

context("OPENMP")  # Basically, test if any crash..

skip_if_not(isTRUE(RhpcBLASctl::omp_get_num_procs() > 1))


test_that("parallel snp_colstats() works", {

  G <- snp_attachExtdata()$genotypes
  rows <- sample(nrow(G), replace = TRUE)
  cols <- sample(ncol(G), replace = TRUE)

  test <- replicate(20, simplify = FALSE, {
    bigsnpr:::snp_colstats(G, rows, cols, ncores = 2)
  true <- bigsnpr:::snp_colstats(G, rows, cols, ncores = 1)

  expect_true(all(sapply(test, all.equal, current = true)))


test_that("parallel bed_prodVec() works", {

  bedfile <- system.file("extdata", "example-missing.bed", package = "bigsnpr")
  obj.bed <- bed(bedfile)
  rows <- sample(nrow(obj.bed), replace = TRUE)
  cols <- sample(ncol(obj.bed), replace = TRUE)
  center <- rnorm(ncol(obj.bed))
  scale  <- runif(ncol(obj.bed))
  y.col <- rnorm(ncol(obj.bed))

  test <- replicate(20, simplify = FALSE, {
    bed_prodVec(obj.bed, y.col, rows, cols, center, scale, ncores = 2)
  true <- bed_prodVec(obj.bed, y.col, rows, cols, center, scale, ncores = 1)

  expect_true(all(sapply(test, all.equal, current = true)))


test_that("parallel bed_cprodVec() works", {

  bedfile <- system.file("extdata", "example-missing.bed", package = "bigsnpr")
  obj.bed <- bed(bedfile)
  rows <- sample(nrow(obj.bed), replace = TRUE)
  cols <- sample(ncol(obj.bed), replace = TRUE)
  center <- rnorm(ncol(obj.bed))
  scale  <- runif(ncol(obj.bed))
  y.row <- rnorm(nrow(obj.bed))

  test <- replicate(20, simplify = FALSE, {
    bed_cprodVec(obj.bed, y.row, rows, cols, center, scale, ncores = 2)
  true <- bed_cprodVec(obj.bed, y.row, rows, cols, center, scale, ncores = 1)

  expect_true(all(sapply(test, all.equal, current = true)))


test_that("parallel multLinReg()-bed works", {

  bedfile <- system.file("extdata", "example-missing.bed", package = "bigsnpr")
  obj.bed <- bed(bedfile)
  rows <- rows_along(obj.bed)
  cols <- sample(ncol(obj.bed), replace = TRUE)

  U <- bed_randomSVD(obj.bed, k = 3)$u

  test <- replicate(20, simplify = FALSE, {
    bigsnpr:::multLinReg(obj.bed, rows, cols, U, ncores = 2)
  true <- bigsnpr:::multLinReg(obj.bed, rows, cols, U, ncores = 1)

  expect_true(all(sapply(test, all.equal, current = true)))


test_that("parallel multLinReg()-bigSNP works", {

  G <- snp_attachExtdata()$genotypes
  rows <- rows_along(G)
  cols <- sample(ncol(G), replace = TRUE)

  U <- big_SVD(G, fun.scaling = snp_scaleBinom(), k = 3)$u

  test <- replicate(20, simplify = FALSE, {
    bigsnpr:::multLinReg(G, rows, cols, U, ncores = 2)
  true <- bigsnpr:::multLinReg(G, rows, cols, U, ncores = 1)

  expect_true(all(sapply(test, all.equal, current = true)))


test_that("parallel snp_clumping() works", {

  G <- snp_attachExtdata()$genotypes
  rows <- sample(nrow(G), replace = TRUE)

  test <- replicate(10, simplify = FALSE, {
    snp_clumping(G, infos.chr = rep(1, ncol(G)), ind.row = rows, ncores = 2)
  true <- snp_clumping(G, infos.chr = rep(1, ncol(G)), ind.row = rows, ncores = 1)

  expect_true(all(sapply(test, identical, y = true)))


test_that("parallel snp_grid_clumping() works", {

  G <- snp_attachExtdata()$genotypes
  rows <- sample(nrow(G), replace = TRUE)
  lpS <- runif(ncol(G))

  test <- replicate(5, simplify = FALSE, {
    snp_grid_clumping(G, ind.row = rows, lpS = lpS, ncores = 2,
                      infos.chr = rep(1, ncol(G)), infos.pos = cols_along(G),
                      grid.base.size = 0.1, grid.thr.r2 = c(0.05, 0.5))
  true <- snp_grid_clumping(G, ind.row = rows, lpS = lpS, ncores = 1,
                            infos.chr = rep(1, ncol(G)), infos.pos = cols_along(G),
                            grid.base.size = 0.1, grid.thr.r2 = c(0.05, 0.5))

  expect_true(all(sapply(test, identical, y = true)))


test_that("parallel snp_readBed2() works", {

  bedfile <- system.file("extdata", "example-missing.bed", package = "bigsnpr")
  obj.bed <- bed(bedfile)
  rows <- sample(nrow(obj.bed), replace = TRUE)
  cols <- sample(ncol(obj.bed), replace = TRUE)

  test <- replicate(20, simplify = FALSE, {
    snp_readBed2(bedfile, tempfile(), rows, cols, ncores = 2)
  true <- snp_readBed2(bedfile, tempfile(), rows, cols, ncores = 2)

  expect_true(all(sapply(test, function(rds, current) {
    all.equal(snp_attach(rds)$genotypes[], current)
  }, current = snp_attach(true)$genotypes[])))


test_that("parallel snp_cor() works", {

  G <- snp_attachExtdata()$genotypes
  rows <- sample(nrow(G), 2 * nrow(G), replace = TRUE)
  cols <- sample(ncol(G), replace = TRUE)

  time_seq <- system.time(true <- snp_cor(G, rows, cols, ncores = 1))[3]
  time_parallel <- mean(replicate(5, {
    time <- system.time(test <- snp_cor(G, rows, cols, ncores = 2))[3]
    expect_equal(test, true)
  expect_lt(time_parallel, time_seq)

  bedfile <- system.file("extdata", "example.bed", package = "bigsnpr")
  obj.bed <- bed(bedfile)

  time_seq <- system.time(true <- bed_cor(obj.bed, rows, cols, ncores = 1))[3]
  time_parallel <- mean(replicate(5, {
    time <- system.time(test <- bed_cor(obj.bed, rows, cols, ncores = 2))[3]
    expect_equal(test, true)
  expect_lt(time_parallel, time_seq)


test_that("parallel snp_ld_scores() works", {

  G <- snp_attachExtdata()$genotypes
  rows <- sample(nrow(G), 3 * nrow(G), replace = TRUE)
  cols <- sample(ncol(G), replace = TRUE)

  time_seq <- system.time(true <- snp_ld_scores(G, rows, cols, ncores = 1))[3]
  time_parallel <- mean(replicate(5, {
    time <- system.time(test <- snp_ld_scores(G, rows, cols, ncores = 2))[3]
    expect_equal(test, true)
  expect_lt(time_parallel, time_seq)

  bedfile <- system.file("extdata", "example.bed", package = "bigsnpr")
  obj.bed <- bed(bedfile)

  time_seq <- system.time(true <- bed_ld_scores(obj.bed, rows, cols, ncores = 1))[3]
  time_parallel <- mean(replicate(5, {
    time <- system.time(test <- bed_ld_scores(obj.bed, rows, cols, ncores = 2))[3]
    expect_equal(test, true)
  expect_lt(time_parallel, time_seq)


test_that("parallel ld_scores_sfbm() works", {

  bigsnp <- snp_attachExtdata()
  G <- bigsnp$genotypes
  ind <- sample(ncol(G), 2000)
  ind_cpp <- ind - 1L

  corr0 <- snp_cor(G, size = 100, ncores = 2)
  corr <- corr0[ind, ind]
  ld1 <- bigsnpr:::sp_colSumsSq_sym(corr@p, corr@i, corr@x)

  corr2 <- as_SFBM(corr0)
  replicate(50, {
    ld2 <- bigsnpr:::ld_scores_sfbm(corr2, ind_sub = ind_cpp, ncores = 2)
    expect_equal(ld2, ld1)

  corr3 <- as_SFBM(corr0, compact = TRUE)
  replicate(50, {
    ld3 <- bigsnpr:::ld_scores_sfbm(corr3, ind_sub = ind_cpp, ncores = 2)
    expect_equal(ld3, ld1)

  time_seq <- microbenchmark::microbenchmark(
    bigsnpr:::ld_scores_sfbm(corr2, ind_sub = ind_cpp, ncores = 1)
  time_par <- microbenchmark::microbenchmark(
    bigsnpr:::ld_scores_sfbm(corr2, ind_sub = ind_cpp, ncores = 2)
  expect_lt(median(time_par), median(time_seq))


test_that("parallel bed_counts() works", {

  bedfile <- system.file("extdata", "example-missing.bed", package = "bigsnpr")
  obj.bed <- bed(bedfile)
  rows <- sample(nrow(obj.bed), replace = TRUE)
  cols <- sample(ncol(obj.bed), replace = TRUE)

  # counting by column
  test <- replicate(20, simplify = FALSE, {
    bed_counts(obj.bed, rows, cols, ncores = 2)
  true <- bed_counts(obj.bed, rows, cols, ncores = 1)

  expect_true(all(sapply(test, identical, y = true)))

  # counting by rows
  test <- replicate(20, simplify = FALSE, {
    bed_counts(obj.bed, rows, cols, ncores = 2, byrow = TRUE)
  true <- bed_counts(obj.bed, rows, cols, ncores = 1, byrow = TRUE)

  expect_true(all(sapply(test, identical, y = true)))


test_that("parallel snp_fastImputeSimple() works", {

  G <- snp_attachExtdata()$genotypes

  test <- replicate(20, simplify = FALSE, {
    GNA <- big_copy(G)
    ind <- sort(sample(length(GNA), length(GNA) / 100)); GNA[ind] <- 3
    method <- sample(c("mode", "mean0", "mean2", "random"), 1)
    G2 <- snp_fastImputeSimple(G, method = method, ncores = 2)
    sum(big_counts(G2)[4, ])

  expect_true(all(test == 0))


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bigsnpr documentation built on Sept. 30, 2024, 9:18 a.m.