
Defines functions NewickTree RightmostCharacter PhyToString StringToPhyDat PhyDat ReadTntAsPhyDat ReadAsPhyDat PhyDatToMatrix .PhyDatWithContrast .SubsetPhyDat MatrixToPhyDat MorphoBankDecode .UnescapeQuotes Unquote EndSentence ReadNotes .RegExpMatches .UTFLines ReadTntCharacters ReadCharacters NexusTokens ExtractTaxa ApeTime

Documented in ApeTime EndSentence ExtractTaxa MatrixToPhyDat MorphoBankDecode NewickTree NexusTokens PhyDat PhyDatToMatrix PhyToString ReadAsPhyDat ReadCharacters ReadNotes ReadTntAsPhyDat ReadTntCharacters RightmostCharacter StringToPhyDat Unquote

#' Read modification time from "ape" Nexus file
#' `ApeTime()` reads the time that a tree written with "ape" was modified,
#' based on the comment in the Nexus file.
#' @param filepath Character string specifying path to the file.
#' @param format Format in which to return the time: "double" as a sortable numeric;
#'               any other value to return a string in the format
#'               `YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss`.
#' @return `ApeTime()` returns the time that the specified file was created by
#' ape, in the format specified by `format`.
#' @template MRS
#' @export
ApeTime <- function(filepath, format = "double") {
  if (length(filepath) > 1L) {
    stop("`filepath` must be a character string of length 1")
  comment <- readLines(filepath, n = 2)[2]
  Month <- function(month) {
    months <- c("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun",
                "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec")
    whichMonth <- months == month
    if (any(whichMonth)) {
      formatC(which(whichMonth), width = 2, flag = "0")
    } else {
      month                                                                     # nocov
  DATEEXP <- ".*? (\\w+)\\s(\\d+)\\s(\\d+\\:\\d\\d\\:\\d\\d)\\s(\\d\\d\\d\\d).*"
  time <- paste0(gsub(DATEEXP, "\\4-", comment),
                 Month(gsub(DATEEXP, "\\1", comment)),
                 gsub(DATEEXP, "-\\2 \\3", comment))

  # Return:
  ifelse(format == "double", as.numeric(as.POSIXct(time, tz = "GMT")), time)

#' Extract taxa from a matrix block
#' Extract leaf labels and character states from a Nexus-formatted matrix.
#' @param matrixLines Character vector containing lines of a file that include
#' a phylogenetic matrix. See [`ReadCharacters()`] for expected format.
#' @template characterNumParam
#' @param continuous Logical specifying whether characters are continuous.
#' Treated as discrete if `FALSE`.
#' @return `ExtractTaxa()` returns a matrix with _n_ rows, each named for the
#' relevant taxon, and _c_ columns,
#' each corresponding to the respective character specified in `character_num`.
#' @examples
#' fileName <- paste0(system.file(package = "TreeTools"),
#'                    "/extdata/input/dataset.nex")
#' matrixLines <- readLines(fileName)[6:11]
#' ExtractTaxa(matrixLines)
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
ExtractTaxa <- function(matrixLines, character_num = NULL,
                         continuous = FALSE) {
  taxonLine.pattern <- "('([^']+)'|\"([^\"+])\"|(\\S+))\\s+(.+)$"

  taxonLines <- regexpr(taxonLine.pattern, matrixLines, perl = TRUE) > -1
  # If a line does not start with a taxon name, join it to the preceding line
  taxonLineNumber <- which(taxonLines)
  previousTaxon <- vapply(which(!taxonLines), function(x) {
    max(taxonLineNumber[taxonLineNumber < x])
  }, integer(1))

  taxa <- sub(taxonLine.pattern, "\\2\\3\\4", matrixLines, perl = TRUE)
  taxa <- gsub(" ", "_", taxa, fixed=TRUE)
  taxa[!taxonLines] <- taxa[previousTaxon]
  uniqueTaxa <- unique(taxa)

  tokens <- sub(taxonLine.pattern, "\\5", matrixLines, perl = TRUE)
  if (continuous) {
    tokens <- strsplit(tokens, "\\s+")
    lengths <- lengths(tokens)
    if (length(unique(lengths)) != 1) {
      stop("Different numbers of tokens in different taxa: ",                   # nocov
           paste(lengths, collapse = ", "))                                     # nocov
    tokens <- t(vapply(tokens, I, tokens[[1]]))
  } else {
    tokens <- gsub("\t", "", gsub(" ", "", tokens, fixed = TRUE), fixed = TRUE)
    tokens <- vapply(uniqueTaxa,
                     function(taxon) paste0(tokens[taxa == taxon],
                                             collapse = ""),
    tokens <- NexusTokens(tokens, character_num = character_num)

  rownames(tokens) <- uniqueTaxa

  # Return:

#' @rdname ExtractTaxa
#' @param tokens Vector of character strings corresponding to phylogenetic
#'  tokens.
#' @return `NexusTokens()` returns a character vector in which each entry
#' corresponds to the states of a phylogenetic character, or a list containing
#' an error message if input is invalid.
#' @examples
#' NexusTokens("01[01]-?")
#' @export
NexusTokens <- function(tokens, character_num = NULL) {
  tokens.pattern <- "\\([^\\)]+\\)|\\[[^\\]]+\\]|\\{[^\\}]+\\}|\\S"
  matches <- gregexpr(tokens.pattern, tokens, perl = TRUE)

  nChar <- length(matches[[1]])

  if (!exists("character_num") || is.null(character_num)) {
    character_num <- seq_len(nChar)
  } else if (any(character_num > nChar) || any(character_num < 1)) {
    character_num[character_num < 1] <- 1L
    character_num[character_num > nChar] <- nChar
    return(list(paste0("Character number must be between 1 and ", nChar, ".")))

  tokens <- t(vapply(regmatches(tokens, matches),
                     function(x) x[character_num, drop=FALSE],
  if (length(character_num) == 1) {
    tokens <- t(tokens)
  } else if (length(character_num) == 0) {
    stop("No characters selected")

  # Return:

#' Read phylogenetic characters from file
#' Parse a Nexus \insertCite{Maddison1997}{TreeTools} or 
#' TNT \insertCite{Goloboff2008}{TreeTools} file, reading character states and
#' names.
#' Tested with matrices downloaded from [MorphoBank](https://morphobank.org)
#' \insertCite{OLeary2011}{TreeTools}, but should also work more widely; please
#' [report](https://github.com/ms609/TreeTools/issues/new?title=Error+parsing+Nexus+file&body=<!--Tell+me+more+and+attach+your+file...-->)
#' incompletely or incorrectly parsed files.
#' Matrices must contain only continuous or only discrete characters;
#' maximum one matrix per file.  Continuous characters will be read as strings
#' (i.e. base type "character").
#' The encoding of an input file will be automatically determined by R.
#' Errors pertaining to an `invalid multibyte string` or
#' `string invalid at that locale` indicate that R has failed to detect
#' the appropriate encoding.  Either
#' [re-save the file](
#' https://support.posit.co/hc/en-us/articles/200532197-Character-Encoding-in-the-RStudio-IDE)
#' in a supported encoding (`UTF-8` is a good choice) or
#' specify the file encoding (which you can find by, for example, opening in
#' [Notepad++](https://notepad-plus-plus.org/downloads/) and identifying
#' the highlighted option in the "Encoding" menu) following the example below.
#' @param filepath character string specifying location of file, or a
#' [connection][base::connections] to the file.
#' @param type Character vector specifying categories of data to extract from
#' file. Setting `type = c("num", "dna")` will return only characters
#' following a `&[num]` or `&[dna]` tag in a TNT input file, listing `num`
#' character blocks before `dna` characters.
#' Leave as `NULL` (the default) to return all characters in their original
#' sequence.
#' @template characterNumParam
#' @param encoding Character encoding of input file.
#' @return `ReadCharacters()` and `ReadTNTCharacters()` return a matrix whose
#' row names correspond to tip labels, and
#' column names correspond to character labels, with the
#' attribute `state.labels` listing the state labels for each character; or
#' a list of length one containing a character string explaining why the
#' function call was unsuccessful.
#' `ReadAsPhyDat()` and `ReadTntAsPhyDat()` return a `phyDat` object.
#' @references \insertAllCited{}
#' @examples
#' fileName <- paste0(system.file(package = "TreeTools"),
#'                    "/extdata/input/dataset.nex")
#' ReadCharacters(fileName)
#' fileName <- paste0(system.file(package = "TreeTools"),
#'                    "/extdata/tests/continuous.nex")
#' continuous <- ReadCharacters(fileName, encoding = "UTF8")
#' # To convert from strings to numbers:
#' at <- attributes(continuous)
#' continuous <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(continuous))
#' attributes(continuous) <- at
#' continuous
#' @template MRS
#' @seealso
#' - Convert between matrices and `phyDat` objects: [`MatrixToPhyDat()`]
#' - Write characters to TNT-format file: [`WriteTntCharacters()`]
#' @export
ReadCharacters <- function(filepath, character_num = NULL, encoding = "UTF8") {

  lines <- .UTFLines(filepath, encoding)
  nexusComment.pattern <- "\\[[^\\]*?\\]"
  lines <- gsub(nexusComment.pattern, "", lines)
  lines <- trimws(lines)
  lines <- lines[lines != ""]

  semicolons <- which(RightmostCharacter(lines) == ";")
  upperLines <- toupper(lines)

  continuous <- length(grep("DATATYPE[\\S\\=]+CONTINUOUS", upperLines)) > 0
  matrixStart <- which(upperLines == "MATRIX")
  if (length(matrixStart) == 0) {
    return(list("MATRIX block not found in Nexus file."))
  } else if (length (matrixStart) > 1) {
    return(list("Multiple MATRIX blocks found in Nexus file."))                 # nocov
  } else {

    matrixEnd <- semicolons[semicolons > matrixStart][1]
    if (lines[matrixEnd] == ";") matrixEnd <- matrixEnd - 1

    matrixLines <- lines[(matrixStart + 1):matrixEnd]
    tokens <- ExtractTaxa(matrixLines, character_num = character_num,
                          continuous = continuous)

    nChar.pattern <- "DIMENSIONS\\s+.*NCHAR\\s*=\\s*(\\d+)"
    nCharLines <- grepl(nChar.pattern, upperLines, perl = TRUE)
    nChar <- .RegExpMatches("DIMENSIONS\\s+.*NCHAR\\s*=\\s*(\\d+)", upperLines[nCharLines])
    if (length(unique(nChar)) > 1) {
      return(list("Inconsistent DIMENSIONS NCHAR= counts in Nexus file."))
    nChar <- as.integer(nChar[1])
    if (is.null(character_num)) {
      character_num <- seq_len(ncol(tokens))

    ## Written with MorphoBank format in mind: each label on separate line,
    ## each character introduced by integer and terminated with comma.
    labelStart <- grep("^\\s*CHARLABELS\\s*$", upperLines,
                       ignore.case = TRUE, perl = TRUE)
    if (length(labelStart) == 1) {
      labelEnd <- semicolons[semicolons > labelStart][1]
      if (lines[labelEnd] == ";") labelEnd <- labelEnd - 1
      #attr(dat, "char.labels")
      colnames(tokens) <- Unquote(
        .UnescapeQuotes(lines[labelStart + character_num])
    } else {
      if (length(labelStart) > 1)
        return(list("Multiple CharLabels blocks in Nexus file."))

    stateStart <- grep("^\\s*STATELABELS\\s*$", upperLines,
                                 ignore.case = TRUE, perl = TRUE)
    if (length(stateStart) == 1) {
      stateEnd <- semicolons[semicolons > stateStart][1]
      if (is.na(stateEnd)) {
        stop("STATELABELS block missing closing semicolon;")
      stateLines <- lines[stateStart:stateEnd]
      stateStarts <- grep("^\\d+", stateLines)
      stateEnds <- grep("[,;]$", stateLines)
      if (length(stateStarts) != length(stateEnds)) {
        warning("Could not parse character states; does each end with a ' or ;?.")
      } else {
        if (length(character_num) != length(stateStarts)) {
          stateNos <- as.integer(stateLines[stateStarts])
          if (all(!is.na(stateNos))) {
            warning("Missing character state definition for: ",
                    paste0(setdiff(character_num, stateNos), collapse = ", "))
          } else {
            warning("More characters than character state definitions.")

        attr(tokens, "state.labels") <-
          lapply(character_num[seq_along(stateStarts)], function(i)
                stateLines[(stateStarts[i] + 1):(stateEnds[i] - 1)]
    } else {
      if (length(labelStart) > 1) {
        return(list("Multiple StateLabels blocks in Nexus file."))

    charStateLabelsStart <- grep("^\\s*CHARSTATELABELS\\s*$", upperLines,
                                 ignore.case = TRUE, perl = TRUE)
    endCommand <- grep(";$", upperLines, perl = TRUE)

    if (length(charStateLabelsStart)) {
      if (length(charStateLabelsStart) > 1) {
        return(list("Multiple CHARSTATELABELS blocks found in Nexus file."))
      charStateLabelsEnd <- endCommand[endCommand > charStateLabelsStart][1]
      if (length(charStateLabelsEnd) == 0) {
        return(list("Unterminated CHARSTATELABELS block in Nexus file."))

      # csl: charStateLabels
      csl <- lines[(charStateLabelsStart + 1):charStateLabelsEnd]
      quote.pattern <- "'[^']*'"
      cslEscapes <- unlist(regmatches(csl, gregexpr(quote.pattern, csl, perl = TRUE)))
      cslEscapes <- substr(cslEscapes, 2L, vapply(cslEscapes, nchar, 1) - 1L)

      cslEscaped <- strsplit(paste(gsub(quote.pattern,
                                        "__TREETOOLS_ESCAPE_SEQUENCE__", csl,
                                        perl = TRUE), collapse = "  "),
                             ",\\s+\\d+", perl = TRUE)[[1]]
      nCsl <- length(cslEscaped)
      if (nCsl != nChar) {
        return(list(paste0("CHARSTATELABELS length (", nCsl,
                           ") does not match NCHAR (", nChar, ")")))
      cslEscaped[1] <- sub("^\\s*1\\b", "", cslEscaped[1], perl = TRUE)
      cslEscaped[nCsl] <- sub("\\s*;\\s*$", "", cslEscaped[nCsl], perl = TRUE)
      cslEscaped <- trimws(sub("\\s*/\\s*", "__TREETOOLS_ESCAPE_SPLITTER__", cslEscaped, perl = TRUE))
      cslEscaped <- gsub("\\s+", "__TREETOOLS_ESCAPE_LABEL_SPLITTER__", cslEscaped, perl = TRUE)
      cslEscaped <- paste(cslEscaped, collapse = "__TREETOOLS_ESCAPE_CHAR_SPLITTER__")
      for (escape in cslEscapes) {
        cslEscaped <- sub("__TREETOOLS_ESCAPE_SEQUENCE__", escape, cslEscaped, fixed = TRUE)
      cslEscaped <- strsplit(cslEscaped, "__TREETOOLS_ESCAPE_CHAR_SPLITTER__", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
      cslEscaped <- do.call(rbind, strsplit(cslEscaped, "__TREETOOLS_ESCAPE_SPLITTER__", fixed = TRUE))
      colnames(tokens) <- gsub("_", " ", cslEscaped[, 1])[character_num]
      attr(tokens, "state.labels") <- lapply(
        strsplit(cslEscaped[character_num, 2], "__TREETOOLS_ESCAPE_LABEL_SPLITTER__", fixed = TRUE),
        gsub, pattern = "_", replacement = " ", fixed = TRUE)

  # Return:

#' @rdname ReadCharacters
#' @export
ReadTntCharacters <- function(filepath, character_num = NULL,
                               type = NULL, encoding = "UTF8") {

  lines <- .UTFLines(filepath, encoding)
  tntComment.pattern <- "'[^']*'"
  lines <- gsub(tntComment.pattern, "", lines, perl = TRUE)
  multilineComments <- grep("'", lines, fixed = TRUE)
  nmlc <- length(multilineComments) / 2
  openComment <- multilineComments[seq_len(nmlc) * 2L - 1L]
  closeComment <- multilineComments[seq_len(nmlc) * 2L]
  lines[openComment] <- gsub("'.*", "", lines[openComment])
  lines[closeComment] <- gsub(".*'", "", lines[closeComment])

  lines <- trimws(lines)
  lines <- lines[lines != ""]

  semicolons <- grep(";", lines, fixed = TRUE)
  upperLines <- toupper(lines)

  xread <- grep("^XREAD\\b", lines, ignore.case = TRUE, perl = TRUE)
  if (length(xread) < 1) return(NULL)
  if (length(xread) > 1) {
    message("Multiple character blocks not yet supported;",
            "contact 'TreeTools' maintainer to request.",
            "Returning first block only.")
    xread <- xread[1]

  xreadEnd <- semicolons[semicolons > xread][1]
  if (lines[xreadEnd] == ";") {
    xreadEnd <- xreadEnd - 1L
  xreadLines <- lines[xread:xreadEnd]
  xDimPos <- regexec("'?\\s*(\\d+)\\s*(\\d+)\\s*$", xreadLines)
  xDimLine <- which(vapply(xDimPos, `[`, 1, 1) > -1)[1]
  dimText <- xreadLines[xDimLine]
  dimHit <- xDimPos[[xDimLine]]
  nChar <- as.integer(substr(dimText, dimHit[2], dimHit[2] +
                               attr(dimHit, "match.length")[2] - 1L))
  nTip <- as.integer(substr(dimText, dimHit[3], dimHit[3] +
                              attr(dimHit, "match.length")[3] - 1L))
  matrixLines <- xreadLines[-seq_len(xDimLine)]

  ctypeLines <- grep("^&\\[[\\w\\s]+\\]$", matrixLines, perl = TRUE)
  if (is.null(type)) {
    if (length(ctypeLines)) matrixLines <- matrixLines[-ctypeLines]
  } else {
    types <- matrixLines[ctypeLines]
    blocks <- lapply(paste0("\\b", type, "\\b"), grep, types, ignore.case = TRUE)
    nBlocks <- lengths(blocks)
    if (any(nBlocks == 0)) {
      message("Tags ", paste0(type[nBlocks == 0], collapse = ", "),
      " not found. Ignored: ", types[!seq_along(types) %fin% unlist(blocks)])
    if (all(nBlocks == 0L)) return(NULL)
    blockSpan <- cbind(ctypeLines + 1L, c(ctypeLines[-1] - 1, length(matrixLines)))
    matrixLines <- matrixLines[unlist(
      apply(blockSpan[unlist(blocks), , drop = FALSE],  1,
            function(x) seq.int(from = x[1], to = x[2])))]

  tokens <- ExtractTaxa(matrixLines, character_num)
  if (nrow(tokens) != nTip) {
    warning("Extracted ", nrow(tokens), " taxa, but TNT file specifies ", nTip, # nocov
            ": please check output and report bugs.")                           # nocov
  labelStart <- which(upperLines == "CHARLABELS")
  if (length(labelStart) == 1) {
    labelEnd <- semicolons[semicolons > labelStart][1]
    if (lines[labelEnd] == ";") labelEnd <- labelEnd - 1
    #attr(dat, "char.labels")
    colnames(tokens) <- lines[labelStart + character_num]
  } else {
    if (length(labelStart) > 1)
      return(list("Multiple CharLabels blocks in Nexus file."))

  labelStart <- which(upperLines == "CNAMES")
  if (length(labelStart) == 1) {
    labelEnd <- semicolons[semicolons > labelStart][1]
    if (lines[labelEnd] == ";") labelEnd <- labelEnd - 1
    charLines <- lines[labelStart + character_num]
    charLine.pattern <- "^\\S+\\s\\d+\\s(\\w+)(.*)\\s*;\\s*$"

    # Character labels
    charNames <- gsub(charLine.pattern, "\\1", charLines, perl = TRUE)
    colnames(tokens) <- gsub("_", " ", charNames, fixed = TRUE)

    # State labels
    stateNames <- gsub(charLine.pattern, "\\2", charLines, perl = TRUE)
    attr(tokens, "state.labels") <- lapply(stateNames, function(line) {
      states <- strsplit(trimws(line), "\\s+", perl = TRUE)[[1]]
      trimws(gsub("_", " ", states, fixed = TRUE))
  } else {
    if (length(labelStart) > 1)
      return(list("Multiple cnames entries in TNT file."))

  # Return:

.UTFLines <- function(filepath, encoding) {
  con <- file(filepath, encoding = encoding)
    # Missing EOL might occur in user-generated file, so warning not helpful
    try1 <- enc2utf8(readLines(con, warn = FALSE)),
    warning = function(e) {
      if (substr(e[["message"]], 0, 39) == 
          "invalid input found on input connection") {
        newEnc <- if (toupper(encoding) %in% c("UTF-8", "UTF8")) {
        } else {
        message("Problem reading; trying ", newEnc, " file encoding")
        con <- file(filepath, encoding = newEnc)
        enc2utf8(readLines(con, warn = FALSE))
      } else {

.RegExpMatches <- function(pattern, string, i = TRUE, nMatch = 1) {
  res <- regexpr(pattern, string, perl = TRUE, ignore.case = i)
  matches <- regmatches(string, res)
  res[res < 0] <- NA
  res[!is.na(res)] <-
    gsub(pattern, paste0(paste0("\\", seq_len(nMatch)), collapse = ""),
       matches, ignore.case = i, perl = TRUE)

#' @rdname ReadCharacters
#' @return `ReadNotes()` returns a list in which each entry corresponds to a
#' single character, and itself contains a list of with two elements:
#' 1. A single character object listing any notes associated with the character
#' 2. A named character vector listing the notes associated with each taxon
#' for that character, named with the names of each note-bearing taxon.
#' @importFrom stats setNames
#' @export
ReadNotes <- function(filepath, encoding = "UTF8") {
  taxon.pattern <- "^\\s+[\"']?([^;]*?)[\"']?\\s*$"
  nTax.pattern <- "DIMENSIONS\\s+.*NTAX\\s*=\\s*(\\d+)"

  lines <- .UTFLines(filepath, encoding)
  upperLines <- toupper(lines)
  trimUpperLines <- trimws(upperLines)

  notesStart <- which(trimUpperLines == "BEGIN NOTES;")
  endBlocks <- which(trimUpperLines %fin% c("END;", "ENDBLOCK;"))
  taxLabels <- which(trimUpperLines == "TAXLABELS")
  semicolons <- which(trimUpperLines == ";")
  nTaxLines <- grepl(nTax.pattern, trimUpperLines, perl = TRUE)

  if (length(notesStart) == 0) {
    return(list("NOTES block not found in Nexus file."))
  } else if (length(notesStart) > 1) {
    return(list("Multiple NOTES blocks found in Nexus file."))
  } else if (length(taxLabels) > 1) {
    return(list("Multiple TAXLABELS found in Nexus file."))
  } else if (!any(nTaxLines)) {
    return(list("No DIMENSIONS NTAX= statment found in Nexus file."))
  } else {
    if (length(taxLabels) == 0) {
      taxa <- names(ReadAsPhyDat(filepath))
    } else {

      nTax <- .RegExpMatches(nTax.pattern, trimUpperLines[nTaxLines])
      if (length(unique(nTax)) > 1) {
        return(list("Inconsistent DIMENSIONS NTAX= counts in Nexus file."))
      nTax <- as.integer(nTax[1])

      taxaEnd <- semicolons[semicolons > taxLabels][1] - 1L
      taxaLines <- lines[(taxLabels + 1):taxaEnd]
      taxon.matches <- grepl(taxon.pattern, taxaLines, perl = TRUE)
      if (sum(taxon.matches) == nTax) {
        taxa <- gsub(taxon.pattern, "\\1", taxaLines[taxon.matches], perl = TRUE)
        taxa <- gsub(" ", "_", taxa, fixed = TRUE)
      } else {
        taxa <- gsub(taxon.pattern, "\\1", taxaLines[taxon.matches], perl = TRUE)
        taxa <- unlist(strsplit(taxa, " "))
        if (length(taxa) != nTax) {
          return(list(paste0("Mismatch: NTAX=", nTax, ", but ", length(taxa),
                             " TAXLABELS found in Nexus file.")))

    notesEnd <- endBlocks[endBlocks > notesStart][1] - 1L
    notesLines <- lines[(notesStart + 1):notesEnd]
    collapsedLines <- paste0(notesLines, collapse = "\r\n")
    # Remove [comments]
    collapsedLines <- gsub("(;\\s*)\\[[^\\]]*\\]", "\\1", collapsedLines,
                           perl = TRUE)
    notes <- strsplit(collapsedLines,
                      # (?i) makes perl regexp case insensitive
                      "(?i)\\r\\n\\s*TEXT\\s+", perl = TRUE)[[1]]

    noteTaxon <- as.integer(.RegExpMatches("\\bTAXON\\s*=\\s*(\\d+)", notes))
    noteChar <- as.integer(.RegExpMatches("\\bCHARACTER\\s*=\\s*(\\d+)", notes))
    noteText <- EndSentence(MorphoBankDecode(
      .RegExpMatches("\\bTEXT\\s*=\\s*['\"]([\\s\\S]+)['\"];\\s*$", notes)))

    seqAlongNotes <- if (any(!is.na(noteChar))) {
      seq_len(max(noteChar, na.rm = TRUE))
    } else {

    # Return:
    setNames(lapply(seqAlongNotes, function(i) {
      byTaxon <- !is.na(noteChar) & noteChar == i & !is.na(noteTaxon)
      ret <- list(
        noteText[!is.na(noteChar) & noteChar == i & is.na(noteTaxon)],
        setNames(noteText[byTaxon], taxa[noteTaxon[byTaxon]]))

      # Return:
    }), seqAlongNotes)

#' Add full stop to end of a sentence
#' @param string Input string
#' @return `EndSentence()` returns `string`, punctuated with a final full stop
#' (period).`
#' @examples
#' EndSentence("Hello World") # "Hello World."
#' @author Martin R. Smith
#' @family string parsing functions
#' @export
EndSentence <- function(string) {
  if (length(string)) {
    ret <- gsub("\\s*\\.?\\s*\\.$", ".", paste0(string, "."), perl = TRUE)
    ret <- gsub("(\\.[\"'])\\.$", "\\1", ret, perl = TRUE)
    ret <- gsub("([!\\?])\\.$", "\\1", ret, perl = TRUE)
    ret[ret == "."] <- ""
  } else {

#' Remove quotation marks from a string
#' @param string Input string
#' @return `Unquote()` returns `string`, with any matched punctuation marks
#' and trailing whitespace removed.
#' @examples
#' Unquote("'Hello World'")
#' @author Martin R. Smith
#' @family string parsing functions
#' @export
Unquote <- function(string) {
  noSingle <- vapply(string, gsub, character(1),
                     pattern = "^\\s*'\\s*(.*?)\\s*'\\s*$",
                     replacement = "\\1", USE.NAMES = FALSE)
  vapply(noSingle, gsub, character(1),
         pattern = "^\\s*\"\\s*(.*?)\\s*\"\\s*$", replacement = "\\1",
         USE.NAMES = FALSE)

# Unescape quotes in Nexus format
.UnescapeQuotes <- function(string) {
  gsub("(?=.)''(?=.)", "'", string, perl = TRUE)

#' Decode MorphoBank text
#' Converts strings from MorphoBank notes into a Latex-compatible format.
#' @param string String to process
#' @return `MorphoBankDecode()` returns a string with new lines and punctuation
#' reformatted.
#' @family string parsing functions
#' @author Martin R. Smith
#' @export
MorphoBankDecode <- function(string) {
  string <- gsub("^n", "  \n", string, fixed = TRUE)
  string <- gsub("''", "'", string, fixed = TRUE)
  string <- gsub(" - ", " -- ", string, fixed = TRUE)
  string <- gsub("(\\d)\\-(\\d)", "\\1--\\2", string, perl = TRUE)
  string <- gsub("(\\d) ?um\\b", "\\1 \u{03BC}m", string, perl = TRUE)
  string <- gsub(" [recoded as neomorphic]",
                 " Inapplicable tokens in this neomorphic character have been replaced with the absent token, following @Brazeau2018", string, fixed = TRUE)

  # Return:

#' Convert between matrices and `phyDat` objects
#' `MatrixToPhyDat()` converts a matrix of tokens to a `phyDat` object;
#' `PhyDatToMatrix()` converts a `phyDat` object to a matrix of tokens.
#' @param tokens Matrix of tokens, possibly created with [`ReadCharacters()`]
#' or [`ReadTntCharacters()`].
#' Row names should correspond to leaf labels; column names may optionally
#' correspond to character labels.
#' @return `MatrixToPhyDat()` returns an object of class `phyDat`.
#' @family phylogenetic matrix conversion functions
#' @examples 
#' tokens <- matrix(c(0, 0, "0", 0, 0,
#'                    0, 0, "1", 0, 1,
#'                    0, 0, "1", 0, 1,
#'                    0, 0, "2", 0, 1,
#'                    1, 1, "-", 1, 0,
#'                    1, 1, "2", 1, "{01}"),
#'                    nrow = 6, ncol = 5, byrow = TRUE,
#'                    dimnames = list(
#'                      paste0("Taxon_", LETTERS[1:6]),
#'                      paste0("Char_", 1:5)))
#' MatrixToPhyDat(tokens)
#' @template MRS
#' @export
MatrixToPhyDat <- function(tokens) {
  if (inherits(tokens, "phyDat")) {
    warning("MatrixToPhyDat() expects a matrix, not a phyDat object")
  allTokens <- unique(as.character(tokens))
  if (any(nchar(allTokens) == 0)) {
    problems <- apply(tokens, 1, function(x) which(nchar(x) == 0))
    problemTaxa <- lengths(problems) > 0
    problemTaxa <- names(problemTaxa[problemTaxa])
    warning("Blank tokens ('') found in taxa: ",
            paste0(problemTaxa, collapse = ", "))
  tokenNumbers <- seq_along(allTokens)
  names(tokenNumbers) <- allTokens
  matches <- gregexpr("[\\d\\-\\w]", allTokens, perl = TRUE)
  whichTokens <- regmatches(allTokens, matches)
  levels <- sort(unique(unlist(whichTokens)))
  whichTokens[allTokens == "?"] <- list(levels)
  contrast <- vapply(whichTokens, function(x) levels %fin% x,
  contrast <- 1 * if (is.null(dim(contrast))) {
  } else {
  dimnames(contrast) <- list(allTokens, levels)
  dat <- .PhyDatWithContrast(tokens, contrast = contrast)

  # Return:

#' @export
`[.phyDat` <- .SubsetPhyDat <- function(x, i, j, ..., drop = FALSE) {
  mat <- PhyDatToMatrix(x)
  MatrixToPhyDat(mat[i, j, ..., drop = FALSE])

.PhyDatWithContrast <- function(dat, contrast) {
  if (is.null(dim(dat))) {
    dat <- t(t(dat))
  tipLabels <- rownames(dat)
  if (is.null(tipLabels)) {
    stop("Data rows must be named with tip labels")
  levelSet <- dimnames(contrast)
  allLevels <- levelSet[[1]]
  levels <- levelSet[[2]]
  rownames(contrast) <- NULL
  # See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/70557817
  groups <- do.call(grouping, as.data.frame(t(dat)))
  ends <- attr(groups, "ends")
  i <- rep(seq_along(ends), c(ends[1], diff(ends)))[order(groups)]
  firstOccurrence <- match(i, i)
  tab <- table(firstOccurrence)
  weight <- as.integer(tab)
  tab[] <- seq_along(tab)
  index <- as.integer(tab[as.character(firstOccurrence)])
  duplicate <- duplicated(firstOccurrence)
  phyMat <- matrix(match(dat[, !duplicate], allLevels),
                   dim(dat)[1], sum(!duplicate))
  # Return:
    lapply(seq_along(tipLabels), function(i) phyMat[i, ]),
    #as.list(asplit(phyMat, 1)),
    names  = tipLabels,
    weight = as.integer(weight),
    nr = length(weight),
    nc = length(levels),
    index = unname(index),
    levels = levels,
    allLevels = allLevels,
    type = "USER",
    contrast = contrast,
    class = "phyDat")

#' @rdname MatrixToPhyDat
#' @param dataset A dataset of class `phyDat`.
#' @param ambigNA,inappNA Logical specifying whether to denote ambiguous /
#' inapplicable characters as `NA` values.
#' @param parentheses Character vector specifying style of parentheses
#' with which to enclose ambiguous characters. `c("[", "]")` or `"[]"` will
#' render `[01]`.
#' `NULL` will use the token specified in the `phyDat` object; but beware that
#' this will be treated as a distinct (non-ambiguous) token if re-encoding with
#' `PhyDatToMatrix()`.
#' @param sep Character with which to separate ambiguous tokens, e.g. `','`
#' will render `[0,1]`.
#' @return `PhyDatToMatrix()` returns a matrix corresponding to the
#' uncompressed character states within a `phyDat` object.
#' @examples 
#' data("Lobo", package = "TreeTools")
#' head(PhyDatToMatrix(Lobo.phy)[, 91:93])
#' @export
PhyDatToMatrix <- function(dataset, ambigNA = FALSE, inappNA = ambigNA,
                           parentheses = c("{", "}"), sep = "") {
  if (!is.null(parentheses) && length(parentheses) == 0) {
    parentheses <- c("", "")
  } else if (length(parentheses) == 1) {
    parentheses <- c(
      substr(parentheses, 1, 1),
      substr(parentheses, nchar(parentheses), nchar(parentheses))
  at <- attributes(dataset)
  allLevels <- as.character(at[["allLevels"]])
  if (inappNA) {
    allLevels[allLevels == "-"] <- NA_character_
  if (ambigNA) {
    allLevels[rowSums(at[["contrast"]]) != 1L] <- NA_character_
  } else if (!is.null(parentheses)) {
    cont <- at[["contrast"]]
    nTokens <- rowSums(cont)
    levels <- colnames(cont)
    partAmbig <- nTokens != 1L & nTokens < dim(cont)[2]
    allLevels[partAmbig] <- paste0(
      apply(cont[partAmbig, , drop = FALSE] > 0, 1, function(x) {
        paste0(levels[x], collapse = sep)
  matrix(allLevels[unlist(dataset, recursive = FALSE, use.names = FALSE)],
         ncol = at[["nr"]], byrow = TRUE, dimnames = list(at[["names"]], NULL)
         )[, at[["index"]], drop = FALSE]

#' @rdname ReadCharacters
#' @export
ReadAsPhyDat <- function(...) {

#' @rdname ReadCharacters
#' @param \dots Parameters to pass to `Read[Tnt]Characters()`.
#' @export
ReadTntAsPhyDat <- function(...) {

#' @describeIn ReadCharacters A convenient wrapper for \pkg{phangorn}'s
#' `phyDat()`, which converts a **list** of morphological characters into a
#' `phyDat` object.
#' If your morphological characters are in the form of a **matrix**, perhaps
#' because they have been read using [`read.table()`], try [`MatrixToPhyDat()`]
#' instead.
#' @param dataset list of taxa and characters, in the format produced by [read.nexus.data]:
#'                a list of sequences each made of a single character vector,
#'                and named with the taxon name.
#' @export
PhyDat <- function(dataset) {
  nChar <- length(dataset[[1]])
  if (nChar == 1) {
    mat <- matrix(unlist(dataset), dimnames = list(names(dataset), NULL))
  } else {
    mat <- t(vapply(dataset, I, dataset[[1]]))

#' @rdname PhyToString
#' @param string String of tokens, optionally containing whitespace, with no
#'   terminating semi-colon.
#' @param tips (Optional) Character vector corresponding to the names (in order)
#' of each taxon in the matrix, or an object such as a tree from which
#' tip labels can be extracted.
#' @param byTaxon Logical; if `TRUE`, string is one **taxon's** coding at a
#' time; if `FALSE`, string is interpreted as one **character's** coding at a
#' time.
#' @return `StringToPhyDat()` returns an object of class `phyDat`.
#' @examples
#' StringToPhyDat("-?01231230?-", c("Lion", "Gazelle"), byTaxon = TRUE)
#' # encodes the following matrix:
#' # Lion     -?0123
#' # Gazelle  1230?-
#' @export
StringToPhyDat <- function(string, tips, byTaxon = TRUE) {
  tokens <- NexusTokens(string)
  if (missing(tips)) {
    tips <- length(tokens)
  tips <- TipLabels(tips)
  tokens <- matrix(tokens, nrow = length(tips), byrow = byTaxon,
                   dimnames = list(tips, NULL))

  # Return:
#' @rdname PhyToString
StringToPhydat <- StringToPhyDat

#' Convert between strings and `phyDat` objects
#' `PhyDatToString()` converts a `phyDat` object as a string;
#' `StringToPhyDat()` converts a string of character data to a `phyDat` object.
#' @param phy An object of class `phyDat`.
#' @param parentheses Character specifying format of parentheses with which to
#' surround ambiguous tokens.  Choose from: \code{\{} (default), `[`, `(`, `<`.
#' @param collapse Character specifying text, perhaps `,`, with which to
#' separate multiple tokens within parentheses.
#' @param ps Character specifying text, perhaps `;`, to append to the end of
#' the string.
#' @param useIndex Logical (default: `TRUE`) specifying whether to print
#' duplicate characters multiple times, as they appeared in the original matrix.
#' @param byTaxon Logical. If `TRUE`, write one taxon followed by the next.
#' If `FALSE`, write one character followed by the next.
#' @param concatenate Logical specifying whether to concatenate all
#' characters/taxa into a single string, or to return a separate string for
#' each entry.
#' @examples
#' fileName <- paste0(system.file(package = "TreeTools"),
#'                    "/extdata/input/dataset.nex")
#' phyDat <- ReadAsPhyDat(fileName)
#' PhyToString(phyDat, concatenate = FALSE)
#' @return `PhyToString()` returns a character vector listing a text
#' representation of the phylogenetic character state for each taxon in turn.
#' @family phylogenetic matrix conversion functions
#' @template MRS
#' @export
PhyToString <- function(phy, parentheses = "{", collapse = "", ps = "",
                         useIndex = TRUE, byTaxon = TRUE, concatenate = TRUE) {
  at <- attributes(phy)
  phyLevels <- at[["allLevels"]]
  if (sum(phyLevels == "-") > 1) {
    stop("More than one inapplicable level identified.  Is phy$levels malformed?")
  phyChars <- at[["nr"]]
  phyContrast <- at[["contrast"]] == 1
  phyIndex <- if (useIndex) {
  } else {
  outLevels <- at[["levels"]]

  levelLengths <- vapply(outLevels, nchar, integer(1))
  longLevels <- levelLengths > 1
  if (any(longLevels)) {
    if ("10" %fin% outLevels && !(0 %fin% outLevels)) {
      outLevels[outLevels == "10"] <- "0"
      longLevels["10"] <- FALSE
    outLevels[longLevels] <- LETTERS[seq_len(sum(longLevels))]

         "(" = {openBracket <- "("; closeBracket = ")"},
         ")" = {openBracket <- "("; closeBracket = ")"},
         "<" = {openBracket <- "<"; closeBracket = ">"},
         ">" = {openBracket <- "<"; closeBracket = ">"},
         "[" = {openBracket <- "["; closeBracket = "]"},
         "]" = {openBracket <- "["; closeBracket = "]"},
         {openBracket <- "{"; closeBracket = "}"})

  levelTranslation <- apply(phyContrast, 1, function(x)
    ifelse(sum(x) == 1, as.character(outLevels[x]),
           paste0(c(openBracket, paste0(outLevels[x], collapse = collapse),
                    closeBracket), collapse = ""))
  if (any(ambigToken <- apply(phyContrast, 1, all))) {
    levelTranslation[ambigToken] <- "?"
  ret <- vapply(phy,
                function(x) levelTranslation[x[phyIndex]],
  ret <- if (concatenate || is.null(dim(ret))) { # If only one row, don't need to apply
    if (!byTaxon) ret <- t(ret)
    paste0(c(ret, ps), collapse = "")
  } else {
    if (byTaxon) ret <- t(ret)
    paste0(apply(ret, 1, paste0, collapse = ""), ps)
  # Return:
#' @rdname PhyToString
#' @export
PhyDatToString <- PhyToString
#' @rdname PhyToString
#' @export
PhydatToString <- PhyToString

#' Rightmost character of string
#' `RightmostCharacter()` is a convenience function that returns the final
#' character of a string.
#' @param string Character string.
#' @param len (Optional) Integer specifying number of characters in `string`.
#' @return `RightmostCharacter()` returns the rightmost character of a string.
#' @examples
#' RightmostCharacter("Hello, World!")
#' @template MRS
#' @export
#' @family string parsing functions
RightmostCharacter <- function(string, len = nchar(string)) {
  substr(string, len, len)

#' Write Newick Tree
#' `NewickTree()` encodes a tree as a Newick-format string.
#' This differs from [`write.tree()`][ape::write.tree] in the encoding of
#' spaces as spaces, rather than underscores.
#' @template treeParam
#' @return `NewickTree()` returns a character string denoting `tree` in Newick
#' format.
#' @examples
#' NewickTree(BalancedTree(LETTERS[4:9]))
#' @seealso Use tip numbers, rather than leaf labels: [`as.Newick`]
#' @importFrom ape write.tree
#' @export
NewickTree <- function(tree) gsub("_", " ", write.tree(tree), fixed = TRUE)

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