#'Function to compute a scalogram
#'The function decomposes the variance of a variable \code{x} on a basis of
#'orthogonal vectors. The significance of the associated R-squared values is
#'tested by a randomization procedure. A smoothed scalogram is obtained by
#'summing the R-squared values into \code{nblocks}.
#'On the plot, oberved R-squared values are represent by bars. A black line
#'indicate the 0.95 quantile of the values obtained by permutations. Significant
#'values are indicated by a '*'
#'@author Stéphane Dray \email{}
#'@aliases scalogram plot.scalogram
#'@param x a numeric vector for univariate data or an object of class \code{dudi} for
#' multivariate data (for \code{scalogram}) or an object of class
#' \code{scalogram} (for \code{plot.scalogram})
#'@param orthobasisSp an object of class \code{orthobasisSp}
#'@param nblocks an integer indicating the number of blocks in the smoothed scalogram
#'@param nrepet an integer indicating the number of permutations used in the
#' randomization procedure
#'@param p.adjust.method a string indicating a method for multiple adjustment,
#' see \code{p.adjust.methods} for possible choices.
#'@param pos an integer indicating the position of the environment where the
#' data are stored, relative to the environment where the function is called.
#' Useful only if \code{storeData} is \code{FALSE}
#'@param plot a logical indicating if the graphics is displayed
#'@param \dots additional graphical parameters (see \code{\link[adegraphics]{adegpar}} and
#' \code{trellis.par.get})
#'@return The function \code{scalogram} returns an object of class
#' \code{scalogram}, subclass \code{krandtest}. The \code{plot} function
#' returns an object of class \code{ADEgS}, generated by the functions of the
#' \code{adegraphics} package
#'@seealso \code{\link{mem}} \code{\link[ade4]{orthobasis}}
#'Dray S., PĂ©lissier R., Couteron P., Fortin M.J., Legendre P., Peres-Neto P.R.,
#'Bellier E., Bivand R., Blanchet F.G., De Caceres M., Dufour A.B., Heegaard E.,
#'Jombart T., Munoz F., Oksanen J., Thioulouse J., Wagner H.H. (2012). Community
#'ecology in the age of multivariate multiscale spatial analysis.
#'\emph{Ecological Monographs} \bold{82}, 257--275.
#'@keywords spatial
#' @examples
#' if(require("ade4", quietly = TRUE) & require("spdep", quietly = TRUE)){
#' data(mafragh)
#' me <- mem(nb2listw(mafragh$nb))
#' if(require("adegraphics", quietly = TRUE)){
#' sc1 <- scalogram(mafragh$env$Conduc, me, nblocks = 10)
#' plot(sc1)
#' }
#' }
#'@importFrom ade4 as.krandtest scalewt
#'@importFrom adegraphics sortparamADEgS
#'@importFrom graphics plot
#'@importFrom stats weighted.mean
#'@importFrom utils modifyList
#'@export scalogram
scalogram <- function(x, orthobasisSp, nblocks = ncol(orthobasisSp), nrepet = 999, p.adjust.method = "none"){
wt <- attr(orthobasisSp, "weights")
if(ncol(orthobasisSp) < ncol(orthobasisSp) - 1)
warning(paste("The orthobasis contains only", ncol(orthobasisSp), "vectors. The decomposition of variance is thus incomplete."))
R2 <- (t(scalewt(x, wt))%*%diag(wt)%*%as.matrix(orthobasisSp))^2
} else if(inherits(x, "dudi")){
if(!isTRUE(all.equal(wt, x$lw)))
stop("Rows weights are not equal")
wm <- apply(x$tab, 2, weighted.mean, w = x$lw)
if(!isTRUE(all.equal(wm, rep(0, ncol(x$tab)), check.attributes = FALSE)))
warning("Variables in 'x' are not centred. Results may be uninterpretable")
fR2 <- function(i, ortho, dudi){
R2 <- as.matrix(ortho[,i])%*%t(as.matrix(ortho[,i]))%*%diag(dudi$lw)%*%as.matrix(dudi$tab)
R2 <- R2 * sqrt(dudi$lw)
R2 <- sweep(R2, 2, sqrt(dudi$cw), "*")
R2 <- sum(R2 * R2)
R2 <- sapply(1:ncol(orthobasisSp), fR2, dudi = x, ortho = orthobasisSp)
Iner <- x$tab * sqrt(wt)
Iner <- sweep(Iner, 2, sqrt(x$cw), "*")
Iner <- sum(Iner * Iner)
R2 <- R2 / Iner
} else {
stop("Invalid 'x' argument")
fac <- cut(1:ncol(orthobasisSp), nblocks)
i.start <- tapply(1:ncol(orthobasisSp), fac, min)
i.stop <- tapply(1:ncol(orthobasisSp), fac, max)
if(nblocks < ncol(orthobasisSp)){
levels(fac) <- paste("[", i.start, "-", i.stop, "]", sep="")
} else {
levels(fac) <- 1:ncol(orthobasisSp)
R2.smooth <- tapply(R2, fac, sum)
sim <- matrix(0, nrepet, nblocks)
for(i in 1:nrepet){
R2.sim <- as.vector((t(scalewt(sample(x), wt))%*%diag(wt)%*%as.matrix(orthobasisSp))^2)
sim[i, ] <- tapply(R2.sim, fac, sum)
} else {
if(length(unique(wt)) == 1){
## uniform weights
R2.sim <- sapply(1:ncol(orthobasisSp), fR2, dudi = x, ortho = orthobasisSp[sample(nrow(x$tab)),])
} else {
## permute orthobasis and recompute to preserves orthogonality
idx <- sample(nrow(x$tab))
appel <- as.list(attr(orthobasisSp, "call"))
appel$wt <- wt[order(idx)]
newortho <- eval.parent([idx,]
R2.sim <- sapply(1:ncol(orthobasisSp), fR2, dudi = x, ortho = newortho)
R2.sim <- R2.sim / Iner
sim[i, ] <- tapply(R2.sim, fac, sum)
res <- as.krandtest(sim, R2.smooth, names = levels(fac), call =, output = "full")
class(res) <- c("scalogram", class(res))
#' @rdname scalogram
#' @export
plot.scalogram <- function(x, pos = -1, plot = TRUE, ...){
## sort parameters for each graph
graphsnames <- c("obs", "sim")
sortparameters <- sortparamADEgS(..., graphsnames = graphsnames)
## parameters management
## cut in 10 labels but consider case with less labels
x.lab.pos <- unique(as.integer(pretty(1:length(x$obs), 10)))
## remove labels outside the range of MEM
x.lab.pos <- x.lab.pos[x.lab.pos%in%1:length(x$obs)]
params <- list()
params$obs <- list(p1d.horizontal = FALSE, plabels.cex = 2, paxes.draw = TRUE, ylab = expression(R^2), scales = list(x = list(labels = x$names[x.lab.pos], at = x.lab.pos, rot = 45)), ylim = c(0, min(1, 1.5*max(x$obs))))
params$sim <- list(p1d.horizontal = FALSE)
names(params) <- graphsnames
sortparameters <- modifyList(params, sortparameters, keep.null = TRUE)
## prepare and create plots
g1 <-"s1d.barchart", c(list(score = substitute(x$obs), labels = substitute(ifelse(x$adj.pvalue < 0.05, "*", " ")), plot = FALSE, pos = pos - 2), sortparameters$obs))
g2 <-"s1d.curve", c(list(score = substitute(apply(x$sim, 2, quantile, 0.95)), plot = FALSE, pos = pos - 2), sortparameters$sim))
## create the final ADEgS
object <-"superpose", list(g1, g2))
object@Call <- call("superpose", g1@Call, g2@Call)
names(object) <- graphsnames[1:length(object)]
object@Call <-
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