#' Reassign generation number based on affected status
#' The \code{reassign_gen} function assigns generation numbers among affected family members so that generation 1 represents the most recent generation that a putative disease variant shared identical by descent (IBD), as defined in Thompson (2000), by affected members could have been introduced into the pedigree.
#' \emph{**\code{reassign_gen} cannot be applied to pedigrees that contain loops or inbreeding.**}
#' The \code{reassign_gen} function accepts a pedigree and reassigns generation numbers among disease-affected relatives so that generation 1 represents the generation of the most recent common ancestor of all disease-affected relatives. We note that the individual in generation 1 could themselves be disease-affected, i.e. an individual can be considered their own ancestor.
#' For example, consider a family with 2 affected members. If the disease-affected relatives are a parent and a child, the affected parent would be assigned generation 1, and the affected child generation 2. However, if the disease-affected relatives are a pair of siblings, each is be assigned generation 2 since a common parent of the two is assumed to be a carrier of a latent susceptibility variant. Similarly, if the disease-affected relatives are a pair of cousins, is assigned generation 3, since a common grandparent is the most recent common ancestor from whom they could have inherited a shared variant associated with the disease.
#' Users who wish to assign generation number based on affection status in pedigrees that have not been simulated with the \code{SimRVpedigree} package must create a ped object using \code{\link{new.ped}}.
#' @inheritParams censor_ped
#' @return A \code{ped} object containing only affected members, obligate carriers, and founders with generation numbers reassigned among disease-affected relatives based on their most recent common ancestor, as described in details.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{new.ped}}
#' @importFrom kinship2 kinship
#' @importFrom kinship2 align.pedigree
#' @importFrom utils combn
#' @references Nieuwoudt, Christina and Jones, Samantha J and Brooks-Wilson, Angela and Graham, Jinko (2018). \emph{Simulating Pedigrees Ascertained for Multiple Disease-Affected Relatives}. Source Code for Biology and Medicine, 13:2.
#' @references Thompson, E. (2000). \emph{Statistical Inference from Genetic Data on Pedigrees.} NSF-CBMS Regional Conference Series in Probability and Statistics, 6, I-169.
#' @examples
#' # Read in example pedigrees
#' data(EgPeds)
#' class(EgPeds)
#' # Create ped object
#' Bpeds <- new.ped(EgPeds)
#' summary(Bpeds)
#' # Reassign generation numbers in the first four pedigrees in EgPeds
#' Apeds <- lapply(seq_len(5), function(x){
#' reassign_gen(Bpeds[Bpeds$FamID == x, ])})
#' Apeds <-, Apeds)
#' # Compare pedigrees before and after reassigning
#' # generation number based on affected status
#' par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
#' for (k in 1:5) {
#' plot(subset(Bpeds, FamID == k), gen_lab = TRUE, plot_legend = FALSE)
#' mtext(paste0("Ped", k, ": before generation reassignment", sep = ""),
#' side = 3, line = 1.5)
#' plot(subset(Apeds, FamID == k), gen_lab = TRUE, plot_legend = FALSE)
#' mtext(paste0("Ped", k, ": after generation reassignment", sep = ""),
#' side = 3, line = 1.5)
#' }
#' par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
reassign_gen = function(ped_file){
if (!is.ped(ped_file)) {
stop("\n \n Expecting a ped object. \n Please use new.ped to create an object of class ped.")
if(!"Gen" %in% colnames(ped_file)){
ped_file$Gen <- assign_gen(ped_file)
if (sum(ped_file$affected[ped_file$available]) == 0) {
stop("\n \n No disease-affected relatives present. \n Cannot reassign generations.")
if (sum(ped_file$affected[ped_file$available]) == 1) {
gped <- ped_file[ped_file$affected & ped_file$available, ]
gped$Gen <- 1
warning(paste0("\n \n Family ", gped$FamID, " only contains one disease-affected relative."))
#create new ped file with available affecteds only
gped <- ped_file[ped_file$affected & ped_file$available, ]
#add back any unaffected relatives needed to create a full pedigree
d <- 0
while (d == 0) {
#find the dad IDs that are required but have been removed
readd_dad <- find_missing_parent(gped)
#find the mom IDs that are required but have been removed
readd_mom <- find_missing_parent(gped, dad = FALSE)
#check to see if we need to readd anyone
if (length(c(readd_dad, readd_mom)) == 0) {
d <- 1
} else {
#Now pull the rows containing the required parents
# from the original ped_file
readd <- ped_file[which(ped_file$ID %in% c(readd_dad, readd_mom)), ]
#combine with affected ped file
gped <- rbind(gped, readd)
pedgre <- ped2pedigree(gped)
if (any(align.pedigree(pedgre)$spouse == 2)) {
stop("\n \n Inbreeding detected. \n reassign_gen is not intended for pedigrees that contain loops or inbreeding.")
id_array <- as.numeric(align.pedigree(pedgre)$nid)
id_array <- id_array[id_array != 0]
if (any(duplicated(id_array))) {
stop("\n \n Loop detected. \n reassign_gen is not intended for pedigrees that contain loops or inbreeding.")
#compute and store kinship matrix
kin_mat <- kinship(pedgre)
#check to make sure all available affecteds are related
if (any(kin_mat[gped$affected & gped$available,
gped$affected & gped$available] == 0)) {
#Reduce to kinship mat for affecteds only
ak_mat <- kin_mat[gped$affected & gped$available,
gped$affected & gped$available]
url1 <- colnames(ak_mat)[which(ak_mat == 0, arr.ind = T)[1, 1]]
url2 <- colnames(ak_mat)[which(ak_mat == 0, arr.ind = T)[1, 2]]
stop(paste0("\n \n The disease-affected relatives with ID numbers ", url1, " and ", url2, " are not related. \n Cannot determine most recent common ancestor for unrelated affecteds."))
#store the old generation numbers
old_gen <- gped$Gen
#Change Generation number so that only affecteds have a gen number
gped$Gen <- ifelse(gped$affected, gped$Gen, NA)
#table affected generation number
gen_tab <- table(gped$Gen)
#first two smallest generation numbers (i.e. 1 and 2)
min_gens <- as.numeric(names(gen_tab[c(1, 2)]))
#number of affecteds in the earliest generation
num_in_min_gen <- as.numeric(gen_tab[1])
if (min_gens[1] == 1 | (min_gens[1] == 2 & num_in_min_gen >= 2)) {
# For this condition we do not need to reassign generation number
# Covers case when the founder who introduced the RV is affected
# and available, and case when RV founder not affected but 2 or more
# of his or her children are affected.
} else {
#find all pairwaise combinations of the disease-affected relatives
pair_mat <- combn(x = gped$ID[gped$affected & gped$available], m = 2)
#find mrca for each pair of disease affected relatives, reduce to unique mrcas
mrca <- unique(unlist(lapply(1:ncol(pair_mat), function(x){
find_mrca(gped, pair_mat[1, x], pair_mat[2, x])
#find the amount by which we must shift the generation number
#if mrca contains multiple mrcas, we take the one with the smallest
#generation number.
if (length(mrca) > 1){
new_gen_diff <- min(old_gen[which(gped$ID %in% mrca)]) - 1
} else {
new_gen_diff <- old_gen[which(gped$ID == mrca)] - 1
#assign new generation
gped$Gen[!$Gen)] <- gped$Gen[!$Gen)] - new_gen_diff
#' Censor pedigree data
#' \code{censor_ped} censors a pedigree of any information that occurs after a specified year.
#' Upon supplying a pedigree and a censor year the \code{censor_ped} function will remove all individuals born after \code{censor_year} and censor all disease onset and death events after the \code{censor_year}.
#' Users who wish to use \code{censor_ped} for pedigrees not generated by \code{\link{sim_ped}} or \code{\link{sim_RVped}} must use \code{\link{new.ped}} to create an object of class \code{ped}. When creating the \code{ped} object please provide as much relevant date information as possible, i.e. years of birth, onset, and death. When present please specify a proband as described in \code{\link{new.ped}}.
#' By default, \code{censor_year} is set to the year that the pedigree is ascertained, i.e. the year the proband experienced disease onset. However, if \code{ped_file} does not contain the proband identification variable the user must supply a value for \code{censor_year}.
#' @param ped_file An object of class \code{ped}. A pedigree generated by \code{sim_ped} or \code{sim_RVped}, or an object created by the function \code{\link{new.ped}}. See details.
#' @param censor_year Numeric. The censor year. If not supplied, defaults to the year the pedigree was ascertained, i.e. the proband's onset year. See details.
#' @return The censored pedigree.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{new.ped}}
#' @examples
#' #Read in age-specific harard data and create hazard object.
#' data(AgeSpecific_Hazards)
#' haz_obj <- hazard(hazardDF = AgeSpecific_Hazards)
#' #Simulate a pedigree ascertained for multiple affecteds
#' set.seed(3)
#' RVped2015 <- sim_RVped(hazard_rates = haz_obj,
#' num_affected = 2,
#' ascertain_span = c(1900, 2015),
#' GRR = 30, carrier_prob = 0.002,
#' RVfounder = TRUE,
#' stop_year = 2015,
#' recall_probs = c(1),
#' founder_byears = c(1900, 1905),
#' FamID = 1)[[2]]
#' # Plot the 2015 pedigree
#' plot(RVped2015)
#' mtext(side = 3, line = 2, "Reference Year: 2015")
#' # Censor RVped2015 after 1960
#' RVped1960 <- censor_ped(ped_file = RVped2015, censor_year = 1960)
#' # Plot the 1960 pedigree
#' plot(RVped1960)
#' mtext(side = 3, line = 2, "Reference Year: 1960")
censor_ped = function(ped_file, censor_year = NULL){
if (!is.ped(ped_file)) {
stop("\n \n Expecting a ped object. \n Please use new.ped to create an object of class ped.")
if (any("birthYr", "onsetYr", "deathYr"),
colnames(ped_file))))) {
stop("\n \n Missing date data. \n Please ensure that ped_file includes the following variables:\n birthYr, onsetYr, deathYr" )
if (all($birthYr))
& all($onsetYr))
& all($deathYr))) {
stop("\n \n Nothing to censor, all date data is missing.")
if (is.null(censor_year)) {
if ("proband" %in% colnames(ped_file)) {
if(sum(ped_file$proband) == 1){
if ($onsetYr[ped_file$proband])) {
stop("\n \n Proband's onset year is missing. \n Specify the proband's onset year or specify censor_year.")
} else {
censor_year <- ped_file$onsetYr[ped_file$proband]
} else {
stop("\n \n Proband cannot be uniquely identified.\n Please identify a single proband or specify censor_year. \n ")
} else {
stop("\n \n Proband cannot be identified. \n Please identify a proband or specify censor_year.")
#censor any onset or death info before censor year
ped_file$affected <- ifelse($onsetYr), FALSE,
ifelse(ped_file$onsetYr <= censor_year, T, F))
ped_file$onsetYr <- ifelse($onsetYr), NA,
ifelse(ped_file$onsetYr <= censor_year,
ped_file$onsetYr, NA))
ped_file$deathYr <- ifelse($deathYr), NA,
ifelse(ped_file$deathYr <= censor_year,
ped_file$deathYr, NA))
# if proband exists remove proband status if the
# proband does not experience onset before censor_year
if ("proband" %in% colnames(ped_file)) {
ped_file$proband[ped_file$proband] <- ifelse($onsetYr[ped_file$proband]),
FALSE, ped_file$proband[ped_file$proband])
if (all($birthYr))) {
censored_ped <- ped_file
warning("\n \n Birth data not detected. \n Censoring onset and death data only")
} else {
#create new ped file containing only individuals born before the censor year
censored_ped <- ped_file[which(ped_file$birthYr <= censor_year), ]
if (nrow(censored_ped) == 0) {
warning("\n \n No data recorded prior to the specified year.")
} else {
d <- 0
while (d == 0) {
#find the dad IDs that are required but have been removed
readd_dad <- find_missing_parent(censored_ped)
#find the mom IDs that are required but have been removed
readd_mom <- find_missing_parent(censored_ped, dad = FALSE)
#check to see if we need to readd anyone
if (length(c(readd_dad, readd_mom)) == 0) {
d <- 1
} else {
#Now pull the rows containing the required parents
# from the original ped_file
readd <- ped_file[which(ped_file$ID %in% c(readd_dad, readd_mom)), ]
#combine with censored ped file
censored_ped <- rbind(censored_ped, readd)
#' Gather information for the affected relatives
#' @param ped_file ped object
#' @return \item{\code{affVars}}{Information for the affected relatives.}
#' @keywords internal
get_affectedInfo <- function(ped_file){
aLoc <- match(c("available"), colnames(ped_file))
if ( {
ped_file$available <- T
dA_loc <- match(c("DA1", "DA2"), colnames(ped_file))
if (length(dA_loc[!]) == 2) {
ped_file$RVstatus <- ped_file$DA1 + ped_file$DA2
keep_cols <- match(c("FamID", "ID",
"birthYr", "onsetYr", "deathYr",
"RR", "proband", "RVstatus", "subtype"), colnames(ped_file))
affected_info <- ped_file[ped_file$affected & ped_file$available,
rownames(affected_info) <- NULL
class(affected_info) <- "data.frame"
#' Compute kinship matrix for the affected relatives
#' @param ped_file ped object
#' @return \item{\code{affKin}}{The kinship matix for the affected relatives only.}
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom kinship2 kinship
get_kinship <- function(ped_file){
aLoc <- match(c("available"), colnames(ped_file))
if ( {
ped_file$available <- T
kin_ped <- ped2pedigree(ped_file)
kinMat <- kinship(kin_ped)[ped_file$affected & ped_file$available,
ped_file$affected & ped_file$available]
#' Obtain summary information
#' @param ped_file A ped object
#' @param s_ID A vector of subtype IDs. By default, \code{s_ID = NULL}, which implies there are no subtypes.
#' @return A data frame containing the relevant summary information
#' @keywords internal
get_famInfo <- function(ped_file, s_ID = NULL){
AV <- get_affectedInfo(ped_file)
SRV <- ifelse(any("DA1", "DA2"), colnames(ped_file)))), NA,
ifelse(any(ped_file$DA1 == 1) | any(ped_file$DA2 == 1), TRUE, FALSE))
YRcols <- match(c("birthYr", "onsetYr"), colnames(ped_file))
AOO <- ifelse(nrow(AV) > 0 & length(YRcols[!]) == 2,
mean(AV$onsetYr - AV$birthYr, na.rm = T), NA)
AY <- ifelse(nrow(AV) > 0
& !"proband"), colnames(ped_file))) & sum(AV$proband) == 1,
AV$onsetYr[AV$proband], NA)
AK <- get_kinship(ped_file)
AIBD <- ifelse(nrow(AV) > 0, 2*mean(AK[upper.tri(AK)]), NA)
FamDat <- data.frame(FamID = ped_file$FamID[1],
totalRelatives = nrow(ped_file),
numAffected = nrow(AV),
aveOnsetAge = AOO,
aveIBD = AIBD,
ascertainYear = AY,
segRV = SRV)
if (!is.null(s_ID)) {
k = length(s_ID)
subDat <-, ncol = k, nrow = 1))
colnames(subDat) = paste0("p_", s_ID)
subDat[1, ] <- sapply(1:length(s_ID), function(x){
sum(AV$subtype == s_ID[x])/nrow(AV)
FamDat <- cbind(FamDat, subDat)
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