# Copyright (C) 2020- Euloge Clovis Kenne Pagui, Ioannis Kosmidis
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 or 3 of the License
# (at your option).
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at
#' Bias reduction for negative binomial regression models
#' [brnb()] is a function that fits negative binomial regression
#' models using implicit and explicit bias reduction methods.
#' @inheritParams stats::glm
#' @param link The link function. Currently must be one of `"log"`,
#' `"sqrt"` or `"identity"`.
#' @param control a list of parameters for controlling the fitting
#' process. See [brglmControl()] for details.
#' @return A fitted model object of class [`"brnb"`][brnb] inheriting
#' from [`"negbin"`][negbin] and [`"brglmFit"`][brglmFit]. The
#' object is similar to the output of [brglmFit()] but contains
#' four additional components: `theta` for the maximum likelihood
#' estimate of the dispersion parameter as in [MASS::glm.nb()],
#' `vcov.mean` for the estimated variance-covariance matrix of the
#' regression coefficients, `vcov.dispersion` for the estimated
#' variance of the dispersion parameter in the chosen
#' parameterization (using the expected information), and
#' `twologlik` for twice the log-likelihood function.
#' @details
#' A detailed description of the fitting procedure is given in the
#' iteration vignette (see, `vignette("iteration", "brglm2")` and
#' Kosmidis et al, 2020). The number of iterations when estimating
#' parameters are controlled by the `maxit` argument of
#' [brglmControl()].
#' The type of score adjustment to be used is specified through the
#' `type` argument (see [brglmControl()] for details).
#' The available options are:
#' * `type = "AS_mixed"`: the mixed bias-reducing score
#' adjustments in Kosmidis et al (2020) that result in mean bias
#' reduction for the regression parameters and median bias reduction
#' for the dispersion parameter, if any; default.
#' * `type = "AS_mean"`: the mean bias-reducing score
#' adjustments in Firth (1993) and Kosmidis & Firth (2009).
#' * `type = "AS_median"`: the median bias-reducing score
#' adjustments in Kenne Pagui et al. (2017)
#' * `type = "MPL_Jeffreys"`: maximum penalized likelihood
#' with powers of the Jeffreys prior as penalty.
#' * `type = "ML"`: maximum likelihood.
#' * `type = "correction"`: asymptotic bias correction, as in
#' Cordeiro & McCullagh (1991).
#' The choice of the parameterization for the dispersion is controlled
#' by the `transformation` argument (see [brglmControl()] for
#' details). The default is `"identity"`. Using `transformation =
#' "inverse"` uses the dispersion parameterization that
#' [MASS::glm.nb()] uses.
#' @author Euloge Clovis Kenne Pagui `[aut]` \email{}, Ioannis Kosmidis `[aut, cre]` \email{}
#' @references
#' Cordeiro G M, McCullagh P (1991). Bias correction in generalized
#' linear models. *Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B
#' (Methodological)*, **53**, 629-643. \doi{10.1111/j.2517-6161.1991.tb01852.x}.
#' Firth D (1993). Bias reduction of maximum likelihood estimates.
#' *Biometrika*. **80**, 27-38. \doi{10.2307/2336755}.
#' Kenne Pagui E C, Salvan A, Sartori N (2017). Median bias
#' reduction of maximum likelihood estimates. *Biometrika*, **104**,
#' 923–938. \doi{10.1093/biomet/asx046}.
#' Kosmidis I, Kenne Pagui E C, Sartori N (2020). Mean and median bias
#' reduction in generalized linear models. *Statistics and Computing*,
#' **30**, 43-59. \doi{10.1007/s11222-019-09860-6}.
#' Kosmidis I, Firth D (2009). Bias reduction in exponential family
#' nonlinear models. *Biometrika*, **96**, 793-804. \doi{10.1093/biomet/asp055}.
#' @examples
#' ## Example in Saha, K., & Paul, S. (2005). Bias-corrected maximum
#' ## likelihood estimator of the negative binomial dispersion
#' ## parameter. Biometrics, 61, 179--185.
#' #
#' # Number of revertant colonies of salmonella data
#' salmonella <- data.frame(freq = c(15, 16, 16, 27, 33, 20,
#' 21, 18, 26, 41, 38, 27,
#' 29, 21, 33, 60, 41, 42),
#' dose = rep(c(0, 10, 33, 100, 333, 1000), 3),
#' observation = rep(1:3, each = 6))
#' # Maximum likelihood fit with glm.nb of MASS
#' salmonella_fm <- freq ~ dose + log(dose + 10)
#' fitML_glmnb <- MASS::glm.nb(salmonella_fm, data = salmonella)
#' # Maximum likelihood fit with brnb
#' fitML <- brnb(salmonella_fm, data = salmonella,
#' link = "log", transformation = "inverse", type = "ML")
#' # Mean bias-reduced fit
#' fitBR_mean <- update(fitML, type = "AS_mean")
#' # Median bias-reduced fit
#' fitBR_median <- update(fitML, type = "AS_median")
#' # Mixed bias-reduced fit
#' fitBR_mixed <- update(fitML, type = "AS_mixed")
#' # Mean bias-corrected fit
#' fitBC_mean <- update(fitML, type = "correction")
#' # Penalized likelihood with Jeffreys-prior penalty
#' fit_Jeffreys <- update(fitML, type = "MPL_Jeffreys")
#' # The parameter estimates from glm.nb and brnb with type = "ML" are
#' # numerically the same
#' all.equal(c(coef(fitML_glmnb), fitML_glmnb$theta),
#' coef(fitML, model = "full"), check.attributes = FALSE)
#' # Because of the invariance properties of the maximum likelihood,
#' # median reduced-bias, and mixed reduced-bias estimators the
#' # estimate of a monotone function of the dispersion should be
#' # (numerically) the same as the function of the estimate of the
#' # dispersion:
#' # ML
#' coef(fitML, model = "dispersion")
#' 1 / coef(update(fitML, transformation = "identity"), model = "dispersion")
#' # Median BR
#' coef(fitBR_median, model = "dispersion")
#' 1 / coef(update(fitBR_median, transformation = "identity"), model = "dispersion")
#' # Mixed BR
#' coef(fitBR_mixed, model = "dispersion")
#' 1 / coef(update(fitBR_mixed, transformation = "identity"), model = "dispersion")
#' ## The same is not true for mean BR
#' coef(fitBR_mean, model = "dispersion")
#' 1 / coef(update(fitBR_mean, transformation = "identity"), model = "dispersion")
#' \donttest{
#' ## An example from Venables & Ripley (2002, p.169).
#' data("quine", package = "MASS")
#' quineML <- brnb(Days ~ Sex/(Age + Eth*Lrn), link = "sqrt", transformation="inverse",
#' data = quine, type="ML")
#' quineBR_mean <- update(quineML, type = "AS_mean")
#' quineBR_median <- update(quineML, type = "AS_median")
#' quineBR_mixed <- update(quineML, type = "AS_mixed")
#' quine_Jeffreys <- update(quineML, type = "MPL_Jeffreys")
#' fits <- list(ML = quineML,
#' AS_mean = quineBR_mean,
#' AS_median = quineBR_median,
#' AS_mixed = quineBR_mixed,
#' MPL_Jeffreys = quine_Jeffreys)
#' sapply(fits, coef, model = "full")
#' }
#' @export
brnb <- function(formula, data, subset, weights = NULL, offset = NULL,
link = "log", start = NULL, etastart = NULL,
mustart = NULL, control = list(...), na.action,
model = TRUE, x = FALSE, y = TRUE, contrasts = NULL,
intercept = TRUE, singular.ok = TRUE ,...) {
loglik <- function(n, th, mu, y, w) {
sum(w * (lgamma(th + y) - lgamma(th) - lgamma(y + 1) +
th * log(th) + y * log(mu + (y == 0)) - (th + y) * log(th + mu)))
trace_iteration <- function() {
if (control$trace) {
st <- max(abs(step_beta), na.rm = TRUE)
gr <- max(abs(adjusted_grad_beta), na.rm = TRUE)
cat("Coefficients update:\t", sprintf("%03f", betas), "\n", sep = " ")
cat("Outer/Inner iteration:\t", sprintf("%03d", iter),
"/", sprintf("%03d", step_factor), "\n", sep = "")
cat("max |step|:", format(round(st, 6), nsmall = 6,
scientific = FALSE), "\t", "max |gradient|:",
format(round(gr, 6), nsmall = 6, scientific = FALSE),
st <- abs(step_dispersion)
gr <- abs(adjusted_grad_dispersion)
cat("Dispersion update:\t",sprintf("%03f", dispersion), "\n", sep = "")
cat("Outer iteration:\t", sprintf("%03d", iter),
cat("max |step|:", format(round(st, 6), nsmall = 6,
scientific = FALSE), "\t", "max |gradient|:",
format(round(gr, 6), nsmall = 6, scientific = FALSE),
mf <- Call <-
m <- match(c("formula", "data", "subset", "weights", "na.action",
"etastart", "mustart", "offset"), names(mf), 0)
mf <- mf[c(1, m)]
mf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
mf[[1L]] <- quote(stats::model.frame)
mf <- eval.parent(mf)
Terms <- attr(mf, "terms")
return_x <- x
return_y <- y
y <- model.response(mf, "numeric")
x <- if (!is.empty.model(Terms))
model.matrix(Terms, mf, contrasts)
else matrix(, NROW(y), 0)
weights <- model.weights(mf)
offset <- model.offset(mf)
mustart <- model.extract(mf, "mustart")
etastart <- model.extract(mf, "etastart")
x <- as.matrix(x)
nobs <- NROW(x)
nvars <- NCOL(x)
if (missing_offset <- is.null(offset)) {
offset <-, nobs)
if (is.null(weights)) weights <- rep(1,nobs)
if (any(weights < 0))
stop("negative weights not allowed")
control <-"brglmControl", control)
ok_links <- c("log", "sqrt", "identity")
if (!isTRUE(link %in% ok_links))
stop(link, " is not one of the appropriate link function")
ok_transformations <- c("log", "sqrt", "identity", "inverse")
if (!isTRUE(control$transformation %in% ok_transformations))
stop(control$transformation, " is not one of the implemented dispersion transformations")
linkobj <- enrichwith::enrich(,with="d2mu.deta")
linkfun <- linkobj$linkfun
linkinv <- linkobj$linkinv
dmu.deta <- linkobj$mu.eta
d2mu.deta <- linkobj$d2mu.deta
linkobj_disp <- enrichwith::enrich($transformation), with = "d2mu.deta")
linkfun_disp <- linkobj_disp$linkfun
linkinv_disp <- linkobj_disp$linkinv
dkappa.dphi <- linkobj_disp$mu.eta
d2kappa.dphi <- linkobj_disp$d2mu.deta
fam0 <-"poisson", list(link = link))
is_ML <- control$type == "ML"
is_AS_median <- control$type == "AS_median"
is_AS_mixed <- control$type == "AS_mixed"
is_correction <- control$type == "correction"
## computation of s1
s1fun <- function(yy, k) {
res <- 0
if (yy > 0) {
j <- 0:(yy - 1)
res <- sum(j / (k * j + 1))
## Computation of needed expectations almost exactly
exp_quant <- function(mu, k) {
n <- length(mu)
E_s2 <- E_s2y <- E_s1s2 <- E_s3 <- numeric(n)
if (k < 0) stop("negative value of k")
ymax <- max(qnbinom(1 - 10 * .Machine$double.eps, mu = mu, size = 1 / k))
## if (ymax > 30000) stop("ymax too much large") ## need control on largest value?
if (ymax > 1) {
out <- .C('expectedValues',
E_s2 = as.double(E_s2),
E_s2y = as.double(E_s2y),
E_s1s2 = as.double(E_s1s2),
E_s3 = as.double(E_s3))
E_s2 <- out$E_s2
E_s2y <- out$E_s2y
E_s1s2 <- out$E_s1s2
E_s3 <- out$E_s3
list(E_s2 = E_s2, E_s2y = E_s2y, E_s1s2 = E_s1s2, E_s3 = E_s3)
## ## ## IK, 20 Apr 2021: Optimized R version of exp_quant
## exp_quant <- function(mu, k) {
## if (k < 0) {
## stop("encountered negative value of k")
## }
## E_s2 <- E_s2y <- E_s1s2 <- E_s3 <- numeric(length(mu))
## ymax <- max(qnbinom(1 - 10 * .Machine$double.eps, mu = mu, size = 1 / k), na.rm = TRUE)
## if (ymax > 1) {
## yval <- 0:ymax
## pmat <- sapply(mu, function(x) dnbinom(yval, mu = x, size = 1 / k))
## j <- c(0, 0:(ymax - 1))
## fra <- j / (k * j + 1)
## s1 <- cumsum(fra)
## s2 <- cumsum(fra^2)
## s3 <- cumsum(fra^3)
## temp <- pmat * s2
## E_s2 <- .colSums(temp, ymax + 1, nobs, TRUE)
## E_s2y <- .colSums(temp * yval, ymax + 1, nobs, TRUE)
## E_s1s2 <- .colSums(temp * s1, ymax + 1, nobs, TRUE)
## E_s3 <- .colSums(pmat * s3, ymax + 1, nobs, TRUE)
## }
## list(E_s2 = E_s2, E_s2y = E_s2y, E_s1s2 = E_s1s2, E_s3 = E_s3)
## }
## required quantities
key_quantities <- function(pars) {
betas <- pars[1:nvars]
phi <- pars[nvars + 1]
etas <- drop(x %*% betas + offset)
mus <- linkinv(etas)
d1 <- dmu.deta(etas)
d2 <- d2mu.deta(etas)
k <- linkinv_disp(phi)
d1phi <- dkappa.dphi(phi)
d2phi <- d2kappa.dphi(phi)
varmus <- k * mus^2 + mus ## variance
d1varmus <- 2 * k * mus + 1 ## derivative of variance
working_weights <- weights * d1^2 / varmus
wx <- sqrt(working_weights) * x
qr_decomposition <- qr(wx)
s1 <- sapply(y, function(t) s1fun(t, k))
expectations <- exp_quant(mus, k)
out <- c(list(betas = betas,
k = k,
etas = etas,
phi = phi,
mus = mus,
d1 = d1,
d2 = d2,
d1phi = d1phi,
d2phi = d2phi,
working_weights = working_weights,
varmus = varmus,
d1varmus = d1varmus,
s1 = s1,
qr_decomposition = qr_decomposition),expectations)
## hat values
hat_values <- function(pars, fit = NULL) {
if (is.null(fit)) {
fit <- key_quantities(pars)
with(fit, {
Qmat <- qr.Q(qr_decomposition)
.rowSums(Qmat * Qmat, nobs, nvars, TRUE)
## score function
score <- function(pars, level = 0, fit = NULL) {
if (is.null(fit)) {
fit <- key_quantities(pars)
with(fit, {
if (level == 0) {
return(.colSums(x * working_weights * (y - mus) / d1, nobs, nvars, TRUE))
if (level == 1) {
return(sum((s1 - mus * y / (k * mus + 1) + ((k * mus + 1) * log(k * mus + 1) - k * mus) / (k^3 * mus + k^2)) * d1phi * weights, na.rm = TRUE))
## information matrix
information <- function(pars, level = 0, inverse = FALSE, fit = NULL) {
if (is.null(fit)) {
fit <- key_quantities(pars)
with(fit, {
if (level == 0) {
R_matrix <- qr.R(qr_decomposition)
if (inverse) {
} else {
if (level == 1) {
iphiphi <- sum( weights * (E_s2 + ((2 * k * mus + 2) * log((k * mus + 1)) - k^2 * mus^2 - 2 * k * mus) / (k^4 * mus + k^3)) * d1phi^2, na.rm = TRUE )
if (inverse) {
} else {
## Jeffreys adjustment
AS_Jeffreys_adjustment <- function(pars, level = 0, fit = NULL) {
if (is.null(fit)) {
fit <- key_quantities(pars)
with(fit, {
iphiphi <- sum(weights * (E_s2 + ((2 * k * mus + 2) * log((k * mus + 1)) - k^2 * mus^2 - 2 * k * mus) / (k^4 * mus + k^3)) * d1phi^2, na.rm = TRUE )
hatvalues <- hat_values(pars, fit = fit)
if (level == 0) {
## Use only observations with keep = TRUE to ensure that no division with zero takes place
return(control$a * ( .colSums(hatvalues * (2 * d2/d1 - d1varmus * d1 / varmus) * x, nobs, nvars, TRUE) +
.colSums(d1phi^2 * x * working_weights * (E_s2y - mus * E_s2 - mus^3/(k * mus + 1)) / d1, nobs, nvars, TRUE) / iphiphi))
if (level == 1) {
return(control$a * (sum(-d1phi * hatvalues * mus^2 / varmus, na.rm = TRUE) +
sum(weights * (-2 * E_s3 + (2 * k^3 * mus^3 + 9 * k^2 * mus^2 + 6 * k * mus - 6 * (k * mus + 1)^2 * log(k * mus + 1)) / (k^4 * (k * mus + 1)^2) + E_s1s2 -
mus * E_s2y / (k * mus + 1) - (k * mus-(k * mus + 1) * log(k * mus + 1)) * E_s2 / (k^2 * (k * mus + 1))), na.rm = TRUE) * d1phi^3 +
2 * sum(weights * (E_s2 + ((2 * k * mus + 2) * log((k * mus + 1)) - k^2 * mus^2 - 2 * k * mus)/(k^4 * mus + k^3)), na.rm = TRUE) * d1phi * d2phi / iphiphi))
## mean adjustment
AS_mean_adjustment <- function(pars, level = 0, fit = NULL) {
if (is.null(fit)) {
fit <- key_quantities(pars)
with(fit, {
hatvalues <- hat_values(pars, fit = fit)
if (level == 0) {
return(.colSums(0.5 * hatvalues * d2 / d1 * x, nobs, nvars, TRUE))
if (level == 1) {
iphiphi <- sum(weights * (E_s2 + ((2 * k * mus + 2) * log((k * mus + 1)) - k^2 * mus^2 - 2 * k * mus) / (k^4 * mus + k^3)) * d1phi^2, na.rm = TRUE)
pqphiphi<- sum(weights * (-2 * E_s3 + (2 * k^3 * mus^3 + 9 * k^2 * mus^2 + 6 * k * mus - 6 * (k * mus + 1)^2 * log(k * mus + 1)) / (k^4 * (k * mus + 1)^2) +
2 * E_s1s2 - 2 * mus * E_s2y / (k * mus + 1) - 2 * (k * mus - (k * mus + 1) * log(k * mus + 1)) * E_s2 / (k^2 * (k * mus + 1))), na.rm = TRUE) * d1phi^3 +
sum(weights * (E_s2 + ((2 * k * mus + 2) * log((k * mus + 1)) - k^2 * mus^2 - 2 * k * mus) / (k^4 * mus + k^3)) , na.rm = TRUE) * d1phi * d2phi
return(0.5 * d1phi * sum(weights * hatvalues * d1^2 * mus^2 / (working_weights * varmus^2), na.rm = TRUE) + 0.5 * pqphiphi / iphiphi)
## median adjustment
AS_median_adjustment <- function(pars, level = 0, fit = NULL) {
if (is.null(fit)) {
fit <- key_quantities(pars)
with(fit, {
hatvalues <- hat_values(pars, fit = fit)
if (level == 0) {
invInfo <- information(pars = pars, level = 0, inverse = TRUE, fit = fit)
info <- information(pars = pars, level = 0, inverse = FALSE, fit = fit)
F2_tilde <- numeric(nvars)
for (j in {
invInfo_j <- invInfo[j,]
vcov_j <- tcrossprod(invInfo_j) / invInfo_j[j]
hats_j <- .rowSums((x %*% vcov_j) * x, nobs, nvars, TRUE) * working_weights
F2_tilde[j] <- invInfo_j %*% .colSums(x * (hats_j * (d1 * d1varmus / (6 * varmus) - 0.5 * d2 / d1)), nobs, nvars, TRUE)
return( .colSums(0.5 * hatvalues * d2 / d1 * x, nobs, nvars, TRUE) + info %*% F2_tilde)
if (level == 1) {
iphiphi <- sum(weights * (E_s2 + ((2 * k * mus + 2) * log((k * mus + 1)) - k^2 * mus^2 - 2 * k * mus) / (k^4 * mus + k^3)) * d1phi^2, na.rm = TRUE)
pqphiphi <- sum(weights * (-2 * E_s3 + (2 * k^3 * mus^3 + 9 * k^2 * mus^2 + 6 * k * mus - 6 * (k * mus + 1)^2 * log(k * mus + 1)) / (k^4 * (k * mus + 1)^2) +
2 * E_s1s2 - 2 * mus * E_s2y / (k * mus + 1) - 2 * (k * mus - (k * mus + 1) * log(k * mus + 1)) * E_s2 / (k^2 * (k * mus + 1))), na.rm = TRUE) * d1phi^3 +
sum(weights *(E_s2 + ((2 * k * mus + 2) * log((k * mus + 1)) - k^2 * mus^2 - 2 * k * mus) / (k^4 * mus + k^3)), na.rm = TRUE) * d1phi * d2phi
pq2phiphi <- (sum(weights * (-2 * E_s3 / 3 + (2 * k^3 * mus^3 + 9 * k^2 * mus^2 + 6 * k * mus - 6 * (k * mus + 1)^2 * log(k * mus + 1)) / (3 * k^4 * (k * mus + 1)^2) +
E_s1s2 / 2 - 0.5 * mus * E_s2y / (k * mus + 1) - 0.5 * (k * mus-(k * mus + 1) * log(k * mus + 1)) * E_s2 / (k^2 * (k * mus + 1))), na.rm = TRUE) * d1phi^3 +
0.5 * sum(weights * (E_s2 + ((2 * k * mus + 2) * log((k * mus + 1)) - k^2 * mus^2 - 2 * k * mus)/(k^4 * mus + k^3)), na.rm = TRUE) * d1phi * d2phi)
return((0.5 * d1phi * sum(weights * hatvalues * d1^2 * mus^2 / (working_weights * varmus^2), na.rm = TRUE) + 0.5 * pqphiphi / iphiphi - pq2phiphi / iphiphi))
## mixed adjustment
AS_mixed_adjustment <- function(pars, level = 0, fit = NULL) {
if (is.null(fit)) {
fit <- key_quantities(pars)
with(fit, {
hatvalues <- hat_values(pars, fit = fit)
if (level == 0) {
return(.colSums(0.5 * hatvalues * d2 / d1 * x, nobs, nvars, TRUE))
if (level == 1)
iphiphi <- sum(weights * (E_s2 + ((2 * k * mus + 2) * log((k * mus + 1)) - k^2 * mus^2 - 2 * k * mus) / (k^4 * mus + k^3)) * d1phi^2, na.rm = TRUE)
pqphiphi <- (sum(weights *( -2 * E_s3 + (2 * k^3 * mus^3 + 9 * k^2 * mus^2 + 6 * k * mus - 6 * (k * mus + 1)^2 * log(k * mus + 1)) / (k^4 * (k * mus + 1)^2) +
2 * E_s1s2 - 2 * mus * E_s2y / (k * mus + 1) - 2 * (k * mus - (k * mus + 1) * log(k * mus + 1)) * E_s2 / (k^2 * (k * mus + 1))), na.rm = TRUE) * d1phi^3 +
sum(weights * (E_s2 + ((2 * k * mus + 2) * log((k * mus + 1)) - k^2 * mus^2 - 2 * k * mus) / (k^4 * mus + k^3)), na.rm = TRUE) * d1phi * d2phi)
pq2phiphi <- (sum(weights *(-2 * E_s3 / 3 + (2 * k^3 * mus^3 + 9 * k^2 * mus^2 + 6 * k * mus - 6 * (k * mus + 1)^2 * log(k * mus + 1)) / (3 * k^4 * (k * mus + 1)^2) +
E_s1s2 / 2 - 0.5 * mus * E_s2y / (k * mus + 1) - 0.5 * (k * mus - (k * mus + 1) * log(k * mus + 1)) * E_s2 / (k^2 * (k * mus + 1))), na.rm = TRUE) * d1phi^3 +
0.5 * sum(weights * (E_s2 + ((2 * k * mus + 2) * log((k * mus + 1)) - k^2 * mus^2 - 2 * k * mus) / (k^4 * mus + k^3)), na.rm = TRUE) * d1phi * d2phi)
return((0.5 * d1phi * sum(weights * hatvalues * d1^2 * mus^2 / (working_weights * varmus^2), na.rm = TRUE) + 0.5 * pqphiphi / iphiphi - pq2phiphi / iphiphi))
## adjustment term function ##
adjustment_function <- switch(control$type,
AS_mean = AS_mean_adjustment,
AS_median = AS_median_adjustment,
AS_mixed = AS_mixed_adjustment,
MPL_Jeffreys = AS_Jeffreys_adjustment,
correction = function(pars, ...) 0,
ML = function(pars, ...) 0)
## required components for computing the adjusted scores
compute_step_components <- function(pars, level = 0, fit = NULL) {
if (is.null(fit)) {
fit <- key_quantities(pars)
if (level == 0) {
grad <- score(pars, level = 0, fit = fit)
inverse_info <- try(information(pars, level = 0, inverse = TRUE,fit = fit))
failed_inversion <- inherits(inverse_info, "try-error")
adjustment <- adjustment_function(pars, level = 0, fit = fit)
failed_adjustment <- any(
if (level == 1) {
grad <- score(pars, level = 1, fit = fit)
inverse_info <- try(information(pars, level = 1, inverse = TRUE,fit = fit))
failed_inversion <- inherits(inverse_info, "try-error")
adjustment <- adjustment_function(pars, level = 1, fit = fit)
failed_adjustment <- any(
out <- list(grad = grad,
inverse_info = inverse_info,
adjustment = adjustment,
failed_inversion = failed_inversion,
failed_adjustment = failed_adjustment)
betas_names <- dimnames(x)[[2L]]
ynames <- if (is.matrix(y))
else names(y)
EMPTY <- nvars == 0
valid_eta <- fam0$valideta
valid_mu <- fam0$validmu
## to be completed
if (EMPTY)
stop("invalid linear predictor values in empty model")
qrx <- qr(x)
rank <- qrx$rank
is_full_rank <- rank == nvars
if (!singular.ok && !is_full_rank) {
stop("singular fit encountered")
if (!isTRUE(is_full_rank)) {
aliased <- qrx$pivot[$rank + 1,nvars)]
X_all <- x
x <- x[, -aliased]
nvars_all <- nvars
nvars <- ncol(x)
betas_names_all <- betas_names
betas_names <- betas_names[-aliased]
} else {
nvars_all <- nvars
betas_names_all <- betas_names
betas_all <- structure(rep(NA_real_, nvars_all), .Names = betas_names_all)
keep <- weights > 0
nkeep <- sum(keep)
df_residual <- nkeep - rank
warn <- getOption("warn")
options(warn = -1)
if (is.null(start)) {
fit<- = x, y = y, weights = weights,
start = start, offset = offset, family =fam0,
control = list(epsilon = control$epsilon, maxit = 100,
trace = FALSE), intercept = intercept)
dispersion <- linkfun_disp(1/as.vector( = y, mu = fitted(fit), n = nobs, weights = weights,
trace = control$trace > 2)))
options(warn = warn)
betas <- coef(fit)
names(betas) <- betas_names
} else {
if ((length(start) == nvars_all) & is.numeric(start) ) {
betas_all <- start
names(betas_all) <- betas_names_all
if (!isTRUE(is_full_rank)) {
betas_all[aliased] <- NA_real_
betas <- betas_all[-aliased]
} else {
betas <- betas_all
etas <- drop(x %*% betas + offset)
dispersion <- linkfun_disp(1/as.vector( = y, mu = linkinv(etas), n = nobs, weights = weights,
trace = control$trace > 2)))
if ((length(start) == nvars_all+1) & is.numeric(start) ) {
betas_all <- start[]
names(betas_all) <- betas_names_all
if (!isTRUE(is_full_rank)) {
betas_all[aliased] <- NA_real_
betas <- betas_all[-aliased]
} else {
betas <- betas_all
dispersion <- start[nvars_all + 1]
if (length(start) > nvars_all + 1 | length(start) < nvars_all ) {
stop(paste(paste(gettextf("length of 'start' should be equal to %d and correspond to initial betas for %s",
nvars_all, paste(deparse(betas_names_all),
collapse = ", "), "or", gettextf("to %d and also include a starting value for the transformed dispersion",
nvars_all)))), domain = NA_real_)
adjusted_grad_all <- rep(NA_real_, nvars_all + 1)
names(adjusted_grad_all) <- c(betas_names_all, "dispersion")
names(dispersion) <- "dispersion"
par <- c(betas, dispersion)
quantities <- key_quantities(par)
## keeped to test
# if (control$type == "MPL_Jeffreys"){
# opt <- try(nlminb(par, loglikMPL,fit = NULL,lower = c(rep(-Inf,nvars),10^{-8}), upper = rep(+Inf, nvars + 1) ),TRUE)
# #betas <-opt$par[-(nvars + 1)]
# #dispersion <- opt$par[nvars + 1]
# cat("\n","Estimates par. with Jeff obtained with nlminb as test: ","\n\n")
# print(opt)
# }
step_components_beta <- compute_step_components(par, level = 0, fit = quantities)
step_components_dispersion <- compute_step_components(par, level = 1, fit = quantities)
if (step_components_beta$failed_inversion) {
warning("failed to invert the information matrix")
if (step_components_beta$failed_adjustment) {
warning("failed to calculate score adjustment")
adjusted_grad_beta <- with(step_components_beta, {
grad + adjustment
step_beta <- drop(step_components_beta$inverse_info %*% adjusted_grad_beta)
if (step_components_dispersion$failed_inversion) {
warning("failed to invert the information matrix")
if (step_components_dispersion$failed_adjustment) {
warning("failed to calculate score adjustment")
adjusted_grad_dispersion <- with(step_components_dispersion, {
grad + adjustment
step_dispersion <- as.vector(adjusted_grad_dispersion * step_components_dispersion$inverse_info)
if (control$maxit == 0) {
iter <- 0
failed <- FALSE
} else {
for (iter in$maxit)) {
step_factor <- 0
testhalf <- TRUE
while (testhalf & step_factor < control$max_step_factor) {
step_beta_previous <- step_beta
step_dispersion_previous <- step_dispersion
betas <- betas + control$slowit * 2^(-step_factor) * step_beta
dispersion <- dispersion + 2^(-step_factor) * step_dispersion
par <- c(betas, dispersion)
quantities <- key_quantities(par)
step_components_beta <- compute_step_components(par, level = 0, fit = quantities)
step_components_dispersion <- compute_step_components(par, level = 1, fit = quantities)
if (failed_inversion_beta <- step_components_beta$failed_inversion) {
warning("failed to invert the information matrix")
if (failed_adjustment_beta <- step_components_beta$failed_adjustment) {
warning("failed to calculate score adjustment")
adjusted_grad_beta <- with(step_components_beta, {
grad + adjustment
step_beta <- drop(step_components_beta$inverse_info %*% adjusted_grad_beta)
if (failed_inversion_dispersion <- step_components_dispersion$failed_inversion) {
warning("failed to invert the information matrix")
if (failed_adjustment_dispersion<- step_components_dispersion$failed_adjustment) {
warning("failed to calculate score adjustment")
adjusted_grad_dispersion <- with(step_components_dispersion, {
grad + adjustment
step_dispersion <- as.vector(adjusted_grad_dispersion * step_components_dispersion$inverse_info)
if (step_factor == 0 & iter == 1) {
testhalf <- TRUE
} else {
s2 <- c(abs(step_beta), abs(step_dispersion))
s1 <- c(abs(step_beta_previous), abs(step_dispersion_previous))
testhalf <- sum(s2, na.rm = TRUE) > sum(s1, na.rm = TRUE)
step_factor <- step_factor + 1
if (control$trace) {
failed <- failed_adjustment_beta | failed_inversion_beta |
failed_adjustment_dispersion| failed_inversion_dispersion
if (failed | sum(abs(c(step_beta, step_dispersion)),na.rm = TRUE) < control$epsilon) {
adjusted_grad_all[betas_names] <- adjusted_grad_beta
adjusted_grad_all["dispersion"] <- adjusted_grad_dispersion
betas_all[betas_names] <- betas
if(iter >= control$maxit) {
convergence <- FALSE
warning("optimization failed to converge")
} else
convergence <- TRUE
if (!isTRUE(is_full_rank)) {
x <- X_all
betas <- betas_all
betas[] <- 0
nvars <- nvars_all
par <- c(betas, dispersion)
if (is_correction)
bias <- c(- step_components_beta$inverse_info%*%AS_mean_adjustment(par, level = 0, fit = quantities),
- step_components_dispersion$inverse_info%*%AS_mean_adjustment(par, level = 1, fit = quantities))
par <- par - bias
betas <- par[-(nvars + 1)]
dispersion <-par[(nvars + 1)]
quantities <- key_quantities(par)
step_components_beta <- compute_step_components(par, level = 0, fit = quantities)
step_components_dispersion<- compute_step_components(par, level = 1, fit = quantities)
qr.Wx <- quantities$qr_decomposition
mus <- quantities$mus
etas <- quantities$etas
residuals <- with(quantities, (y - mus) / d1)
working_weights <- quantities$working_weights
wt <-, nobs)
wt[keep] <- working_weights[keep]
names(wt) <- names(residuals) <- names(mus) <- names(etas) <- names(weights) <- names(y) <- ynames
fam <-"negative.binomial",list(theta = 1 / linkinv_disp(dispersion),
link = link))
if (attr(Terms, "intercept") & missing_offset) {
nullFit <-[, "(Intercept)", drop = FALSE], y, weights,
offset = rep(0, nobs), family = fam, control = list(maxit = control$maxit,
epsilon = control$epsilon, trace = control$trace > 1), intercept = TRUE)
nullmus <- nullFit$fitted
if (!attr(Terms, "intercept")) {
nullmus <- linkinv(offset)
if (attr(Terms, "intercept") & !missing_offset) {
nullFit <-[, "(Intercept)", drop = FALSE], y, weights,
offset = offset, family = fam, control = list(maxit = control$maxit,
epsilon = control$epsilon, trace = control$trace > 1), intercept = TRUE)
nullmus <- nullFit$fitted
th <- 1 / linkinv_disp(dispersion)
Lm <- loglik(nobs, th, mus, y, weights)
dev.resids <- fam$dev.resids
aic <- fam$aic
nulldev <- sum(dev.resids(y, nullmus, weights))
nulldf <- nkeep - as.integer(attr(Terms, "intercept"))
deviance <- sum(dev.resids(y, mus, weights))
aic.model <- aic(y, nobs, mus, weights, deviance) + 2 * (rank + 1)
vcov.mean <-step_components_beta$inverse_info
rownames(vcov.mean) <- colnames(vcov.mean) <- betas_names
vcov.dispersion <- step_components_dispersion$inverse_info
names(vcov.dispersion) <- paste0(control$transformation, "(dispersion)")
out <- list(coefficients = betas,
vcov.mean = vcov.mean,
vcov.dispersion = vcov.dispersion,
residuals = residuals,
fitted.values = mus,
R = if (!EMPTY) qr.R(qr.Wx),
rank = rank,
qr = if (!EMPTY) structure(qr.Wx[c("qr", "rank", "qraux", "pivot", "tol")], class = "qr"),
family = fam,
twologlik = as.vector(2 * Lm),
linear.predictors = etas,
deviance = deviance,
aic = aic.model,
null.deviance = nulldev,
iter = iter,
weights = wt,
prior.weights = weights,
df.residual = df_residual,
df.null = nulldf,
y = y,
converged = convergence,
dispersion = dispersion,
grad = adjusted_grad_all,
transformation = control$transformation,
theta = as.vector(th), ## dispersion as in glm.nb
type = control$type)
out$terms <- Terms
out$formula <- as.vector(attr(Terms,"formula"))
Call$link <- link
out$call <- Call
if (model) out$model <- mf
out$na.action <- attr(mf,"na.action")
if (return_x) out$x <- x
if (!return_y) out$y <- NULL
out$contrasts <- attr(x,"contrasts")
out$xlevels <- .getXlevels(Terms,mf)
out$control <- control
out$offset <- offset
#' Extract model coefficients from [`"brnb"`][brnb] objects
#' @inheritParams stats::coef
#' @param model one of `"mean"` (default), `"full"`, `"dispersion"`,
#' to return the estimates of the parameters in the linear
#' prediction only, or both, the estimate of the dispersion
#' parameter only, respectively.
#' @details
#' See [coef()] for more details.
#' @method coef brnb
#' @export
coef.brnb <- function(object, model = c("mean", "full", "dispersion"), ...) {
object$transformed_dispersion <- object$dispersion
coef.brglmFit(object, model, ...)
#' Extract model variance-covariance matrix from [`"brnb"`][brnb] objects
#' @inheritParams stats::vcov.glm
#' @param object an object of class [`"brnb"`][brnb], typically, a result of a call to [brnb()].
#' @param model character specifying for which component of the model variance-covariance matrix should be extracted.
#' @details
#' The options for `model` are `"mean"` for mean regression only
#' (default), `"dispersion"` for the dispersion parameter (in a
#' chosen transformation; see [brglmControl()], and `"full"` for both
#' the mean regression and the (transformed) dispersion parameters.
#' See [vcov()] for more details.
#' @seealso [vcov()]
#' @method vcov brnb
#' @export
vcov.brnb <- function(object, model = c("mean", "full", "dispersion"), complete = TRUE, ...) {
object$info_transformed_dispersion <- 1/object$vcov.dispersion
object$dispersion <- 1
vcov.brglmFit(object, model , complete , ...)
#' [summary()] method for [`"brnb"`][brnb] objects
#' @inheritParams stats::summary.glm
#' @param object an object of class [`"brnb"`][brnb], typically, a
#' result of a call to [brnb()].
#' @param x an object of class [`"summary.brnb"`][summary.brnb],
#' usually, a result of a call to [summary.brnb].
#' @details The interface of the summary method for [`"brnb"`][brnb]
#' objects is similar to that of [`"brglmFit"`][brglmFit] objects
#' with additional information.
#' p-values of the individual Wald statistics are based on the
#' standard normal distribution.
#' @seealso [summary.brglmFit()] and [glm()]
#' @examples
#' # For examples see examples(brnb)
#' @method summary brnb
#' @export
summary.brnb <- function(object, ...) {
## coefficient table
cf <- object$coefficients
cf.dispersion <- object$dispersion
se.mean <- sqrt(diag(object$vcov.mean))
se.dispersion <- sqrt(object$vcov.dispersion)
cf <- cbind(cf, se.mean, cf/se.mean, 2 * pnorm(-abs(cf/se.mean)))
colnames(cf) <- c("Estimate", "Std. Error", "z value", "Pr(>|z|)")
rownames(cf) <- names(object$coefficients)
object$coefficients <- cf
object$se.betas <- se.mean
object$se.dispersion <- se.dispersion
coef.dispersion <- cbind(cf.dispersion, se.dispersion)
colnames(coef.dispersion) <- c("Estimate", "Std. Error")
rownames(coef.dispersion) <- c("dispersion")
object$coef.dispersion <- coef.dispersion
## number of iterations
object$iterations <- object$iter
## delete some slots
object$terms <- object$model <- object$y <-NULL
object$x <- object$levels <- object$contrasts <- NULL
## return
class(object) <- "summary.brnb"
#' @rdname summary.brnb
#' @method print summary.brnb
#' @export
print.summary.brnb <- function(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), ...) {
cat("\nCall:", deparse(x$call, width.cutoff = floor(getOption("width") * 0.85)), "", sep = "\n")
if (!x$converged) {
cat("model did not converge\n")
if (NROW(x$coefficients)) {
cat(paste("\nCoefficients (mean model with ", x$link, " link):\n", sep = ""))
printCoefmat(x$coefficients, digits = digits, signif.legend = FALSE)
} else {
cat("\nNo coefficients (in mean model)\n")
if (getOption("show.signif.stars") & any( x$coefficients[, 4L] < 0.1)) {
cat("---\nSignif. codes: ", "0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1", "\n")
if (NROW(x$coef.dispersion)) {
cat(paste("\n(Dispersion parameter with ", x$transformation," transformation function: ",
round(x$coef.dispersion[,1], 7),")\n", sep = ""))
} else {
cat("\nNo coefficients (in precision model)\n")
cat("\n", apply(cbind(paste(format(c("Null",
"Residual"), justify = "right"), "deviance:"),
"deviance")]), digits = max(5, digits + 1)), " on",
format(unlist(x[c("df.null", "df.residual")])), " degrees of freedom\n"),
1, paste, collapse = " "), sep = "")
cat(paste("AIC:", round(x$aic,digits)))
cat("\n\nType of estimator:", x$type, get_type_description(x$type))
cat("\n", "Number of quasi-Fisher scoring iterations:", x$iter, "\n", sep = "")
#' @method print brnb
#' @export
print.brnb <- function(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), ...) {
cat("\nCall:", deparse(x$call, width.cutoff = floor(getOption("width") * 0.85)), "", sep = "\n")
if (!x$converged) {
cat("model did not converge\n")
} else {
if (length(x$coefficients)) {
cat(paste("Coefficients (mean model with ", x$link, " link):\n", sep = ""))
print.default(format(x$coefficients, digits = digits), = 2, quote = FALSE)
} else {
cat("No coefficients (in mean model)\n\n")
cat("\nDegrees of Freedom:", x$df.null, "Total (i.e. Null); ",
x$df.residual, "Residual\n")
if (nchar(mess <- naprint(x$na.action)))
cat(" (", mess, ")\n", sep = "")
cat("Null Deviance:\t", format(round(x$null.deviance, digits)), "\n")
cat("Residual Deviance:\t", format(round(x$deviance, digits)),
"\tAIC:", format(round(x$aic, digits)), "\n")
#' Method for computing Wald confidence intervals for one or more
#' regression parameters in a [`"brnb"`][brnb] object
#' @inheritParams stats::confint
#' @method confint brnb
#' @export
confint.brnb <- function(object, parm, level = 0.95, ...) {
confint.default(object, parm, level, ...)
#' Simulate Responses
#' Simulate one or more responses from the distribution corresponding
#' to a fitted model [`"brnb"`][brnb] object.
#' @param object an object representing a fitted model.
#' @param nsim number of response vectors to simulate. Defaults to 1.
#' @param seed an object specifying if and how the random number
#' generator should be initialized; see [set.seed()] for details.
#' @param ... extra arguments to be passed to methods. Not currently
#' used.
#' @examples
#' # Example in Saha, K., & Paul, S. (2005). Bias-corrected maximum
#' # likelihood estimator of the negative binomial dispersion
#' # parameter. Biometrics, 61, 179--185.
#' #
#' # Frequency distribution of red mites on apple leaves.
#' nomites <- 0:8
#' noleaves <- c(70, 38, 17, 10, 9, 3, 2, 1, 0)
#' fit_glmnb <- MASS::glm.nb(nomites~1,link="identity",weights = noleaves)
#' fit_brnb <- brnb(nomites ~ 1, link = "identity", transformation = "inverse",
#' type = "ML",weights = noleaves)
#' ## Let us simulate 10 response vectors
#' sim_glmnb <- simulate(fit_glmnb, nsim = 10, seed = 123)
#' sim_brnb <- simulate(fit_brnb, nsim = 10, seed = 123)
#' # The results from glm.nb and brnb with type = "ML" are
#' # exactly the same
#' all.equal(sim_glmnb, sim_brnb, check.attributes = FALSE)
#' @method simulate brnb
#' @export
simulate.brnb <- function(object, nsim = 1, seed = NULL, ...) {
if (!exists(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv, inherits = FALSE))
if (is.null(seed))
RNGstate <- get(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv)
else {
R.seed <- get(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv)
RNGstate <- structure(seed, kind = as.list(RNGkind()))
on.exit(assign(".Random.seed", R.seed, envir = .GlobalEnv))
theta <- object$theta
mus <- fitted(object)
n <- length(mus)
val <- rnegbin(n*nsim, mu = mus, theta = theta)
dim(val) <- c(n, nsim)
val <-
names(val) <- paste0("sim_", seq_len(nsim))
attr(val, "seed") <- RNGstate
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