
Defines functions plot3D.bridgesde3d points.bridgesde3d lines.bridgesde3d plot.bridgesde3d time.bridgesde3d bconfint.bridgesde3d moment.bridgesde3d quantile.bridgesde3d Mode.bridgesde3d Median.bridgesde3d kurtosis.bridgesde3d skewness.bridgesde3d min.bridgesde3d max.bridgesde3d cv.bridgesde3d mean.bridgesde3d summary.bridgesde3d print.bridgesde3d bridgesde3d.default bridgesde3d time.bridgesde2d bconfint.bridgesde2d moment.bridgesde2d quantile.bridgesde2d Mode.bridgesde2d Median.bridgesde2d kurtosis.bridgesde2d skewness.bridgesde2d min.bridgesde2d max.bridgesde2d cv.bridgesde2d mean.bridgesde2d summary.bridgesde2d points2d.bridgesde2d lines2d.bridgesde2d plot2d.bridgesde2d points.bridgesde2d lines.bridgesde2d plot.bridgesde2d print.bridgesde2d bridgesde2d.default bridgesde2d points.bridgesde1d lines.bridgesde1d plot.bridgesde1d bconfint.bridgesde1d moment.bridgesde1d quantile.bridgesde1d Mode.bridgesde1d Median.bridgesde1d kurtosis.bridgesde1d skewness.bridgesde1d max.bridgesde1d min.bridgesde1d cv.bridgesde1d mean.bridgesde1d summary.bridgesde1d time.bridgesde1d print.bridgesde1d bridgesde1d.default bridgesde1d

Documented in bconfint.bridgesde1d bconfint.bridgesde2d bconfint.bridgesde3d bridgesde1d bridgesde1d.default bridgesde2d bridgesde2d.default bridgesde3d bridgesde3d.default cv.bridgesde1d cv.bridgesde2d cv.bridgesde3d kurtosis.bridgesde1d kurtosis.bridgesde2d kurtosis.bridgesde3d lines2d.bridgesde2d lines.bridgesde1d lines.bridgesde2d lines.bridgesde3d max.bridgesde1d max.bridgesde2d max.bridgesde3d mean.bridgesde1d mean.bridgesde2d mean.bridgesde3d Median.bridgesde1d Median.bridgesde2d Median.bridgesde3d min.bridgesde1d min.bridgesde2d min.bridgesde3d Mode.bridgesde1d Mode.bridgesde2d Mode.bridgesde3d moment.bridgesde1d moment.bridgesde2d moment.bridgesde3d plot2d.bridgesde2d plot3D.bridgesde3d plot.bridgesde1d plot.bridgesde2d plot.bridgesde3d points2d.bridgesde2d points.bridgesde1d points.bridgesde2d points.bridgesde3d print.bridgesde1d print.bridgesde2d print.bridgesde3d quantile.bridgesde1d quantile.bridgesde2d quantile.bridgesde3d skewness.bridgesde1d skewness.bridgesde2d skewness.bridgesde3d summary.bridgesde1d summary.bridgesde2d summary.bridgesde3d time.bridgesde1d time.bridgesde2d time.bridgesde3d

## Tue Mar  5 18:13:25 2024
## Original file Copyright © 2024 A.C. Guidoum, K. Boukhetala
## This file is part of the R package Sim.DiffProc
## Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, 
## Faculty of Sciences and Technology, 
## University of Tamanghasset
## and
## Department of Probabilities & Statistics
## Faculty of Mathematics
## University of Science and Technology Houari Boumediene
## BP 32 El-Alia, U.S.T.H.B, Algiers
## Algeria

## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.

## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.

## A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at
## http://www.r-project.org/Licenses/
## Unlimited use and distribution (see LICENCE).

##### bridgesde1d

bridgesde1d <- function(N, ...)  UseMethod("bridgesde1d")

bridgesde1d.default <- function(N =1000,M=1,x0=0,y=0,t0=0,T=1,Dt,drift,diffusion,
                              alpha=0.5,mu=0.5,type=c("ito","str"), method=c(
    if (!is.numeric(x0) || !is.numeric(y)) 
	             stop("'x0' and 'y' must be numeric")
    if (any(!is.numeric(t0) || !is.numeric(T))) 
	             stop(" 't0' and 'T' must be numeric")
    if (any(!is.numeric(N)  || (N - floor(N) > 0) || N <= 1)) 
	             stop(" 'N' must be a positive integer ")
    if (any(!is.numeric(M)  || (M - floor(M) > 0) || M <= 0))  
	             stop(" 'M' must be a positive integer ")
    if (any(!is.expression(drift) || !is.expression(diffusion) )) 
	             stop(" coefficient of 'drift' and 'diffusion' must be expressions in 't' and 'x'")
    if (missing(type)) type <- "ito"
    method <- match.arg(method)
    if (method =="predcorr"){
    if (any(alpha > 1 || alpha < 0)) 
	      stop("please use '0 <= alpha <= 1' ")
    if (any(mu > 1 || mu < 0))       
	      stop("please use '0 <= mu <= 1' ")
    if (t0 < 0 || T < 0) 
	          stop(" please use positive times! (0 <= t0 < T) ")
    if (missing(Dt)) {
        t <- seq(t0, T, by=Dt)
    } else {
        t <- c(t0, t0 + cumsum(rep(Dt, N)))
		T <- t[N + 1]
    Dt <- (T - t0)/N
	X1 <- snssde1d(N,M,x0,t0,T,Dt,drift,diffusion,alpha,mu,type, method,...)$X
    if (M > 1){X2 <- apply(data.frame(snssde1d(N,M,x0=y,t0,T,Dt,drift,diffusion,alpha,mu,type, method,...)$X),2,rev)
	X2 <- rev(snssde1d(N,M,x0=y,t0,T,Dt,drift,diffusion,alpha,mu,type, method,...)$X)}        
    G <- rep(NA,M)
    if (M > 1){
        for(j in 1:M){
              if (X1[1,M] >= X2[1,M]){
                    if (!all(X1[,j] > X2[,j]))
                        G[j] <- min(which((X1[,j]-X2[,j]) <= 0)) - 1
             }else{ if (!all(X1[,j] < X2[,j])) 
                        G[j] <- min(which((X1[,j]-X2[,j]) >= 0)) - 1
             if (X1[1] >= X2[1]){
                    if (!all(X1 > X2))
                        G <- min(which((X1-X2) <= 0)) - 1
            }else{  if (!all(X1 < X2)) 
                        G <- min(which((X1-X2) >= 0)) - 1
   name <- "X"
   name <- if(M > 1) 
   if (M == 1){ 
       if (is.na(G) ){stop( "A crossing has been no realized,trying again (Repeat)..." )
	   }else{X <- ts(c(X1[1:G],X2[-(1:G)]),start=t0,deltat=deltat(X1),names=name)}
   }else if (M > 1){ if(length(which(is.na(G))) == M){stop( "A crossing has been no realized,trying again (Repeat)..." )
                 }else if (length(which(!is.na(G))) == 1){X <- ts(c(X1[,-which(is.na(G))][1:G[which(!is.na(G))]],X2[,-which(is.na(G))][-(1:G[which(!is.na(G))])]),start=t0,deltat=deltat(X1),names=name)
                 }else if (length(which( is.na(G))) == 0){X <- ts(sapply(1:length(which(!is.na(G))), function(j) c(X1[,j][1:G[!is.na(G)][j]],X2[,j][-(1:G[!is.na(G)][j])])),start=t0,deltat=deltat(X1),names=name)
                 }else{ X1 <- X1[,-c(which(is.na(G)))]
				        X2 <- X2[,-c(which(is.na(G)))]
                        X <- ts(sapply(1:length(which(!is.na(G))), function(j) c(X1[,j][1:G[!is.na(G)][j]],X2[,j][-(1:G[!is.na(G)][j])])),
    structure(list(X=X,drift=drift[[1]], diffusion=diffusion[[1]],type=type,method=method, 
                   x0=x0,y=y, N=N,M=M,Dt=Dt,t0=t0,T=T,C=G,dim="1d",call=match.call()),class="bridgesde1d")


print.bridgesde1d <- function(x, digits=NULL, ...)
    class(x) <- "bridgesde1d"
	Ito = "It\xf4"
    Encoding(Ito) <- "latin1"
    if (x$method=="euler")         
	         sch <- "Euler scheme with order 0.5"
    else if (x$method=="milstein") 
	         sch <- "First-order Milstein scheme"
    else if (x$method=="predcorr") 
	         sch <- "Predictor-corrector method with order 1"
    else if (x$method=="smilstein")
	         sch <- "Second-order Milstein scheme"
    else if (x$method=="taylor")   
	         sch <- "Taylor scheme with order 1.5"
    else if (x$method=="heun")     
	         sch <- "Heun scheme with order 2"
    else if (x$method=="rk1")      
	         sch <- "Runge-Kutta method with order 1"
    else if (x$method=="rk2")      
	         sch <- "Runge-Kutta method with order 2"
    else if (x$method=="rk3")      
	         sch <- "Runge-Kutta method with order 3"
	##Dr <- gsub(pattern = 'x', replacement = 'X(t)', x = as.expression(x$drift), ignore.case = F,fixed = T)
    ##DD <- gsub(pattern = 'x', replacement = 'X(t)', x = as.expression(x$diffusion), ignore.case = F,fixed = T)
    Dr <- deparse(eval(substitute(substitute(e, list(x=quote(X(t)))), list(e = x$drift))))   
    DD <- deparse(eval(substitute(substitute(e, list(x=quote(X(t)))), list(e = x$diffusion))))
    cat(Ito," Bridge Sde 1D:","\n",        
        "\t| dX(t) = ", Dr," * dt + ", DD," * dW(t)","\n",
        "\t| ",sch,"\n",
        "\t| Size of process","\t| N = ",format(x$N+1,digits=digits),".","\n",
        "\t| Crossing realized","\t| C = ",format(length(which(!is.na(x$C))),digits=digits)," among ",format(x$M,digits=digits),".","\n",
        "\t| Initial value","\t\t| x0 = ",format(x$x0,digits=digits),".","\n",
        "\t| Ending value","\t\t| y = ",format(x$y,digits=digits),".","\n",
        "\t| Time of process","\t| t in [",format(x$t0,digits=digits),",",format(x$T,digits=digits),"].","\n",
        "\t| Discretization","\t| Dt = ",format(x$Dt,digits=digits),".","\n",       
    cat("Stratonovich Bridge Sde 1D:","\n",
        "\t| dX(t) = ", Dr," * dt + ", DD," o dW(t)","\n",
        "\t| ",sch,"\n",
        "\t| Size of process","\t| N = ",format(x$N+1,digits=digits),".","\n",
        "\t| Crossing realized","\t| C = ",format(length(which(!is.na(x$C))),digits=digits)," among ",format(x$M,digits=digits),".","\n",
        "\t| Initial value","\t\t| x0 = ",format(x$x0,digits=digits),".","\n",
        "\t| Ending value","\t\t| y = ",format(x$y,digits=digits),".","\n",
        "\t| Time of process","\t| t in [",format(x$t0,digits=digits),",",format(x$T,digits=digits),"].","\n",
        "\t| Discretization","\t| Dt = ",format(x$Dt,digits=digits),".","\n",

time.bridgesde1d <- function(x,...)
    class(x) <- "bridgesde1d"

summary.bridgesde1d  <- function(object, at,digits=NULL, ...)
    class(object) <- "bridgesde1d"
    if (missing(at)) {at = (as.numeric(object$T)-as.numeric(object$t0))/2}
	if (is.null(digits)){digits = base::options()$digits}
    if (any(object$T < at || object$t0 > at) )  
	       stop( " please use 't0 <= at <= T'")
	C = length(which(!is.na(object$C)))
    if (C == 1){ X = matrix(object$X,nrow=length(object$X),ncol=1)}else{X = object$X}
    xx   <- as.vector(X[which(time(object)==as.character(at)),])
    if (length(xx) == 0){
	if (C == 1){ F  <- lapply(1:C,function(i) approxfun(time(object),object$X))}else{
                       F  <- lapply(1:C,function(i) approxfun(time(object),object$X[,i]))}
                       xx <- sapply(1:length(F),function(i) F[[i]](at)) 
    cat("\nMonte-Carlo Statistics for X(t) at time t = ",at,"\n",
	    "\t| Crossing realized ",C," among ",object$M,"\n",
    res <- as.data.frame(matrix(c(mean(xx,na.rm = TRUE),var(xx,na.rm = TRUE),Median(xx),Mode(xx),
                               quantile(xx,0.25,na.rm = TRUE),quantile(xx,0.75,na.rm = TRUE),min(xx,na.rm=TRUE),
    dimnames(res) <- list(c("Mean","Variance","Median","Mode","First quartile","Third quartile","Minimum","Maximum","Skewness","Kurtosis",
	                         "Coef-variation","3th-order moment","4th-order moment","5th-order moment","6th-order moment"),c(""))
    print(round(res,digits=digits), quote = FALSE, right = TRUE,...)

mean.bridgesde1d <- function(x,at,...)
    class(x) <- "bridgesde1d"
    if (missing(at)) {at = (as.numeric(x$T)-as.numeric(x$t0))/2}
    if (any(x$T < at || x$t0 > at) )  
	         stop( " please use 't0 <= at <= T'")
	C = length(which(!is.na(x$C)))
    if (C == 1){ X = matrix(x$X,nrow=length(x$X),ncol=1)}else{X = x$X}
    xx   <- as.vector(X[which(time(x)==as.character(at)),])
    if (length(xx) == 0){
	 if (C==1){ F  <- lapply(1:C,function(i) approxfun(time(x),x$X))}else{
                  F  <- lapply(1:C,function(i) approxfun(time(x),x$X[,i]))}
                  xx <- sapply(1:length(F),function(i) F[[i]](at)) 
    mean(xx,na.rm = TRUE,...)

cv.bridgesde1d <- function(x,at,...)
    class(x) <- "bridgesde1d"
    if (missing(at)) {at = (as.numeric(x$T)-as.numeric(x$t0))/2}
    if (any(x$T < at || x$t0 > at) )  
	      stop( " please use 't0 <= at <= T'")
	C = length(which(!is.na(x$C)))
    if (C == 1){ X = matrix(x$X,nrow=length(x$X),ncol=1)}else{X = x$X}
    xx   <- as.vector(X[which(time(x)==as.character(at)),])
    if (length(xx) == 0){
	 if (C==1){ F  <- lapply(1:C,function(i) approxfun(time(x),x$X))}else{
                  F  <- lapply(1:C,function(i) approxfun(time(x),x$X[,i]))}
                  xx <- sapply(1:length(F),function(i) F[[i]](at)) 

min.bridgesde1d <- function(x,at,...)
    class(x) <- "bridgesde1d"
    if (missing(at)) {at = (as.numeric(x$T)-as.numeric(x$t0))/2}
    if (any(x$T < at || x$t0 > at) )  
	     stop( " please use 't0 <= at <= T'")
	C = length(which(!is.na(x$C)))
    if (C == 1){ X = matrix(x$X,nrow=length(x$X),ncol=1)}else{X = x$X}
    xx   <- as.vector(X[which(time(x)==as.character(at)),])
    if (length(xx) == 0){
	 if (C==1){ F  <- lapply(1:C,function(i) approxfun(time(x),x$X))}else{
                  F  <- lapply(1:C,function(i) approxfun(time(x),x$X[,i]))}
                  xx <- sapply(1:length(F),function(i) F[[i]](at)) 
    min(xx,na.rm = TRUE)

max.bridgesde1d <- function(x,at,...)
    class(x) <- "bridgesde1d"
    if (missing(at)) {at = (as.numeric(x$T)-as.numeric(x$t0))/2}
    if (any(x$T < at || x$t0 > at) )  
	     stop( " please use 't0 <= at <= T'")
	C = length(which(!is.na(x$C)))
    if (C == 1){ X = matrix(x$X,nrow=length(x$X),ncol=1)}else{X = x$X}
    xx   <- as.vector(X[which(time(x)==as.character(at)),])
    if (length(xx) == 0){
	 if (C==1){ F  <- lapply(1:C,function(i) approxfun(time(x),x$X))}else{
                  F  <- lapply(1:C,function(i) approxfun(time(x),x$X[,i]))}
                  xx <- sapply(1:length(F),function(i) F[[i]](at)) 
    max(xx,na.rm = TRUE)

skewness.bridgesde1d <- function(x,at,...)
    class(x) <- "bridgesde1d"
    if (missing(at)) {at = (as.numeric(x$T)-as.numeric(x$t0))/2}
    if (any(x$T < at || x$t0 > at) )  
	      stop( " please use 't0 <= at <= T'")
	C = length(which(!is.na(x$C)))
    if (C == 1){ X = matrix(x$X,nrow=length(x$X),ncol=1)}else{X = x$X}
    xx   <- as.vector(X[which(time(x)==as.character(at)),])
    if (length(xx) == 0){
	 if (C==1){ F  <- lapply(1:C,function(i) approxfun(time(x),x$X))}else{
                  F  <- lapply(1:C,function(i) approxfun(time(x),x$X[,i]))}
                  xx <- sapply(1:length(F),function(i) F[[i]](at)) 

kurtosis.bridgesde1d <- function(x,at,...)
    class(x) <- "bridgesde1d"
    if (missing(at)) {at = (as.numeric(x$T)-as.numeric(x$t0))/2}
    if (any(x$T < at || x$t0 > at) )  
	      stop( " please use 't0 <= at <= T'")
	C = length(which(!is.na(x$C)))
    if (C == 1){ X = matrix(x$X,nrow=length(x$X),ncol=1)}else{X = x$X}
    xx   <- as.vector(X[which(time(x)==as.character(at)),])
    if (length(xx) == 0){
	 if (C==1){ F  <- lapply(1:C,function(i) approxfun(time(x),x$X))}else{
                  F  <- lapply(1:C,function(i) approxfun(time(x),x$X[,i]))}
                  xx <- sapply(1:length(F),function(i) F[[i]](at)) 

Median.bridgesde1d <- function(x,at,...)
    class(x) <- "bridgesde1d"
    if (missing(at)) {at = (as.numeric(x$T)-as.numeric(x$t0))/2}
    if (any(x$T < at || x$t0 > at) )  
	       stop( " please use 't0 <= at <= T'")
	C = length(which(!is.na(x$C)))
    if (C == 1){ X = matrix(x$X,nrow=length(x$X),ncol=1)}else{X = x$X}
    xx   <- as.vector(X[which(time(x)==as.character(at)),])
    if (length(xx) == 0){
	 if (C==1){ F  <- lapply(1:C,function(i) approxfun(time(x),x$X))}else{
                  F  <- lapply(1:C,function(i) approxfun(time(x),x$X[,i]))}
                  xx <- sapply(1:length(F),function(i) F[[i]](at)) 

Mode.bridgesde1d <- function(x,at,...)
    class(x) <- "bridgesde1d"
    if (missing(at)) {at = (as.numeric(x$T)-as.numeric(x$t0))/2}
    if (any(x$T < at || x$t0 > at) )  
	      stop( " please use 't0 <= at <= T'")
	C = length(which(!is.na(x$C)))
    if (C == 1){ X = matrix(x$X,nrow=length(x$X),ncol=1)}else{X = x$X}
    xx   <- as.vector(X[which(time(x)==as.character(at)),])
    if (length(xx) == 0){
	 if (C==1){ F  <- lapply(1:C,function(i) approxfun(time(x),x$X))}else{
                  F  <- lapply(1:C,function(i) approxfun(time(x),x$X[,i]))}
                  xx <- sapply(1:length(F),function(i) F[[i]](at)) 

quantile.bridgesde1d <- function(x,at,...)
    class(x) <- "bridgesde1d"
    if (missing(at)) {at = (as.numeric(x$T)-as.numeric(x$t0))/2}
    if (any(x$T < at || x$t0 > at) )  
	      stop( " please use 't0 <= at <= T'")
	C = length(which(!is.na(x$C)))
    if (C == 1){ X = matrix(x$X,nrow=length(x$X),ncol=1)}else{X = x$X}
    xx   <- as.vector(X[which(time(x)==as.character(at)),])
    if (length(xx) == 0){
	 if (C==1){ F  <- lapply(1:C,function(i) approxfun(time(x),x$X))}else{
                  F  <- lapply(1:C,function(i) approxfun(time(x),x$X[,i]))}
                  xx <- sapply(1:length(F),function(i) F[[i]](at)) 

moment.bridgesde1d <- function(x,at,...)
    class(x) <- "bridgesde1d"
    if (missing(at)) {at = (as.numeric(x$T)-as.numeric(x$t0))/2}
    if (any(x$T < at || x$t0 > at) )  
	       stop( " please use 't0 <= at <= T'")
	C = length(which(!is.na(x$C)))
    if (C == 1){ X = matrix(x$X,nrow=length(x$X),ncol=1)}else{X = x$X}
    xx   <- as.vector(X[which(time(x)==as.character(at)),])
    if (length(xx) == 0){
	 if (C==1){ F  <- lapply(1:C,function(i) approxfun(time(x),x$X))}else{
                  F  <- lapply(1:C,function(i) approxfun(time(x),x$X[,i]))}
                  xx <- sapply(1:length(F),function(i) F[[i]](at)) 

bconfint.bridgesde1d <- function(x,at,...)
    class(x) <- "bridgesde1d"
    if (missing(at)) {at = (as.numeric(x$T)-as.numeric(x$t0))/2}
    if (any(x$T < at || x$t0 > at) )  
	        stop( " please use 't0 <= at <= T'")
	C = length(which(!is.na(x$C)))
    if (C == 1){ X = matrix(x$X,nrow=length(x$X),ncol=1)}else{X = x$X}
    xx   <- as.vector(X[which(time(x)==as.character(at)),])
    if (length(xx) == 0){
	 if (C==1){ F  <- lapply(1:C,function(i) approxfun(time(x),x$X))}else{
                  F  <- lapply(1:C,function(i) approxfun(time(x),x$X[,i]))}
                  xx <- sapply(1:length(F),function(i) F[[i]](at)) 

## Plot

plot.bridgesde1d <- function(x,...)
    class(x) <- "bridgesde1d"
    X <- x$X
	if (x$M > 10) {plot(X,plot.type="single",...)}else{plot(X,...)}

lines.bridgesde1d <- function(x,...)
    class(x) <- "bridgesde1d"
    X <- x$X
	if (length(which(!is.na(x$C))) >=2){
    for (i in 1:dim(X)[2]){

points.bridgesde1d <- function(x,...)
    class(x) <- "bridgesde1d"
    X <- x$X
	if (length(which(!is.na(x$C))) >=2){
    for (i in 1:dim(X)[2]){

##### bridgesde2d

bridgesde2d <- function(N, ...)  UseMethod("bridgesde2d")

bridgesde2d.default <- function(N =1000,M=1,x0=c(0,0),y=c(0,0),t0=0,T=1,Dt,drift,diffusion,
                              corr = NULL,alpha=0.5,mu=0.5,type=c("ito","str"), method=c(
    if (!is.numeric(x0) || length(x0) != 2) 
	                  stop("'x0' must be numeric, and length(x0) = 2 ")
    if (!is.numeric(y)  || length(y) != 2) 
	                  stop("'y' must be numeric, and length(y) = 2 ")
    if (any(!is.numeric(t0) || !is.numeric(T))) 
	                  stop(" 't0' and 'T' must be numeric")
    if (any(!is.numeric(N)  || (N - floor(N) > 0) || N <= 1)) 
	                  stop(" 'N' must be a positive integer ")
    if (any(!is.numeric(M)  || (M - floor(M) > 0) || M <= 0))  
	                  stop(" 'M' must be a positive integer ")
	if (length(drift) !=2 ) 
	                  stop("drift must be expression 2d (vector of 2 expression)")
	if (length(diffusion) !=2 ) 
	                  stop("diffusion must be expression 2d (vector of 2 expression)")
    if (any(!is.expression(drift) || !is.expression(diffusion) )) 
	                  stop(" coefficient of 'drift' and 'diffusion' must be expressions in 't', 'x' and 'y'")
	if (!is.null(corr)) {
        if (any(!is.matrix(corr) || det(corr) <= 0 || nrow(corr)!=2 || ncol(corr)!=2 || !isSymmetric(corr)))
                     stop("the correlation structure of W1(t) and W2(t) must be a real symmetric\n  positive-definite square matrix of dimension 2") 		   
    if (missing(type)) type <- "ito"
    method <- match.arg(method)
	if (!is.null(corr) && method != "euler" && method != "milstein") {method="euler"}
    if (method =="predcorr"){
    if (any(alpha > 1 || alpha < 0)) 
	      stop("please use '0 <= alpha <= 1' ")
    if (any(mu > 1 || mu < 0))       
	      stop("please use '0 <= mu <= 1' ")
    if (t0 < 0 || T < 0) 
	         stop(" please use positive times! (0 <= t0 < T) ")
    if (missing(Dt)) {
        t <- seq(t0, T, by=Dt)
    } else {
        t <- c(t0, t0 + cumsum(rep(Dt, N)))
		T <- t[N + 1]
    Dt <- (T - t0)/N
    X1 <- snssde2d(N,M,x0=c(x0[1],x0[2]),t0,T,Dt,drift,diffusion,corr,alpha,mu,type, method,...)$X
    Y1 <- snssde2d(N,M,x0=c(x0[1],x0[2]),t0,T,Dt,drift,diffusion,corr,alpha,mu,type, method,...)$Y
    if (M > 1){X2 <- apply(data.frame(snssde2d(N,M,x0=c(y[1],y[2]),t0,T,Dt,drift,diffusion,corr,alpha,mu,type, method,...)$X),2,rev)
	           Y2 <- apply(data.frame(snssde2d(N,M,x0=c(y[1],y[2]),t0,T,Dt,drift,diffusion,corr,alpha,mu,type, method,...)$Y),2,rev)
    }else{X2 <- rev(snssde2d(N,M,x0=c(y[1],y[2]),t0,T,Dt,drift,diffusion,corr,alpha,mu,type, method,...)$X)
	      Y2 <- rev(snssde2d(N,M,x0=c(y[1],y[2]),t0,T,Dt,drift,diffusion,corr,alpha,mu,type, method,...)$Y)
    Gx = Gy <- rep(NA,M)
    if (M > 1){
        for(j in 1:M){
              if (X1[1,M] >= X2[1,M]){
                    if (!all(X1[,j] > X2[,j]))
                        Gx[j] <- min(which((X1[,j]-X2[,j]) <= 0)) - 1
             }else{ if (!all(X1[,j] < X2[,j])) 
                        Gx[j] <- min(which((X1[,j]-X2[,j]) >= 0)) - 1
             if (X1[1] >= X2[1]){
                    if (!all(X1 > X2))
                        Gx <- min(which((X1-X2) <= 0)) - 1
            }else{  if (!all(X1 < X2)) 
                        Gx <- min(which((X1-X2) >= 0)) - 1
   if (M > 1){
        for(j in 1:M){
              if (Y1[1,M] >= Y2[1,M]){
                    if (!all(Y1[,j] > Y2[,j]))
                        Gy[j] <- min(which((Y1[,j]-Y2[,j]) <= 0)) - 1
             }else{ if (!all(Y1[,j] < Y2[,j])) 
                        Gy[j] <- min(which((Y1[,j]-Y2[,j]) >= 0)) - 1
             if (Y1[1] >= Y2[1]){
                    if (!all(Y1 > Y2))
                        Gy <- min(which((Y1-Y2) <= 0)) - 1
            }else{  if (!all(Y1 < Y2)) 
                        Gy <- min(which((Y1-Y2) >= 0)) - 1
   G <- na.omit(data.frame(Gx,Gy))
   Gx <- G$Gx;Gy <- G$Gy
   namex <- "X"
   namey <- "Y"
   namex <- if(M > 1) paste("X",1:length(which(!is.na(Gx))),sep="")
   namey <- if(M > 1) paste("Y",1:length(which(!is.na(Gy))),sep="")
   if (M == 1){ if (is.na(Gx) ){stop( "A crossing has been no realized,trying again (Repeat)..." )}else{X <- ts(c(X1[1:Gx],X2[-(1:Gx)]),start=t0,deltat=deltat(X1),names=namex)}
   }else if (M > 1){ if(length(which(is.na(Gx))) == M){stop( "A crossing has been no realized,trying again (Repeat)..." )
                 }else if (length(which(!is.na(Gx))) == 1){X <- ts(c(X1[,-which(is.na(Gx))][1:Gx[which(!is.na(Gx))]],X2[,-which(is.na(Gx))][-(1:Gx[which(!is.na(Gx))])]),start=t0,deltat=deltat(X1),names=namex)
                 }else if (length(which( is.na(Gx))) == 0){X <- ts(sapply(1:length(which(!is.na(Gx))), function(j) c(X1[,j][1:Gx[!is.na(Gx)][j]],X2[,j][-(1:Gx[!is.na(Gx)][j])])),start=t0,deltat=deltat(X1),names=namex)
                 }else{ X1 <- X1[,-c(which(is.na(Gx)))]
				        X2 <- X2[,-c(which(is.na(Gx)))]
                        X <- ts(sapply(1:length(which(!is.na(Gx))), function(j) c(X1[,j][1:Gx[!is.na(Gx)][j]],X2[,j][-(1:Gx[!is.na(Gx)][j])])),
   if (M == 1){ if (is.na(Gy) ){stop( "A crossing has been no realized,trying again (Repeat)..." )}else{Y <- ts(c(Y1[1:Gy],Y2[-(1:Gy)]),start=t0,deltat=deltat(Y1),names=namey)}
   }else if (M > 1){ if(length(which(is.na(Gy))) == M){stop( "A crossing has been no realized,trying again (Repeat)..." )
                 }else if (length(which(!is.na(Gy))) == 1){Y <- ts(c(Y1[,-which(is.na(Gy))][1:Gy[which(!is.na(Gy))]],Y2[,-which(is.na(Gy))][-(1:Gy[which(!is.na(Gy))])]),start=t0,deltat=deltat(Y1),names=namey)
                 }else if (length(which( is.na(Gy))) == 0){Y <- ts(sapply(1:length(which(!is.na(Gy))), function(j) c(Y1[,j][1:Gy[!is.na(Gy)][j]],Y2[,j][-(1:Gy[!is.na(Gy)][j])])),start=t0,deltat=deltat(Y1),names=namey)
                 }else{ Y1 <- Y1[,-c(which(is.na(Gy)))]
				        Y2 <- Y2[,-c(which(is.na(Gy)))]
                        Y <- ts(sapply(1:length(which(!is.na(Gy))), function(j) c(Y1[,j][1:Gy[!is.na(Gy)][j]],Y2[,j][-(1:Gy[!is.na(Gy)][j])])),
    structure(list(X=X,Y=Y, driftx=drift[[1]], diffx=diffusion[[1]],drifty=drift[[2]], diffy=diffusion[[2]],corrmat=corr,type=type,method=method, 
                   x0=x0,y=y, N=N,M=M,Dt=Dt,t0=t0,T=T,Cx=Gx,Cy=Gy,dim="2d",call=match.call()),class="bridgesde2d")


print.bridgesde2d <- function(x, digits=NULL, ...)
    class(x) <- "bridgesde2d"
	Ito = "It\xf4"
    Encoding(Ito) <- "latin1"
    if (x$method=="euler")         
	         sch <- "Euler scheme with order 0.5"
    else if (x$method=="milstein") 
	         sch <- "First-order Milstein scheme"
    else if (x$method=="predcorr") 
	         sch <- "Predictor-corrector method with order 1"
    else if (x$method=="smilstein")
	         sch <- "Second-order Milstein scheme"
    else if (x$method=="taylor")   
	         sch <- "Taylor scheme with order 1.5"
    else if (x$method=="heun")     
	         sch <- "Heun scheme with order 2"
    else if (x$method=="rk1")      
	         sch <- "Runge-Kutta method with order 1"
    else if (x$method=="rk2")      
	         sch <- "Runge-Kutta method with order 2"
    else if (x$method=="rk3")      
	         sch <- "Runge-Kutta method with order 3"
	Drx <- deparse(eval(substitute(substitute(e, list(x=quote(X(t)),y=quote(Y(t)))), list(e = x$driftx))))   
    DDx <- deparse(eval(substitute(substitute(e, list(x=quote(X(t)),y=quote(Y(t)))), list(e = x$diffx))))
	Dry <- deparse(eval(substitute(substitute(e, list(x=quote(X(t)),y=quote(Y(t)))), list(e = x$drifty))))   
    DDy <- deparse(eval(substitute(substitute(e, list(x=quote(X(t)),y=quote(Y(t)))), list(e = x$diffy)))) 
    if (is.null(x$corrmat)){ 
    cat(Ito," Bridge Sde 2D:","\n",
        "\t| dX(t) = ", Drx," * dt + ", DDx," * dW1(t)","\n", 
        "\t| dY(t) = ", Dry," * dt + ", DDy," * dW2(t)","\n",
        "\t| ",sch,"\n",
        "\t| Size of process","\t| N = ",format(x$N+1,digits=digits),".","\n",
        "\t| Crossing realized","\t| C = ",format(length(which(!is.na(x$Cx))),digits=digits)," among ",format(x$M,digits=digits),".","\n",
        "\t| Initial values","\t| x0 = ","(",format(x$x0[1],digits=digits),",",format(x$x0[2],digits=digits),")",".","\n",
        "\t| Ending values","\t\t| y = ","(",format(x$y[1],digits=digits),",",format(x$y[2],digits=digits),")",".","\n",
        "\t| Time of process","\t| t in [",format(x$t0,digits=digits),",",format(x$T,digits=digits),"].","\n",
        "\t| Discretization","\t| Dt = ",format(x$Dt,digits=digits),".","\n",
    cat("Stratonovich Bridge Sde 2D:","\n",
        "\t| dX(t) = ", Drx," * dt + ", DDx," o dW1(t)","\n", 
        "\t| dY(t) = ", Dry," * dt + ", DDy," o dW2(t)","\n",
        "\t| ",sch,"\n",
        "\t| Size of process","\t| N = ",format(x$N+1,digits=digits),".","\n",
        "\t| Crossing realized","\t| C = ",format(length(which(!is.na(x$Cx))),digits=digits)," among ",format(x$M,digits=digits),".","\n",
        "\t| Initial values","\t| x0 = ","(",format(x$x0[1],digits=digits),",",format(x$x0[2],digits=digits),")",".","\n",
        "\t| Ending values","\t\t| y = ","(",format(x$y[1],digits=digits),",",format(x$y[2],digits=digits),")",".","\n",
        "\t| Time of process","\t| t in [",format(x$t0,digits=digits),",",format(x$T,digits=digits),"].","\n",
        "\t| Discretization","\t| Dt = ",format(x$Dt,digits=digits),".","\n",
        sep="")}} else {
    cat(Ito," Bridge Sde 2D:","\n",
        "\t| dX(t) = ", Drx," * dt + ", DDx," * dB1(t)","\n", 
        "\t| dY(t) = ", Dry," * dt + ", DDy," * dB2(t)","\n",
		"\t| Correlation structure:",sep="")		 
	    prmatrix(x$corrmat,rowlab = rep("            ", 2), collab = rep("", 2),digits=digits)
        "\t| ",sch,"\n",
        "\t| Size of process","\t| N = ",format(x$N+1,digits=digits),".","\n",
        "\t| Crossing realized","\t| C = ",format(length(which(!is.na(x$Cx))),digits=digits)," among ",format(x$M,digits=digits),".","\n",
        "\t| Initial values","\t| x0 = ","(",format(x$x0[1],digits=digits),",",format(x$x0[2],digits=digits),")",".","\n",
        "\t| Ending values","\t\t| y = ","(",format(x$y[1],digits=digits),",",format(x$y[2],digits=digits),")",".","\n",
        "\t| Time of process","\t| t in [",format(x$t0,digits=digits),",",format(x$T,digits=digits),"].","\n",
        "\t| Discretization","\t| Dt = ",format(x$Dt,digits=digits),".","\n",
    cat("Stratonovich Bridge Sde 2D:","\n",
        "\t| dX(t) = ", Drx," * dt + ", DDx," o dB1(t)","\n", 
        "\t| dY(t) = ", Dry," * dt + ", DDy," o dB2(t)","\n",
		"\t| Correlation structure:",sep="")		 
	    prmatrix(x$corrmat,rowlab = rep("            ", 2), collab = rep("", 2),digits=digits)
        "\t| ",sch,"\n",
        "\t| Size of process","\t| N = ",format(x$N+1,digits=digits),".","\n",
        "\t| Crossing realized","\t| C = ",format(length(which(!is.na(x$Cx))),digits=digits)," among ",format(x$M,digits=digits),".","\n",
        "\t| Initial values","\t| x0 = ","(",format(x$x0[1],digits=digits),",",format(x$x0[2],digits=digits),")",".","\n",
        "\t| Ending values","\t\t| y = ","(",format(x$y[1],digits=digits),",",format(x$y[2],digits=digits),")",".","\n",
        "\t| Time of process","\t| t in [",format(x$t0,digits=digits),",",format(x$T,digits=digits),"].","\n",
        "\t| Discretization","\t| Dt = ",format(x$Dt,digits=digits),".","\n",

## Plot

plot.bridgesde2d <- function(x,...) .plot.bridgesde2d(x,...)

lines.bridgesde2d <- function(x,...)
    class(x) <- "bridgesde2d"
    if (length(which(!is.na(x$Cx))) == 1){X = matrix(x$X,nrow=length(x$X),ncol=1)}else{X = x$X}  
    if (length(which(!is.na(x$Cy))) == 1){Y = matrix(x$Y,nrow=length(x$Y),ncol=1)}else{Y = x$Y}				  
    for (i in 1:length(which(!is.na(x$Cx)))){lines(time(x),X[,i],...)}
    for (i in 1:length(which(!is.na(x$Cy)))){lines(time(x),Y[,i],...)}

points.bridgesde2d <- function(x,...)
    class(x) <- "bridgesde2d"
    if (length(which(!is.na(x$Cx))) == 1){X = matrix(x$X,nrow=length(x$X),ncol=1)}else{X = x$X}  
    if (length(which(!is.na(x$Cy))) == 1){Y = matrix(x$Y,nrow=length(x$Y),ncol=1)}else{Y = x$Y}				  
    for (i in 1:length(which(!is.na(x$Cx)))){points(time(x),X[,i],...)}
    for (i in 1:length(which(!is.na(x$Cy)))){points(time(x),Y[,i],...)}

plot2d.bridgesde2d <- function(x,...) .plot2d.bridgesde2d(x,...)

lines2d.bridgesde2d <- function(x,...)
    class(x) <- "bridgesde2d"
    if (length(which(!is.na(x$Cx))) == 1){X = matrix(x$X,nrow=length(x$X),ncol=1)}else{X = x$X}  
    if (length(which(!is.na(x$Cy))) == 1){Y = matrix(x$Y,nrow=length(x$Y),ncol=1)}else{Y = x$Y}	
    X <- X[,1]
    Y <- Y[,1]

points2d.bridgesde2d <- function(x,...)
    class(x) <- "bridgesde2d"
    if (length(which(!is.na(x$Cx))) == 1){X = matrix(x$X,nrow=length(x$X),ncol=1)}else{X = x$X}  
    if (length(which(!is.na(x$Cy))) == 1){Y = matrix(x$Y,nrow=length(x$Y),ncol=1)}else{Y = x$Y}	
    X <- X[,1]
    Y <- Y[,1]

## summary

summary.bridgesde2d <- function(object,at,digits=NULL,...)
    class(object) <- "bridgesde2d"
    if (missing(at)) {at = (as.numeric(object$T)-as.numeric(object$t0))/2}
	if (is.null(digits)){digits = base::options()$digits}
    if (any(object$T < at || object$t0 > at) )  
	     stop( " please use 't0 <= at <= T'")
	C = length(which(!is.na(object$Cx)))
	if (as.numeric(C) == 1){  X = matrix(object$X,nrow=length(object$X),ncol=1)
	                     Y = matrix(object$Y,nrow=length(object$Y),ncol=1)}else{
				  X = object$X
				  Y = object$Y}
    x   <- as.vector(X[which(time(object)==as.character(at)),])
    y   <- as.vector(Y[which(time(object)==as.character(at)),])
    if (length(x) == 0){
	if (as.numeric(C)==1){ Fx   <- lapply(1:as.numeric(C),function(i) approxfun(time(object),object$X))}else{
                      Fx   <- lapply(1:as.numeric(C),function(i) approxfun(time(object),object$X[,i]))}
                      x   <- sapply(1:length(Fx),function(i) Fx[[i]](at)) 
    if (length(y) == 0){
	if (as.numeric(C)==1){ Fy   <- lapply(1:as.numeric(C),function(i) approxfun(time(object),object$Y))}else{
                      Fy   <- lapply(1:as.numeric(C),function(i) approxfun(time(object),object$Y[,i]))}
                      y   <- sapply(1:length(Fy),function(i) Fy[[i]](at)) 
    cat("\nMonte-Carlo Statistics for (X(t),Y(t)) at time t = ",at,"\n",
	    "\t| Crossing realized ",C," among ",object$M,"\n",
    res <- as.data.frame(matrix(c(mean(x,na.rm = TRUE),var(x,na.rm = TRUE),Median(x),Mode(x),
                               quantile(x,0.25,na.rm = TRUE),quantile(x,0.75,na.rm = TRUE),min(x,na.rm=TRUE),
                               mean(y,na.rm = TRUE),var(y,na.rm = TRUE),Median(y),Mode(y),
                               quantile(y,0.25,na.rm = TRUE),quantile(y,0.75,na.rm = TRUE),min(y,na.rm=TRUE),
	dimnames(res) <- list(c("Mean","Variance","Median","Mode","First quartile","Third quartile","Minimum","Maximum","Skewness","Kurtosis",
	                         "Coef-variation","3th-order moment","4th-order moment","5th-order moment","6th-order moment"),c("X","Y"))
    print(round(res,digits=digits), quote = FALSE, right = TRUE,...)

mean.bridgesde2d <- function(x,at,...)
	object <- x
    class(object) <- "bridgesde2d"
    if (missing(at)) {at = (as.numeric(object$T)-as.numeric(object$t0))/2}
    if (any(object$T < at || object$t0 > at) )  
	     stop( " please use 't0 <= at <= T'")
	C = length(which(!is.na(object$Cx)))
	if (as.numeric(C) == 1){  X = matrix(object$X,nrow=length(object$X),ncol=1)
	                     Y = matrix(object$Y,nrow=length(object$Y),ncol=1)}else{
				  X = object$X
				  Y = object$Y}
    x   <- as.vector(X[which(time(object)==as.character(at)),])
    y   <- as.vector(Y[which(time(object)==as.character(at)),])
    if (length(x) == 0){
	if (as.numeric(C)==1){ Fx   <- lapply(1:as.numeric(C),function(i) approxfun(time(object),object$X))}else{
                      Fx   <- lapply(1:as.numeric(C),function(i) approxfun(time(object),object$X[,i]))}
                      x   <- sapply(1:length(Fx),function(i) Fx[[i]](at)) 
    if (length(y) == 0){
	if (as.numeric(C)==1){ Fy   <- lapply(1:as.numeric(C),function(i) approxfun(time(object),object$Y))}else{
                      Fy   <- lapply(1:as.numeric(C),function(i) approxfun(time(object),object$Y[,i]))}
                      y   <- sapply(1:length(Fy),function(i) Fy[[i]](at)) 
	return(c(mean(x,na.rm = TRUE,...),mean(y,na.rm = TRUE,...)))

cv.bridgesde2d  <- function(x,at,...)
	object <- x
    class(object) <- "bridgesde2d"
    if (missing(at)) {at = (as.numeric(object$T)-as.numeric(object$t0))/2}
    if (any(object$T < at || object$t0 > at) )  
	      stop( " please use 't0 <= at <= T'")
	C = length(which(!is.na(object$Cx)))
	if (as.numeric(C) == 1){  X = matrix(object$X,nrow=length(object$X),ncol=1)
	                     Y = matrix(object$Y,nrow=length(object$Y),ncol=1)}else{
				  X = object$X
				  Y = object$Y}
    x   <- as.vector(X[which(time(object)==as.character(at)),])
    y   <- as.vector(Y[which(time(object)==as.character(at)),])
    if (length(x) == 0){
	if (as.numeric(C)==1){ Fx   <- lapply(1:as.numeric(C),function(i) approxfun(time(object),object$X))}else{
                      Fx   <- lapply(1:as.numeric(C),function(i) approxfun(time(object),object$X[,i]))}
                      x   <- sapply(1:length(Fx),function(i) Fx[[i]](at)) 
    if (length(y) == 0){
	if (as.numeric(C)==1){ Fy   <- lapply(1:as.numeric(C),function(i) approxfun(time(object),object$Y))}else{
                      Fy   <- lapply(1:as.numeric(C),function(i) approxfun(time(object),object$Y[,i]))}
                      y   <- sapply(1:length(Fy),function(i) Fy[[i]](at)) 

max.bridgesde2d  <- function(x,at,...)
	object <- x
    class(object) <- "bridgesde2d"
    if (missing(at)) {at = (as.numeric(object$T)-as.numeric(object$t0))/2}
    if (any(object$T < at || object$t0 > at) )  
	      stop( " please use 't0 <= at <= T'")
	C = length(which(!is.na(object$Cx)))
	if (as.numeric(C) == 1){  X = matrix(object$X,nrow=length(object$X),ncol=1)
	                     Y = matrix(object$Y,nrow=length(object$Y),ncol=1)}else{
				  X = object$X
				  Y = object$Y}
    x   <- as.vector(X[which(time(object)==as.character(at)),])
    y   <- as.vector(Y[which(time(object)==as.character(at)),])
    if (length(x) == 0){
	if (as.numeric(C)==1){ Fx   <- lapply(1:as.numeric(C),function(i) approxfun(time(object),object$X))}else{
                      Fx   <- lapply(1:as.numeric(C),function(i) approxfun(time(object),object$X[,i]))}
                      x   <- sapply(1:length(Fx),function(i) Fx[[i]](at)) 
    if (length(y) == 0){
	if (as.numeric(C)==1){ Fy   <- lapply(1:as.numeric(C),function(i) approxfun(time(object),object$Y))}else{
                      Fy   <- lapply(1:as.numeric(C),function(i) approxfun(time(object),object$Y[,i]))}
                      y   <- sapply(1:length(Fy),function(i) Fy[[i]](at)) 
	return(c(max(x,na.rm = TRUE),max(y,na.rm = TRUE)))

min.bridgesde2d  <- function(x,at,...)
	object <- x
    class(object) <- "bridgesde2d"
    if (missing(at)) {at = (as.numeric(object$T)-as.numeric(object$t0))/2}
    if (any(object$T < at || object$t0 > at) )  
	         stop( " please use 't0 <= at <= T'")
	C = length(which(!is.na(object$Cx)))
	if (as.numeric(C) == 1){  X = matrix(object$X,nrow=length(object$X),ncol=1)
	                     Y = matrix(object$Y,nrow=length(object$Y),ncol=1)}else{
				  X = object$X
				  Y = object$Y}
    x   <- as.vector(X[which(time(object)==as.character(at)),])
    y   <- as.vector(Y[which(time(object)==as.character(at)),])
    if (length(x) == 0){
	if (as.numeric(C)==1){ Fx   <- lapply(1:as.numeric(C),function(i) approxfun(time(object),object$X))}else{
                      Fx   <- lapply(1:as.numeric(C),function(i) approxfun(time(object),object$X[,i]))}
                      x   <- sapply(1:length(Fx),function(i) Fx[[i]](at)) 
    if (length(y) == 0){
	if (as.numeric(C)==1){ Fy   <- lapply(1:as.numeric(C),function(i) approxfun(time(object),object$Y))}else{
                      Fy   <- lapply(1:as.numeric(C),function(i) approxfun(time(object),object$Y[,i]))}
                      y   <- sapply(1:length(Fy),function(i) Fy[[i]](at)) 
	return(c(min(x,na.rm = TRUE),min(y,na.rm = TRUE)))

skewness.bridgesde2d <- function(x,at,...)
	object <- x
    class(object) <- "bridgesde2d"
    if (missing(at)) {at = (as.numeric(object$T)-as.numeric(object$t0))/2}
    if (any(object$T < at || object$t0 > at) )  
	      stop( " please use 't0 <= at <= T'")
	C = length(which(!is.na(object$Cx)))
	if (as.numeric(C) == 1){  X = matrix(object$X,nrow=length(object$X),ncol=1)
	                     Y = matrix(object$Y,nrow=length(object$Y),ncol=1)}else{
				  X = object$X
				  Y = object$Y}
    x   <- as.vector(X[which(time(object)==as.character(at)),])
    y   <- as.vector(Y[which(time(object)==as.character(at)),])
    if (length(x) == 0){
	if (as.numeric(C)==1){ Fx   <- lapply(1:as.numeric(C),function(i) approxfun(time(object),object$X))}else{
                      Fx   <- lapply(1:as.numeric(C),function(i) approxfun(time(object),object$X[,i]))}
                      x   <- sapply(1:length(Fx),function(i) Fx[[i]](at)) 
    if (length(y) == 0){
	if (as.numeric(C)==1){ Fy   <- lapply(1:as.numeric(C),function(i) approxfun(time(object),object$Y))}else{
                      Fy   <- lapply(1:as.numeric(C),function(i) approxfun(time(object),object$Y[,i]))}
                      y   <- sapply(1:length(Fy),function(i) Fy[[i]](at)) 

kurtosis.bridgesde2d <- function(x,at,...)
	object <- x
    class(object) <- "bridgesde2d"
    if (missing(at)) {at = (as.numeric(object$T)-as.numeric(object$t0))/2}
    if (any(object$T < at || object$t0 > at) )  
	     stop( " please use 't0 <= at <= T'")
	C = length(which(!is.na(object$Cx)))
	if (as.numeric(C) == 1){  X = matrix(object$X,nrow=length(object$X),ncol=1)
	                     Y = matrix(object$Y,nrow=length(object$Y),ncol=1)}else{
				  X = object$X
				  Y = object$Y}
    x   <- as.vector(X[which(time(object)==as.character(at)),])
    y   <- as.vector(Y[which(time(object)==as.character(at)),])
    if (length(x) == 0){
	if (as.numeric(C)==1){ Fx   <- lapply(1:as.numeric(C),function(i) approxfun(time(object),object$X))}else{
                      Fx   <- lapply(1:as.numeric(C),function(i) approxfun(time(object),object$X[,i]))}
                      x   <- sapply(1:length(Fx),function(i) Fx[[i]](at)) 
    if (length(y) == 0){
	if (as.numeric(C)==1){ Fy   <- lapply(1:as.numeric(C),function(i) approxfun(time(object),object$Y))}else{
                      Fy   <- lapply(1:as.numeric(C),function(i) approxfun(time(object),object$Y[,i]))}
                      y   <- sapply(1:length(Fy),function(i) Fy[[i]](at)) 

Median.bridgesde2d <- function(x, at,...)
	object <- x
    class(object) <- "bridgesde2d"
    if (missing(at)) {at = (as.numeric(object$T)-as.numeric(object$t0))/2}
    if (any(object$T < at || object$t0 > at) )  
	     stop( " please use 't0 <= at <= T'")
	C = length(which(!is.na(object$Cx)))
	if (as.numeric(C) == 1){  X = matrix(object$X,nrow=length(object$X),ncol=1)
	                     Y = matrix(object$Y,nrow=length(object$Y),ncol=1)}else{
				  X = object$X
				  Y = object$Y}
    x   <- as.vector(X[which(time(object)==as.character(at)),])
    y   <- as.vector(Y[which(time(object)==as.character(at)),])
    if (length(x) == 0){
	if (as.numeric(C)==1){ Fx   <- lapply(1:as.numeric(C),function(i) approxfun(time(object),object$X))}else{
                      Fx   <- lapply(1:as.numeric(C),function(i) approxfun(time(object),object$X[,i]))}
                      x   <- sapply(1:length(Fx),function(i) Fx[[i]](at)) 
    if (length(y) == 0){
	if (as.numeric(C)==1){ Fy   <- lapply(1:as.numeric(C),function(i) approxfun(time(object),object$Y))}else{
                      Fy   <- lapply(1:as.numeric(C),function(i) approxfun(time(object),object$Y[,i]))}
                      y   <- sapply(1:length(Fy),function(i) Fy[[i]](at)) 

Mode.bridgesde2d <- function(x, at,...)
	object <- x
    class(object) <- "bridgesde2d"
    if (missing(at)) {at = (as.numeric(object$T)-as.numeric(object$t0))/2}
    if (any(object$T < at || object$t0 > at) )  
	     stop( " please use 't0 <= at <= T'")
	C = length(which(!is.na(object$Cx)))
	if (as.numeric(C) == 1){  X = matrix(object$X,nrow=length(object$X),ncol=1)
	                     Y = matrix(object$Y,nrow=length(object$Y),ncol=1)}else{
				  X = object$X
				  Y = object$Y}
    x   <- as.vector(X[which(time(object)==as.character(at)),])
    y   <- as.vector(Y[which(time(object)==as.character(at)),])
    if (length(x) == 0){
	if (as.numeric(C)==1){ Fx   <- lapply(1:as.numeric(C),function(i) approxfun(time(object),object$X))}else{
                      Fx   <- lapply(1:as.numeric(C),function(i) approxfun(time(object),object$X[,i]))}
                      x   <- sapply(1:length(Fx),function(i) Fx[[i]](at)) 
    if (length(y) == 0){
	if (as.numeric(C)==1){ Fy   <- lapply(1:as.numeric(C),function(i) approxfun(time(object),object$Y))}else{
                      Fy   <- lapply(1:as.numeric(C),function(i) approxfun(time(object),object$Y[,i]))}
                      y   <- sapply(1:length(Fy),function(i) Fy[[i]](at)) 

quantile.bridgesde2d <- function(x,at,...)
	object <- x
    class(object) <- "bridgesde2d"
    if (missing(at)) {at = (as.numeric(object$T)-as.numeric(object$t0))/2}
    if (any(object$T < at || object$t0 > at) )  
	     stop( " please use 't0 <= at <= T'")
	C = length(which(!is.na(object$Cx)))
	if (as.numeric(C) == 1){  X = matrix(object$X,nrow=length(object$X),ncol=1)
	                     Y = matrix(object$Y,nrow=length(object$Y),ncol=1)}else{
				  X = object$X
				  Y = object$Y}
    x   <- as.vector(X[which(time(object)==as.character(at)),])
    y   <- as.vector(Y[which(time(object)==as.character(at)),])
    if (length(x) == 0){
	if (as.numeric(C)==1){ Fx   <- lapply(1:as.numeric(C),function(i) approxfun(time(object),object$X))}else{
                      Fx   <- lapply(1:as.numeric(C),function(i) approxfun(time(object),object$X[,i]))}
                      x   <- sapply(1:length(Fx),function(i) Fx[[i]](at)) 
    if (length(y) == 0){
	if (as.numeric(C)==1){ Fy   <- lapply(1:as.numeric(C),function(i) approxfun(time(object),object$Y))}else{
                      Fy   <- lapply(1:as.numeric(C),function(i) approxfun(time(object),object$Y[,i]))}
                      y   <- sapply(1:length(Fy),function(i) Fy[[i]](at)) 

moment.bridgesde2d <- function(x,at,...)
	object <- x
    class(object) <- "bridgesde2d"
    if (missing(at)) {at = (as.numeric(object$T)-as.numeric(object$t0))/2}
    if (any(object$T < at || object$t0 > at) )  
	     stop( " please use 't0 <= at <= T'")
	C = length(which(!is.na(object$Cx)))
	if (as.numeric(C) == 1){  X = matrix(object$X,nrow=length(object$X),ncol=1)
	                     Y = matrix(object$Y,nrow=length(object$Y),ncol=1)}else{
				  X = object$X
				  Y = object$Y}
    x   <- as.vector(X[which(time(object)==as.character(at)),])
    y   <- as.vector(Y[which(time(object)==as.character(at)),])
    if (length(x) == 0){
	if (as.numeric(C)==1){ Fx   <- lapply(1:as.numeric(C),function(i) approxfun(time(object),object$X))}else{
                      Fx   <- lapply(1:as.numeric(C),function(i) approxfun(time(object),object$X[,i]))}
                      x   <- sapply(1:length(Fx),function(i) Fx[[i]](at)) 
    if (length(y) == 0){
	if (as.numeric(C)==1){ Fy   <- lapply(1:as.numeric(C),function(i) approxfun(time(object),object$Y))}else{
                      Fy   <- lapply(1:as.numeric(C),function(i) approxfun(time(object),object$Y[,i]))}
                      y   <- sapply(1:length(Fy),function(i) Fy[[i]](at)) 

bconfint.bridgesde2d <- function(x,at,...)
	object <- x
    class(object) <- "bridgesde2d"
    if (missing(at)) {at = (as.numeric(object$T)-as.numeric(object$t0))/2}
    if (any(object$T < at || object$t0 > at) )  
	     stop( " please use 't0 <= at <= T'")
	C = length(which(!is.na(object$Cx)))
	if (as.numeric(C) == 1){  X = matrix(object$X,nrow=length(object$X),ncol=1)
	                     Y = matrix(object$Y,nrow=length(object$Y),ncol=1)}else{
				  X = object$X
				  Y = object$Y}
    x   <- as.vector(X[which(time(object)==as.character(at)),])
    y   <- as.vector(Y[which(time(object)==as.character(at)),])
    if (length(x) == 0){
	if (as.numeric(C)==1){ Fx   <- lapply(1:as.numeric(C),function(i) approxfun(time(object),object$X))}else{
                      Fx   <- lapply(1:as.numeric(C),function(i) approxfun(time(object),object$X[,i]))}
                      x   <- sapply(1:length(Fx),function(i) Fx[[i]](at)) 
    if (length(y) == 0){
	if (as.numeric(C)==1){ Fy   <- lapply(1:as.numeric(C),function(i) approxfun(time(object),object$Y))}else{
                      Fy   <- lapply(1:as.numeric(C),function(i) approxfun(time(object),object$Y[,i]))}
                      y   <- sapply(1:length(Fy),function(i) Fy[[i]](at)) 

time.bridgesde2d <- function(x,...)
    class(x) <- "bridgesde2d"

##### bridgesde3d

bridgesde3d <- function(N, ...)  UseMethod("bridgesde3d")

bridgesde3d.default <- function(N =1000,M=1,x0=c(0,0,0),y=c(0,0,0),t0=0,T=1,Dt,drift,diffusion,
                               corr=NULL, alpha=0.5,mu=0.5,type=c("ito","str"), method=c(
    if (!is.numeric(x0) || length(x0) != 3) 
	                            stop("'x0' must be numeric, and length(x0) = 3 ")
    if (!is.numeric(y)  || length(y) != 3) 
	                            stop("'y' must be numeric, and length(y) = 3 ")
    if (any(!is.numeric(t0) || !is.numeric(T))) 
	                            stop(" 't0' and 'T' must be numeric")
    if (any(!is.numeric(N)  || (N - floor(N) > 0) || N <= 1)) 
	                            stop(" 'N' must be a positive integer ")
    if (any(!is.numeric(M)  || (M - floor(M) > 0) || M <= 0))  
	                            stop(" 'M' must be a positive integer ")
	if (length(drift) !=3 ) 
	               stop("drift must be expression 3d (vector of 3 expression)")
	if (length(diffusion) !=3 ) 
	               stop("diffusion must be expression 3d (vector of 3 expression)")
    if (any(!is.expression(drift) || !is.expression(diffusion) )) 
	               stop(" coefficient of 'drift' and 'diffusion' must be expressions in 't', 'x', 'y' and 'z'")
    if (missing(type)) type <- "ito"
	if (!is.null(corr)) {
        if (any(!is.matrix(corr) || det(corr) <= 0 || nrow(corr)!=3 || ncol(corr)!=3 || !isSymmetric(corr)))
                     stop("the correlation structure of W1(t), W2(t) and W3(t) must be a real symmetric\n  positive-definite square matrix of dimension 3") 	   
    method <- match.arg(method)
	if (!is.null(corr) && method != "euler" && method != "milstein") {method="euler"}
    if (method =="predcorr"){
    if (any(alpha > 1 || alpha < 0)) 
	      stop("please use '0 <= alpha <= 1' ")
    if (any(mu > 1 || mu < 0))       
	      stop("please use '0 <= mu <= 1' ")
    if ( t0 < 0 || T < 0 ) 
	      stop(" please use positive times! (0 <= t0 < T) ")
    if (missing(Dt)) {
        t <- seq(t0, T, by=Dt)
    } else {
        t <- c(t0, t0 + cumsum(rep(Dt, N)))
		T <- t[N + 1]
    Dt <- (T - t0)/N	
	X1 <- snssde3d(N,M,x0=c(x0[1],x0[2],x0[3]),t0,T,Dt,drift,diffusion,corr,alpha,mu,type, method,...)$X
    Y1 <- snssde3d(N,M,x0=c(x0[1],x0[2],x0[3]),t0,T,Dt,drift,diffusion,corr,alpha,mu,type, method,...)$Y
	Z1 <- snssde3d(N,M,x0=c(x0[1],x0[2],x0[3]),t0,T,Dt,drift,diffusion,corr,alpha,mu,type, method,...)$Z
    if (M > 1){X2 <- apply(data.frame(snssde3d(N,M,x0=c(y[1],y[2],y[3]),t0,T,Dt,drift,diffusion,corr,alpha,mu,type, method,...)$X),2,rev)
	           Y2 <- apply(data.frame(snssde3d(N,M,x0=c(y[1],y[2],y[3]),t0,T,Dt,drift,diffusion,corr,alpha,mu,type, method,...)$Y),2,rev)
			   Z2 <- apply(data.frame(snssde3d(N,M,x0=c(y[1],y[2],y[3]),t0,T,Dt,drift,diffusion,corr,alpha,mu,type, method,...)$Z),2,rev)
    }else{X2 <- rev(snssde3d(N,M,x0=c(y[1],y[2],y[3]),t0,T,Dt,drift,diffusion,corr,alpha,mu,type, method,...)$X)
	      Y2 <- rev(snssde3d(N,M,x0=c(y[1],y[2],y[3]),t0,T,Dt,drift,diffusion,corr,alpha,mu,type, method,...)$Y)
	      Z2 <- rev(snssde3d(N,M,x0=c(y[1],y[2],y[3]),t0,T,Dt,drift,diffusion,corr,alpha,mu,type, method,...)$Z)		  
    Gx = Gy = Gz <- rep(NA,M)
    if (M > 1){
        for(j in 1:M){
              if (X1[1,M] >= X2[1,M]){
                    if (!all(X1[,j] > X2[,j]))
                        Gx[j] <- min(which((X1[,j]-X2[,j]) <= 0)) - 1
             }else{ if (!all(X1[,j] < X2[,j])) 
                        Gx[j] <- min(which((X1[,j]-X2[,j]) >= 0)) - 1
             if (X1[1] >= X2[1]){
                    if (!all(X1 > X2))
                        Gx <- min(which((X1-X2) <= 0)) - 1
            }else{  if (!all(X1 < X2)) 
                        Gx <- min(which((X1-X2) >= 0)) - 1
   if (M > 1){
        for(j in 1:M){
              if (Y1[1,M] >= Y2[1,M]){
                    if (!all(Y1[,j] > Y2[,j]))
                        Gy[j] <- min(which((Y1[,j]-Y2[,j]) <= 0)) - 1
             }else{ if (!all(Y1[,j] < Y2[,j])) 
                        Gy[j] <- min(which((Y1[,j]-Y2[,j]) >= 0)) - 1
             if (Y1[1] >= Y2[1]){
                    if (!all(Y1 > Y2))
                        Gy <- min(which((Y1-Y2) <= 0)) - 1
            }else{  if (!all(Y1 < Y2)) 
                        Gy <- min(which((Y1-Y2) >= 0)) - 1
   if (M > 1){
        for(j in 1:M){
              if (Z1[1,M] >= Z2[1,M]){
                    if (!all(Z1[,j] > Z2[,j]))
                        Gz[j] <- min(which((Z1[,j]-Z2[,j]) <= 0)) - 1
             }else{ if (!all(Z1[,j] < Z2[,j])) 
                        Gz[j] <- min(which((Z1[,j]-Z2[,j]) >= 0)) - 1
             if (Z1[1] >= Z2[1]){
                    if (!all(Z1 > Z2))
                        Gz <- min(which((Z1-Z2) <= 0)) - 1
            }else{  if (!all(Z1 < Z2)) 
                        Gz <- min(which((Z1-Z2) >= 0)) - 1
   G <- na.omit(data.frame(Gx,Gy,Gz))
   Gx <- G$Gx;Gy <- G$Gy; Gz <- G$Gz
   namex <- "X"
   namey <- "Y"
   namey <- "Z"
   namex <- if(M > 1) paste("X",1:length(which(!is.na(Gx))),sep="")
   namey <- if(M > 1) paste("Y",1:length(which(!is.na(Gy))),sep="")
   namez <- if(M > 1) paste("Z",1:length(which(!is.na(Gz))),sep="")
   if (M == 1){ if (is.na(Gx) ){stop( "A crossing has been no realized,trying again (Repeat)..." )}else{X <- ts(c(X1[1:Gx],X2[-(1:Gx)]),start=t0,deltat=deltat(X1),names=namex)}
   }else if (M > 1){ if(length(which(is.na(Gx))) == M){stop( "A crossing has been no realized,trying again (Repeat)..." )
                 }else if (length(which(!is.na(Gx))) == 1){X <- ts(c(X1[,-which(is.na(Gx))][1:Gx[which(!is.na(Gx))]],X2[,-which(is.na(Gx))][-(1:Gx[which(!is.na(Gx))])]),start=t0,deltat=deltat(X1),names=namex)
                 }else if (length(which( is.na(Gx))) == 0){X <- ts(sapply(1:length(which(!is.na(Gx))), function(j) c(X1[,j][1:Gx[!is.na(Gx)][j]],X2[,j][-(1:Gx[!is.na(Gx)][j])])),start=t0,deltat=deltat(X1),names=namex)
                 }else{ X1 <- X1[,-c(which(is.na(Gx)))]
				        X2 <- X2[,-c(which(is.na(Gx)))]
                        X <- ts(sapply(1:length(which(!is.na(Gx))), function(j) c(X1[,j][1:Gx[!is.na(Gx)][j]],X2[,j][-(1:Gx[!is.na(Gx)][j])])),
   if (M == 1){ if (is.na(Gy) ){stop( "A crossing has been no realized,trying again (Repeat)..." )}else{Y <- ts(c(Y1[1:Gy],Y2[-(1:Gy)]),start=t0,deltat=deltat(Y1),names=namey)}
   }else if (M > 1){ if(length(which(is.na(Gy))) == M){stop( "A crossing has been no realized,trying again (Repeat)..." )
                 }else if (length(which(!is.na(Gy))) == 1){Y <- ts(c(Y1[,-which(is.na(Gy))][1:Gy[which(!is.na(Gy))]],Y2[,-which(is.na(Gy))][-(1:Gy[which(!is.na(Gy))])]),start=t0,deltat=deltat(Y1),names=namey)
                 }else if (length(which( is.na(Gy))) == 0){Y <- ts(sapply(1:length(which(!is.na(Gy))), function(j) c(Y1[,j][1:Gy[!is.na(Gy)][j]],Y2[,j][-(1:Gy[!is.na(Gy)][j])])),start=t0,deltat=deltat(Y1),names=namey)
                 }else{ Y1 <- Y1[,-c(which(is.na(Gy)))]
				        Y2 <- Y2[,-c(which(is.na(Gy)))]
                        Y <- ts(sapply(1:length(which(!is.na(Gy))), function(j) c(Y1[,j][1:Gy[!is.na(Gy)][j]],Y2[,j][-(1:Gy[!is.na(Gy)][j])])),
   if (M == 1){ if (is.na(Gz) ){stop( "A crossing has been no realized,trying again (Repeat)..." )}else{Z <- ts(c(Z1[1:Gz],Z2[-(1:Gz)]),start=t0,deltat=deltat(Z1),names=namez)}
   }else if (M > 1){ if(length(which(is.na(Gz))) == M){stop( "A crossing has been no realized,trying again (Repeat)..." )
                 }else if (length(which(!is.na(Gz))) == 1){Z <- ts(c(Z1[,-which(is.na(Gz))][1:Gz[which(!is.na(Gz))]],Z2[,-which(is.na(Gz))][-(1:Gz[which(!is.na(Gz))])]),start=t0,deltat=deltat(Z1),names=namez)
                 }else if (length(which( is.na(Gz))) == 0){Z <- ts(sapply(1:length(which(!is.na(Gz))), function(j) c(Z1[,j][1:Gz[!is.na(Gz)][j]],Z2[,j][-(1:Gz[!is.na(Gz)][j])])),start=t0,deltat=deltat(Z1),names=namez)
                 }else{ Z1 <- Z1[,-c(which(is.na(Gz)))]
				        Z2 <- Z2[,-c(which(is.na(Gz)))]
                        Z <- ts(sapply(1:length(which(!is.na(Gz))), function(j) c(Z1[,j][1:Gz[!is.na(Gz)][j]],Z2[,j][-(1:Gz[!is.na(Gz)][j])])),
   structure(list(X=X,Y=Y,Z=Z, driftx=drift[[1]], diffx=diffusion[[1]],drifty=drift[[2]], diffy=diffusion[[2]],driftz=drift[[3]],diffz=diffusion[[3]],
                   type=type,corrmat=corr,method=method, x0=x0,y=y, N=N,M=M,Dt=Dt,t0=t0,T=T,Cx=Gx,Cy=Gy,Cz=Gz,dim="3d",call=match.call()),class="bridgesde3d")


print.bridgesde3d <- function(x, digits=NULL, ...)
    class(x) <- "bridgesde3d"
	Ito = "It\xf4"
    Encoding(Ito) <- "latin1"
    if (x$method=="euler")         
	         sch <- "Euler scheme with order 0.5"
    else if (x$method=="milstein") 
	         sch <- "First-order Milstein scheme"
    else if (x$method=="predcorr") 
	         sch <- "Predictor-corrector method with order 1"
    else if (x$method=="smilstein")
	         sch <- "Second-order Milstein scheme"
    else if (x$method=="taylor")   
	         sch <- "Taylor scheme with order 1.5"
    else if (x$method=="heun")     
	         sch <- "Heun scheme with order 2"
    else if (x$method=="rk1")      
	         sch <- "Runge-Kutta method with order 1"
    else if (x$method=="rk2")      
	         sch <- "Runge-Kutta method with order 2"
    else if (x$method=="rk3")      
	         sch <- "Runge-Kutta method with order 3"
    Drx <- deparse(eval(substitute(substitute(e, list(x=quote(X(t)),y=quote(Y(t)),z=quote(Z(t)))), list(e = x$driftx))))   
    DDx <- deparse(eval(substitute(substitute(e, list(x=quote(X(t)),y=quote(Y(t)),z=quote(Z(t)))), list(e = x$diffx))))
	Dry <- deparse(eval(substitute(substitute(e, list(x=quote(X(t)),y=quote(Y(t)),z=quote(Z(t)))), list(e = x$drifty))))   
    DDy <- deparse(eval(substitute(substitute(e, list(x=quote(X(t)),y=quote(Y(t)),z=quote(Z(t)))), list(e = x$diffy))))
    Drz <- deparse(eval(substitute(substitute(e, list(x=quote(X(t)),y=quote(Y(t)),z=quote(Z(t)))), list(e = x$driftz))))   
    DDz <- deparse(eval(substitute(substitute(e, list(x=quote(X(t)),y=quote(Y(t)),z=quote(Z(t)))), list(e = x$diffz))))
    if (is.null(x$corrmat)){ 
    cat(Ito," Bridge Sde 3D:","\n",
        "\t| dX(t) = ", Drx," * dt + ", DDx," * dW1(t)","\n", 
        "\t| dY(t) = ", Dry," * dt + ", DDy," * dW2(t)","\n",
        "\t| dZ(t) = ", Drz," * dt + ", DDz," * dW3(t)","\n",
        "\t| ",sch,"\n",
        "\t| Size of process","\t| N = ",format(x$N+1,digits=digits),".","\n",
        "\t| Crossing realized","\t| C = ",format(length(which(!is.na(x$Cx))),digits=digits)," among ",format(x$M,digits=digits),".","\n",
        "\t| Initial values","\t| x0 = ","(",format(x$x0[1],digits=digits),",",format(x$x0[2],digits=digits),",",format(x$x0[3],digits=digits),")",".","\n",
        "\t| Ending values","\t\t| y  = ","(",format(x$y[1],digits=digits),",",format(x$y[2],digits=digits),",",format(x$y[3],digits=digits),")",".","\n",
        "\t| Time of process","\t| t in [",format(x$t0,digits=digits),",",format(x$T,digits=digits),"].","\n",
        "\t| Discretization","\t| Dt = ",format(x$Dt,digits=digits),".","\n",
    cat("Stratonovich Bridge Sde 3D:","\n",
        "\t| dX(t) = ", Drx," * dt + ", DDx," o dW1(t)","\n", 
        "\t| dY(t) = ", Dry," * dt + ", DDy," o dW2(t)","\n",
        "\t| dZ(t) = ", Drz," * dt + ", DDz," o dW3(t)","\n",
        "\t| ",sch,"\n",
        "\t| Size of process","\t| N = ",format(x$N+1,digits=digits),".","\n",
        "\t| Crossing realized","\t| C = ",format(length(which(!is.na(x$Cx))),digits=digits)," among ",format(x$M,digits=digits),".","\n",
        "\t| Initial values","\t| x0 = ","(",format(x$x0[1],digits=digits),",",format(x$x0[2],digits=digits),",",format(x$x0[3],digits=digits),")",".","\n",
        "\t| Ending values","\t\t| y  = ","(",format(x$y[1],digits=digits),",",format(x$y[2],digits=digits),",",format(x$y[3],digits=digits),")",".","\n",
        "\t| Time of process","\t| t in [",format(x$t0,digits=digits),",",format(x$T,digits=digits),"].","\n",
        "\t| Discretization","\t| Dt = ",format(x$Dt,digits=digits),".","\n",
        sep="")}} else {
    cat(Ito," Bridge Sde 3D:","\n",
        "\t| dX(t) = ", Drx," * dt + ", DDx," * dB1(t)","\n", 
        "\t| dY(t) = ", Dry," * dt + ", DDy," * dB2(t)","\n",
        "\t| dZ(t) = ", Drz," * dt + ", DDz," * dB3(t)","\n",
		"\t| Correlation structure:",sep="")		 
		prmatrix(x$corrmat,rowlab = rep("            ", 3), collab = rep("", 3),digits=digits)
        "\t| ",sch,"\n",
        "\t| Size of process","\t| N = ",format(x$N+1,digits=digits),".","\n",
        "\t| Crossing realized","\t| C = ",format(length(which(!is.na(x$Cx))),digits=digits)," among ",format(x$M,digits=digits),".","\n",
        "\t| Initial values","\t| x0 = ","(",format(x$x0[1],digits=digits),",",format(x$x0[2],digits=digits),",",format(x$x0[3],digits=digits),")",".","\n",
        "\t| Ending values","\t\t| y  = ","(",format(x$y[1],digits=digits),",",format(x$y[2],digits=digits),",",format(x$y[3],digits=digits),")",".","\n",
        "\t| Time of process","\t| t in [",format(x$t0,digits=digits),",",format(x$T,digits=digits),"].","\n",
        "\t| Discretization","\t| Dt = ",format(x$Dt,digits=digits),".","\n",
    cat("Stratonovich Bridge Sde 3D:","\n",
        "\t| dX(t) = ", Drx," * dt + ", DDx," o dB1(t)","\n", 
        "\t| dY(t) = ", Dry," * dt + ", DDy," o dB2(t)","\n",
        "\t| dZ(t) = ", Drz," * dt + ", DDz," o dB3(t)","\n",
		"\t| Correlation structure:",sep="")		 
		prmatrix(x$corrmat,rowlab = rep("            ", 3), collab = rep("", 3),digits=digits)
        "\t| ",sch,"\n",
        "\t| Size of process","\t| N = ",format(x$N+1,digits=digits),".","\n",
        "\t| Crossing realized","\t| C = ",format(length(which(!is.na(x$Cx))),digits=digits)," among ",format(x$M,digits=digits),".","\n",
        "\t| Initial values","\t| x0 = ","(",format(x$x0[1],digits=digits),",",format(x$x0[2],digits=digits),",",format(x$x0[3],digits=digits),")",".","\n",
        "\t| Ending values","\t\t| y  = ","(",format(x$y[1],digits=digits),",",format(x$y[2],digits=digits),",",format(x$y[3],digits=digits),")",".","\n",
        "\t| Time of process","\t| t in [",format(x$t0,digits=digits),",",format(x$T,digits=digits),"].","\n",
        "\t| Discretization","\t| Dt = ",format(x$Dt,digits=digits),".","\n",

## summary

summary.bridgesde3d <- function(object,at,digits=NULL,...)
    class(object) <- "bridgesde3d"
    if (missing(at)) {at = (as.numeric(object$T)-as.numeric(object$t0))/2}
	if (is.null(digits)){digits = base::options()$digits}
    if (any(object$T < at || object$t0 > at) )  
	     stop( " please use 't0 <= at <= T'")
	C = length(which(!is.na(object$Cx)))
    if (as.numeric(C) == 1){  X = matrix(object$X,nrow=length(object$X),ncol=1)
	              Y = matrix(object$Y,nrow=length(object$Y),ncol=1)
				  Z = matrix(object$Z,nrow=length(object$Z),ncol=1)}else{
				  X = object$X
				  Y = object$Y
				  Z = object$Z}
    x   <- as.vector(X[which(time(object)==as.character(at)),])
    y   <- as.vector(Y[which(time(object)==as.character(at)),])
    z   <- as.vector(Z[which(time(object)==as.character(at)),])
    if (length(x) == 0){
	if (as.numeric(C)==1){ Fx   <- lapply(1:as.numeric(C),function(i) approxfun(time(object),object$X))}else{
               Fx   <- lapply(1:as.numeric(C),function(i) approxfun(time(object),object$X[,i]))}
               x   <- sapply(1:length(Fx),function(i) Fx[[i]](at)) 
    if (length(y) == 0){
	if (as.numeric(C)==1){ Fy   <- lapply(1:as.numeric(C),function(i) approxfun(time(object),object$Y))}else{
               Fy   <- lapply(1:as.numeric(C),function(i) approxfun(time(object),object$Y[,i]))}
               y   <- sapply(1:length(Fy),function(i) Fy[[i]](at)) 
    if (length(z) == 0){
	if (as.numeric(C)==1){ Fz   <- lapply(1:as.numeric(C),function(i) approxfun(time(object),object$Z))}else{
               Fz   <- lapply(1:as.numeric(C),function(i) approxfun(time(object),object$Z[,i]))}
               z   <- sapply(1:length(Fz),function(i) Fz[[i]](at)) 
    cat("\nMonte-Carlo Statistics for (X(t),Y(t),Z(t)) at time t = ",at,"\n",
	    "\t| Crossing realized ",C," among ",object$M,"\n",
    res <- as.data.frame(matrix(c(mean(x,na.rm = TRUE),var(x,na.rm = TRUE),Median(x),Mode(x),
                               quantile(x,0.25,na.rm = TRUE),quantile(x,0.75,na.rm = TRUE),min(x,na.rm=TRUE),max(x,na.rm=TRUE),
                               mean(y,na.rm = TRUE),var(y,na.rm = TRUE),Median(y),Mode(y),
                               quantile(y,0.25,na.rm = TRUE),quantile(y,0.75,na.rm = TRUE),min(y,na.rm=TRUE),max(y,na.rm=TRUE),
                               mean(z,na.rm = TRUE),var(z,na.rm = TRUE),Median(z),Mode(z),
                               quantile(z,0.25,na.rm = TRUE),quantile(z,0.75,na.rm = TRUE),min(z,na.rm=TRUE),max(z,na.rm=TRUE),
	dimnames(res) <- list(c("Mean","Variance","Median","Mode","First quartile","Third quartile","Minimum","Maximum","Skewness","Kurtosis",
	                         "Coef-variation","3th-order moment","4th-order moment","5th-order moment","6th-order moment"),c("X","Y","Z"))
    print(round(res,digits=digits), quote = FALSE, right = TRUE,...)

mean.bridgesde3d <- function(x,at,...)
	object <- x
    class(object) <- "bridgesde3d"
    if (missing(at)) {at = (as.numeric(object$T)-as.numeric(object$t0))/2}
    if (any(object$T < at || object$t0 > at) )  
	     stop( " please use 't0 <= at <= T'")
	C = length(which(!is.na(object$Cx)))
    if (as.numeric(C) == 1){  X = matrix(object$X,nrow=length(object$X),ncol=1)
	              Y = matrix(object$Y,nrow=length(object$Y),ncol=1)
				  Z = matrix(object$Z,nrow=length(object$Z),ncol=1)}else{
				  X = object$X
				  Y = object$Y
				  Z = object$Z}
    x   <- as.vector(X[which(time(object)==as.character(at)),])
    y   <- as.vector(Y[which(time(object)==as.character(at)),])
    z   <- as.vector(Z[which(time(object)==as.character(at)),])
    if (length(x) == 0){
	if (as.numeric(C)==1){ Fx   <- lapply(1:as.numeric(C),function(i) approxfun(time(object),object$X))}else{
               Fx   <- lapply(1:as.numeric(C),function(i) approxfun(time(object),object$X[,i]))}
               x   <- sapply(1:length(Fx),function(i) Fx[[i]](at)) 
    if (length(y) == 0){
	if (as.numeric(C)==1){ Fy   <- lapply(1:as.numeric(C),function(i) approxfun(time(object),object$Y))}else{
               Fy   <- lapply(1:as.numeric(C),function(i) approxfun(time(object),object$Y[,i]))}
               y   <- sapply(1:length(Fy),function(i) Fy[[i]](at)) 
    if (length(z) == 0){
	if (as.numeric(C)==1){ Fz   <- lapply(1:as.numeric(C),function(i) approxfun(time(object),object$Z))}else{
               Fz   <- lapply(1:as.numeric(C),function(i) approxfun(time(object),object$Z[,i]))}
               z   <- sapply(1:length(Fz),function(i) Fz[[i]](at)) 
	return(c(mean(x,na.rm = TRUE,...),mean(y,na.rm = TRUE,...),mean(z,na.rm = TRUE,...)))

cv.bridgesde3d  <- function(x,at,...)
	object <- x
    class(object) <- "bridgesde3d"
    if (missing(at)) {at = (as.numeric(object$T)-as.numeric(object$t0))/2}
    if (any(object$T < at || object$t0 > at) )  
	     stop( " please use 't0 <= at <= T'")
	C = length(which(!is.na(object$Cx)))
    if (as.numeric(C) == 1){  X = matrix(object$X,nrow=length(object$X),ncol=1)
	              Y = matrix(object$Y,nrow=length(object$Y),ncol=1)
				  Z = matrix(object$Z,nrow=length(object$Z),ncol=1)}else{
				  X = object$X
				  Y = object$Y
				  Z = object$Z}
    x   <- as.vector(X[which(time(object)==as.character(at)),])
    y   <- as.vector(Y[which(time(object)==as.character(at)),])
    z   <- as.vector(Z[which(time(object)==as.character(at)),])
    if (length(x) == 0){
	if (as.numeric(C)==1){ Fx   <- lapply(1:as.numeric(C),function(i) approxfun(time(object),object$X))}else{
               Fx   <- lapply(1:as.numeric(C),function(i) approxfun(time(object),object$X[,i]))}
               x   <- sapply(1:length(Fx),function(i) Fx[[i]](at)) 
    if (length(y) == 0){
	if (as.numeric(C)==1){ Fy   <- lapply(1:as.numeric(C),function(i) approxfun(time(object),object$Y))}else{
               Fy   <- lapply(1:as.numeric(C),function(i) approxfun(time(object),object$Y[,i]))}
               y   <- sapply(1:length(Fy),function(i) Fy[[i]](at)) 
    if (length(z) == 0){
	if (as.numeric(C)==1){ Fz   <- lapply(1:as.numeric(C),function(i) approxfun(time(object),object$Z))}else{
               Fz   <- lapply(1:as.numeric(C),function(i) approxfun(time(object),object$Z[,i]))}
               z   <- sapply(1:length(Fz),function(i) Fz[[i]](at)) 

max.bridgesde3d  <- function(x,at,...)
	object <- x
    class(object) <- "bridgesde3d"
    if (missing(at)) {at = (as.numeric(object$T)-as.numeric(object$t0))/2}
    if (any(object$T < at || object$t0 > at) )  
	     stop( " please use 't0 <= at <= T'")
	C = length(which(!is.na(object$Cx)))
    if (as.numeric(C) == 1){  X = matrix(object$X,nrow=length(object$X),ncol=1)
	              Y = matrix(object$Y,nrow=length(object$Y),ncol=1)
				  Z = matrix(object$Z,nrow=length(object$Z),ncol=1)}else{
				  X = object$X
				  Y = object$Y
				  Z = object$Z}
    x   <- as.vector(X[which(time(object)==as.character(at)),])
    y   <- as.vector(Y[which(time(object)==as.character(at)),])
    z   <- as.vector(Z[which(time(object)==as.character(at)),])
    if (length(x) == 0){
	if (as.numeric(C)==1){ Fx   <- lapply(1:as.numeric(C),function(i) approxfun(time(object),object$X))}else{
               Fx   <- lapply(1: