if (.tryok && !$basic$seed)) {
Print(.not_working, paste(.not_working_no, collapse=", "), #
stop("seed not NA: ", .fct.list[.idx])
Print(.not_working, paste(.not_working_no, collapse=", ")) #
.ret <- list(.not_working, .not_working_no)
names(.ret) <- c(.package, "")
maintainers.machine <- function() .Call(C_maintainers_machine)
Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.