#' Build DACE model
#' This Kriging meta model is based on DACE (Design and Analysis of Computer Experiments).
#' It allows to choose different regression and correlation models. The optimization of model parameters
#' is by default done with a bounded simplex method from the \code{nloptr} package.
#' @param x design matrix (sample locations), rows for each sample, columns for each variable.
#' @param y vector of observations at \code{x}
#' @param control (list), with the options for the model building procedure:\cr
#' \code{startTheta} optional start value for theta optimization, default is \code{NULL}\cr
#' \code{algTheta} algorithm used to find theta, default is \code{optimDE}.\cr
#' \code{budgetAlgTheta} budget for the above mentioned algorithm, default is \code{200}. The value will be multiplied with the length of the model parameter vector to be optimized.\cr
#' \code{nugget} Value for nugget. Default is -1, which means the nugget will be optimized during MLE. Else it can be fixed in a range between 0 and 1.
#' \code{regr} Regression function to be used: \code{\link{regpoly0}} (default), \code{\link{regpoly1}}, \code{\link{regpoly2}}. Can be a custom user function.\cr
#' \code{corr} Correlation function to be used: \code{\link{corrnoisykriging}} (default), \code{\link{corrkriging}}, \code{\link{corrnoisygauss}}, \code{\link{corrgauss}}, \code{\link{correxp}}, \code{\link{correxpg}}, \code{\link{corrlin}}, \code{\link{corrcubic}},\code{\link{corrspherical}},\code{\link{corrspline}}. Can also be user supplied (if in the right form).
#' \code{target} target values of the prediction, a vector of strings. Each string specifies a value to be predicted, e.g., "y" for mean, "s" for standard deviation, "ei" for expected improvement. See also \code{\link{predict.kriging}}.
#' This can also be changed after the model has been build, by manipulating the respective \code{object$target} value.
#' @return returns an object of class \code{dace} with the following elements:
#' \item{\code{model}}{A list, containing model parameters}
#' \item{\code{like}}{Estimated likelihood value}
#' \item{\code{theta}}{activity parameters theta (vector)}
#' \item{\code{p}}{exponents p (vector)}
#' \item{\code{lambda}}{nugget value (numeric)}
#' \item{\code{nevals}}{ Number of iterations during MLE}
#' @seealso \code{\link{predict.dace}}
#' @author The authors of the original DACE Matlab toolbox
#' are Hans Bruun Nielsen, Soren Nymand Lophaven and Jacob Sondergaard. \cr
#' Extension of the Matlab code by Tobias Wagner \email{}. \cr
#' Porting and adaptation to R and further extensions by Martin Zaefferer \email{}.
#' @references S.~Lophaven, H.~Nielsen, and J.~Sondergaard.
#' {DACE---A Matlab Kriging Toolbox}.
#' Technical Report IMM-REP-2002-12, Informatics and Mathematical
#' Modelling, Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2002.
#' @examples
#' ## Create design points
#' x <- cbind(runif(20)*15-5,runif(20)*15)
#' ## Compute observations at design points
#' y <- funSphere(x)
#' ## Create model with default settings
#' fit <- buildKrigingDACE(x,y)
#' ## Print model parameters
#' print(fit)
#' ## Create with different regression and correlation functions
#' fit <- buildKrigingDACE(x,y,control=list(regr=regpoly2,corr=corrspline))
#' ## Print model parameters
#' print(fit)
#' @export
buildKrigingDACE <- function(x, y, control=list()){ #nugget -1 means that the nugget will be optimized in lme
con <- list(startTheta=NULL,
budgetAlgTheta=100 ,
corr= corrnoisykriging ,
nugget = -1, target="y",
con[names(control)] <- control
startTheta <- control$startTheta
size <- dim(x)
n <- size[1]
m <- size[2]
res <- daceStartParameters(n,m,control$nugget,control$corr)
lb <- res$lb
ub <- res$ub
startTheta <- res$theta
budget <- length(startTheta)*control$budgetAlgTheta
small<-startTheta<lb #force starting guess into bounds
startTheta <- matrix(startTheta,1)
pars <- dacePrepareFit(x, y, control$nugget, control$regr, control$corr)
## Optimize likelihood
res <- control$algTheta(x=startTheta,
bestTheta = res$xbest
ftheta <- daceFixTheta(m, bestTheta, control$nugget, control$corr)
model <- daceGetFit(ftheta$thetaConv, pars)
like <- res$ybest
nEval <- as.numeric(res$counts[[1]])
fit <- list(model=model,
## calculate observed minimum
xlist <- split(x, row(x))
uniquex <- unique(xlist)
ymean <- NULL
for(xi in uniquex){
ind <- xlist %in% list(xi)
ymean <- c(ymean, mean(y[ind]))
fit$min <- min(ymean)
fit$x <- x
fit$y <- y
class(fit)<- "dace"
#' Start parameter setup DACE
#' This function returns a starting guess for theta, as well as suitable lower and upper bounds.
#' The result depends on dimensionality of the problem, number of design points, the nugget value and the choice of correlation function.
#' @param n number of known design points
#' @param m dimension (length) of each point
#' @param nugget Value for nugget. Default is -1, which means the nugget will be optimized during MLE. In that case, a lower limit of 0.5 and an upper limit of 1 as well as a starting value of 0.999 will added to the three output vectors (theta, lower and upper bounds). This is only relevant for correlation functions that use a nugget (\code{\link{corrnoisygauss}},\code{\link{corrnoisykriging}} )
#' @param corr The choice of correlation function (which defines the length and values of theta and bounds): \code{\link{corrnoisykriging}} (default), \code{\link{corrkriging}}, \code{\link{corrnoisygauss}}, \code{\link{corrgauss}}, \code{\link{correxp}}, \code{\link{correxpg}}, \code{\link{corrlin}}, \code{\link{corrcubic}},\code{\link{corrspherical}},\code{\link{corrspline}}. Can also be user supplied (if in the right form).
#' @return returns a list with the following elements: \cr
#' \code{theta} Starting point for the internal parameter estimation\cr
#' \code{lb} lower bound\cr
#' \code{ub} upper bound
#' @seealso \code{\link{buildKrigingDACE}}
#' @keywords internal
daceStartParameters <- function(n,m,nugget,corr){
ones <- matrix(1,1,m)
lb <- c(ones*(-12), ones*0.01) #TODO wouldnt rep(-12,m) be faster? or would that yield different class ? (vec, mat)
ub <- c(ones*10, ones*2)
theta <- c(ones*(n/(100*m)), 1.9*ones)
}else if(identical(corr,correxpg)){
ones <- matrix(1,1,m)
lb <- c(ones*(-12),-6)
ub <- c(ones*10,2)
theta <- c(ones*(n/(100*m)),-1)
}else {
ones <- matrix(1,1,m)
lb <- ones*(-12)
ub <- ones*10
theta <- ones*(n/(100*m))
if(nugget==-1 && (identical(corr,corrnoisygauss) || identical(corr,corrnoisykriging))){#nugget is optimized, else fixed
lb <- c(lb, 0.5)
ub <- c(ub, 1)
theta <- c(theta,0.999)
#' Fix model parameters DACE
#' This function fixes theta (model parameter vector) after optimization. That is, if a value was optimized on a logarithmic scale: \code{theta=10^theta}.
#' The result depends on dimensionality of the problem, the nugget value and the choice of correlation function.
#' @param m dimension (length) of each point
#' @param bestTheta the theta value found during MLE
#' @param nugget Value for nugget. Default is -1, which means the nugget was be optimized during MLE. In this case, it is part of bestTheta. Otherwise, \code{nugget} is appended to the theta vector. This is only relevant for correlation functions that use a nugget (\code{\link{corrnoisygauss}},\code{\link{corrnoisykriging}} )
#' @param corr The choice of correlation function (which defines the length and values of theta and bounds): \code{\link{corrnoisykriging}} (default), \code{\link{corrkriging}}, \code{\link{corrnoisygauss}}, \code{\link{corrgauss}}, \code{\link{correxp}}, \code{\link{correxpg}}, \code{\link{corrlin}}, \code{\link{corrcubic}},\code{\link{corrspherical}},\code{\link{corrspline}}. Can also be user supplied (if in the right form).
#' @return returns a list:
#' \code{thetaConv} the fixed theta vector (all model parameters)
#' \code{theta} vector of activity parameters theta
#' \code{p} vector of exponents p(NULL if not used in correlation function)
#' \code{lambda} nugget value lambda (NULL if not used in correlation function)
#' @seealso \code{\link{buildKrigingDACE}}
#' @keywords internal
daceFixTheta <- function(m,bestTheta,nugget,corr){
lambda <- NULL
p <- NULL
if(nugget > 0 && nugget <= 1){
thetaConv <- c(10^bestTheta[1:m], bestTheta[(m+1):(2*m)], nugget)
theta <- thetaConv[1:m]
p <- thetaConv[(m+1):(2*m)]
lambda <- nugget
}else if(nugget==-1){
thetaConv <- c(10^bestTheta[1:m], bestTheta[(m+1):(2*m+1)])
theta <- thetaConv[1:m]
p <- thetaConv[(m+1):(2*m)]
lambda <- thetaConv[2*m+1]
}else if(identical(corr,corrkriging)){
thetaConv <- c(10^bestTheta[1:m], bestTheta[(m+1):(2*m)])
theta <- thetaConv[1:m]
}else if(identical(corr,corrnoisygauss)){ # like corrnoisykriging, but exponents not optimized, only activity parameters
if(nugget > 0 && nugget <= 1){
thetaConv <- c(10^bestTheta[1:m], nugget)
theta <- thetaConv[1:m]
p <- 2
lambda <- nugget
}else if(nugget==-1){
thetaConv <- c(10^bestTheta[1:m], bestTheta[m+1])
theta <- thetaConv[1:m]
p <- 2
lambda <- thetaConv[m+1]
thetaConv <- 10^bestTheta
theta <- thetaConv
#' Wrapper for Maximum Likelihood Estimation
#' Returns the maximum likelihood for the model parameter optimization.
#' @param theta model parameter vector to be evaluated
#' @param pars model option list, as created with \code{\link{dacePrepareFit}}
#' @param nugget Value for nugget. Default is -1, which means the nugget was optimized during MLE.
#' @return the likelihood value as calculated by \code{\link{daceEvalFit}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{buildKrigingDACE}} \code{\link{daceEvalFit}}
#' @keywords internal
daceLikelihood <- function (theta, pars, nugget){
n <- pars$n
thetaConv <- daceFixTheta(n,theta,nugget,pars$corr)$thetaConv
res <- daceEvalFit(thetaConv,pars)
min(res[length(thetaConv)+1]) #TODO: warum hier min?
#' Prepare DACE fit
#' Prepares a list with relevant model options and settings based on user choice and problem setup.
#' @param S known design points. That is, a matrix with \code{n} rows (for each point) and \code{dim} columns (for each dimension).
#' @param Y vector of observations at known design points of length \code{n}.
#' @param nugget Value for nugget. Default is -1, which means the nugget will be optimized during MLE.
#' @param regr Regression function to be used: \code{\link{regpoly0}} (default), \code{\link{regpoly1}}, \code{\link{regpoly2}}. Can be a custom user function.
#' @param corr Correlation function to be used: \code{\link{corrnoisykriging}} (default), \code{\link{corrkriging}}, \code{\link{corrnoisygauss}}, \code{\link{corrgauss}}, \code{\link{correxp}}, \code{\link{correxpg}}, \code{\link{corrlin}}, \code{\link{corrcubic}},\code{\link{corrspherical}},\code{\link{corrspline}}. Can also be user supplied (if in the right form).
#' @importFrom stats sd
#' @importFrom utils tail
#' @return a list with several model or problem specific settings and parameters
#' @author The authors of the original DACE Matlab code are Hans Bruun Nielsen, Soren Nymand Lophaven and Jacob Sondergaard. \cr
#' Extension of the Matlab by Tobias Wagner \email{}. \cr
#' Porting and adaptation to R and further extensions by Martin Zaefferer \email{}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{buildKrigingDACE}}
#' @keywords internal
dacePrepareFit <- function (S, Y, nugget, regr=regpoly0, corr=corrnoisykriging){
# this was cut from the dacefit function.
# dacefit was called repeatedly, doing this same thing again and again. now only done once or twice.
m <- dim(S)[1]
n <- dim(S)[2]
sY <- length(Y)
if (m != lY){stop("S (design) and Y (observations) must have the same number of rows")}
#% Normalize data
mS <- colMeans(S)
sS <- apply(S,2,sd)
mY <- mean(Y)
sY <- sd(Y)
#% Check for 'missing dimension'
sS[sS==0] <- 1
sY[sY==0] <- 1
S <- (S - matrix(mS,ncol=length(mS),nrow=m,byrow=TRUE)) / matrix(sS,ncol=length(sS),nrow=m,byrow=TRUE)
Y <- as.matrix((Y - mY) / sY)
#% Calculate distances D between points
mzmax <- m*(m-1) / 2 #% number of non-zero distances
ij <- matrix(0,mzmax,2) #% initialize matrix with indices
D <- matrix(0,mzmax,n) #% initialize matrix with distances
ll <- 0
for (k in 1:(m-1)){
ll <- tail(ll,1) + (1 : (m-k))
ij[ll,] <- c(rep(k, m-k),(k+1):m)
D[ll,] <- S[rep(k,m-k),] - S[(k+1):m,] #% differences between points
if( !(identical(corr,corrnoisykriging) || identical(corr,corrnoisygauss)) & (min(sum(abs(D),2))==0)){
stop('Multiple design sites are not allowed')
#% Regression matrix
F <- regr(S)$f
dims<- dim(F)
mF <- length(F)
if (mF != m) stop('number of rows in F and S do not match')
mF <- dims[1]
p <- dims[2]
if (mF != m) stop('number of rows in F and S do not match')
if (p > mF) stop('least squares problem is underdetermined')
#% parameters for objective function
list(n=n, corr=corr, regr=regr, y=Y, F=F, D=D, ij=ij, sY=sY, scS=sS, Ysc=c(mY, sY),Ssc=rbind(mS, sS),S=S)
#' Evaluate DACE fit
#' Evaluate the fit of a certain set of model parameters (\code{theta}).
#' @param theta model parameters to be evaluated
#' @param pars model option list, as created with \code{\link{dacePrepareFit}}
#' @return performance vector, first elements are theta, last element is likelihood.
#' @seealso \code{\link{buildKrigingDACE}} \code{\link{daceLikelihood}} \code{\link{daceGetFit}}
#' @keywords internal
daceEvalFit <- function (theta, pars){
if(any(theta <= 0)){
stop('theta for dace model must be strictly positive')
f <- daceObjfunc(theta, pars, "f")$f
perf <- c(theta, f, 1)
#if(is.infinite(f)) warning('Bad point. Try increasing theta')
#' Get DACE fit
#' Evaluate the fit of a certain set of model parameters (\code{theta}), and
#' get all relevant variables of the model.
#' @param theta model parameters to be evaluated
#' @param pars model option list, as created with \code{\link{dacePrepareFit}}
#' @return list of model variables, with the following elements: \cr
#' \code{regr} regression function used \cr
#' \code{corr} correlation function used \cr
#' \code{theta} model parameters\cr
#' \code{beta} generalized least squares estimate\cr
#' \code{gamma} correlation factors\cr
#' \code{sigma2} maximum Likelihood estimate of the process variance\cr
#' \code{S} scaled design points\cr
#' \code{Ssc} scaling factors for design arguments\cr
#' \code{Y} scaled observations\cr
#' \code{Ysc} scaling factors for design ordinates\cr
#' \code{C} Cholesky factor of correlation matrix\cr
#' \code{Ft} Decorrelated regression matrix\cr
#' \code{G} From QR factorization: Ft = Q*t(G)\cr
#' @author The authors of the original DACE Matlab code are Hans Bruun Nielsen, Soren Nymand Lophaven and Jacob Sondergaard. \cr
#' Extension of the Matlab code by Tobias Wagner \email{}. \cr
#' Porting and adaptation to R and further extensions by Martin Zaefferer \email{}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{buildKrigingDACE}} \code{\link{daceLikelihood}} \code{\link{daceEvalFit}}
#' @keywords internal
# @export
daceGetFit <- function (theta, pars){
if(any(theta <= 0)){
stop('theta for dace model must be strictly positive')
fit <- daceObjfunc(theta, pars, "fit")$fit
G=fit$G) #, detR=fit$detR)
#' Backslash operator.
#' Reproduce what MATLAB's backslash operator can do, using qr() and qr.coef().
#' @param X X matrix
#' @param Y Y vector
#' @return Returns coefficients
#' @keywords internal
# @export
#' repmat
#' Reproduce what MATLAB's repmat function can do, using kronecker function.
#' @param a matrix
#' @param n dimension 1 (rows)
#' @param m dimension 2 (cols)
#' @return Returns repeated matrix
#' @keywords internal
# @export
repmat <- function(a,n,m) {kronecker(matrix(1,n,m),a)}
#' DACE objective function
#' Evaluate the fit of a certain set of model parameters (\code{theta}), and
#' get all relevant variables of the model.
#' @param theta model parameters to be evaluated
#' @param pars model option list, as created with \code{\link{dacePrepareFit}}
#' @param what a string: "all" both the likelihood (f) and the model list (fit) will be returned,
#' "f" and "fit specify to return only those.
#' @return A list of two elements (which are NA if \code{what} is specified accordingly)\cr
#' \code{f} likelihood \cr
#' \code{fit} also a list list of model variables, with the following elements:
#' \item{\code{beta}}{ generalized least squares estimate}
#' \item{\code{gamma}}{ correlation factors}
#' \item{\code{sigma2}}{ maximum Likelihood estimate of the process variance}
#' \item{\code{C}}{ Cholesky factor of correlation matrix}
#' \item{\code{Ft}}{ Decorrelated regression matrix}
#' \item{\code{G}}{ From QR factorization: Ft = Q*t(G)\cr}
#' @author The authors of the original DACE Matlab code are Hans Bruun Nielsen, Soren Nymand Lophaven and Jacob Sondergaard. \cr
#' Extension of the Matlab code by Tobias Wagner \email{}. \cr
#' Porting and adaptation to R and further extensions by Martin Zaefferer \email{}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{buildKrigingDACE}} \code{\link{daceLikelihood}} \code{\link{daceEvalFit}}
#' @keywords internal
# @export
daceObjfunc <- function(theta, pars, what="all"){
#% Initialize
obj <- 1e4 #penalty for bad numerical conditions TODO: Inf crashes some optimizers, some not. Use very large number instead?
m <- dim(pars$F)[1]
#% Set up R
r <- pars$corr(theta, pars$D, "r")$r
idx <- which(r>0)
o <- 1:m
mu <- (10+m)*.Machine$double.eps
R[cbind(c(pars$ij[idx,1], o),c(pars$ij[idx,2], o))]=c(r[idx], rep(1,m)+mu)
# browser()
#% Cholesky factorization. If it fails, return Inf for f, and NA for fit
#if(!is.positive.definite(R)) return(list(f=obj,fit=fit)) #remark: is.positive.definite(R) does nothing else but a try(chol(R)) if method chol is used. therefore skipped.
Cmat <- try( chol(R), TRUE)
if(class(Cmat)[1] == "try-error"){
#% Get least squares solution
Cmat <- t(Cmat)
Ft <- spotHelpBslash(Cmat,pars$F)
resqr <- qr(Ft)
if (rcond(G) < 1e-10){
#% Check F
if (kappa(pars$F,exact=T) > 1e15 ){ #TODO?
stop('F is too ill conditioned. Poor combination of regression model and design sites')
}else{ #% Matrix Ft is too ill conditioned
Yt <- spotHelpBslash(Cmat,pars$y)
beta <- spotHelpBslash(G,(t(Q)%*%Yt))
rho <- if(length(beta)==1){Yt - Ft*as.numeric(beta)}else{Yt - Ft%*%beta}
sigma2 <- colSums(rho^2)/m
detR <- prod( (diag(Cmat)) ^ (2/m) )
if(what=="f" || what=="all")
obj <- sum(sigma2) %*% detR
if(what=="fit" || what=="all")
fit <- list(sigma2=sigma2, beta=beta, gamma= t(rho)%*%solve(Cmat), C=Cmat, Ft=Ft, G=t(G))
#' Correlation: Noisy Gauss
#' Noisy Gaussian correlation function using nuggets.
# n
# r_i = prod exp(-theta_j * d_ij^2) , i = 1,...,m
# j=1
#' @param theta parameters in the correlation function
#' @param d m*n matrix with differences between given data points
#' @param ret A string. If set to \code{"all"} or \code{"dr"}, the derivative of \code{r} (\code{dr}) will be returned, else \code{dr} is \code{NA}.
#' @return returns a list with two elements:
#' \item{\code{r}}{correlation}
#' \item{\code{dr}}{m*n matrix with the Jacobian of \code{r} at \code{x}. It is
#' assumed that \code{x} is given implicitly by \code{d[i,] = x - S[i,]},
#' where \code{S[i,]} is the \code{i}'th design site.}
#' @seealso \code{\link{buildKrigingDACE}}
#' @author The authors of the original DACE Matlab code
#' are Hans Bruun Nielsen, Soren Nymand Lophaven and Jacob Sondergaard. \cr
#' Extension of the Matlab code by Tobias Wagner \email{}. \cr
#' Ported to R by Martin Zaefferer \email{}.
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
corrnoisygauss = function(theta, d , ret="all"){
siz <- dim(d) #% number of differences and dimension of data
m <- siz[1]
n <- siz[2]
lt <- length(theta)
if(lt != (n + 1)){
stop(paste('Length of theta must be',n+1))
pow <- 2
tt <- matrix(-theta[1:n],m,n,byrow=TRUE)
nugget <- theta[n+1]
td <- abs(d)^pow * tt
for(i in 1 : ncol(td)){
r <- nugget * r
if(ret=="all" || ret=="dr"){
dr <- nugget * pow * tt * sign(d) * (abs(d)^(matrix(1,m,n))) * matrix(r,m,n,byrow=FALSE)
dr <- NA
#' Correlation: Gauss
#' Gaussian correlation function, no nugget.\cr
#' If \code{length(theta) = 1}, then the model is isotropic:\cr
#' all \code{theta_j = theta}.
# n
# r_i = prod exp(-theta_j * d_ij^2) , i = 1,...,m
# j=1
#' @param theta parameters in the correlation function
#' @param d m*n matrix with differences between given data points
#' @param ret A string. If set to \code{"all"} or \code{"dr"}, the derivative of \code{r} (\code{dr}) will be returned, else \code{dr} is \code{NA}.
#' @return returns a list with two elements:
#' \item{\code{r}}{correlation}
#' \item{\code{dr}}{m*n matrix with the Jacobian of \code{r} at \code{x}. It is
#' assumed that \code{x} is given implicitly by \code{d[i,] = x - S[i,]},
#' where \code{S[i,]} is the \code{i}'th design site.}
#' @seealso \code{\link{buildKrigingDACE}}
#' @author The authors of the original DACE Matlab code
#' are Hans Bruun Nielsen, Soren Nymand Lophaven and Jacob Sondergaard. \cr
#' Ported to R by Martin Zaefferer \email{}.
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
corrgauss <- function(theta,d,ret="all"){
siz <- dim(d) #% number of differences and dimension of data
m <- siz[1]
n <- siz[2]
lt <- length(theta)
if (lt == 1){
theta <- rep(theta,n)
}else if(lt != n){
stop(paste("Length of theta must be ",n))
pow <- 2
tt <- matrix(-theta[1:n],m,n,byrow=TRUE) #TODO vllt t() hier und oben weglassen?
td <- d^pow * tt
if(ret=="all" || ret=="dr"){
dr <- matrix(-2*theta[1:n],m,n,byrow=TRUE) * d * matrix(r,m,n,byrow=FALSE)
}else{ dr<- NA }
#TODO docu: equations?
#' Correlation: Noisy Kriging
#' Noisy Kriging correlation function using nuggets
# n
# r_i = prod exp(-theta_j * d_ij^theta_n+j)
# j=1
#' @param theta parameters in the correlation function
#' @param d m*n matrix with differences between given data points
#' @param ret A string. If set to \code{"all"} or \code{"dr"}, the derivative of \code{r} (\code{dr}) will be returned, else \code{dr} is \code{NA}.
#' @return returns a list with two elements:
#' \item{\code{r}}{correlation}
#' \item{\code{dr}}{m*n matrix with the Jacobian of \code{r} at \code{x}. It is
#' assumed that \code{x} is given implicitly by \code{d[i,] = x - S[i,]},
#' where \code{S[i,]} is the \code{i}'th design site.}
#' @seealso \code{\link{buildKrigingDACE}}
#' @author The authors of the original DACE Matlab code
#' are Hans Bruun Nielsen, Soren Nymand Lophaven and Jacob Sondergaard. \cr
#' Extension of the Matlab code by Tobias Wagner \email{}. \cr
#' Ported to R by Martin Zaefferer \email{}.
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
corrnoisykriging = function(theta, d, ret="all"){
siz <- dim(d) #% number of differences and dimension of data
m <- siz[1]
n <- siz[2]
lt <- length(theta)
if(lt != (2 * n + 1)){
stop(paste('Length of theta must be',2*n+1))
pow <- matrix(theta[(n+1):(2*n)],m,n,byrow=TRUE)
tt <- matrix(-theta[1:n],m,n,byrow=TRUE)
nugget <- theta[2*n+1]
td <- abs(d)^pow * tt
for(i in 1:ncol(etd)){
r <- nugget * r
if(ret=="all" || ret=="dr"){
dr <- nugget * pow * tt * sign(d) * (abs(d)^(pow - matrix(1,m,n))) * matrix(r,m,n,byrow=FALSE)#repmat(r,1,n)
dr<- NA
#TODO docu: equations?
#' Correlation: Kriging
#' Kriging correlation function, no nugget
# n
# r_i = prod exp(-theta_j * d_ij^theta_n+j)
# j=1
#' @param theta parameters in the correlation function
#' @param d m*n matrix with differences between given data points
#' @param ret A string. If set to \code{"all"} or \code{"dr"}, the derivative of \code{r} (\code{dr}) will be returned, else \code{dr} is \code{NA}.
#' @return returns a list with two elements:
#' \item{\code{r}}{correlation}
#' \item{\code{dr}}{m*n matrix with the Jacobian of \code{r} at \code{x}. It is
#' assumed that \code{x} is given implicitly by \code{d[i,] = x - S[i,]},
#' where \code{S[i,]} is the \code{i}'th design site.}
#' @seealso \code{\link{buildKrigingDACE}}
#' @author The authors of the original DACE Matlab code
#' are Hans Bruun Nielsen, Soren Nymand Lophaven and Jacob Sondergaard. \cr
#' Extension of the Matlab code by Tobias Wagner \email{}. \cr
#' Ported to R by Martin Zaefferer \email{}.
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
corrkriging <- function(theta,d,ret="all"){
siz <- dim(d) #% number of differences and dimension of data
m <- siz[1]
n <- siz[2]
lt <- length(theta)
if(lt != (2 * n)){
stop(paste('Length of theta must be',2*n))
pow <- matrix(theta[(n+1):(2*n)],m,n,byrow=TRUE)
tt <- matrix(-theta[1:n],m,n,byrow=TRUE) #TODO vllt t() hier und oben weglassen?
td <- abs(d)^pow * tt
if(ret=="all" || ret=="dr"){
dr <- matrix(-2*theta[1:n],m,n,byrow=TRUE) * d * matrix(r,m,n,byrow=FALSE)
}else{ dr<- NA }
#' Correlation: Cubic
#' Cubic correlation function.\cr
#' If \code{length(theta) = 1}, then the model is isotropic:\cr
#' all \code{theta_j = theta}.
# n
# r_i = prod max(0, 1 - 3(theta_j*d_ij)^2 + 2(theta_j*d_ij)^3) , i = 1,...,m
# j=1
#' @param theta parameters in the correlation function
#' @param d m*n matrix with differences between given data points
#' @param ret A string. If set to \code{"all"} or \code{"dr"}, the derivative of \code{r} (\code{dr}) will be returned, else \code{dr} is \code{NA}.
#' @return returns a list with two elements:
#' \item{\code{r}}{correlation}
#' \item{\code{dr}}{m*n matrix with the Jacobian of \code{r} at \code{x}. It is
#' assumed that \code{x} is given implicitly by \code{d[i,] = x - S[i,]},
#' where \code{S[i,]} is the \code{i}'th design site.}
#' @seealso \code{\link{buildKrigingDACE}}
#' @author The authors of the original DACE Matlab code \
#' are Hans Bruun Nielsen, Soren Nymand Lophaven and Jacob Sondergaard. \cr
#' Ported to R by Martin Zaefferer \email{}.
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
corrcubic <- function(theta,d , ret="all"){
siz <- dim(d) #% number of differences and dimension of data
m <- siz[1]
n <- siz[2]
lt <- length(theta)
if (lt == 1){
theta <- rep(theta,n)
}else if(lt != n){
stop(paste('Length of theta must be 1 or ',n))
#theta = theta(:).' #force line vector, should be unnecessary in R
#td = min(abs(d) * matrix(theta,m,lt,byrow=TRUE), 1)
td <- pmin(abs(d) * matrix(theta,m,lt,byrow=TRUE),1)
ss <- 1 - td^2 * (3 - 2*td)
r <- apply(ss,1,prod)
r <- prod(ss)
if(ret=="all" || ret=="dr"){
#dr = matrix(-2*theta[1:n],m,n,byrow=TRUE) * d * matrix(r,m,n,byrow=FALSE)
dr <- matrix(0,m,n)
for (j in 1:n){
dd <- 6*theta[j] * sign(d[,j]) * td[,j] * (td[,j] - 1)
st<-ss[,c(1:(j-1), (j+1):n)]
dr[,j] <- apply(st[,c(1:(j-1), (j+1):n)],1,prod)* dd
dr[,j] <- prod(st[,c(1:(j-1), (j+1):n)]) * dd
}else{ dr<- NA }
#' Correlation: Exp
#' Exponential correlation function.\cr
#' If \code{length(theta) = 1}, then the model is isotropic:\cr
#' all \code{theta_j = theta}.
# n
# r_i = prod exp(-theta_j * |d_ij|)
# j=1
#' @param theta parameters in the correlation function
#' @param d m*n matrix with differences between given data points
#' @param ret A string. If set to \code{"all"} or \code{"dr"}, the derivative of \code{r} (\code{dr}) will be returned, else \code{dr} is \code{NA}.
#' @return returns a list with two elements:
#' \item{\code{r}}{correlation}
#' \item{\code{dr}}{m*n matrix with the Jacobian of \code{r} at \code{x}. It is
#' assumed that \code{x} is given implicitly by \code{d[i,] = x - S[i,]},
#' where \code{S[i,]} is the \code{i}'th design site.}
#' @seealso \code{\link{buildKrigingDACE}}
#' @author The authors of the original DACE Matlab code
#' are Hans Bruun Nielsen, Soren Nymand Lophaven and Jacob Sondergaard. \cr
#' Ported to R by Martin Zaefferer \email{}.
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
correxp <- function(theta,d,ret="all"){
siz <- dim(d) #% number of differences and dimension of data
m <- siz[1]
n <- siz[2]
lt <- length(theta)
if (lt == 1){
theta <- rep(theta,n)
}else if(lt != n){
stop(paste('Length of theta must be 1 or ',n))
td <- abs(d) * matrix(-theta,m,n,byrow=TRUE)
if(ret=="all" || ret=="dr"){
dr <- matrix(-theta[1:n],m,n,byrow=TRUE) * sign(d) * matrix(r,m,n,byrow=FALSE)
}else{ dr<- NA }
#' Correlation: Expg
#' General exponential correlation function.\cr
#' If \code{n > 1} and \code{length(theta) = 1}, then the model is isotropic:\cr
#' \code{theta_j = theta[1], j=1,...,n; theta_[n+1] = theta[2]}.
# n
# r_i = prod exp(-theta_j * d_ij^theta_n+1)
# j=1
#' @param theta parameters in the correlation function
#' @param d m*n matrix with differences between given data points
#' @param ret A string. If set to \code{"all"} or \code{"dr"}, the derivative of \code{r} (\code{dr}) will be returned, else \code{dr} is \code{NA}.
#' @return returns a list with two elements:
#' \item{\code{r}}{correlation}
#' \item{\code{dr}}{m*n matrix with the Jacobian of \code{r} at \code{x}. It is
#' assumed that \code{x} is given implicitly by \code{d[i,] = x - S[i,]},
#' where \code{S[i,]} is the \code{i}'th design site.}
#' @seealso \code{\link{buildKrigingDACE}}
#' @author The authors of the original DACE Matlab code
#' are Hans Bruun Nielsen, Soren Nymand Lophaven and Jacob Sondergaard. \cr
#' Ported to R by Martin Zaefferer \email{}.
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
correxpg <- function(theta,d,ret="all"){
siz <- dim(d) #% number of differences and dimension of data
m <- siz[1]
n <- siz[2]
lt <- length(theta)
if (n > 1 && lt == 2){
theta <- c(rep(theta[1],n),theta[2])
}else if(lt != n+1){
stop(paste('Length of theta must be 2 or ',n+1))
pow <- theta[n+1]
tt <- matrix(-theta[1:n],m,n,byrow=TRUE) #TODO vllt t() hier und oben weglassen?
td <- abs(d)^pow * tt
if(ret=="all" || ret=="dr"){
dr <- pow * tt * sign(d) * (abs(d)^(pow-1)) * matrix(r,m,n,byrow=FALSE)
}else{ dr<- NA }
#' Correlation: Lin
#' Linear correlation function.\cr
#' If \code{length(theta) = 1}, then the model is isotropic:\cr
#' all \code{theta_j = theta}.
# n
# r_i = prod max(0, 1 - theta_j * d_ij) , i = 1,...,m
# j=1
#' @param theta parameters in the correlation function
#' @param d m*n matrix with differences between given data points
#' @param ret A string. If set to \code{"all"} or \code{"dr"}, the derivative of \code{r} (\code{dr}) will be returned, else \code{dr} is \code{NA}.
#' @return returns a list with two elements:
#' \item{\code{r}}{correlation}
#' \item{\code{dr}}{m*n matrix with the Jacobian of \code{r} at \code{x}. It is
#' assumed that \code{x} is given implicitly by \code{d[i,] = x - S[i,]},
#' where \code{S[i,]} is the \code{i}'th design site.}
#' @seealso \code{\link{buildKrigingDACE}}
#' @author The authors of the original DACE Matlab code
#' are Hans Bruun Nielsen, Soren Nymand Lophaven and Jacob Sondergaard. \cr
#' Ported to R by Martin Zaefferer \email{}.
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
corrlin <- function(theta,d , ret="all"){
siz <- dim(d) #% number of differences and dimension of data
m <- siz[1]
n <- siz[2]
lt <- length(theta)
if (lt == 1){
theta <- rep(theta,n)
}else if(lt != n){
stop(paste('Length of theta must be 1 or ',n))
td <- pmax(1- abs(d) * matrix(theta,m,lt,byrow=TRUE),0)
r <- apply(td,1,prod)
r <- prod(td)
if(ret=="all" || ret=="dr"){
dr <- matrix(0,m,n)
for (j in 1:n){
dd <- (-theta[j] * sign(d[,j]))
st<-td[,c(1:(j-1), (j+1):n)]
dr[,j] <- apply(st[,c(1:(j-1), (j+1):n)],1,prod)* dd
dr[,j] <- prod(st[,c(1:(j-1), (j+1):n)]) * dd
}else{ dr<- NA }
#' Correlation: Spherical
#' Spherical correlation function.\cr
#' If \code{length(theta) = 1}, then the model is isotropic:\cr
#' all \code{theta_j = theta}.
# n
# r_i = prod max(0, 1 - 1.5(theta_j*d_ij) + .5(theta_j*d_ij)^3) , i = 1,...,m
# j=1
#' @param theta parameters in the correlation function
#' @param d m*n matrix with differences between given data points
#' @param ret A string. If set to \code{"all"} or \code{"dr"}, the derivative of \code{r} (\code{dr}) will be returned, else \code{dr} is \code{NA}.
#' @return returns a list with two elements:
#' \item{\code{r}}{correlation}
#' \item{\code{dr}}{m*n matrix with the Jacobian of \code{r} at \code{x}. It is
#' assumed that \code{x} is given implicitly by \code{d[i,] = x - S[i,]},
#' where \code{S[i,]} is the \code{i}'th design site.}
#' @seealso \code{\link{buildKrigingDACE}}
#' @author The authors of the original DACE Matlab code
#' are Hans Bruun Nielsen, Soren Nymand Lophaven and Jacob Sondergaard. \cr
#' Ported to R by Martin Zaefferer \email{}.
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
corrspherical <- function(theta,d , ret="all"){
siz <- dim(d) #% number of differences and dimension of data
m <- siz[1]
n <- siz[2]
lt <- length(theta)
if (lt == 1){
theta <- rep(theta,n)
}else if(lt != n){
stop(paste('Length of theta must be 1 or ',n))
#theta = theta(:).' #force line vector, should be unnecessary in R
#td <- min(abs(d) * matrix(theta,m,lt,byrow=TRUE), 1)
td <- pmin(abs(d) * matrix(theta,m,lt,byrow=TRUE),1)
ss <- 1 - td * (1.5 - 0.5*td^2)
r <- apply(ss,1,prod)
r <- prod(ss)
if(ret=="all" || ret=="dr"){
#dr <- matrix(-2*theta[1:n],m,n,byrow=TRUE) * d * matrix(r,m,n,byrow=FALSE)
dr <- matrix(0,m,n)
for (j in 1:n){
dd <- 1.5*theta[j] * sign(d[,j]) * (td[,j]^2 - 1)
st<-ss[,c(1:(j-1), (j+1):n)]
dr[,j] <- apply(st[,c(1:(j-1), (j+1):n)],1,prod)* dd
dr[,j] <- prod(st[,c(1:(j-1), (j+1):n)]) * dd
}else{ dr<- NA }
#' Correlation: Spline
#' Cubic spline correlation function.\cr
#' If \code{length(theta) = 1}, then the model is isotropic:\cr
#' all \code{theta_j = theta}.
# n
# r_i = prod S(theta_j*d_ij) , i = 1,...,m
# j=1
# with
# 1 - 15x^2 + 30x^3 for 0 <= x <= 0.5
# S(x) = 1.25(1 - x)^3 for 0.5 < x < 1
# 0 for x >= 1
#' @param theta parameters in the correlation function
#' @param d m*n matrix with differences between given data points
#' @param ret A string. If set to \code{"all"} or \code{"dr"}, the derivative of \code{r} (\code{dr}) will be returned, else \code{dr} is \code{NA}.
#' @return returns a list with two elements:
#' \item{\code{r}}{correlation}
#' \item{\code{dr}}{m*n matrix with the Jacobian of \code{r} at \code{x}. It is
#' assumed that \code{x} is given implicitly by \code{d[i,] = x - S[i,]},
#' where \code{S[i,]} is the \code{i}'th design site.}
#' @seealso \code{\link{buildKrigingDACE}}
#' @author The authors of the original DACE Matlab code
#' are Hans Bruun Nielsen, Soren Nymand Lophaven and Jacob Sondergaard. \cr
#' Ported to R by Martin Zaefferer \email{}.
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
corrspline <- function(theta,d , ret="all"){
siz <- dim(d) #% number of differences and dimension of data
m <- siz[1]
n <- siz[2]
lt <- length(theta)
if (lt == 1){
theta <- rep(theta,n)
}else if(lt != n){
stop(paste('Length of theta must be 1 or ',n))
mn <- m*n
ss <- matrix(0,mn,1)
xi <- matrix(abs(d) * matrix(theta,m,lt,byrow=TRUE), mn,1)
#% Contributions to first and second part of spline
i1 <- which(xi <= 0.2)
i2 <- which(0.2 < xi & xi < 1)
ss[i1] <- 1 - xi[i1]^2 * (15 - 30*xi[i1])
ss[i2] <- 1.25 * (1 - xi[i2])^3
#% Values of correlation
ss <- matrix(ss,m,n)
r <- apply(ss,1,prod)
r <- prod(ss)
if(ret=="all" || ret=="dr"){ #% get Jacobian
u <- matrix(sign(d) * matrix(theta,m,lt,byrow=TRUE), mn,1)
dr <- matrix(0,mn,1)
#if ~isempty(i1)
dr[i1,] <- u[i1] * ( (90*xi[i1] - 30) * xi[i1] )
#if ~isempty(i2)
dr[i2,] <- -3.75 * u[i2] * (1 - xi[i2])^2
ii <- 1 : m
for (j in 1:n){
sj <- ss[,j]
ss[,j] <- dr[ii]
dr[ii,] <- apply(ss,1,prod)
dr[ii,] <- prod(ss)
ss[,j] <- sj
ii <- ii + m
dr <- matrix(dr,m,n)
}else{ dr<- NA }
#' Regression: Regpoly0
#' Zero order polynomial regression function.
#' @param S m*n matrix with \code{m} design points of dimension \code{n}
#' @param grad define if function returns gradient, default is \code{FALSE}
#' @return returns a list with two elements:
#' \item{\code{f}}{vector of ones, with length \code{m}}
#' \item{\code{df}}{Jacobian at the first point (first row in S) }
#' @seealso \code{\link{buildKrigingDACE}}
#' @author The authors of the original DACE Matlab code
#' are Hans Bruun Nielsen, Soren Nymand Lophaven and Jacob Sondergaard. \cr
#' Ported to R by Martin Zaefferer \email{}.
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
regpoly0 <- function(S,grad=FALSE){
siz <- dim(S)
m <- siz[1]
n <- siz[2]
f <- rep(1,m)
df <- rep(0,n)
df <- NULL
#' Regression: Regpoly1
#' First order polynomial regression function.
#' @param S m*n matrix with \code{m} design points of dimension \code{n}
#' @param grad define if function returns gradient, default is \code{FALSE}
#' @return returns a list with two elements:
#' \item{\code{f}}{matrix of two columns: \cr
#' 1. vector of ones with length \code{m} \cr
#' 2. \code{S}}
#' \item{\code{df}}{Jacobian at the first point (first row in S) }
#' @seealso \code{\link{buildKrigingDACE}}
#' @author The authors of the original DACE Matlab code
#' are Hans Bruun Nielsen, Soren Nymand Lophaven and Jacob Sondergaard. \cr
#' Ported to R by Martin Zaefferer \email{}.
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
regpoly1 <- function(S,grad=FALSE){
siz <- dim(S)
m <- siz[1]
n <- siz[2]
f <- cbind(rep(1,m), S)
df <- cbind(rep(0,n), diag(rep(1,n)))
df <- NULL
#' Regression: Regpoly2
#' Second order polynomial regression function.
#' @param S m*n matrix with \code{m} design points of dimension \code{n}
#' @param grad define if function returns gradient, default is \code{FALSE}
#' @return returns a list with two elements:
#' \item{\code{f}}{matrix: \cr
#' ( 1 S S[,1]*S S[,2]S[,2:n] ... S[,n]^2 )}
#' \item{\code{df}}{Jacobian at the first point (first row in S) }
#' @seealso \code{\link{buildKrigingDACE}}
#' @author The authors of the original DACE Matlab code
#' are Hans Bruun Nielsen, Soren Nymand Lophaven and Jacob Sondergaard. \cr
#' Ported to R by Martin Zaefferer \email{}.
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
regpoly2 <- function(S,grad=FALSE){
siz <- dim(S)
m <- siz[1]
n <- siz[2]
nn <- (n+1)*(n+2)/2 #% Number of columns in f
#% Compute f
f <- cbind(rep(1,m), S, matrix(0,m,nn-n-1))
j <- n+1
q <- n
for(k in 1:n){
f[,j+(1:q)] <- matrix(S[,k],m,q) * S[,k:n]
j <- j+q
q <- q-1
df <- cbind(rep(0,n), diag(rep(1,n)), matrix(0,n,nn-n-1))
j <- n+1
q <- n
for(k in 1:n){
df[k,j+(1:q)] <- cbind(2*S[1,k], S[1,(k+1):n])
for(i in 1:(n-k)){
df[k+i,j+1+i] <- S[1,k]
}else{ df[k,j+(1:q)] <- cbind(2*S[1,k])}
j <- j+q
q <- q-1
df <- NULL
#' Print Function DACE Kriging
#' Print information about a DACE Kriging fit, as produced by \code{\link{buildKrigingDACE}}.
#' @rdname print
#' @method print dace
# @S3method print dace
#' @param x fit returned by \code{\link{buildKrigingDACE}}.
#' @param ... additional parameters
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
print.dace <- function(x,...){
cat("Dace Kriging model.\n")
cat("Estimated activity parameters (theta) sorted \n")
cat("from most to least important variable \n")
cat(paste("x",order(x$theta,decreasing=TRUE),sep="",collaps=" "))
cat("\n \n")
cat("exponent(s) p:\n")
cat("none (no exponents in the employed correlation function)")
cat("\n \n")
cat("Estimated regularization constant (or nugget) lambda:\n")
cat("none (no nugget in the employed correlation function)")
cat("\n \n")
cat("Number of Likelihood evaluations during MLE:\n")
#' DACE predictor
#' Predicts \code{y(x)} for a given DACE model (i.e. as created by \code{\link{buildKrigingDACE}}).
#' @param object Kriging model (settings and parameters) of class \code{dace}.
#' @param newdata design matrix (\code{x}) to be predicted
#' @param ... not used
#' @return returns a list with the following elements:
#' \item{\code{f}}{ Predicted response \code{y} at design points \code{x} (always)}
#' \item{\code{df}}{ Gradient of response \code{y} at design points \code{x} (only if: \code{GRAD==TRUE} and \code{mx==1})}
#' \item{\code{s}}{ Estimated MSE (only if: \code{MSE==TRUE})}
#' \item{\code{ds}}{ Gradient of MSE (only if: \code{GRADMSE==TRUE} and \code{mx==1})}
#' The user can choose whether to predict only mean or if he is also interested in gradient, mean squared error MSE, or the MSE gradient.
#' \code{object$GRAD} specifies whether gradient of response should be computed. Even if GRAD is TRUE, the gradient will only be computed in case of a single design point.
#' \code{MSE} specifies whether estimated MSE of response should be computed.
#' \code{GRADMSE} specifies whether gradient of MSE should be computed. Even if GRADMSE is TRUE, the gradient will only be computed in case of a single design point.
#' @seealso \code{\link{buildKrigingDACE}}
#' @author The authors of the original DACE Matlab toolbox \
#' are Hans Bruun Nielsen, Soren Nymand Lophaven and Jacob Sondergaard. \cr
#' Additional code for generalization to different models by Tobias Wagner \email{}. \cr
#' Porting and adaptation to R and further extensions by Martin Zaefferer \email{}.
#' @references S.~Lophaven, H.~Nielsen, and J.~Sondergaard.
#' {DACE---A Matlab Kriging Toolbox}.
#' Technical Report IMM-REP-2002-12, Informatics and Mathematical
#' Modelling, Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2002.
#' @examples
#' ## Create design points
#' x <- cbind(runif(20)*15-5,runif(20)*15)
#' ## Compute observations at design points
#' y <- funSphere(x)
#' ## Create model
#' fit <- buildKrigingDACE(x,y)
#' ## Create new design
#' xx <- cbind(runif(20)*15-5,runif(20)*15)
#' ## Predict candidates
#' y1 <- predict(fit,xx)$y
#' ## Plot residuals
#' plot(y1 - funSphere(xx))
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
predict.dace = function (object,newdata,...){
x <- newdata
if(any(object$target %in% c("s", "sgrad", "ei")))
if(any(object$target %in% c("sgrad")))
if(any(object$target %in% c("grad")))
mse <- grad <- dmse <- NaN #% Default return values
sx <- dim(x) #% number of trial sites and their dimension
sx <- c(1,length(x))
if (sx[1] > 5000){
y <- rep(0,sx[1])
mse <- rep(0,sx[1])
for(i in 1:floor(sx[1]/5000)){
res <- predict.dace(object,x[((i-1)*5000+1):(i*5000),], ...)
y[((i-1)*5000+1):(i*5000)] <- res$y
if(MSE) mse[((i-1)*5000+1):(i*5000)] <- res$s
res <- predict.dace(object,x[(i*5000+1):sx[1],], ...)
y[(i*5000+1):sx[1]] <- res$y
if(!(i*5000+1)>sx[1]){mse[(i*5000+1):sx[1]] <- res$s}
if(any(is.nan(dmodel$beta))) stop('DMODEL has no beta value')
mn <- dim(dmodel$S) #% number of design sites and number of dimensions
m <- 1
n <- length(dmodel$S)
m <- mn[1]
n <- mn[2]
mx <- sx[1]
nx <- sx[2]
if(nx != n) stop(paste('Dimension of trial sites should be',n))
#% Normalize trial sites
x <- (x - dmodel$Ssc[rep(1,mx),] )/ dmodel$Ssc[rep(2,mx),] #MZ: fix for faster processing
#q = size(dmodel.Ysc,2) #% number of response functions
q <- 1 #TODO adapt dace for multiple responses? other functions need to be tested for this first
y <- rep(0,mx) #% initialize result
if (mx == 1){ #% one site only
dx <- matrix(x,ncol=length(x),nrow=m,byrow=TRUE) - dmodel$S
res <- dmodel$regr(x,TRUE)
f <- res$f
res <- dmodel$corr(dmodel$theta, dx, "all")
r <- res$r
res <- dmodel$corr(dmodel$theta, dx, "r")
r <- res$r
#% Scaled predictor
sy <- f %*% dmodel$beta + t(dmodel$gamma%*%r)
#% Predictor
y <- t(dmodel$Ysc[1] + dmodel$Ysc[2] * sy) #todo this needs adaption if q not 1
if (GRAD){ #% gradient/Jacobian wanted
#% Scaled Jacobian
dy <- df * dmodel$beta + dmodel$gamma %*% dr #todo first term matmult?
#% Unscaled Jacobian
grad <- dy * repmat(dmodel$Ysc[2], 1, nx) / t(repmat(dmodel$Ssc[2], 1, q)) #todo this needs adaption if q not 1, or switch everything to fixed q=1 ? #TODO remove repmat
if(MSE){ #% MSE wanted
rt <- spotHelpBslash(dmodel$C,r)
u <- t(dmodel$Ft) %*% rt - t(f)
v <- spotHelpBslash(dmodel$G,u)
mse <- dmodel$sigma2 * (1 + sum(v^2) - sum(rt^2)) #TODO q was completely removed here...
results$s<-abs(mse) #TODO sometimes this seems to become a very small negative number... numerical problem? rather cut to zero instead of abs? see also below.
if (GRADMSE){ #% gradient/Jacobian of MSE wanted
#% Scaled gradient as a row vector
Gv <- spotHelpBslash(t(dmodel$G),v)
g <- t((dmodel$Ft %*% Gv - rt)) %*% spotHelpBslash(dmodel$C,dr) - t(df * Gv) # last term matmult??
#% Unscaled Jacobian
dmse <- repmat(2 * dmodel$sigma2,1,nx) * (repmat(g / dmodel$Ssc[2,],1,q)) #TODO remove repmat
}else{ # % several trial sites
#% Get distances to design sites
dx <- matrix(0,mx*m,n)
kk <- 1:m
for (k in 1:mx){
dx[kk,] <- x[rep(k,m),] - dmodel$S
kk <- kk + m
#% Get regression function and correlation
f <- dmodel$regr(x)$f
r <- dmodel$corr(dmodel$theta, dx, "r")$r
r <- matrix(r,nrow=m)
#% Scaled predictor
sy <- f %*% dmodel$beta + t(dmodel$gamma %*% r)
#% Predictor
y <- dmodel$Ysc[1] + dmodel$Ysc[2] * sy
if (MSE) { #% MSE wanted
rt <- spotHelpBslash(dmodel$C,r)
u <- as.matrix(spotHelpBslash(dmodel$G,(t(dmodel$Ft) %*% rt - t(f))))
mse <- dmodel$sigma2 * (1 + colSums(u^2) - colSums(rt^2))
if(GRAD || GRADMSE) warning('Only y and mse are computed for multiple design sites')
} #% of several sites
if(any(object$target == "ei")){
results$ei <- expectedImprovement(results$y,results$s,object$min)
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