#' Inline model
#' Save a string in a temporary file to be used as a model file
#' @param srtIn (\emph{string}) Model in string format,
#' @param filename (\emph{string}) name of the model file (by default the model is saved in a temporary file)
#' @return Name of the model file
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' myModel <- inlineModel("
#' input = {A, k, c, a}
#' t0 = 0
#' f_0 = A
#' ddt_f = -k*f/(c+f)
#' y = {distribution=normal, prediction=f, sd=a}
#' input = {k_pop, omega}
#' k = {distribution=lognormal, prediction=k_pop, sd=omega}
#' ")
#' }
#' @export
inlineModel <- function(srtIn, filename = NULL){
tempFile <- tempfile(pattern = 'Simulx_',fileext = '.txt')
tempFile <- gsub(x = tempFile, pattern = '\\\\', replacement = "/")
fileConn <- file(tempFile)
writeLines(text = srtIn, con = fileConn, sep ='\n')
if (!is.null(filename)) {
str_Filename <- paste0(filename,'.txt')
file.copy(from = tempFile, to = str_Filename)
} else {
#' Inline dataframe
#' Convert a string in dataframe and save it in a temporary file
#' @param str (\emph{string}) Dataframe in string format
#' @return dataframe object
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' occ <- inlineDataFrame("
#' id time occ
#' 1 0 1
#' 1 12 2
#' 1 24 3
#' 2 0 1
#' 2 24 2
#' 3 0 1
#' ")
#' }
#' @export
inlineDataFrame <- function(str){
tempFile <- paste0(tempfile(),'.txt')
tempFile <- gsub(x = tempFile, pattern = '\\\\', replacement = "/")
indexStr = gregexpr(text = str, pattern = '\n')[[1]][1]
if(indexStr ==1){
str <- substr(x= str, start = 2, stop = nchar(str))
indexStr = max(gregexpr(text = str, pattern = '\n')[[1]])
if(indexStr == nchar(str)){
str <- substr(x= str, start = 1, stop = nchar(str)-1)
for(index in 1:10){
str <- gsub(x= str, pattern = " ", replacement = " ")
str <- gsub(x= str, pattern = "\n ", replacement = "\n")
str <- gsub(x= str, pattern = " \n", replacement = "\n")
indexStr = gregexpr(text = str, pattern = ' ')[[1]][1]
if(indexStr ==1){
str <- substr(x= str, start = 2, stop = nchar(str))
indexStr = max(gregexpr(text = str, pattern = ' ')[[1]])
if(indexStr == nchar(str)){
str <- substr(x= str, start = 1, stop = nchar(str)-1)
utils::write.table(x = str, file = tempFile, quote = F,
sep = ';', eol = '\n', row.names = F, col.names = F)
df = utils::read.table(file = tempFile, header = T, sep = .getDelimiter(tempFile))
# .addUnitaryOutputName defines a name for the output
# - based on the group name
# - based on the output name
.addUnitaryOutputName <- function(output, groupName = NULL){
return(paste0('Out_', groupName, '_', length(.lixoftCall("getOutputElements")) + 1))
# .addUnitaryOutput adds an output list to the group groupName
# If groupName is NULL, it will be added to the shared group
.addUnitaryOutput <- function(output, groupName = NULL){
outputVect <- output
outName_full <- NULL
tt <- outputVect$time
occInfo <- .lixoftCall("getOccasionElements")
if (length(occInfo$occasions) > 1) {
occLevel <- occInfo$occasions
occLevelName <- occInfo$name
occLevelTime <- occInfo$time
occLevelId <- occInfo$id
# output defined as string
if (is.string(tt)) {
df_occ <- utils::read.table(file = tt, header = T, sep = .getDelimiter(tt))
df_occ$time <- as.numeric(df_occ$time)
} else {
if (! is.null(occLevelId)) {
ids <- unique(occLevelId)
df_occ <- data.frame(id=rep(ids, each=length(tt)),
time=rep(tt, length(ids)))
} else {
df_occ <- data.frame(time=tt)
matchOccNames <- unlist(sapply(occLevelName, function(name) grep(paste0("^", name, "$"), names(df_occ),, value=T)))
df_occ <- .renameColumns(df_occ, unname(matchOccNames), names(matchOccNames))
# check treatment elements
extraNames <- setdiff(names(df_occ),
c(occLevelName, "id", "time", "lloq", "uloq", "limit"))
if (length(extraNames)) {
warning("Invalid occasions found in output: '", paste0(extraNames, collapse="', '"),
"' will be removed. Available occasions are '",
paste(occLevelName, collapse="', '"), "'.", call.=F)
df_occ <- df_occ[! names(df_occ) %in% extraNames]
for (o in seq_along(occLevelName)) {
occname <- occLevelName[o]
if (occname %in% names(df_occ)) next
if (occname %in% .getOverlapOccasion()) next
occasions <- sapply(occLevel, function(occ) occ[[o]])
# levels same for all ids
if (is.null(occLevelId)) {
df_occ <- .fill_occasion(df_occ, occasions, occLevelTime, occname)
} else {
df = df_occ
for (id in unique(occLevelId)) {
if (! id %in% df$id) next
df_occ_id <- .fill_occasion(df[df$id == id,],
occasions[occLevelId == id],
occLevelTime[occLevelId == id],
df_occ[df_occ$id == id, occname] <- df_occ_id[[occname]]
df_occ <- df_occ[intersect(c("id", occLevelName, "time"), names(df_occ))]
if ("id" %in% names(df_occ)) {
data <- .addDataFrameTemp(df_occ)
} else {
data <- df_occ
} else {
if (is.string(outputVect$time)) {
data <- outputVect$time
} else {
data <- data.frame(time = outputVect$time)
for (indexName in seq_along(outputVect$name)) {
outName <- .addUnitaryOutputName(output = outputVect$name[indexName], groupName)
# catch error if output not defined
if (is.string(data)) {
messageMatch <- "output data"
names(messageMatch) <- paste0("'", data, "'")
} else {
messageMatch <- NULL
list(name = outName, element = list(data = data, output = outputVect$name[indexName])),
messageMatch = messageMatch)
outName_full <- c(outName_full, outName)
# .addOutput adds an output list (or list of list) to the group groupName
# If groupName is NULL, it will be added to the shared group
.addOutput <- function(output, groupName = NULL){
if (is.null(output)) return(invisible(TRUE))
sharedGroupName <- .lixoftCall("getGroups")[[1]]$name
if(is.null(groupName)) {
groupName <- sharedGroupName
outName_full <- NULL
for (iout in seq_along(output)) {
outValue <- output[[iout]]
if (is.string(outValue)) {
if (! outValue %in% .getMlxOutputNames()) {
stop("Invalid output '", outValue, "' not found in Monolix project. ",
"Available monolix outputs are ", paste(.getMlxOutputNames(), collapse=", "),
".", call.=F)
outName_full <- c(outName_full, outValue)
} else if (is.element("time", names(outValue))) {
outName <- .addUnitaryOutput(output = outValue, groupName)
outName_full <- c(outName_full, outName)
if (length(outName_full)) {
.lixoftCall("setGroupElement", list(group = groupName, elements = outName_full))
# .addUnitaryTrtName defines a name for the treatment
# - based on the group name
# - based on the first amount
.addUnitaryTrtName <- function(treatment, groupName = NULL){
if (is.null(groupName)) {
trtName <- paste0('TrT_', length(.lixoftCall("getTreatmentElements")) + 1)
} else {
trtName <- paste0('TrT_', groupName, '_', length(.lixoftCall("getTreatmentElements")) + 1)
# .addUnitaryTrt adds an treatment (list) to the group groupName
# If groupName is NULL, it will be added to the shared group
.addUnitaryTrt <- function(treatment, groupName = NULL) {
if (is.null(treatment)) {
if (is.string(treatment)) {
treatment <- utils::read.table(file = treatment, header = T, sep = .getDelimiter(treatment))
admID <- unique(treatment$type)
probaMissDose <- unique(treatment$probaMissDose)
repeats <- NULL
df_treatment <- treatment[! names(treatment) %in% c("type", "probaMissDose")]
} else {
admID <- treatment$type
probaMissDose <- treatment$probaMissDose
repeats <- treatment$repeats
df_treatment <- data.frame(time = treatment$time, amount = treatment$amount)
# Add Tinf if present
if ("tinf" %in% names(treatment)) {
df_treatment$tInf <- treatment$tinf
if ("rate" %in% names(treatment)) {
df_treatment$tInf <- df_treatment$amount/treatment$rate
if ("washout" %in% names(treatment)) {
df_treatment$washout <- treatment$washout
occInfo <- .lixoftCall("getOccasionElements")
if (length(occInfo$occasions) > 1) {
occLevel <- occInfo$occasions
occLevelName <- occInfo$name
occLevelTime <- occInfo$time
occLevelId <- occInfo$id
df_treatment$time <- as.numeric(df_treatment$time)
matchOccNames <- unlist(sapply(occLevelName, function(name) grep(paste0("^", name, "$"), names(df_treatment),, value=T)))
df_treatment <- .renameColumns(df_treatment, unname(matchOccNames), names(matchOccNames))
# check treatment elements
extraNames <- setdiff(names(df_treatment),
c(occLevelName, "id", "time", "amount", "tinf", "rate", "washout"))
if (length(extraNames)) {
warning("Invalid occasions found in treatement: '", paste0(extraNames, collapse="', '"),
"' will be removed. Available occasions are '",
paste(occLevelName, collapse="', '"), "'.", call.=F)
df_treatment <- df_treatment[! names(df_treatment) %in% extraNames]
if (! is.null(occLevelId) & ! "id" %in% names(df_treatment)) {
ids <- unique(occLevelId)
df_occ <-"rbind", replicate(length(ids), df_treatment, simplify = FALSE))
df_occ$id <- rep(ids, each=nrow(df_treatment))
} else {
df_occ <- df_treatment
for (o in seq_along(occLevelName)) {
occname <- occLevelName[o]
if (occname %in% names(df_occ)) next
if (occname %in% .getOverlapOccasion()) next
occasions <- sapply(occLevel, function(occ) occ[[o]])
# levels same for all ids
if (is.null(occLevelId)) {
df_occ <- .fill_occasion(df_occ, occasions, occLevelTime, occname)
} else {
df <- df_occ
for (id in unique(occLevelId)) {
if (! id %in% df$id) next
df_occ_id <- .fill_occasion(df[df$id == id,],
occasions[occLevelId == id],
occLevelTime[occLevelId == id],
df_occ[df_occ$id == id, occname] <- df_occ_id[[occname]]
df_occ <- df_occ[intersect(c("id", occLevelName, setdiff(names(df_treatment), "id")), names(df_occ))]
df_treatment <- df_occ
if ("id" %in% names(df_treatment)) {
data <- .addDataFrameTemp(df_treatment)
} else {
data <- df_treatment
trtName <- .addUnitaryTrtName(treatment = treatment, groupName = groupName)
if (is.string(data)) {
messageMatch <- "treatment data"
names(messageMatch) <- paste0("'", data, "'")
} else {
messageMatch <- NULL
list(name = trtName, element = list(admID=admID,
messageMatch = messageMatch)
# .addTreatement adds an treatment (or list of list) to the group groupName
# If groupName is NULL, it will be added to the shared group
.addTreatment <- function(treatment, groupName = NULL){
if (is.null(groupName)) {
groupName <- .lixoftCall("getGroups")[[1]]$name
if (is.null(treatment)) {
trtName_full <- NULL
for (indexTreatment in seq_along(treatment)) {
treat <- treatment[[indexTreatment]]
if (is.string(treat) && ! file.exists(treat)) {
if (! treat %in% .getMlxTreatmentNames()) {
stop("Invalid treatment. '", treat, "' not found in Monolix project. ",
"Available monolix treatments are ", paste(.getMlxTreatmentNames(), collapse=", "),
".", call.=F)
trtName_full <- c(trtName_full, treat)
} else {
trtName <- .addUnitaryTrt(treatment = treat, groupName = groupName)
trtName_full <- c(trtName_full, trtName)
.lixoftCall("setGroupElement", list(group = groupName, elements = trtName_full))
.getMlxTreatmentNames <- function() {
treat <- names(.lixoftCall("getTreatmentElements"))
if (!is.null(treat)) {
treatNames <- treat[startsWith(treat, "mlx_Adm")]
} else {
treatNames <- c()
.getMlxOutputNames <- function() {
output <- names(.lixoftCall("getOutputElements"))
outputNames <- output[startsWith(output, "mlx_")]
# .addUnitaryRegName defines a name for the treatment
# - based on the group name
# - based on the regressor name
.addUnitaryRegName <- function(regressor, groupName = NULL){
if (is.null(groupName)) {
regName <- paste0('Reg_', length(.lixoftCall("getRegressorElements")) + 1)
} else {
regName <- paste0('Reg_', groupName, '_', length(.lixoftCall("getRegressorElements")) + 1)
# .addUnitaryRegressor adds a regressor (list) to the group groupName
# If groupName is NULL, it will be added to the shared group
.addUnitaryRegressor <- function(regressor, groupName = NULL){
if (is.null(regressor)) {
regName <- .addUnitaryRegName(regressor, groupName)
df = data.frame(regressor)
.lixoftCall("defineRegressorElement", list(name = regName, element = df))
# .addRegressor adds a regressor (list or list of a list) to the group groupName
# If groupName is NULL, it will be added to the shared group
.addRegressor <- function(regressor, groupName = NULL){
shareGroupName <- .lixoftCall("getGroups")[[1]]$name
groupName <- shareGroupName
if (is.null(regressor)) {
regName <- .addUnitaryRegName(regressor, groupName)
messageMatch <- "regressor data"
names(messageMatch) <- paste0("'", regressor, "'")
.lixoftCall("defineRegressorElement", list(name = regName, element = regressor),
messageMatch = messageMatch)
} else {
regName = .addUnitaryRegressor(regressor = regressor, groupName)
.lixoftCall("setGroupElement", list(group=groupName, elements = regName))
# .addParameter adds a parameter vector to the group groupName
# It is split between individual and population
# If groupName is NULL, it will be added to the shared group
.addParameter <- function(parameter, groupName = NULL){
if(is.null(parameter)) {
popElements <- .lixoftCall("getPopulationElements")
indivElements <- .lixoftCall("getIndividualElements")
# paramtype: individual or population
if (is.null(groupName)) {
g <- .lixoftCall("getGroups")[[1]]
groupName <- .lixoftCall("getGroups")[[1]]$name
} else {
g <- .lixoftCall("getGroups")[sapply(.lixoftCall("getGroups"), function(g) g$name == groupName)][[1]]
paramType <- g$parameter$type
if (is.string(parameter) ) {
parameterValues <- utils::read.table(file=parameter, header=T, sep=.getDelimiter(parameter))
namesParamValues <- names(parameterValues)
occasion_elements <- .lixoftCall("getOccasionElements")
nameIntersect <- intersect(namesParamValues,
c('id', 'ID', 'pop', 'occ', 'occ1', 'occ2', 'occevid', unlist(occasion_elements$names)))
if (length(nameIntersect)) {
indexID_OCC = match(nameIntersect, namesParamValues)
paramNames <- namesParamValues[-indexID_OCC]
} else {
paramNames <- namesParamValues
} else {
paramNames <- names(parameter)
# if ind params & pop params defined together --> raise error
parameterInd <- .filterParameter(parameter, type="ind")
parameterPop <- .filterParameter(parameter, type="pop")
# Add parameters -------------------------------------------------------------
expectedParams <- c()
if (length(parameterInd) > 0) {
# Add parameters that describe individuals
outIndivName <- .addIndParameter(parameter, groupName)
outName <- outIndivName
expectedParams <- c(expectedParams, .getParameterNames("indiv"))
.lixoftCall("setGroupElement", list(group=groupName, elements=outName))
# remaining parameters
remainingParamNames <- names(.lixoftCall("getGroupRemaining", groupName))
if (length(intersect(remainingParamNames, names(parameterPop)))) {
remainingParamNames <- intersect(remainingParamNames, names(parameterPop))
remainingParams <- parameterPop[remainingParamNames]
.lixoftCall("setGroupRemaining", list(group=groupName, remaining=remainingParams))
} else if (length(parameterPop) > 0) {
# Add parameters that describe populations
outPopName <- .addPopParameter(parameter, groupName)
outName <- outPopName
expectedParams <- c(expectedParams, .getParameterNames("pop"))
.lixoftCall("setGroupElement", list(group=groupName, elements=outName))
remainingParamNames <- NULL
} else {
remainingParamNames <- NULL
if (length(parameterInd) > 0 & length(parameterPop[setdiff(names(parameterPop), remainingParamNames)]) > 0) {
stop("Population parameters and individuals parameters cannot be defined together.", call. = FALSE)
# Print Warning in case something is missing ---------------------------------
# warn in case of missing parameters
ismlxproject <- any(grepl("mlx", names(.lixoftCall("getOutputElements"))))
.checkMissingParameters(paramNames, expectedParams, ismlxproject)
# warn in case of extra parameters
# RETRO 2020 - Remove covariates from parameters
remainingParamNames <- names(.lixoftCall("getGroupRemaining", groupName))
.checkExtraParameters(setdiff(paramNames, c(.getParameterNames("cov"), remainingParamNames)),
# Add Covariates in a group
.addCovariate <- function(covariate, groupName = NULL){
covElements <- .lixoftCall("getCovariateElements")
if (is.null(groupName)) {
groupName <- .lixoftCall("getGroups")[[1]]$name
groups <- .lixoftCall("getGroups")
group <- groups[sapply(groups, function(g) g$name == groupName)][[1]]
paramType <- group$parameter$type
if (is.string(covariate)) {
covariateValues <- utils::read.table(file=covariate, header=T, sep=.getDelimiter(covariate))
namesCovValues <- names(covariateValues)
occasion_elements <- .lixoftCall("getOccasionElements")
nameIntersect <- intersect(namesCovValues,
c('id', 'ID', 'pop', 'occ', 'occ1', 'occ2', 'occevid', unlist(occasion_elements$names)))
if (length(nameIntersect)) {
indexID_OCC = match(nameIntersect, namesCovValues)
covNames <- namesCovValues[-indexID_OCC]
} else {
covNames <- namesCovValues
} else {
covNames <- names(covariate)
# Add covariates -------------------------------------------------------------
expectedCov <- c()
# Add parameters that describe covariates
outCovName <- .addCovParameter(covariate, covNames, groupName)
if (length(.lixoftCall("getCovariateElements")) > 0) {
expectedCov <- c(expectedCov, .getParameterNames("cov"))
# Print Warning in case something is missing ---------------------------------
# warn in case of missing parameters
ismlxproject <- any(grepl("mlx", names(.lixoftCall("getOutputElements"))))
.checkMissingParameters(covNames, expectedCov, ismlxproject)
# warn in case of extra parameters
.checkExtraParameters(covNames, expectedCov)
if (paramType == "individual") {
warning("Covariate won't be used because individual parameters have been defined.", call.=F)
} else if (!is.null(outCovName)) {
.lixoftCall("setGroupElement", list(group=groupName, elements=outCovName))
.addCovParameter <- function(covariate, covariateNames, groupName) {
covElements <- .lixoftCall("getCovariateElements")
covariate <- .filterParameter(covariate, "cov")
if (length(covElements) == 0 | length(covariate) == 0) {
covName <- paste0('manCov', groupName, '_', length(.lixoftCall("getCovariateElements")) + 1)
# default covariate parameters
covParam <- covElements[[1]]$data
covParamName <- .getParameterNames("cov")
# check if covariate parameters are missing
missingcov <- setdiff(covParamName, covariateNames)
# input is a dataframe
if (is.string(covariate)) {
messageMatch <- "parameter data"
names(messageMatch) <- paste0("'", covariate, "'")
list(name=covName, element=covariate),
} else {
covElement <- covariate
# if multiple values, transform covariates to dataframe
if (nrow(covElement) > 1) {
covElement <- cbind(data.frame(id=1:nrow(covElement)), covElement)
} else if (length(missingcov)) {
# if missing covariate, replace values in default covariate element
covParam[names(covariate)] <- covariate
covElement <- covParam
# Define covariate element
if (nrow(covElement) > 1) {
# Convert in text file
tempFile = .addDataFrameTemp(df=covElement)
messageMatch <- "covariate parameters data"
names(messageMatch) <- paste0("'", tempFile, "'")
.lixoftCall("defineCovariateElement", list(name=covName, element=tempFile),
} else {
.lixoftCall("defineCovariateElement", list(name=covName, element=covElement))
# Add parameters that describe a population
.addPopParameter <- function(parameter, groupName) {
popElements <- .lixoftCall("getPopulationElements")
inputPop <- .filterParameter(parameter, type="pop")
if (length(popElements) == 0 | length(inputPop) == 0) {
popName <- paste0('manualPop', groupName,'_', length(.lixoftCall("getPopulationElements")) + 1)
# default pop parameters
popParamName <- .getParameterNames("pop")
popParam <- popElements[[1]]$data[popParamName]
if ( {
popParam <- .transformToNumeric(popParam)
popParam <- unlist(popParam)
# input is a dataframe
if (is.string(inputPop)) {
parameterValues <- utils::read.table(file=inputPop, header=T, sep=.getDelimiter(inputPop))
if (! "pop" %in% names(parameterValues)) {
stop("A data.frame of population parameters can only be used in combination with the argument 'npop'. ",
"The data frame must have a column 'pop'.", call. = FALSE)
tempFile = .addDataFrameTemp(parameterValues[names(parameterValues) != "pop"])
messageMatch <- "population parameters data"
names(messageMatch) <- paste0("'", tempFile, "'")
.lixoftCall("definePopulationElement", list(name=popName, element=tempFile),
} else {
popElement <-, ncol= length(popParam)))
names(popElement) <- names(popParam)
popElement[names(inputPop)] <- inputPop
.lixoftCall("definePopulationElement", list(name=popName, element=popElement))
# Add parameters describe an individual
.addIndParameter <- function(parameter, groupName) {
indivElements <- .lixoftCall("getIndividualElements")
inputIndiv <- .filterParameter(parameter, type="indiv")
if (length(indivElements) == 0 | length(inputIndiv) == 0) {
indivName <- paste0('manualIndiv', groupName, '_', length(.lixoftCall("getIndividualElements")) + 1)
# default indiv parameters
indivParamName <- .getParameterNames("indiv")
indivParam <- unlist(indivElements[[1]]$data[indivParamName])
# input is a dataframe
if (is.string(inputIndiv)) {
messageMatch <- "individual parameters data"
names(messageMatch) <- paste0("'", inputIndiv, "'")
.lixoftCall("defineIndividualElement", list(name=indivName, element=inputIndiv),
messageMatch = messageMatch)
} else {
indivElement <-, ncol=length(indivParam)))
names(indivElement) <- names(indivParam)
indivElement[names(inputIndiv)] <- inputIndiv
.lixoftCall("defineIndividualElement", list(name=indivName, element=indivElement))
.getParameterNames <- function(type="pop") {
occasion_elements <- .lixoftCall("getOccasionElements")
# Parameters that describes a covariate
if (type == "cov") {
elements <- .lixoftCall("getCovariateElements")
if (length(elements) == 0) return(NULL)
elementNames <- names(elements[[1]]$data)
paramNames <- setdiff(elementNames, c("ID", "id", unlist(occasion_elements$names)))
} else if (type == "pop") {
elements <- .lixoftCall("getPopulationElements")
if (length(elements) == 0) return(NULL)
elementNames <- names(unlist(elements[[1]]$data))
paramNames <- setdiff(elementNames, "id")
} else {
elements <- .lixoftCall("getIndividualElements")
if (length(elements) == 0) return(NULL)
elementNames <- names(unlist(elements[[1]]$data))
paramNames <- setdiff(elementNames, "id")
.filterParameter <- function(parameter, type = "pop", store_dataframe=T, unlistOutput=F){
occasion_elements <- .lixoftCall("getOccasionElements")
# extraNames <- c('id', 'pop', 'occ', 'occ1', 'occ2', 'occevid')
extraNames <- c("id", "pop", "ID", unlist(occasion_elements$names))
elementNames <- .getParameterNames(type)
if (is.string(parameter)) {
# filter dataframe with cov / ind / pop parameters only
parameterValues <- utils::read.table(file = parameter, header = T, sep = .getDelimiter(parameter))
# avoid F and T to be interpreted as FALSE and TRUE --> logical column to character
idlog <- names(parameterValues[sapply(parameterValues, class) == "logical"])
parameterValues[idlog] <- sapply(parameterValues[idlog], function(col) gsub("FALSE", "F", col))
parameterValues[idlog] <- sapply(parameterValues[idlog], function(col) gsub("TRUE", "T", col))
parameterValuesNames <- names(parameterValues)
pName <- intersect(parameterValuesNames, elementNames)
if (length(pName) == 0) {
pExtra = parameterValuesNames[parameterValuesNames %in% extraNames]
parameterValues <- parameterValues[c(pExtra, pName)]
# parameterValues <- parameterValues[, c(pExtra, pName)]
# names(parameterValues) <- c(pExtra, pName)
# if type = ind or type = cov --> remove pop column
if (type %in% c("ind", "cov")) {
# remove pop column
popName <- parameterValuesNames[parameterValuesNames == "pop"]
if (length(popName)) {
parameterValues <- unique(parameterValues[names(parameterValues) != popName])
# if type = pop --> remove id column
if (type == "pop") {
# remove id column
idName <- parameterValuesNames[parameterValuesNames == "id"]
if (length(idName)) {
parameterValues <- unique(parameterValues[names(parameterValues) != idName])
if ( {
parameterValues <- unique(parameterValues)
if (nrow(parameterValues) == 1) {
parameter <-
} else {
if (store_dataframe) {
parameter <- .addDataFrameTemp(parameterValues)
} else {
parameter <- parameterValues
} else {
parameter <- parameterValues
} else {
parameter <-
parameter <- parameter[names(parameter) %in% elementNames]
parameter <- .transformToNumeric(parameter)
if (unlistOutput) {
parameter <- unlist(parameter)
.getAllowedMlxParameterNames <- function(type="all") {
if (type == "pop") {
allowedParams <- c("mlx_Pop", "mlx_PopUncertainSA", "mlx_PopUncertainLin")
} else if (type == "ind") {
allowedParams <- c("mlx_PopIndiv","mlx_PopIndivCov","mlx_CondMean","mlx_EBEs","mlx_CondDistSample")
} else {
allowedParams <- c(.getAllowedMlxParameterNames("pop"), .getAllowedMlxParameterNames("ind"))
.getMlxParameterNames <- function(type="all") {
if (type == "pop") {
popElements <- names(.lixoftCall("getPopulationElements"))
extfiles_path <- file.path(.lixoftCall("getProjectSettings")$directory, "ExternalFiles")
# 2021 ! To remove in 2022 when function getPopulationElements is fixed
# check if popUncertainLin exists
if (file.exists(file.path(extfiles_path, "mlx_PopUncertainLin.dat"))) {
popElements <- c(popElements, "mlx_PopUncertainLin")
# check if popUncertainSA exists
if (file.exists(file.path(extfiles_path, "mlx_PopUncertainSA.dat"))) {
popElements <- c(popElements, "mlx_PopUncertainSA")
paramNames <- intersect(
} else if (type == "ind") {
paramNames <- intersect(
} else {
paramNames <- c(.getMlxParameterNames("pop"), .getMlxParameterNames("ind"))
.getAllowedMlxCovariateNames <- function() {
allowedCov <- c("mlx_Cov", "mlx_CovDist")
.getMlxCovariateNames <- function() {
covNames <- intersect(
.addMlxParameter <- function(parameter, groupName = NULL){
if (is.null(groupName)) {
groupName <- .lixoftCall("getGroups")[[1]]$name
if (! parameter %in% .getMlxParameterNames()) {
stop("Invalid parameter. ", parameter, " not found in Monolix project. ",
"Available monolix parameters are ", paste(.getMlxParameterNames(), collapse=", "),
".", call.=F)
.lixoftCall("setGroupElement", list(group = groupName, elements = parameter))
# set remaining parameters
if (parameter %in% .getMlxParameterNames("ind")) {
remaining <- .lixoftCall("getGroupRemaining", list(group = groupName))
popData <- .lixoftCall("getPopulationElements")$mlx_Pop$data
namesPopData <- names(popData)
for (indexParam in seq_along(remaining)) {
remainingName <- names(remaining)[indexParam]
remaining[indexParam] <- popData[which(namesPopData==remainingName)]
.lixoftCall("setGroupRemaining", list(group = groupName, remaining = remaining))
.addMlxCovariate <- function(covariate, groupName = NULL){
if (is.null(groupName)) {
groupName <- .lixoftCall("getGroups")[[1]]$name
if (! covariate %in% .getMlxCovariateNames()) {
stop("Invalid covariate. ", covariate, " not found in Monolix project. ",
"Available monolix covariates are ", paste(.getMlxCovariateNames(), collapse=", "),
".", call.=F)
.lixoftCall("setGroupElement", list(group = groupName, elements = covariate))
# .addGroup add the element of the group to the group groupName
# If groupName is NULL, it will be added to the shared group
.addGroup <- function(group, groupName = NULL){
if (is.null(group)) {
groupName = .lixoftCall("getGroups")[[1]]$name
# add parameters in group
if ("parameter" %in% names(group)) {
parameter = group$parameter
if (parameter[1] %in% .getAllowedMlxParameterNames()) {
.addMlxParameter(parameter, groupName)
} else {
.addParameter(parameter = parameter, groupName)
# add covariates in group
# RETRO 2020 - Include covariates from parameters argument
if ("parameter" %in% names(group)) {
p <- group$parameter
if (! p %in% .getAllowedMlxParameterNames()) {
covFromParameter <- .filterParameter(p, "cov", store_dataframe=F, unlistOutput=T)
if (! is.null(covFromParameter)) {
message("[INFO] Using 'parameter' argument to define covariates is deprecated. Use 'covariate' argument instead.")
if (is.string(group$covariate)) {
if (group$covariate[1] %in% .getAllowedMlxCovariateNames()) {
stop("You must either define covariate with a string corresponding to the element generated by Monolix, or with a list.", call.=F)
group$covariate <- utils::read.table(file=group$covariate, header=T, sep=.getDelimiter(covariate))
group$covariate <- .transformParameter(list(
if ($covariate)) {
group$covariate <- .addDataFrameTemp(df=group$covariate)
if (is.null(c(.filterParameter(p, "ind"), .filterParameter(p, "pop")))) {
group$parameter <- NULL
if (! is.null(group$covariate)) {
covariate = group$covariate
if (covariate[1] %in% .getAllowedMlxCovariateNames()) {
.addMlxCovariate(covariate, groupName)
} else {
.addCovariate(covariate=covariate, groupName)
# add output in group
if ("output" %in% names(group)) {
.addOutput(output=group$output, groupName)
# add treatment in group
if ("treatment" %in% names(group)) {
treatment <- group$treatment
.addTreatment(treatment, groupName)
# add regressor in group
if ("regressor" %in% names(group)) {
.addRegressor(group$regressor, groupName)
# set size of the group
if ("size" %in% names(group)) {
.lixoftCall("setGroupSize", list(groupName, group$size))
# .addOutputToFile
.addOutputToFile <- function(model, outputName){
tempFile <- tempfile(pattern = 'SimulxModel_', fileext = '.txt')
tempFile <- gsub(x = tempFile, pattern = '\\\\', replacement = "/")
file.copy(from = model, to = tempFile, overwrite = T)
lines <- suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(readLines(tempFile, -1L)))
isLONG <- F
write(x = '', file = tempFile, append = FALSE)
for (index in seq_along(lines)) {
line <- lines[index]
lineTest <- line
lineTest <- sub(pattern = '[[]', replacement = '', x = lineTest)
lineTest <- sub(pattern = ']', replacement = '', x = lineTest)
if (grepl(x = lineTest, pattern = 'LONGITUDINAL')) {
isLONG = T
if (grepl(x = lineTest, pattern = 'COVARIATE')) {
if (isLONG) {
write(x = paste0("\nOUTPUT:\noutput={", paste0(unique(outputName), collapse = ','),'}\n'),
file = tempFile, append = TRUE)
isLONG <- F
if (grepl(x = lineTest, pattern = 'INDIVIDUAL')) {
if (isLONG) {
write(x = paste0("\nOUTPUT:\noutput={", paste0(unique(outputName), collapse = ','),'}\n'),
file = tempFile, append = TRUE)
isLONG <- F
write(x = line, file = tempFile, append = TRUE)
if (isLONG) {
write(x = paste0("\nOUTPUT:\noutput={", paste0(unique(outputName), collapse = ','),'}\n'),
file = tempFile, append = TRUE)
# Get the output names
.getOutputNames <- function(output, group){
outputName <- NULL
# outputs defined in groups
if (! is.null(group)) {
for (g in group) {
if ("output" %in% names(g)) {
outputName <- c(outputName, sapply(g$output, function(o) o$name))
# outputs defined in output argument
if (! is.null(output)) {
outputName <- c(outputName, sapply(output, function(o) o$name))
if (is.list(outputName)) {
outputName <-, outputName)
outputName <- unique(outputName)
.getModelSection <- function(modelFile, section, block = NULL) {
if (grepl("^lib:", modelFile)) {
l <- .lixoftCall("getLibraryModelContent", args = list(filename = modelFile, print = FALSE))
} else {
l <- readLines(modelFile, warn=FALSE)
if (!grepl("^[[a-zA-z]*]$", section, perl = TRUE)) {
section <- paste0("[", section, "]")
if (! section %in% l | ! section %in% sections) {
sections_idx <- which(l %in% sections)
sections_idx <- c(sections_idx, length(l) + 1)
isection <- which(l[sections_idx] == section)
s <- l[sections_idx[isection]:sections_idx[isection + 1] - 1]
if (is.null(block)) {
if (!grepl(":$", block, perl = TRUE)) {
block <- paste0(block, ":")
if (! block %in% s | ! block %in% blocks) {
blocks_idx <- which(s %in% blocks)
blocks_idx <- c(blocks_idx, length(s))
iblock <- which(s[blocks_idx] == block)
b <- s[blocks_idx[iblock]:blocks_idx[iblock + 1]]
# Transform Parameters
# When parameter is a list of list: merge parameters lists
.mergeParameter <- function(parameter) {
if (is.null(parameter)) {
# if parameter is a list of parameters list: we concatenate lists
if (.is_list_or_named_vector(parameter)) {
if (all(sapply(parameter, .is_list_or_named_vector))) {
dfparam <- parameter[sapply(parameter,]
listparam <- parameter[!sapply(parameter,]
# merge dataframes
if (length(dfparam) > 1) {
dfparam <-, dfparam)
} else if (length(dfparam) == 1) {
dfparam <- dfparam[[1]]
} else {
dfparam <- NULL
# merge lists
if (length(listparam) > 1) {
listparam <- as.list(, sapply(listparam, as.list)))
} else if (length(listparam) == 1) {
listparam <- as.list(listparam[[1]])
} else {
listparam <- NULL
if (is.null(dfparam)) {
parameter <- listparam
} else if (is.null(listparam)) {
parameter <- dfparam
} else {
parameter <- cbind(dfparam, listparam)
# Transform parameters: merge parameters data
.transformParameter <- function(parameter) {
if (is.null(parameter)) {
if (length(parameter) == 1 && is.null(names(parameter))) {
if (is.string(parameter)) {
# if parameter is a list of parameters list: we concatenate lists
if (.is_list_or_named_vector(parameter)) {
for (i in seq_along(parameter)) {
p <- parameter[[i]]
if (is.string(p)) {
if (file.exists(p)) {
.checkExtension(.getFileExt(p), "parameter file extension")
parameter[[i]] <- utils::read.table(file=p, header=T, sep=.getDelimiter(p))
} else {
warning("When a list of parameters is specified, string can only be used for dataframe path. ",
"Parameter ", p, " will be ignored.", call.=F)
parameter[i] <- list(NULL)
# remove NULL in list
parameter[sapply(parameter, is.null)] <- NULL
if (length(parameter) == 0) {
if (all(sapply(parameter, .is_list_or_named_vector))) {
parameter <- .mergeParameter(parameter)
# Transform Regressors
# When several regressors: merge them and match times with last value carried forward
.mergeRegressors <- function(regressor) {
if (is.null(regressor)) {
dfreg <- regressor[sapply(regressor,]
listreg <- regressor[!sapply(regressor,]
# merge dataframes
if (length(dfreg)) {
if (length(dfreg) > 1) {
dfreg <-, c(dfreg, list(all = TRUE)))
} else {
dfreg <- dfreg[[1]]
idName <- names(dfreg)[names(dfreg) == "id"]
ids <- unique(dfreg[[idName]])
} else {
dfreg <- NULL
ids <- c()
idName <- NULL
# merge lists
for (il in seq_along(listreg)) {
l <- listreg[[il]]
l <- .renameColumns(, "value", l$name)
l <- l[names(l) != "name"]
listreg[[il]] <- l
if (length(listreg)) {
if (length(listreg) > 1) {
listdata <- listreg[[1]]
for (ireg in seq(2, length(listreg))) {
listdata <- merge(listdata, listreg[[ireg]], all = TRUE)
listreg <- listdata
} else {
listreg <- listreg[[1]]
if (length(ids)) {
nbids <- length(ids)
nbtimes <- nrow(listreg)
listreg <-"rbind", replicate(nbids, listreg, simplify = FALSE))
listreg[[idName]] <- rep(ids, each = nbtimes)
} else {
listreg <- NULL
if (is.null(dfreg)) {
regressor <- listreg
} else if (is.null(listreg)) {
regressor <- dfreg
} else {
regressor <- merge(dfreg, listreg, all = TRUE)
# fill na with last carried forward value
columnswithna <- names(regressor)[sapply(regressor, function(h) any(]
if (length(ids)) {
for (h in columnswithna) {
for (id in ids) {
col <- regressor[regressor[[idName]] == id, h]
col <- .applyLastCarriedForward(col)
regressor[regressor[[idName]] == id, h] <- col
} else {
for (h in columnswithna) {
regressor[[h]] <- .applyLastCarriedForward(regressor[[h]])
regressor <- as.list(regressor)
.applyLastCarriedForward <- function(vector) {
if (is.null(vector)) return(vector)
firstnonan <- which(![1]
if (firstnonan > 1) vector[1: firstnonan - 1] <- vector[firstnonan]
nonanId <- which(!
nanId <- which(
for (na in nanId) {
vector[na] <- vector[tail(nonanId[nonanId < na], n = 1)]
.transformRegressor <- function(regressor) {
# When several regressors, merge them and match times with last value carried forward
regressor <- .mergeRegressors(regressor)
# Transform treatments
.splitTreatment <- function(treatment) {
ntreat <- length(treatment)
for (itr in seq_along(treatment)) {
trt <- treatment[[itr]]
if (is.string(trt)) {
# if multiple admin types or multiple probaMissDose -> split treatments
admColumn <- names(trt)[names(trt) %in% c("adm", "type")]
complianceColumn <- names(trt)[names(trt) == "probaMissDose"]
trt_repeat <- trt$repeats
if (! trt <- trt[names(trt) != "repeats"]
if (! is.null(c(admColumn, complianceColumn))) {
trt_list <- split(, trt[c(admColumn, complianceColumn)])
trt_list <- trt_list[sapply(trt_list, nrow) > 0]
for (i in seq_along(trt_list)) {
trt_i <- trt_list[[i]]
idx <- ifelse(i == 1, itr, length(treatment) + 1)
if (! {
trt_i <- as.list(trt_i)
trt_i$repeats <- trt_repeat
if (length(admColumn) > 0) {
trt_i[[admColumn]] <- trt_i[[admColumn]][1]
if (length(complianceColumn) > 0) {
trt_i[[complianceColumn]] <- trt_i[[complianceColumn]][1]
treatment[[idx]] <- trt_i
# Censoring of output dataframe
# censor output dataframe
.censorOutput <- function(output, outputName, outputParam, groupParam) {
outInfo <- NULL
isGroup <- FALSE
if (! is.null(outputParam)) {
outId <- which(sapply(outputParam, function(o) ifelse("name" %in% names(o), outputName %in% o$name, o == paste0("mlx_", outputName))))
if (length(outId)) {
outInfo <- outputParam[[outId]]
} else if (!is.null(groupParam)) {
outInfo <- sapply(groupParam, function(g) g$output[sapply(g$output, function(o) ifelse("name" %in% names(o), outputName %in% o$name, o == paste0("mlx_", outputName)))])
isGroup <- TRUE
isCens <- any(sapply(outInfo, function(o) any(is.element(c("lloq", "limit", "uloq"), names(o)))))
if (isCens) output$cens <- 0
if (isGroup) {
for (g in seq_along(outInfo)) {
output[output$group == g,] <- .cens(output[output$group == g,], outputName, outInfo[[g]])
} else {
output <- .cens(output, outputName, outInfo)
if (is.element("cens", names(output))) output$cens <- as.factor(output$cens)
.cens <- function(data, dataName, dataInfo) {
if (is.element("lloq", names(dataInfo))) {
lloq <- dataInfo$lloq
if (!is.element("cens", names(data))) data$cens <- 0
data$cens[data[[dataName]] <= lloq] <- 1
data[[dataName]][data[[dataName]] <= lloq] <- lloq
if (is.element("limit", names(dataInfo))) {
limit <- dataInfo$limit
data$limit <- "."
data$limit[data$cens == 1] <- limit
if (is.element("uloq", names(dataInfo))) {
uloq <- dataInfo$uloq
if (!is.element("cens", names(data))) data$cens <- 0
data$cens[data[[dataName]] >= uloq] <- -1
data[[dataName]][data[[dataName]] >= uloq] <- uloq
# Return the number of ids in a dataframe
.getNbIds <- function(data) {
indexID <- which(names(data) == 'id')
if (length(indexID) > 0) {
nbID <- length(unique(data[,indexID[1]]))
} else {
nbID <- NULL
.getOverlapOccasion <- function() {
occInfo <- .lixoftCall("getOccasionElements")
overlap <- c()
for (i in seq_along(occInfo$name)) {
occasions <- sapply(occInfo$occasions, function(occ) occ[[i]])
times <- occInfo$time
occTime <- NULL
occlevel <- sort(unique(occasions))
for (o in occlevel) {
occTime[[o]] <- unique(times[occasions == o])
if (! length(unique(occTime)) == length(occlevel)) {
overlap <- c(overlap, occInfo$name[[i]])
.fill_occasion <- function(df, occ, occTime, occname) {
df[[occname]] <- 1
maxTime <- max(max(occTime + 1), max(df$time) + 1)
occTime <- unique(c(occTime, maxTime))
for (idx in seq_along(occ)) {
df[(df$time >= occTime[idx]) & (df$time < occTime[idx + 1]), occname] <- occ[[idx]]
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