
Defines functions set_precision_data set_precision_on get_precision_on set_precision_by get_precision_by set_where.tplyr_layer get_where.tplyr_layer set_by get_by set_target_var get_target_var

Documented in get_by get_precision_by get_precision_on get_target_var get_where.tplyr_layer set_by set_precision_by set_precision_data set_precision_on set_target_var set_where.tplyr_layer

#' Set or return treat_var binding
#' @param layer A \code{tplyr_layer} object
#' @return For \code{treat_var}, the treatment variable binding of the layer
#'   object. For \code{set_treat_var}, the modified layer environment.
#' @export
#' @rdname target_var
#' @examples
#' # Load in pipe
#' library(magrittr)
#' iris$Species2 <- iris$Species
#' lay <- tplyr_table(iris, Species) %>%
#'   group_count(Species) %>%
#'   set_target_var(Species2)
get_target_var <- function(layer) {
  env_get(layer, "target_var")

#' @param target_var A symbol to perform the analysis on
#' @export
#' @rdname target_var
set_target_var <- function(layer, target_var) {
  target_var <- enquos(target_var)

  # Unpack target variable
  target_var <- unpack_vars(target_var, allow_character=FALSE)
  assert_quo_var_present(target_var, envir=layer, allow_character=FALSE)

  env_bind(layer, target_var = target_var)


#' Set or return by layer binding
#' @param layer A \code{tplyr_layer} object
#' @return For \code{get_by}, the \code{by} binding of the supplied layer. For
#'   \code{set_by} the modified layer environment.
#' @export
#' @rdname by
#' @examples
#' # Load in pipe
#' library(magrittr)
#' iris$Species2 <- iris$Species
#' lay <- tplyr_table(iris, Species) %>%
#'   group_count(Species) %>%
#'   set_by(vars(Species2, Sepal.Width))
get_by <- function(layer) {
  env_get(layer, "by")

#' @param by A string, a variable name, or a list of variable names supplied
#'   using \code{dplyr::vars}.
#' @export
#' @rdname by
set_by <- function(layer, by) {
  by <- enquos(by)

  # Unpack by
  by <- unpack_vars(by)
  assert_quo_var_present(by, envir=layer)

  env_bind(layer, by = by)


#' @export
#' @rdname where
get_where.tplyr_layer <- function(obj) {
  env_get(obj, "where")

#' @export
#' @rdname where
set_where.tplyr_layer <- function(obj, where) {
  where <- enquo(where)

              msg = "The `where` parameter must contain subsetting logic (enter without quotes)")

  env_bind(obj, where = where)


#' Set or return precision_by layer binding
#' The precision_by variables are used to collect the integer and decimal
#' precision when auto-precision is used. These by variables are used to group
#' the input data and identify the maximum precision available within the
#' dataset for each by group. The precision_by variables must be a subset of the
#' by variables
#' @param layer A \code{tplyr_layer} object
#' @return For \code{get_precision_by}, the precision_by binding of the supplied
#'   layer. For \code{set_precision_by} the modified layer environment.
#' @export
#' @rdname precision_by
#' @examples
#' # Load in pipe
#' library(magrittr)
#' lay <- tplyr_table(mtcars, gear) %>%
#'   add_layer(
#'     group_desc(mpg, by=vars(carb, am)) %>%
#'     set_precision_by(carb)
#'   )
get_precision_by <- function(layer) {
  env_get(layer, "precision_by")

#' @param precision_by A string, a variable name, or a list of variable names supplied
#'   using \code{dplyr::vars}.
#' @export
#' @rdname precision_by
set_precision_by <- function(layer, precision_by) {
  precision_by <- enquos(precision_by)

  # Unpack by
  precision_by <- unpack_vars(precision_by)

  assert_that(all(precision_by %in% env_get(layer, "by")),
              msg = "The precision_by variables must be a subset of the layer by variables.")

  env_bind(layer, precision_by = precision_by)


#' Set or return precision_on layer binding
#' The precision_on variable is the variable used to establish numeric
#' precision. This variable must be included in the list of \code{target_var}
#' variables.
#' @param layer A \code{tplyr_layer} object
#' @return For \code{get_precision_on}, the precision_on binding of the supplied
#'   layer. For \code{set_precision_on} the modified layer environment.
#' @export
#' @rdname precision_on
#' @examples
#' # Load in pipe
#' library(magrittr)
#' lay <- tplyr_table(mtcars, gear) %>%
#'   add_layer(
#'     group_desc(vars(mpg, disp), by=vars(carb, am)) %>%
#'     set_precision_on(disp)
#'   )
get_precision_on <- function(layer) {
  env_get(layer, "precision_on")

#' @param precision_on A string, a variable name, or a list of variable names
#'   supplied using \code{dplyr::vars}.
#' @export
#' @rdname precision_on
set_precision_on <- function(layer, precision_on) {
  precision_on <- enquo(precision_on)

  assert_that(list(precision_on) %in% env_get(layer, "target_var"),
              msg = "The precision_on variable must be included in `target_var`")

  env_bind(layer, precision_on = precision_on)


#' Set precision data
#' In some cases, there may be organizational standards surrounding decimal precision.
#' For example, there may be a specific standard around the representation of precision relating
#' to lab results. As such, `set_precision_data()` provides an interface to provide integer and
#' decimal precision from an external data source.
#' The ultimate behavior of this feature is just that of the existing auto precision method, except
#' that the precision is specified in the provided precision dataset rather than inferred from the source data.
#' At a minimum, the precision dataset must contain the integer variables `max_int` and `max_dec`. If by variables
#' are provided, those variables must be available in the layer by variables.
#' When the table is built, by default Tplyr will error if the precision dataset is missing by variable groupings
#' that exist in the target dataset. This can be overriden using the `default` parameter. If `default` is set to
#' "auto", any missing values will be automatically inferred from the source data.
#' @param layer A \code{tplyr_layer} object
#' @param prec A dataframe following the structure specified in the function details
#' @param default Handling of unspecified by variable groupings. Defaults to 'error'. Set to 'auto' to automatically infer any missing groups.
#' @md
#' @export
#' @examples
#' prec <- tibble::tribble(
#'   ~vs, ~max_int, ~max_dec,
#'   0,        1,        1,
#'   1,        2,        2
#' )
#' tplyr_table(mtcars, gear) %>%
#'   add_layer(
#'     group_desc(wt, by = vs) %>%
#'       set_format_strings(
#'         'Mean (SD)' = f_str('a.a+1 (a.a+2)', mean, sd)
#'       ) %>%
#'       set_precision_data(prec) %>%
#'       set_precision_on(wt)
#'   ) %>%
#'   build()
set_precision_data <- function(layer, prec, default = c("error", "auto")) {

  default <- match.arg(default)

  # Grab the metadata
  precision_by <- names(prec)[which(!names(prec) %in% c('max_int', 'max_dec'))]
  precision_by_syms <- map(precision_by, sym)

  # Insert the by variables in the layer and let set_precision_by validate
  set_precision_by(layer, vars(!!!precision_by_syms))

  # Checks
  # max_int and max_dec are both on precision dataset
    all(c('max_int', 'max_dec') %in% names(prec)),
    msg = "Precision dataset must include the variables max_int and max_dec"

  # max_int and max_dec are all valid integers
    sum(c(prec$max_int, prec$max_dec) %% 1) == 0,
    msg = "max_int and max_dec in precision dataset must be valid integer values"

  # Bind it to the layer
  env_bind(layer, prec = prec)
  env_bind(layer, prec_error = default)

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Tplyr documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:37 a.m.