
Defines functions amlps

Documented in amlps

#' Bayesian additive partial linear modeling with Laplace-P-splines.
#' @description {Fits an additive partial linear model to data using an
#' approximate Bayesian inference technique based on penalized regression
#' splines and Laplace approximations. Smooth additive terms are specified as a
#' linear combination of of a large number of cubic B-splines. To counterbalance
#' the roughness of the fit, a discrete penalty on neighboring spline
#' coefficients is imposed in the spirit of Eilers and Marx (1996). The error
#' of the model is assumed to be Gaussian with zero mean and finite variance.
#' The optimal amount of smoothing is determined by a grid-based exploration of
#' the posterior penalty space when the number of smooth terms is small to
#' moderate. When the dimension of the penalty space is large, the optimal
#' smoothing parameter is chosen to be the value that maximizes the
#' (log-)posterior of the penalty vector.
#' }
#' @param formula A formula object where the ~ operator separates the response
#'   from the covariates of the linear part \code{z1,z2,..} and the smooth
#'   terms. A smooth term is specified by using the notation \code{sm(.)}.
#'   For instance, the formula \code{y ~ z1+sm(x1)+sm(x2)} specifies an
#'   additive model of the form \emph{E(y)=b0+b1z1+f1(x1)+f2(x2)}, where
#'   \emph{b0, b1} are the regression coefficients of the linear part and
#'   \emph{f1(.)} and \emph{f2(.)} are smooth functions of the continuous
#'   covariates \emph{x1} and \emph{x2} respectively.
#' @param data Optional. A data frame to match the variable names provided
#'   in formula.
#' @param K A positive integer specifying the number of cubic B-spline
#'   functions in the basis used to model the smooth terms. Default is
#'   \code{K = 30} and allowed values are \code{15 <= K <= 60}. The same basis
#'   dimension is used for each smooth term in the model. Also, the
#'   computational cost to fit the model increases with \code{K}.
#' @param penorder The penalty order used on finite differences of the
#'  coefficients of contiguous B-splines. Can be either 2 for a second-order
#'  penalty (the default) or 3 for a third-order penalty.
#' @param cred.int The level of the pointwise credible interval to be computed
#'  for the coefficients in the linear part of the model.
#' @details {The B-spline basis used to approximate a smooth additive component
#'  is computed with  the function \code{\link{cubicbs}}. The lower (upper)
#'  bound of the B-spline basis is taken to be the minimum (maximum) value of
#'  the covariate associated to the smooth. For identifiability
#'  purposes, the B-spline matrices (computed over the observed covariates)
#'  are centered. The centering consists is subtracting from each column of the
#'  B-spline matrix, the corresponding column average of another B-spline matrix
#'  computed on a fine grid of equidistant values in the domain of the smooth
#'  term.
#'  A hierarchical Gamma prior is imposed on the roughness penalty vector
#'  and Jeffreys' prior is imposed on the precision of the error. A
#'  Newton-Raphson algorithm is used to compute the posterior
#'  mode of the (log-)posterior penalty vector. The latter algorithm uses
#'  analytically derived versions of the gradient and Hessian. When the number
#'  of smooth terms in the model is smaller or equal to 4, a grid-based strategy
#'  is used for posterior exploration of the penalty space. Above that
#'  threshold, the optimal amount of smoothness is determined by the posterior
#'  maximum value of the penalty vector. This strategy allows to keep the
#'  computational burden to fit the model relatively low and to conserve good
#'  statistical performance.}
#' @return An object of class \code{amlps} containing several components from
#'   the fit. Details can be found in \code{\link{amlps.object}}. Details on
#'   the output printed by \code{amlps} can be found in
#'   \code{\link{print.amlps}}. Fitted smooth terms can be visualized with the
#'   \code{\link{plot.amlps}} routine.
#' @author Oswaldo Gressani \email{oswaldo_gressani@hotmail.fr}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{cubicbs}}, \code{\link{amlps.object}},
#'  \code{\link{print.amlps}}, \code{\link{plot.amlps}}
#' @examples
#' ### Classic simulated data example (with simgamdata)
#' set.seed(17)
#' sim.data <- simgamdata(setting = 2, n = 200, dist = "gaussian", scale = 0.4)
#' data <- sim.data$data  # Simulated data frame
#' # Fit model
#' fit <- amlps(y ~ z1 + z2 + sm(x1) + sm(x2), data = data, K = 15)
#' fit
#' @references Eilers, P.H.C. and Marx, B.D. (1996). Flexible smoothing with
#'  B-splines and penalties. \emph{Statistical Science}, \strong{11}(2): 89-121.
#' @references Fan, Y. and Li, Q. (2003). A kernel-based method for estimating
#'  additive partially linear models. \emph{Statistica Sinica}, \strong{13}(3):
#'  739-762.
#' @references Gressani, O. and Lambert, P. (2018). Fast Bayesian inference
#'  using Laplace approximations in a flexible promotion time cure model based
#'  on P-splines. \emph{Computational Statistical & Data Analysis} \strong{124}:
#'  151-167.
#' @references Opsomer, J. D. and Ruppert, D. (1999). A root-n consistent
#'  backfitting estimator for semiparametric additive modeling. \emph{Journal of
#'  Computational and Graphical Statistics}, \strong{8}(4): 715-732.
#' @export

amlps <- function(formula, data, K = 30, penorder = 2, cred.int = 0.95){

  if (!inherits(formula, "formula"))
    stop("Incorrect model formula")
  if(missing(data)) {
    mf <- stats::model.frame(formula) # Extract model frame from formula
    X  <- stats::model.matrix(mf)     # Full design matrix
    colXnames <- colnames(X)
    smterms <- grepl("sm(", colnames(X), fixed = TRUE)
    X <- cbind(X[, as.logical(1 - smterms)], X[, smterms])
    colnames(X) <- colXnames
  } else{
    mf <- stats::model.frame(formula, data = data)
    X <- stats::model.matrix(mf, data = data)
    colXnames <- colnames(X)
    smterms <- grepl("sm(", colnames(X), fixed = TRUE)
    X <- cbind(X[, as.logical(1 - smterms)], X[, smterms])
    colnames(X) <- colXnames
    stop("Covariates contain Inf, NA or NaN values")
  q  <- sum(smterms) # Number of smooth terms
  if(q == 0)
    stop("Model does not contain any smooth terms")
  p  <- ncol(X) - q # Number of regression coefficients in linear part
  n  <- nrow(X)     # Sample size
  Z  <- scale(X[, 1:p], center = TRUE, scale = FALSE)  # Centered Z matrix
  Z[, 1] <- rep(1, n) # Column for intercept
  if(ncol(Z)==1) colnames(Z) <- "(Intercept)"
  y  <- as.numeric(stats::model.extract(mf, "response")) # Response vector
  if(any(is.infinite(y)) || any(is.na(y)))
    stop("Response contains Inf, NA or NaN values")
  if(!is.vector(K, mode = "numeric") || length(K) > 1 || is.na(K))
    stop("K must be numeric of length 1")
  if(K < 15 || K > 60)
    stop("K must be between 15 and 60")
  penorder <- floor(penorder)
  if(penorder < 2 || penorder > 3)
    stop("Penalty order must be either 2 or 3")

  B.list <- list() # List of B-spline bases for smooth terms
  # Centered B-spline matrices
  for(j in 1:q){
    xj <- as.numeric(X[, p + j]) # values of the jth covariate
    min.xj <- min(xj) # minimum
    max.xj <- max(xj) # maximum
    xj.fine <- seq(min.xj, max.xj, length = 1000) # fine grid
    Bj.fine <- cubicbs(xj.fine, lower = min.xj, upper = max.xj, K = K)$Bmatrix
    Bj.fine.mean <- colMeans(Bj.fine)
    Bj <- cubicbs(xj, lower = min.xj, upper = max.xj, K = K)$Bmatrix
    Bj.centered <- Bj - matrix(rep(Bj.fine.mean, n), nrow = n, byrow = TRUE)
    B.list[[j]] <- Bj.centered
  B.list.trim <- lapply(B.list, function(x) x[, -K])
  B <- cbind(Z, do.call(cbind, B.list.trim)) # Design matrix ncol: q * (K-1) + p
  crossB <- crossprod(B)  # t(B) %*% B
  cross.y <- sum(y ^ 2)   # t(y) %*% y
  ByyB <- (t(B) %*% y %*% t(y) %*% B)
  H <- p + (q * (K - 1))  # Latent field dimension
  if(n < H)
    warning("Number of coefficients to be estimated is larger than sample size")

  # Penalty matrix
  D <- diag(K) # Diagonal matrix
  for (k in 1:penorder) D <- diff(D) # Difference matrix of dimension K-r by K
  D <- D[, -K] # Delete last column for identifiability
  P <- t(D) %*% D # Penalty matrix of dimension K-1 by K-1
  P <- P + diag(1e-12, (K - 1))  # Perturbation to make P full rank

  # Robust prior on penalty parameters (see Jullion and Lambert 2007)
  a.delta <- 0.5
  b.delta <- 0.5
  nu <- 1
  prec.betas <- diag(1e-05, p) # Precision for linear regression coefficients

  # Function returning precision matrix of latent field for a given v
  Qv <- function(v) as.matrix(Matrix::bdiag(prec.betas, diag(exp(v), q) %x% P))

  # Log posterior of log-penalty vector
  logp.vD <- function(v) {
    Q.v <- Qv(v)
    L <- t(chol(adjustPD(crossB + Q.v)$PD))
    M.v <- chol2inv(t(L))
    phi.v <- .5 * (cross.y - sum(ByyB * M.v))
    val <- (-1) * sum(log(diag(L))) + ((nu + K - 1) * .5) * sum(v) - (.5 * n) *
      log(phi.v) - (.5 * nu + a.delta) *
      sum(log(b.delta + .5 * nu * exp(v)))
    mean_vec <- as.numeric(M.v %*% t(B) %*% y)
    covar_mat <- (2 * phi.v / n) * M.v
    return(list( value = val,
                 post.mean = mean_vec,
                 post.covar = covar_mat))

  # Gradient of logp.vD
  gradient <- function(v) {
    Q.v <- Qv(v)
    L <- t(chol(adjustPD(crossB + Q.v)$PD))
    M.v <- chol2inv(t(L))
    phi.v <- .5 * as.numeric(cross.y - sum(ByyB * M.v))
    partial.v <- function(j) {
      val <- (-.5) * sum(M.v[((p + 1) + (j - 1) * (K - 1)):(p + j * (K - 1)),
                             ((p + 1) + (j - 1) * (K - 1)):(p + j * (K - 1))] *
                           (exp(v[j]) * P)) + (.5 * (nu + K - 1)) -
        (n / (4 * phi.v)) *
        sum((M.v %*% ByyB %*% M.v)[((p + 1) + (j - 1) *
                                      (K - 1)):(p + j * (K - 1)), ((p + 1) + (j - 1) *
                                                                     (K - 1)):(p + j * (K - 1))] *
              (exp(v[j]) * P)) - (.5 * nu + a.delta) / (1 + (2 * b.delta) /
                                                          (nu * exp(v[j])))
    partial.vec <- sapply(seq_len(q), partial.v)

  # Hessian of logp.vD
  Hessian <- function(v){
    Q.v <- Qv(v)
    L <- t(chol(adjustPD(crossB + Q.v)$PD))
    M.v <- chol2inv(t(L))
    phi.v <- 0.5 * as.numeric(cross.y - sum(ByyB * M.v))
    Mv.ByyB.Mv <- M.v %*% ByyB %*% M.v
    # Diagonal elements
    Pvjmat<-function(j){as.matrix(Matrix::bdiag(matrix(0, nrow = p, ncol = p),
                                                diag(diag(q)[, j] * exp(v), q) %x% P))
    partial.diag <- function(j){
      MPM <- M.v %*% Pvjmat(j) %*% M.v
      MP <- M.v %*% Pvjmat(j)
      val <- 0.5 * sum(diag(((MP %*% MP) - MP))) -
        (n / (4 * (phi.v ^ 2))) *(-2 * phi.v * sum(diag(ByyB %*%
                                                          (MP %*% MP %*% M.v))) + phi.v * sum(diag(ByyB %*% MPM)) -
        ((b.delta * (1 + (2 * a.delta) / nu) * exp(-v[j])) /
           ((1 + (2 * b.delta) / (nu * exp(v[j]))) ^ 2))
    deriv.diag <- sapply(seq_len(q),partial.diag)
    if(q > 1){
      # Off-diagonal elements
      partial.offdiag <- function(j,s){
        MPsMPj <- (M.v %*% as.matrix(Matrix::bdiag(matrix(0, nrow = p, ncol = p),
                                                   diag(diag(q)[, j] * exp(v)) %x% P)) %*% M.v %*%
                     as.matrix(Matrix::bdiag(matrix(0, nrow = p, ncol = p),
                                             diag(diag(q)[, s] * exp(v)) %x% P)))
        val <- .5 * sum(diag(MPsMPj)) + (n / (4 * (phi.v ^ 2))) *
          (2 * phi.v * sum(ByyB * (MPsMPj %*% M.v)) +
             .5 * sum((Mv.ByyB.Mv)[((p + 1) + (j - 1) * (K - 1)):
                                     (p + j * (K - 1)), ((p + 1) + (j - 1) * (K - 1)):
                                     (p + j * (K - 1))] * (exp(v[j]) * P)) *
             sum((Mv.ByyB.Mv)[((p + 1) + (s - 1) * (K - 1)):(p + s * (K - 1)),
                              ((p + 1) + (s - 1) * (K - 1)):(p + s * (K - 1))] *
                   (exp(v[s]) * P)))
      deriv.offdiag <- matrix(0, nrow = q, ncol = q)
      j.rw <- 2
      for(i in 1:(q - 1)){
        for(j in j.rw:q){
          deriv.offdiag[j, i] <- partial.offdiag(i, j)
          deriv.offdiag[i, j] <- partial.offdiag(i, j)
        j.rw <- j.rw+1
      hessmatrix <- adjustPD(-(deriv.offdiag + diag(deriv.diag)))$PD
      hess.mat <- (-1) * hessmatrix
    }else{hess.mat <- deriv.diag}

  ###       Newton-Raphson with step-halving to find max of logp.vD         ###

  NRaphson <- function(v0, epsilon = 1e-05, maxiter = 100){

    NRoutput <- matrix(0, nrow = maxiter + 1, ncol = q + 3)
    colnames(NRoutput) <- c("Iteration", paste0(rep("v", q), seq_len(q)), "f",
    NRoutput[1, 2 : (q + 1)] <- v0
    NRoutput[1, (q + 2)] <- logp.vD(v0)$value
    NRoutput[1, (q + 3)] <- NA

    iter <- 0
    v <- v0

    for (k in 1:maxiter) {
      gradf <- gradient(v) # Gradient of function at v
      Hessf <- Hessian(v)  # Hessian of function at v
      dv <- (-1) * solve(Hessf, gradf) # Ascent direction
      dv <- (dv / sqrt(sum(dv ^ 2))) * 5 # Step damping
      vnew <- v + dv # New point
      step <- 1 # Initial step length
      iter.halving <- 1 # Counter for step halving
      fv <- logp.vD(v)$value # Function value at v
      fvnew <- logp.vD(vnew)$value # Function value at vnew
      # Step halving
      while (fvnew <= fv) {
        step <- step * .5 # Decrease step size
        vnew <- v + (step * dv)
        fvnew <- logp.vD(vnew)$value
        iter.halving <- iter.halving + 1
        if (iter.halving > 30) break
      dist <- sqrt(sum((vnew - v) ^ 2))
      iter <- iter + 1
      v <- vnew
      NRoutput[k + 1, 1] <- iter
      NRoutput[k + 1, 2 : (q + 1)] <- vnew
      NRoutput[k + 1, (q + 2)] <- fvnew
      NRoutput[k + 1, (q + 3)] <- dist

      if(dist < epsilon){ # stop algorithm
        listout <- list(voptim = vnew,
                        info = NRoutput[1 : (iter + 1), ],
                        converge = TRUE,
                        iter = iter,
                        foptim = fvnew,
                        distance = dist)
        attr(listout, "class") <- "NewtonRaphson"

    if(dist >= epsilon){
      listout <- list(info = NRoutput,
                      converge = FALSE,
                      iter = iter)
      attr(listout, "class") <- "NewtonRaphson"


  print.NewtonRaphson <- function(obj){
    if(obj$converge == TRUE){
      message("Newton-Raphson algorithm converged after", obj$iter,
          "iterations.", "\n")
      message("Maximum point:", format(round(obj$voptim, 4), nsmall = 4), "\n")
      message("Value of objective function at maximum:",
          format(round(obj$foptim,4), nsmall = 4), "\n")
      print(as.data.frame(round(obj$info, 6)))
    else(message("Newton-Raphson algorithm failed convergence"))

  NR.start <- rep(8, q)  # Newton-Raphson starting point
  NR.counter <- 1        # Number of Newton-Raphson runs
  NR.fail <- 0           # Indicator if Newton-Raphson fails

  newton <- NRaphson(NR.start)

  while (sum(abs(gradient(newton$voptim)) < 0.2) != q) {
    NR.start <- NR.start / 2
    newton <- NRaphson(NR.start)
    NR.counter <- NR.counter + 1
    if (NR.counter >= 5) {
      NR.fail <- 1
  if(NR.fail == 1)
    stop("Newton-Raphson did not converge")

  # Extracting info from newton
  v.max <- newton$voptim
  hess.max <- Hessian(v.max)
  logpvmax <- newton$foptim
  Cov.vmax <- solve(-hess.max)
  var.max <- diag(Cov.vmax)

  # Diagonal of hat matrix (as a function of v)
  diagHmatrix <- function(v) as.numeric(diag(solve(crossB + Qv(v)) %*% crossB))

  # Estimated effective degrees of freedom for each latent field component
  edf.full <- diagHmatrix(v.max)
  edf.smooths <- matrix(edf.full[-(1:p)], ncol = (K - 1), nrow = q, byrow = TRUE)
  edf <- c(edf.full[1:p], as.vector(t(edf.smooths)))
  names(edf) <- c(colnames(Z),
                  paste0(rep(colnames(X)[(p + 1):(p + q)], rep(K - 1, q)), ".",
                         seq_len(K - 1)))
  edf[1:p] <- round(edf[1:p], 3)

  # Estimated effective degrees of freedom of the smooth terms
  ED.functions <- c()
  for (j in 1:q) {
    fjdf <- edf[((p + 1) + (j - 1) * (K - 1)):(p + j * (K - 1))]
    edf.j <- sum(fjdf)
    if(edf.j < (penorder - 1)) edf.j <- sum(fjdf[fjdf > 0])
    if(edf.j < (penorder - 1)) edf.j <- (penorder - 1)
    ED.functions[j] <- edf.j

  ED.global <- sum(edf[1:p]) + sum(ED.functions)

  # Estimated posterior standard deviation of error term
  tau.hat <- n * (cross.y - sum((ByyB * solve(crossB + Qv(v.max)))))^(-1)
  sd.error <- tau.hat ^ ( - .5)
  sd.error <- sd.error * sqrt(n/(n - ED.global)) # Corrected sd.error

  # Compute the covariance of theta_j at a v.max for all functions j=1,..,q
  logpvmax.eval <- logp.vD(v.max)
  Covmaximum <- logpvmax.eval$post.covar
  latmaximum <- logpvmax.eval$post.mean

  # Matrix to host sampled values of v for effective dimension HPD interval
  nv.sample <- 500 # Number of samples to draw for vector v
  v.sample <- matrix(0, nrow = nv.sample, ncol = q)

  ##########           Grid-based inference when q < 5                      ###
  pendist.params <- matrix(nrow = q, ncol = 3)

  if(q < 5){
    crit.val <- exp(-.5 * stats::qchisq(0.9, df = q, lower.tail = TRUE))
    mode.check <- 1

    mix.components <- function(){

      # Univariate grid construction
      if(q == 1){grid.size <- 15}
      if(q == 2){grid.size <- 12}
      if(q == 3){grid.size <- 7}
      if(q == 4){grid.size <- 5}
      univariate.grids <- list() # list in which to store univariate grids
      dvj <- c() # univariate grid width

      for(j in 1:q){
        # step size
        left.step.j  <- (-1) * diag(1, q)[j, ]
        right.step.j <- diag(1, q)[j, ]

        # Explore left direction in dimension j
        v.left.j <- v.max
        ratio <- 1
        while(ratio > crit.val){
          v.left.j <- v.left.j + left.step.j
          logpvleft <- logp.vD(v.left.j)$value
          if(logpvleft > logpvmax){
            mode.check <- 0
          ratio <- exp(logpvleft-logpvmax)
        if(mode.check == 0){break}

        # Explore right direction in dimension j
        v.right.j <- v.max
        ratio <- 1
        while(ratio > crit.val){
          v.right.j <- v.right.j + right.step.j
          logpvright <- logp.vD(v.right.j)$value
          if(logpvright > logpvmax){
            mode.check <- 0
          ratio <- exp(logpvright-logpvmax)
        if(mode.check == 0){break}

        lb.j <- v.left.j[j]  # lower bound in dimension j
        ub.j <- v.right.j[j] # upper bound in dimension j
        x.j <- seq(lb.j, ub.j, length = 20) # equidistant grid
        dj <- x.j[2]-x.j[1] # grid width
        vgrid.j <- matrix(rep(v.max, 20), ncol = q, byrow = TRUE)
        vgrid.j[, j] <- x.j
        y.j <- unlist(lapply(apply(vgrid.j, 1, logp.vD),'[[',1))
        y.j <- exp(y.j - max(y.j))
        cnorm <- 1 / sum(y.j * dj)
        y.j <- cnorm * y.j
        snfit.j <- snmatch(x.j, y.j)
        v.sample[, j] <- sn::rsn(nv.sample, xi = snfit.j$location,
                             omega = snfit.j$scale,
                             alpha = snfit.j$shape)
        pendist.params[j, ] <- c(snfit.j$location, snfit.j$scale, snfit.j$shape)
        colnames(pendist.params) <- c("location", "scale", "shape")
        rownames(pendist.params) <- paste0(rep("SN.", q), "v", seq_len(q))
        q0.025 <- snfit.j$quant[1] # Lower bound of grid
        q0.975 <- snfit.j$quant[3] # Upper bound of grid
        grid.vals <- seq(q0.025, q0.975, length = grid.size) # Starting grid

        # Shift grid so that it goes through v.max[j]
        abs.dist <- abs(grid.vals - v.max[j])
        min.dist <- min(abs.dist)
        pos.close <- which.min(abs.dist)
        if(grid.vals[pos.close] - v.max[j] >= 0){
          grid.vals <- grid.vals - min.dist
          dir <- "left"}else{
            grid.vals <- grid.vals + min.dist
            dir <- "right"}
        if(dir == "left"){
          while(utils::tail(grid.vals, 1) < q0.975){
            grid.vals <- c(grid.vals, utils::tail(grid.vals, 1) + diff(grid.vals)[1])
        if(dir == "right"){
          while(utils::head(grid.vals, 1) > q0.025){
            grid.vals <- c(utils::head(grid.vals, 1) - diff(grid.vals)[1], grid.vals)
        univariate.grids[[j]] <- grid.vals
        dvj[j] <- grid.vals[2]-grid.vals[1]

      if(mode.check == 1){ #continue and construct grid
        # Construction of the mesh (cartesian product of univariate grids)
        mesh.cartesian <- expand.grid(univariate.grids)
        eval.mesh.cartesian <- apply(mesh.cartesian, 1, logp.vD)
        eval.target <- exp(unlist(lapply(eval.mesh.cartesian, '[[', 1)) - logpvmax)
        low.contrib <- which(eval.target < crit.val) # Low contribution points

        ## Computation of the mixture components
        if(length(low.contrib) > 0){ # Filter grid
          M <- nrow(mesh.cartesian)-length(low.contrib) # No. of points after filter
          mesh.log.image <- log(eval.target[-low.contrib])
          xistar.mat <- matrix(unlist(lapply(
            eval.mesh.cartesian,'[[', 2)[-low.contrib]),
            ncol = H, nrow = M, byrow = TRUE)
          var.regcoeffs <- matrix(unlist(lapply(lapply(
            eval.mesh.cartesian, '[[', 3)[-low.contrib], diag)),
            ncol = H, nrow = M, byrow = TRUE)[, 1:p]
        }else{ # No need to filter the grid
          M <- nrow(mesh.cartesian)
          mesh.log.image <- log(eval.target)
          xistar.mat <- matrix(unlist(lapply(
            eval.mesh.cartesian, '[[', 2)),
            ncol = H, nrow = M, byrow = TRUE)
          var.regcoeffs <- matrix(unlist(lapply(lapply(
            eval.mesh.cartesian,'[[',3), diag)),
            ncol = H, nrow = M, byrow = TRUE)[, 1:p]
        omega.m <- exp(mesh.log.image)/sum(exp(mesh.log.image))

        list.out <- list(nquad = M, # Number of quadrature points
                         xistar.mat = xistar.mat, # Matrix of latent field values
                         var.regcoeffs = var.regcoeffs, # Variance of reg. coeffs)
                         omega.m = omega.m, # Mixture weights
                         v.sample = v.sample,   # Matrix of samples for v
                         pendist.params = pendist.params, # Parameters of sn fit
                         mode.check = mode.check) # Mode check
      } else{ # avoid grid
        return(list(mode.check = mode.check))

    mixture.comp <- mix.components()

    if(mixture.comp$mode.check == 1){
      pen.family <- "skew-normal"
      pendist.params <- mixture.comp$pendist.params
      v.sample <- mixture.comp$v.sample
      M <- mixture.comp$nquad
      xistar.mat <- mixture.comp$xistar.mat
      omega.m <- mixture.comp$omega.m
      var.regcoeffs <- as.matrix(mixture.comp$var.regcoeffs)
      latent.hat <- colSums(omega.m * xistar.mat)
      betas.hat <- latent.hat[1:p]
      sdbeta.post <- sqrt(colSums(omega.m * (var.regcoeffs + (xistar.mat[, 1:p] -
                                 matrix(rep(betas.hat, M), nrow = M, ncol = p,
                                 byrow = TRUE)) ^ 2)))
      zscore <- betas.hat / sdbeta.post # Bayesian z-score

      # Credible intervals for regression coefficients
      betas.matCI <- matrix(0, nrow = p, ncol = 2)

      for(j in 1:p){
        support.j <- seq(betas.hat[j] - 4.5 * sdbeta.post[j],
                         betas.hat[j] + 4.5 * sdbeta.post[j],
                         length = 400)
        support.mat <- matrix(0, ncol = length(support.j), nrow = M)
        for(i in 1:length(support.j)){
          for(m in 1:M){
            support.mat[m, i] <- stats::dnorm(support.j[i], mean = xistar.mat[m,j],
                                       sd = sqrt(var.regcoeffs[m, j]))}
        mix.image <- colSums(omega.m * support.mat)
        cumsum.mix <- cumsum(mix.image * diff(support.j)[1])
        lb.j <- support.j[sum(cumsum.mix < ((1 - cred.int) *.5))]
        ub.j <- support.j[sum(cumsum.mix < (1 - (1 - cred.int) * .5))]
        betas.matCI[j, ] <- c(lb.j, ub.j)

  ###   When q >=5 inference is based on maximum a posteriori of v          ###

  if(q >= 5 || (q < 5 && mixture.comp$mode.check == 0)){
    pendist.params <- v.max
    pen.family <- "gaussian"
    latent.hat <- logpvmax.eval$post.mean
    betas.hat <- latent.hat[1:p]
    sdbeta.post <- sqrt(diag(logpvmax.eval$post.covar)[1:p])
    zscore <- betas.hat / sdbeta.post # Bayesian z-score
    v.sample <- MASS::mvrnorm(n = nv.sample, mu = v.max, Sigma = Cov.vmax)

    # Credible intervals for regression coefficients
    betas.matCI <- matrix(0, nrow = p, ncol = 2)

    for(j in 1:p){
      betas.matCI[j, 1] <- betas.hat[j] - stats::qnorm(1-(1-cred.int) * .5) *
      betas.matCI[j, 2] <- betas.hat[j] + stats::qnorm(1-(1-cred.int) * .5) *

  ###                        Output results                                 ###

  # 95% HPD interval for effective dimension of smooth terms
  ED.functions.sample <- matrix(0, nrow = nv.sample, ncol = q)
  matdiagH <- matrix(0, nrow = nv.sample, ncol = H)

  for (s in 1:nv.sample) {
    if(is.numeric(try(diagHmatrix(v.sample[s, ]), silent = TRUE))) {
      matdiagH[s, ] <- diagHmatrix(v.sample[s, ])
    } else {
      matdiagH[s, ] <- diagHmatrix(v.max)
    edf.v <- matdiagH[s, ]
    for (j in 1:q) {
      edf.vj <- edf.v[((p + 1) + (j - 1) * (K - 1)):(p + j * (K - 1))]
      edf.vjsum <- sum(edf.vj)
      if(edf.vjsum < (penorder - 1)) edf.vjsum <- sum(edf.vj[edf.vj > 0])
      if(edf.vjsum < (penorder - 1)) edf.vjsum <- penorder - 1
      ED.functions.sample[s, j] <- edf.vjsum
  ED.functions.sample <- coda::as.mcmc(ED.functions.sample)
  ED.functions.HPD95 <- coda::HPDinterval(ED.functions.sample)[1:q, ]
  if (q == 1) ED.functions.HPD95 <- matrix(ED.functions.HPD95, ncol = 2)
  colnames(ED.functions.HPD95) <- c("lower .95", "upper .95")

  Fmat <- solve(crossB + Qv(v.max)) %*% crossB
  edf2 <- diag(2 * Fmat - (Fmat %*% Fmat))

  ED.functions2 <- c()
  for (j in 1:q) {
    ED.functions2[j] <- sum(edf2[((p + 1) + (j - 1) * (K - 1)):(p + j * (K - 1))])

  # Approximate significance of smooth terms: test H0: fj=0
  approx.signif <- function(j){

    Vthetaj <- Covmaximum[((p + 1) + (j - 1) * (K - 1)):(p + j * (K - 1)),
                          ((p + 1) + (j - 1) * (K - 1)):(p + j * (K - 1))]

    Vfj <- B.list.trim[[j]] %*% Vthetaj %*% t(B.list.trim[[j]])
    fhatj <- as.numeric(B.list.trim[[j]] %*% thetahat.list[[j]])

    k <- floor(ED.functions2[j]) + 1
    nnu <- ED.functions2[j] - k + 1
    rrho <- sqrt(nnu *  (1 - nnu) * .5)

    eigdecomp <- RSpectra::eigs(Vfj, k = k, which = "LM")
    eigk <- eigdecomp$values
    U <- eigdecomp$vectors

    Lamb.tilde <- diag(utils::tail(eigk, 2) ^ (-.5))
    Brhonu <- matrix(c(1, rrho, rrho, nnu), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
    Bpseudo <- Lamb.tilde %*% Brhonu %*% t(Lamb.tilde)

    if(k > 2) {
      Lambfull.tilde <- diag(0, k)
      Lambfull.tilde[1:(k - 2), 1:(k - 2)] <- diag(eigk[1:(k - 2)] ^ (-1), k - 2)
      Lambfull.tilde[(k - 1):k, (k - 1):k] <- Bpseudo
      Vfjinv <- U %*% Lambfull.tilde %*% t(U)
      Tr <- as.numeric(t(fhatj) %*% Vfjinv %*% fhatj)
    } else {
      Lambfull.tilde <- Bpseudo
      Vfjinv <- U %*% Lambfull.tilde %*% t(U)
      Tr <- as.numeric(t(fhatj) %*% Vfjinv %*% fhatj)
    pvalue <- stats::pgamma(Tr, shape = ED.functions2[j] * .5, scale= 2,
                            lower.tail = FALSE)
    return(list(Tr = Tr, pval = pvalue, dim = j))

  # List of estimated B-spline coefficients
  thetahat.list <- as.list(as.data.frame(t(matrix(latent.hat[(p + 1):H],
                                                  ncol = (K - 1),
                                                  nrow = q, byrow = TRUE))))
  names(thetahat.list) <- paste0(rep("theta", q), seq_len(q))

  Approx.signif <- matrix(unlist(lapply(seq_len(q), approx.signif)),
                          ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE)[, 1:2]

  ###### Intercept correction
  if (p > 1) {
    z.bar <- colMeans(X[, 1:p])[2:p]
    estim.comp <- sum(z.bar * betas.hat[2:p]) + sum(unlist(lapply(
      Map('%*%', B.list.trim, thetahat.list), "mean")))
  } else {
    estim.comp <- sum(unlist(lapply(Map('%*%',B.list.trim, thetahat.list),"mean")))

  betahat0 <- mean(y) - estim.comp
  betas.hat[1] <- betahat0

  # (Approximate) variance of betahat0
  if (p > 1) {
    var.beta0 <- ((sd.error ^ 2) / n) + sum((z.bar ^ 2 * (sdbeta.post[2:p] ^ 2)))
  } else {
    var.beta0 <- ((sd.error ^ 2) / n)
  betas.matCI[1, 1] <- betahat0 - stats::qnorm(1-(1-cred.int) * .5) * sqrt(var.beta0)
  betas.matCI[1, 2] <- betahat0 + stats::qnorm(1-(1-cred.int) * .5) * sqrt(var.beta0)
  zscore[1] <- betahat0 / sqrt(var.beta0)

  # Posterior estimates for linear regression coefficients
  betas_estim <- matrix(0, nrow = p, ncol = 5)
  betas_estim[, 1] <- betas.hat
  betas_estim[, 2] <- sdbeta.post
  betas_estim[, 3] <- zscore
  betas_estim[, 4] <- betas.matCI[, 1]
  betas_estim[, 5] <- betas.matCI[, 2]
  if(p > 1){
    rownames(betas_estim) <- colnames(X[, 1:p])
  }else{rownames(betas_estim) <- "(Intercept)"}
  colnames(betas_estim) <- c("Estimate", "sd.post", "z-score",
                             paste0("lower.", round(cred.int  * 100, 2)),
                             paste0("upper.", round(cred.int  * 100, 2)))

  # Fitted response values of additive model
  fitted.values <- as.numeric(B %*% latent.hat)

  # Response residuals
  residuals <- y - fitted.values

  # Adjusted R-squared
  r2.adj <- 1 - ((sum(residuals ^ 2) / (n - p)) / stats::var(y))

  # The data frame
    data = NULL
  } else{
    data = data

  # List of objects to return
  outlist <- list(formula = formula,          # Model formula
                  n = n,                      # Sample size
                  q = q,                      # Number of smooth terms
                  K = K,                      # Number of B-splines
                  penalty.order = penorder,   # Chosen penalty order
                  latfield.dim = H,           # Latent field dimension
                  linear.coeff = betas_estim, # Estimated linear coeff.
                  spline.estim = thetahat.list, # List of B-spline coeff.
                  edf = edf, # Degrees of freedom for each latent field variable
                  Approx.signif = Approx.signif, # Approximate significance of smooth terms
                  EDf = ED.functions, # Degrees of freedom of smooth terms
                  EDfHPD.95 = ED.functions.HPD95, # 95% HPD for EDf
                  ED = ED.global, # Model degrees of freedom
                  sd.error = sd.error,  # Estimated standard deviation of error
                  vmap = v.max, # Maximum a posteriori of log(penalty) vector
                  Cov.vmap = Cov.vmax, # Covariance of log(penalty) vector at vmap
                  pen.family = pen.family, # Posterior distribution for v
                  pendist.params = pendist.params, # Parameters of posterior dist of v
                  Covmaximum = Covmaximum, # Covariance of lat field at vmap
                  latmaximum = latmaximum, # latent field at vmap
                  fitted.values = fitted.values, # Fitted response values
                  residuals = residuals, # Response residuals
                  r2.adj = r2.adj, # Adjusted R-squared
                  data = data) # The data frame
  attr(outlist, "class") <- "amlps"

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