
Defines functions .branchCritFromStabilityLabels branchSplitFromStabilityLabels.individualFraction branchSplitFromStabilityLabels.prediction branchSplitFromStabilityLabels branchSplit.dissim .sizeDependentQuantile .meanInRange branchSplit .histogramsWithCommonBreaks hierarchicalBranchEigengeneDissim branchEigengeneSimilarity mtd.branchEigengeneDissim branchEigengeneDissim .alignedFirstPC

Documented in branchEigengeneDissim branchEigengeneSimilarity branchSplit branchSplit.dissim branchSplitFromStabilityLabels branchSplitFromStabilityLabels.individualFraction branchSplitFromStabilityLabels.prediction hierarchicalBranchEigengeneDissim mtd.branchEigengeneDissim

# Aligned svd: svd plus aligning the result along the average expression of the input data.

# CAUTION: this function assumes normalized x and no missing values.

.alignedFirstPC = function(x, power = 6, verbose = 2, indent = 0)
  x = as.matrix(x);
  #printFlush(paste(".alignedFirstPC: dim(x) = ", paste(dim(x), collapse = ", ")));
  pc = try( svd(x, nu = 1, nv = 0)$u[,1] , silent = TRUE);
  if (inherits(pc, 'try-error'))
    #file = "alignedFirstPC-svdError-inputData-x.RData";
    #save(x, file = file);
    #stop(paste("Error in .alignedFirstPC: svd failed with following message: \n    ",
    #                 pc, "\n. Saving the offending data into file", file));
    if (verbose > 0) 
      spaces = indentSpaces(indent);
      printFlush(paste(spaces, ".alignedFirstPC: FYI: svd failed, using a weighted mean instead.\n",
                       spaces, "  ...svd reported:", pc))
    pc = rowMeans(x, na.rm = TRUE);
    weight = matrix(abs(cor(x, pc, use = 'p'))^power, nrow(x), ncol(x), byrow = TRUE);
    pc = scale(rowMeans(x * weight, na.rm = TRUE));
  } else {
    weight = abs(cor(x, pc))^power;
    meanX = rowWeightedMeans(x, weight, na.rm = TRUE);
    cov1 = cov(pc, meanX);
    if (!is.finite(cov1)) cov1 = 0;
    if (cov1 < 0) pc = -pc;

# Branch eigengene split (dissimilarity) calculation 

# Assumes correct input: multiExpr is scaled to mean 0 and variance 1, branch1 and branch2 are numeric
# indices that have no overlap.

branchEigengeneDissim = function(expr, branch1, branch2,
                            corFnc = cor, corOptions = list(use = 'p'),
                            signed = TRUE, ...)
  expr.branch1 = expr[ , branch1];
  expr.branch2 = expr[ , branch2];

  corOptions$x = .alignedFirstPC(expr.branch1, verbose = 0);
  corOptions$y = .alignedFirstPC(expr.branch2, verbose = 0);

  corFnc = match.fun(corFnc);
  cor0 = as.numeric(do.call(corFnc, corOptions));
  if (length(cor0) != 1) stop ("Internal error in branchEigengeneDissim: cor has length ", length(cor0));
  if (signed)  1-cor0 else 1-abs(cor0);

mtd.branchEigengeneDissim = function(multiExpr, branch1, branch2, 
                            corFnc = cor, corOptions = list(use = 'p'),
                            consensusQuantile = 0, signed = TRUE, reproduceQuantileError = FALSE, ...)
  setSplits.list = mtd.apply(multiExpr, branchEigengeneDissim, 
                        branch1 = branch1, branch2 = branch2,
                        corFnc = corFnc, corOptions = corOptions,
                        signed = signed,
                        returnList = TRUE);
  setSplits = unlist(setSplits.list);
  quantile(setSplits, prob = if (reproduceQuantileError) consensusQuantile else 1-consensusQuantile, 
           na.rm = TRUE, names = FALSE);

branchEigengeneSimilarity = function(expr, branch1, branch2,
                            returnDissim = TRUE,
  corFnc = match.fun(networkOptions$corFnc);
  cor0 = as.numeric(do.call(corFnc, 
       c(list(x = .alignedFirstPC(expr[, branch1], verbose = 0),
              y = .alignedFirstPC(expr[, branch2], verbose = 0)),
  if (length(cor0) != 1) stop ("Internal error in branchEigengeneDissim: cor has length ", length(cor0));
  if (grepl("signed", networkOptions$networkType))  cor0 = abs(cor0);
  if (returnDissim) 1-cor0 else cor0;

hierarchicalBranchEigengeneDissim = function(
    branch1, branch2,
    consensusTree, ...)
   setSplits.list = mtd.mapply(branchEigengeneSimilarity,
                        expr = multiExpr, networkOptions = networkOptions,
                        MoreArgs = list(
                           branch1 = branch1, branch2 = branch2,
                           returnDissim = FALSE), returnList = TRUE)

   1 - simpleHierarchicalConsensusCalculation(individualData = setSplits.list,
                  consensusTree = consensusTree)

# Branch split calculation
# Caution: highly experimental!

# Define a function that's supposed to decide whether two given groups of expression data are part of a
# single module, or truly two independent modules.
# assumes no missing values for now. 
# assumes all data is scaled to mean zero and equal variance.

# return: criterion is zero or near zero if it looks like a single module, and is near 1 if looks like two
# modules.

# Careful: in the interest of speedy execution, the function doesn't check arguments for validity. For
# example, it assumes that expr is already scaled to the same mean and variance, branch1 and branch2 are valid
# indices, nConsideredPCs does not exceed any of the dimensions of expr etc.

.histogramsWithCommonBreaks = function(data, groups, discardProp = 0.08)

  if (is.list(data))
    lengths = sapply(data, length);
    data = data[lengths>0];
    lengths = sapply(data, length); 
    nGroups = length(lengths)
    groups = rep( c(1:nGroups), lengths);
    data = unlist(data);

  if (discardProp > 0)
    # get rid of outliers on either side - those are most likely not interesting.
    # The code is somewhat involved because I want to get rid of outliers that are defined with respect to
    # the combined data, but no more than a certain proportion of either of the groups.

    sizes = table(groups);
    nAll = length(data);
    order = order(data)
    ordGrp = groups[order];
    cs = rep(0, nAll);
    nGroups = length(sizes);
    for (g in 1:nGroups)
      cs[ordGrp==g] = ((1:sizes[g])-0.5)/sizes[g];

    firstKeep = min(which(cs > discardProp));
    first = data[order[firstKeep]];

    # Analogous upper quantile
    lastKeep = max(which(cs < 1-discardProp));
    last = data[order[lastKeep]];

    keep = ( (data >= first) & (data <= last) );
    data = data[keep];
    groups = groups[keep];
  } else {
    last = max(data, na.rm = TRUE);
    first = min(data, na.rm = TRUE);

  # Find the smaller of the two groups and define histogram bin size from the number of elements in that
  # group; the aim is to prevent the group getting splintered into too many bins of the histogram.

  sizes = table(groups);
  smallerInd = which.min(sizes);
  smallerSize = sizes[smallerInd];
  nBins = ceiling(5 + ifelse(smallerSize > 25, sqrt(smallerSize)-4, 1 ));

  smaller = data[groups==smallerInd]
  binSize = (max(smaller) - min(smaller))/nBins;

  nAllBins = ceiling((last-first)/binSize);
  breaks = first + c(0:nAllBins) * (last - first)/nAllBins

  tapply(data, groups, hist, breaks = breaks, plot = FALSE);


branchSplit = function(expr, branch1, branch2, discardProp = 0.05, minCentralProp = 0.75, 
                       nConsideredPCs = 3, signed = FALSE, getDetails = TRUE, ...)
  nGenes = c(length(branch1), length(branch2));
  #combined = cbind(expr[, branch1], expr[, branch2]);
  combinedScaled = cbind(expr[, branch1]/sqrt(length(branch1)), expr[, branch2]/sqrt(length(branch2)));
  groups = c(rep(1, nGenes[1]), rep(2, nGenes[2]) );

  # get the combination of PCs that best approximates the groups vector
  svd = svd(combinedScaled, nu = 0, nv = nConsideredPCs);
  v2 = svd$v * c( rep(sqrt(length(branch1)), length(branch1)), rep(sqrt(length(branch2)), length(branch2)));

  #svd = svd(combinedScaled, nu = nConsideredPCs, nv = 0);
  #v2 = cor(combinedScaled, svd$u);

  if (!signed) v2 = v2 * sign(v2[, 1]);

  cor2 = predict(lm(groups~., data = as.data.frame(v2)));
  # get the histograms of the projections in both groups, but make sure the binning is the same for both.
  # get rid of outliers on either side - those are most likely not interesting.
  # The code is somewhat involved because I want to get rid of outliers that are defined with respect to
  # the combined data, but no more than a certain proportion of either of the groups.

  h = .histogramsWithCommonBreaks(cor2, groups, discardProp);

  maxAll = max(c(h[[1]]$counts, h[[2]]$counts));
  h[[1]]$counts = h[[1]]$counts/maxAll
  h[[2]]$counts = h[[2]]$counts/maxAll;
  max1 = max(h[[1]]$counts)
  max2 = max(h[[2]]$counts)
  minMax = min(max1, max2)

  if (FALSE) {
    plot(h[[1]]$mids, h[[1]]$counts, type = "l");
    lines(h[[2]]$mids, h[[2]]$counts, type = "l", col = "red")
    lines(h[[2]]$mids, h[[1]]$counts + h[[2]]$counts, type = "l", col = "blue")
  # Locate "central" bins: those whose scaled counts exceed a threshold.

  central = list();
  central[[1]] = h[[1]]$counts > minCentralProp * minMax;
  central[[2]] = h[[2]]$counts > minCentralProp * minMax;

  # Do central bins overlap?

  overlap = (min(h[[1]]$mids[central[[1]]]) <= max(h[[2]]$mids[central[[2]]])) & 
               (min(h[[2]]$mids[central[[2]]]) <= max(h[[1]]$mids[central[[1]]]));

  if (overlap)
    result = list(middleCounts = NULL, criterion = minCentralProp, split = -1, histograms = h);
  } else {
    # Locate the region between the two central regions and check whether the gap is deep enough.
    if (min(h[[1]]$mids[central[[1]]]) > max(h[[2]]$mids[central[[2]]]))
      left = 2; right = 1; 
    } else {
      left = 1; right = 2; 
    leftEdge = max(h[[left]]$mids[central[[left]]]);
    rightEdge = min(h[[right]]$mids[central[[right]]]);
    middle = ( (h[[left]]$mids > leftEdge) & (h[[left]]$mids < rightEdge) );
    nMiddle = sum(middle);
    if (nMiddle==0) 
      result = list(middleCounts = NULL, criterion = minCentralProp, split = -1, histograms = h);
    } else {
      # Reference level: 75th percentile of the central region of the smaller branch
      #refLevel1 = quantile(h[[1]]$counts [ central[[1]] ], prob = 0.75);
      #refLevel2 = quantile(h[[2]]$counts [ central[[2]] ], prob = 0.75)
      refLevel1 = mean(h[[1]]$counts [ central[[1]] ], na.rm = TRUE);
      refLevel2 = mean(h[[2]]$counts [ central[[2]] ], na.rm = TRUE)
      peakRefLevel = min(refLevel1, refLevel2);

      middleCounts = h[[left]]$counts[middle] + h[[right]]$counts[middle];
      #troughRefLevel = quantile(middleCounts, prob = 0.25) 
      troughRefLevel = mean(middleCounts, na.rm = TRUE) 
      meanCorrFactor = sqrt(min(nMiddle + 1, 3) / min(nMiddle, 3))
               # =sqrt(2, 3/2, 1), for nMiddle=1,2,3,..
      result = list(middleCounts = middleCounts,
                    criterion = troughRefLevel * meanCorrFactor,
                    split = (peakRefLevel - troughRefLevel * meanCorrFactor)/peakRefLevel,
                    histograms = h);
  if (getDetails) result else result$split

# Dissimilarity-based branch split

.meanInRange = function(mat, rangeMat)
  nc = ncol(mat);
  means = rep(0, nc);
  for (c in 1:nc)
    col = mat[, c];
    means[c] = mean( col[col >=rangeMat[c, 1] & col <= rangeMat[c, 2]], na.rm= TRUE);

.sizeDependentQuantile = function(p, sizes, minNumber = 5)
  refSize = minNumber/p;
  correctionFactor = pmin( rep(1, length(sizes)), sizes/refSize);

  pmin(rep(1, length(sizes)), p/correctionFactor);

branchSplit.dissim = function(dissimMat, branch1, branch2, upperP, 
                              minNumberInSplit = 5, getDetails = FALSE, ...)
  lowerP = 0;

  sizes = c(length(branch1), length(branch2));
  upperP = .sizeDependentQuantile(upperP, sizes, minNumber = minNumberInSplit);

  multiP = as.data.frame(rbind(rep(0, 2), upperP));

  outDissim = list(list(data = dissimMat[branch2, branch1]),
                     list(data = dissimMat[branch1, branch2]));

  quantiles = mtd.mapply(colQuantiles, outDissim, probs = multiP, MoreArgs = list(drop = FALSE));
  averages = mtd.mapply(.meanInRange, outDissim, quantiles);

  averageQuantiles = mtd.mapply(quantile, averages, prob = multiP, MoreArgs = list(drop = FALSE));

  betweenQuantiles = mtd.mapply(function(x, quantiles) { x>=quantiles[1] & x <=quantiles[2]},
                                averages, averageQuantiles);

  selectedDissim = list(list(data = dissimMat[branch1, branch1[betweenQuantiles[[1]]$data] ]),
                    list(data = dissimMat[branch2, branch1[ betweenQuantiles[[1]]$data] ]),
                    list(data = dissimMat[branch2, branch2[betweenQuantiles[[2]]$data]]),
                    list(data = dissimMat[branch1, branch2[betweenQuantiles[[2]]$data]]));

  #n1 = length(branch1);
  #m1 = sum(betweenQuantiles[[1]]$data);
  #indexMat = cbind((1:n1)[betweenQuantiles[[1]]$data], 1:m1);

  # Remove the points nearest to branch 2 from the distances in branch 1
  selectedDissim[[1]]$data[ betweenQuantiles[[1]]$data, ] = NA;

  #n2 = length(branch2);
  #m2 = sum(betweenQuantiles[[2]]$data);
  #indexMat = cbind((1:n2)[betweenQuantiles[[2]]$data], 1:m2);

  selectedDissim[[3]]$data[ betweenQuantiles[[2]]$data, ] = NA;

  multiP.ext = cbind(multiP, multiP[, c(2,1)]);

  selectedDissimQuantiles = mtd.mapply(colQuantiles, selectedDissim, probs = multiP.ext,
                                      MoreArgs = list( drop = FALSE, na.rm = TRUE));

  selectedAverages = mtd.mapply(.meanInRange, selectedDissim, selectedDissimQuantiles);

  if (FALSE)
    par(mfrow = c(1,2))
    verboseBoxplot(c(selectedAverages[[1]]$data, selectedAverages[[2]]$data), 
                    c( rep("in", length(selectedAverages[[1]]$data)),
                       rep("out", length(selectedAverages[[2]]$data))), main = "branch 1",
                   xlab = "", ylab = "mean distance")
    verboseBoxplot(c(selectedAverages[[3]]$data, selectedAverages[[4]]$data), 
                    c( rep("in", length(selectedAverages[[3]]$data)),
                       rep("out", length(selectedAverages[[4]]$data))), main = "branch 2",
                   xlab = "", ylab = "mean distance")

  separation = function(x, y)
    nx = length(x);
    ny = length(y);
    if (nx*ny==0) return(0);

    mx = mean(x, na.rm = TRUE);
    my = mean(y, na.rm = TRUE);

    if (!is.finite(mx) | !is.finite(my)) return(0); 

    if (nx > 1) varx = var(x, na.rm = TRUE) else varx = 0;
    if (ny > 0) vary = var(y, na.rm = TRUE) else vary = 0;

    if (is.na(varx)) varx = 0;
    if (is.na(vary)) vary = 0;

    if (varx + vary == 0)
      if (my==mx) return(0) else return(Inf);
    out = abs(my-mx)/(sqrt(varx) + sqrt(vary));
    if (is.na(out)) out = 0;

  separations = c(separation(selectedAverages[[1]]$data, selectedAverages[[2]]$data),
                  separation(selectedAverages[[3]]$data, selectedAverages[[4]]$data));

  out = max(separations, na.rm = TRUE); 
  if (is.na(out)) out = 0;
  if (out < 0) out = 0;
  if (getDetails)
    return(list(split = out,
                distances = list(within1 = selectedAverages[[1]]$data, 
                                 from1to2 = selectedAverages[[2]]$data,
                                 within2 = selectedAverages[[3]]$data,
                                 from2to1 = selectedAverages[[4]]$data)));

# Branch dissimilarity based on a series of alternate branch labels

# this function measures the split of branch1 and branch2 based on alternate labels, typically derived from
# resampled or otherwise perturbed data (but could also be derived from an independent data set).

# Basic idea: if two branches are separate, their membership should be predictable from the alternate
# labels. 

# This function takes the l-th stability labels, finds ones that overlap with both branches, and for each
# label calculates the contribution to similarity as
#      r1 = sum(lab1==cl)/n1;
#      r2 = sum(lab2==cl)/n2;
#      sim = sim + min(r1, r2)

# This will penalize similarity of a small and large module if the large module is a composite of several
# branches, only few of which overlap with the small module. 

# This method is invariant under splitting of alternate module as long as the branch to which the modules are
# assigned does not change. So in this sense the splitting settings in the resampling study shouldn't
# matter too much but to some degree they still do.

# stabilityLabels: a matrix of dimensions (nGenes) x (number of alternate labels)

branchSplitFromStabilityLabels = function(
            branch1, branch2, 
            stabilityLabels, ignoreLabels = 0, ...)
  nLabels = ncol(stabilityLabels);
  n1 = length(branch1);
  n2 = length(branch2);

  sim = 0;
  for (l in 1:nLabels)
    lab1 = stabilityLabels[branch1, l];
    lab2 = stabilityLabels[branch2, l];
    commonLevels = intersect(unique(lab1), unique(lab2));
    commonLevels = setdiff(commonLevels, ignoreLabels);
    if (length(commonLevels) > 0) for (cl in commonLevels)
      #printFlush(spaste("Common level ", cl, " in clustering ", l))
      r1 = sum(lab1==cl)/n1;
      r2 = sum(lab2==cl)/n2;
      sim = sim + min(r1, r2)
  #printFlush(spaste("branchSplitFromStabilityLabels: returning ", 1-sim/nLabels))


# Resurrect the old idea of prediction
# accuracy. For each overlap module, count the genes in the branch with which the module has smaller overlap
# and add it to the score for that branch. The final counts divided by number of genes on branch give a
# "indistinctness" score; take the larger of the the two indistinctness scores and call this the similarity.

# This method is still more or less invariant under splitting of the stability modules, as long as the
# splitting is random with respect to the two branches. 

## Note that one could in principle run a chisq.test on the table of labels corresponding to branch1 and
## branch2 vs. stabilityLabels restricted to branch1 and branch2, 

# The problem here is that small changes in stability labels could make a big difference in final
# (dis)similarity when one module is large and the other small. Assume a few of the stability labels cover
# small and a part of the large module; other stability labels cover the rest of the large module. If the
# common stability labels cover a bit more of large than small module, similarity will be high; if they
# switch more to the smaller module, similarity could be near zero. 

# In summary, this function may be used for experiments but should not be used in production setting.
branchSplitFromStabilityLabels.prediction = function(
            branch1, branch2,
            stabilityLabels, ignoreLabels = 0, ...)
  nLabels = ncol(stabilityLabels);
  n1 = length(branch1);
  n2 = length(branch2);

  s1 = s2 = 0;
  for (l in 1:nLabels)
    lab1 = stabilityLabels[branch1, l];
    lab2 = stabilityLabels[branch2, l];
    commonLevels = intersect(lab1, lab2);
    commonLevels = setdiff(commonLevels, ignoreLabels);
    if (length(commonLevels) > 0) for (cl in commonLevels)
      #printFlush(spaste("Common level ", cl, " in clustering ", l))
      o1 = sum(lab1==cl);
      o2 = sum(lab2==cl);
      if (o1 > o2) {
         s2 = s2 + o2;
      } else
         s1 = s1 + o1;
  indist1 = s1/(n1 * nLabels);
  indist2 = s2/(n2 * nLabels);
  sim = min(1, 2*max(indist1, indist2));
  dissim = 1-sim
  #printFlush(spaste("branchSplitFromStabilityLabels.prediction: returning ", dissim))


# Third idea: for each branch, for each gene sum the fraction of the stability label (restricted to the two
# branches) that belongs to the branch. If this is relatively low, around 0.5, it means most elements are in
# non-discriminative stability labels.

branchSplitFromStabilityLabels.individualFraction= function(
            branch1, branch2,
            stabilityLabels, ignoreLabels = 0, verbose = 1, indent = 0, ...)
  nLabels = ncol(stabilityLabels);
  n1 = length(branch1);
  n2 = length(branch2);

  s1 = s2 = 0;
  for (l in 1:nLabels)
    lab1 = stabilityLabels[branch1, l];
    lab2 = stabilityLabels[branch2, l];
    commonLevels = intersect(lab1, lab2);
    commonLevels = setdiff(commonLevels, ignoreLabels);
    s1.all = n1; s2.all = n2;
    for (cl in commonLevels)
      #printFlush(spaste("Common level ", cl, " in clustering ", l))
      o1 = sum(lab1==cl, na.rm = TRUE);
      o2 = sum(lab2==cl, na.rm = TRUE);
      o12 = o1 + o2;
      coef1 = max(0.5, o1/o12);
      coef2 = max(0.5, o2/o12);
      s2 = s2 + o2*coef2;
      s1 = s1 + o1*coef1;
      s1.all = s1.all - o1;
      s2.all = s2.all - o2;
    s1 = s1 + s1.all;
    s2 = s2 + s2.all;
    #if (is.na(s1) | is.na(s2)) browser();
  distinctness1 = 2*s1/(n1 * nLabels) -1
  distinctenss2 = 2*s2/(n2 * nLabels)-1;
  dissim = min(distinctness1, distinctenss2)
  if (verbose > 0)
    spaces = indentSpaces(indent);
    printFlush(spaste(spaces, "branchSplitFromStabilityLabels.individualFraction: returning ", dissim))


# Criteria for calling a branch a cluster when a basic (non-composite) brach ends at cut height

# very simple criterion: count the proportion of grey genes on the branch

.branchCritFromStabilityLabels = function(branch, stabilityLabels, unassignedLabel = 0, ...)
  lab1 = stabilityLabels[branch, ];
  mean(lab1==unassignedLabel, na.rm = TRUE)  

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