
Defines functions get_denom_total get_header_n_value.data.frame get_header_n_value.tplyr_table get_header_n_value this_denom

#' Get the value of the header_n value in a grouped df
#' This is intended to be called in a dplyr context using `do`. This function
#' returns the value of the header_n for the current group. `do` is currently
#' labeled as questioning but its replacement, group_map, is experimental
#' @param .data A tibble that has been grouped
#' @param header_n The header_n binding from a \code{tplyr_table} object.
#' @return A single numeric value from the header_n binding that is pulled
#'  from the groups
#' @examples
#' library(dplyr)
#' t <- tplyr_table(mtcars, gear)
#' mtcars %>%
#'   group_by(gear, vs) %>%
#'   do(this_denom(., header_n(t), treat_var(t)))
#' @noRd
this_denom <- function(.data, header_n, treat_var) {
  # Rename the first column of the header_n to the treat_var, is saved as the
  # pop_treat_var at first
  names(header_n)[1] <- as_name(treat_var)

  # Get names of header_n execpt last one, last should be the count
  header_n_grp_names <- names(header_n)[1:ncol(header_n) - 1]

  # Pull out each unique filter requirement. Each name for header_n is stored
  # on the LHS and its unique value in the function is on the RHS.
  # Examples
  # gear == 3
  # am == 1
  # These are stored in a list that is evaluated below
  filter_logic <- map(header_n_grp_names, function(x) {
    expr(!!as.symbol(x) == !!unique(.data[, x])[[1]])

  # Evaluate the filter above and pull out the 'n' column
  totals <- header_n %>%
    filter(!!!filter_logic) %>%
    select(n) %>%

  # Bind the totals to the .data
  .data$total <- totals


#' Get the header_n value of a certain
#' @param x A tplyr_table or data.frame object
#' @param ... Parameters to filter the header_n. Should be in the order of
#'   variables passed in the tplyr_table
#' @return The sum of the subset of the header_n values after filtering
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' library(dplyr)
#' t <- tplyr_table(mtcars, gear, cols = vars(cyl, am))
#' get_header_n_value(t, 3, 6, 0)
#' # Returns the number of cars that have 3 gears, 6 cylinders, and auto transmission
get_header_n_value <- function(x, ...) {

#' @noRd
get_header_n_value.tplyr_table <- function(x, ...) {
  # Arguments passed
  #dots <- enquos(...)

  header_names <- names(header_n(x))

  # You can use all columns in the header_n except the last, find the minimum
  # of the number of dots passed and the columns you can subset on
  param_num <- min(length(header_names) - 1, length(dots))

  # Just pull out the names you are selecting for
  dots_names <- header_names[1:param_num]

  ## I tried this in a map but I had trouble with the names being stripped out
  filter_logic <- list()
  for (i in seq_along(dots)) {
    filter_logic <- append(filter_logic, expr(!!as.symbol(dots_names[i]) == !!dots[[i]]))

  # filter_logic <- map(dots, function(x) {
  #   print(x)
  #   print(class(x))
  #   print(str(x))
  #   expr(!!as.symbol(names(x)) == !!x)
  #   })

  header_n(x) %>%
    filter(!!!filter_logic) %>%
    select(n) %>%

#' @noRd
get_header_n_value.data.frame <- function(x, ...) {
  # Arguments passed
  #dots <- enquos(...)

  header_names <- names(x)

  # You can use all columns in the header_n except the last, find the minimum
  # of the number of dots passed and the columns you can subset on
  param_num <- min(length(header_names) - 1, length(...))

  # Just pull out the names you are selecting for
  dots_names <- header_names[1:param_num]

  ## I tried this in a map but I had trouble with the names being stripped out
  filter_logic <- list()
  for (i in seq_along(...)) {
    rhs_logic <- as.character(...[[i]])
    filter_logic <- append(filter_logic, expr(!!as.symbol(dots_names[i]) == !!rhs_logic))

  x %>%
    filter(!!!filter_logic) %>%
    select(n) %>%


#' Get the denominator used in shift pcts
#' This is meant to be called in a dplyr grouped context
#' @param .data A data.frame that has been grouped
#' @param denoms_by The variables used to get the denoms from
#' @param denoms_df The denoms_df that is created during layer processing.
#'   Contains the unique combinations of all layer parameters and their counts.
#' @param denoms_distinct_df The values calculated that represent the distinct
#'   denominator values used in a pct.
#' @param total_extract Either 'n' or distinct_n
#' @return A data.frame with the
#' @noRd
get_denom_total <- function(.data, denoms_by, denoms_df,
                            total_extract = "n") {

  # Filter denoms dataset
  vars_in_denoms <- denoms_by[map_lgl(denoms_by, ~ as_name(.) %in% names(denoms_df))]
  filter_logic <- map(vars_in_denoms, function(x) {
    if (nrow(.data) > 0) {
      expr(!!sym(as_name(x)) == !!unique(.data[, as_name(x)])[[1]])
    } else {

  sums <-  denoms_df %>%
    filter(!!!filter_logic) %>%

    .data$total <- ifelse(nrow(sums) > 0, sum(sums[["n"]], na.rm = TRUE), 0)
    # distinct_n is present for all count layers, but not shift layers, so
    # dont' do this for shift layers
    if ("distinct_n" %in% names(sums)) {

      merge_vars <- names(sums)[!(names(sums) %in% c('n', 'distinct_n'))]
      dist_tot <- sums %>%
        select(everything(), -n, distinct_total = distinct_n)

      # summary_var may be used for grouping denoms so only toss it if
      # it's not in denoms_by
      if (!('summary_var' %in% map_chr(vars_in_denoms, as_name)) & 'summary_var' %in% names(sums)) {
        merge_vars <- merge_vars[merge_vars != 'summary_var']
        dist_tot <- dist_tot %>%

      dist_tot <- dist_tot %>% distinct()

      .data <- .data %>%
          dist_tot, by = merge_vars



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Tplyr documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:37 a.m.