
Defines functions print.portfolio rcomphierarc

Documented in print.portfolio rcomphierarc

### actuar: Actuarial Functions and Heavy Tailed Distributions
### Simulation of hierarchical portfolios of data. Claim number and
### claim amounts in any given node are simulated independently. Both
### frequency and severity models can be mixtures of distributions.
### In the code here, numbering of levels starts at 1 at the data
### level, whereas in common discussion of hierarchical models the
### data level is numbered 0.
### AUTHORS:  Vincent Goulet <vincent.goulet@act.ulaval.ca>,
### Sebastien Auclair and Louis-Philippe Pouliot

rcomphierarc <- function(nodes, model.freq = NULL, model.sev = NULL, weights = NULL)
    ## Get level names. Each could be NULL.
    level.names <- names(nodes)
    freq.names <- names(model.freq)
    sev.names <- names(model.sev)

    ## 'nodes' must be a named list. One exception is allowed: there
    ## is only one level. In this case, add a predetermined name if
    ## there isn't one already and make sure 'nodes' is a list.
    if (length(nodes) == 1L)
        if (is.null(level.names))
            names(nodes) <- "X"
        nodes <- as.list(nodes)
        if (!is.list(nodes) || is.null(level.names))
            stop(sprintf("%s must be a named list", sQuote("nodes")))

    ## Determine if frequency and severity models are present. Keep
    ## for future use.
    has.freq <- !all(sapply(model.freq, is.null))
    has.sev  <- !all(sapply(model.sev, is.null))

    ## Check that at least one of 'model.freq' or 'model.sev' is
    ## present and that the level names match with those of 'nodes'.
    ## Perhaps is there a fancier way to do all these tests, but the
    ## version below is at least easy to follow.
    if (has.freq)
        if (has.sev)
            if (! (identical(level.names, freq.names) &&
                   identical(level.names, sev.names)))
                stop(sprintf("level names different in %s, %s and %s",
            if (!identical(level.names, freq.names))
                stop(sprintf("level names different in %s, %s and %s",
        if (has.sev)
            if (!identical(level.names, sev.names))
                stop(sprintf("level names different in %s, %s and %s",
            stop(sprintf("one of %s or %s must be non-NULL",
                         sQuote("model.freq"), sQuote("model.sev")))

    ## The function is written for models with at least two levels
    ## (entity and year). If there is only one, add a dummy level to
    ## avoid scattering the code with conditions.
    if (length(nodes) < 2L)
        nodes <- c(node = 1, nodes)
        model.freq <-
            if (has.freq) c(expression(node = NULL), model.freq) else NULL
        model.sev <-
            if (has.sev) c(expression(node = NULL), model.sev) else NULL

    ## Frequently used quantities
    level.names <- names(nodes)         # need to reset!
    nlevels <- length(nodes)            # number of levels

    ## Recycling of the number of nodes (if needed) must be done
    ## "manually". We do it here once and for all since in any case
    ## below we will need to know the total number of nodes in the
    ## portfolio. Furthermore, the recycled list 'nodes' will be
    ## returned by the function.
    for (i in 2L:nlevels)       # first node doesn't need recycling
        nodes[[i]] <- rep(nodes[[i]], length = sum(nodes[[i - 1L]]))

    ## Simulation of the frequency mixing parameters for each level
    ## (e.g. class, contract) and, at the last level, the actual
    ## frequencies. If 'model.freq' is NULL, this is equivalent to
    ## having one claim per node.
    if (has.freq)
        ## Normally, only the immediately above mixing parameter will
        ## be used in the model for a level, but the code here allows
        ## for more general schemes. For this to work, all mixing
        ## parameters have to be correctly recycled at each level
        ## where they *could* be used. Since the model at any level
        ## could be NULL, 'params' will keep track of the mixing
        ## parameters that were simulated in previous iteration of the
        ## forthcoming loop.
        params <- character(0)

        for (i in seq_len(nlevels))
            ## Number of nodes at the current level
            n.current <- nodes[[i]]

            ## Extract simulation model for the level.
            Call <- model.freq[[i]]

            ## Repeat the mixing parameters of all levels above the
            ## current one that were simulated in the past.
            for (j in seq_along(params))
                eval(substitute(x <- rep.int(x, n.current),
                                list(x = as.name(params[[j]]))))

            ## Simulate data only if there is a model at the current
            ## level.
            if (!is.null(Call))
                ## Add the number of variates to the call.
                Call$n <- sum(n.current)

                ## Simulation of the mixing parameters or the data. In
                ## the latter case, store the results in a fixed
                ## variable name.
                if (i < nlevels)
                    assign(level.names[[i]], eval(Call))
                    params[i] <- level.names[[i]] # remember the parameter
                    frequencies <- eval(Call)
        frequencies <- rep.int(1, sum(nodes[[nlevels]]))

    ## Simulation of the claim amounts. If 'model.sev' is NULL, this
    ## is equivalent to simulating frequencies only.
    if (has.sev)
        ## Repeat the same procedure as for the frequency model, with
        ## one difference: when reaching the last level (claim
        ## amounts), the number of variates to simulate is not given
        ## by the number of nodes but rather by the number of claims
        ## as found in 'frequencies'.
        params <- character(0)

        for (i in seq_len(nlevels))
            n.current <- nodes[[i]]
            Call <- model.sev[[i]]

            for (j in seq_along(params))
                eval(substitute(x <- rep.int(x, n.current),
                                list(x = as.name(params[[j]]))))

            if (!is.null(Call))
                ## The rest of the procedure differs depending if we
                ## are still simulating mixing parameters or claim
                ## amounts.
                if (i < nlevels)
                    ## Simulation of mixing parameters is identical to the
                    ## simulation of frequencies.
                    Call$n <- sum(n.current)
                    assign(level.names[[i]], eval(Call))
                    params[i] <- level.names[[i]]
                    ## For the simulation of claim amounts, the number
                    ## of variates is rather given by the
                    ## 'frequencies' object. Furthermore, the mixing
                    ## parameters must be recycled once more to match
                    ## the vector of frequencies.
                    for (p in intersect(all.vars(Call), params))
                        eval(substitute(x <- rep.int(x, frequencies),
                                        list(x = as.name(p))))
                    Call$n <- sum(frequencies)
                    severities <-eval(Call)
        severities <- rep.int(1, sum(frequencies))

    ## We must now distribute the claim amounts in vector 'severities'
    ## to the appropriate nodes. This is complicated by the
    ## possibility to have different number of nodes (years of
    ## observation) for each entity. The result must be a matrix
    ## with the number of columns equal to the maximum number of last
    ## level nodes.
    ## The number of nodes (years of observation) per entity is
    ## given by 'n.current' since we reached the last level in (either
    ## one of) the above loops.
    ## Assign a unique ID to each node, leaving gaps for nodes without
    ## observations.
    ind <- unlist(mapply(seq,
                         from = seq(by = max(n.current), along = n.current),
                         length = n.current))

    ## Repeating the vector of IDs according to the frequencies
    ## effectively assigns a node ID to each claim amount. The vector
    ## of claim amounts is then split by node, yielding a list where
    ## each element corresponds to a node with claims.
    f <- rep.int(ind, frequencies)
    severities <- split(severities, f)

    ## Identify nodes with frequency equal to 0, which is different
    ## from having no observation (NA).
    freq0 <- ind[which(frequencies == 0)]

    ## Rearrange the list of claim amounts in a matrix;
    ##      number of rows: number of nodes at the penultimate level
    ##                      (number of entities)
    ##   number of columns: maximum number of nodes at the last level
    ##                      (number of years of observation).
    ## Moreover, assign a value of 'numeric(0)' to nodes with a
    ## frequency of 0.
    nrow <- length(n.current)           # number of entities
    ncol <- max(n.current)              # number of years
    res <- as.list(rep.int(NA, nrow * ncol))
    res[unique(f)] <- severities
    res[freq0] <- lapply(rep.int(0, length(freq0)), numeric)
    res <- matrix(res, nrow, ncol, byrow = TRUE,
                  dimnames = list(NULL,
                                        seq_len(ncol), sep = ".")))

    ## Reshape weights as a matrix, if necessary.
    weights <- if (is.null(weights))
        ## Integrate NAs into the weights matrix as appropriate.
        w <- rep.int(NA, nrow * ncol)
        w[ind] <- weights
        matrix(w, nrow = nrow, byrow = TRUE, dimnames = dimnames(res))

    ## Finally, create a matrix where each row contains the series of
    ## identifiers for an entity in the portfolio, e.g. if the data
    ## is denoted X_{ijkt}, one line of the matrix will contain
    ## subscripts i, j and k. As we move from right to left in the
    ## columns of 'm', the subcripts are increasingly repeated.
    ncol <- nlevels - 1L
    m <- matrix(1, nrow, ncol,
                dimnames = list(NULL, head(level.names, ncol)))
    for (i in seq_len(ncol - 1L))    # all but the last column
        ## Vector 'x' will originally contain all subscripts for one
        ## level. These subscripts are then repeated as needed to give
        ## the desired result. To avoid another explicit loop, I use a
        ## 'lapply' with a direct assignment in the current
        ## frame. Somewhat unusual, but this is the simplest procedure
        ## I managed to come up with.
        x <- unlist(lapply(nodes[[i]], seq))
        lapply(nodes[(i + 1L):(nlevels - 1L)],
               function(v) assign("x", rep.int(x, v), envir = parent.frame(2)))
        m[, i] <- x
    m[, ncol] <- unlist(lapply(nodes[[ncol]], seq)) # last column

    ## Return object of class 'portfolio'
    structure(list(data = res,
                   weights = weights,
                   classification = m,
                   nodes = nodes,
                   model.freq = model.freq,
                   model.sev = model.sev),
              class = "portfolio")

### Alias for backward compatibility with actuar < 2.0-0.
simul <- rcomphierarc

### 'print' method for 'portfolio' objects
print.portfolio <- function(x, ...)
    cat("\nPortfolio of claim amounts \n\n")
    nn <- names(x$nodes)
    nc <- max(nchar(nn))
    if (!is.null(x$model.freq))
        cat("  Frequency model\n")
        cat(paste("    ",
                  format(nn, width = nc),
                  " ~ ",
                  "\n", sep = ""), sep = "")
    if (!is.null(x$model.sev))
        cat("  Severity model\n")
        cat(paste("    ",
                  format(nn, width = nc),
                  " ~ ",
                  "\n", sep = ""), sep = "")
    cat("\n  Number of claims per node: \n\n")
    print(frequency(x), ...)

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actuar documentation built on Nov. 8, 2023, 9:06 a.m.