# Check the model file
.checkModel <- function(fileName){
filename <- .check_file(fileName)
# check if a distribution is defined in [COVARIATE] section
covsection <- .getModelSection(filename, section = "COVARIATE", block = "DEFINITION")
if (!is.null(covsection)) {
if (any(grepl("distribution", covsection))) {
"Invalid model file. Definition of distributions for covariates in the [COVARIATE] block is not supported anymore. \n",
"Instead, generate the covariates in your R script and pass them as a data.frame to the 'parameter' argument of simulx. \n",
"See '' for model definition.",
call. = F
if (any(grepl("P\\(([a-zA-Z0-9]|\\s|=)*\\)", covsection))) {
"Invalid model file. Definition of distributions for covariates in the [COVARIATE] block is not supported anymore. \n",
"Instead, generate the covariates in your R script and pass them as a data.frame to the 'parameter' argument of simulx. \n",
"See '' for model definition.",
call. = F
# check if a distribution is defined in [POPULATION] section
popsection <- .getModelSection(filename, section = "POPULATION", block = "DEFINITION")
if (!is.null(popsection)) {
if (any(grepl("distribution", popsection))) {
"Definition of distributions for population parameters in the [POPULATION] block is not supported anymore. \n",
"Instead, generate the population parameters in your R script and pass them as a data.frame to the 'parameter' argument of simulx. \n",
"See '' for model definition.",
call. = F
if (any(grepl("P\\(([a-zA-Z0-9]|\\s|=)*\\)", popsection))) {
"Definition of distributions for population parameters in the [POPULATION] block is not supported anymore. \n",
"Instead, generate the population parameters in your R script and pass them as a data.frame to the 'parameter' argument of simulx. \n",
"See '' for model definition.",
call. = F
# check if there is an [OUTPUT] section
# check how the error model is defined in [LONGITUDINAL] DEFINITION
# longsection <- .getModelSection(filename, section = "LONGITUDINAL", block = "DEFINITION")
# if (length(grep("sd", longsection))) {
# stop(
# "Invalid model file. Use `errorModel=` instead of`sd=` to define the error model.",
# call. = F
# )
# }
# Check if the model file contains an OUTPUT: section
.checkModelOutputSection <- function(fileName){
if (grepl("^lib:", fileName)) {
lines <- .lixoftCall("getLibraryModelContent", args = list(filename = fileName, print = FALSE))
} else {
lines <- suppressWarnings(readLines(con = fileName, n = -1))
bIsOUT = F
for(index in 1: length(lines)){
bIsOUT <- bIsOUT|grepl(x =lines[index], pattern = 'OUTPUT:')
# Check the parameters
.checkParameter <- function(parameter, mlxProject=F){
# Monolix parameters
if (is.string(parameter)) {
if (parameter %in% c("mode", "mean", "pop")) {
message("[INFO] 'mode', 'mean', 'pop' are deprecated parameters. Parameters imported from",
" monolix must be in {'", paste0(.getAllowedMlxParameterNames(), collapse="', '"),
if (parameter == "mode") {
parameter <- "mlx_EBEs"
} else if (parameter == "mean") {
parameter <- "mlx_CondMean"
# parameter path to dataframe
if (file.exists(parameter)) {
.checkExtension(.getFileExt(parameter), "parameter file extension")
} else if (parameter %in% .getAllowedMlxParameterNames()) {
if (! mlxProject) {
stop("Invalid parameter. Monolix parameters can only be used when a project is imported from monolix.", call. = F)
} else {
stop("Invalid parameter. Parameters defined as string must be either a path to a csv or txt file or ",
"a parameter imported from monolix ('",
paste0(.getAllowedMlxParameterNames(), collapse="', '"), "').",
} else {
if (!(is.vector(parameter) || ( {
stop("Invalid paramerer. It must be a vector or a data.frame.", call. = F)
.checkCovariate <- function(covariate, mlxProject=F){
# Monolix covariates
if (is.string(covariate)) {
# parameter path to dataframe
if (file.exists(covariate)) {
.checkExtension(.getFileExt(covariate), "covariate file extension")
} else if (covariate %in% .getAllowedMlxCovariateNames()) {
if (! mlxProject) {
stop("Invalid covariate. Monolix covariates can only be used when a project is imported from monolix.", call. = F)
} else {
stop("Invalid covariate. Covariates defined as string must be either a path to a csv or txt file or ",
"a covariate imported from monolix ('",
paste0(.getAllowedMlxCovariateNames(), collapse="', '"), "').",
} else {
if(!(is.vector(covariate)||( {
stop("Invalid covariate It must be a vector or a data.frame.", call. = F)
.checkMissingParameters <- function(parameter, expectedParameters, frommlx = FALSE) {
diff <- setdiff(expectedParameters, parameter)
ismissing <- FALSE
if (length(diff)) {
ismissing <- TRUE
if (length(diff) == 1) {
message <- paste0(" '", diff, "' has not been specified. It ")
} else {
message <- paste0(" '", paste(diff, collapse = "', '"), "' have not been specified. They ")
if (frommlx) {
message <- paste0(message, "will be set to the value estimated by Monolix.")
} else {
message <- paste0(message, "will be set to 1.")
warning(message, call. = F)
.checkExtraParameters <- function(parameter, expectedParameters) {
diff <- setdiff(parameter, expectedParameters)
isextra <- FALSE
if (length(diff)) {
isextra <- TRUE
if (length(diff) == 1) {
warning("Found extra parameters. '", diff, "' is not in the model.", call. = F)
} else {
warning("Found extra parameters. '", paste(diff, collapse = "', '"), "' are not in the model.", call. = F)
# Check if the inputList
# - is a list of vector
# - all the mandatoryNames are defined
# - all the named used in the inputList are in the mandatoryNames or defaultNames
.checkUnitaryList <- function(inputList, mandatoryNames=c(), defaultNames=c(), listName="list"){
if (is.null(inputList)) {
# check that inputList is a list
if (!( | is.vector(inputList))) {
stop("Invalid ", listName, ". It must be a vector with at least the following fields: ", paste(mandatoryNames, collapse = ', '), ".", call. = F)
# Check that all the defined elements are vectors
namesList <- names(inputList)
for (indexName in seq_along(namesList)) {
if (! (is.list(inputList[[indexName]]) || is.vector(inputList[[indexName]]) || is.factor(inputList[[indexName]]))) {
stop("Invalid field ", namesList[indexName], " in '", listName, "'. It must be a vector.", call. = F)
if (!is.null(mandatoryNames)) {
# Check that all the elements in the mandatory name are defined
missingName <- setdiff(mandatoryNames, namesList)
if (length(missingName) > 0) {
message <- paste0("Mandatory fields are missing in '", listName, "', ")
if (length(missingName) == 1) {
message <- paste0(message, "'", missingName,"' is not defined. \n")
message <- paste0(message, "('", paste(missingName, collapse = "', '"), "') are not defined. \n")
message <- paste0(message, "Skip '", listName, "'. ")
if (grepl("output", listName) & any(missingName %in% c("name", "time"))) {
message <- paste0(message, "If it is a parameter, note that simulx function now returns all parameters by default.")
warning(message, call. = F)
inputList <- NULL
# Check that all the elements in the list are either in the mandatory or default list
extraName <- setdiff(namesList, union(mandatoryNames,defaultNames))
if (!is.null(inputList) && length(extraName) > 0) {
message <- paste0("Invalid fields will be ignored in '", listName, "'.")
if( length(extraName) == 1){
message <- paste0(message, " ", extraName," will be ignored.")
message <- paste0(message, " (", paste(extraName, collapse = ','),") will be ignored.")
warning(message, call. = F)
inputList <- inputList[! namesList %in% extraName]
# Check if the treatment
# - if the type is a integer equals 1 by default
# - the amount is a vector or a scalar with the same number of values as time
# - everything is defined as infusion time
# - infusion time is removed if the value is 0
# - infusion time are positive
.checkUnitaryTreatment<- function(treatment, listName = "treatment"){
mandatoryNames <- c("time", "amount")
defaultNames <- c("tinf", "rate", "type", "repeats", "probaMissDose", "washout")
# replace adm name by type
names(treatment)[names(treatment) == "adm"] <- "type"
# replace amt by amount
names(treatment)[names(treatment) == "amt"] <- "amount"
if ( {
# add id as mandatory name if data is a dataframe
indexID <- which(names(treatment) == 'id')
if (length(indexID)) mandatoryNames <- c(mandatoryNames, names(treatment)[indexID])
# remove repeats and probaMissDose as default name if data is a dataframe
# defaultNames <- setdiff(defaultNames, c("repeats"))
defaultNames <- names(treatment)
# error if target in treatment
if (is.element("target", names(treatment))) {
stop("Invalid ", listName, " target. You must use 'adm=' instead.", call. = FALSE)
# check names in treatement
treatment <- .checkUnitaryList(
mandatoryNames = mandatoryNames,
defaultNames = defaultNames,
listName = listName
if (!is.null(treatment)) {
# check if the type is an integer
if (is.element("type", names(treatment))) {
.check_strict_pos_integer(treatment$type, paste(listName, "type"))
} else{
treatment$type = 1
# check if treatment times are double
.check_vector_of_double(treatment$time, paste(listName, "time"))
nbTimePoint = length(treatment$time)
# check if treatment amounts are double
.check_vector_of_double(treatment$amount, paste(listName, "amount"))
# check that treatment amount vector and treatment times vector have the same length
# (when length of treatment amount is different from 1)
if (length(treatment$amount) > 1) {
.check_vectors_length(treatment$amount, treatment$time, paste(listName, "amount"), paste(listName, "time"))
} else {
treatment$amount <- rep(treatment$amount, nbTimePoint)
# check that treatment type vector and treatment times vector have the same length
# (when length of treatment type is different from 1)
if (length(treatment$type) > 1) {
.check_vectors_length(treatment$type, treatment$time, paste(listName, "type"), paste(listName, "time"))
# check that when it exists, treatment rate is a vector of strictly positive double
if (is.element("rate", names(treatment))) {
.check_vector_of_pos_double(treatment$rate, paste(listName, "rate"))
if (length(treatment$rate) > 1) {
.check_vectors_length(treatment$rate, treatment$time, paste(listName, "rate"), paste(listName, "time"))
} else {
treatment$rate <- rep(treatment$rate, nbTimePoint)
# check that when it exists, treatment washout is a vector of strictly positive double
if (is.element("washout", names(treatment))) {
.check_vector_of_bool(treatment$washout, paste(listName, "washout"))
if (length(treatment$washout) > 1) {
.check_vectors_length(treatment$washout, treatment$time, paste(listName, "washout"), paste(listName, "time"))
} else {
treatment$washout <- rep(treatment$washout, nbTimePoint)
if ( {
treatment$washout <- as.integer(treatment$washout)
} else {
treatment$washout <- as.logical(treatment$washout)
# check that when it exists, treatment infusion duration is a vector of positive double
if (is.element("tinf", names(treatment))) {
.check_vector_of_pos_double(treatment$tinf, paste(listName, "infusion duration"))
if (length(treatment$tinf) > 1) {
.check_vectors_length(treatment$tinf, treatment$time, paste(listName, "infusion duration"), paste(listName, "time"))
} else{
treatment$tinf <- rep(treatment$tinf, nbTimePoint)
# check that when it exists, probaMissDose is a double in [0, 1]
if (is.element("probaMissDose", names(treatment))) {
.check_double(treatment$probaMissDose, paste(listName, "probaMissDose"))
.check_in_range(treatment$probaMissDose, paste(listName, "probaMissDose"), 0, 1)
# check that when it exists, repeats is a vector with cycleDuration and NumberOfRepetitions
if (is.element("repeats", names(treatment)) && ! {
if (! all(c("cycleDuration", "NumberOfRepetitions") %in% names(treatment$repeats))) {
stop("Invalid ", paste(listName, "repeats"), ". It should be a vector specifiying fields cycleDuration and NumberOfRepetition.", call.=F)
.check_pos_integer(treatment$repeats[["NumberOfRepetitions"]], paste(listName, "repeats, NumberOfRepetitions"))
.check_pos_double(treatment$repeats[["cycleDuration"]], paste(listName, "repeats, cycleDuration"))
} else {
treatment <- as.list(treatment)
# Check if the treatment
# - if the type is a integer
# - the amount is a vector or a scalar with the same number of values as time
# - everything is defined as infusion time
# - infusion time is removed if the value is 0
# - infusion time are positive
.checkTreatment <- function(treatment, mlxProject=F){
# When only one treatment --> create a list of treatment
if (is.string(treatment) | is.element("time", names(treatment))) {
treatment <- list(treatment)
for (itreat in seq_along(treatment)) {
treatementValue <- treatment[[itreat]]
if (length(treatment) > 1) {
treatName <- paste0("treatment ", itreat)
} else {
treatName <- "treatment"
if (is.string(treatementValue)) {
# parameter path to dataframe
if (file.exists(treatementValue)) {
.checkExtension(.getFileExt(treatementValue), paste(treatName, "file extension"))
treatementValue <- utils::read.table(file=treatementValue, header=T, sep=.getDelimiter(treatementValue))
} else if (grepl("^mlx_Adm[0-9]", treatementValue)) {
if (! mlxProject) {
stop("Invalid ", treatName, ". Monolix treatment can only be used when a project is imported from monolix.", call. = F)
} else {
stop("Invalid ", treatName, ". Treatments defined as string must be either a path to a csv or txt file or ",
"a treatment imported from monolix with the form 'mlx_Adm'.",
if (! is.string(treatementValue)) {
treatment[[itreat]] <- .checkUnitaryTreatment(treatementValue, listName=treatName)
treatment <- treatment[sapply(treatment, function(e) length(e) > 0)]
.checkOccasion <- function(occasion, occName="occasion"){
if (is.null(occasion)) return(occasion)
if (is.string(occasion)) {
if (occasion == "none") return(occasion)
# occasion path to dataframe
if (file.exists(occasion)) {
.checkExtension(.getFileExt(occasion), paste(occName, "file extension"))
occasion <- utils::read.table(file=occasion, header=T, sep=.getDelimiter(occasion))
} else {
stop("Invalid ", occName, ". Occasions defined as string must be valid path to a csv or txt file.",
if ( {
if (! is.element("time", names(occasion))) {
stop("When occasion is a dataframe, it must contain a time column.", call. = FALSE)
.check_vector_of_double(occasion$time, paste(occName, "time"))
} else {
occasion <- .checkUnitaryList(
mandatoryNames=c("name", "time"),
if (is.null(occasion)) return(occasion)
occname <- occasion$name
.check_char(occname, paste(occName, "name"))
if (length(occname) > 1) {
stop("Invalid occasion. If you want to define several occasions, use a dataframe.", call.=F)
.check_vector_of_double(occasion$time, paste(occName, "time"))
occasion <- data.frame(time=occasion$time)
occasion[occname] <- 1:length(occasion$time)
# Check if the output
# - have string for names
# - have double for times
.checkUnitaryOutput<- function(output, listName = "output"){
mandatoryNames <- c("name", "time")
defaultNames <- c("lloq", "uloq", "limit")
if (!is.null(output)) {
output <- .checkUnitaryList(
mandatoryNames = mandatoryNames,
defaultNames = defaultNames,
listName = listName
if (is.null(output)) return(as.list(output))
# check that output names are string
.check_vector_of_char(output$name, paste(listName, "name"))
# check that output times are a string, a dataframe, or a double
outputTime <- output$time
if (is.string(outputTime)) {
# parameter path to dataframe
if (file.exists(outputTime)) {
.checkExtension(.getFileExt(outputTime), paste(listName, "file extension"))
outputTime <- utils::read.table(file=outputTime, header=T, sep=.getDelimiter(outputTime))
} else {
stop("Invalid ", listName, ". Outputs defined as string must be valid path to a csv or txt file.",
if ( {
if (! is.element("time", names(outputTime))) {
stop("When output time is a dataframe, it must contain at least a time column.", call. = FALSE)
.check_vector_of_double(outputTime$time, paste(listName, "time"))
} else {
if (length(outputTime) > 1) {
.check_vector_of_double(outputTime, paste(listName, "time"))
} else {
.check_vector_of_double(outputTime, paste(listName, "time"))
output$time <- outputTime
if (is.null(output)) {
output <- as.list(output)
# Check if the output
# - have string for names
# - have double for times
.checkOutput <- function(output, mlxProject=F){
# When only one output --> create a list of output
if (is.string(output) || is.element("name", names(output))) {
output <- list(output)
for (iout in seq_along(output)) {
outputValue <- output[[iout]]
if (length(output) > 1) {
outName <- paste0("output ", iout)
} else {
outName <- "output"
if (is.string(outputValue)) {
if (grepl("^mlx_", outputValue)) {
if (! mlxProject) {
stop("Invalid ", outName, ". Monolix output can only be used when a project is imported from monolix.", call. = F)
} else {
stop("Invalid ", outName, ". Outputs defined as string must be ",
"an output imported from monolix with the form 'mlx_'.", call.=F)
} else {
output[[iout]] <- .checkUnitaryOutput(outputValue, listName = outName)
output <- output[sapply(output, function(e) length(e) > 0)]
if (!length(output)) output <- NULL
# Check if the output filename
# - does not exist
# - has a valid extension
.checkOutputDirectory <- function(directory) {
stop("Directory '", directory, "' does not exist.", call. = FALSE)
# Check if the delimiter is valid
# Valid delimiters are "\t", " ", ";", ","
.checkDelimiter <- function(delimiter, argname) {
if (is.null(delimiter)) return(invisible(TRUE))
if (! is.element(delimiter, c("\t", " ", ";", ",")))
stop("'", argname, "' must be one of: {\"",
paste(c("\\t", " ", ";", ","), collapse="\", \""), "\"}.",
call. = FALSE)
# Check if the extension is valid
# Valid extensions are "csv", "txt"
.checkExtension <- function(ext, argname) {
if (is.null(ext)) return(invisible(TRUE))
if (! is.element(ext, c("csv", "txt")))
stop("'", argname, "' must be one of: {\"",
paste(c("csv", "txt"), collapse="\", \""), "\"}.",
call. = FALSE)
# Check if the regressor
# - have string for name, and only one name
# - have double for time
# - have double for value
.checkUnitaryRegressor<- function(regressor, listName = "regressor") {
mandatoryNames <- c('name', 'time', 'value')
defaultNames <- NULL
if ( {
# add id as mandatory name if data is a dataframe
indexID <- which(names(regressor) == 'id')
mandatoryNames <- c("time")
if (length(indexID)) defaultNames <- c(names(regressor)[indexID], names(regressor))
regressor <- .checkUnitaryList(
mandatoryNames = mandatoryNames,
defaultNames = defaultNames,
listName = listName
if (is.null(regressor)) return(as.list(regressor))
# check that regressor name is a string
if (is.element("name", names(regressor))) {
if (length(regressor$name) > 1)
stop("The regressor name must have only one value.", call. = F)
.check_char(regressor$name, paste(listName, "name"))
# check that regressor values are double
if(is.element("value", names(regressor))) {
.check_vector_of_double(regressor$value, paste(listName, "value"))
# check that regressor times are double
if (is.element("time", names(regressor))) {
.check_vector_of_double(regressor$time, paste(listName, "time"))
if (all(c("time", "value") %in% names(regressor))) {
.check_vectors_length(regressor$time, regressor$value, paste(listName, "time"), paste(listName, "value"))
if (is.null(regressor)) regressor <- as.list(regressor)
# check if the regressor
# - have string for name, and only one name
# - have double for time
# - have double for value
.checkRegressor <- function(regressor){
# When only one regressor --> create a list of regressor
if (is.string(regressor) | | is.element("name", names(regressor))) {
regressor <- list(regressor)
for (ireg in seq_along(regressor)) {
regValue <- regressor[[ireg]]
if (length(regressor) > 1) {
listName <- paste0("regressor ", ireg)
} else {
listName <- "regressor"
if (is.string(regValue)) {
# regressor path to dataframe
if (file.exists(regValue)) {
.checkExtension(.getFileExt(regValue), paste(listName, "file extension"))
regValue <- utils::read.table(file=regValue, header=T, sep=.getDelimiter(regValue))
} else {
stop("Invalid ", listName, ". Regressors defined as string must be valid path to a csv or txt file.",
regressor[[ireg]] <- .checkUnitaryRegressor(regValue, listName=listName)
regressor <- regressor[sapply(regressor, function(e) length(e) > 0)]
# Check if the group
# - has a size. Else wise the size is 1
# - parameter is a valid parameter,
# - output is a valid output,
# - treatment is a valid treatment,
# - regressor is a valid regressor
.checkUnitaryGroup <- function(group, listName, mlxProject=F){
nbID <- 1
# check if the size is an integer
if (is.element("size", names(group))) {
if (length(group$size) > 1) {
stop("group size must a strictly positive integer of size 1", call. = F)
.check_strict_pos_integer(group$size, "treatment size")
# check that parameter is a good parameter
if (is.element("parameter", names(group))) {
group$parameter <- .transformParameter(group$parameter)
group$parameter <- .checkParameter(parameter=group$parameter, mlxProject=mlxProject)
# Write the data set as a .txt file
if ($parameter)) {
group$parameter <- .addDataFrameTemp(df=group$parameter)
# update the size of the default group
if (is.string(group$parameter) && file.exists(group$parameter)) {
df <- utils::read.table(file=group$parameter, header=T, sep=.getDelimiter(group$parameter))
nbID <- max(nbID, .getNbIds(df))
# check that covariate is a good covariate
if (is.element("covariate", names(group))) {
group$covariate <- .transformParameter(group$covariate)
group$covariate <- .checkCovariate(covariate=group$covariate, mlxProject=mlxProject)
# Write the data set as a .txt file
if ($covariate)) {
group$covariate <- .addDataFrameTemp(df=group$covariate)
# update the size of the default group
if (is.string(group$covariate) && file.exists(group$covariate)) {
df <- utils::read.table(file=group$covariate, header=T, sep=.getDelimiter(group$covariate))
nbID <- max(nbID, .getNbIds(df))
# check that output is a good output
if (is.element("output", names(group))) {
group$output <- .checkOutput(output = group$output, mlxProject=mlxProject)
for (iout in seq_along(group$output)) {
outputValue <- group$output[[iout]]
if ($time)) {
dfout <- outputValue$time
nbID <- max(nbID, .getNbIds(dfout))
# Write the data set as a .txt file
group$output[[iout]]$time <- .addDataFrameTemp(df = dfout)
# check that treatment is a good treatment
if (is.element("treatment", names(group))) {
group$treatment <- .checkTreatment(treatment=group$treatment, mlxProject=mlxProject)
group$treatment <- .splitTreatment(group$treatment)
# if dataframe, save it in a txt file
for (itreat in seq_along(group$treatment)) {
treatementValue <- group$treatment[[itreat]]
if ( {
# Write the data set as a .txt file
nbID <- max(nbID, .getNbIds(treatementValue))
group$treatment[[itreat]] <-.addDataFrameTemp(df = treatementValue)
# check that regressor is a good regressor
if (is.element("regressor", names(group))) {
group$regressor <- .checkRegressor(regressor = group$regressor)
group$regressor <- .transformRegressor(group$regressor)
# When regressor is defined as dataframe, write the data set as a .txt file
if ($regressor)) {
nbID <- max(nbID, .getNbIds(group$regressor))
group$regressor <- .addDataFrameTemp(df = group$regressor)
group$nbID <- nbID
if (is.null(group$size) && nbID > 1) {
group$size <- nbID
# Check if the group
# - has a size. Else wise the size is 1
# - parameter is a valid parameter,
# - output is a valid output,
# - treatment is a valid treatment,
# - regressor is a valid regressor
.checkGroup <- function(group, defaultArguments, mlxProject=F){
# When only one group --> create a list of group
allowedNames <- c("size", "parameter", "covariate", "output", "treatment", "regressor", "level")
if (any(is.element(allowedNames, names(group))) | !all(sapply(group, .is_list_or_named_vector))) {
group <- list(group)
# Check if elements defined in main and groups
for (element in c("parameter", "covariate", "output", "treatment", "regressor")) {
elementInGroup <- any(sapply(group, function(g) element %in% names(g)))
if (elementInGroup & defaultArguments[[element]]) {
warning(element, " has been defined in both shared group and groups. ",
element, " defined in shared group will be erased.", call.=F)
for (igroup in seq_along(group)) {
gValue <- group[[igroup]]
if (length(group) > 1) {
listName <- paste0("group ", igroup)
} else {
listName <- "group"
group[[igroup]] <- .checkUnitaryGroup(gValue, listName=listName, mlxProject=mlxProject)
# Check simpop inputs
# Check simpop parameter argument ----------------------------------------------
.checkSimpopParameter <- function(parameter) {
if (is.null(parameter)) return(parameter)
if (! stop("parameter must be a dataframe object.", call. = FALSE)
# check parameter values
.check_in_vector(names(parameter), "'parameter names'", c("pop.param", "sd", "trans", "lim.a", "lim.b"))
if (! all(is.element(c("pop.param", "sd"), names(parameter))))
stop("You must specified at least 'pop.param' and 'sd' in 'parameter' argument")
paramName <- row.names(parameter)
if (is.null(parameter$trans)) {
parameter$trans <- "N" <- c(grep("^omega_", paramName), grep("^omega2_", paramName))
i.corr <- unique(c(grep("^r_", paramName), grep("^corr_", paramName)))
parameter$trans[] <- "L"
parameter$trans[i.corr] <- "R"
.check_in_vector(parameter$trans, "'parameter trans'", c("N", "L", "G", "P", "R"))
# lim.a & lim.b
if (is.null(parameter$lim.a)) {
parameter$lim.a <- NA
parameter$lim.a[parameter$trans == "G"] <- 0
if (is.null(parameter$lim.b)) {
parameter$lim.b <- NA
parameter$lim.b[parameter$trans == "G"] <- 1
if (! all([parameter$trans != "G", c("lim.a", "lim.b")])))
stop("lim.a and lim.b must be specified for logit transformations only (trans = G). For other transformations, set lim.a and lim.b to NaN.", call. = FALSE)
lima <- parameter[parameter$trans == "G",]$lim.a
limb <- parameter[parameter$trans == "G",]$lim.b
# check lim.a < lim.b
if (!all(lima < limb))
stop("lim.a must be strictly inferior to lim.b.", call. = FALSE)
# check pop.param values
# normal distribution
parameter$lim.a[parameter$trans == "N"] <- - Inf
parameter$lim.b[parameter$trans == "N"] <- Inf
# lognormal distribution: pop.param > 0
.check_in_range(parameter$pop.param[parameter$trans == "L"], "pop.param of lognormal distribution",
lowerbound = 0, includeBound = FALSE)
parameter$lim.a[parameter$trans == "L"] <- 0
parameter$lim.b[parameter$trans == "L"] <- Inf
# logit distribution: pop.param in ]lim.a, lim.b[
.check_in_range(parameter$pop.param[parameter$trans == "G"], "pop.param of logit distribution",
lowerbound = parameter$lim.a[parameter$trans == "G"],
upperbound = parameter$lim.b[parameter$trans == "G"],
includeBound = FALSE)
# r distribution: pop.param in [-1, 1]
.check_in_range(parameter$pop.param[parameter$trans == "R"], "pop.param of r distribution",
lowerbound = -1, upperbound = 1, includeBound = TRUE)
parameter$lim.a[parameter$trans == "R"] <- -1
parameter$lim.b[parameter$trans == "R"] <- 1
# probit distribution: pop.param in [0, 1]
.check_in_range(parameter$pop.param[parameter$trans == "P"], "pop.param of probit normal distribution",
lowerbound = 0, upperbound = 1, includeBound = TRUE)
parameter$lim.a[parameter$trans == "P"] <- 0
parameter$lim.b[parameter$trans == "P"] <- 1
# Check simpop corr argument ---------------------------------------------------
.checkSimpopCorr <- function(corr, nbParams) {
# corr matrix size must be (nbParams x nbParams)
# if (!is.matrix(corr) | !
# stop("`corr` must be a matrix or a dataframe of shape (", nbParams, " x ", nbParams, ").", call. = FALSE)
if (nrow(corr) != nbParams | ncol(corr) != nbParams)
stop("'corr' must be a matrix of shape (", nbParams, " x ", nbParams, ").", call. = FALSE)
# corr elements must be in [-1, 1]
.check_in_range(corr[!], "corr elements", lowerbound = -1 - 1e-4, upperbound = 1 + 1e-4, includeBound = TRUE)
# Check sharedIds argument -----------------------------------------------------
.checkSharedIds <- function(sharedIds, sharedElements) {
for (element in sharedIds) {
if (element != "output") {
if (! any(sapply(sharedElements[[element]], is.string))) {
warning("No id to share in ", element, " element.", call.=F)
sharedIds <- sharedIds[sharedIds != element]
} else {
if (! any(sapply(sharedElements[[element]], function(x) is.string(x$time)))) {
warning("No id to share in ", element, " element.", call.=F)
sharedIds <- sharedIds[sharedIds != element]
if (length(sharedIds) == 0) sharedIds <- NULL
# Check new additional line to add to the model --------------------------------
.checkAdditionalLine <- function(line) {
if (is.element("section", names(line))) {
if (! grepl("LONGITUDINAL", line$section))
stop("'addlines' argument only support 'LONGITUDINAL' section and 'EQUATION' block.", call. = FALSE)
if (is.element("block", names(line))) {
if (grepl("EQUATION", line))
stop("'addlines' argument only support 'LONGITUDINAL' section and 'EQUATION' block.", call. = FALSE)
# Object types check functions
# Check project extension & add extension if needed
.checkProjectExtension <- function(project_file, software) {
ext <- .getFileExt(project_file)
if (is.null(ext)) {
if (software == "simulx") {
project <- paste0(project, ".smlx")
} else if (software == "monolix") {
project <- paste0(project, ".mlxtran")
} else {
} else {
if (software == "simulx" & ext != "smlx")
stop("Invalid extension for a simulx project. smlx extension is expected.", call. = F)
if (software == "monolix" & ext != "mlxtran")
stop("Invalid extension for a Monolix project. mlxtran extension is expected.", call. = F)
# Checks if a file exists and returns an error----------------------------------
.check_file <- function(filename, fileType = "File") {
if (grepl("^lib:", filename)) return(filename)
if (!file.exists(filename))
stop(fileType, " ", filename, " does not exist.", call. = FALSE)
filename <- normalizePath(filename)
# Checks if an input is a strictly positive integer and returns an error ------
.check_integer <- function(int, argname = NULL) {
stop("Invalid ", argname, ". It must be an integer.", call. = F)
if (!all(as.integer(int) == int))
stop("Invalid ", argname, ". It must be an integer.", call. = F)
# Checks if an input is a strictly positive integer and returns an error -------
.check_strict_pos_integer <- function(int, argname) {
stop("Invalid ", argname, ". It must be a strictly positive integer.", call. = F)
if (any(int <= 0) || any(!as.integer(int) == int))
stop("Invalid ", argname, ". It must be a strictly positive integer.", call. = F)
# Checks if an input is a strictly positive integer and returns an error -------
.check_pos_integer <- function(int, argname) {
stop("Invalid ", argname, ". It must be a positive integer.", call. = F)
if (any(int < 0) || any(!as.integer(int) == int))
stop("Invalid ", argname, ". It must be a positive integer.", call. = F)
# Checks if an input is a double and returns an error --------------------------
.check_double <- function(d, argname) {
stop("Invalid ", argname, ". It must be a double.", call. = F)
# check if a vector contains only doubles
.check_vector_of_double <- function(v, argname) {
stop("Invalid ", argname, ". It must be a vector of doubles.", call. = F)
# Checks if an input is a positive double and returns an error --------
.check_pos_double <- function(d, argname) {
if(!(is.double(d)||is.integer(d)) || any(d < 0))
stop("Invalid ", argname, ". It must be a positive double.", call. = F)
# check if a vector contains only positive doubles
.check_vector_of_pos_double <- function(v, argname) {
if(!(is.double(v)||is.integer(v)) || any(v < 0))
stop("Invalid ", argname, ". It must be a vector of positive doubles.", call. = F)
# Checks if an input is a strictly positive double and returns an error --------
.check_strict_pos_double <- function(d, argname) {
if(!(is.double(d)||is.integer(d)) || any(d <= 0))
stop("Invalid ", argname, ". It must be a strictly positive double.", call. = F)
# check if a vector contains only strictly positive doubles
.check_vector_of_strict_pos_double <- function(v, argname) {
if(!(is.double(v)||is.integer(v)) || any(v <= 0))
stop("Invalid ", argname, ". It must be a vector of strictly positive doubles.", call. = F)
# Checks if an input is a string -----------------------------------------------
.check_char <- function(str, argname = NULL) {
if (!is.character(str)) {
stop("Invalid ", argname, ". It must be a string", call. = F)
# check if a vector contains only char
.check_vector_of_char <- function(v, argname) {
if (!is.character(v)) {
stop("Invalid ", argname, ". It must be a vector of strings", call. = F)
# Checks if an input is boolean -----------------------------------------------
.check_bool <- function(bool, argname) {
if (!is.logical(bool))
stop("Invalid ", argname, ". It must be logical.", call. = F)
.check_vector_of_bool <- function(v, argname) {
if (! (is.logical(v) || all(v %in% c(0, 1)))) {
stop("Invalid ", argname, ". It must be a vector of boolean.", call. = F)
# check if 2 vectors have the same size
.check_vectors_length <- function(v1, v2, argname1, argname2) {
if (length(v1) != length(v2))
stop(argname1, " vector and ", argname2, " vector must have the same length.", call. = F)
# Check if an element is allowed -----------------------------------------------
.check_in_vector <- function(arg, argname, vector) {
if (is.null(arg)) return(invisible(TRUE))
if (! all(is.element(arg, vector))) {
stop(argname, " must be in {'", paste(vector, collapse="', '"), "'}.", call. = F)
# Check if an element is in a range --------------------------------------------
.check_in_range <- function(arg, argname, lowerbound = -Inf, upperbound = Inf, includeBound = TRUE) {
if (includeBound) {
if (! all(arg >= lowerbound) | ! all(arg <= upperbound)) {
stop(argname, " must be in [", lowerbound, ", ", upperbound, "].", call. = F)
} else {
if (! all(arg > lowerbound) | ! all(arg < upperbound)) {
stop(argname, " must be in ]", lowerbound, ", ", upperbound, "[.", call. = F)
# return TRUE if an object is a string
is.string <- function(str) {
isStr <- TRUE
if (!is.null(names(str))) {
isStr <- FALSE
} else if (length(str) > 1) {
isStr <- FALSE
} else if (! is.character(str)) {
isStr <- FALSE
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