
Defines functions print.dace regpoly2 regpoly1 regpoly0 corrspline corrspherical corrlin correxpg correxp corrcubic corrkriging corrnoisykriging corrgauss corrnoisygauss daceObjfunc repmat spotHelpBslash daceFixTheta daceStartParameters buildKrigingDACE

Documented in buildKrigingDACE corrcubic correxp correxpg corrgauss corrkriging corrlin corrnoisygauss corrnoisykriging corrspherical corrspline daceFixTheta daceObjfunc daceStartParameters print.dace regpoly0 regpoly1 regpoly2 repmat spotHelpBslash

#' Build DACE model
#' This Kriging meta model is based on DACE (Design and Analysis of Computer Experiments).
#' It allows to choose different regression and correlation models. The optimization of model parameters
#' is by default done with a bounded simplex method from the \code{nloptr} package.
#' @param x design matrix (sample locations), rows for each sample, columns for each variable.
#' @param y vector of observations at \code{x}
#' @param control (list), with the options for the model building procedure:\cr
#' \code{startTheta} optional start value for theta optimization, default is \code{NULL}\cr
#' \code{algTheta}  algorithm used to find theta, default is \code{optimDE}.\cr
#' \code{budgetAlgTheta} budget for the above mentioned algorithm, default is \code{200}. The value will be multiplied with the length of the model parameter vector to be optimized.\cr
#' \code{nugget} Value for nugget. Default is -1, which means the nugget will be optimized during MLE. Else it can be fixed in a range between 0 and 1.
#' \code{regr} Regression function to be used: \code{\link{regpoly0}} (default), \code{\link{regpoly1}}, \code{\link{regpoly2}}. Can be a custom user function.\cr
#' \code{corr} Correlation function to be used: \code{\link{corrnoisykriging}} (default), \code{\link{corrkriging}}, \code{\link{corrnoisygauss}}, \code{\link{corrgauss}}, \code{\link{correxp}}, \code{\link{correxpg}}, \code{\link{corrlin}}, \code{\link{corrcubic}},\code{\link{corrspherical}},\code{\link{corrspline}}. Can also be user supplied (if in the right form).
#' \code{target} target values of the prediction, a vector of strings. Each string specifies a value to be predicted, e.g., "y" for mean, "s" for standard deviation, "ei" for expected improvement. See also \code{\link{predict.kriging}}.
#' This can also be changed after the model has been build, by manipulating the respective \code{object$target} value.
#' @return returns an object of class \code{dace} with the following elements:
#' 			\item{\code{model}}{A list, containing model parameters}
#' 			\item{\code{like}}{Estimated likelihood value}
#' 			\item{\code{theta}}{activity parameters theta (vector)}
#' 			\item{\code{p}}{exponents p (vector)}
#' 			\item{\code{lambda}}{nugget value (numeric)}
#' 			\item{\code{nevals}}{ Number of iterations during MLE}
#' @seealso \code{\link{predict.dace}}
#' @author The authors of the original DACE Matlab toolbox
#' are Hans Bruun Nielsen, Soren Nymand Lophaven and Jacob Sondergaard. \cr
#' Extension of the Matlab code by Tobias Wagner \email{wagner@@isf.de}. \cr 
#' Porting and adaptation to R and further extensions by Martin Zaefferer \email{martin.zaefferer@@fh-koeln.de}.
#' @references S.~Lophaven, H.~Nielsen, and J.~Sondergaard.
#' {DACE---A Matlab Kriging Toolbox}.
#' Technical Report IMM-REP-2002-12, Informatics and Mathematical
#' Modelling, Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2002.
#' @examples
#' ## Create design points
#' x <- cbind(runif(20)*15-5,runif(20)*15)
#' ## Compute observations at design points 
#' y <- funSphere(x)
#' ## Create model with default settings
#' fit <- buildKrigingDACE(x,y)
#' ## Print model parameters
#' print(fit)
#' ## Create with different regression and correlation functions
#' fit <- buildKrigingDACE(x,y,control=list(regr=regpoly2,corr=corrspline))
#' ## Print model parameters
#' print(fit)
#' @export
buildKrigingDACE <- function(x, y, control=list()){ #nugget -1 means that the nugget will be optimized in lme
	con <- list(startTheta=NULL, 
				budgetAlgTheta=100 ,
				corr= corrnoisykriging ,
				nugget = -1, target="y",
	con[names(control)] <- control
	startTheta <- control$startTheta
	size <- dim(x)
	n <- size[1]
	m <- size[2]
	res <- daceStartParameters(n,m,control$nugget,control$corr)
	lb <- res$lb
	ub <- res$ub 
		startTheta <- res$theta
	budget <- length(startTheta)*control$budgetAlgTheta
	small<-startTheta<lb  #force starting guess into bounds
		startTheta <- matrix(startTheta,1)
	pars <- dacePrepareFit(x, y, control$nugget, control$regr, control$corr) 
  ## Optimize likelihood
	res <- control$algTheta(x=startTheta,
	bestTheta = res$xbest		

	ftheta <- daceFixTheta(m, bestTheta, control$nugget, control$corr)
	model <- daceGetFit(ftheta$thetaConv, pars)
	like <-  res$ybest
	nEval <- as.numeric(res$counts[[1]])
	fit <- list(model=model,
	## calculate observed minimum
	xlist <- split(x, row(x))
	uniquex <- unique(xlist)
	ymean <- NULL
	for(xi in uniquex){
		ind <- xlist %in% list(xi)
		ymean <- c(ymean, mean(y[ind]))
  fit$min <- min(ymean)
	fit$x <- x
	fit$y <- y	
	class(fit)<- "dace"

#' Start parameter setup DACE
#' This function returns a starting guess for theta, as well as suitable lower and upper bounds.
#' The result depends on dimensionality of the problem, number of design points, the nugget value and the choice of correlation function.
#' @param n number of known design points
#' @param m dimension (length) of each point
#' @param nugget Value for nugget. Default is -1, which means the nugget will be optimized during MLE. In that case, a lower limit of 0.5 and an upper limit of 1 as well as a starting value of 0.999 will added to the three output vectors (theta, lower and upper bounds). This is only relevant for correlation functions that use a nugget (\code{\link{corrnoisygauss}},\code{\link{corrnoisykriging}} )
#' @param corr The choice of correlation function (which defines the length and values of theta and bounds): \code{\link{corrnoisykriging}} (default), \code{\link{corrkriging}}, \code{\link{corrnoisygauss}}, \code{\link{corrgauss}}, \code{\link{correxp}}, \code{\link{correxpg}}, \code{\link{corrlin}}, \code{\link{corrcubic}},\code{\link{corrspherical}},\code{\link{corrspline}}. Can also be user supplied (if in the right form).
#' @return returns a list with the following elements: \cr
#' 			\code{theta} Starting point for the internal parameter estimation\cr
#' 			\code{lb} lower bound\cr
#' 			\code{ub} upper bound
#' @seealso \code{\link{buildKrigingDACE}}
#' @keywords internal
daceStartParameters  <- function(n,m,nugget,corr){
		ones <- matrix(1,1,m)
		lb <- c(ones*(-12), ones*0.01)   #TODO wouldnt rep(-12,m) be faster? or would that yield different class ? (vec, mat)
		ub <- c(ones*10, ones*2)
		theta <- c(ones*(n/(100*m)), 1.9*ones)
	}else if(identical(corr,correxpg)){
		ones <- matrix(1,1,m)
		lb <- c(ones*(-12),-6)   
		ub <- c(ones*10,2)
		theta <- c(ones*(n/(100*m)),-1)
	}else {	
		ones <- matrix(1,1,m)
		lb <- ones*(-12)   
		ub <- ones*10
		theta <- ones*(n/(100*m))
	if(nugget==-1 && (identical(corr,corrnoisygauss) || identical(corr,corrnoisykriging))){#nugget is optimized, else fixed
		lb <- c(lb, 0.5)
		ub <- c(ub, 1)
		theta <- c(theta,0.999)

#' Fix model parameters DACE
#' This function fixes theta (model parameter vector) after optimization. That is, if a value was optimized on a logarithmic scale: \code{theta=10^theta}.
#' The result depends on dimensionality of the problem, the nugget value and the choice of correlation function.
#' @param m dimension (length) of each point
#' @param bestTheta the theta value found during MLE
#' @param nugget Value for nugget. Default is -1, which means the nugget was be optimized during MLE. In this case, it is part of bestTheta. Otherwise, \code{nugget} is appended to the theta vector. This is only relevant for correlation functions that use a nugget (\code{\link{corrnoisygauss}},\code{\link{corrnoisykriging}} )
#' @param corr The choice of correlation function (which defines the length and values of theta and bounds): \code{\link{corrnoisykriging}} (default), \code{\link{corrkriging}}, \code{\link{corrnoisygauss}}, \code{\link{corrgauss}}, \code{\link{correxp}}, \code{\link{correxpg}}, \code{\link{corrlin}}, \code{\link{corrcubic}},\code{\link{corrspherical}},\code{\link{corrspline}}. Can also be user supplied (if in the right form).
#' @return returns a list:
#'	\code{thetaConv} the fixed theta vector (all model parameters)
#'	\code{theta} vector of activity parameters theta
#'	\code{p} vector of exponents p(NULL if not used in correlation function)
#'	\code{lambda} nugget value lambda (NULL if not used in correlation function)
#' @seealso \code{\link{buildKrigingDACE}} 
#' @keywords internal
daceFixTheta  <- function(m,bestTheta,nugget,corr){
	lambda <- NULL
	p <- NULL
		if(nugget > 0 && nugget <= 1){
			thetaConv <- c(10^bestTheta[1:m], bestTheta[(m+1):(2*m)], nugget)
			theta <- thetaConv[1:m]
			p <- thetaConv[(m+1):(2*m)]
			lambda <- nugget
		}else if(nugget==-1){
			thetaConv <- c(10^bestTheta[1:m], bestTheta[(m+1):(2*m+1)])
			theta <- thetaConv[1:m]
			p <- thetaConv[(m+1):(2*m)]
			lambda <- thetaConv[2*m+1]			
	}else if(identical(corr,corrkriging)){
		thetaConv <- c(10^bestTheta[1:m], bestTheta[(m+1):(2*m)])
		theta <- thetaConv[1:m]
	}else if(identical(corr,corrnoisygauss)){ # like corrnoisykriging, but exponents not optimized, only activity parameters
		if(nugget > 0 && nugget <= 1){
			thetaConv <- c(10^bestTheta[1:m], nugget)
			theta <- thetaConv[1:m]
			p <- 2
			lambda <- nugget			
		}else if(nugget==-1){
			thetaConv <- c(10^bestTheta[1:m], bestTheta[m+1])
			theta <- thetaConv[1:m]
			p <- 2
			lambda <- thetaConv[m+1]			
		thetaConv <- 10^bestTheta
		theta <- thetaConv

#' Wrapper for Maximum Likelihood Estimation
#' Returns the maximum likelihood for the model parameter optimization.
#' @param theta model parameter vector to be evaluated
#' @param pars model option list, as created with \code{\link{dacePrepareFit}}
#' @param nugget Value for nugget. Default is -1, which means the nugget was optimized during MLE. 
#' @return the likelihood value as calculated by \code{\link{daceEvalFit}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{buildKrigingDACE}} \code{\link{daceEvalFit}} 
#' @keywords internal
daceLikelihood <- function (theta, pars, nugget){
	n <- pars$n
	thetaConv <- daceFixTheta(n,theta,nugget,pars$corr)$thetaConv
	res <- daceEvalFit(thetaConv,pars)		
	min(res[length(thetaConv)+1])  #TODO: warum hier min?

#' Prepare DACE fit
#' Prepares a list with relevant model options and settings based on user choice and problem setup.
#' @param S known design points. That is, a matrix with \code{n} rows (for each point) and \code{dim} columns (for each dimension).
#' @param Y vector of observations at known design points of length \code{n}.
#' @param nugget Value for nugget. Default is -1, which means the nugget will be optimized during MLE. 
#' @param regr Regression function to be used: \code{\link{regpoly0}} (default), \code{\link{regpoly1}}, \code{\link{regpoly2}}. Can be a custom user function.
#' @param corr Correlation function to be used: \code{\link{corrnoisykriging}} (default), \code{\link{corrkriging}}, \code{\link{corrnoisygauss}}, \code{\link{corrgauss}}, \code{\link{correxp}}, \code{\link{correxpg}}, \code{\link{corrlin}}, \code{\link{corrcubic}},\code{\link{corrspherical}},\code{\link{corrspline}}. Can also be user supplied (if in the right form).
#' @importFrom stats sd
#' @importFrom utils tail
#' @return a list with several model or problem specific settings and parameters
#' @author The authors of the original DACE Matlab code are Hans Bruun Nielsen, Soren Nymand Lophaven and Jacob Sondergaard. \cr
#' Extension of the Matlab by Tobias Wagner \email{wagner@@isf.de}. \cr 
#' Porting and adaptation to R and further extensions by Martin Zaefferer \email{martin.zaefferer@@fh-koeln.de}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{buildKrigingDACE}} 
#' @keywords internal
dacePrepareFit <- function (S, Y, nugget, regr=regpoly0, corr=corrnoisykriging){	
  # this was cut from the dacefit function. 
  # dacefit was called repeatedly, doing this same thing again and again. now only done once or twice.
	m <- dim(S)[1]
	n <- dim(S)[2]
	sY <- length(Y)
	if (m != lY){stop("S (design) and Y (observations) must have the same number of rows")}
	#% Normalize data
	mS <- colMeans(S)
	sS <- apply(S,2,sd)
	mY <- mean(Y)
	sY <- sd(Y)

	#% Check for 'missing dimension'
	sS[sS==0] <- 1
	sY[sY==0] <- 1
	S <- (S - matrix(mS,ncol=length(mS),nrow=m,byrow=TRUE)) / matrix(sS,ncol=length(sS),nrow=m,byrow=TRUE)

	Y <- as.matrix((Y - mY) / sY)
	#% Calculate distances D between points
	mzmax <- m*(m-1) / 2        #% number of non-zero distances
	ij <-  matrix(0,mzmax,2)       #% initialize matrix with indices
	D <- matrix(0,mzmax,n)        #% initialize matrix with distances
	ll <- 0
	for (k in 1:(m-1)){
		ll <- tail(ll,1) + (1 : (m-k))
		ij[ll,] <- c(rep(k, m-k),(k+1):m) 	
		D[ll,] <-  S[rep(k,m-k),] - S[(k+1):m,] #% differences between points
	if( !(identical(corr,corrnoisykriging) || identical(corr,corrnoisygauss)) &  (min(sum(abs(D),2))==0)){
		stop('Multiple design sites are not allowed')
	#% Regression matrix
	F <- regr(S)$f 
	dims<- dim(F)
		mF <- length(F)
		if  (mF != m) stop('number of rows in  F  and  S  do not match')
		mF <- dims[1]
		p <- dims[2]
		if  (mF != m) stop('number of rows in  F  and  S  do not match')
		if  (p > mF) stop('least squares problem is underdetermined')

	#% parameters for objective function
	list(n=n, corr=corr, regr=regr, y=Y, F=F, D=D, ij=ij, sY=sY, scS=sS, Ysc=c(mY, sY),Ssc=rbind(mS, sS),S=S)

#' Evaluate DACE fit
#' Evaluate the fit of a certain set of model parameters (\code{theta}).
#' @param theta model parameters to be evaluated
#' @param pars model option list, as created with \code{\link{dacePrepareFit}}
#' @return performance vector, first elements are theta, last element is likelihood.
#' @seealso \code{\link{buildKrigingDACE}} \code{\link{daceLikelihood}} \code{\link{daceGetFit}} 
#' @keywords internal
daceEvalFit <- function (theta, pars){	
	if(any(theta <= 0)){ 
		stop('theta for dace model must be strictly positive')

	f <- daceObjfunc(theta, pars, "f")$f
	perf <- c(theta, f, 1)
	#if(is.infinite(f)) warning('Bad point.  Try increasing theta')


#' Get DACE fit
#' Evaluate the fit of a certain set of model parameters (\code{theta}), and
#' get all relevant variables of the model.
#' @param theta model parameters to be evaluated
#' @param pars model option list, as created with \code{\link{dacePrepareFit}}
#' @return list of model variables, with the following elements: \cr
#' 		\code{regr} regression function used \cr
#' 		\code{corr} correlation function used \cr
#' 		\code{theta} model parameters\cr
#' 		\code{beta} generalized least squares estimate\cr
#' 		\code{gamma} correlation factors\cr
#' 		\code{sigma2} maximum Likelihood estimate of the process variance\cr
#' 		\code{S} scaled design points\cr
#' 		\code{Ssc} scaling factors for design arguments\cr
#' 		\code{Y} scaled observations\cr
#' 		\code{Ysc} scaling factors for design ordinates\cr
#' 		\code{C}  Cholesky factor of correlation matrix\cr
#' 		\code{Ft} Decorrelated regression matrix\cr
#' 		\code{G} From QR factorization: Ft = Q*t(G)\cr
#' @author The authors of the original DACE Matlab code are Hans Bruun Nielsen, Soren Nymand Lophaven and Jacob Sondergaard. \cr
#' Extension of the Matlab code by Tobias Wagner \email{wagner@@isf.de}. \cr 
#' Porting and adaptation to R and further extensions by Martin Zaefferer \email{martin.zaefferer@@fh-koeln.de}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{buildKrigingDACE}} \code{\link{daceLikelihood}} \code{\link{daceEvalFit}} 
#' @keywords internal
# @export
daceGetFit <- function (theta, pars){	
	if(any(theta <= 0)){ 
		stop('theta for dace model must be strictly positive')
	fit <- daceObjfunc(theta, pars, "fit")$fit

			G=fit$G) #, detR=fit$detR)
#' Backslash operator.
#' Reproduce what MATLAB's backslash operator can do, using qr() and qr.coef().
#' @param X X matrix
#' @param Y Y vector
#' @return Returns coefficients 
#' @keywords internal
# @export

#' repmat
#' Reproduce what MATLAB's repmat function can do, using kronecker function.
#' @param a matrix
#' @param n dimension 1 (rows)
#' @param m dimension 2 (cols)
#' @return Returns repeated matrix
#' @keywords internal
# @export
repmat <- function(a,n,m) {kronecker(matrix(1,n,m),a)}

#' DACE objective function
#' Evaluate the fit of a certain set of model parameters (\code{theta}), and
#' get all relevant variables of the model.
#' @param theta model parameters to be evaluated
#' @param pars model option list, as created with \code{\link{dacePrepareFit}}
#' @param what a string: "all" both the likelihood (f) and the model list (fit) will be returned, 
#' "f" and "fit specify to return only those.
#' @return A list of two elements (which are NA if \code{what} is specified accordingly)\cr
#' 	\code{f} likelihood \cr
#' 	\code{fit} also a list list of model variables, with the following elements: 
#' 		\item{\code{beta}}{ generalized least squares estimate}
#' 		\item{\code{gamma}}{ correlation factors}
#' 		\item{\code{sigma2}}{ maximum Likelihood estimate of the process variance}
#' 		\item{\code{C}}{ Cholesky factor of correlation matrix}
#' 		\item{\code{Ft}}{ Decorrelated regression matrix}
#' 		\item{\code{G}}{ From QR factorization: Ft = Q*t(G)\cr}
#' @author The authors of the original DACE Matlab code are Hans Bruun Nielsen, Soren Nymand Lophaven and Jacob Sondergaard. \cr
#' Extension of the Matlab code by Tobias Wagner \email{wagner@@isf.de}. \cr 
#' Porting and adaptation to R and further extensions by Martin Zaefferer \email{martin.zaefferer@@fh-koeln.de}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{buildKrigingDACE}} \code{\link{daceLikelihood}} \code{\link{daceEvalFit}} 
#' @keywords internal
# @export
daceObjfunc <- function(theta, pars, what="all"){
	#% Initialize
	obj <- 1e4 #penalty for bad numerical conditions    TODO: Inf crashes some optimizers, some not. Use very large number instead?
	m <- dim(pars$F)[1]
	#% Set up  R
	r <- pars$corr(theta, pars$D, "r")$r
	idx <- which(r>0)
	o <- 1:m   
	mu <- (10+m)*.Machine$double.eps
	R[cbind(c(pars$ij[idx,1], o),c(pars$ij[idx,2], o))]=c(r[idx], rep(1,m)+mu)
	#	browser()
	#% Cholesky factorization. If it fails, return Inf for f, and NA for fit
	#if(!is.positive.definite(R)) return(list(f=obj,fit=fit))     #remark: is.positive.definite(R) does nothing else but a try(chol(R)) if method chol is used. therefore skipped.
	Cmat <- try( chol(R), TRUE)
	if(class(Cmat)[1] == "try-error"){		
	#% Get least squares solution
	Cmat <- t(Cmat)
	Ft <- spotHelpBslash(Cmat,pars$F)
	resqr <- qr(Ft)
	if  (rcond(G) < 1e-10){
		#% Check   F  
		if (kappa(pars$F,exact=T) > 1e15 ){ #TODO?
			stop('F is too ill conditioned. Poor combination of regression model and design sites')
		}else{  #% Matrix  Ft  is too ill conditioned
	Yt <- spotHelpBslash(Cmat,pars$y)   
	beta <- spotHelpBslash(G,(t(Q)%*%Yt))
	rho <- if(length(beta)==1){Yt - Ft*as.numeric(beta)}else{Yt - Ft%*%beta}
	sigma2 <- colSums(rho^2)/m
	detR <- prod( (diag(Cmat)) ^ (2/m) )
	if(what=="f" || what=="all") 
		obj <- sum(sigma2) %*% detR
	if(what=="fit" || what=="all")
		fit <- list(sigma2=sigma2, beta=beta, gamma= t(rho)%*%solve(Cmat), C=Cmat, Ft=Ft, G=t(G))

#' Correlation: Noisy Gauss
#' Noisy Gaussian correlation function using nuggets.
#            n
#    r_i = prod exp(-theta_j * d_ij^2) ,  i = 1,...,m
#           j=1
#' @param theta parameters in the correlation function
#' @param d m*n matrix with differences between given data points
#' @param ret A string. If set to \code{"all"} or \code{"dr"}, the derivative of \code{r} (\code{dr}) will be returned, else \code{dr} is \code{NA}.
#' @return returns a list with two elements:
#' 			\item{\code{r}}{correlation}
#' 			\item{\code{dr}}{m*n matrix with the Jacobian of \code{r} at \code{x}. It is
#'           assumed that \code{x} is given implicitly by \code{d[i,] = x - S[i,]},
#'           where \code{S[i,]} is the \code{i}'th design site.}
#' @seealso \code{\link{buildKrigingDACE}}
#' @author The authors of the original DACE Matlab code
#' are Hans Bruun Nielsen, Soren Nymand Lophaven and Jacob Sondergaard. \cr
#' Extension of the Matlab code by Tobias Wagner \email{wagner@@isf.de}. \cr 
#' Ported to R by Martin Zaefferer \email{martin.zaefferer@@fh-koeln.de}.
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
corrnoisygauss = function(theta, d , ret="all"){
	siz <- dim(d)  #% number of differences and dimension of data
	m <- siz[1]
	n <- siz[2]
	lt <- length(theta)
	if(lt != (n + 1)){
		stop(paste('Length of theta must be',n+1)) 

	pow <- 2
	tt <- matrix(-theta[1:n],m,n,byrow=TRUE) 
	nugget <- theta[n+1]
	td <- abs(d)^pow * tt
	for(i in 1 : ncol(td)){
	r <- nugget * r
	if(ret=="all" || ret=="dr"){
		dr <- nugget * pow * tt * sign(d) * (abs(d)^(matrix(1,m,n))) * matrix(r,m,n,byrow=FALSE)
		dr <- NA	

#' Correlation: Gauss
#' Gaussian correlation function, no nugget.\cr
#' If \code{length(theta) = 1}, then the model is isotropic:\cr
#' all \code{theta_j = theta}.
#           n
#   r_i = prod exp(-theta_j * d_ij^2) ,  i = 1,...,m
#          j=1
#' @param theta parameters in the correlation function
#' @param d m*n matrix with differences between given data points
#' @param ret A string. If set to \code{"all"} or \code{"dr"}, the derivative of \code{r} (\code{dr}) will be returned, else \code{dr} is \code{NA}.
#' @return returns a list with two elements:
#' 			\item{\code{r}}{correlation}
#' 			\item{\code{dr}}{m*n matrix with the Jacobian of \code{r} at \code{x}. It is
#'           assumed that \code{x} is given implicitly by \code{d[i,] = x - S[i,]},
#'           where \code{S[i,]} is the \code{i}'th design site.}
#' @seealso \code{\link{buildKrigingDACE}}
#' @author The authors of the original DACE Matlab code 
#' are Hans Bruun Nielsen, Soren Nymand Lophaven and Jacob Sondergaard. \cr
#' Ported to R by Martin Zaefferer \email{martin.zaefferer@@fh-koeln.de}.
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
corrgauss <- function(theta,d,ret="all"){
	siz <- dim(d)  #% number of differences and dimension of data
	m <- siz[1]
	n <- siz[2]
	lt <- length(theta)
	if (lt == 1){
		theta <- rep(theta,n)
	}else if(lt != n){
		stop(paste("Length of theta must be ",n))
	pow <- 2
	tt <- matrix(-theta[1:n],m,n,byrow=TRUE)  #TODO vllt t() hier und oben weglassen?
	td <- d^pow * tt

	if(ret=="all" || ret=="dr"){
		dr <- matrix(-2*theta[1:n],m,n,byrow=TRUE) * d * matrix(r,m,n,byrow=FALSE)
	}else{	dr<- NA	}

#TODO docu: equations?
#' Correlation: Noisy Kriging
#' Noisy Kriging correlation function using nuggets
#           n
#   r_i = prod exp(-theta_j * d_ij^theta_n+j)
#          j=1
#' @param theta parameters in the correlation function
#' @param d m*n matrix with differences between given data points
#' @param ret A string. If set to \code{"all"} or \code{"dr"}, the derivative of \code{r} (\code{dr}) will be returned, else \code{dr} is \code{NA}.
#' @return returns a list with two elements:
#' 			\item{\code{r}}{correlation}
#' 			\item{\code{dr}}{m*n matrix with the Jacobian of \code{r} at \code{x}. It is
#'           assumed that \code{x} is given implicitly by \code{d[i,] = x - S[i,]},
#'           where \code{S[i,]} is the \code{i}'th design site.}
#' @seealso \code{\link{buildKrigingDACE}}
#' @author The authors of the original DACE Matlab code 
#' are Hans Bruun Nielsen, Soren Nymand Lophaven and Jacob Sondergaard. \cr
#' Extension of the Matlab code by Tobias Wagner \email{wagner@@isf.de}. \cr 
#' Ported to R by Martin Zaefferer \email{martin.zaefferer@@fh-koeln.de}.
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
corrnoisykriging = function(theta, d, ret="all"){
	siz <- dim(d)  #% number of differences and dimension of data
	m <- siz[1]
	n <- siz[2]
	lt <- length(theta)
	if(lt != (2 * n + 1)){
		stop(paste('Length of theta must be',2*n+1)) 

	pow <- matrix(theta[(n+1):(2*n)],m,n,byrow=TRUE)
	tt <-  matrix(-theta[1:n],m,n,byrow=TRUE)
	nugget <- theta[2*n+1]
	td <- abs(d)^pow * tt

	for(i in 1:ncol(etd)){

	r <- nugget * r
	if(ret=="all" || ret=="dr"){
		dr <- nugget * pow * tt * sign(d) * (abs(d)^(pow - matrix(1,m,n))) * matrix(r,m,n,byrow=FALSE)#repmat(r,1,n)
		dr<- NA	

#TODO docu: equations?
#' Correlation:  Kriging
#' Kriging correlation function, no nugget
#           n
#   r_i = prod exp(-theta_j * d_ij^theta_n+j)
#          j=1
#' @param theta parameters in the correlation function
#' @param d m*n matrix with differences between given data points
#' @param ret A string. If set to \code{"all"} or \code{"dr"}, the derivative of \code{r} (\code{dr}) will be returned, else \code{dr} is \code{NA}.
#' @return returns a list with two elements:
#' 			\item{\code{r}}{correlation}
#' 			\item{\code{dr}}{m*n matrix with the Jacobian of \code{r} at \code{x}. It is
#'           assumed that \code{x} is given implicitly by \code{d[i,] = x - S[i,]},
#'           where \code{S[i,]} is the \code{i}'th design site.}
#' @seealso \code{\link{buildKrigingDACE}}
#' @author The authors of the original DACE Matlab code
#' are Hans Bruun Nielsen, Soren Nymand Lophaven and Jacob Sondergaard. \cr
#' Extension of the Matlab code by Tobias Wagner \email{wagner@@isf.de}. \cr 
#' Ported to R by Martin Zaefferer \email{martin.zaefferer@@fh-koeln.de}.
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
corrkriging <- function(theta,d,ret="all"){
	siz <- dim(d)  #% number of differences and dimension of data
	m <- siz[1]
	n <- siz[2]
	lt <- length(theta)
	if(lt != (2 * n)){
		stop(paste('Length of theta must be',2*n)) 
	pow <- matrix(theta[(n+1):(2*n)],m,n,byrow=TRUE)
	tt <- matrix(-theta[1:n],m,n,byrow=TRUE)  #TODO vllt t() hier und oben weglassen?
	td <- abs(d)^pow * tt

	if(ret=="all" || ret=="dr"){
		dr <- matrix(-2*theta[1:n],m,n,byrow=TRUE) * d * matrix(r,m,n,byrow=FALSE)
	}else{	dr<- NA	}

#' Correlation: Cubic
#' Cubic correlation function.\cr
#' If \code{length(theta) = 1}, then the model is isotropic:\cr
#' all \code{theta_j = theta}.
#           n
#   r_i = prod max(0, 1 - 3(theta_j*d_ij)^2 + 2(theta_j*d_ij)^3) ,  i = 1,...,m
#          j=1
#' @param theta parameters in the correlation function
#' @param d m*n matrix with differences between given data points
#' @param ret A string. If set to \code{"all"} or \code{"dr"}, the derivative of \code{r} (\code{dr}) will be returned, else \code{dr} is \code{NA}.
#' @return returns a list with two elements:
#' 			\item{\code{r}}{correlation}
#' 			\item{\code{dr}}{m*n matrix with the Jacobian of \code{r} at \code{x}. It is
#'           assumed that \code{x} is given implicitly by \code{d[i,] = x - S[i,]},
#'           where \code{S[i,]} is the \code{i}'th design site.}
#' @seealso \code{\link{buildKrigingDACE}}
#' @author The authors of the original DACE Matlab code \ 
#' are Hans Bruun Nielsen, Soren Nymand Lophaven and Jacob Sondergaard. \cr
#' Ported to R by Martin Zaefferer \email{martin.zaefferer@@fh-koeln.de}.
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
corrcubic <- function(theta,d , ret="all"){
	siz <- dim(d)  #% number of differences and dimension of data
	m <- siz[1]
	n <- siz[2]
	lt <- length(theta)
	if (lt == 1){
		theta <- rep(theta,n)
	}else if(lt != n){
		stop(paste('Length of theta must be 1 or ',n)) 
	  #theta = theta(:).' #force line vector, should be unnecessary in R
	#td = min(abs(d) * matrix(theta,m,lt,byrow=TRUE), 1)
	td <- pmin(abs(d) * matrix(theta,m,lt,byrow=TRUE),1)
	ss <- 1 - td^2 * (3 - 2*td)
		r <- apply(ss,1,prod)
		r <- prod(ss)
	if(ret=="all" || ret=="dr"){
		#dr = matrix(-2*theta[1:n],m,n,byrow=TRUE) * d * matrix(r,m,n,byrow=FALSE)		
		dr <- matrix(0,m,n)
		for (j in 1:n){
			dd <- 6*theta[j] * sign(d[,j]) * td[,j] * (td[,j] - 1)
			st<-ss[,c(1:(j-1), (j+1):n)]
				dr[,j] <- apply(st[,c(1:(j-1), (j+1):n)],1,prod)* dd
				dr[,j] <- prod(st[,c(1:(j-1), (j+1):n)]) * dd
	}else{	dr<- NA	}

#' Correlation: Exp
#' Exponential correlation function.\cr
#' If \code{length(theta) = 1}, then the model is isotropic:\cr
#' all \code{theta_j = theta}.
#           n
#   r_i = prod exp(-theta_j * |d_ij|)
#          j=1
#' @param theta parameters in the correlation function
#' @param d m*n matrix with differences between given data points
#' @param ret A string. If set to \code{"all"} or \code{"dr"}, the derivative of \code{r} (\code{dr}) will be returned, else \code{dr} is \code{NA}.
#' @return returns a list with two elements:
#' 			\item{\code{r}}{correlation}
#' 			\item{\code{dr}}{m*n matrix with the Jacobian of \code{r} at \code{x}. It is
#'           assumed that \code{x} is given implicitly by \code{d[i,] = x - S[i,]},
#'           where \code{S[i,]} is the \code{i}'th design site.}
#' @seealso \code{\link{buildKrigingDACE}}
#' @author The authors of the original DACE Matlab code
#' are Hans Bruun Nielsen, Soren Nymand Lophaven and Jacob Sondergaard. \cr
#' Ported to R by Martin Zaefferer \email{martin.zaefferer@@fh-koeln.de}.
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
correxp <- function(theta,d,ret="all"){
	siz <- dim(d)  #% number of differences and dimension of data
	m <- siz[1]
	n <- siz[2]
	lt <- length(theta)
	if (lt == 1){
		theta <- rep(theta,n)
	}else if(lt != n){
		stop(paste('Length of theta must be 1 or ',n)) 
	td <- abs(d) * matrix(-theta,m,n,byrow=TRUE) 

	if(ret=="all" || ret=="dr"){
		dr <- matrix(-theta[1:n],m,n,byrow=TRUE) * sign(d) * matrix(r,m,n,byrow=FALSE)
	}else{	dr<- NA	}

#' Correlation: Expg
#' General exponential correlation function.\cr
#' If \code{n > 1}  and \code{length(theta) = 1}, then the model is isotropic:\cr
#' \code{theta_j = theta[1], j=1,...,n;  theta_[n+1] = theta[2]}.
#            n
#    r_i = prod exp(-theta_j * d_ij^theta_n+1)
#           j=1
#' @param theta parameters in the correlation function
#' @param d m*n matrix with differences between given data points
#' @param ret A string. If set to \code{"all"} or \code{"dr"}, the derivative of \code{r} (\code{dr}) will be returned, else \code{dr} is \code{NA}.
#' @return returns a list with two elements:
#' 			\item{\code{r}}{correlation}
#' 			\item{\code{dr}}{m*n matrix with the Jacobian of \code{r} at \code{x}. It is
#'           assumed that \code{x} is given implicitly by \code{d[i,] = x - S[i,]},
#'           where \code{S[i,]} is the \code{i}'th design site.}
#' @seealso \code{\link{buildKrigingDACE}}
#' @author The authors of the original DACE Matlab code 
#' are Hans Bruun Nielsen, Soren Nymand Lophaven and Jacob Sondergaard. \cr
#' Ported to R by Martin Zaefferer \email{martin.zaefferer@@fh-koeln.de}.
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
correxpg <- function(theta,d,ret="all"){

	siz <- dim(d)  #% number of differences and dimension of data
	m <- siz[1]
	n <- siz[2]
	lt <- length(theta)
	if (n > 1 && lt == 2){
		theta <- c(rep(theta[1],n),theta[2])
	}else if(lt != n+1){
		stop(paste('Length of theta must be 2 or ',n+1)) 
	pow <- theta[n+1]
	tt <- matrix(-theta[1:n],m,n,byrow=TRUE)  #TODO vllt t() hier und oben weglassen?
	td <- abs(d)^pow * tt

	if(ret=="all" || ret=="dr"){
		dr <- pow * tt * sign(d) * (abs(d)^(pow-1)) * matrix(r,m,n,byrow=FALSE)
	}else{	dr<- NA	}

#' Correlation: Lin
#' Linear correlation function.\cr
#' If \code{length(theta) = 1}, then the model is isotropic:\cr
#' all \code{theta_j = theta}.
#            n
#    r_i = prod max(0, 1 - theta_j * d_ij) ,  i = 1,...,m
#           j=1
#' @param theta parameters in the correlation function
#' @param d m*n matrix with differences between given data points
#' @param ret A string. If set to \code{"all"} or \code{"dr"}, the derivative of \code{r} (\code{dr}) will be returned, else \code{dr} is \code{NA}.
#' @return returns a list with two elements:
#' 			\item{\code{r}}{correlation}
#' 			\item{\code{dr}}{m*n matrix with the Jacobian of \code{r} at \code{x}. It is
#'           assumed that \code{x} is given implicitly by \code{d[i,] = x - S[i,]},
#'           where \code{S[i,]} is the \code{i}'th design site.}
#' @seealso \code{\link{buildKrigingDACE}}
#' @author The authors of the original DACE Matlab code 
#' are Hans Bruun Nielsen, Soren Nymand Lophaven and Jacob Sondergaard. \cr
#' Ported to R by Martin Zaefferer \email{martin.zaefferer@@fh-koeln.de}.
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
corrlin <- function(theta,d , ret="all"){
	siz <- dim(d)  #% number of differences and dimension of data
	m <- siz[1]
	n <- siz[2]
	lt <- length(theta)
	if (lt == 1){
		theta <- rep(theta,n)
	}else if(lt != n){
		stop(paste('Length of theta must be 1 or ',n)) 
	td <- pmax(1- abs(d) * matrix(theta,m,lt,byrow=TRUE),0)
		r <- apply(td,1,prod)
		r <- prod(td)
	if(ret=="all" || ret=="dr"){
		dr <- matrix(0,m,n)
		for (j in 1:n){
			dd <- (-theta[j] * sign(d[,j]))
			st<-td[,c(1:(j-1), (j+1):n)]
				dr[,j] <- apply(st[,c(1:(j-1), (j+1):n)],1,prod)* dd
				dr[,j] <- prod(st[,c(1:(j-1), (j+1):n)]) * dd
	}else{	dr<- NA	}

#' Correlation: Spherical
#' Spherical correlation function.\cr
#' If \code{length(theta) = 1}, then the model is isotropic:\cr
#' all \code{theta_j = theta}.
#            n
#    r_i = prod max(0, 1 - 1.5(theta_j*d_ij) + .5(theta_j*d_ij)^3) ,  i = 1,...,m
#           j=1
#' @param theta parameters in the correlation function
#' @param d m*n matrix with differences between given data points
#' @param ret A string. If set to \code{"all"} or \code{"dr"}, the derivative of \code{r} (\code{dr}) will be returned, else \code{dr} is \code{NA}.
#' @return returns a list with two elements:
#' 			\item{\code{r}}{correlation}
#' 			\item{\code{dr}}{m*n matrix with the Jacobian of \code{r} at \code{x}. It is
#'           assumed that \code{x} is given implicitly by \code{d[i,] = x - S[i,]},
#'           where \code{S[i,]} is the \code{i}'th design site.}
#' @seealso \code{\link{buildKrigingDACE}}
#' @author The authors of the original DACE Matlab code 
#' are Hans Bruun Nielsen, Soren Nymand Lophaven and Jacob Sondergaard. \cr
#' Ported to R by Martin Zaefferer \email{martin.zaefferer@@fh-koeln.de}.
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
corrspherical <- function(theta,d , ret="all"){
	siz <- dim(d)  #% number of differences and dimension of data
	m <- siz[1]
	n <- siz[2]
	lt <- length(theta)
	if (lt == 1){
		theta <- rep(theta,n)
	}else if(lt != n){
		stop(paste('Length of theta must be 1 or ',n)) 
	  #theta = theta(:).' #force line vector, should be unnecessary in R
	#td <- min(abs(d) * matrix(theta,m,lt,byrow=TRUE), 1)
	td <- pmin(abs(d) * matrix(theta,m,lt,byrow=TRUE),1)
	ss <- 1 - td * (1.5 - 0.5*td^2)
		r <- apply(ss,1,prod)
		r <- prod(ss)
	if(ret=="all" || ret=="dr"){
		#dr <- matrix(-2*theta[1:n],m,n,byrow=TRUE) * d * matrix(r,m,n,byrow=FALSE)		
		dr <- matrix(0,m,n)
		for (j in 1:n){
			dd <- 1.5*theta[j] * sign(d[,j]) * (td[,j]^2 - 1)
			st<-ss[,c(1:(j-1), (j+1):n)]
				dr[,j] <- apply(st[,c(1:(j-1), (j+1):n)],1,prod)* dd
				dr[,j] <- prod(st[,c(1:(j-1), (j+1):n)]) * dd
	}else{	dr<- NA	}

#' Correlation: Spline
#' Cubic spline correlation function.\cr
#' If \code{length(theta) = 1}, then the model is isotropic:\cr
#' all \code{theta_j = theta}.
#            n
#    r_i = prod S(theta_j*d_ij) ,  i = 1,...,m
#           j=1
#  with
#            1 - 15x^2 + 30x^3   for   0 <= x <= 0.5
#    S(x) =  1.25(1 - x)^3       for  0.5 < x < 1
#            0                   for    x >= 1
#' @param theta parameters in the correlation function
#' @param d m*n matrix with differences between given data points
#' @param ret A string. If set to \code{"all"} or \code{"dr"}, the derivative of \code{r} (\code{dr}) will be returned, else \code{dr} is \code{NA}.
#' @return returns a list with two elements:
#' 			\item{\code{r}}{correlation}
#' 			\item{\code{dr}}{m*n matrix with the Jacobian of \code{r} at \code{x}. It is
#'           assumed that \code{x} is given implicitly by \code{d[i,] = x - S[i,]},
#'           where \code{S[i,]} is the \code{i}'th design site.}
#' @seealso \code{\link{buildKrigingDACE}}
#' @author The authors of the original DACE Matlab code 
#' are Hans Bruun Nielsen, Soren Nymand Lophaven and Jacob Sondergaard. \cr
#' Ported to R by Martin Zaefferer \email{martin.zaefferer@@fh-koeln.de}.
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
corrspline <- function(theta,d , ret="all"){
	siz <- dim(d)  #% number of differences and dimension of data
	m <- siz[1]
	n <- siz[2]
	lt <- length(theta)
	if (lt == 1){
		theta <- rep(theta,n)
	}else if(lt != n){
		stop(paste('Length of theta must be 1 or ',n)) 
	mn <- m*n   
	ss <- matrix(0,mn,1)
	xi <- matrix(abs(d) * matrix(theta,m,lt,byrow=TRUE), mn,1)
	#% Contributions to first and second part of spline
	i1 <- which(xi <= 0.2)
	i2 <- which(0.2 < xi & xi < 1)
		ss[i1] <- 1 - xi[i1]^2 * (15  - 30*xi[i1])
		ss[i2] <- 1.25 * (1 - xi[i2])^3
	#% Values of correlation
	ss <- matrix(ss,m,n)
		r <- apply(ss,1,prod)
		r <- prod(ss)

	if(ret=="all" || ret=="dr"){ #% get Jacobian
		u <- matrix(sign(d) * matrix(theta,m,lt,byrow=TRUE), mn,1)
		dr <- matrix(0,mn,1)
		#if  ~isempty(i1)
			dr[i1,] <- u[i1] * ( (90*xi[i1] - 30) * xi[i1] )
		#if  ~isempty(i2)
			dr[i2,] <- -3.75 * u[i2] * (1 - xi[i2])^2
		ii <- 1 : m
		for (j in 1:n){
			sj <- ss[,j]  
			ss[,j] <- dr[ii]
				dr[ii,]  <- apply(ss,1,prod)
				dr[ii,]  <- prod(ss)
			ss[,j] <- sj   
			ii <- ii + m
		dr <- matrix(dr,m,n)	
	}else{	dr<- NA	}

#' Regression: Regpoly0
#' Zero order polynomial regression function.
#' @param S m*n matrix with \code{m} design points of dimension \code{n}
#' @param grad define if function returns gradient, default is \code{FALSE}
#' @return returns a list with two elements:
#' 			\item{\code{f}}{vector of ones, with length \code{m}}
#' 			\item{\code{df}}{Jacobian at the first point (first row in S) }
#' @seealso \code{\link{buildKrigingDACE}}
#' @author The authors of the original DACE Matlab code
#' are Hans Bruun Nielsen, Soren Nymand Lophaven and Jacob Sondergaard. \cr
#' Ported to R by Martin Zaefferer \email{martin.zaefferer@@fh-koeln.de}.
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
regpoly0 <- function(S,grad=FALSE){
	siz <- dim(S)  
	m <- siz[1]
	n <- siz[2]
	f <- rep(1,m)
		df <- rep(0,n)
		df <- NULL

#' Regression: Regpoly1
#' First order polynomial regression function.
#' @param S m*n matrix with \code{m} design points of dimension \code{n}
#' @param grad define if function returns gradient, default is \code{FALSE}
#' @return returns a list with two elements:
#' 			\item{\code{f}}{matrix of two columns: \cr 
#'			1. vector of ones with length \code{m} \cr
#'			2. \code{S}}
#' 			\item{\code{df}}{Jacobian at the first point (first row in S) }
#' @seealso \code{\link{buildKrigingDACE}}
#' @author The authors of the original DACE Matlab code
#' are Hans Bruun Nielsen, Soren Nymand Lophaven and Jacob Sondergaard. \cr
#' Ported to R by Martin Zaefferer \email{martin.zaefferer@@fh-koeln.de}.
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
regpoly1 <- function(S,grad=FALSE){
	siz <- dim(S)  
	m <- siz[1]
	n <- siz[2]
	f <- cbind(rep(1,m), S)
		df <- cbind(rep(0,n), diag(rep(1,n)))
		df <- NULL

#' Regression: Regpoly2
#' Second order polynomial regression function.
#' @param S m*n matrix with \code{m} design points of dimension \code{n}
#' @param grad define if function returns gradient, default is \code{FALSE}
#' @return returns a list with two elements:
#' 			\item{\code{f}}{matrix: \cr 
#'			( 1 S S[,1]*S S[,2]S[,2:n] ... S[,n]^2 )}
#' 			\item{\code{df}}{Jacobian at the first point (first row in S) }
#' @seealso \code{\link{buildKrigingDACE}}
#' @author The authors of the original DACE Matlab code  
#' are Hans Bruun Nielsen, Soren Nymand Lophaven and Jacob Sondergaard. \cr
#' Ported to R by Martin Zaefferer \email{martin.zaefferer@@fh-koeln.de}.
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
regpoly2 <- function(S,grad=FALSE){
	siz <- dim(S)  
	m <- siz[1]
	n <- siz[2]
	nn <- (n+1)*(n+2)/2  #% Number of columns in f  
	#% Compute  f	
	f <- cbind(rep(1,m), S,  matrix(0,m,nn-n-1))
	j <- n+1   
	q <- n
	for(k in 1:n){
	  f[,j+(1:q)] <- matrix(S[,k],m,q) * S[,k:n]
	  j <- j+q   
	  q <- q-1
		df <- cbind(rep(0,n), diag(rep(1,n)),  matrix(0,n,nn-n-1))
		j <- n+1   
		q <- n 
		for(k in 1:n){
				df[k,j+(1:q)] <- cbind(2*S[1,k], S[1,(k+1):n])
				for(i in 1:(n-k)){
					df[k+i,j+1+i] <- S[1,k] 
			}else{ df[k,j+(1:q)] <- cbind(2*S[1,k])}

			j <- j+q   
			q <- q-1
		df <- NULL

#' Print Function DACE Kriging
#' Print information about a DACE Kriging fit, as produced by \code{\link{buildKrigingDACE}}.
#' @rdname print
#' @method print dace
# @S3method print dace
#' @param x	fit returned by \code{\link{buildKrigingDACE}}.
#' @param ... additional parameters	
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
print.dace <- function(x,...){
	cat("Dace Kriging model.\n")
	cat("Estimated activity parameters (theta) sorted \n")
	cat("from most to least important variable \n")
	cat(paste("x",order(x$theta,decreasing=TRUE),sep="",collaps=" "))
	cat("\n \n")
	cat("exponent(s) p:\n")
		cat("none (no exponents in the employed correlation function)")
	cat("\n \n")
	cat("Estimated regularization constant (or nugget) lambda:\n")	
		cat("none (no nugget in the employed correlation function)")
	cat("\n \n")
	cat("Number of Likelihood evaluations during MLE:\n")	

#' DACE predictor
#' Predicts \code{y(x)} for a given DACE model (i.e. as created by \code{\link{buildKrigingDACE}}).
#' @param object Kriging model (settings and parameters) of class \code{dace}.
#' @param newdata design matrix (\code{x}) to be predicted
#' @param ... not used
#' @return returns a list with the following elements: 
#' 			\item{\code{f}}{ Predicted response \code{y} at design points \code{x} (always)}
#' 			\item{\code{df}}{ Gradient of response \code{y} at design points \code{x}  (only if: \code{GRAD==TRUE} and \code{mx==1})}
#' 			\item{\code{s}}{ Estimated MSE (only if: \code{MSE==TRUE})}
#' 			\item{\code{ds}}{ Gradient of MSE (only if: \code{GRADMSE==TRUE} and \code{mx==1})}
#' The user can choose whether to predict only mean or if he is also interested in gradient, mean squared error MSE, or the MSE gradient.
#' \code{object$GRAD} specifies whether gradient of response should be computed. Even if GRAD is TRUE, the gradient will only be computed in case of a single design point.
#' \code{MSE} specifies whether estimated MSE of response should be computed.
#' \code{GRADMSE} specifies whether gradient of MSE should be computed.  Even if GRADMSE is TRUE, the gradient will only be computed in case of a single design point.
#' @seealso \code{\link{buildKrigingDACE}} 
#' @author The authors of the original DACE Matlab toolbox \ 
#' are Hans Bruun Nielsen, Soren Nymand Lophaven and Jacob Sondergaard. \cr
#' Additional code for generalization to different models by Tobias Wagner \email{wagner@@isf.de}. \cr 
#' Porting and adaptation to R and further extensions by Martin Zaefferer \email{martin.zaefferer@@fh-koeln.de}.
#' @references S.~Lophaven, H.~Nielsen, and J.~Sondergaard.
#' {DACE---A Matlab Kriging Toolbox}.
#' Technical Report IMM-REP-2002-12, Informatics and Mathematical
#' Modelling, Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2002.
#' @examples
#' ## Create design points
#' x <- cbind(runif(20)*15-5,runif(20)*15)
#' ## Compute observations at design points
#' y <- funSphere(x)
#' ## Create model
#' fit <- buildKrigingDACE(x,y)
#' ## Create new design
#' xx <- cbind(runif(20)*15-5,runif(20)*15)
#' ## Predict candidates
#' y1 <- predict(fit,xx)$y
#' ## Plot residuals
#' plot(y1 - funSphere(xx))
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
predict.dace = function (object,newdata,...){
	x <- newdata
	if(any(object$target %in% c("s", "sgrad", "ei")))
		MSE <- TRUE	
	if(any(object$target %in% c("sgrad")))
	if(any(object$target %in% c("grad")))
	mse <- grad <- dmse <- NaN  #% Default return values
	sx <- dim(x)            #% number of trial sites and their dimension
		sx <- c(1,length(x))
	if (sx[1] > 5000){
		y <- rep(0,sx[1])
		mse <- rep(0,sx[1])
		for(i in 1:floor(sx[1]/5000)){
			res <- predict.dace(object,x[((i-1)*5000+1):(i*5000),], ...)
			y[((i-1)*5000+1):(i*5000)] <- res$y
			if(MSE)	mse[((i-1)*5000+1):(i*5000)] <- res$s
			res <- predict.dace(object,x[(i*5000+1):sx[1],], ...)
			y[(i*5000+1):sx[1]] <- res$y
			if(!(i*5000+1)>sx[1]){mse[(i*5000+1):sx[1]] <- res$s}

	if(any(is.nan(dmodel$beta)))	stop('DMODEL has no beta value')	

	mn <- dim(dmodel$S)  #% number of design sites and number of dimensions
		m <- 1
		n <- length(dmodel$S)
		m <- mn[1]
		n <- mn[2]
	mx <- sx[1]
	nx <- sx[2]
	if(nx != n) stop(paste('Dimension of trial sites should be',n))

	#% Normalize trial sites
	x <- (x - dmodel$Ssc[rep(1,mx),] )/   dmodel$Ssc[rep(2,mx),]	#MZ: fix for faster processing
	#q = size(dmodel.Ysc,2)  #% number of response functions
	q <- 1   #TODO adapt dace for multiple responses? other functions need to be tested for this first
	y <- rep(0,mx)         	  #% initialize result
	if (mx == 1){  #% one site only
		dx <- matrix(x,ncol=length(x),nrow=m,byrow=TRUE) - dmodel$S
		res <- dmodel$regr(x,TRUE)
		f <- res$f 
		if(GRAD || GRADMSE){
			res <- dmodel$corr(dmodel$theta, dx, "all")
			r <- res$r 
			res <- dmodel$corr(dmodel$theta, dx, "r")
			r <- res$r 		
		#% Scaled predictor
		sy <- f %*% dmodel$beta + t(dmodel$gamma%*%r)
		#% Predictor
		y <- t(dmodel$Ysc[1] + dmodel$Ysc[2] * sy)  #todo this needs adaption if q not 1
		if (GRAD){               #% gradient/Jacobian wanted
			#% Scaled Jacobian
			dy <- df * dmodel$beta + dmodel$gamma %*% dr  #todo first term matmult?
			#% Unscaled Jacobian
			grad <- dy * repmat(dmodel$Ysc[2], 1, nx) / t(repmat(dmodel$Ssc[2], 1, q)) #todo this needs adaption if q not 1, or switch everything to fixed q=1 ?   #TODO remove repmat
		if(MSE){  #% MSE wanted				
			rt <- spotHelpBslash(dmodel$C,r)
			u <- t(dmodel$Ft) %*% rt - t(f)
			v <- spotHelpBslash(dmodel$G,u)
			mse <- dmodel$sigma2 * (1 + sum(v^2) - sum(rt^2))	 #TODO q was completely removed here...
			results$s<-abs(mse) #TODO sometimes this seems to become a very small negative number... numerical problem? rather cut to zero instead of abs? see also below.
			if (GRADMSE){  #% gradient/Jacobian of MSE wanted
				#% Scaled gradient as a row vector
				Gv <- spotHelpBslash(t(dmodel$G),v)
				g <- t((dmodel$Ft %*% Gv - rt)) %*% spotHelpBslash(dmodel$C,dr) - t(df * Gv) # last term matmult??
				#% Unscaled Jacobian
				dmse <- repmat(2 * dmodel$sigma2,1,nx) * (repmat(g / dmodel$Ssc[2,],1,q)) #TODO remove repmat
	}else{ # % several trial sites
		#% Get distances to design sites
		dx <- matrix(0,mx*m,n)  
		kk <- 1:m
		for (k in 1:mx){
			dx[kk,] <- x[rep(k,m),] - dmodel$S
			kk <- kk + m
		#% Get regression function and correlation
		f <- dmodel$regr(x)$f 
		r <- dmodel$corr(dmodel$theta, dx, "r")$r 
		r <- matrix(r,nrow=m)   

		#% Scaled predictor
		sy <- f %*% dmodel$beta + t(dmodel$gamma %*% r)
		#% Predictor
		y <- dmodel$Ysc[1] + dmodel$Ysc[2] * sy
		if (MSE) {  #% MSE wanted
			rt <- spotHelpBslash(dmodel$C,r)
			u <- as.matrix(spotHelpBslash(dmodel$G,(t(dmodel$Ft) %*% rt - t(f))))
			mse <- dmodel$sigma2 * (1 + colSums(u^2) - colSums(rt^2))
			if(GRAD || GRADMSE)	warning('Only  y  and  mse  are computed for multiple design sites')
	} #% of several sites
	if(any(object$target == "ei")){
    results$ei <- expectedImprovement(results$y,results$s,object$min)

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