# generate depth axis labels
# m: max depth
# i: interval
.depthAxisSeq <- function(m, i = NULL) {
# reasonable heuristics if an interval is not specified
if(is.null(i)) {
if(m > 800) {
i <- 100
} else if(m <= 800 & m > 200) {
i <- 50
} else if(m <= 200 & m > 100) {
i <- 25
} else if(m <= 100 & m > 50) {
i <- 10
} else if(m <= 50) {
i <- 5
# convenient rounding-to function
# e.g. round 73, to nearest 10s place
# thanks SO:
.roundTo <- function(x, y) {
if((y - x %% y) <= x %% y) { x + (y - x %% y)}
else { x - (x %% y)}
# clamp axis max via customized rounding
.max <- .roundTo(m, i)
# axis sequence
.res <- seq(0, .max, by = i)
#' @title Draw a depth axis along side soil profile sketches
#' @param style character, depth axis style
#' @param .at numeric vector, depth axis annotation coordinates
#' @param .labels character vector, tick mark labels
#' @param .line numeric, line offset for horizontal placement of axis
#' @param .cex numeric, scaling factor for axis
#' @noRd
#' @return nothing, low-level plotting function
.drawDepthAxis <- function(style = c('compact', 'traditional', 'tape'), .at, .labels, .line, .cex) {
# launder / check style
style <- tolower(style)
style <- match.arg(style)
'compact' = {
# minimal axis
side = 4,
col = NA,
col.axis = par('fg'),
col.ticks = par('fg'),
las = 1,
lend = 3,
mgp = c(3, 0.25, 0),
font = 1, lwd.ticks = 1, tck = 0.02,
line = .line,
at = .at,
labels = .labels,
cex.axis = .cex
'traditional' = {
# traditional axis
side = 4,
col = par('fg'),
col.axis = par('fg'),
col.ticks = par('fg'),
las = 1,
lend = 3,
line = .line,
at = .at,
labels = .labels,
cex.axis = .cex
'tape' = {
# something like the fabric, graduated tapes
# used by NCSS and elsewhere
# alternating colors
.cols <- c('white', grey(0.3))
# width of tape based on widest depth annotation
.w <- strwidth(as.character(max(.at)), units = 'user', cex = .cex) / 1.5
## not currently used, "line" depends on aspect ratio of figure
# convert line notation to user coordinates
# .dx <- grconvertX(.line, from = 'line', to = 'user')
## TODO: figure out line-style adjustment that ignores figure aspect ratio
# shift using max x value in user coordinates of figure
.x <- par('usr')[2] - (2 * .w)
# number of depth labels
.nat <- length(.at)
# temporarily disable figure clipping
# this is important because rect() adds to the figure area vs. margin by axis()
.op <- par(xpd = NA)
# alternating colors of tape
xleft = .x - .w,
xright = .x + .w,
ybottom = .at[-1],
ytop = .at[-.nat],
col = .cols,
border = NA
# outline
xleft = .x - .w,
xright = .x + .w,
ybottom = .at[.nat],
ytop = .at[1],
col = NA,
border = par('fg')
# consider computing an exact coordinate, vs pos / offset
# use at - (text height)
# .labY <- .at[-1] - (diff(.at) / 2)
.labY <- .at
# select labels
x = .x,
y = .labY,
labels = .at,
cex = .cex,
col = invertLabelColor(.cols),
offset = 0.25,
pos = 1
# return to original graphics state
# done
# draft replacement for scales::col_factor (without looking at it)
.aqp_color_map <- function(palette, domain, na.color, ordered) {
.FUN <- function(x) {
if (is.numeric(x)) {
cuts <- c(gsub("^\\[(.*),.*", "\\1", domain[1]),
gsub(".*,(.*)\\]$", "\\1", domain))
x <- cut(x, breaks = cuts)
} else {
x <- factor(x, levels = domain, ordered = ordered)
idx <- as.integer(x)
res <- palette[idx]
res[] <- na.color
## generalize and make into an exported function
.interpretHorizonColor <- function(h, color, default.color, col.palette, col.palette.bias, n.legend) {
# this is optionally replaced with real data when using thematic colors <- NULL
# toggle as needed for more room
multi.row.legend <- FALSE
# multi-row legend indices
leg.row.indices <- NULL
## TODO: manually setting color=NULL will throw an error
# think about how to best handle this
# if(is.null(color)) {
# }
# short-circuit: if all h[[color]] are NA the following logic will not reliably work
# this is because sometimes all NA are interpreted as logical vectors
if (all([[color]]))) {
h[[".color"]] <- rep(NA_character_, nrow(h))
} else {
# there is at least 1 non-NA color to work with
# 1. numeric vector, re-scale and apply color ramp
if(is.numeric(h[[color]])) {
# generate color ramp function
cr <- grDevices::colorRamp(col.palette, bias = col.palette.bias, space = 'Lab', interpolate = 'spline')
# re-scale to [0,1]
# may contain NAs
c.rgb <- cr(.rescaleRange(h[[color]], x0 = 0, x1 = 1))
cc <- which(complete.cases(c.rgb))
h$.color <- NA
# convert non-NA values into colors
h$.color[cc] <- rgb(c.rgb[cc, , drop = FALSE], maxColorValue = 255)
# generate range / colors for legend
pretty.vals <- pretty(h[[color]], n = n.legend)
## TODO: think about a smarter way to do this
## -> sometimes the colors used in the legend are misleading
# constrain legend to min/max
# pretty.vals[1] <- min(h[[color]], na.rm = TRUE)
# pretty.vals[length(pretty.vals)] <- max(h[[color]], na.rm = TRUE)
# truncate to 3 significant digits and convert to character for correct interpretation of floating point values
leg.pretty.vals <- as.character(signif(pretty.vals, 3))
# special case: there are < 3 unique values -> convert to factor
# previous calculations are ignored
low.n.test.vals <- as.character(signif(h[[color]], digits = 3))
if(length(unique(na.omit(low.n.test.vals))) < 3) {
# replace with character representation with 3 significant digits
h[[color]] <- low.n.test.vals
message('less than 3 unique values, converting to factor')
# put into a list for later <- list(
legend = leg.pretty.vals,
col = rgb(cr(.rescaleRange(pretty.vals, x0 = 0, x1 = 1)), maxColorValue=255),
multi.row.legend = multi.row.legend,
leg.row.indices = leg.row.indices
# 2. vector of categorical data
if(is.character(h[[color]]) | is.factor(h[[color]])) {
# testing if ALL valid colors
if( all(.isColorValid(na.omit(h[[color]])))) {
# YES: interpret values directly as colors
h$.color <- h[[color]]
} else {
# NO: this is or can be converted into a factor
h[[color]] <- factor(h[[color]])
# get color mapping levels after dropping missing levels
h[[color]] <- droplevels(h[[color]])
color.levels <- levels(h[[color]])
crp <- grDevices::colorRampPalette(col.palette, bias = col.palette.bias, space = 'Lab', interpolate = 'spline')
# make a color mapping function
if (requireNamespace("scales", quietly = TRUE)) {
## TODO: replace with native function
FUN <- scales::col_factor
} else {
FUN <- .aqp_color_map
color.mapper <- FUN(
palette = crp(length(color.levels)),
domain = color.levels,
na.color = default.color,
ordered = TRUE
# apply color mapping
h$.color <- color.mapper(h[[color]])
# generate colors and labels for legend
pretty.vals <- color.levels
# interpret n.legend as max(items) / row
n.leg.classes <- length(pretty.vals)
# create more room via multiple calls to legend
if(n.legend < n.leg.classes) {
# make indices to two rows of legends
# safely accounts for even / odd n.leg.classes
leg.row.indices <- .splitLegend(n.leg.classes)
# set flag for later
multi.row.legend <- TRUE
# pack into a list for later use <- list(
legend = pretty.vals,
col = color.mapper(pretty.vals),
multi.row.legend = multi.row.legend,
leg.row.indices = leg.row.indices
# if the color column doesn't exist, fill with NA
h[[".color"]] <- NA
# fill missing colors with a reasonable default
h[['.color']] <- ifelse([['.color']]), default.color, h[['.color']])
# assemble results
res <- list(
colors = h[['.color']], =
# split legend into two rows, and create indices
# any more classes than that and things become impossible to read
# n: total number of classes
.splitLegend <- function(n) {
# make enough room for even division of odd numbers
n.per.row <- ceiling(n / 2)
# make indices for first row
row.1.idx <- seq(from=1, to=n.per.row)
row.2.idx <- seq(from=n.per.row + 1, to=n)
res <- list(
# Test for valid colors in vector `x`:
# 1. named colors from colors()
# 2. RGB / RGBA encoding of colors
.isColorValid <- function(x) {
# check for named colors
test.1 <- x %in% colors()
# check for valid RGB
test.2 <- grepl('^#[a-f0-9]{6}', x, = TRUE)
# check for valid RGBA colors
test.3 <- grepl('^#[a-f0-9]{8}', x, = TRUE)
# must pass at least 1 test
res <- test.1 | test.2 | test.3
# x1: left-side x coordinate
# x2: right-side x coordinate
# y: common y coordinate
# n: number of vertices
# o: vertical offsets (must be pre-scaled by plotSPC's scaling.factor argument)
# f: jittering factor
.raggedLines <- function(x1, x2, y, n = 16, o = c(-0.25, 0.75), f = 1) {
# initial vertices, includes left and right points
.x <- seq(from = x1, to = x2, length.out = n)
.y <- rep(y, times = n)
# add offsets + jitter to all but outermost vertices
.idx <- 2:(n-1)
.y[.idx] <- jitter(.y[.idx] + o, factor = f)
# TODO: convert to step function, would look better on screen
# final coordinates
return(cbind(.x, .y))
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