
Defines functions .fill_occasion .getOverlapOccasion .getNbIds .cens .censorOutput .splitTreatment .transformRegressor .applyLastCarriedForward .mergeRegressors .transformParameter .mergeParameter .getModelSection .getOutputNames .addOutputToFile .addGroup .addMlxCovariate .addMlxParameter .getMlxCovariateNames .getAllowedMlxCovariateNames .getMlxParameterNames .getAllowedMlxParameterNames .filterParameter .getParameterNames .addIndParameter .addPopParameter .addCovParameter .addCovariate .addParameter .addRegressor .addUnitaryRegressor .addUnitaryRegName .getMlxOutputNames .getMlxTreatmentNames .addTreatment .addUnitaryTrt .addUnitaryTrtName .addOutput .addUnitaryOutput .addUnitaryOutputName inlineDataFrame inlineModel

Documented in inlineDataFrame inlineModel

#' Inline model
#' Save a string in a temporary file to be used as a model file
#' @param srtIn (\emph{string}) Model in string format,
#' @param filename (\emph{string}) name of the model file  (by default the model is saved in a temporary file)
#' @return Name of the model file
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' myModel <- inlineModel("
#' input = {A, k, c, a}
#' t0    = 0
#' f_0   = A
#' ddt_f = -k*f/(c+f)
#' y = {distribution=normal, prediction=f, sd=a}
#' input = {k_pop, omega}
#' k = {distribution=lognormal, prediction=k_pop, sd=omega}
#' ")
#' }
#' @export
inlineModel <- function(srtIn, filename = NULL){
  tempFile <- tempfile(pattern = 'Simulx_',fileext = '.txt')
  tempFile <- gsub(x = tempFile, pattern = '\\\\', replacement = "/")
  fileConn <- file(tempFile)
  writeLines(text = srtIn, con = fileConn, sep ='\n')

  if (!is.null(filename)) {
    str_Filename <- paste0(filename,'.txt')
    file.copy(from = tempFile, to = str_Filename)
  } else {

#' Inline dataframe
#' Convert a string in dataframe and save it in a temporary file
#' @param str (\emph{string}) Dataframe in string format
#' @return dataframe object
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' occ <- inlineDataFrame("
#'  id time occ
#'  1   0    1
#'  1   12   2
#'  1   24   3
#'  2   0    1
#'  2   24   2
#'  3   0    1
#' ")
#' }
#' @export
inlineDataFrame <- function(str){
  tempFile <- paste0(tempfile(),'.txt')
  tempFile <- gsub(x = tempFile, pattern = '\\\\', replacement = "/")

  indexStr = gregexpr(text = str, pattern = '\n')[[1]][1]
  if(indexStr ==1){
    str <- substr(x= str, start = 2, stop = nchar(str))
  indexStr = max(gregexpr(text = str, pattern = '\n')[[1]])
  if(indexStr == nchar(str)){
    str <- substr(x= str, start = 1, stop = nchar(str)-1)
  for(index in 1:10){
    str <- gsub(x= str, pattern = "  ", replacement = " ")
  str <- gsub(x= str, pattern = "\n ", replacement = "\n")
  str <- gsub(x= str, pattern = " \n", replacement = "\n")
  indexStr = gregexpr(text = str, pattern = ' ')[[1]][1]
  if(indexStr ==1){
    str <- substr(x= str, start = 2, stop = nchar(str))
  indexStr = max(gregexpr(text = str, pattern = ' ')[[1]])
  if(indexStr == nchar(str)){
    str <- substr(x= str, start = 1, stop = nchar(str)-1)

  utils::write.table(x = str, file = tempFile, quote = F,
                     sep = ';', eol = '\n', row.names = F, col.names = F)

  df = utils::read.table(file = tempFile, header = T, sep = .getDelimiter(tempFile))

# .addUnitaryOutputName defines a name for the output
# - based on the group name
# - based on the output name
.addUnitaryOutputName <- function(output, groupName = NULL){
  return(paste0('Out_', groupName, '_', length(.lixoftCall("getOutputElements")) + 1))

# .addUnitaryOutput adds an output list to the group groupName
# If groupName is NULL, it will be added to the shared group
.addUnitaryOutput <- function(output, groupName = NULL){
  outputVect <- output
  outName_full <- NULL
  tt <-  outputVect$time
  occInfo <- .lixoftCall("getOccasionElements")
  if (length(occInfo$occasions) > 1) {
    occLevel <- occInfo$occasions
    occLevelName <- occInfo$name
    occLevelTime <- occInfo$time
    occLevelId <- occInfo$id
    # output defined as string
    if (is.string(tt)) {
      df_occ <- utils::read.table(file = tt, header = T, sep = .getDelimiter(tt))
      df_occ$time <- as.numeric(df_occ$time)
    } else {
      if (! is.null(occLevelId)) {
        ids <- unique(occLevelId)
        df_occ <- data.frame(id=rep(ids, each=length(tt)),
                             time=rep(tt, length(ids)))
      } else {
        df_occ <- data.frame(time=tt)

    matchOccNames <- unlist(sapply(occLevelName, function(name) grep(paste0("^", name, "$"), names(df_occ), ignore.case=T, value=T)))
    df_occ <- .renameColumns(df_occ, unname(matchOccNames), names(matchOccNames))
    # check treatment elements
    extraNames <- setdiff(names(df_occ),
                          c(occLevelName, "id", "time", "lloq", "uloq", "limit"))
    if (length(extraNames)) {
      warning("Invalid occasions found in output: '", paste0(extraNames, collapse="', '"),
              "' will be removed. Available occasions are '",
              paste(occLevelName, collapse="', '"), "'.", call.=F)
      df_occ <- df_occ[! names(df_occ) %in% extraNames]

    for (o in seq_along(occLevelName)) {
      occname <- occLevelName[o]
      if (occname %in% names(df_occ)) next
      if (occname %in% .getOverlapOccasion()) next

      occasions <- sapply(occLevel, function(occ) occ[[o]])

      # levels same for all ids
      if (is.null(occLevelId)) {
        df_occ <- .fill_occasion(df_occ, occasions, occLevelTime, occname)
      } else {
        df = df_occ
        for (id in unique(occLevelId)) {
          if (! id %in% df$id) next
          df_occ_id <- .fill_occasion(df[df$id == id,],
                                      occasions[occLevelId == id],
                                      occLevelTime[occLevelId == id],
          df_occ[df_occ$id == id, occname] <- df_occ_id[[occname]]
    df_occ <- df_occ[intersect(c("id", occLevelName, "time"), names(df_occ))]
    if ("id" %in% names(df_occ)) {
      data <- .addDataFrameTemp(df_occ)
    } else {
      data <- df_occ
  } else {
    if (is.string(outputVect$time)) {
      data <- outputVect$time
    } else {
      data <- data.frame(time = outputVect$time)
  for (indexName in seq_along(outputVect$name)) {
    outName <- .addUnitaryOutputName(output = outputVect$name[indexName], groupName)
    # catch error if output not defined
    if (is.string(data)) {
      messageMatch <- "output data"
      names(messageMatch) <- paste0("'", data, "'")
    } else {
      messageMatch <- NULL
                  list(name = outName, element = list(data = data, output = outputVect$name[indexName])),
                  messageMatch = messageMatch)
      outName_full <- c(outName_full, outName)

# .addOutput adds an output list (or list of list) to the group groupName
# If groupName is NULL, it will be added to the shared group
.addOutput <- function(output, groupName = NULL){
  if (is.null(output)) return(invisible(TRUE))

  sharedGroupName <- .lixoftCall("getGroups")[[1]]$name
  if(is.null(groupName)) {
    groupName <- sharedGroupName

  outName_full <- NULL

  for (iout in seq_along(output)) {
    outValue <- output[[iout]]
    if (is.string(outValue)) {
      if (! outValue %in% .getMlxOutputNames()) {
        stop("Invalid output '", outValue, "' not found in Monolix project. ",
             "Available monolix outputs are ", paste(.getMlxOutputNames(), collapse=", "),
             ".", call.=F)
      outName_full <- c(outName_full, outValue)

    } else if (is.element("time", names(outValue))) {
      outName <- .addUnitaryOutput(output = outValue, groupName)
      outName_full <- c(outName_full, outName)

  if (length(outName_full)) {
    .lixoftCall("setGroupElement", list(group = groupName, elements = outName_full))

# .addUnitaryTrtName defines a name for the treatment
# - based on the group name
# - based on the first amount
.addUnitaryTrtName <- function(treatment, groupName = NULL){
  if (is.null(groupName)) {
    trtName <- paste0('TrT_', length(.lixoftCall("getTreatmentElements")) + 1)
  } else {
    trtName <- paste0('TrT_', groupName, '_', length(.lixoftCall("getTreatmentElements")) + 1)

# .addUnitaryTrt adds an treatment (list) to the group groupName
# If groupName is NULL, it will be added to the shared group
.addUnitaryTrt <- function(treatment, groupName = NULL) {
  if (is.null(treatment)) {

  if (is.string(treatment)) {
    treatment <- utils::read.table(file = treatment, header = T, sep = .getDelimiter(treatment))
    admID <- unique(treatment$type)
    probaMissDose <- unique(treatment$probaMissDose)
    repeats <- NULL
    df_treatment <- treatment[! names(treatment) %in% c("type", "probaMissDose")]
  } else {
    admID <- treatment$type
    probaMissDose <- treatment$probaMissDose
    repeats <- treatment$repeats
    df_treatment <- data.frame(time = treatment$time, amount = treatment$amount)
    # Add Tinf if present
    if ("tinf" %in% names(treatment)) {
      df_treatment$tInf <- treatment$tinf
    if ("rate" %in% names(treatment)) {
      df_treatment$tInf <- df_treatment$amount/treatment$rate
    if ("washout" %in% names(treatment)) {
      df_treatment$washout <- treatment$washout

  occInfo <- .lixoftCall("getOccasionElements")

  if (length(occInfo$occasions) > 1) {
    occLevel <- occInfo$occasions
    occLevelName <- occInfo$name
    occLevelTime <- occInfo$time
    occLevelId <- occInfo$id
    df_treatment$time <- as.numeric(df_treatment$time)
    matchOccNames <- unlist(sapply(occLevelName, function(name) grep(paste0("^", name, "$"), names(df_treatment), ignore.case=T, value=T)))
    df_treatment <- .renameColumns(df_treatment, unname(matchOccNames), names(matchOccNames))

    # check treatment elements
    extraNames <- setdiff(names(df_treatment),
                          c(occLevelName, "id", "time", "amount", "tinf", "rate", "washout"))
    if (length(extraNames)) {
      warning("Invalid occasions found in treatement: '", paste0(extraNames, collapse="', '"),
              "' will be removed. Available occasions are '",
              paste(occLevelName, collapse="', '"), "'.", call.=F)
      df_treatment <- df_treatment[! names(df_treatment) %in% extraNames]

    if (! is.null(occLevelId) & ! "id" %in% names(df_treatment)) {
      ids <- unique(occLevelId)
      df_occ <- do.call("rbind", replicate(length(ids), df_treatment, simplify = FALSE))
      df_occ$id <- rep(ids, each=nrow(df_treatment))
    } else {
      df_occ <- df_treatment
    for (o in seq_along(occLevelName)) {
      occname <- occLevelName[o]
      if (occname %in% names(df_occ)) next
      if (occname %in% .getOverlapOccasion()) next
      occasions <- sapply(occLevel, function(occ) occ[[o]])
      # levels same for all ids
      if (is.null(occLevelId)) {
        df_occ <- .fill_occasion(df_occ, occasions, occLevelTime, occname)
      } else {
        df <- df_occ
        for (id in unique(occLevelId)) {
          if (! id %in% df$id) next
          df_occ_id <- .fill_occasion(df[df$id == id,],
                                      occasions[occLevelId == id],
                                      occLevelTime[occLevelId == id],
          df_occ[df_occ$id == id, occname] <- df_occ_id[[occname]]
    df_occ <- df_occ[intersect(c("id", occLevelName, setdiff(names(df_treatment), "id")), names(df_occ))]
    df_treatment <- df_occ

  if ("id" %in% names(df_treatment)) {
    data <- .addDataFrameTemp(df_treatment)
  } else {
    data <- df_treatment

  trtName <- .addUnitaryTrtName(treatment = treatment, groupName = groupName)

  if (is.string(data)) {
    messageMatch <- "treatment data"
    names(messageMatch) <- paste0("'", data, "'")
  } else {
    messageMatch <- NULL
              list(name = trtName, element = list(admID=admID,
              messageMatch = messageMatch)

# .addTreatement adds an treatment (or list of list) to the group groupName
# If groupName is NULL, it will be added to the shared group
.addTreatment <- function(treatment, groupName = NULL){

  if (is.null(groupName)) {
    groupName <- .lixoftCall("getGroups")[[1]]$name

  if (is.null(treatment)) {

  trtName_full <- NULL

  for (indexTreatment in seq_along(treatment)) {

    treat <- treatment[[indexTreatment]]

    if (is.string(treat) && ! file.exists(treat)) {
      if (! treat %in% .getMlxTreatmentNames()) {
        stop("Invalid treatment. '", treat, "' not found in Monolix project. ",
             "Available monolix treatments are ", paste(.getMlxTreatmentNames(), collapse=", "),
             ".", call.=F)
      trtName_full <- c(trtName_full, treat)
    } else {
      trtName <- .addUnitaryTrt(treatment = treat, groupName = groupName)
      trtName_full <- c(trtName_full, trtName)

  .lixoftCall("setGroupElement", list(group = groupName, elements = trtName_full))


.getMlxTreatmentNames <- function() {
  treat <- names(.lixoftCall("getTreatmentElements"))
  if (!is.null(treat)) {
    treatNames <- treat[startsWith(treat, "mlx_Adm")]
  } else {
    treatNames <- c()

.getMlxOutputNames <- function() {
  output <- names(.lixoftCall("getOutputElements"))
  outputNames <- output[startsWith(output, "mlx_")]

# .addUnitaryRegName defines a name for the treatment
# - based on the group name
# - based on the regressor name
.addUnitaryRegName <- function(regressor, groupName = NULL){
  if (is.null(groupName)) {
    regName <- paste0('Reg_', length(.lixoftCall("getRegressorElements")) + 1)
  } else {
    regName <- paste0('Reg_', groupName, '_', length(.lixoftCall("getRegressorElements")) + 1)

# .addUnitaryRegressor adds a regressor (list) to the group groupName
# If groupName is NULL, it will be added to the shared group
.addUnitaryRegressor <- function(regressor, groupName = NULL){
  if (is.null(regressor)) {

  regName <- .addUnitaryRegName(regressor, groupName)
  df = data.frame(regressor)
  .lixoftCall("defineRegressorElement", list(name = regName, element = df))


# .addRegressor adds a regressor (list or list of a list) to the group groupName
# If groupName is NULL, it will be added to the shared group
.addRegressor <- function(regressor, groupName = NULL){
  shareGroupName <- .lixoftCall("getGroups")[[1]]$name
    groupName <- shareGroupName

  if (is.null(regressor)) {

    regName <- .addUnitaryRegName(regressor, groupName)
    messageMatch <- "regressor data"
    names(messageMatch) <- paste0("'", regressor, "'")
    .lixoftCall("defineRegressorElement", list(name = regName, element = regressor),
                messageMatch = messageMatch)

  } else {
    regName = .addUnitaryRegressor(regressor = regressor, groupName)

  .lixoftCall("setGroupElement", list(group=groupName, elements = regName))



# .addParameter adds a parameter vector to the group groupName
# It is split between individual and population
# If groupName is NULL, it will be added to the shared group
.addParameter <- function(parameter, groupName = NULL){
  if(is.null(parameter)) {
  popElements <- .lixoftCall("getPopulationElements")
  indivElements <- .lixoftCall("getIndividualElements")

  # paramtype: individual or population
  if (is.null(groupName)) {
    g <- .lixoftCall("getGroups")[[1]]
    groupName <- .lixoftCall("getGroups")[[1]]$name
  } else {
    g <- .lixoftCall("getGroups")[sapply(.lixoftCall("getGroups"), function(g) g$name == groupName)][[1]]
  paramType <- g$parameter$type

  if (is.string(parameter) ) {
    parameterValues <- utils::read.table(file=parameter, header=T, sep=.getDelimiter(parameter))
    namesParamValues <- names(parameterValues)
    occasion_elements <- .lixoftCall("getOccasionElements")
    nameIntersect <- intersect(namesParamValues,
                               c('id', 'ID', 'pop', 'occ', 'occ1', 'occ2', 'occevid', unlist(occasion_elements$names)))

    if (length(nameIntersect)) {
      indexID_OCC = match(nameIntersect, namesParamValues)
      paramNames <- namesParamValues[-indexID_OCC]
    } else {
      paramNames <- namesParamValues

  } else {
    paramNames <- names(parameter)

  # if ind params & pop params defined together --> raise error
  parameterInd <- .filterParameter(parameter, type="ind")
  parameterPop <- .filterParameter(parameter, type="pop")

  # Add parameters -------------------------------------------------------------
  expectedParams <- c()
  if (length(parameterInd) > 0) {
    # Add parameters that describe individuals
    outIndivName <- .addIndParameter(parameter, groupName)
    outName <- outIndivName
    expectedParams <- c(expectedParams, .getParameterNames("indiv"))

    .lixoftCall("setGroupElement", list(group=groupName, elements=outName))
    # remaining parameters
    remainingParamNames <- names(.lixoftCall("getGroupRemaining", groupName))
    if (length(intersect(remainingParamNames, names(parameterPop)))) {
      remainingParamNames <- intersect(remainingParamNames, names(parameterPop))
      remainingParams <- parameterPop[remainingParamNames]
      .lixoftCall("setGroupRemaining", list(group=groupName, remaining=remainingParams))

  } else if (length(parameterPop) > 0) {
    # Add parameters that describe populations
    outPopName <- .addPopParameter(parameter, groupName)
    outName <- outPopName
    expectedParams <- c(expectedParams, .getParameterNames("pop"))

    .lixoftCall("setGroupElement", list(group=groupName, elements=outName))
    remainingParamNames <- NULL

  } else {
    remainingParamNames <- NULL
  if (length(parameterInd) > 0 & length(parameterPop[setdiff(names(parameterPop), remainingParamNames)]) > 0) {
    stop("Population parameters and individuals parameters cannot be defined together.", call. = FALSE)
  # Print Warning in case something is missing ---------------------------------
  # warn in case of missing parameters
  ismlxproject <- any(grepl("mlx", names(.lixoftCall("getOutputElements"))))
  .checkMissingParameters(paramNames, expectedParams, ismlxproject)

  # warn in case of extra parameters
  # RETRO 2020 - Remove covariates from parameters
  remainingParamNames <- names(.lixoftCall("getGroupRemaining", groupName))
  .checkExtraParameters(setdiff(paramNames, c(.getParameterNames("cov"), remainingParamNames)),


# Add Covariates in a group
.addCovariate <- function(covariate, groupName = NULL){
  covElements <- .lixoftCall("getCovariateElements")
  if (is.null(groupName)) {
    groupName <- .lixoftCall("getGroups")[[1]]$name

  groups <- .lixoftCall("getGroups")
  group <- groups[sapply(groups, function(g) g$name == groupName)][[1]]
  paramType <- group$parameter$type

  if (is.string(covariate)) {
    covariateValues <- utils::read.table(file=covariate, header=T, sep=.getDelimiter(covariate))
    namesCovValues <- names(covariateValues)
    occasion_elements <- .lixoftCall("getOccasionElements")
    nameIntersect <- intersect(namesCovValues,
                               c('id', 'ID', 'pop', 'occ', 'occ1', 'occ2', 'occevid', unlist(occasion_elements$names)))
    if (length(nameIntersect)) {
      indexID_OCC = match(nameIntersect, namesCovValues)
      covNames <- namesCovValues[-indexID_OCC]
    } else {
      covNames <- namesCovValues
  } else {
    covNames <- names(covariate)

  # Add covariates -------------------------------------------------------------
  expectedCov <- c()
  # Add parameters that describe covariates
  outCovName <- .addCovParameter(covariate, covNames, groupName)

  if (length(.lixoftCall("getCovariateElements")) > 0) {
    expectedCov <- c(expectedCov, .getParameterNames("cov"))

  # Print Warning in case something is missing ---------------------------------
  # warn in case of missing parameters
  ismlxproject <- any(grepl("mlx", names(.lixoftCall("getOutputElements"))))
  .checkMissingParameters(covNames, expectedCov, ismlxproject)
  # warn in case of extra parameters
  .checkExtraParameters(covNames, expectedCov)
  if (paramType == "individual") {
    warning("Covariate won't be used because individual parameters have been defined.", call.=F)
  } else if (!is.null(outCovName)) {
    .lixoftCall("setGroupElement", list(group=groupName, elements=outCovName))

.addCovParameter <- function(covariate, covariateNames, groupName) {
  covElements <- .lixoftCall("getCovariateElements")
  covariate <- .filterParameter(covariate, "cov")

  if (length(covElements) == 0 | length(covariate) == 0) {

  covName <- paste0('manCov', groupName, '_', length(.lixoftCall("getCovariateElements")) + 1)
  # default covariate parameters
  covParam <- covElements[[1]]$data
  covParamName <- .getParameterNames("cov")

  # check if covariate parameters are missing
  missingcov <- setdiff(covParamName, covariateNames)
  # input is a dataframe
  if (is.string(covariate)) {
    messageMatch <- "parameter data"
    names(messageMatch) <- paste0("'", covariate, "'")
                list(name=covName, element=covariate),

  } else {
    covElement <- covariate
    # if multiple values, transform covariates to dataframe
    if (nrow(covElement) > 1) {
      covElement <- cbind(data.frame(id=1:nrow(covElement)), covElement)
    } else if (length(missingcov)) {
      # if missing covariate, replace values in default covariate element
      covParam[names(covariate)] <- covariate
      covElement <- covParam
    # Define covariate element
    if (nrow(covElement) > 1) {
      # Convert in text file
      tempFile = .addDataFrameTemp(df=covElement)
      messageMatch <- "covariate parameters data"
      names(messageMatch) <- paste0("'", tempFile, "'")
      .lixoftCall("defineCovariateElement", list(name=covName, element=tempFile),
    } else {
      .lixoftCall("defineCovariateElement", list(name=covName, element=covElement))

# Add parameters that describe a population
.addPopParameter <- function(parameter, groupName) {
  popElements <- .lixoftCall("getPopulationElements")
  inputPop <- .filterParameter(parameter, type="pop")

  if (length(popElements) == 0 | length(inputPop) == 0) {

  popName <- paste0('manualPop', groupName,'_', length(.lixoftCall("getPopulationElements")) + 1)
  # default pop parameters
  popParamName <- .getParameterNames("pop")
  popParam <- popElements[[1]]$data[popParamName]
  if (is.data.frame(popParam)) {
    popParam <- .transformToNumeric(popParam)
  popParam <- unlist(popParam)
  # input is a dataframe
  if (is.string(inputPop)) {
    parameterValues <- utils::read.table(file=inputPop, header=T, sep=.getDelimiter(inputPop))
    if (! "pop" %in% names(parameterValues)) {
      stop("A data.frame of population parameters can only be used in combination with the argument 'npop'. ",
           "The data frame must have a column 'pop'.", call. = FALSE)
    tempFile = .addDataFrameTemp(parameterValues[names(parameterValues) != "pop"])
    messageMatch <- "population parameters data"
    names(messageMatch) <- paste0("'", tempFile, "'")
    .lixoftCall("definePopulationElement", list(name=popName, element=tempFile),
  } else {
    popElement <- as.data.frame(matrix(popParam, ncol= length(popParam)))
    names(popElement) <- names(popParam)
    popElement[names(inputPop)] <- inputPop
    .lixoftCall("definePopulationElement", list(name=popName, element=popElement))

# Add parameters describe an individual
.addIndParameter <- function(parameter, groupName) {
  indivElements <- .lixoftCall("getIndividualElements")
  inputIndiv <- .filterParameter(parameter, type="indiv")
  if (length(indivElements) == 0 | length(inputIndiv) == 0) {
  indivName <- paste0('manualIndiv', groupName, '_', length(.lixoftCall("getIndividualElements")) + 1)
  # default indiv parameters
  indivParamName <- .getParameterNames("indiv")
  indivParam <- unlist(indivElements[[1]]$data[indivParamName])
  # input is a dataframe
  if (is.string(inputIndiv)) {
    messageMatch <- "individual parameters data"
    names(messageMatch) <- paste0("'", inputIndiv, "'")
    .lixoftCall("defineIndividualElement", list(name=indivName, element=inputIndiv),
                messageMatch = messageMatch)

  } else {
    indivElement <- as.data.frame(matrix(indivParam, ncol=length(indivParam)))
    names(indivElement) <- names(indivParam)
    indivElement[names(inputIndiv)] <- inputIndiv
    .lixoftCall("defineIndividualElement", list(name=indivName, element=indivElement))

.getParameterNames <- function(type="pop") {
  occasion_elements <- .lixoftCall("getOccasionElements")
  # Parameters that describes a covariate
  if (type == "cov") {
    elements <- .lixoftCall("getCovariateElements")
    if (length(elements) == 0) return(NULL)
    elementNames <- names(elements[[1]]$data)
    paramNames <- setdiff(elementNames, c("ID", "id", unlist(occasion_elements$names)))
  } else if (type == "pop") {
    elements <- .lixoftCall("getPopulationElements")
    if (length(elements) == 0) return(NULL)
    elementNames <- names(unlist(elements[[1]]$data))
    paramNames <- setdiff(elementNames, "id")
  } else {
    elements <- .lixoftCall("getIndividualElements")
    if (length(elements) == 0) return(NULL)
    elementNames <- names(unlist(elements[[1]]$data))
    paramNames <- setdiff(elementNames, "id")

.filterParameter <- function(parameter, type = "pop", store_dataframe=T, unlistOutput=F){
  occasion_elements <- .lixoftCall("getOccasionElements")
  # extraNames <- c('id', 'pop', 'occ', 'occ1', 'occ2', 'occevid')
  extraNames <- c("id", "pop", "ID", unlist(occasion_elements$names))

  elementNames <- .getParameterNames(type)

  if (is.string(parameter)) {
    # filter dataframe with cov / ind / pop parameters only
    parameterValues <- utils::read.table(file = parameter, header = T, sep = .getDelimiter(parameter))
    # avoid F and T to be interpreted as FALSE and TRUE --> logical column to character
    idlog <- names(parameterValues[sapply(parameterValues, class) == "logical"])
    parameterValues[idlog] <- sapply(parameterValues[idlog], function(col) gsub("FALSE", "F", col))
    parameterValues[idlog] <- sapply(parameterValues[idlog], function(col) gsub("TRUE", "T", col))
    parameterValuesNames <- names(parameterValues)
    pName <- intersect(parameterValuesNames, elementNames)

    if (length(pName) == 0) {

    pExtra = parameterValuesNames[parameterValuesNames %in% extraNames]
    parameterValues <- parameterValues[c(pExtra, pName)]
    # parameterValues <- parameterValues[, c(pExtra, pName)]
    # names(parameterValues) <- c(pExtra, pName)

    # if type = ind or type = cov --> remove pop column
    if (type %in% c("ind", "cov")) {
      # remove pop column
      popName <- parameterValuesNames[parameterValuesNames == "pop"]
      if (length(popName)) {
        parameterValues <- unique(parameterValues[names(parameterValues) != popName])

    # if type = pop --> remove id column
    if (type == "pop") {
      # remove id column
      idName <- parameterValuesNames[parameterValuesNames == "id"]
      if (length(idName)) {
        parameterValues <- unique(parameterValues[names(parameterValues) != idName])

    if (is.data.frame(parameterValues)) {
      parameterValues <- unique(parameterValues)
      if (nrow(parameterValues) == 1) {
        parameter <- as.data.frame(as.list(parameterValues))
      } else {
        if (store_dataframe) {
          parameter <- .addDataFrameTemp(parameterValues)
        } else {
          parameter <- parameterValues
    } else {
      parameter <- parameterValues
  } else {
    parameter <- as.data.frame(as.list(parameter))
    parameter <- parameter[names(parameter) %in% elementNames]
    parameter <- .transformToNumeric(parameter)
    if (unlistOutput) {
      parameter <- unlist(parameter)


.getAllowedMlxParameterNames <- function(type="all") {
  if (type == "pop") {
    allowedParams <- c("mlx_Pop", "mlx_PopUncertainSA", "mlx_PopUncertainLin")
  } else if (type == "ind") {
    allowedParams <- c("mlx_PopIndiv","mlx_PopIndivCov","mlx_CondMean","mlx_EBEs","mlx_CondDistSample")
  } else {
    allowedParams <- c(.getAllowedMlxParameterNames("pop"), .getAllowedMlxParameterNames("ind"))

.getMlxParameterNames <- function(type="all") {
  if (type == "pop") {
    popElements <- names(.lixoftCall("getPopulationElements"))
    extfiles_path <- file.path(.lixoftCall("getProjectSettings")$directory, "ExternalFiles")
    # 2021 ! To remove in 2022 when function getPopulationElements is fixed
    # check if popUncertainLin exists
    if (file.exists(file.path(extfiles_path, "mlx_PopUncertainLin.dat"))) {
      popElements <- c(popElements, "mlx_PopUncertainLin")
    # check if popUncertainSA exists
    if (file.exists(file.path(extfiles_path, "mlx_PopUncertainSA.dat"))) {
      popElements <- c(popElements, "mlx_PopUncertainSA")
    paramNames <- intersect(
  } else if (type == "ind") {
    paramNames <- intersect(
  } else {
    paramNames <- c(.getMlxParameterNames("pop"), .getMlxParameterNames("ind"))

.getAllowedMlxCovariateNames <- function() {
  allowedCov <- c("mlx_Cov", "mlx_CovDist")

.getMlxCovariateNames <- function() {
  covNames <- intersect(

.addMlxParameter <- function(parameter, groupName = NULL){
  if (is.null(groupName)) {
    groupName <- .lixoftCall("getGroups")[[1]]$name
  if (! parameter %in% .getMlxParameterNames()) {
      stop("Invalid parameter. ", parameter, " not found in Monolix project. ",
           "Available monolix parameters are ", paste(.getMlxParameterNames(), collapse=", "),
           ".", call.=F)
  .lixoftCall("setGroupElement", list(group = groupName, elements = parameter))

  # set remaining parameters
  if (parameter %in% .getMlxParameterNames("ind")) {
    remaining <- .lixoftCall("getGroupRemaining", list(group = groupName))
    popData <- .lixoftCall("getPopulationElements")$mlx_Pop$data
    namesPopData <- names(popData)
    for (indexParam in seq_along(remaining)) {
      remainingName <- names(remaining)[indexParam]
      remaining[indexParam] <- popData[which(namesPopData==remainingName)]
    .lixoftCall("setGroupRemaining", list(group = groupName, remaining = remaining))


.addMlxCovariate <- function(covariate, groupName = NULL){
  if (is.null(groupName)) {
    groupName <- .lixoftCall("getGroups")[[1]]$name
  if (! covariate %in% .getMlxCovariateNames()) {
    stop("Invalid covariate. ", covariate, " not found in Monolix project. ",
         "Available monolix covariates are ", paste(.getMlxCovariateNames(), collapse=", "),
         ".", call.=F)
  .lixoftCall("setGroupElement", list(group = groupName, elements = covariate))


# .addGroup add the element of the group to the group groupName
# If groupName is NULL, it will be added to the shared group
.addGroup <- function(group, groupName = NULL){
  if (is.null(group)) {

    groupName = .lixoftCall("getGroups")[[1]]$name

  # add parameters in group
  if ("parameter" %in% names(group)) {
    parameter = group$parameter
    if (parameter[1] %in% .getAllowedMlxParameterNames()) {
      .addMlxParameter(parameter, groupName)
    } else {
      .addParameter(parameter = parameter, groupName)

  # add covariates in group
  # RETRO 2020 - Include covariates from parameters argument
  if ("parameter" %in% names(group)) {
    p <- group$parameter
    if (! p %in% .getAllowedMlxParameterNames()) {
      covFromParameter <- .filterParameter(p, "cov", store_dataframe=F, unlistOutput=T)
      if (! is.null(covFromParameter)) {
        message("[INFO] Using 'parameter' argument to define covariates is deprecated. Use 'covariate' argument instead.")
        if (is.string(group$covariate)) {
          if (group$covariate[1] %in% .getAllowedMlxCovariateNames()) {
            stop("You must either define covariate with a string corresponding to the element generated by Monolix, or with a list.", call.=F)
          group$covariate <- utils::read.table(file=group$covariate, header=T, sep=.getDelimiter(covariate))
        group$covariate <- .transformParameter(list(
        if (is.data.frame(group$covariate)) {
          group$covariate <- .addDataFrameTemp(df=group$covariate)
      if (is.null(c(.filterParameter(p, "ind"), .filterParameter(p, "pop")))) {
        group$parameter <- NULL
  if (! is.null(group$covariate)) {
    covariate = group$covariate

    if (covariate[1] %in% .getAllowedMlxCovariateNames()) {
      .addMlxCovariate(covariate, groupName)
    } else {
      .addCovariate(covariate=covariate, groupName)
  # add output in group
  if ("output" %in% names(group)) {
    .addOutput(output=group$output, groupName)

  # add treatment in group
  if ("treatment" %in% names(group)) {
    treatment <- group$treatment
    .addTreatment(treatment, groupName)

  # add regressor in group
  if ("regressor" %in% names(group)) {
    .addRegressor(group$regressor, groupName)

  # set size of the group
  if ("size" %in% names(group)) {
    .lixoftCall("setGroupSize", list(groupName, group$size))


# .addOutputToFile
.addOutputToFile <- function(model, outputName){
  tempFile <- tempfile(pattern = 'SimulxModel_', fileext = '.txt')
  tempFile <- gsub(x = tempFile, pattern = '\\\\', replacement = "/")
  file.copy(from = model, to = tempFile, overwrite = T)

  lines <- suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(readLines(tempFile, -1L)))

  isLONG <- F

  write(x = '', file = tempFile, append = FALSE)

  for (index in seq_along(lines)) {
    line <- lines[index]
    lineTest <- line
    lineTest <- sub(pattern = '[[]', replacement = '', x = lineTest)
    lineTest <- sub(pattern = ']', replacement = '', x = lineTest)
    if (grepl(x = lineTest, pattern = 'LONGITUDINAL')) {
      isLONG = T

    if (grepl(x = lineTest, pattern = 'COVARIATE')) {
      if (isLONG) {
        write(x = paste0("\nOUTPUT:\noutput={", paste0(unique(outputName), collapse = ','),'}\n'),
              file = tempFile, append = TRUE)
      isLONG <- F

    if (grepl(x = lineTest, pattern = 'INDIVIDUAL')) {
      if (isLONG) {
        write(x = paste0("\nOUTPUT:\noutput={", paste0(unique(outputName), collapse = ','),'}\n'),
              file = tempFile, append = TRUE)
      isLONG <- F
    write(x = line, file = tempFile, append = TRUE)

  if (isLONG) {
    write(x = paste0("\nOUTPUT:\noutput={", paste0(unique(outputName), collapse = ','),'}\n'),
          file = tempFile, append = TRUE)


# Get the output names
.getOutputNames <- function(output, group){
  outputName <- NULL

  # outputs defined in groups
  if (! is.null(group)) {
    for (g in group) {
      if ("output" %in% names(g)) {
        outputName <- c(outputName, sapply(g$output, function(o) o$name))

  # outputs defined in output argument
  if (! is.null(output)) {
    outputName <- c(outputName, sapply(output, function(o) o$name))

  if (is.list(outputName)) {
    outputName <- do.call(c, outputName)
  outputName <- unique(outputName)

.getModelSection <- function(modelFile, section, block = NULL) {
  blocks <- c("DESCRIPTION:", "PK:", "EQUATION:", "DEFINITION:", "OUTPUT:")
  if (grepl("^lib:", modelFile)) {
    l <- .lixoftCall("getLibraryModelContent", args = list(filename = modelFile, print = FALSE))
  } else {
    l <- readLines(modelFile, warn=FALSE)

  if (!grepl("^[[a-zA-z]*]$", section, perl = TRUE)) {
    section <- paste0("[", section, "]")

  if (! section %in% l | ! section %in% sections) {

  sections_idx <- which(l %in% sections)
  sections_idx <- c(sections_idx, length(l) + 1)
  isection <- which(l[sections_idx] == section)
  s <- l[sections_idx[isection]:sections_idx[isection + 1] - 1]

  if (is.null(block)) {

  if (!grepl(":$", block, perl = TRUE)) {
    block <- paste0(block, ":")
  if (! block %in% s | ! block %in% blocks) {

  blocks_idx <- which(s %in% blocks)
  blocks_idx <- c(blocks_idx, length(s))
  iblock <- which(s[blocks_idx] == block)
  b <- s[blocks_idx[iblock]:blocks_idx[iblock + 1]]


# Transform Parameters
# When parameter is a list of list: merge parameters lists
.mergeParameter <- function(parameter) {
  if (is.null(parameter)) {

  # if parameter is a list of parameters list: we concatenate lists
  if (.is_list_or_named_vector(parameter)) {
    if (all(sapply(parameter, .is_list_or_named_vector))) {
      dfparam <- parameter[sapply(parameter, is.data.frame)]
      listparam <- parameter[!sapply(parameter, is.data.frame)]
      # merge dataframes
      if (length(dfparam) > 1) {
        dfparam <- do.call(merge, dfparam)
      } else if (length(dfparam) == 1) {
        dfparam <- dfparam[[1]]
      } else {
        dfparam <- NULL
      # merge lists
      if (length(listparam) > 1) {
        listparam <- as.list(do.call(c, sapply(listparam, as.list)))
      } else if (length(listparam) == 1) {
        listparam <- as.list(listparam[[1]])
      } else {
        listparam <- NULL

      if (is.null(dfparam)) {
        parameter <- listparam
      } else if (is.null(listparam)) {
        parameter <- dfparam
      } else {
        parameter <- cbind(dfparam, listparam)

# Transform parameters: merge parameters data
.transformParameter <- function(parameter) {
  if (is.null(parameter)) {
  if (length(parameter) == 1 && is.null(names(parameter))) {
  if (is.string(parameter)) {

  # if parameter is a list of parameters list: we concatenate lists
  if (.is_list_or_named_vector(parameter)) {
    for (i in seq_along(parameter)) {
      p <- parameter[[i]]
      if (is.string(p)) {
        if (file.exists(p)) {
          .checkExtension(.getFileExt(p), "parameter file extension")
          parameter[[i]] <- utils::read.table(file=p, header=T, sep=.getDelimiter(p))
        } else {
          warning("When a list of parameters is specified, string can only be used for dataframe path. ",
                  "Parameter ", p, " will be ignored.", call.=F)
          parameter[i] <- list(NULL)

    # remove NULL in list
    parameter[sapply(parameter, is.null)] <- NULL
    if (length(parameter) == 0) {

    if (all(sapply(parameter, .is_list_or_named_vector))) {
      parameter <- .mergeParameter(parameter)


# Transform Regressors
# When several regressors: merge them and match times with last value carried forward
.mergeRegressors <- function(regressor) {
  if (is.null(regressor)) {

  dfreg <- regressor[sapply(regressor, is.data.frame)]
  listreg <- regressor[!sapply(regressor, is.data.frame)]

  # merge dataframes
  if (length(dfreg)) {
    if (length(dfreg) > 1) {
      dfreg <- do.call(merge, c(dfreg, list(all = TRUE)))
    } else {
      dfreg <- dfreg[[1]]
    idName <- names(dfreg)[names(dfreg) == "id"]
    ids <- unique(dfreg[[idName]])
  } else {
    dfreg <- NULL
    ids <- c()
    idName <- NULL

  # merge lists
  for (il in seq_along(listreg)) {
    l <- listreg[[il]]
    l <- .renameColumns(as.data.frame(l), "value", l$name)
    l <- l[names(l) != "name"]
    listreg[[il]] <- l

  if (length(listreg)) {
    if (length(listreg) > 1) {
      listdata <- listreg[[1]]
      for (ireg in seq(2, length(listreg))) {
        listdata <- merge(listdata, listreg[[ireg]], all = TRUE)
      listreg <- listdata
    } else {
      listreg <- listreg[[1]]
    if (length(ids)) {
      nbids <- length(ids)
      nbtimes <- nrow(listreg)
      listreg <- do.call("rbind", replicate(nbids, listreg, simplify = FALSE))
      listreg[[idName]] <- rep(ids, each = nbtimes)
  } else {
    listreg <- NULL

  if (is.null(dfreg)) {
    regressor <- listreg
  } else if (is.null(listreg)) {
    regressor <- dfreg
  } else {
    regressor <- merge(dfreg, listreg, all = TRUE)

  # fill na with last carried forward value
  columnswithna <- names(regressor)[sapply(regressor, function(h) any(is.na(h)))]
  if (length(ids)) {
    for (h in columnswithna) {
      for (id in ids) {
        col <- regressor[regressor[[idName]] == id, h]
        col <- .applyLastCarriedForward(col)
        regressor[regressor[[idName]] == id, h] <- col
  } else {
    for (h in columnswithna) {
      regressor[[h]] <- .applyLastCarriedForward(regressor[[h]])
    regressor <- as.list(regressor)

.applyLastCarriedForward <- function(vector) {
  if (is.null(vector)) return(vector)
  firstnonan <- which(!is.na(vector))[1]
  if (firstnonan > 1) vector[1: firstnonan - 1] <- vector[firstnonan]
  nonanId <- which(!is.na(vector))
  nanId <- which(is.na(vector))
  for (na in nanId) {
    vector[na] <- vector[tail(nonanId[nonanId < na], n = 1)]

.transformRegressor <- function(regressor) {
  # When several regressors, merge them and match times with last value carried forward
  regressor <- .mergeRegressors(regressor)

# Transform treatments
.splitTreatment <- function(treatment) {
  ntreat <- length(treatment)
  for (itr in seq_along(treatment)) {
    trt <- treatment[[itr]]
    if (is.string(trt)) {
    # if multiple admin types or multiple probaMissDose -> split treatments
    admColumn <- names(trt)[names(trt) %in% c("adm", "type")]
    complianceColumn <- names(trt)[names(trt) == "probaMissDose"]
    trt_repeat <- trt$repeats
    if (! is.data.frame(trt)) trt <- trt[names(trt) != "repeats"]

    if (! is.null(c(admColumn, complianceColumn))) {
      trt_list <- split(as.data.frame(trt), trt[c(admColumn, complianceColumn)])
      trt_list <- trt_list[sapply(trt_list, nrow) > 0]

      for (i in seq_along(trt_list)) {
        trt_i <- trt_list[[i]]
        idx <- ifelse(i == 1, itr, length(treatment) + 1)

        if (! is.data.frame(trt)) {
          trt_i <- as.list(trt_i)
          trt_i$repeats <- trt_repeat 
          if (length(admColumn) > 0) {
            trt_i[[admColumn]] <- trt_i[[admColumn]][1]
          if (length(complianceColumn) > 0) {
            trt_i[[complianceColumn]] <- trt_i[[complianceColumn]][1]
        treatment[[idx]] <- trt_i

# Censoring of output dataframe

# censor output dataframe
.censorOutput <- function(output, outputName, outputParam, groupParam) {
  outInfo <- NULL
  isGroup <- FALSE
  if (! is.null(outputParam)) {
    outId <- which(sapply(outputParam, function(o) ifelse("name" %in% names(o), outputName %in% o$name, o == paste0("mlx_", outputName))))
    if (length(outId)) {
      outInfo <- outputParam[[outId]]
  } else if (!is.null(groupParam)) {
    outInfo <- sapply(groupParam, function(g) g$output[sapply(g$output, function(o) ifelse("name" %in% names(o), outputName %in% o$name, o == paste0("mlx_", outputName)))])
    isGroup <- TRUE
  isCens <- any(sapply(outInfo, function(o) any(is.element(c("lloq", "limit", "uloq"), names(o)))))
  if (isCens) output$cens <- 0
  if (isGroup) {
    for (g in seq_along(outInfo)) {
      output[output$group == g,] <- .cens(output[output$group == g,], outputName, outInfo[[g]])
  } else {
    output <- .cens(output, outputName, outInfo)
  if (is.element("cens", names(output))) output$cens <- as.factor(output$cens)

.cens <- function(data, dataName, dataInfo) {
  if (is.element("lloq", names(dataInfo))) {
    lloq <- dataInfo$lloq
    if (!is.element("cens", names(data))) data$cens <- 0
    data$cens[data[[dataName]] <= lloq] <- 1
    data[[dataName]][data[[dataName]] <= lloq] <- lloq
    if (is.element("limit", names(dataInfo))) {
      limit <- dataInfo$limit
      data$limit <- "."
      data$limit[data$cens == 1] <- limit
  if (is.element("uloq", names(dataInfo))) {
    uloq <- dataInfo$uloq
    if (!is.element("cens", names(data))) data$cens <- 0
    data$cens[data[[dataName]] >= uloq] <- -1
    data[[dataName]][data[[dataName]] >= uloq] <- uloq

# Return the number of ids in a dataframe
.getNbIds <- function(data) {
  indexID <- which(names(data) == 'id')
  if (length(indexID) > 0) {
    nbID <- length(unique(data[,indexID[1]]))
  } else {
    nbID <- NULL

.getOverlapOccasion <- function() {
  occInfo <- .lixoftCall("getOccasionElements")
  overlap <- c()
  for (i in seq_along(occInfo$name)) {
    occasions <- sapply(occInfo$occasions, function(occ) occ[[i]])
    times <- occInfo$time
    occTime <- NULL
    occlevel <- sort(unique(occasions))
    for (o in occlevel) {
      occTime[[o]] <- unique(times[occasions == o])
    if (! length(unique(occTime)) == length(occlevel)) {
      overlap <- c(overlap, occInfo$name[[i]])

.fill_occasion <- function(df, occ, occTime, occname) {
  df[[occname]] <- 1

  maxTime <- max(max(occTime + 1), max(df$time) + 1)
  occTime <- unique(c(occTime, maxTime))
  for (idx in seq_along(occ)) {
    df[(df$time >= occTime[idx]) & (df$time < occTime[idx + 1]), occname] <- occ[[idx]]

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RsSimulx documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:36 a.m.