
Defines functions plotctt

Documented in plotctt

## File Name: plot.ctt.R
## File Version: 9.08

# plot function for empirical item characteristic curves
plotctt <- function( resp, theta, Ncuts=NULL, ask=FALSE,
        col.list=NULL, package="lattice", ... ){
    if ( ! is.null(Ncuts) ){
        stepw <- 1/Ncuts
        cuts <- stats::quantile( theta, seq( stepw, 1-stepw, length=Ncuts-1 ), na.rm=TRUE)
        eps <- .001
        cuts <- round( c( min(theta, na.rm=TRUE) - eps, cuts, max( theta, na.rm=TRUE ) + eps ), 2 )
        resp <- resp[ ! is.na( theta),, drop=FALSE ]
        theta <- theta[ !is.na(theta) ]
        theta.cuts <- cut( theta, cuts )
                } else { theta.cuts <- theta }
    I <- ncol(resp)
    # colors
    if ( is.null( col.list) ){
        col.list <- 2:1000

    graphics::par( mfrow=c(1,1))
    for (ii in 1:I){
        # ii <- 25
        y <- resp[,ii]
        unique.y <- sort( unique(y) )
        unique.y <- unique.y[ unique.y !="NA" ]
        L1 <- length(unique.y)
        item <- colnames(resp)[ii]
        dfr <- NULL
        for (ll in 1:L1){
            # ll <- 1
            dfr.ll <- stats::aggregate( 1 * ( y==unique.y[ll] ), list( theta.cuts ), mean, na.rm=TRUE )
            dfr.ll <- data.frame("cat"=unique.y[ll], dfr.ll )
            colnames(dfr.ll)[-1] <- c("theta.cut", "prob")
            dfr <- rbind( dfr, dfr.ll )
        main <- paste0('Trace lines for item ', item)
        vkey <- paste0("Cat ", unique.y)
        # package lattice
        if (package=="lattice"){
                lattice::xyplot( prob ~ theta.cut, data=dfr, group=cat, ylim=c(-.1, 1.1), type="o",
                    par.settings=list(superpose.symbol=list(pch=1:L1))    ,
                    ylab=expression(P(theta)), xlab=expression(theta), main=main, lty=1:L1, pch=1:L1,
        # package graphics
        if ( package=="graphics" ){
               kk <- 1
               dfr1a <- dfr[ dfr$cat==unique.y[1], ]
                   K <- L1
                graphics::plot( 1:Ncuts, dfr1a$prob, ylim=c(-.1,1.1),
                        ylab=expression(P(theta)), xlab=expression(theta),
                        col=col.list[kk], pch=kk, type="o", main=main, axes=FALSE, ...
                graphics::axis(1,at=1:Ncuts,labels=paste( dfr1a$theta.cut) )
              for (kk in seq(2,K) ){
                dfr1a <- dfr[ dfr$cat==unique.y[kk], ]
                graphics::lines( 1:Ncuts, dfr1a$prob, pch=kk, col=col.list[kk] )
                graphics::points( 1:Ncuts, dfr1a$prob, pch=kk, col=col.list[kk] )
            graphics::legend( 1, 1.1, vkey, pch=1:K, col=col.list[1:K],
                        horiz=TRUE, lty=1)

        #************* end

        graphics::par( ask=ask )
# stop()

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