# outline for SuperLearner methods
# these should always have class 'SL.method'
# The SuperLearner method is a coupling of the estimation algorithm for the algorithm weights (coefficients) and the model to combine the algorithms
# 2 parts need to be included:
# 1) compute coefficients
# 2) compute predictions
method.template <- function() {
out <- list(
# require allows you to pass a character vector with required packages
# use NULL if no required packages
require = NULL,
# computeCoef is a function that returns a list with three elements:
# 1) coef: the weights (coefficients) for each algorithm
# 2) cvRisk: the V-fold CV risk for each algorithm
# 3) optimizer: (optional) the result object from the optimization of the weights.
computeCoef = function(Z, Y, libraryNames, obsWeights, control, verbose, ...) {
cvRisk <- numeric()
coef <- numeric()
out <- list(cvRisk = cvRisk, coef = coef, optimizer = NULL)
# computePred is a function that takes the weights and the predicted values from each algorithm in the library and combines them based on the model to output the super learner predicted values
computePred = function(predY, coef, control, ...) {
out <- crossprod(t(predY), coef)
write.method.template <- function(file = '', ...) {
cat('method.template <- function() {\n out <- list(\n # require allows you to pass a character vector with required packages\n # use NULL if no required packages\n require = NULL,\n\n # computeCoef is a function that returns a list with two elements:\n # 1) coef: the weights (coefficients) for each algorithm\n # 2) cvRisk: the V-fold CV risk for each algorithm\n computeCoef = function(Z, Y, libraryNames, obsWeights, control, verbose, ...) {\n cvRisk <- numeric()\n coef <- numeric()\n out <- list(cvRisk = cvRisk, coef = coef)\n return(out)\n },\n\n # computePred is a function that takes the weights and the predicted values\n # from each algorithm in the library and combines them based on the model to\n # output the super learner predicted values\n computePred = function(predY, coef, control, ...) {\n out <- crossprod(t(predY), coef)\n return(out)\n }\n )\n invisible(out)\n }', file = file, ...)
# examples:
method.NNLS <- function() {
out <- list(
require = 'nnls',
computeCoef = function(Z, Y, libraryNames, verbose, obsWeights, ...) {
# compute cvRisk
cvRisk <- apply(Z, 2, function(x) mean(obsWeights * (x - Y)^2))
names(cvRisk) <- libraryNames
# compute coef
fit.nnls <- nnls(sqrt(obsWeights) * Z, sqrt(obsWeights) * Y)
if (verbose) {
message(paste("Non-Negative least squares convergence:", fit.nnls$mode == 1))
initCoef <- coef(fit.nnls)
initCoef[] <- 0.0
# normalize so sum(coef) = 1 if possible
if (sum(initCoef) > 0) {
coef <- initCoef / sum(initCoef)
} else {
warning("All algorithms have zero weight", call. = FALSE)
coef <- initCoef
out <- list(cvRisk = cvRisk, coef = coef, optimizer = fit.nnls)
computePred = function(predY, coef, ...) {
if (sum(coef != 0) == 0) {
warning("All metalearner coefficients are zero, predictions will all be equal to 0", call. = FALSE)
out <- rep(0, nrow(predY))
} else {
# Restrict crossproduct to learners with non-zero coefficients.
out <- crossprod(t(predY[, coef != 0, drop = FALSE]), coef[coef != 0])
method.NNLS2 <- function() {
out <- list(
require = 'quadprog',
computeCoef = function(Z, Y, libraryNames, verbose, obsWeights,
errorsInLibrary = NULL, ...) {
# compute cvRisk
cvRisk <- apply(Z, 2, function(x) mean(obsWeights * (x - Y)^2))
names(cvRisk) <- libraryNames
# compute coef
.NNLS <- function(x, y, wt, errorsInLibrary = NULL) {
wX <- sqrt(wt) * x
wY <- sqrt(wt) * y
# Z'Z = n * cov(Z)
D <- t(wX) %*% wX
d <- t(t(wY) %*% wX)
A <- diag(ncol(wX))
b <- rep(0, ncol(wX))
# This will give an error if cov(Z) is singular, meaning at least two
# columns are linearly dependent.
# TODO: This will also error if any learner failed. Fix this.
fit <- quadprog::solve.QP(Dmat = D, dvec = d, Amat = t(A), bvec = b, meq=0)
fit.nnls <- .NNLS(x = Z, y = Y, wt = obsWeights,
errorsInLibrary = errorsInLibrary)
initCoef <- fit.nnls$solution
initCoef[initCoef < 0] <- 0.0
initCoef[] <- 0.0
# normalize so sum(coef) = 1 if possible
if(sum(initCoef) > 0) {
coef <- initCoef/sum(initCoef)
} else {
warning("All algorithms have zero weight", call. = FALSE)
coef <- initCoef
out <- list(cvRisk = cvRisk, coef = coef, optimizer = fit.nnls)
computePred = function(predY, coef, ...) {
out <- crossprod(t(predY), coef)
method.NNloglik <- function() {
out <- list(
require = NULL,
computeCoef = function(Z, Y, libraryNames, verbose, obsWeights, control,
errorsInLibrary = NULL, ...) {
# compute cvRisk
cvRisk <- apply(Z, 2, function(x) { -mean(obsWeights * ifelse(Y, log(x), log(1-x))) } )
names(cvRisk) <- libraryNames
# compute coef
.NNloglik <- function(x, y, wt, start = rep(0, ncol(x))) {
# adapted from MASS pg 445
fmin <- function(beta, X, y, w) {
p <- plogis(crossprod(t(X), beta))
-sum(2 * w * ifelse(y, log(p), log(1-p)))
gmin <- function(beta, X, y, w) {
eta <- X %*% beta
p <- plogis(eta)
-2 * t(w * dlogis(eta) * ifelse(y, 1/p, -1/(1-p))) %*% X
fit <- optim(start, fmin, gmin, X = x, y = y, w = wt, method = "L-BFGS-B", lower = 0, ...)
tempZ <- trimLogit(Z, trim = control$trimLogit)
fit.nnloglik <- .NNloglik(x = tempZ, y = Y, wt = obsWeights)
if (verbose) {
message(paste("Non-Negative log-likelihood convergence: ", fit.nnloglik$convergence == 0))
initCoef <- fit.nnloglik$par
initCoef[initCoef < 0] <- 0.0
initCoef[] <- 0.0
# Any algorithms with NA cvRisk will be restricted to 0 coefficient.
# Otherwise algorithms with NA risk and all NA predictions can still receive
# a positive coefficient. This does not bode well for this optimization
# algorithm but we will handle anyway.
if (sum(errorsInLibrary) > 0) {
initCoef[errorsInLibrary] = 0
# normalize so sum(coef) = 1 if possible
if (sum(initCoef) > 0) {
coef <- initCoef / sum(initCoef)
} else {
warning("All algorithms have zero weight", call. = FALSE)
coef <- initCoef
out <- list(cvRisk = cvRisk, coef = coef, optimizer = fit.nnloglik)
computePred = function(predY, coef, control, ...) {
if (sum(coef != 0) == 0) {
warning("All metalearner coefficients are zero, predictions will all be equal to 0", call. = FALSE)
out <- rep(0, nrow(predY))
} else {
# Restrict crossproduct to learners with non-zero coefficients.
out <- plogis(crossprod(t(trimLogit(predY[, coef != 0], trim = control$trimLogit)),
coef[coef != 0]))
method.CC_LS <- function() {
# Contributed by Sam Lendle
# Edited by David Benkeser
computeCoef = function(Z, Y, libraryNames, verbose, obsWeights,
errorsInLibrary = NULL, ...) {
# compute cvRisk
cvRisk <- apply(Z, 2, function(x) mean(obsWeights * (x - Y)^2))
names(cvRisk) <- libraryNames
# compute coef
compute <- function(x, y, wt=rep(1, length(y))) {
wX <- sqrt(wt) * x
wY <- sqrt(wt) * y
D <- crossprod(wX)
d <- crossprod(wX, wY)
A <- cbind(rep(1, ncol(wX)), diag(ncol(wX)))
bvec <- c(1, rep(0, ncol(wX)))
fit <- quadprog::solve.QP(Dmat=D, dvec=d, Amat=A, bvec=bvec, meq=1)
modZ <- Z
# check for columns of all zeros. assume these correspond
# to errors that SuperLearner sets equal to 0. not a robust
# solution, since in theory an algorithm could predict 0 for
# all observations (e.g., SL.mean when all Y in training = 0)
naCols <- which(apply(Z, 2, function(z){ all(z == 0 ) }))
anyNACols <- length(naCols) > 0
# if present, throw warning identifying learners
warning(paste0(paste0(libraryNames[naCols],collapse = ", "), " have NAs.",
"Removing from super learner."))
# check for duplicated columns
# set a tolerance level to avoid numerical instability
tol <- 8
dupCols <- which(duplicated(round(Z, tol), MARGIN = 2))
anyDupCols <- length(dupCols) > 0
# if present, throw warning identifying learners
warning(paste0(paste0(libraryNames[dupCols],collapse = ", "),
" are duplicates of previous learners.",
" Removing from super learner."))
# remove from Z if present
if(anyDupCols | anyNACols){
rmCols <- unique(c(naCols,dupCols))
modZ <- Z[,-rmCols]
# compute coefficients on remaining columns
fit <- compute(x = modZ, y = Y, wt = obsWeights)
coef <- fit$solution
if (anyNA(coef)) {
warning("Some algorithms have weights of NA, setting to 0.")
coef[] = 0
# add in coefficients with 0 weights for algorithms with NAs
if(anyDupCols | anyNACols){
ind <- c(seq_along(coef), rmCols - 0.5)
coef <- c(coef, rep(0, length(rmCols)))
coef <- coef[order(ind)]
# Set very small coefficients to 0 and renormalize.
coef[coef < 1.0e-4] <- 0
coef <- coef / sum(coef)
if(!sum(coef) > 0) warning("All algorithms have zero weight", call. = FALSE)
list(cvRisk = cvRisk, coef = coef, optimizer = fit)
computePred = function(predY, coef, ...) {
predY %*% matrix(coef)
out <- list(require = "quadprog",
computeCoef = computeCoef,
computePred = computePred)
method.CC_nloglik <- function() {
# Contributed by Sam Lendle
# Edited by David Benkeser
computePred = function(predY, coef, control, ...) {
if (sum(coef != 0) == 0) {
warning("All metalearner coefficients are zero, predictions will all be 0", call. = FALSE)
plogis(trimLogit(predY[, coef != 0], trim = control$trimLogit) %*%
matrix(coef[coef != 0]))
computeCoef = function(Z, Y, libraryNames, obsWeights, control, verbose, ...) {
# check for duplicated columns
# set a tolerance
tol <- 8
dupCols <- which(duplicated(round(Z, tol), MARGIN = 2))
anyDupCols <- length(dupCols) > 0
modZ <- Z
# if present, throw warning identifying learners
warning(paste0(paste0(libraryNames[dupCols],collapse = ", "),
" are duplicates of previous learners.",
" Removing from super learner."))
modZ <- modZ[,-dupCols]
modlogitZ <- trimLogit(modZ, control$trimLogit)
logitZ <- trimLogit(Z, control$trimLogit)
cvRisk <- apply(logitZ, 2, function(x) -sum(2 * obsWeights *
ifelse(Y, plogis(x, log.p=TRUE),
plogis(x, log.p=TRUE, lower.tail=FALSE))))
names(cvRisk) <- libraryNames
obj_and_grad <- function(y,x, w=NULL) {
y <- y
x <- x
function(beta) {
xB <- x %*% cbind(beta)
loglik <- y * plogis(xB, log.p=TRUE) + (1-y) * plogis(xB, log.p=TRUE, lower.tail=FALSE)
if (!is.null(w)) loglik <- loglik * w
obj <- -2 * sum(loglik)
p <- plogis(xB)
grad <- if (is.null(w)) 2 * crossprod(x, cbind(p - y))
else 2 * crossprod(x, w*cbind(p - y))
list(objective=obj, gradient=grad)
lower_bounds = rep(0, ncol(modZ))
upper_bounds = rep(1, ncol(modZ))
# Any algorithms with NA cvRisk will be restricted to 0 coefficient.
# Otherwise algorithms with NA risk and all NA predictions can still receive
# a positive coefficient. This does not bode well for this optimization
# algorithm but we will handle anyway.
if (anyNA(cvRisk)) {
upper_bounds[] = 0
r <- nloptr::nloptr(x0 = rep(1 / ncol(modZ), ncol(modZ)),
eval_f = obj_and_grad(Y, modlogitZ),
lb = lower_bounds,
ub = upper_bounds,
eval_g_eq = function(beta) (sum(beta) - 1),
eval_jac_g_eq = function(beta) rep(1, length(beta)),
opts = list("algorithm" = "NLOPT_LD_SLSQP", "xtol_abs" = 1.0e-8))
if (r$status < 1 || r$status > 4) {
coef <- r$solution
if (anyNA(coef)) {
warning("Some algorithms have weights of NA, setting to 0.")
coef[] <- 0
# add in duplicated coefficients equal to 0
ind <- c(seq_along(coef), dupCols - 0.5)
coef <- c(coef,rep(0, length(dupCols)))
coef <- coef[order(ind)]
# set very small coefficients to 0 and renormalize
coef[coef < 1.0e-4] <- 0
coef <- coef / sum(coef)
out <- list(cvRisk = cvRisk, coef = coef, optimizer = r)
list(require = "nloptr",
computeCoef = computeCoef,
computePred = computePred)
method.AUC <- function(nlopt_method = NULL, optim_method = "L-BFGS-B",
bounds = c(0, Inf), normalize = TRUE) {
# Contributed by Erin LeDell
if (!is.null(nlopt_method) && !is.null(optim_method)) {
stop("Please supply either a nlopt or optim method; one of these must be set to NULL.")
if (!is.null(optim_method)) {
if (!(optim_method %in% c("Nelder-Mead", "BFGS", "CG", "L-BFGS-B", "SANN"))) {
stop("supplied 'optim_method' value not supported")
out <- list(
require = 'cvAUC',
# computeCoef is a function that returns a list with two elements:
# 1) coef: the weights (coefficients) for each algorithm
# 2) cvRisk: the V-fold CV risk for each algorithm
computeCoef = function(Z, Y, libraryNames, obsWeights, control, verbose,
errorsInLibrary = NULL,
...) {
.cvRisk_AUC <- function(par, Z, Y, folds = NULL) {
# Calculate cv Risk, which is 1 - cvAUC (rank loss);
# This is the general loss function that gets fed into optim as the "fn" argument
# par is the weight/coef vector for ensemble in Super Learner.
predictions <- crossprod(t(Z[, par != 0, drop = FALSE]), par[par != 0])
# Now calculate cv risk (this is what we want to minimize)
# Might change this to AUC only since we are currently not using folds arg...
cvRisk <- 1 - cvAUC::cvAUC(predictions = predictions, labels = Y, folds = folds)$cvAUC
coef_init <- rep(1 / ncol(Z), ncol(Z))
names(coef_init) <- libraryNames
# Don't need this currently.
#lower_bounds = rep(bounds[1], ncol(Z))
#upper_bounds = rep(bounds[2], ncol(Z))
# Any algorithms with NA cvRisk will be restricted to 0 coefficient.
# Otherwise algorithms with NA risk and all NA predictions can still receive
# a positive coefficient. This does not bode well for this optimization
# algorithm but we will handle anyway.
if (sum(errorsInLibrary) > 0) {
if (verbose) {
cat("Removing failed learners:",
paste(libraryNames[errorsInLibrary], collapse = ", "), "\n")
# Setting upper_bounds to 0 causes optim() to error out.
# But this part isn't actually necessary.
#upper_bounds[errorsInLibrary] = 0
# Also update initial coefficients so that NA learners are set to 0.
coef_init <- rep(1 / sum(!errorsInLibrary), ncol(Z))
coef_init[errorsInLibrary] = 0
# optim function selects the value for par that minimizes .cvRisk_AUC (ie. rank loss)
res <- optim(par = coef_init,
fn = .cvRisk_AUC,
Z = Z,
Y = Y,
folds = NULL,
method = optim_method,
lower = bounds[1],
upper = bounds[2])
if (res$convergence != 0) {
warning(paste("optim didn't converge when estimating the super learner coefficients, reason (see ?optim): ", res$convergence, " optim message: ", res$message))
coef <- res$par
if (anyNA(coef)) {
warning("Some algorithms have weights of NA, setting to 0.")
coef[] <- 0
if (!sum(coef) > 0) warning("All algorithms have zero weight", call. = FALSE)
if (normalize) coef <- coef / sum(coef)
auc <- apply(Z, 2, function(x) cvAUC::AUC(predictions = x, labels = Y))
# If we update the getCoef function in SL to include 'folds' we can use the below auc instead
# auc <- apply(Z, 2, function(x) cvAUC(x, labels=Y, folds=validRows)$cvAUC)
cvRisk <- 1 - auc # rank loss
names(coef) <- libraryNames
out <- list(cvRisk = cvRisk, coef = coef, optimizer = res)
# computePred is a function that takes the weights and the predicted values from each algorithm in the library and combines them based on the model to output the super learner predicted values
computePred = function(predY, coef, control, ...) {
if (sum(coef != 0) == 0) {
warning("All metalearner coefficients are zero, all predictions will be 0")
out <- crossprod(t(predY[, coef != 0, drop = F]), coef[coef != 0])
# } else if (length(nlopt_method) > 0) {
} else if (!is.null(nlopt_method)) {
nlopt_global <- c("NLOPT_GN_DIRECT",
nlopt_local <- c("NLOPT_LN_PRAXIS",
#if (length(intersect(nlopt_method, c(nlopt_global, nlopt_local))) == 0) {
if (!(nlopt_method %in% c(nlopt_global, nlopt_local))) {
stop("supplied 'nlopt_method' value not supported")
out <- list(
require = c('cvAUC', 'nloptr'),
# computeCoef is a function that returns a list with two elements:
# 1) coef: the weights (coefficients) for each algorithm
# 2) cvRisk: the V-fold CV risk for each algorithm
computeCoef = function(Z, Y, libraryNames, obsWeights, control, verbose, ...) {
.cvRisk_AUC <- function(par, Z, Y){
# Calculate cv Risk, which is 1-cvAUC (rank loss);
# This is the general loss function that gets fed into optim as the "fn" argument
# par is the weight/coef vector for ensemble in Super Learner
predictions <- crossprod(t(Z), par) #cv predicted SL values
# Now calculate cv risk (this is what we want to minimize)
cvRisk <- 1 - cvAUC::cvAUC(predictions = predictions, labels = Y, folds = NULL)$cvAUC
coef_init <- rep(1/ncol(Z), ncol(Z))
names(coef_init) <- libraryNames
# nloptr function selects the value for par that minimizes .cvRisk_AUC (ie. rank loss)
res <- nloptr::nloptr(x0 = coef_init,
eval_f = .cvRisk_AUC,
lb = rep(bounds[1], ncol(Z)),
ub = rep(bounds[2], ncol(Z)),
#eval_g_ineq = .constraint_ineq,
#eval_g_eq = .constraint_eq,
opts = list(algorithm = nlopt_method, xtol_rel = 1e-08),
Z = Z,
Y = Y)
if (res$status < 1 || res$status > 4) {
coef <- res$solution
if (anyNA(coef)) {
warning("Some algorithms have weights of NA, setting to 0.")
coef[] <- 0
if (!sum(coef) > 0) warning("All algorithms have zero weight", call. = FALSE)
if (normalize) coef <- coef/sum(coef)
auc <- apply(Z, 2, function(x) cvAUC::AUC(predictions = x, labels = Y))
## If we update the getCoef function in SL to include 'folds' we can use the below auc instead
## auc <- apply(Z, 2, function(x) cvAUC(x, labels=Y, folds=validRows)$cvAUC)
cvRisk <- 1 - auc # rank loss
names(coef) <- libraryNames
out <- list(cvRisk = cvRisk, coef = coef, optimizer = res)
# computePred is a function that takes the weights and the predicted values from each algorithm in the library and combines them based on the model to output the super learner predicted values
computePred = function(predY, coef, control, ...) {
out <- crossprod(t(predY), coef)
} else {
stop("Please supply an nlopt or optim method.")
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