gaitdlogUC: Generally Altered, Inflated, Truncated and Deflated...

GaitdlogR Documentation

Generally Altered, Inflated, Truncated and Deflated Logarithmic Distribution


Density, distribution function, quantile function and random generation for the generally altered, inflated, truncated and deflated logarithmic distribution. Both parametric and nonparametric variants are supported; these are based on finite mixtures of the parent with itself and the multinomial logit model (MLM) respectively.


dgaitdlog(x, shape.p, a.mix = NULL, a.mlm = NULL,
          i.mix = NULL, i.mlm = NULL,
          d.mix = NULL, d.mlm = NULL, truncate = NULL,
 = Inf, pobs.mix = 0, pobs.mlm = 0,
          pstr.mix = 0, pstr.mlm = 0,
          pdip.mix = 0, pdip.mlm = 0, byrow.aid = FALSE,
          shape.a = shape.p, shape.i = shape.p, shape.d = shape.p,
          log = FALSE)
pgaitdlog(q, shape.p, a.mix = NULL, a.mlm = NULL,
          i.mix = NULL, i.mlm = NULL,
          d.mix = NULL, d.mlm = NULL, truncate = NULL,
 = Inf, pobs.mix = 0, pobs.mlm = 0,
          pstr.mix = 0, pstr.mlm = 0,
          pdip.mix = 0, pdip.mlm = 0, byrow.aid = FALSE,
          shape.a = shape.p, shape.i = shape.p, shape.d = shape.p,
          lower.tail = TRUE)
qgaitdlog(p, shape.p, a.mix = NULL, a.mlm = NULL,
          i.mix = NULL, i.mlm = NULL,
          d.mix = NULL, d.mlm = NULL, truncate = NULL,
 = Inf, pobs.mix = 0, pobs.mlm = 0,
          pstr.mix = 0, pstr.mlm = 0,
          pdip.mix = 0, pdip.mlm = 0, byrow.aid = FALSE,
          shape.a = shape.p, shape.i = shape.p, shape.d = shape.p)
rgaitdlog(n, shape.p, a.mix = NULL, a.mlm = NULL,
          i.mix = NULL, i.mlm = NULL,
          d.mix = NULL, d.mlm = NULL, truncate = NULL,
 = Inf, pobs.mix = 0, pobs.mlm = 0,
          pstr.mix = 0, pstr.mlm = 0,
          pdip.mix = 0, pdip.mlm = 0, byrow.aid = FALSE,
          shape.a = shape.p, shape.i = shape.p, shape.d = shape.p)


x, q, p, n, log, lower.tail

Same meaning as in dlog.

shape.p, shape.a, shape.i, shape.d

Same meaning as shape for dlog, i.e., for an ordinary logarithmic distribution. See Gaitdpois for generic information.


See Gaitdpois for generic information.

a.mix, i.mix, d.mix

See Gaitdpois for generic information.

a.mlm, i.mlm, d.mlm

See Gaitdpois for generic information.

pobs.mlm, pstr.mlm, pdip.mlm, byrow.aid

See Gaitdpois for generic information.

pobs.mix, pstr.mix, pdip.mix

See Gaitdpois for generic information.


These functions for the logarithmic distribution are analogous to the Poisson, hence most details have been put in Gaitdpois. These functions do what Oalog, Oilog, Otlog collectively did plus much more.


dgaitdlog gives the density, pgaitdlog gives the distribution function, qgaitdlog gives the quantile function, and rgaitdlog generates random deviates. The default values of the arguments correspond to ordinary dlog, plog, qlog, rlog respectively.


See Gaitdpois about the dangers of too much inflation and/or deflation on GAITD PMFs, and the difficulties detecting such.


See Gaitdpois for general information also relevant to this parent distribution.


T. W. Yee.

See Also

gaitdlog, Gaitdpois, dgaitdplot, Gaitdzeta, multinomial, Oalog, Oilog, Otlog.


ivec <- c(2, 10); avec <- ivec + 1; shape <- 0.995; xgrid <- 0:15 <- 15; pobs.a <- 0.10; pstr.i <- 0.15
dvec <- 1; pdip.mlm <- 0.05
(ddd <- dgaitdlog(xgrid, shape, =, pobs.mix = pobs.a,
   pdip.mlm = pdip.mlm, d.mlm = dvec,
   a.mix = avec, pstr.mix = pstr.i, i.mix = ivec))
## Not run:  dgaitdplot(shape, ylab = "Probability", xlab = "x", =, pobs.mix = 0,
   pobs.mlm = 0, a.mlm = avec, all.lwd = 3,
   pdip.mlm = pdip.mlm, d.mlm = dvec, fam = "log",
   pstr.mix = pstr.i, i.mix = ivec, deflation = TRUE,
   main = "GAITD Combo PMF---Logarithmic Parent")   
## End(Not run)

VGAM documentation built on Sept. 18, 2024, 9:09 a.m.