#' Determine thickness of horizons (continuous from surface) matching a pattern
#' @description Find the thickness of horizon designations, or any other character patterns, that are continuous from the soil surface (depth = 0 or shallowest depth in profile).
#' @details The horizon designation to match is specified with the regular expression pattern 'pattern'. All horizons matching that pattern, that are continuous from the soil surface, count towards the depth / thickness value that is ultimately returned. For instance: horizon designations: A1-A2-A3-C-Ab , would return A3 bottom depth given \code{pattern = "^A[1-9]*$"}.
#' `getSurfaceHorizonDepth` is used by `getPlowLayerDepth` for matching Ap horizons; and, it is used by `getMineralSoilSurfaceDepth` to find the thickness of O horizons in lieu of lab data.
#' @param p a SoilProfileCollection
#' @param pattern a regular expression pattern to match for all horizons to be considered part of the "surface".
#' @param hzdesgn column name containing horizon designation. Default: `hzdesgnname(p, required = TRUE)`.
#' @param simplify logical. Return single profile results as vector (default: `TRUE`) or `data.frame` (`FALSE`)
#' @return a numeric value corresponding to the bottom depth of the last horizon matching 'pattern' that is contiguous with other matching horizons up to the soil surface. If `length(p) > 1` then a _data.frame_ containing profile ID, horizon ID, top or bottom depths, horizon designation and pattern.
#' @author Andrew G. Brown
#' @aliases getMineralSoilSurfaceDepth
#' @aliases getPlowLayerDepth
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(aqp)
#' data(sp1, package = 'aqp')
#' depths(sp1) <- id ~ top + bottom
#' site(sp1) <- ~ group
#' p <- sp1[1]
#' q <- sp1[2]
#' # look at horizon designations in p and q
#' p$name
#' q$name
#' # thickness of all surface horizons containing A
#' getSurfaceHorizonDepth(p, pattern = 'A', hzdesgn = 'name')
#' # thickness of all surface horizons that start with A
#' getSurfaceHorizonDepth(p, pattern = '^A', hzdesgn = 'name')
#' # thickness of all surface horizons that start with A, and the A is not followed by B
#' getSurfaceHorizonDepth(p, pattern = '^A[^B]*', hzdesgn = 'name')
#' # thickness of all surface horizons that start with A
#' # followed by a number from _2_ to 9 (returns ZERO)
#' getSurfaceHorizonDepth(p, pattern = '^A[2-9]*', hzdesgn = 'name')
#' # getPlowLayerDepth matches first two horizons in fake Ap horizon data with "buried Ap"
#' p$aphorizons <- c("Ap1","Ap2","AB", rep('C', nrow(p) - 4), "Apb")
#' getPlowLayerDepth(p, hzdesgn = 'aphorizons')
#' # getMineralSoilSurfaceDepthmatches first 3 horizons in fake O horizon data
#' p$ohorizons <- c("Oi1","Oi2","Oe", rep('C', nrow(p) - 4), "2C")
#' getMineralSoilSurfaceDepth(p, hzdesgn='ohorizons')
#' # matches first Oi horizon with original horizon designations of pedon 2
#' getMineralSoilSurfaceDepth(q, hzdesgn='name')
getSurfaceHorizonDepth <- function(p,
hzdesgn = hzdesgnname(p, required = TRUE),
simplify = TRUE) {
if (is.null(hzdesgn) || !hzdesgn %in% horizonNames(p)) {
stop("Horizon designation column (", hzdesgn, ") does not exist.")
hz <-
depthz <- horizonDepths(p)
shallowest.depth <- p[, , .FIRST][[depthz[1]]]
.get_contiguous_surface_hz <- function(h, hzdesgn) {
# identify horizons matching pattern
match.idx <- grepl(h[[hzdesgn]], pattern = pattern)
emptyres <- h[1, .SD, .SDcols = c(hzidname(p), depthz[2])]
emptyres[[idname(p)]] <- emptyres[[idname(p)]][1]
emptyres[[hzidname(p)]] <- NA_character_
emptyres[[depthz[2]]] <- as.double(0)
emptyres$pattern <- pattern
emptyres$hzdesgn <- hzdesgn
# no match? return zero or shallowest top depth (the minimum depth)
if (length(which(match.idx)) < 1) {
# identify surface horizon
mod.idx <- c(1, rep(0, length(match.idx) - 1))
# identify where matches and surface horizon co-occur
# matching horizons get a 1, matching surface horizon gets a 2,
# 0s kick us out
new.idx <- match.idx + mod.idx
who.idx <- numeric(0)
# we only have a matching surface if the first value is 2
# (meets both above crit)
if (new.idx[1] == 2) {
# convert that into logical to identify contiguous matches
contig <- new.idx > 0 & new.idx <= 2
# calculate difference between contiguous matches/nonmatches
dcontig <- diff(as.integer(contig))
# max depth is, at first, the bottom depth of last contiguous hz
max.idx <- length(contig)
if(length(max.idx)) {
# if we have a negative change at any depth,
# we have a discontinuity
# adjust max index (depth) accordingly
if(any(dcontig < 0)) {
# take first index of negative dcontig
# add one to correct for indexing offset due to diff()
max.idx <- which(dcontig < 0)[1] + 1
# return last value from contig
# (last contiguous horizon with surface)
who.idx <- rev(which(contig[1:max.idx]))[1]
if (length(who.idx) == 0)
res <- h[who.idx, .SD, .SDcols = c(hzidname(p), depthz[2])]
res[[depthz[2]]] <- as.double(res[[depthz[2]]])
res$pattern <- pattern
res$hzdesgn <- hzdesgn
hzids <- list(hz[[idname(p)]])
names(hzids) <- idname(p)
sitetemplate <-[,.SD, .SDcols = idname(p)]
sitetemplate[[idname(p)]] <- as.character(sitetemplate[[idname(p)]])
hzsub <- hz[, .get_contiguous_surface_hz(.SD, hzdesgn), by = hzids]
hzsub[[idname(p)]] <- as.character(hzsub[[idname(p)]])
out <- hzsub[sitetemplate, on = idname(p)]
# not found
notfound <- sum(shallowest.depth > out[[depthz[2]]], na.rm = TRUE)
if (notfound > 0) {
warning(sprintf("found %s profiles where pattern did not match and shallowest depth is greater than 0", notfound), call. = FALSE)
if(length(p) == 1 && simplify) {
#' @rdname getSurfaceHorizonDepth
#' @export
getMineralSoilSurfaceDepth <- function(p, hzdesgn = hzdesgnname(p, required = TRUE), pattern = "O", simplify = TRUE) {
if (is.null(hzdesgn) || !hzdesgn %in% horizonNames(p)) {
stop("Horizon designation column (", hzdesgn, ") does not exist.")
# assumes OSM is given O horizon designation;
# TODO: add support for lab-sampled organic measurements
# keep organic horizons with andic soil properties
return(getSurfaceHorizonDepth(p, hzdesgn = hzdesgn, pattern = pattern, simplify = simplify))
#' @rdname getSurfaceHorizonDepth
#' @export
getPlowLayerDepth <- function(p, hzdesgn = hzdesgnname(p, required = TRUE), pattern = "^Ap[^b]*", simplify = TRUE) {
return(getSurfaceHorizonDepth(p, hzdesgn = hzdesgn, pattern = pattern, simplify = simplify))
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