
##Functions in this file:
## predict.STmodel         EX:ok
## print.predictSTmode     EX:ok
## plot.predictSTmodel     EX:ok

##' Compute the conditional expectations (i.e. predictions) at the unobserved
##' space-time locations. Predictions are computed for the space-time locations in
##' \code{object} and/or \code{STdata}, conditional on the observations (and
##' temporal trends) in \code{object} and parameters given in \code{x}.
##' In addition to computing the conditional expectation at a number of
##' space-time locations the function also computes predictions based on only
##' the regression part of the model as well as the latent beta-fields.
##' Prediction are computed as the conditional expectation of a latent field
##' given observations. This implies that \code{E(X_i| Y_i) != Y_i}, with the
##' difference being due to smoothing over the nugget. Further two possible
##' variance can be computed (see below), \code{V(X_i|Y_i)} and
##' \code{V(X_i|Y_i)+nugget_i}. Here the nugget for unobserved locations needs
##' to be specified as an additional argument \code{nugget.nobs}. The two
##' variances correspond, losely, to confidence and prediction intervals.
##' Variances are computed if \code{pred.var=TRUE} point-wise variances for the
##' predictions (and the latent beta-fields) are 
##' computed. If instead \code{pred.covar=TRUE} the full covariance matrices for
##' each predicted time series is computed; this implies that the covariances between
##' temporal predictions at the same location are calculated but \emph{not}, due
##' to memory restrictions, any covariances between locations.
##' \code{beta.covar=TRUE} gives the full covariance matrices for the latent
##' beta-fields.
##' If \code{transform!="none"} the field is assumed to be log-Gaussian and
##' expectations are transformed, and if \code{pred.var=TRUE} the mean squared
##' prediction errors are given.
##' @title Computes Conditional Expectation at Unobserved Locations
##' @param object \code{STmodel} object for which to compute predictions.
##' @param x Model parameters for which to compute the conditional
##'   expectation. Either as a vector/matrix or an \code{estimateSTmodel} from
##'   \code{\link{estimate.STmodel}}.
##' @param STdata \code{STdata}/\code{STmodel} object with locations/times for
##'   which to predict. If not given predictions are computed for locations/times
##'   in \code{object}
##' @param Nmax Limits the size of matrices constructed when computing
##'   expectations. Use a smaller value if memory becomes a problem.
##' @param only.pars Compute only the regression parameters (using GLS) along
##'   with the related variance.
##' @param nugget.unobs Value of nugget at unonserved locations, either a scalar
##'   or a vector with one element per unobserved site. \strong{NOTE:} All sites in
##'   \code{STdata} are considered unobserved!
##' @param only.obs Compute predictions at only locations specified by
##'   observations in \code{STdata}. Used to limit computations when doing
##'   cross-validation.
##'   \code{only.obs=TRUE} \emph{implies} \code{pred.covar=FALSE} and
##'   \code{combine.data=FALSE}.
##'   Further \code{\link{createSTmodel}} will be called on any \code{STdata}
##'   input, possibly \emph{reordering the observations.}
##' @param pred.var,pred.covar Compute point-wise prediction variances; or
##'   compute covariance matrices for the predicted time series at each location.
##'   \code{pred.covar=TRUE} \emph{implies} \code{pred.var=TRUE} and sets
##'   \code{Nmax} equal to the number of timepoints.
##' @param beta.covar Compute the full covariance matrix for the latent
##'  beta-fields, otherwise only the diagonal elements of V(beta|obs) are
##'  computed. 
##' @param combine.data Combine \code{object} and \code{STdata} and predict for
##'  the joint set of points, see \code{\link{c.STmodel}}.
##' @param type A single character indicating the type of prediction to
##'  compute. Valid options are "f", "p", and "r", for \emph{full},
##'  \emph{profile} or \emph{restricted maximum likelihood} (REML). For profile
##'  and full the predictions are computed assuming that \emph{both} covariance
##'  parameters and regression parameters are known,
##'  e.g. \code{E(X|Y,cov_par,reg_par)}; for REML predictions are compute
##'  assuming \emph{only} covariance parameters known,
##'  e.g. \code{E(X|Y,cov_par)}. The main difference is that REML will have
##'  \emph{larger} variances due to the additional uncertainty in the
##'  regression parameters.
##' @param transform Regard field as log-Gaussian and apply exponential
##'  transformation to predictions. For the final expectations two options
##'  exist, either a unbiased prediction or the (biased) mean-squared error
##'  predictions.
##' @param LTA Compute long-term temporal averages. Either a logical value or a
##'  list; if \code{TRUE} then averages at each location (and variances if
##'  \code{pred.var=TRUE}) are computed; otherwise this should be a list with
##'  elements named after locations and each element containing a vector (or
##'  list of vectors) with dates over which to compute averages. If
##'  \code{only.obs=TRUE} averages are computed over only the observations.
##' @param ... Ignored additional arguments.
##' @return The function returns a list containing (objects not computed
##'   will be missing):
##'   \item{opts}{Copy of options used in the function call.}
##'   \item{pars}{A list with regression parameters and related variances.
##'               \code{pars} contain \code{gamma.E} and \code{alpha.E} with
##'               regression coefficients for the spatio-temporal model and
##'               land-use covaraiates; variances are found in \code{gamma.V}
##'               and \code{alpha.V}; cross-covariance between gamma and alpha in
##'               \code{gamma.alpha.C}.}
##'   \item{beta}{A list with estimates of the beta-fields, including the
##'               regression mean \code{mu}, conditional expectations \code{EX},
##'               possibly variances \code{VX}, and the full covariance matrix
##'               \code{VX.full}.} 
##'   \item{EX.mu}{predictions based on the regression parameters, geographic
##'                covariates, and temporal trends. I.e. only the deterministic
##'                part of the spatio-temporal model.}
##'   \item{EX.mu.beta}{Predictions based on the latent-beta fields, but excluding
##'                     the residual nu field.}
##'   \item{EX}{Full predictions at the space-time locations in
##'             \code{object} and/or \code{STdata}.}
##'   \item{EX.pred}{Only for \code{transform!="none"}, full predictions
##'                  including bias correction for prediction error.}
##'   \item{VX,VX.pred}{Pointwise variances and prediction variances (i.e. incl.
##'                     contribution from \code{nugget.unobs}) for all locations in \code{EX}.}
##'   \item{VX.full}{A list with (number of locations) elements, each element is a
##'                  (number of timepoints) - by - (number of timepoints) temporal
##'                  covariance matrix for the timeseries at each location.}
##'   \item{MSPE,MSPE.pred}{Pointwise mean-square prediction errors for the
##'                         log-Gaussian fields.}
##'   \item{log.EX,log.VX.pred,log.VX}{Pointwise predictions and variances for
##'           the un-transformed fields when \code{transform!="none"}}
##'   \item{LTA}{A data.frame with temporal averages for locations specified by
##'              \code{LTA}. }
##'   \item{I}{A vector with the locations of the observations in \code{object} or
##'            \code{STdata}. To extract predictions at the observations locations use
##'            \code{EX[I]}.}
##' @example Rd_examples/Ex_predict_STmodel.R
##' @author Johan Lindstrom
##' @family STmodel methods
##' @family predictSTmodel methods
##' @importFrom stats predict
##' @method predict STmodel
##' @export
predict.STmodel <- function(object, x, STdata=NULL, Nmax=1000, only.pars=FALSE,
                            nugget.unobs=0, only.obs=FALSE, pred.var=TRUE,
                            pred.covar=FALSE, beta.covar=FALSE,
                            combine.data=FALSE, type="p", LTA=FALSE, 
                            transform=c("none","unbiased","mspe"), ...){
  ##check class belongings
  stCheckClass(object, "STmodel", name="object")
  if( !is.null(STdata) ){
    stCheckClass(STdata, c("STdata","STmodel"), name="STdata")
  ##first ensure that type is lower case
  type <- tolower(type)
  ##check if type is valid
  ##args for transform
  transform <- match.arg(transform)
  if( transform=="none" ){ transform <- NULL }

  if( inherits(x,"estimateSTmodel") ){
    x <- coef(x,"all")$par
  }##if( inherits(x,"estimateSTmodel") )
  ##figure out a bunch of dimensions
  ##dimensions$L!=0 is used to check for spatio-temporal covariates
  dimensions <- loglikeSTdim(object)
  ##check length of input parameters
  if( type=="f" && length(x)!=dimensions$nparam ){
    stop( paste("type=f, requires", dimensions$nparam,
                "parameters but length(x) =", length(x)) )
  if( type!="f" && length(x)==dimensions$nparam ){
    ##drop the regression parameters
    x <- x[(dimensions$nparam-dimensions$nparam.cov+1):dimensions$nparam]
  if( type!="f" && length(x)!=dimensions$nparam.cov ){
    stop( paste("type!=f, requires", dimensions$nparam.cov,
                "parameters but length(x) =", length(x)) )
  ##only.pars is strange when type=="f"
  if( only.pars && type=="f"){
    warning("only.pars=TRUE and type=(f)ull only returns KNOWN parameters.",
            immediate. = TRUE)
  ##only.pars, and we can ignore a bunch of things
  if( only.pars ){
    only.obs <- pred.covar <- beta.covar <- combine.data <- LTA <-FALSE
    transform <- NULL
    ##check if only.obs is valid
    if( only.obs && is.null(STdata) ){
      stop("only.obs=TRUE requires STdata.")
    ##do we have an object to combine with
    if( combine.data && is.null(STdata) ){
      warning("No data to combine with; predicting for 'object'", immediate. = TRUE)
      combine.data <- FALSE
    ##can't combine data if we're predicting at only obs.
    if(only.obs && combine.data){
      warning("only.obs=TRUE implies combine.data=FALSE.", immediate. = TRUE)
      combine.data <- FALSE
    ##computing prediction covariates require !only.obs and pred.var
    if(pred.covar && !pred.var){
      warning("pred.covar=TRUE implies pred.var=TRUE.", immediate. = TRUE)
      pred.var <- TRUE
    if(pred.covar && only.obs){
      warning("only.obs=TRUE implies pred.covar=FALSE.", immediate. = TRUE)
      pred.covar <- FALSE
    ##computing beta covariances requires pred.var
    if(beta.covar && !pred.var){
      warning("beta.covar=TRUE implies pred.var=TRUE.", immediate. = TRUE)
      pred.var <- TRUE
    if( !is.null(transform) ){
      if( type!="r" && transform!="unbiased" ){
        warning("transform 'unbiased' and 'mspe' are equivalent when type!='r'",
                immediate. = TRUE)
        transform <- "unbiased"
        warning("transform implies pred.covar=FALSE.", immediate. = TRUE)
        pred.covar <- FALSE
    }##if( !is.null(transform) )
  }##if( only.pars ){...}else{...}
  ##create the STdata used for predictions
  if( is.null(STdata) ){
    ##pure copy, predict in the data set
    STdata <- object
  }else if(combine.data){
    ##combine the two datasets, and use for predictions (expands object with
    ##ONLY locations from STdata)
    STdata <- c(object, STdata)
    if( is.null(object$trend.fnc) && dim(object$trend)[2]!=1 ){
      ##trend.fnc missing and trend is more than a constant
      ##(backwards compability)
      object$trend.fnc <- internalCreateTrendFnc(object$trend)
    if( !inherits(STdata,"STmodel") ){
      ##predict only at STdata, and STdata not of class STmodel: need to cast.
      ##First drop ST covariate if no covariate in object
        STdata$SpatioTemporal <- NULL
      ##and fix the trend (right no of trends, names and dates)
      suppressMessages(STdata <- updateTrend(STdata, fnc=object$trend.fnc,
      ##since we're not using covariances for the prediction locations
      ##(specified seperately in nugget.unobs), we just pick a simple covariance
      ##structure, avoiding problems with missing covariates/levels.
      cov.nu <- object$cov.nu
      cov.nu$nugget <- TRUE
      ##Create an STmodel from STdata
      STdata <- createSTmodel(STdata, LUR=object$LUR.list, ST=object$ST.list,
                              cov.beta=object$cov.beta, cov.nu=cov.nu,
      ##STdata is an STmodel object ->
      ##test for consistent covariates and scaling (only equal scaling allowed).
      areSTmodelsConsistent(object, STdata, "STdata")
    }##if( !inherits(STdata,"STmodel") ){...}{else{...}

    ##STdata is now of type STmodel, lets fix the trend
    suppressMessages(STdata <- updateTrend.STmodel(STdata, fnc=object$trend.fnc))
  }##if( is.null(STdata) ){...}else if(...){...}else{...}

  ##Should we compute LTAs?
  if( !is.list(LTA) && LTA ){
    ##yes, create list
    if( only.obs ){
      ##averages over observtions only,
      ##i.e. split observation dates by their locations.
      LTA.list <- split(STdata$obs$date, STdata$obs$ID)
      ##averages over all predictions
      LTA.list <- lapply(STdata$locations$ID,
                         function(x){ return(STdata$trend$date) })
      names(LTA.list) <- STdata$locations$ID
  }else if( is.list(LTA) ){
    ##yes, list given
    LTA.list <- LTA
    LTA <- TRUE
    ##no, empty list and set LTA=FALSE
    LTA.list <- NULL
    LTA <- FALSE
  }##if( !is.list(LTA) && LTA ){...}else if(...){...}else{...}
  ##check the validity of LTA.list
  if( LTA ){
    ##check validity of sites
    LTA.missing <- !(names(LTA.list) %in% STdata$locations$ID)
    if( any(LTA.missing) ){
      warning("Removed ", sum(LTA.missing),
              " elements from LTA not found in STdata$locations$ID",
              immediate. = TRUE)
      LTA.list <- LTA.list[ !LTA.missing ]

    if( length(LTA.list)!=0 ){
      ##convert components to lists
      LTA.list <- lapply(LTA.list,
                         function(x){ switch(is.list(x)+1, list(x), x) })
      ##check validity of dates
      LTA.tot <- 0
      for(i in 1:length(LTA.list)){
        for(j in length(LTA.list[[i]])){
          LTA.missing <- !(LTA.list[[i]][[j]] %in% STdata$trend$date)
          LTA.list[[i]][[j]] <- LTA.list[[i]][[j]][ !LTA.missing ]
          LTA.tot <- LTA.tot + sum(LTA.missing)
        ##drop empty points
        LTA.list[[i]] <- LTA.list[[i]][ sapply(LTA.list[[i]], length)!=0 ]
      }##for(i in 1:length(LTA.list))
      if( LTA.tot!=0 ){
        warning("Removed ", LTA.tot,
                " dates not found in STdata$trend$date from all LTA elements",
                immediate. = TRUE)
      ##drop empty points
      LTA.list <- LTA.list[ sapply(LTA.list, length)!=0 ]
    }##if( length(LTA.list)!=0 )

    ##nothing left -> don't compute LTA's
    if( length(LTA.list)==0 ){
      LTA <- FALSE
      LTA.list <- NULL
  }##if( LTA )

  ##extract parameters from x
  tmp <- loglikeSTgetPars(x, object)
    gamma <- tmp$gamma
    alpha <- tmp$alpha
  cov.pars.beta <- tmp$cov.beta
  cov.pars.nu <- tmp$cov.nu

  ##the following only needed for type!="f", or predictions
  if(type!="f" || !only.pars){
    ##nugget for unobserved sites
    nugget.unobs <- internalFixNuggetUnobs(nugget.unobs, STdata,
    ##extract sparse matrices
    Fobs <- expandF(object$F, object$obs$idx, n.loc=dimensions$n.obs)
    ##Create the Xtilde = [M FX] matrix
    Xtilde <- as.matrix( Fobs %*% bdiag(object$LUR) )
    ##Add the spatio-temporal covariate (if it exists)
    if( dimensions$L!=0 ){
      Xtilde <- cbind(object$ST, Xtilde)
    ##create covariance matrices, beta-field
    i.sigma.B <- makeSigmaB(cov.pars.beta$pars, dist = object$D.beta,
                            type = object$cov.beta$covf,
                            nugget = cov.pars.beta$nugget)
    ##and nu-field
    i.sigma.nu <- makeSigmaNu(cov.pars.nu$pars, dist = object$D.nu,
                              type = object$cov.nu$covf,
                              nugget = cov.pars.nu$nugget,
                              random.effect = cov.pars.nu$random.effect,
                              blocks1 = object$nt, ind1 = object$obs$idx,
    ##calculate block cholesky factor of the matrices, in-place to conserve memory
    i.sigma.B <- makeCholBlock(i.sigma.B, n.blocks=dimensions$m)
    i.sigma.nu <- chol(i.sigma.nu)
    ##invert the matrices, in-place to conserve memory
    i.sigma.B <- invCholBlock(i.sigma.B, n.blocks=dimensions$m)
    i.sigma.nu <- chol2inv(i.sigma.nu)

    tF.iS <- t(Fobs) %*% i.sigma.nu
    tF.iS.F <- as.matrix(tF.iS %*% Fobs)
    ##inv(sigma.B|Y) = F'*inv(sigma.nu)*F + inv(sigma.B)
    R.i.sigma.B.Y <- tF.iS.F + i.sigma.B
    ##calculate cholesky factor of inv(sigma.B|Y)
    R.i.sigma.B.Y <- chol(R.i.sigma.B.Y)
    ##compute iSigma.nu*Xtilde and iSigma.nu*Xtilde
    iS.X <- i.sigma.nu %*% Xtilde
    iS.Y <- i.sigma.nu %*% object$obs$obs
    ##compute F'*iSigma.nu*Xtilde and F'*iSigma.nu*Y
    tF.iS.X <- as.matrix(t(Fobs) %*% iS.X)
    tF.iS.Y <- as.matrix(t(Fobs) %*% iS.Y)
    ##compute inv(sigma.B|Y)*F'*iSigma.nu*Xtilde
    iSBY.tF.iS.X <- solveTriBlock(R.i.sigma.B.Y, tF.iS.X, transpose=TRUE)
    iSBY.tF.iS.X <- solveTriBlock(R.i.sigma.B.Y, iSBY.tF.iS.X, transpose=FALSE)
  }#if(type!="f" || !only.pars)
### REGRESISON PARAMETERS (alpha and gamma) ###
    ##regression parameters given
    gamma.E <- c(tmp$gamma)
    alpha.E <- unlist(tmp$alpha)
    ##known parameters, set variances to zero
    gamma.V <- matrix(0,length(gamma.E),length(gamma.E))
    alpha.V <- matrix(0,length(alpha.E),length(alpha.E))
    gamma.alpha.C <- matrix(0,length(gamma.E),length(alpha.E))
    ##create a combined vector
    gamma.alpha <- as.matrix(c(gamma.E,alpha.E))
    ##compute inv(Xtilde'*Sigma^-1*Xtilde) (and force symmetric)
    i.XSX <- as.matrix( t(Xtilde) %*% iS.X )
    i.XSX <- symmpart(i.XSX - t(tF.iS.X) %*% iSBY.tF.iS.X)
    ##compute t(Xtilde'*Sigma^-1*Y)
    tmp2 <- as.matrix( object$obs$obs %*% iS.X )
    tmp2 <- tmp2 - t(tF.iS.Y) %*% iSBY.tF.iS.X
    ##compute alpha and gamma
    gamma.alpha <- solve(i.XSX, t(tmp2))

    ##extract computed parameters
      gamma.E <- c(gamma.alpha[1:dimensions$L])
      alpha.E <- c(gamma.alpha[-(1:dimensions$L)])
      gamma.E <- double(0)
      alpha.E <- c(gamma.alpha)
    ##compute the variances
    i.XSX <- solve(i.XSX)
      gamma.V <- i.XSX[1:dimensions$L,1:dimensions$L,drop=FALSE]
      alpha.V <- i.XSX[-c(1:dimensions$L),-c(1:dimensions$L),drop=FALSE]
      gamma.alpha.C <- i.XSX[1:dimensions$L,-c(1:dimensions$L),drop=FALSE]
      gamma.V <- matrix(0,0,0)
      alpha.V <- i.XSX
      gamma.alpha.C <- matrix(0,length(gamma.E),length(alpha.E))
  ##force to matrices
  gamma.E <- as.matrix(gamma.E)
  alpha.E <- as.matrix(alpha.E)
  ##add names
  names.tmp <- loglikeSTnames(object, TRUE)
  names.tmp <- names.tmp[1:(dimensions$nparam-dimensions$nparam.cov)]
    ##first for gamma
    rownames(gamma.E) <- names.tmp[1:dimensions$L]
    colnames(gamma.V) <- rownames(gamma.V) <- rownames(gamma.E)
    rownames(gamma.alpha.C) <- rownames(gamma.E)
    rownames(alpha.E) <- names.tmp[-(1:dimensions$L)]
    rownames(alpha.E) <- names.tmp
  ##and then for alpha
  colnames(alpha.V) <- rownames(alpha.V) <- rownames(alpha.E)
  colnames(gamma.alpha.C) <- rownames(alpha.E)
  out <- list()
  ##set class
  class(out) <- "predictSTmodel"
  ##save options used for predict.
  out$opts <- list(only.pars=only.pars, nugget.unobs=nugget.unobs,
                   only.obs=only.obs, pred.var=pred.var, pred.covar=pred.covar,
                   beta.covar=beta.covar, combine.data=combine.data, type=type,
                   transform=transform, LTA=LTA, LTA.list=LTA.list)
  ##collect the regression results
  out$pars <- list(gamma.E=gamma.E, alpha.E=alpha.E, 
                   gamma.V=gamma.V, alpha.V=alpha.V,

  if( out$opts$only.pars ){
    ##return the parameters
    return( out )
  ##remove variables not needed, regression parameters...
  rm(gamma.E, alpha.E, gamma.V, alpha.V, gamma.alpha.C, names.tmp)
  ##and options stored elsewhere
  rm(only.pars, nugget.unobs, only.obs, pred.var, pred.covar,
     beta.covar, combine.data, type, LTA, LTA.list, transform)
### COMPUTE inv(Sigma_oo)*(Y-mu) ###
  ##compute F'*iSigma.nu*(C-mu) and iSigma.nu*(C-mu)
  tF.iS.C <- tF.iS.Y - tF.iS.X %*% gamma.alpha
  iS.C <- iS.Y - iS.X %*% gamma.alpha
  ##compute inv(sigma.B|Y)*F'*iSigma.nu*(C-mu)
  iSBY.tF.iS.C <- solveTriBlock(R.i.sigma.B.Y, tF.iS.C, transpose=TRUE)
  iSBY.tF.iS.C <- solveTriBlock(R.i.sigma.B.Y, iSBY.tF.iS.C, transpose=FALSE)
  ##compute iSigma.tilde*(C-mu)
  ##this is the same for all the conditionals...
  iSoo.C <- as.matrix( iS.C - t( tF.iS ) %*% iSBY.tF.iS.C )

  ##for REML we also need iSigma.tilde*Xtilde
  if( out$opts$type=="r" ){
    iSoo.Xtilde <- as.matrix( iS.X - t(tF.iS) %*% iSBY.tF.iS.X )

  ##remove variables not needed
  rm(iS.X, iS.Y, tF.iS.X, tF.iS.Y, iSBY.tF.iS.X, tF.iS.C, iS.C, iSBY.tF.iS.C)

  ##create matrices with site index and temporal trends for all
  ##OBS date has to be INCREASING, i.e. same sorting as for STdata$obs...
  if( out$opts$only.obs ){
    ##unobserved points
    idx.unobs <- STdata$obs$idx
    ##time of observation for each site
    T1 <- STdata$obs$date
    ##trend functions for all points matrix
    Funobs <- STdata$F
    if( dimensions$L!=0 ){
      ##extract the spatio-temporal trends
      ST.unobs <- STdata$ST
    ##size of the unobserved locations
    N.unobs <- length( unique(idx.unobs) )
    T.unobs <- length( unique(T1) )
    ##size of the unobserved locations
    N.unobs <- dim(STdata$locations)[1]
    T.unobs <- dim(STdata$trend)[1]
    ##unobserved points
    idx.unobs <- rep(1:N.unobs, each=T.unobs)
    ##time of observation for each site
    T1 <- rep(STdata$trend$date, N.unobs)
    ##trend functions for all points matrix
    Funobs <- matrix(1, (T.unobs*N.unobs), dimensions$m)
    for(i in (1:dimensions$m)){
      ##if not constant, find relevant row in $trend
      if(colnames(STdata$F)[i] != "const"){
        Funobs[,i] <- rep(STdata$trend[,colnames(STdata$F)[i]], N.unobs)
    }##for(i in (1:dimensions$m))
    if( dimensions$L!=0 ){
      ##extract the spatio-temporal trends
      ST.unobs <- matrix(STdata$ST.all, (T.unobs*N.unobs), dimensions$L)
    }##if( dimensions$L!=0 )
  }##if( out$opts$only.obs ) ... else ...
  ##compute number of observations for each time-point,
  ##taking into account that there might be missing dates.
  date.all <- sort(unique( c(object$trend$date, STdata$trend$date) ))
  nt.unobs <- nt.obs <- double(length(date.all))
  for(i in c(1:length(date.all))){
    nt.obs[i] <- sum( object$obs$date==date.all[i] )

  ##extract sparse matrices
  Funobs <- expandF(Funobs, idx.unobs, n.loc=N.unobs)
  ##compute LUR times the temporal trends [M F*X] for unobserved
  Xtilde.unobs <- as.matrix( Funobs %*% bdiag(STdata$LUR.all) )
  if( dimensions$L!=0 ){
    Xtilde.unobs <- cbind(ST.unobs, Xtilde.unobs)
  ##compute LUR*alpha (mean values for the beta fields)
  out$beta <- list()
  out$beta$mu <- matrix(bdiag(STdata$LUR.all) %*% out$pars$alpha.E,
  colnames(out$beta$mu) <- names(STdata$LUR.all)
  rownames(out$beta$mu) <- rownames( STdata$LUR.all[[1]] )
  ##create distance matrix between unobserved and observed elements
  ##unobserved locations
  loc.unobs.nu <- STdata$locations[, c("x.nu","y.nu"), drop=FALSE]
  loc.unobs.beta <- STdata$locations[, c("x.beta","y.beta"), drop=FALSE]

  ##observed locations
  I.obs <- match( colnames(object$D.nu), object$locations$ID)
  loc.obs.nu <- object$locations[I.obs, c("x.nu","y.nu"), drop=FALSE]
  loc.obs.beta <- object$locations[I.obs, c("x.beta","y.beta"), drop=FALSE]
  ##We also have that in the stripped data the indecies may not match so we need a
  ##second vector giving which idx in striped matches original idx.
  Ind.2.1 <- match(object$locations$ID[I.obs], STdata$locations$ID, nomatch=0)
  ##precompute the cross-covariance for the beta-fields
  sigma.B.C <- makeSigmaB(cov.pars.beta$pars,
                          dist = crossDist(loc.unobs.beta, loc.obs.beta),
                          type = object$cov.beta$covf,
                          nugget = cov.pars.beta$nugget,
                          ind2.to.1=Ind.2.1, sparse=TRUE)

  ##The right most part is F'*iSigma.tilde*(C-mu)
  out$beta$EX <- out$beta$mu + matrix(sigma.B.C %*% (t(Fobs) %*% iSoo.C),
  ##and variances
  if( out$opts$pred.var ){
    Sby.iSb.Sou <- as.matrix( i.sigma.B %*% t(sigma.B.C) )
    Sby.iSb.Sou <- solveTriBlock(R.i.sigma.B.Y, Sby.iSb.Sou, transpose=TRUE)
    Sby.iSb.Sou <- solveTriBlock(R.i.sigma.B.Y, Sby.iSb.Sou, transpose=FALSE)

    ##contribution from REML estimate
    if( out$opts$type=="r" ){
      var.beta.REML <- (cbind(rep(0,dimensions$L), bdiag(STdata$LUR.all)) -
                        sigma.B.C %*% (t(Fobs)%*%iSoo.Xtilde))
      var.beta.REML <- as.matrix(var.beta.REML)
      if( out$opts$beta.covar ){
        ##full matrix
        V.REML <- (var.beta.REML %*% i.XSX) %*% t(var.beta.REML)
        ##only diagonal elements
        V.REML <- rowSums( (var.beta.REML %*% i.XSX) * var.beta.REML )
      V.REML <- 0
    }##if( out$opts$type=="r" ){...}else{...}
    if( out$opts$beta.covar ){
      ##sigma.B for unobserved locations
      sigma.B.uu <- makeSigmaB(cov.pars.beta$pars,
                               dist = crossDist(loc.unobs.beta),
                               type = object$cov.beta$covf,
                               nugget = cov.pars.beta$nugget)
      ##compute variance matrix
      tmp <- sigma.B.uu - sigma.B.C %*% tF.iS.F %*% Sby.iSb.Sou + V.REML
      out$beta$VX.full <- list()
      for(i in 1:dim(out$beta$EX)[2]){
        Ind <- (1:dim(out$beta$EX)[1]) + (i-1)*dim(out$beta$EX)[1]
        out$beta$VX.full[[i]] <- as.matrix(tmp[Ind, Ind, drop=FALSE])
        rownames(out$beta$VX.full[[i]]) <- rownames(out$beta$EX)
        colnames(out$beta$VX.full[[i]]) <- rownames(out$beta$EX)
      names(out$beta$VX.full) <- colnames(out$beta$EX)
      tmp <- diag(tmp)
      ##compute only diagonal elements of the STATIONARY sigma.beta matrix
      sigma.B.uu <- makeSigmaB(cov.pars.beta$pars, dist = matrix(0,1,1),
                               type = object$cov.beta$covf,
                               nugget = cov.pars.beta$nugget)
      ##expand to full matrix
      sigma.B.uu <- matrix(diag(sigma.B.uu), ncol=dim(sigma.B.uu)[1],
                           nrow=dim(loc.unobs.beta)[1], byrow=TRUE)
      ##and compute the relevant covariance
      tmp <- (c(sigma.B.uu) - rowSums(sigma.B.C * t(tF.iS.F %*% Sby.iSb.Sou)) +
    }##if( out$opts$beta.covar ){...}else{...}
    out$beta$VX <- matrix(tmp, ncol=dim(out$beta$EX)[2])
    dimnames(out$beta$VX) <- dimnames(out$beta$EX)
    ##remove variables not needed
    rm(tmp, Sby.iSb.Sou, sigma.B.uu, V.REML)
  }##  if( out$opts$pred.var )
  ##remove variables not needed
  rm(i.sigma.B, tF.iS.F)

  ##mean value of the field
  out$EX.mu <- as.matrix( Xtilde.unobs %*% gamma.alpha )
  ##compute predicitons based on the beta fields
  out$EX.mu.beta <- as.matrix( Funobs %*% c(out$beta$EX) )
  ##Add the spatio-temporal covariates, if any
  if( dimensions$L!=0 ){
    out$EX.mu.beta <- out$EX.mu.beta + (ST.unobs %*% out$pars$gamma.E)
  if( !out$opts$only.obs ){
    ##reshape out$EX.mu and out$EX.mu.beta to match T-by-N
    dim(out$EX.mu.beta) <- dim(out$EX.mu) <- c(T.unobs, N.unobs)
    ##and add names
    colnames(out$EX.mu) <- STdata$locations$ID
    rownames(out$EX.mu) <- as.character(STdata$trend$date)
    dimnames(out$EX.mu.beta) <- dimnames(out$EX.mu)
    dimnames(out$EX.mu.beta) <- dimnames(out$EX.mu) <- NULL
  ##lets save the contribution from the mean.
  out$EX <- out$EX.mu
  ##additional fields for log-transformation
  if( !is.null(out$opts$transform) ){
    ##temporary variables for transformed data
    EX.trans <- out$EX.mu
    EX.trans.pred <- out$EX.mu
    ##reserve places in the out structure
    out$log.EX <- out$EX.pred <- NA
  ##Create matrices containing pointwise variances
  ##needed if a) variances requested OR b) log-transform
  if( out$opts$pred.var || !is.null(out$opts$transform) ){
    out$VX <- matrix(NA, dim(out$EX)[1], dim(out$EX)[2])
    out$VX.pred <- matrix(NA, dim(out$EX)[1], dim(out$EX)[2])
    ##add names
    if( !out$opts$only.obs ){
      dimnames(out$VX) <- dimnames(out$VX.pred) <- dimnames(out$EX)
    ##and a list of covariances.
    if( out$opts$pred.covar ){
      out$VX.full <- list()
    ##additional fields for log-transformation
    ##(only if variances requested AND log-transform)
    if( out$opts$pred.var && !is.null(out$opts$transform) ){
      out$MSPE <- out$MSPE.pred <- out$VX
  }##if( out$opts$pred.var )

  ##list holding LTA elements
  if( out$opts$LTA ){
    out$LTA <- vector("list", length(out$opts$LTA.list))
    names(out$LTA) <- names(out$opts$LTA.list)
  ##cross distance for the nu coordinates
  cross.D.nu <- crossDist(loc.unobs.nu, loc.obs.nu)

  ## sigma.B.C * F'
  sigma.B.C.tF <- sigma.B.C %*% t(Fobs)
  ##now we need to split the conditional expectation into parts to
  ##reduce the memory footprint
  if( out$opts$pred.covar || out$opts$LTA ){
    Ind.list <- split(1:length(out$EX), idx.unobs)
    Ind.list <- split(1:length(out$EX),
  ##loop over the parts
  for( i in 1:length(Ind.list) ){
    ##index of the points we want to get conditional expectations for
    Ind <- Ind.list[[i]]
    ##compute number of unobserved per block for this subset
    T1.Ind <- T1[Ind]
    for(j in c(1:length(date.all))){
      nt.unobs[j] <- sum( T1.Ind==date.all[j] )
    ##order T1.Ind for computation of cross.covariance
    T1.order <- order(T1.Ind)
    ##create full cross-covariance matrix for all the observations
    sigma.B.full.C <- as.matrix(Funobs[Ind,,drop=FALSE] %*% sigma.B.C.tF)
    ##parameter order is sill, nugget, range (always predict with nugget=0)
    sigma.nu.C <- makeSigmaNu(cov.pars.nu$pars, dist = cross.D.nu,
                              type = object$cov.nu$covf, nugget = 0,
                              random.effect = cov.pars.nu$random.effect,
                              ind1 = (idx.unobs[Ind])[T1.order],
                              ind2 = object$obs$idx,
                              blocks1 = nt.unobs, blocks2 = nt.obs,
    sigma.nu.C[T1.order,] <- sigma.nu.C
    sigma.nu.C <- sigma.nu.C + sigma.B.full.C
    ##calculate conditional expectation
    out$EX[Ind] <- out$EX.mu[Ind] + sigma.nu.C %*% iSoo.C

    if( out$opts$LTA ){
      ##which site are we at and does it have a matching LTA request?
      ##asked here to avoid unnescesary VX.full computations.
      ID.tmp <- STdata$locations$ID[unique(idx.unobs[Ind])]
      ##sanity check
      if( length(ID.tmp)!=1 ){
        stop("Something wrong with LTA-computations.")
      LTA.tmp <- out$opts$LTA.list[[ID.tmp]]
      LTA.tmp <- NULL
    ##calculate pointwise variance
    if( out$opts$pred.var || !is.null(out$opts$transform) ){
      ##pick out the observed locations in this iteration
      I.loc <- sort(unique( idx.unobs[Ind] ))
      I.loc2 <- (rep(I.loc,dimensions$m) +
                 rep((0:(dimensions$m-1)) * N.unobs, each=length(I.loc)))
      ##compute relevant part of the covariance matrix
      unobs.D.beta <- crossDist(loc.unobs.beta[I.loc,,drop=FALSE])
      sigma.B.uu <- makeSigmaB(cov.pars.beta$pars, dist = unobs.D.beta,
                               type = object$cov.beta$covf,
                               nugget = cov.pars.beta$nugget, sparse=TRUE)
      ##first the unobserved covariance matrix
      V.uu <- (Funobs[Ind,I.loc2,drop=FALSE] %*%
               Matrix(sigma.B.uu %*% t(Funobs[Ind,I.loc2,drop=FALSE])))
      ##distance matrices for the unobserved nu locations
      unobs.D.nu <- crossDist(loc.unobs.nu[I.loc,,drop=FALSE])
      V.uu <- V.uu + makeSigmaNu(cov.pars.nu$pars, dist = unobs.D.nu,
                                 type = object$cov.nu$covf, nugget = 0,
                                 random.effect = cov.pars.nu$random.effect,
                                 ind1 = idx.unobs[Ind]-min(I.loc)+1,
                                 blocks1 = nt.unobs)
      ##compute iSigma.nu*Sigma.ou
      iS.Sou <- i.sigma.nu %*% t(sigma.nu.C)
      ##compute F'*iSigma.nu*Sigma.ou
      tF.iS.Sou <- as.matrix(tF.iS %*% t(sigma.nu.C))
      ##compute chol(inv(sigma.B.Y))' * (F'*iSigma.nu*Sigma.ou)
      Sby.tF.iS.Sou <- solveTriBlock(R.i.sigma.B.Y, tF.iS.Sou, transpose=TRUE)

      ##contribution from REML estimate
      if( out$opts$type=="r" ){
        tmp <- Xtilde.unobs[Ind,,drop=FALSE] - sigma.nu.C %*% iSoo.Xtilde
        if( out$opts$pred.covar || !is.null(LTA.tmp) ){
          ##full matrix
          V.REML <- (tmp %*% i.XSX) %*% t(tmp)
          if( !is.null(out$opts$transform) ){
            ##also compute LAMBDA correction for transform
            lambda.full <- (tmp %*% i.XSX) %*% t(Xtilde.unobs[Ind,,drop=FALSE])
            lambda <- diag(lambda.full)
          ##only diagonal elements
          V.REML <- rowSums( (tmp %*% i.XSX) * tmp)
          if( !is.null(out$opts$transform) ){
            ##also compute LAMBDA correction for transform
            lambda <- rowSums((tmp %*% i.XSX) * (Xtilde.unobs[Ind,,drop=FALSE]))
        V.REML <- 0
        lambda <- 0

      ##combine parts, either to covariance matrix or VX for each estimate.
      if( out$opts$pred.covar || !is.null(LTA.tmp) ){
        ##full matrix
        tmp <- - sigma.nu.C %*% iS.Sou + t(Sby.tF.iS.Sou) %*% Sby.tF.iS.Sou
        V.cond <- V.cond.0 <- as.matrix(V.uu + tmp + V.REML)
        ##add nugget to the diagonal
        diag(V.cond) <- diag(V.cond) + out$opts$nugget.unobs[idx.unobs[Ind]]
        ##extract diagonal elements and store in output structure
        out$VX[Ind] <- diag(V.cond.0)
        out$VX.pred[Ind] <- diag(V.cond)
          out$VX.full[[i]] <- V.cond.0
        ##only diagonal elements
        tmp <- (- colSums(t(sigma.nu.C) * iS.Sou) +
                colSums(Sby.tF.iS.Sou * Sby.tF.iS.Sou))
        out$VX[Ind] <- diag(V.uu) + tmp + V.REML
        out$VX.pred[Ind] <- out$VX[Ind] + out$opts$nugget.unobs[idx.unobs[Ind]]

      ##ensure positive variances
      out$VX[Ind] <- pmax(out$VX[Ind], 0)
      out$VX.pred[Ind] <- pmax(out$VX.pred[Ind], 0)
      V.cond <- V.cond.0 <- NULL
    }##if( out$opts$pred.var || !is.null(out$opts$transform) ){...}else{...}
    ##compute log-transform, store in EX.trans, EX.trans.pred
    if( !is.null(out$opts$transform) ){
      ##use -lambda or -2*lambda, lambda=0 if type!="r"
      if( out$opts$transform=="unbiased" ){ c <- 1 }else{ c <- 2 }

      EX.trans[Ind] <- exp( out$EX[Ind] + out$VX[Ind]/2 - c*lambda )
      EX.trans.pred[Ind] <- exp( out$EX[Ind] + out$VX.pred[Ind]/2 - c*lambda )

      ##compute MSPE
      if( out$opts$pred.var ){
        ##first compute/extract the unbiased estimate for each location
        if( out$opts$transform=="mspe" ){
          EX.ub <- exp( out$EX[Ind] + out$VX[Ind]/2 - lambda )
          EX.ub.pred <- exp( out$EX[Ind] + out$VX.pred[Ind]/2 - lambda )
          EX.ub <- EX.trans[Ind]
          EX.ub.pred <- EX.trans.pred[Ind]
        ##prediction variance for unobserved locations (add nugget)
        V.uu.pred <- V.uu + diag(out$opts$nugget.unobs[idx.unobs[Ind]])
        if( !is.null(LTA.tmp) ){
          ##LTA to be computed, we'll need the full matrix

          ##then find the adjustment factor for the second term, only relevant for
          ##"unbiased" and type="r" (set to 1 o.w.)
          if(out$opts$transform=="unbiased" && out$opts$type=="r"){
            Z <- exp(lambda.full)
            Z <- Z+t(Z) - exp(lambda.full + t(lambda.full))
            Z <- 1
          MSPE.part <- exp(V.uu) * (1 - exp(-V.cond.0)*Z)
          MSPE.part.pred <- exp(V.uu.pred) * (1 - exp(-V.cond)*Z)
          ##Compute MSPE for EX and EX.pred
          out$MSPE[Ind] <- (EX.ub*EX.ub * diag(MSPE.part))
          out$MSPE.pred[Ind] <- (EX.ub.pred*EX.ub.pred * diag(MSPE.part.pred))
          ##then find the adjustment factor for the second term, only relevant for
          ##"unbiased" and type="r" (set to 1 o.w.)
          if(out$opts$transform=="unbiased" && out$opts$type=="r"){
            Z <- 2*exp(lambda)-exp(2*lambda)
            Z <- 1
          ##Compute MSPE for EX and EX.pred
          out$MSPE[Ind] <- (EX.ub*EX.ub * exp( diag(V.uu) ) *
                            ( 1 - exp(-out$VX[Ind])*Z ))
          out$MSPE.pred[Ind] <- (EX.ub.pred*EX.ub.pred * exp( diag(V.uu.pred) ) *
                                 ( 1 - exp(-out$VX.pred[Ind])*Z ))
        }##if( !is.null(LTA.tmp) ){...}else{...}
        ##ensure positive MSPE
        out$MSPE[Ind] <- pmax(out$MSPE[Ind], 0)
        out$MSPE.pred[Ind] <- pmax(out$MSPE.pred[Ind], 0)
        MSPE.part <- MSPE.part.pred <- NULL
      }##if( out$opts$pred.var ){...}else{...}

      if( !is.null(LTA.tmp) ){
        ##observatiosn for this location
        EX.tmp <- cbind(exp(out$EX.mu[Ind]), exp(out$EX.mu.beta[Ind]),
                        EX.trans[Ind], EX.trans.pred[Ind])
        colnames(EX.tmp) <- c("EX.mu", "EX.mu.beta", "EX", "EX.pred")
        ##compute mean value
        out$LTA[[ID.tmp]] <- internalComputeLTA(LTA.tmp, EX.tmp, T1[Ind],
      }##if( !is.null(LTA.tmp) )
      ##if not transform, seperate code for LTA (differences are too big...)
      if( !is.null(LTA.tmp) ){
        ##observatiosn for this location
        EX.tmp <- cbind(out$EX.mu[Ind], out$EX.mu.beta[Ind], out$EX[Ind])
        colnames(EX.tmp) <- c("EX.mu", "EX.mu.beta", "EX")
        ##compute mean value
        out$LTA[[ID.tmp]] <- internalComputeLTA(LTA.tmp, EX.tmp, T1[Ind],
                                                V=V.cond.0, V.pred=V.cond)
      }##if( !is.null(LTA.tmp) )
    }##if( !is.null(out$opts$transform) ){...} else {...}
  }##for( i in 1:length(Ind.list) )

  ##combine LTA results
    ##bind results
    out$LTA <- do.call(cbind, out$LTA)
    ##and add names
    tmp <- sapply(out$opts$LTA.list, length)
    if( all(tmp==1) ){
      colnames(out$LTA) <- names(tmp)
      colnames(out$LTA) <- paste(rep(names(tmp),times=tmp),
                                 unlist(lapply(tmp,seq)), sep=".")
    ##convert to data.frame
    out$LTA <- as.data.frame(t(out$LTA))

  if( !is.null(out$opts$transform) ){
    ##move EX of log-field
    out$log.EX <- out$EX
    ##store EX of transformed field
    out$EX <- EX.trans
    out$EX.pred <- EX.trans.pred
    ##transform partial fields
    out$EX.mu <- exp(out$EX.mu)
    out$EX.mu.beta <- exp(out$EX.mu.beta)
    ##rename VX/VX.pred to log-fields
    I <- grep("^VX",names(out))
    names(out)[I] <- paste("log.",names(out)[I],sep="")

  ##add names to full prediction variances
  if( out$opts$pred.covar ){
    names(out$VX.full) <- colnames(out$EX)
    for(i in 1:length(out$VX.full))
      colnames(out$VX.full[[i]]) <- rownames(out$VX.full[[i]]) <- rownames(out$EX)
  ##index for the unobserved values into the predicted values
  if( length(STdata$obs$obs)!=0 ){
    if( out$opts$only.obs ){
      I <- 1:length(out$EX)
      I <- (match(STdata$obs$ID,colnames(out$EX))-1)*dim(out$EX)[1] +
        match(STdata$obs$date, STdata$trend$date)
    out$I <- data.frame(I=I, date=STdata$obs$date, ID=STdata$obs$ID,
  }##if( length(STdata$obs$obs)!=0 )

  return( out )
}##function predict.STmodel

## S3 methods for predictSTmodel ##
##' \code{\link[base:print]{print}} method for class \code{predictSTmodel}.
##' @title Print details for \code{predictSTmodel} object
##' @param x \code{predictSTmodel} object to print information for.
##' @param ... Ignored additional arguments.
##' @return Nothing
##' @author Johan Lindstrom
##' @examples
##'   ##load data
##'   data(pred.mesa.model)
##'   print(pred.mesa.model)
##' @family predictSTmodel methods
##' @importFrom utils str
##' @method print predictSTmodel
##' @export
print.predictSTmodel <- function(x, ...){
  ##check class belonging
  stCheckClass(x, "predictSTmodel", name="x")

  cat("Prediction for STmodel.\n\n")
  if( x$opts$only.pars ){
    cat("Only computed regression parameters:\n")
    cat("Regression parameters:\n")
  if( length(x$pars$gamma.E)==0 ){
    cat("\t","No spatio-temporal covariate.\n")
    cat("\t", length(x$pars$gamma), "Spatio-temporal covariate(s).\n")
  cat("\t", length(x$pars$alpha.E),
      "beta-fields regression parameters in x$pars.\n\n")
  if( x$opts$only.pars ){

  if( x$opts$type=="r" ){
    cat("Regression parameters are assumed to be unknown and\n")
    cat("\tprediction variances include uncertainties\n")
    cat("\tin regression parameters.\n\n")
    cat("Regression parameters are assumed to be known and\n")
    cat("\tprediction variances do NOT include\n")
    cat("\tuncertainties in regression parameters.\n\n")
  cat("Prediction of beta-fields, (x$beta):\n")
  if( !is.null(x$opts$transform) ){
    cat("Predictions for log-Gaussian field of type:",
        x$opts$transform, "\n\n")

  if( x$opts$only.obs ){
    cat("Predictions only for", length(x$EX), "observations.\n")
    cat("Predictions for", dim(x$EX)[1], "times at",
        dim(x$EX)[2], "locations.\n")
  if( length(grep("VX",names(x)))!=0 ){
    cat("Variances have been computed.\n")
    cat("Variances have NOT been computed.\n")

  if( !is.null(x$opts$transform) ){
    if( length(grep("MSPE",names(x)))!=0 ){
      cat("Mean squared prediciton errors have been computed.\n")
      cat("Mean squared prediciton errors NOT been computed.\n")
  if( isTRUE(x$opts$LTA) ){
    cat(dim(x$LTA)[1], "temporal averages have been compute.\n")
}##function print.predictSTmodel

##' \code{\link[graphics:plot]{plot}} method for classes \code{predictSTmodel}
##' and \code{predCVSTmodel}. Provides several different plots of the
##' data.  
##' @title Plots for \code{predictSTmodel} and \code{predCVSTmodel} Objects
##' @param x \code{predictSTmodel} or \code{predCVSTmodel} object to plot.
##' @param y Plot predictions as a function of either \code{"time"} or
##'   \code{"obs"}ervations. 
##' @param STmodel \code{STdata}/\code{STmodel} object containing observations
##'   with which to compare the predictions (not used for
##'   \code{plot.predCVSTmodel}). 
##' @param ID The location for which we want to plot predictions. A
##'   string matching names in \code{colnames(x$EX)} (or \code{x$I$ID},
##'   number(s) which are used as \code{ID = colnames(x$EX)[ID]}, or
##'   \code{"all"} in which case all predictions are used.
##'   If several locations are given (or \code{"all"}) then
##'   \code{y} must be \code{"obs"}.
##' @param col A vector of three colours: The first is the colour of the
##'   predictions, second for the observations and third for the polygon
##'   illustrating the confidence bands. \cr For \code{y="obs"} the colours are
##'   1) colour of the points, 2) colour of the 1-1 line, and 3) colour of the
##'   polygon. If \code{ID="all"}, picking \code{col[1]="ID"} will colour code
##'   the observations-prediction points by site ID.
##' @param pch,cex,lty,lwd Vectors with two elements giving the point type,
##'   size, line type and line width to use when plotting the predictions and
##'   observations respectively. Setting a value to \code{NA} will give no
##'   points/lines for the predictions/observations. \cr
##'   When plotting predictions
##'   as a function of observations \code{lty[2]} is used for the addition of
##'   \code{\link[graphics:abline]{abline}(0,1, lty=lty[2], col=col[2],
##'   lwd=lwd[2])}; \code{pch[2]} and \code{cex[2]} are ignored. 
##' @param p Width of the plotted confidence bands (as coverage percentage,
##'   used to find appropriate two-sided normal quantiles).
##' @param pred.type Which type of prediction to plot, one of
##'   \code{"EX"}, \code{"EX.mu"}, \code{"EX.mu.beta"}, or \code{"EX.pred"};
##'   see the output from \code{\link{predict.STmodel}}
##' @param pred.var Should we plot confidence bands based on prediction (TRUE)
##'   or confidence intrevalls (FALSE), see \code{\link{predict.STmodel}}.
##'   Only relevant if \code{pred.type="EX"} or \code{pred.type="EX.pred"}. \cr
##'   \strong{NOTE:} \emph{The default differs for \code{plot.predictSTmodel}
##'   and \code{plot.predCVSTmodel}!}
##' @param add Add to existing plot?
##' @param ... Additional parameters passed to
##'   \code{\link[graphics:plot]{plot}}.
##' @return Nothing
##' @example Rd_examples/Ex_plot_predictSTmodel.R
##' @author Johan Lindstrom
##' @family predictSTmodel methods
##' @method plot predictSTmodel
##' @export
plot.predictSTmodel <- function(x, y="time", STmodel=NULL, ID=x$I$ID[1],
                                col=c("black","red","grey"), pch=c(NA,NA),
                                cex=c(1,1), lty=c(1,1), lwd=c(1,1), p=0.95,
                                pred.type="EX", pred.var=FALSE,
                                add=FALSE, ...){
  ##check class belonging
  stCheckClass(x, "predictSTmodel", name="x")
  if( !is.null(STmodel) ){
    stCheckClass(STmodel, c("STmodel","STdata"), name="STmodel")
  ##check for observations
  if( x$opts$only.pars ){
    message("Prediction structure contains only parameters.")
  ##we have to use y, cast to resonable name
  tmp <- internalPlotPredictChecks(y, pred.type, pred.var, x$opts$transform)
  plot.type <- tmp$plot.type
  pred.type <- tmp$pred.type
  pred.var <- tmp$pred.var

  ##check ID
  ID <- internalFindIDplot(ID, colnames(x$EX))
  ID.all <- internalCheckIDplot(ID, y)

  ##pick out data for plotting
  if( !ID.all ){
    ##pick out predictions, two cases
    if( x$opts$only.obs ){
      I1 <- x$I$ID==ID
      I2 <- 1
      date <- x$I$date[I1]
      I1 <- 1:dim(x[[ pred.type[1] ]])[1]
      I2 <- ID
      date <- rownames(x[[ pred.type[1] ]])
    sd <- x[[pred.var]][I1,I2]
    if( is.null(sd) ){
      sd <- NA
      sd <- sqrt(sd)
    pred <- data.frame(x=x[[ pred.type[1] ]][I1, I2], sd=sd, date=date,
                       x.log=NA, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
    if( length(pred.type)==2 ){
      pred$x.log <- x[[ pred.type[2] ]][I1, I2]
    ##pick out observations, if any
    obs <- STmodel$obs[STmodel$obs$ID==ID,,drop=FALSE]
    if( !is.null(obs) ){
      tmp <- obs
      obs <- matrix(NA, dim(pred)[1], 1)
      rownames(obs) <- as.character(pred$date)
      obs[as.character(tmp$date),] <- tmp$obs
    ##all only relevant when we have plot by observations
    ##pick out predictions, two cases
    if(length(ID)==1 && ID=="all"){
      ID <- unique(x$I$ID)
    I.ID <- x$I$ID %in% ID
    I <- x$I$I[I.ID]
    sd <- x[[pred.var]][I]
    if( is.null(sd) ){
      sd <- NA
      sd <- sqrt(sd)
    pred <- data.frame(x=x[[ pred.type[1] ]][I], sd=sd,
                       date=x$I$date[I.ID], ID=x$I$ID[I.ID],
                       x.log=NA, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
    if( length(pred.type)==2 ){
      pred$x.log <- x[[ pred.type[2] ]][I]
    ##pick out observations, if any
    obs <- createDataMatrix(STmodel)
    I <- (match(x$I$ID[I.ID],colnames(obs))-1)*dim(obs)[1] +
        match(as.character(x$I$date[I.ID]), rownames(obs))
    obs <- obs[I]
    if( dim(pred)[1]!=length(obs) ){
      stop("Number of observed locations do not match no. predicted.")
  }##if( !ID.all ){...}else{...}

  if( !is.null(x$opts$transform) && !is.null(obs) ){
    ##log-field, first fix observations
    obs <- exp(obs)
  internalPlotPredictions(plot.type, ID, pred, obs, col, pch, cex, lty, lwd, p,
                          add, x$opts$transform, ...)
}##function plot.predictSTmodel

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