
Defines functions BiCopEstList

Documented in BiCopEstList

#' List of Maximum Likelihood Estimates for Several Bivariate Copula Families
#' This function allows to compare bivariate copula models across a number of
#' families w.r.t. the fit statistics log-likelihood, AIC, and BIC. For each
#' family, the parameters are estimated by maximum likelihood.
#' First all available copulas are fitted using maximum likelihood estimation.
#' Then the criteria are computed for all available copula families (e.g., if
#' `u1` and `u2` are negatively
#' dependent, Clayton, Gumbel, Joe, BB1, BB6, BB7 and BB8 and their survival
#' copulas are not considered) and the family with the minimum value is chosen.
#' For observations \eqn{u_{i,j},\ i=1,...,N,\ j=1,2,}{u_{i,j}, i=1,...,N,\
#' j=1,2,} the AIC of a bivariate copula family \eqn{c} with parameter(s)
#' \eqn{\boldsymbol{\theta}} is defined as \deqn{AIC := -2 \sum_{i=1}^N
#' \ln[c(u_{i,1},u_{i,2}|\boldsymbol{\theta})] + 2k, }{ AIC := -2 \sum_{i=1}^N
#' ln[c(u_{i,1},u_{i,2}|\theta)] + 2k, } where \eqn{k=1} for one parameter
#' copulas and \eqn{k=2} for the two parameter t-, BB1, BB6, BB7 and BB8
#' copulas. Similarly, the BIC is given by \deqn{BIC := -2 \sum_{i=1}^N
#' \ln[c(u_{i,1},u_{i,2}|\boldsymbol{\theta})] + \ln(N)k. }{ BIC := -2
#' \sum_{i=1}^N ln[c(u_{i,1},u_{i,2}|\theta)] + ln(N)k. } Evidently, if the BIC
#' is chosen, the penalty for two parameter families is stronger than when
#' using the AIC.
#' @param u1,u2 Data vectors of equal length with values in \eqn{[0,1]}.
#' @param familyset Vector of bivariate copula families to select from.
#' The vector has to include at least one bivariate copula
#' family that allows for positive and one that allows for negative dependence.
#' If `familyset = NA` (default), selection among all possible families is
#' performed.  Coding of bivariate copula families: \cr
#' `0` = independence copula \cr
#' `1` = Gaussian copula \cr
#' `2` = Student t copula (t-copula) \cr
#' `3` = Clayton copula \cr
#' `4` = Gumbel copula \cr
#' `5` = Frank copula \cr
#' `6` = Joe copula \cr
#' `7` = BB1 copula \cr
#' `8` = BB6 copula \cr
#' `9` = BB7 copula \cr
#' `10` = BB8 copula \cr
#' `13` = rotated Clayton copula (180 degrees; ``survival Clayton'') \cr
#' `14` = rotated Gumbel copula (180 degrees; ``survival Gumbel'') \cr
#' `16` = rotated Joe copula (180 degrees; ``survival Joe'') \cr
#' `17` = rotated BB1 copula (180 degrees; ``survival BB1'')\cr
#' `18` = rotated BB6 copula (180 degrees; ``survival BB6'')\cr
#' `19` = rotated BB7 copula (180 degrees; ``survival BB7'')\cr
#' `20` = rotated BB8 copula (180 degrees; ``survival BB8'')\cr
#' `23` = rotated Clayton copula (90 degrees) \cr
#' `24` = rotated Gumbel copula (90 degrees) \cr
#' `26` = rotated Joe copula (90 degrees) \cr
#' `27` = rotated BB1 copula (90 degrees) \cr
#' `28` = rotated BB6 copula (90 degrees) \cr
#' `29` = rotated BB7 copula (90 degrees) \cr
#' `30` = rotated BB8 copula (90 degrees) \cr
#' `33` = rotated Clayton copula (270 degrees) \cr
#' `34` = rotated Gumbel copula (270 degrees) \cr
#' `36` = rotated Joe copula (270 degrees) \cr
#' `37` = rotated BB1 copula (270 degrees) \cr
#' `38` = rotated BB6 copula (270 degrees) \cr
#' `39` = rotated BB7 copula (270 degrees) \cr
#' `40` = rotated BB8 copula (270 degrees) \cr
#' `104` = Tawn type 1 copula \cr
#' `114` = rotated Tawn type 1 copula (180 degrees) \cr
#' `124` = rotated Tawn type 1 copula (90 degrees) \cr
#' `134` = rotated Tawn type 1 copula (270 degrees) \cr
#' `204` = Tawn type 2 copula \cr
#' `214` = rotated Tawn type 2 copula (180 degrees) \cr
#' `224` = rotated Tawn type 2 copula (90 degrees) \cr
#' `234` = rotated Tawn type 2 copula (270 degrees) \cr
#' @param weights Numerical; weights for each observation (optional).
#' @param rotations If `TRUE`, all rotations of the families in
#' `familyset` are included.
#' @param ... further arguments passed to [BiCopEst()].
#' @return A list containing
#' \item{models}{a list of [BiCop()] objects corresponding to the
#' `familyset`` (only families corresponding to the sign of the empirical
#' Kendall's tau are used),}
#' \item{summary}{a data frame containing the log-likelihoods, AICs, and BICs
#' of all the fitted models.}
#' @author Thomas Nagler
#' @seealso
#' [BiCop()],
#' [BiCopEst()]
#' @references Akaike, H. (1973). Information theory and an extension of the
#' maximum likelihood principle. In B. N. Petrov and F. Csaki (Eds.),
#' Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Information Theory
#' Budapest, Akademiai Kiado, pp. 267-281.
#' Schwarz, G. E. (1978). Estimating the dimension of a model. Annals of
#' Statistics 6 (2), 461-464.
#' @examples
#' ## compare models
#' data(daxreturns)
#' comp <- BiCopEstList(daxreturns[, 1], daxreturns[, 4])
BiCopEstList <- function(u1, u2, familyset = NA, weights = NA, rotations = TRUE,
                         ...) {
    ## preprocessing of arguments
    args <- preproc(c(as.list(environment()), list(...), call = match.call()),
                    na.txt = " Only complete observations are used.")

    # perform independence test
    p.value.indeptest <- BiCopIndTest(args$u1, args$u2)$p.value

    ## find families for which estimation is required
    ## (only families that allow for the empirical kendall's tau)
    if (args$emp_tau < 0) {
        todo <- c(0, negfams)
    } else {
        todo <- c(0, posfams)
    todo <- todo[which(todo %in% args$familyset)]

    ## maximum likelihood estimation
    optiout <- list()
    for (i in seq_along(todo)) {
        optiout[[i]] <- BiCopEst.intern(args$u1, args$u2,
                                        family = todo[i],
                                        as.BiCop = TRUE,
                                        method = args$method,
                                        se = args$se,
                                        max.df = args$max.df,
                                        weights = args$weights)

    ## store model information in data.frame
    tab <- data.frame(family = todo,
                      logLik = sapply(optiout, function(x) x$logLik),
                      AIC = sapply(optiout, function(x) x$AIC),
                      BIC = sapply(optiout, function(x) x$BIC))

    ## return along with estimated models
    list(models = optiout, summary = round(tab, 2))

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VineCopula documentation built on July 26, 2023, 5:23 p.m.