
Defines functions all.equal.bn.fit dsep mutilated moral vstructs shielded.colliders unshielded.colliders colliders cextend cpdag blacklist whitelist hamming shd ntests nparams coef.bn

Documented in blacklist cextend colliders cpdag dsep hamming moral mutilated nparams ntests shd shielded.colliders unshielded.colliders vstructs whitelist

# dummy methods for error handling.
residuals.bn = sigma.bn = fitted.bn = coef.bn = function(object, ...) {

  stop("not applicable to 'bn' objects.")


# get the number of parameters of the bayesian network.
nparams = function(x, data, effective = FALSE, debug = FALSE) {

  # check x's class.
  # check debug and  effective.

  warning("the effective argument is deprecated and will be removed in 2025.")

  if (is(x, "bn")) {

    # check the data are there.
    data = check.data(data, allow.missing = TRUE)
    # check the network against the data.
    check.bn.vs.data(x, data)
    # the number of parameters is unknown for partially directed graphs.
    if (is.pdag(x$arcs, names(x$nodes)))
      stop("the graph is only partially directed.")

    # check whether the network is valid.
    estimator = check.fitting.method(NULL, data)
    check.arcs.against.assumptions(x$arcs, data, estimator)

    if (effective) {

      # fit the network to compute the number of non-zero parameters.
      x = bn.fit(x, data)
      return(nparams.fitted(x, effective = TRUE, debug = debug))

    else {

      return(nparams.backend(x, data = data, debug = debug))


  else {

    if (!missing(data))
      warning("unused argument data.")

    return(nparams.fitted(x, effective = effective, debug = debug))



# get the number of tests/scores used in structure learning.
ntests = function(x) {

  # check x's class.



# structural hamming distance.
shd = function(learned, true, wlbl = FALSE, debug = FALSE) {

  # check x's class.
  # check debug and wlbl.
  # the two networks must have the same node set.
  match.bn(learned, true)

  structural.hamming.distance(learned = learned, true = true, wlbl = wlbl,
    debug = debug)


# Hamming distance.
hamming = function(learned, true, debug = FALSE) {

  # check learned's and true's class.
  # check debug.
  # the two networks must have the same node set.
  match.bn(learned, true)

  hamming.distance(learned = learned, true = true, debug = debug)


# get the whitelist used by the learning algorithm.
whitelist = function(x) {

  # check x's class.

  if (is.null(x$learning$whitelist))
    return(matrix(character(0), nrow = 0, ncol = 2,
      dimnames = list(NULL, c("from", "to"))))


# get the blacklist used by the learning algorithm.
blacklist = function(x) {

  # check x's class.

  if (is.null(x$learning$blacklist))
    return(matrix(character(0), nrow = 0, ncol = 2,
      dimnames = list(NULL, c("from", "to"))))


# reconstruct the equivalence class of a network.
cpdag = function(x, wlbl = FALSE, debug = FALSE) {

  # check x's class.
  # check debug and wlbl.

  # go back to the network structure if needed.
  if (is(x, "bn.fit"))
    x = bn.net(x)

  # check whether the graph is acyclic, to be sure to return a DAG.
  if (!is.acyclic(x$arcs, names(x$nodes), directed = TRUE))
    stop("the specified network contains cycles.")
  # check that illegal arcs are not present in the DAG.
  if (any(which.listed(x$arcs, x$learning$illegal)))
    stop("illegal arcs present in the graph.")
  # if whitelist and blacklist are to be enforced, check that they are
  # consistent with the graph.
  if (wlbl)
    if (any(which.listed(x$arcs, x$learning$blacklist)))
      stop("blacklisted arcs present in the graph.")

  cpdag.backend(x = x, wlbl = wlbl, debug = debug)


# contruct a consistent DAG extension of a PDAG.
cextend = function(x, strict = TRUE, debug = FALSE) {

  # check x's class.
  # check debug.
  # check strict.
  # check whether the graph is acyclic, to be sure to return a DAG.
  if (!is.acyclic(x$arcs, names(x$nodes), directed = TRUE))
    stop("the specified network contains cycles.")
  # if the graph was learned from data, check whether arc directions have been
  # learned at all; trying to extend a skeleton (instead of a CPDAG) is probably
  # not meaningful.
  if (!is.null(x$learning$undirected) && x$learning$undirected)
    warning(deparse(substitute(x)), " is just a skeleton (no arc directions ",
      "have been learned) and trying to extend it is probably wrong.")

  cpdag = cpdag.extension(x = x, debug = debug)

  # if the graph is not completely directed, the extension was not successful.
  if (is.pdag(cpdag$arcs, names(cpdag$nodes)))
    if (strict)
      stop("no consistent extension of ", deparse(substitute(x)), " is possible.")
      warning("no consistent extension of ", deparse(substitute(x)), " is possible.")



# return the colliders (both shielded and unshielded) in a network.
colliders = function(x, arcs = FALSE, debug = FALSE) {

  # check x's class.

  # go back to the network structure if needed.
  if (is(x, "bn.fit"))
    x = bn.net(x)

  colliders.backend(x = x, return.arcs = arcs, including.shielded = TRUE,
    including.unshielded = TRUE, debug = debug)


# return the unshielded colliders in a network.
unshielded.colliders = function(x, arcs = FALSE, debug = FALSE) {

  # check x's class.

  # go back to the network structure if needed.
  if (is(x, "bn.fit"))
    x = bn.net(x)

  colliders.backend(x = x, return.arcs = arcs, including.shielded = FALSE,
    including.unshielded = TRUE, debug = debug)


# return the shielded colliders in a network.
shielded.colliders = function(x, arcs = FALSE, debug = FALSE) {

  # check x's class.

  # go back to the network structure if needed.
  if (is(x, "bn.fit"))
    x = bn.net(x)

  colliders.backend(x = x, return.arcs = arcs, including.shielded = TRUE,
    including.unshielded = FALSE, debug = debug)


# return the v-structures in a network.
vstructs = function(x, arcs = FALSE, debug = FALSE) {

  # check x's class.
  # check debug and arcs.

  unshielded.colliders(x, arcs = arcs, debug = debug)


# reconstruct the equivalence class of a network.
moral = function(x, debug = FALSE) {

  # check x's class.
  # check debug.

  # go back to the network structure if needed.
  if (is(x, "bn.fit"))
    x = bn.net(x)

  dag2ug.backend(x = x, moral = TRUE, debug = debug)


# mutilated network used in likelihood weighting.
mutilated = function(x, evidence) {

  # check x's class.
  # check the evidence, disallowing non-ideal interventions if needed.
  evidence = check.evidence(evidence, graph = x,
                ideal.only = is(x, "bn.fit.gnet"))

  if (is(x, "bn"))
    return(mutilated.backend.bn(x, evidence))
    return(mutilated.backend.fitted(x, evidence))


# test d-separation.
dsep = function(bn, x, y, z) {

  # check x's class.
  # check the sets of nodes.
  check.nodes(x, graph = bn, max.nodes = 1)
  check.nodes(y, graph = bn, max.nodes = 1)
  if (missing(z))
    z = c()
    check.nodes(z, graph = bn, min.nodes = 0)

  # go back to the network structure if needed.
  if (is(bn, "bn.fit"))
    bn = bn.net(bn)
  # if the graph is not directed, take it as a CPDAG and extend it.
  if (!is.dag(bn$arcs, names(bn$nodes))) {

    # trying to extend a skeleton (instead of a CPDAG) is probably not
    # meaningful.
    if (!is.null(bn$learning$undirected) && bn$learning$undirected)
      warning(deparse(substitute(x)), " is just a skeleton (no arc directions ",
        "have been learned) and trying to extend it is probably wrong.")

    bn = cpdag.extension(bn)


  dseparation(bn = bn, x = x, y = y, z = z)


# test the equality of two fitted networks.
all.equal.bn.fit = function(target, current, ...,
    tolerance = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)) {

  # check the class of target and current.
  # warn about unused arguments, but silently ignore those set by
  # all.equal.list() that are not in the generic function.
  check.unused.args(list(...), c("use.names", "check.attributes"))

  equal.backend.fit(target = target, current = current, tolerance = tolerance)


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bnlearn documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:27 p.m.