
# @set "class=AffymetrixCdfFile"
# @RdocMethod createUniqueCdf
# @aliasmethod createUnique
# @title "Creates a unique-cell version of the CDF"
# \description{
#  In some cases, single probes map to multiple genome locations.  In cases
#  where you may later want to store a probe estimate (e.g. a probe effect
#  or a residual), you will not be able to store more than one per cell.
#  The unique CDF facilitates this by making the cell indices unique
#  (essentially copying the multimapping probes).
# }
# @synopsis
# \arguments{
#   \item{chipType}{The chip type of the new CDF.}
#   \item{tags}{Tags added to the chip type of the new CDF.}
#   \item{path}{The path where to store the new CDF file.}
#   \item{...}{Additional arguments passed to @see "affxparser::writeCdf".}
#   \item{ram}{A @double saying if more or less units should be converted
#      per chunk.  A smaller value uses less memory.}
#   \item{verbose}{A @logical or @see "R.utils::Verbose".}
# }
# \value{
#  Returns the unique CDF as an @see "AffymetrixCdfFile" object.
# }
# \details{
#   Note that the set of units in the "unique" CDF is identical to that
#   of the input CDF.  So are the unit groups in each unit.
#   Also the number of cells per unit group is preserved.
#   It is only the cell-index composition of each unit group that changes.
#   The cell indices in the unique CDF are guaranteed to occur only
#   once, whereas this may not be true for the input CDF.
# }
# @author "MR"
# \seealso{
#   @seeclass
# }
# @keyword IO
setMethodS3("createUniqueCdf", "AffymetrixCdfFile", function(this, chipType=getChipType(this), tags="unique", path=NULL, units=NULL, ..., ram=NULL, verbose=TRUE) {
  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  # Local functions
  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  rearrangeCells <- function(units, offset=0, hasGroups=TRUE, ncols, ...) {
    rearrangeGroup <- function(group, idxs, ...) {
      y = (idxs-1) %/% ncols
      x = (idxs-1) - ncols*y
      group$y <- y
      group$x <- x
      group$indices <- idxs
    } # rearrangeGroup()

    nbrOfCells <- lapply(units, FUN=function(unit) .subset2(unit, "ncells"))
    nbrOfCells <- sum(unlist(nbrOfCells, use.names=FALSE))

    cells <- seq(from=offset+1, to=offset+nbrOfCells)

    verbose && printf(verbose, "Units: ")
    if (hasGroups) {
      for (kk in seq_along(units)) {
        if (verbose) {
          if (kk %% 1000 == 0) {
            printf(verbose, "%d, ", kk)
          } else if (kk %% 100 == 0) {
        # groups <- units[[kk]]$groups
        groups <- .subset2(.subset2(units, kk), "groups")
        for (ll in seq_along(groups)) {
          group <- .subset2(groups, ll)
          # Number of cells in this group
          nindices <- length(.subset2(group, "indices"))
          head <- 1:nindices
          idxs <- .subset(cells, head)
          cells <- .subset(cells, (nindices+1):length(cells))
          groups[[ll]] <- rearrangeGroup(group, idxs)
        units[[kk]]$groups <- groups
    } else {
      for (kk in seq_along(units)) {
        if (verbose) {
          if (kk %% 1000 == 0) {
            printf(verbose, "%d, ", kk)
          } else if (kk %% 100 == 0) {
        group <- .subset2(units, kk)
        # Number of cells in this group
        nindices <- length(.subset2(group, "indices"))
        head <- 1:nindices
        idxs <- .subset(cells, head)
        cells <- .subset(cells, (nindices+1):length(cells))
        group <- rearrangeGroup(group, idxs)
        units[[kk]] <- group
    verbose && printf(verbose, "\n")

  } # rearrangeCells()

  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  # Validate arguments
  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  # Argument 'ram':
  ram <- getRam(aromaSettings, ram)

  # Argument 'verbose':
  verbose <- Arguments$getVerbose(verbose)
  if (verbose) {
  verbose2 <- as.integer(verbose)-1;  # For 'affxparser' calls.
  verbose2 <- 2

  # Argument 'units':
  if(is.null(units)) {
    units <- seq_len(nbrOfUnits(this))
  } else {
    units <- Arguments$getIndices(units, max=nbrOfUnits(this))

  # Already a unique CDF?
  if (isUniqueCdf(this)) {

  verbose && enter(verbose, "Creating unique CDF")

  verbose && cat(verbose, "Chip type: ", getChipType(this))

  # Get the pathname of the source
  src <- getPathname(this)
  src <- Arguments$getReadablePathname(src)

  # Create the pathname of the destination CDF
  if (is.null(path)) {
    mainChipType <- gsub("[,].*", "", chipType)
    path <- filePath("annotationData", "chipTypes", mainChipType)

  # Write to a temporary file first, and rename it when we know its complete
  name <- paste(c(chipType, tags), collapse=",")
  filename <- sprintf("%s.CDF", name)
  pathname <- Arguments$getWritablePathname(filename, path=path)
  pathname <- AffymetrixFile$renameToUpperCaseExt(pathname)
  pathname <- Arguments$getWritablePathname(pathname, mustNotExist=TRUE)

  pathnameT <- pushTemporaryFile(pathname, verbose=verbose)

  # Assure source and destination is not identical
  if (identical(src, pathnameT)) {
    throw("Cannot not create CDF file. Destination is same as source: ", src)

  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  # Figure out the number of (regular) unit cells in the output
  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  # Get the number of groups per units
  verbose && enter(verbose, "Reading CDF group names")
  nbrOfGroupsPerUnit <- .readCdfGroupNames(src)
  verbose && exit(verbose)

  names(nbrOfGroupsPerUnit) <- NULL

  # Garbage collect
  gc <- gc()
  verbose && print(verbose, gc)

  # Get the number of groups per unit
  nbrOfGroupsPerUnit <- sapply(nbrOfGroupsPerUnit, FUN=length)

  # Garbage collect
  gc <- gc()
  verbose && print(verbose, gc)

  # get a relatively low-memory version of the CDF indices
  # Q: Why is readCdf(..., stratifyBy=<vector>) not throwing?
  #    Error in match.arg(stratifyBy) : 'arg' must be of length 1
  #    /HB 2011-04-15
  cdfLite <- .readCdf(src, units=units,
              readXY=FALSE, readBases=FALSE,
              readIndexpos=FALSE, readAtoms=FALSE,
              readUnitType=FALSE, readUnitDirection=FALSE,
              readUnitNumber=FALSE, readUnitAtomNumbers=FALSE,
              readGroupAtomNumbers=FALSE, readGroupDirection=FALSE,
              readIndices=TRUE, readIsPm=FALSE,
              stratifyBy=c("nothing", "pmmm", "pm", "mm"), verbose=0)

  # Get the number of cells per unit
  nbrOfCellsPerUnit <- sapply(cdfLite, FUN=function(unit) {
    length(unlist(unit, use.names=FALSE))
  verbose && cat(verbose, "Number of cells per unit:")
  verbose && summary(verbose, nbrOfCellsPerUnit)

  # Not needed anymore
  cdfLite <- NULL; # Not needed anymore

  # Total number of cells in CDF
  nbrOfCells <- sum(nbrOfCellsPerUnit)

  # Number of units in CDF
  nbrOfUnits <- length(nbrOfCellsPerUnit)

  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  # QC units
  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  # Keep all QC units
  verbose && enter(verbose, "Reading CDF QC units")
  destQcUnits <- .readCdfQc(src)
  verbose && exit(verbose)
  nbrOfQcUnits <- length(destQcUnits)
  nbrOfCellsPerQcUnit <- lapply(destQcUnits, FUN=.subset2, "ncells")
  nbrOfCellsPerQcUnit <- unlist(nbrOfCellsPerQcUnit, use.names=FALSE)
  nbrOfQcCells <- sum(nbrOfCellsPerQcUnit)
  verbose && printf(verbose,
             "Number of QC cells: %d in %d QC units (%s)\n",
             nbrOfQcCells, nbrOfQcUnits,
             hsize(object.size(destQcUnits), digits = 2L, standard = "IEC"))

  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  # Chip layout
  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  totalNbrOfCells <- nbrOfCells + nbrOfQcCells
  verbose && printf(verbose, "Total number of cells: %d\n", totalNbrOfCells)

  # Figure out a best fit square(!) layout of this number of cells
  side <- as.integer(floor(sqrt(totalNbrOfCells)))
  nrows <- ncols <- side

  # If not big enough, increase the nbr of rows, then nbr of column
  if (nrows*ncols < totalNbrOfCells) {
    nrows <- as.integer(nrows + 1)
    if (nrows*ncols < totalNbrOfCells) {
      ncols <- as.integer(ncols + 1)
  verbose && printf(verbose, "Best array dimension: %dx%d (=%d cells, i.e. %d left-over cells)\n", nrows, ncols, nrows*ncols, nrows*ncols - totalNbrOfCells)

  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  # Create CDF header
  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  verbose && enter(verbose, "Creating CDF header with source CDF as template")

  verbose && enter(verbose, "Setting up header")

  # Get template header
  verbose && enter(verbose, "Reading CDF header")
  destHeader <- .readCdfHeader(src)
  verbose && exit(verbose)

  # Update CDF header dimension
  destHeader$nrows <- nrows
  destHeader$ncols <- ncols

  # Get unit names
  verbose && enter(verbose, "Reading CDF unit names")
  unitNames <- .readCdfUnitNames(src)
  verbose && exit(verbose)

  if (nbrOfUnits > 0) {
    # Number of bytes per unit:
    #  = 20 + (18+64)*nbrOfGroupsPerUnit + 14*nbrOfCellsPerUnit bytes
    unitLengths <- 20 + 82*nbrOfGroupsPerUnit + 14*nbrOfCellsPerUnit
    avgUnitLength <- mean(unitLengths)
  } else {
    unitLengths <- NULL

  # Number of bytes per QC unit:
  if (nbrOfQcUnits > 0) {
    # Start positions for QC units
    # Number of bytes per QC unit:
    #  = 6 + 7*nbrOfCellsPerQcUnit bytes
    qcUnitLengths <- 6 + 7*nbrOfCellsPerQcUnit
  } else {
    qcUnitLengths <- NULL
  verbose && exit(verbose)

  verbose && enter(verbose, "Writing")
  verbose && cat(verbose, "destHeader:")
  verbose && str(verbose, destHeader)
  verbose && cat(verbose, "unitNames:")
  verbose && str(verbose, unitNames)
  verbose && cat(verbose, "qcUnitLengths:")
  verbose && str(verbose, qcUnitLengths)
  verbose && cat(verbose, "unitLengths:")
  verbose && str(verbose, unitLengths)

  # Garbage collect
  gc <- gc()
  verbose && print(verbose, gc)

  # Open output connection
  con <- file(pathnameT, open = "wb")
    if (!is.null(con))
    con <- NULL

  # Allocate/write CDF header
  .writeCdfHeader(con=con, destHeader, unitNames=unitNames,
                    qcUnitLengths=qcUnitLengths, unitLengths=unitLengths,
  # Not needed anymore
  # Not needed anymore
  destHeader <- unitNames <- qcUnitLengths <- unitLengths <- NULL

  # Garbage collect
  gc <- gc()
  verbose && print(verbose, gc)

  verbose && exit(verbose)

  verbose && exit(verbose)

  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  # Restructure QC units
  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  verbose && enter(verbose, "Writing QC units")
  verbose && enter(verbose, "Rearranging QC unit cell indices")
  destQcUnits <- rearrangeCells(destQcUnits, offset=nbrOfCells, ncols=ncols,
                                         hasGroups=FALSE, verbose=verbose)
  # Garbage collect
  gc <- gc()
  verbose && exit(verbose)

  # Write QC units
  .writeCdfQcUnits(con=con, destQcUnits, verbose=verbose2)
  # Not needed anymore
  destQcUnits <- NULL; # Not needed anymore

  # Garbage collect
  gc <- gc()
  verbose && print(verbose, gc)

  verbose && exit(verbose)

  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  # Units
  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  # Create all new units in chunks
  verbose && printf(verbose, "Number of units: %d\n", nbrOfUnits)
  verbose && printf(verbose, "Argument 'ram': %f\n", ram)
  verbose && printf(verbose, "Average unit length: %f bytes\n", avgUnitLength)

  # Scale (not used)
  if (nbrOfUnits > 0) {
    scale <- 200/avgUnitLength
  } else {
    scale <- 1

  # Number of units per chunk
  nbrOfUnitsPerChunk <- as.integer(ram * scale * 20000)

  nbrOfChunks <- ceiling(nbrOfUnits / nbrOfUnitsPerChunk)
  verbose && printf(verbose, "Number of chunks: %d (%d units/chunk)\n",
                                         nbrOfChunks, nbrOfUnitsPerChunk)

  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  # Reading and extracting unit data
  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  verbose && enter(verbose, "Reading, extracting, and writing units")

#  fields <- c("x", "y", "indices", "pbase", "tbase", "atom", "indexpos")
  fields <- c("pbase", "tbase", "atom", "indexpos")
  head <- 1:nbrOfUnitsPerChunk
  count <- 1
  idxOffset <- as.integer(0)
  unitsToDo <- 1:nbrOfUnits
  while (length(unitsToDo) > 0) {
    if (length(unitsToDo) < nbrOfUnitsPerChunk) {
      head <- 1:length(unitsToDo)
    units <- unitsToDo[head]
    verbose && printf(verbose, "Chunk #%d of %d (%d units)\n",
                                        count, nbrOfChunks, length(units))
    verbose && cat(verbose, "Units:")
    verbose && str(verbose, units)

    unitsToDo <- unitsToDo[-head]

    # Read CDF structure
    verbose && enter(verbose, "Reading CDF list structure")
    srcUnits <- .readCdf(src, units=units, readGroupDirection=TRUE)
    verbose && exit(verbose)

    # Sanity check
    if (is.null(srcUnits)) {
      throw(sprintf("Failed to read %d units from CDF file.  This could be because you are running out of memory.  Try decreasing argument 'ram': %s", length(units), src))

    # Sanity check
    if (length(srcUnits) != length(units)) {
      throw("Number of read CDF units does not equal number of requested units: ", length(srcUnits), " != ", length(units))

    if (verbose && isVisible(verbose)) {
      printf(verbose, " => RAM: %s\n", hsize(object.size(srcUnits), digits = 2L, standard = "IEC"))

    # Sanity check
    if (length(srcUnits) == 0) {
      throw("Internal error: While creating unique CDF, an empty list of CDF units was read.")

    # Precalculate
    srcUnits <- lapply(srcUnits, FUN=function(unit) {
      groups <- .subset2(unit, "groups")
      groups <- lapply(groups, FUN=function(group) {
		nThisGroup <- length(.subset2(group,"pbase"))
        #group[fields] <- lapply(.subset(group, fields), FUN=.subset, fIdxs)
        #group$natoms <- nThisGroup
        #group$ncellsperatom <- as.integer(1)
        idxs <- idxOffset + seq_len(nThisGroup)
        idxs1 <- as.integer(idxs-1);  # Makes sure x & y are integers.
        y <-  idxs1 %/% ncols
        group$y <- y
        group$x <- idxs1 - ncols*y
        idxOffset <<- idxOffset + nThisGroup
      #ncells <- length(groups)*nbrOfCellsPerField
      unit$groups <- groups
      #unit$ncells <- ncells
      #unit$natoms <- ncells
      #unit$ncellsperatom <- as.integer(1)


    # Sanity check
    if (length(srcUnits) == 0) {
      throw("Internal error: While creating unique CDF, an empty list of CDF units is requested to be written.")

#    verbose && str(verbose, srcUnits[1])

    # Write regular units
    .writeCdfUnits(con=con, srcUnits, verbose=verbose2)
    # Not needed anymore
    srcUnits <- units <- NULL; # Not needed anymore

    count <- count + 1
  } # while (length(unitsToDo) > 0)
  # Not needed anymore
  unitsToDo <- head <- fields <- count <- NULL

  # Garbage collect
  gc <- gc()
  verbose && print(verbose, gc)

  verbose && exit(verbose)

  # Close the connection
  con <- NULL

  verbose && cat(verbose, "Temporary CDF file created:")
  verbose && cat(verbose, "Output pathname: ", pathnameT)
  verbose && print(verbose, file.info(pathnameT))

  # Garbage collect
  gc <- gc()
  verbose && print(verbose, gc)

  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  # Verifying the CDF
  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  verbose && enter(verbose, "Verifying the written CDF")
  # Checking header
  header <- .readCdfHeader(pathnameT)

  # Validation array dimension
  if ((header$nrows != nrows) || (header$ncols != ncols)) {
    throw(sprintf("Failed to create a valid unique-cell CDF: The dimension of the written CDF does not match the intended one: (%d,%d) != (%d,%d)", header$nrows, header$ncols, nrows, ncols))

  # Checking cell indices
  # Check CDF file in chunks
  nbrOfUnits <- header$probesets
  chunkSize <- 10000*ram
  nbrOfChunks <- ceiling(nbrOfUnits / chunkSize)
  for (kk in 1:nbrOfChunks) {
    verbose && printf(verbose, "Chunk %d of %d\n", kk, nbrOfChunks)
    from <- (kk-1)*chunkSize+1
    to <- min(from+chunkSize, nbrOfUnits)
    cells <- .readCdfCellIndices(pathnameT, units=from:to)
    cells <- unlist(cells, use.names=FALSE)
    cells <- diff(cells)
    cells <- unique(cells)
    udcells <- as.integer(cells)
    if (!identical(udcells, 1:1)) {
      throw("Failed to create a valid unique-cell CDF: The cell indices are not contiguous: ", paste(udcells, collapse=", "))
    # Not needed anymore
    cells <- udcells <- NULL
  verbose && exit(verbose)

  # Garbage collect
  gc <- gc()
  verbose && print(verbose, gc)

  # Rename temporary file
  popTemporaryFile(pathnameT, verbose=verbose)

  verbose && cat(verbose, "File pathname: ", pathname)
  verbose && print(verbose, file.info(pathname))
  verbose && exit(verbose)

  verbose && exit(verbose)

  # Return an AffymetrixCdfFile object for the new CDF
  cdfU <- newInstance(this, pathname)

  verbose && enter(verbose, "Final set of sanity checks")

  verbose && cat(verbose, "Number of units")
  stopifnot(nbrOfUnits(cdfU) == nbrOfUnits(this))

  verbose && cat(verbose, "Number of groups per unit")
  stopifnot(identical(nbrOfGroupsPerUnit(cdfU), nbrOfGroupsPerUnit(this)))

  verbose && cat(verbose, "Groups names per unit")
  stopifnot(identical(.readCdfGroupNames(getPathname(cdfU)), .readCdfGroupNames(getPathname(this))))

  verbose && cat(verbose, "Number of cells per unit group")
  stopifnot(identical(nbrOfCellsPerUnitGroup(cdfU), nbrOfCellsPerUnitGroup(this)))

  verbose && cat(verbose, "Consecutive ordering of cell indices")
  cells <- getCellIndices(cdfU, unlist=TRUE, useNames=FALSE)
  stopifnot(length(cells) <= nbrOfCells(cdfU))
  stopifnot(identical(unique(diff(cells)), 1L))

  ## Create checksum file
  cdfUZ <- getChecksumFile(cdfU)

  verbose && exit(verbose)

}, private=TRUE) # createUniqueCdf()

setMethodS3("getUniqueCdf", "AffymetrixCdfFile", function(this, ..., verbose=FALSE) {
  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  # Validate arguments
  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  # Argument 'verbose':
  verbose <- Arguments$getVerbose(verbose)
  if (verbose) {

  # Already a unique CDF?
  if (isUniqueCdf(this)) {

  verbose && enter(verbose, "Retrieving unique CDF")

  # The full chiptype of the unique CDF
  chipType <- sprintf("%s,unique", getChipType(this))
  verbose && cat(verbose, "Unique chip type: ", chipType)

  # First, try to locate an existing unique CDF
  verbose && enter(verbose, "Locating unique CDF")
  pathname <- findByChipType(this, chipType=chipType, ...)
  verbose && cat(verbose, "Pathname: ", pathname)
  verbose && exit(verbose)

  if (is.null(pathname)) {
    verbose && enter(verbose, "Could not locate unique CDF. Will create one for chip type")
    res <- createUniqueCdf(this, ..., verbose=less(verbose))
    verbose && exit(verbose)
  } else {
    res <- byChipType(this, chipType=chipType, ...)

  verbose && exit(verbose)

}, protected=TRUE)

setMethodS3("isUniqueCdf", "AffymetrixCdfFile", function(this, ...) {
  hasTag(this, "unique")

# equals(getMainCdf(getUniqueCdf(cdf), cdf)) == TRUE
#setMethodS3("getMainCdf", "AffymetrixCdfFile", function(this, ...) {
#  # Argument 'this':
#  if (!isUniqueCdf(this)) {
#    throw("Cannot get the main CDF, because this CDF is not a unique CDF: ", getPathname(this))
#  }
#  chipType <- getChipType(this, fullname=FALSE)
#  tags <- getTags(this)
#  tags <- setdiff(tags, c("unique"))
#  # Try to locate the main CDF
#  cdf <- byChipType(this, chipType=chipType, tags=tags, ...)
#  cdf
#}, protected=TRUE)

setMethodS3("getUnitGroupCellMapWithUnique", "AffymetrixCdfFile", function(this, units=NULL, ..., ugcMapM=NULL, verbose=FALSE) {
  # Argument 'this':
  if (isUniqueCdf(this)) {
    throw("Argument 'this' is already a unique CDF: ", getPathname(this))

  # Argument 'units':
  units0 <- units

  # Argument 'ugcMapM':
  if (is.null(ugcMapM)) {
    cdfM <- getUniqueCdf(this)
  } else if (!isUnitGroupCellMap(ugcMapM)) {
    throw("Argument 'ugcMapM' is not a UnitGroupCellMap")

  # Merge maps with ordered and unique units (and the expand in the end)
  if (!is.null(units))
    units <- sort(unique(units))

  ugcMap <- list()

  # Get the (unit, group, cell) map for this CDF
  ugcMap[[1]] <- getUnitGroupCellMap(this, units=units, verbose=verbose)

  # Get the (unit, group, cell) map for the unique CDF
  if (is.null(ugcMapM)) {
    ugcMap[[2]] <- getUnitGroupCellMap(cdfM, units=units, verbose=verbose)
  } else {
    ugcMap[[2]] <- ugcMapM

  # Expand the unique CDF (unit, group, cell) map to the main one
  # (1) Create a (unit, group) -> hashcode map
  MAXGROUP <- 10000
  ugHashcode <- lapply(ugcMap, FUN=function(map) {
    units  <- map[,"unit"]
    groups <- map[,"group"]
    hashcode <- MAXGROUP*units + groups
  # (2) Map (unit, group)_unique to (unit, group)_main
  rr <- match(ugHashcode[[1]], ugHashcode[[2]])
  # Not needed anymore
  ugHashcode <- NULL
  mergedMap <- cbind(ugcMap[[1]], cellM=ugcMap[[2]][rr,"cell"])
  # Not needed anymore
  ugcMap <- NULL

}, protected=TRUE)

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