
Defines functions robyn_write

Documented in robyn_write

# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and its affiliates.

# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

#' Import and Export Robyn JSON files
#' \code{robyn_write()} generates light JSON files with all the information
#' required to replicate Robyn models. Depending on user inputs, there are
#' 3 use cases: only the inputs data, input data + modeling results data,
#' and input data, modeling results + specifics of a single selected model.
#' To replicate a model, you must provide InputCollect, OutputCollect, and,
#' if OutputCollect contains more than one model, the select_model.
#' @inheritParams robyn_outputs
#' @param InputCollect \code{robyn_inputs()} output.
#' @param select_model Character. Which model ID do you want to export
#' into the JSON file?
#' @param add_data Boolean. Include raw dataset. Useful to recreate models
#' with a single file containing all the required information (no need of CSV).
#' @param dir Character. Existing directory to export JSON file to.
#' @param pareto_df Dataframe. Save all pareto solutions to json file.
#' @param ... Additional parameters to export into a custom Extras element.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' InputCollectJSON <- robyn_inputs(
#'   dt_input = Robyn::dt_simulated_weekly,
#'   json_file = "~/Desktop/RobynModel-1_29_12.json"
#' )
#' print(InputCollectJSON)
#' }
#' @return (invisible) List. Contains all inputs and outputs of exported model.
#' Class: \code{robyn_write}.
#' @export
robyn_write <- function(InputCollect,
                        OutputCollect = NULL,
                        select_model = NULL,
                        dir = OutputCollect$plot_folder,
                        add_data = TRUE,
                        export = TRUE,
                        quiet = FALSE,
                        pareto_df = NULL,
                        ...) {
  # Checks
  stopifnot(inherits(InputCollect, "robyn_inputs"))
  if (!is.null(OutputCollect)) {
    stopifnot(inherits(OutputCollect, "robyn_outputs"))
    if (is.null(select_model) && length(OutputCollect$allSolutions == 1)) {
      select_model <- OutputCollect$allSolutions
  if (is.null(dir)) dir <- getwd()

  # InputCollect JSON
  ret <- list()
  skip <- which(unlist(lapply(InputCollect, function(x) is.list(x) | is.null(x))))
  skip <- skip[!names(skip) %in% c("calibration_input", "hyperparameters", "custom_params")]
  ret[["InputCollect"]] <- InputCollect[-skip]
  # toJSON(ret$InputCollect, pretty = TRUE)

  # ExportedModel JSON
  if (!is.null(OutputCollect)) {
    # Modeling associated data
    collect <- list()
    collect$ts_validation <- OutputCollect$OutputModels$ts_validation
    collect$train_timestamp <- OutputCollect$OutputModels$train_timestamp
    collect$export_timestamp <- Sys.time()
    collect$run_time <- sprintf("%s min", attr(OutputCollect$OutputModels, "runTime"))
    collect$outputs_time <- sprintf("%s min", attr(OutputCollect, "runTime"))
    collect$total_time <- sprintf(
      "%s min", attr(OutputCollect, "runTime") +
        attr(OutputCollect$OutputModels, "runTime")
    collect$total_iters <- OutputCollect$OutputModels$iterations *
    collect$conv_msg <- gsub("\\:.*", "", OutputCollect$OutputModels$convergence$conv_msg)
    if ("clusters" %in% names(OutputCollect)) {
      collect$n_clusters <- OutputCollect$clusters$n_clusters

    skip <- which(unlist(lapply(OutputCollect, function(x) is.list(x) | is.null(x))))
    skip <- c(skip, which(names(OutputCollect) %in% "allSolutions"))
    collect <- append(collect, OutputCollect[-skip])
    ret[["ModelsCollect"]] <- collect

    # Model associated data
    if (length(select_model) == 1) {
      stopifnot(select_model %in% OutputCollect$allSolutions)
      outputs <- list()
      outputs$select_model <- select_model
      df <- filter(OutputCollect$xDecompAgg, .data$solID == select_model)
      perf_metric <- ifelse(InputCollect$dep_var_type == "revenue", "ROAS", "CPA")
      outputs$performance <- df %>%
        filter(.data$rn %in% InputCollect$paid_media_spends) %>%
        group_by(.data$solID) %>%
          metric = perf_metric,
          performance = ifelse(
            perf_metric == "ROAS",
            sum(.data$xDecompAgg) / sum(.data$total_spend),
            sum(.data$total_spend) / sum(.data$xDecompAgg)
          ), .groups = "drop"
      outputs$summary <- df %>%
          metric = perf_metric,
          performance = ifelse(.data$metric == "ROAS", .data$roi_total, .data$cpa_total)
        ) %>%
          variable = .data$rn, coef = .data$coef,
          decompPer = .data$xDecompPerc, decompAgg = .data$xDecompAggRF,
          .data$performance, .data$mean_response, .data$mean_spend,
          contains("boot_mean"), contains("ci_")
      outputs$errors <- filter(OutputCollect$resultHypParam, .data$solID == select_model) %>%
        select(starts_with("rsq_"), starts_with("nrmse"), .data$decomp.rssd, .data$mape)
      outputs$hyper_values <- OutputCollect$resultHypParam %>%
        filter(.data$solID == select_model) %>%
        select(contains(HYPS_NAMES), dplyr::ends_with("_penalty"), any_of(HYPS_OTHERS)) %>%
        select(order(colnames(.))) %>%
      outputs$hyper_updated <- OutputCollect$hyper_updated
      if ("clusters" %in% names(OutputCollect)) {
        outputs$clusters <- list(
          data = OutputCollect$clusters$data %>%
            group_by(.data$cluster) %>% mutate(n = n()) %>%
            filter(.data$solID == select_model) %>%
            select(any_of(c("solID", "cluster", "n")))
      ret[["ExportedModel"]] <- outputs
    } else {
      select_model <- "models"
  } else {
    select_model <- "inputs"

  extras <- list(...)
  if (isTRUE(add_data) & !"raw_data" %in% names(extras)) {
    extras[["raw_data"]] <- as_tibble(InputCollect$dt_input)
  if (length(extras) > 0) {
    ret[["Extras"]] <- extras

  if (!dir.exists(dir) & export) dir.create(dir, recursive = TRUE)
  filename <- sprintf("%s/RobynModel-%s.json", dir, select_model)
  filename <- gsub("//", "/", filename)
  class(ret) <- c("robyn_write", class(ret))
  attr(ret, "json_file") <- filename
  if (export) {
    if (!quiet) message(sprintf(">> Exported %s as %s", select_model, filename))
    if (!is.null(pareto_df)) {
      if (!all(c("solID", "cluster") %in% names(pareto_df))) {
          "Input 'pareto_df' is not a valid data.frame;",
          "must contain 'solID' and 'cluster' columns."
      } else {
        all_c <- unique(pareto_df$cluster)
        pareto_df <- lapply(all_c, function(x) {
          (pareto_df %>% filter(.data$cluster == x))$solID
        names(pareto_df) <- paste0("cluster", all_c)
        ret[["OutputCollect"]][["all_sols"]] <- pareto_df
    write_json(ret, filename, pretty = TRUE, digits = 10)

#' @rdname robyn_write
#' @aliases robyn_write
#' @param x \code{robyn_read()} or \code{robyn_write()} output.
#' @export
print.robyn_write <- function(x, ...) {
  val <- any(c(x$ExportedModel$ts_validation, x$ModelsCollect$ts_validation))
   Exported directory: {x$ExportedModel$plot_folder}
   Exported model: {x$ExportedModel$select_model}
   Window: {start} to {end} ({periods} {type}s)
   Time Series Validation: {val} (train size = {val_detail})",
    start = x$InputCollect$window_start,
    end = x$InputCollect$window_end,
    periods = x$InputCollect$rollingWindowLength,
    type = x$InputCollect$intervalType,
    val_detail = formatNum(100 * x$ExportedModel$hyper_values$train_size, 2, pos = "%")
  errors <- x$ExportedModel$errors
    "\n\nModel's Performance and Errors:\n    {performance}{errors}",
    performance = ifelse("performance" %in% names(x$ExportedModel), sprintf(
      "Total Model %s = %s\n    ",
      x$ExportedModel$performance$metric, signif(x$ExportedModel$performance$performance, 4)
    ), ""),
    errors = paste(
        "Adj.R2 (train): %s",
        signif(errors$rsq_train, 4)
      "| NRMSE =", signif(errors$nrmse, 4),
      "| DECOMP.RSSD =", signif(errors$decomp.rssd, 4),
      "| MAPE =", signif(errors$mape, 4)

  if ("ExportedModel" %in% names(x)) {
    print(glued("\n\nSummary Values on Selected Model:"))

    print(x$ExportedModel$summary %>%
      select(-contains("boot"), -contains("ci_")) %>%
      dplyr::rename_at("performance", list(~ ifelse(x$InputCollect$dep_var_type == "revenue", "ROAS", "CPA"))) %>%
      mutate(decompPer = formatNum(100 * .data$decompPer, pos = "%")) %>%
      dplyr::mutate_if(is.numeric, function(x) ifelse(!is.infinite(x), x, 0)) %>%
      dplyr::mutate_if(is.numeric, function(x) formatNum(x, 4, abbr = TRUE)) %>%
      replace(., . == "NA", "-") %>% as.data.frame())

      "\n\nHyper-parameters:\n    Adstock: {x$InputCollect$adstock}"

    # Nice and tidy table format for hyper-parameters
    HYPS_NAMES <- c(HYPS_NAMES, "penalty")
    regex <- paste(paste0("_", HYPS_NAMES), collapse = "|")
    hyper_df <- as.data.frame(x$ExportedModel$hyper_values) %>%
      select(-contains("lambda"), -any_of(HYPS_OTHERS)) %>%
      tidyr::gather() %>%
        into = c("channel", "none"),
        sep = regex, remove = FALSE
      ) %>%
      mutate(hyperparameter = gsub("^.*_", "", .data$key)) %>%
      select(.data$channel, .data$hyperparameter, .data$value) %>%
      tidyr::spread(key = "hyperparameter", value = "value")

#' @rdname robyn_write
#' @aliases robyn_write
#' @param json_file Character. JSON file name to read and import.
#' @param step Integer. 1 for import only and 2 for import and output.
#' @export
robyn_read <- function(json_file = NULL, step = 1, quiet = FALSE, ...) {
  if (!is.null(json_file)) {
    if (inherits(json_file, "character")) {
      if (lares::right(tolower(json_file), 4) != "json") {
        stop("JSON file must be a valid .json file")
      if (!file.exists(json_file)) {
        stop("JSON file can't be imported: ", json_file)
      json <- read_json(json_file, simplifyVector = TRUE)
      json$InputCollect <- json$InputCollect[lapply(json$InputCollect, length) > 0]
      json$ExportedModel <- append(json$ModelsCollect, json$ExportedModel)
      # Add train_size if not available (<3.9.0)
      if (!"train_size" %in% names(json$ExportedModel$hyper_values)) {
        json$ExportedModel$hyper_values$train_size <- 1
      if (!"InputCollect" %in% names(json) && step == 1) {
        stop("JSON file must contain InputCollect element")
      if (!"ExportedModel" %in% names(json) && step == 2) {
        stop("JSON file must contain ExportedModel element")
      json$ModelsCollect <- NULL
      if (!quiet) message("Imported JSON file successfully: ", json_file)
      class(json) <- c("robyn_read", class(json))

#' @rdname robyn_write
#' @aliases robyn_write
#' @export
print.robyn_read <- function(x, ...) {
  a <- x$InputCollect
############ InputCollect ############

Date: {a$date_var}
Dependent: {a$dep_var} [{a$dep_var_type}]
Paid Media: {paste(a$paid_media_vars, collapse = ', ')}
Paid Media Spend: {paste(a$paid_media_spends, collapse = ', ')}
Context: {paste(a$context_vars, collapse = ', ')}
Organic: {paste(a$organic_vars, collapse = ', ')}
Prophet (Auto-generated): {prophet}
Unused variables: {unused}
Model Window: {windows} ({a$rollingWindowEndWhich - a$rollingWindowStartWhich + 1} {a$intervalType}s)
With Calibration: {!is.null(a$calibration_input)}
Custom parameters: {custom_params}

Adstock: {a$adstock}
    windows = paste(a$window_start, a$window_end, sep = ":"),
    custom_params = if (length(a$custom_params) > 0) paste("\n", flatten_hyps(a$custom_params)) else "None",
    prophet = if (!is.null(a$prophet_vars)) {
      sprintf("%s on %s", paste(a$prophet_vars, collapse = ", "), a$prophet_country)
    } else {
    unused = if (length(a$unused_vars) > 0) {
      paste(a$unused_vars, collapse = ", ")
    } else {
    hyps = glued(
      "Hyper-parameters ranges:\n{flatten_hyps(a$hyperparameters)}"

  if (!is.null(x$ExportedModel)) {
    temp <- x
    class(temp) <- "robyn_write"
    print(glued("\n\n############ Exported Model ############\n"))

#' @rdname robyn_write
#' @aliases robyn_write
#' @export
robyn_recreate <- function(json_file, quiet = FALSE, ...) {
  json <- robyn_read(json_file, quiet = TRUE)
  message(">>> Recreating ", json$ExportedModel$select_model)
  args <- list(...)
  if (!"InputCollect" %in% names(args)) {
    InputCollect <- robyn_inputs(
      json_file = json_file,
      quiet = quiet,
    if (!is.null(json$ExportedModel$select_model)) {
      OutputCollect <- robyn_run(
        InputCollect = InputCollect,
        json_file = json_file,
        export = FALSE,
        quiet = quiet,
    } else {
      OutputCollect <- NULL
  } else {
    # Use case: skip feature engineering when InputCollect is provided
    InputCollect <- args[["InputCollect"]]
    OutputCollect <- robyn_run(
      json_file = json_file,
      export = FALSE,
      quiet = quiet,
    InputCollect = InputCollect,
    OutputCollect = OutputCollect,
    Extras = json[["Extras"]]

# Import the whole chain any refresh model to init
robyn_chain <- function(json_file) {
  json_data <- robyn_read(json_file, quiet = TRUE)
  ids <- c(json_data$InputCollect$refreshChain, json_data$ExportedModel$select_model)
  plot_folder <- json_data$ExportedModel$plot_folder
  temp <- str_split(plot_folder, "/")[[1]]
  chain <- temp[startsWith(temp, "Robyn_") & grepl("_init+$|_rf[0-9]+$", temp)]
  if (length(chain) == 0) chain <- tail(temp[temp != ""], 1)
  avlb <- NULL
  if (length(ids) != length(chain)) {
    temp <- list.files(plot_folder)
    mods <- unique(temp[
      (startsWith(temp, "RobynModel") | grepl("\\.json+$", temp)) &
        grepl("^[^_]*_[^_]*_[^_]*$", temp)
    avlb <- gsub("RobynModel-|\\.json", "", mods)
    if (length(ids) == length(mods)) {
      chain <- rep_len(chain, length(mods))
  base_dir <- gsub(sprintf("\\/%s.*", chain[1]), "", plot_folder)
  chainData <- list()
  for (i in rev(seq_along(ids))) {
    if (i == length(ids)) {
      json_new <- json_data
    } else {
      file <- paste0("RobynModel-", json_new$InputCollect$refreshSourceID, ".json")
      filename <- paste(c(base_dir, chain[1:i], file), collapse = "/")
      if (file.exists(filename)) {
        json_new <- robyn_read(filename, quiet = TRUE)
      } else {
        if (ids[i] %in% avlb) {
          filename <- mods[avlb == ids[i]]
          json_new <- robyn_read(filename, quiet = TRUE)
        } else {
          last_try <- gsub(chain[1], "", filename)
          if (file.exists(last_try)) {
            json_new <- robyn_read(last_try, quiet = TRUE)
            message("Stored original model in new file: ", filename)
            jsonlite::write_json(json_new, filename, pretty = TRUE)
          } else {
            message("Skipping chain. File can't be found: ", filename)
    chainData[[json_new$ExportedModel$select_model]] <- json_new
  chainData <- chainData[rev(seq_along(chain))]
  dirs <- unlist(lapply(chainData, function(x) x$ExportedModel$plot_folder))
  dirs[!dir.exists(dirs)] <- plot_folder
  json_files <- paste0(dirs, "RobynModel-", names(dirs), ".json")
  attr(chainData, "json_files") <- json_files
  attr(chainData, "chain") <- ids # names(chainData)
  if (length(ids) != length(names(chainData))) {
    warning("Can't replicate chain-like results if you don't follow Robyn's chain structure")

Try the Robyn package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

Robyn documentation built on June 27, 2024, 9:06 a.m.