### This function is a component of astrochron: An R Package for Astrochronology
### Copyright (C) 2023 Stephen R. Meyers
### function timeOptSim - (SRM: May 28, 2012; Oct. 14, 2014; Oct. 17, 2014;
### Oct. 19, 2014; Jan. 13, 2015; March 9, 2015
### June 8, 2015; Sept. 30, 2015;
### October 20-21, 2015; November 19, 2015;
### December 17, 2015; February 7, 2016;
### February 25, 2016; October 18-26, 2016;
### December 13, 2017; December 18-19, 2017;
### May 10, 2018; May 16, 2018; June 1, 2018;
### January 14, 2021; September 13, 2023)
# modified from timeOptSimMulti_v4.R. this version of timeOptSim is parallelized
timeOptSim <- function (dat,numsim=2000,rho=NULL,sedrate=NULL,sedmin=0.5,sedmax=5,numsed=100,linLog=1,limit=T,fit=1,r2max=1,fitModPwr=T,flow=NULL,fhigh=NULL,roll=NULL,targetE=NULL,targetP=NULL,detrend=T,ncores=2,output=0,genplot=T,check=T,verbose=T)
if(verbose) cat("\n----- TimeOpt Monte Carlo Simulation -----\n")
if(!is.null(sedrate) && verbose)
cat("\n**** WARNING: you are only investigating one sedimentation rate.\n")
cat(" sedrate option takes precedence over sedmin/sedmax/numsed\n\n")
# prepare data array
dat = data.frame(dat)
npts <- length(dat[,1])
dx <- dat[2,1]-dat[1,1]
# error checking
if (verbose) cat("\n * Sorting data into increasing height/depth/time, removing empty entries\n")
dat <- dat[order(dat[,1], na.last = NA, decreasing = F), ]
dx <- dat[2,1]-dat[1,1]
npts <- length(dat[,1])
dtest <- dat[2:npts,1]-dat[1:(npts-1),1]
if( (max(dtest)-min(dtest)) > epsm )
cat("\n**** ERROR: sampling interval is not uniform.\n")
stop("**** TERMINATING NOW!")
if (verbose)
cat(" * Number of data points in stratigraphic series:",npts,"\n")
cat(" * Stratigraphic series length (meters):",(npts-1)*dx,"\n")
cat(" * Sampling interval (meters):",dx,"\n\n")
# detrend
if (detrend)
lm.1 <- lm(dat[,2] ~ dat[,1])
dat[2] <- dat[2] - (lm.1$coeff[2]*dat[1] + lm.1$coeff[1])
if(verbose) cat(" * Linear trend subtracted. m=",lm.1$coeff[2],"b=",lm.1$coeff[1],"\n")
# standardize data series
### what is the estimated AR1 coefficient?
lag0 <- dat[1:(npts-1),2]
lag1 <- dat[2:npts,2]
rho <- cor(lag0,lag1)
if(verbose) cat(" * Raw AR1 =",rho,"\n")
if (r2max==1) datCorMax = max(res[,4])
if (r2max==2) datCorMax = max(res[,3])
if (r2max==3) datCorMax = max(res[,2])
if (r2max==1) cat(" * (Envelope r^2) x (Spectral Power r^2) =", datCorMax,"\n")
if (r2max==2) cat(" * (Spectral Power r^2) =", datCorMax,"\n")
if (r2max==3) cat(" * (Envelope r^2) =", datCorMax,"\n")
# Monte Carlo Simulation
if(verbose) cat("\n * PLEASE WAIT: Performing", numsim,"simulations using", ncores,"cores\n")
# IMPORTANT: uncomment the next line ONLY if using doSNOW
# if(verbose) cat("\n0% 25% 50% 75% 100%\n")
# section below is parallelized
# LOAD libraries for parallel processing
# and set up parallel backend for your ncores
if(ncores<2) stop("WARNING: number of ncores must be greater than one!")
# NOTE: the packages foreach and doParallel (or doSNOW) must be loaded if running this
# as a stand-alone script. uncomment the relevant lines below
# library(foreach)
# library(doParallel)
# library(doSNOW)
# set up cluster
# IMPORTANT: select the pacakge you will use for parallel processing
# uncommment below if using doParallel
# uncomment below if using doSNOW
# registerDoSNOW(cl)
# IMPORTANT: uncomment the following three lines ONLY if you are using doSNOW
# pbar <- txtProgressBar(max = numsim, style = 1, width=43)
# progress <- function(n) setTxtProgressBar(pbar, n)
# opts <- list(progress = progress)
# begin parallel simulation loop
# IMPORTANT: ucomment the following line if you are using doParallel
resParallel<-foreach(icount(numsim),.combine=rbind) %dopar% {
# uncomment the following line if you are using doSNOW
# resParallel<-foreach(icount(numsim),.options.snow = opts,.combine=rbind) %dopar% {
# NOTE: following line must be uncommented if running this as a stand-alone script.
# require("astrochron")
# NOTE: alternatively, you can use the following in foreach call above: .packages=c("astrochron")
# generate AR1 noise
sim = ar1(npts, dx, mean=0, sdev=1, rho=rho, genplot=F, verbose=F)
# recenter and standardize
if(r2max==1) simMax = max(simres[,4])
if(r2max==2) simMax = max(simres[,3])
if(r2max==3) simMax = max(simres[,2])
# return results
# end foreach loop
# shut down the cluster
# IMPORTANT: uncomment the following line (to close progress bar) ONLY if you are using doSNOW
# close(pbar)
# now sort results, determine how many have values > your result
numgt = sum(simres>datCorMax)
if(pval < (10/numsim) && (10/numsim) <=1 ) pval= 10/numsim
if(pval >= (10/numsim) && (10/numsim) <=1 ) pval=pval
if((10/numsim) > 1 ) pval=1
if (r2max==1) cat("\n * (Envelope r^2) * (Spectral Power r^2) p-value =",pval, "\n")
if (r2max==2) cat("\n * (Spectral Power r^2) p-value =",pval, "\n")
if (r2max==3) cat("\n * (Envelope r^2) p-value =",pval, "\n")
{ = paste("TimeOpt Monte Carlo Results"), height = 5, width = 6)
if (r2max==1) plot(density(simres), col="black",xlim=c(0,1),type="l",xlab=expression(paste({"r"^2}["opt"])),main=expression(bold(paste({"r"^2}["opt"]," Monte Carlo Results"))),cex.lab=1.1,lwd=2)
if (r2max==2) plot(density(simres), col="black",xlim=c(0,1),type="l",xlab=expression(paste({"r"^2}["spectral"])),main=expression(bold(paste({"r"^2}["spectral"]," Monte Carlo Results"))),cex.lab=1.1,lwd=2)
if (r2max==3) plot(density(simres), col="black",xlim=c(0,1),type="l",xlab=expression(paste({"r"^2}["envelope"])),main=expression(bold(paste({"r"^2}["envelope"]," Monte Carlo Results"))),cex.lab=1.1,lwd=2)
# grid()
# output = (0) nothing, (1) envelope*spectral power r^2 p-value, (2) output simulation r^2 results
if(output == 1) return(data.frame(pval))
if(output == 2) return(data.frame(simres))
### END function timeOptSim
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