# == title
# Plot Chord Diagram
# == param
# -x a matrix or a data frame. The function will pass all argument to `chordDiagramFromMatrix` or `chordDiagramFromDataFrame` depending on the type of ``x``,
# also format of other arguments depends of the type of ``x``. If it is in the form of a matrix,
# it should be an adjacency matrix. If it is in the form of a data frame, it should be an adjacency list.
# -grid.col pass to `chordDiagramFromMatrix` or `chordDiagramFromDataFrame`
# -grid.border pass to `chordDiagramFromMatrix` or `chordDiagramFromDataFrame`
# -transparency pass to `chordDiagramFromMatrix` or `chordDiagramFromDataFrame`
# -col pass to `chordDiagramFromMatrix` or `chordDiagramFromDataFrame`
# -row.col pass to `chordDiagramFromMatrix`
# -column.col pass to `chordDiagramFromMatrix`
# -order pass to `chordDiagramFromMatrix` or `chordDiagramFromDataFrame`
# -directional pass to `chordDiagramFromMatrix` or `chordDiagramFromDataFrame`
# -xmax maximum value on x-axes, the value should be a named vector.
# -symmetric pass to `chordDiagramFromMatrix`
# -keep.diagonal pass to `chordDiagramFromMatrix`
# -direction.type pass to `chordDiagramFromMatrix` or `chordDiagramFromDataFrame`
# -diffHeight pass to `chordDiagramFromMatrix` or `chordDiagramFromDataFrame`
# pass to `chordDiagramFromMatrix` or `chordDiagramFromDataFrame`
# -target.prop.height pass to `chordDiagramFromMatrix` or `chordDiagramFromDataFrame`
# -reduce pass to `chordDiagramFromMatrix` or `chordDiagramFromDataFrame`
# pass to `chordDiagramFromMatrix` or `chordDiagramFromDataFrame`
# -preAllocateTracks pass to `chordDiagramFromMatrix` or `chordDiagramFromDataFrame`
# -annotationTrack pass to `chordDiagramFromMatrix` or `chordDiagramFromDataFrame`
# -annotationTrackHeight pass to `chordDiagramFromMatrix` or `chordDiagramFromDataFrame`
# -link.border pass to `chordDiagramFromMatrix` or `chordDiagramFromDataFrame`
# -link.lwd pass to `chordDiagramFromMatrix` or `chordDiagramFromDataFrame`
# -link.lty pass to `chordDiagramFromMatrix` or `chordDiagramFromDataFrame`
# pass to `chordDiagramFromMatrix` or `chordDiagramFromDataFrame`
# -link.sort pass to `chordDiagramFromMatrix` or `chordDiagramFromDataFrame`
# -link.decreasing pass to `chordDiagramFromMatrix` or `chordDiagramFromDataFrame`
# -link.arr.length pass to `chordDiagramFromMatrix` or `chordDiagramFromDataFrame`
# -link.arr.width pass to `chordDiagramFromMatrix` or `chordDiagramFromDataFrame`
# -link.arr.type pass to `chordDiagramFromMatrix` or `chordDiagramFromDataFrame`
# -link.arr.lty pass to `chordDiagramFromMatrix` or `chordDiagramFromDataFrame`
# -link.arr.lwd pass to `chordDiagramFromMatrix` or `chordDiagramFromDataFrame`
# -link.arr.col pass to `chordDiagramFromMatrix` or `chordDiagramFromDataFrame`
# -link.largest.ontop pass to `chordDiagramFromMatrix` or `chordDiagramFromDataFrame`
# -link.visible pass to `chordDiagramFromMatrix` or `chordDiagramFromDataFrame`
# -link.rank This is argument is removed.
# -link.zindex order to add links to the circle, a large value means to add it later.
# -link.overlap pass to `chordDiagramFromMatrix` or `chordDiagramFromDataFrame`
# -scale scale each sector to same width
# -group It contains the group labels and the sector names are used as the names in the vector.
# Gap between the two sets of sectors. If the input is a matrix, the two sets
# are row sectors and column sectors. If the input is a data frame, the two sets
# correspond to the first column and the second column. It only works when there
# is no intersection between the two sets.
# Small gap between sectors.
# -... pass to ``.
# == details
# Chord diagram is a way to visualize numeric tables ( ), especially useful
# when the table represents information of directional relations. This function
# visualize tables in a circular way.
# This function is flexible and contains some settings that may be a little difficult to understand.
# Please refer to vignette for better explanation.
# == seealso
# == value
# A data frame which contains positions of links, columns are:
# -``rn`` sector name corresponding to rows in the adjacency matrix or the first column in the adjacency list
# -``cn`` sector name corresponding to columns in the adjacency matrix or the second column in the adjacency list
# -``value`` value for the interaction or relation
# -``o1`` order of the link on the "from" sector
# -``o2`` order of the link on the "to" sector
# -``x1`` and position of the link on the "from" sector, the interval for the link on the "from" sector is ``c(x1-abs(value), x1)``
# -``x2`` and position of the link on the "to" sector, the interval for the link on the "from" sector is ``c(x2-abs(value), x2)``
# == examples
# set.seed(999)
# mat = matrix(sample(18, 18), 3, 6)
# rownames(mat) = paste0("S", 1:3)
# colnames(mat) = paste0("E", 1:6)
# df = data.frame(from = rep(rownames(mat), times = ncol(mat)),
# to = rep(colnames(mat), each = nrow(mat)),
# value = as.vector(mat),
# stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# chordDiagram(mat)
# chordDiagram(df)
# circos.clear()
chordDiagram = function(
grid.col = NULL,
grid.border = NA,
transparency = 0.5,
col = NULL,
row.col = NULL,
column.col = NULL,
order = NULL,
directional = 0,
xmax = NULL,
symmetric = FALSE,
keep.diagonal = FALSE,
direction.type = "diffHeight",
diffHeight = mm_h(2), = TRUE,
target.prop.height = mm_h(1),
reduce = 1e-5, = 2,
preAllocateTracks = NULL,
annotationTrack = c("name", "grid", "axis"),
annotationTrackHeight = mm_h(c(3, 2)),
link.border = NA,
link.lwd = par("lwd"),
link.lty = par("lty"), = TRUE,
link.sort = "default",
link.decreasing = TRUE,
link.arr.length = ifelse(link.arr.type == "big.arrow", 0.02, 0.4),
link.arr.width = link.arr.length/2,
link.arr.type = "triangle",
link.arr.lty = par("lty"),
link.arr.lwd = par("lwd"),
link.arr.col = par("col"),
link.largest.ontop = FALSE,
link.visible = TRUE,
link.rank = NULL,
link.zindex = NULL,
link.overlap = FALSE,
scale = FALSE,
group = NULL, = 10, = 1,
...) {
if(inherits(x, "table")) {
if(length(dim(x)) == 2) {
class(x) = "matrix"
if(inherits(x, "matrix")) {
if(ncol(x) == 2 && nrow(x) > 10) {
x =
if(inherits(x, "matrix")) {
chordDiagramFromMatrix(x, grid.col = grid.col, grid.border = grid.border, transparency = transparency,
col = col, row.col = row.col, column.col = column.col, order = order, directional = directional,
symmetric = symmetric, keep.diagonal = keep.diagonal, direction.type = direction.type,
diffHeight = diffHeight, =, target.prop.height = target.prop.height, reduce = reduce, =, xmax = xmax,
preAllocateTracks = preAllocateTracks, annotationTrack = annotationTrack, annotationTrackHeight = annotationTrackHeight,
link.border = link.border, link.lwd = link.lwd, link.lty = link.lty, =, link.sort = link.sort, link.decreasing = link.decreasing,
link.arr.length = link.arr.length, link.arr.width = link.arr.width, link.arr.type = link.arr.type, link.arr.lty = link.arr.lty,
link.arr.lwd = link.arr.lwd, link.arr.col = link.arr.col, link.largest.ontop = link.largest.ontop,
link.visible = link.visible, link.rank = link.rank, link.zindex = link.zindex, link.overlap = link.overlap, scale = scale, group = group, =, =, ...)
} else {
x = validate_data_frame(x)
if(ncol(x) > 3) {
if(all(sapply(x, inherits, c("numeric", "integer")))) {
warning("It seems your input data is an adjacency matrix, maybe you need to convert it to 'matrix' explicitely.")
return(chordDiagramFromMatrix(as.matrix(x, grid.col = grid.col, grid.border = grid.border, transparency = transparency,
col = col, row.col = row.col, column.col = column.col, order = order, directional = directional,
symmetric = symmetric, keep.diagonal = keep.diagonal, direction.type = direction.type,
diffHeight = diffHeight, =, target.prop.height = target.prop.height, reduce = reduce, =, xmax = xmax,
preAllocateTracks = preAllocateTracks, annotationTrack = annotationTrack, annotationTrackHeight = annotationTrackHeight,
link.border = link.border, link.lwd = link.lwd, link.lty = link.lty, =, link.sort = link.sort, link.decreasing = link.decreasing,
link.arr.length = link.arr.length, link.arr.width = link.arr.width, link.arr.type = link.arr.type, link.arr.lty = link.arr.lty,
link.arr.lwd = link.arr.lwd, link.arr.col = link.arr.col, link.largest.ontop = link.largest.ontop,
link.visible = link.visible, link.rank = link.rank, link.zindex = link.zindex, link.overlap = link.overlap, scale = scale, group = group, =, =, ...)))
} else {
chordDiagramFromDataFrame(x, grid.col = grid.col, grid.border = grid.border, transparency = transparency,
col = col, order = order, directional = directional, direction.type = direction.type,
diffHeight = diffHeight, =, target.prop.height = target.prop.height, reduce = reduce, =, xmax = xmax,
preAllocateTracks = preAllocateTracks, annotationTrack = annotationTrack, annotationTrackHeight = annotationTrackHeight,
link.border = link.border, link.lwd = link.lwd, link.lty = link.lty, =, link.sort = link.sort, link.decreasing = link.decreasing,
link.arr.length = link.arr.length, link.arr.width = link.arr.width, link.arr.type = link.arr.type, link.arr.lty = link.arr.lty,
link.arr.lwd = link.arr.lwd, link.arr.col = link.arr.col, link.largest.ontop = link.largest.ontop,
link.visible = link.visible, link.rank = link.rank, link.zindex = link.zindex, link.overlap = link.overlap, scale = scale, group = group, =, =, ...)
} else {
chordDiagramFromDataFrame(x, grid.col = grid.col, grid.border = grid.border, transparency = transparency,
col = col, order = order, directional = directional, direction.type = direction.type,
diffHeight = diffHeight, =, target.prop.height = target.prop.height, reduce = reduce, =, xmax = xmax,
preAllocateTracks = preAllocateTracks, annotationTrack = annotationTrack, annotationTrackHeight = annotationTrackHeight,
link.border = link.border, link.lwd = link.lwd, link.lty = link.lty, =, link.sort = link.sort, link.decreasing = link.decreasing,
link.arr.length = link.arr.length, link.arr.width = link.arr.width, link.arr.type = link.arr.type, link.arr.lty = link.arr.lty,
link.arr.lwd = link.arr.lwd, link.arr.col = link.arr.col, link.largest.ontop = link.largest.ontop,
link.visible = link.visible, link.rank = link.rank, link.zindex = link.zindex, link.overlap = link.overlap, scale = scale, group = group, =, =, ...)
# returns a list, each list containing settings for each new track
parsePreAllocateTracksValue = function(preAllocateTracks) {
lt = list(ylim = c(0, 1),
track.height = circos.par("track.height"),
bg.col = NA,
bg.border = NA,
bg.lty = par("lty"),
bg.lwd = par("lwd"),
track.margin = circos.par("track.margin"))
if(length(preAllocateTracks) && is.numeric(preAllocateTracks)) {
res = vector("list", length = preAllocateTracks)
for(i in seq_len(preAllocateTracks)) {
res[[i]] = lt
} else if(is.list(preAllocateTracks)) {
# list of list
if(all(sapply(preAllocateTracks, is.list))) {
res = vector("list", length = length(preAllocateTracks))
for(i in seq_along(preAllocateTracks)) {
lt2 = lt
for(nm in intersect(names(lt), names(preAllocateTracks[[i]]))) {
lt2[[nm]] = preAllocateTracks[[i]][[nm]]
res[[i]] = lt2
} else {
lt2 = lt
for(nm in intersect(names(lt), names(preAllocateTracks))) {
lt2[[nm]] = preAllocateTracks[[nm]]
} else {
stop_wrap("Wrong `preAllocateTracks` value.")
# values can be:
# - a scalar
# - a matrix
# - a three column data frame
.normalize_to_mat = function(value, rn, cn, default) {
var_name = deparse(substitute(value))
mat = matrix(default, nrow = length(rn), ncol = length(cn))
rownames(mat) = rn
colnames(mat) = cn
if(inherits(value, "data.frame")) {
if(ncol(value) == 3) {
value[[1]] = as.vector(value[[1]])
value[[2]] = as.vector(value[[2]])
value[[3]] = as.vector(value[[3]])
l = value[, 1] %in% rn & value[, 2] %in% cn
value = value[l, , drop = FALSE]
for(i in seq_len(nrow(value))) {
mat[ value[i, 1], value[i, 2] ] = value[i, 3]
} else {
stop_wrap("If ", var_name, " is set as a data frame, it should have three columns.")
} else if(is.atomic(value) && length(value) == 1) {
mat[,] = value
} else if(length(value) == length(rn) * length(cn)) {
mat[,] = value
} else {
if(!is.null(rownames(value)) && !is.null(colnames(value))) {
common_rn = intersect(rownames(value), rn)
common_cn = intersect(colnames(value), cn)
mat[common_rn, common_cn] = value[common_rn, common_cn]
} else {
if(nrow(value) == length(rn) && ncol(value) == length(cn)) {
mat = value
rownames(mat) = rn
colnames(mat) = cn
} else {
stop_wrap("If ", var_name, " is a matrix, it should have both rownames and colnames.")
mat2df = function(mat) {
nr = dim(mat)[1]
nc = dim(mat)[2]
rn = rep(rownames(mat), times = nc)
ri = rep(seq_len(nr), times = nc)
cn = rep(colnames(mat), each = nr)
ci = rep(seq_len(nc), each = nr)
v = as.vector(mat)
df = data.frame(rn = rn, cn = cn, ri = ri, ci = ci, value = v, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# == title
# Plot Chord Diagram from an adjacency matrix
# == param
# -mat A table which represents as a numeric matrix.
# -grid.col Grid colors which correspond to matrix rows/columns (or sectors). The length of the vector should be either 1 or ``length(union(rownames(mat), colnames(mat)))``.
# It's preferred that ``grid.col`` is a named vector of which names correspond to sectors.
# If it is not a named vector, the order of ``grid.col`` corresponds to order of sectors.
# -grid.border border for grids. If it is ``NULL``, the border color is same as grid color
# -transparency Transparency of link colors, 0 means no transparency and 1 means full transparency.
# If transparency is already set in ``col`` or ``row.col`` or ``column.col``, this argument will be ignored.
# ``NA``also ignores this argument.
# -col Colors for links. It can be a matrix which corresponds to ``mat``, or a function which generate colors
# according to values in ``mat``, or a single value which means colors for all links are the same, or a three-column
# data frame in which the first two columns correspond to row names and columns and the third column is colors. You
# may use `colorRamp2` to generate a function which maps values to colors.
# -row.col Colors for links. Links from the same row in ``mat`` will have the same color.
# Length should be same as number of rows in ``mat``. This argument only works when ``col`` is set to ``NULL``.
# -column.col Colors for links. Links from the same column in ``mat`` will have the same color.
# Length should be same as number of columns in ``mat``. This argument only works when ``col`` and ``row.col`` is set to ``NULL``.
# -order Order of sectors. Default order is ``union(df[[1]], df[[2]])``.
# -directional Whether links have directions. 1 means the direction is from the first column in ``df`` to the second column, -1
# is the reverse, 0 is no direction, and 2 for two directional. Same setting as ``link.border``.
# -xmax maximum value on x-axes, the value should be a named vector.
# -direction.type type for representing directions. Can be one or two values in "diffHeight" and "arrows". If the value contains "diffHeight",
# different heights of the links are used to represent the directions for which starting root has long height to give people feeling
# that something is comming out. If the value contains "arrows", users can customize arrows with following arguments.
# Same setting as ``link.border``. Note if you want to set both ``diffHeight``
# and ``arrows`` for certain links, you need to embed these two options into one string such as ``"diffHeight+arrows"``.
# -diffHeight The difference of height between two 'roots' if ``directional`` is set to ``TRUE``. If the value is set to
# a positive value, start root is shorter than end root and if it is set to a negative value, start root is longer
# than the end root.
# If the Chord diagram is directional, for each source sector, whether to draw bars that shows the proportion of
# target sectors.
# -target.prop.height The height of the bars when ```` is turned on.
# -reduce if the ratio of the width of certain grid compared to the whole circle is less than this value, the grid is removed on the plot.
# Set it to value less than zero if you want to keep all tiny grid.
# if there is a self link in one sector, 1 means the link will be degenerated as a 'mountain' and the width corresponds to the value for this connection.
# 2 means the width of the starting root and the ending root all have the width that corresponds to the value for the connection.
# -symmetric Whether the matrix is symmetric. If the value is set to ``TRUE``, only
# lower triangular matrix without the diagonal will be used.
# -keep.diagonal If the matrix is specified as symmetric, whether keep diagonal for visualization.
# -preAllocateTracks Pre-allocate empty tracks before drawing Chord diagram. It can be a single number indicating
# how many empty tracks needed to be created or a list containing settings for empty
# tracks. Please refer to vignette for details.
# -annotationTrack Which annotation track should be plotted? By default, a track containing sector names and a track
# containing grid will be created.
# -annotationTrackHeight Track height corresponding to values in ``annotationTrack``.
# -link.border border for links, single scalar or a matrix with names or a data frame with three columns
# -link.lwd width for link borders, single scalar or a matrix with names or a data frame with three columns
# -link.lty style for link borders, single scalar or a matrix with names or a data frame with three columns
# Ignored.
# -link.sort whether sort links on every sector based on the width of the links on it. The value can be logical. The value can also be string
# "default" which automatically adjusts link orders so that links have minimal overall intersections. The value can also be a string
# "asis" and it is only workable for input as a data frame so that the links have the same orders as in the original data frame.# -link.decreasing for ``link.sort``
# -link.decreasing for ``link.sort``
# -link.arr.length pass to ``. The format of this argument is same as ``link.lwd``.
# -link.arr.width pass to `shape::Arrowhead`. The format of this argument is same as ``link.lwd``.
# -link.arr.type pass to ``, same format as ``link.lwd``. Default value is ``triangle``.
# -link.arr.col color or the single line link which is put in the center of the belt. The format of this argument is same as ``link.lwd``.
# -link.arr.lwd line width ofthe single line link which is put in the center of the belt. The format of this argument is same as ``link.lwd``.
# -link.arr.lty line type of the single line link which is put in the center of the belt. The format of this argument is same as ``link.lwd``.
# -link.largest.ontop controls the order of adding links, whether based on the absolute value?
# -link.visible whether plot the link. The value is logical, if it is set to ``FALSE``, the corresponding link will not
# plotted, but the space is still ocuppied. The format of this argument is same as ``link.lwd``
# -link.rank This is argument is removed.
# -link.zindex order to add links to the circle, a large value means to add it later.
# -link.overlap if it is a directional Chord Diagram, whether the links that come or end in a same sector overlap?
# -scale scale each sector to same width
# -group It contains the group labels and the sector names are used as the names in the vector.
# Gap between row sectors and column sectors.
# Small gap between sectors.
# -... pass to ``
# == details
# Internally, the matrix is transformed to a data frame and sent to `chordDiagramFromDataFrame`.
# == value
# A data frame which contains positions of links, see explanation in `chordDiagram`.
# == seealso
chordDiagramFromMatrix = function(
grid.col = NULL,
grid.border = NA,
transparency = 0.5,
col = NULL,
row.col = NULL,
column.col = NULL,
order = NULL,
directional = 0,
direction.type = "diffHeight",
diffHeight = mm_h(2), = TRUE,
target.prop.height = mm_h(1),
reduce = 1e-5,
xmax = NULL, = 2,
symmetric = FALSE,
keep.diagonal = FALSE,
preAllocateTracks = NULL,
annotationTrack = c("name", "grid", "axis"),
annotationTrackHeight = mm_h(c(3, 2)),
link.border = NA,
link.lwd = par("lwd"),
link.lty = par("lty"), = TRUE,
link.sort = "default",
link.decreasing = TRUE,
link.arr.length = ifelse(link.arr.type == "big.arrow", 0.02, 0.4),
link.arr.width = link.arr.length/2,
link.arr.type = "triangle",
link.arr.lty = par("lty"),
link.arr.lwd = par("lwd"),
link.arr.col = par("col"),
link.largest.ontop = FALSE,
link.visible = TRUE,
link.rank = NULL,
link.zindex = NULL,
link.overlap = FALSE,
scale = FALSE,
group = NULL, = 10, = 1,
...) {
if(!is.matrix(mat)) {
stop_wrap("`mat` can only be a matrix.")
if(length(mat) != 2) {
if(identical(direction.type, c("diffHeight", "arrows")) || identical(direction.type, c("arrows", "diffHeight"))) {
direction.type = "diffHeight+arrows"
if(is.null(link.zindex)) {
link.zindex = 1
transparency = ifelse(transparency < 0, 0, ifelse(transparency > 1, 1, transparency))
if(symmetric) {
if(nrow(mat) != ncol(mat)) {
stop_wrap("`mat` should be a square matrix.")
for(i in 1:10) {
n = sample(nrow(mat), 2)
ir = n[1]
ic = n[2]
if(abs(mat[ir, ic] - mat[ic, ir]) > 1e-8) {
stop("Is `mat` really a symmetric matrix?")
if(is.null(rownames(mat)) && is.null(colnames(mat))) {
rownames(mat) = paste0("S", seq_len(nrow(mat)))
colnames(mat) = paste0("S", seq_len(ncol(mat)))
if(!setequal(rownames(mat), colnames(mat))) {
stop_wrap("Since you specified a symmetric matrix, rownames and colnames should be the same.")
mat[upper.tri(mat, diag = !keep.diagonal)] = 0
mat[] = 0
if(!is.null(order)) {
if(is.null(rownames(mat)) || is.null(colnames(mat))) {
stop_wrap("Since you specified `order`, your matrix should have rowname and colname.")
if(!setequal(order, union(rownames(mat), colnames(mat)))) {
stop_wrap("Elements in `order` should be same as in `union(rownames(mat), colnames(mat))`.")
if(is.null(rownames(mat))) {
rownames(mat) = paste0("R", seq_len(nrow(mat)))
if(is.null(colnames(mat))) {
colnames(mat) = paste0("C", seq_len(ncol(mat)))
# width of the category is almost 0, it means this category has no link to the others
rs = rowSums(abs(mat))
cs = colSums(abs(mat))
nn = union(names(rs), names(cs))
xlim = numeric(length(nn))
names(xlim) = nn
xlim[names(rs)] = xlim[names(rs)] + rs
xlim[names(cs)] = xlim[names(cs)] + cs
# self-link, values are added twice
self_link = intersect(rownames(mat), colnames(mat))
if(length(self_link)) {
xlim[self_link] = xlim[self_link] - abs(diag(mat[self_link, self_link, drop = FALSE]))
keep_index = names(xlim)[xlim / sum(xlim) >= reduce]
if(length(keep_index) < length(xlim)) { = circos.par$
if(length( > 1) {
if(is.null(names( {
if(length(keep_index) != length( {
stop_wrap("`reduce` argument causes reduction of sectors. You can either set `reduce = 0`, or adjust the ``/`gap.after` in `circos.par()` to remove tiny sectors, or set ``/`gap.after` as a named vector where sector names are the vector names (tiny sectors can be included).")
} else {
if(length(setdiff(nn[keep_index], names( == 0) {
} else {
if(length(keep_index) != length( {
stop_wrap("`reduce` argument causes reduction of sectors. You can either set `reduce = 0`, or adjust the ``/`gap.after` in `circos.par()` to remove tiny sectors, or set ``/`gap.after` as a named vector where sector names are the vector names (tiny sectors can be included).")
ri = which(rownames(mat) %in% keep_index)
ci = which(colnames(mat) %in% keep_index)
ri_zero_sum = ri[ rowSums(mat[ri, ci, drop = FALSE]) == 0]
ci_zero_sum = ci[ colSums(mat[ri, ci, drop = FALSE]) == 0]
while(length(ri_zero_sum) || length(ci_zero_sum)) {
ri = setdiff(ri, ri_zero_sum)
ci = setdiff(ci, ci_zero_sum)
ri_zero_sum = ri[ rowSums(mat[ri, ci, drop = FALSE]) == 0]
ci_zero_sum = ci[ colSums(mat[ri, ci, drop = FALSE]) == 0]
# if the matrix is reduced
if(sum(length(ri) + length(ci)) < sum(ncol(mat) + nrow(mat))) {
un = union(rownames(mat), colnames(mat))
nn = union(rownames(mat)[ri], colnames(mat)[ci])
if(length(circos.par("")) == length(un)) { = circos.par("")
circos.par("" =[un %in% nn])
if(!is.null(grid.col)) {
if(is.null(names(grid.col)) && length(grid.col) == length(un)) {
grid.col = grid.col[un %in% nn]
mat = mat[ri, ci, drop = FALSE]
if(is.matrix(col)) {
col = col[ri, ci, drop = FALSE]
if(length(row.col) > 1) {
row.col = row.col[ri]
if(length(column.col) > 1) {
column.col = column.col[ci]
# re-calculate xlim based on reduced mat
rs = rowSums(abs(mat))
cs = colSums(abs(mat))
nn = union(names(rs), names(cs))
xlim = numeric(length(nn))
names(xlim) = nn
if(!is.null(order)) {
xlim = xlim[order]
xlim[names(rs)] = xlim[names(rs)] + rs
xlim[names(cs)] = xlim[names(cs)] + cs
self_link = intersect(rownames(mat), colnames(mat))
if(length(self_link)) {
xlim[self_link] = xlim[self_link] - abs(diag(mat[self_link, self_link, drop = FALSE]))
factors = names(xlim)
factors = factor(factors, levels = factors)
xlim = cbind(rep(0, length(factors)), xlim)
n = length(factors)
if(is.null(grid.col)) {
grid.col = rand_color(n)
names(grid.col) = factors
} else {
if(!is.null(names(grid.col))) {
unnamed_grid = setdiff(factors, names(grid.col))
if(length(unnamed_grid) > 0) {
grid.col = c(grid.col, structure(rand_color(length(unnamed_grid)), names = unnamed_grid))
# stop("Since your ``grid.col`` is a named vector, all sectors should have corresponding colors.\n")
grid.col = grid.col[as.vector(factors)]
} else if(length(grid.col) == 1) {
grid.col = rep(grid.col, n)
names(grid.col) = factors
} else if(length(grid.col) == length(factors)) {
names(grid.col) = factors
} else {
stop_wrap("Since you set ``grid.col``, the length should be either 1 or number of sectors, or set your ``grid.col`` as vector with names.")
rn = rownames(mat)
cn = colnames(mat)
## make a color matrix based on settings
if(!is.null(col)) {
if(is.function(col)) {
col = col(mat)
} else {
col = .normalize_to_mat(col, rn, cn, "#FFFFFF00")
} else if(!is.null(row.col)) {
if(length(row.col) == 1) {
row.col = rep(row.col, nrow(mat))
col = rep(row.col, ncol(mat))
} else if(!is.null(column.col)) {
if(length(column.col) == 1) {
column.col = rep(column.col, ncol(mat))
col = rep(column.col, each = nrow(mat))
} else {
col = rep(grid.col[rownames(mat)], ncol(mat))
rgb_mat = t(col2rgb(col, alpha = TRUE))
if( {
col = rgb(rgb_mat, maxColorValue = 255, alpha = rgb_mat[, 4])
} else if(all(rgb_mat[, 4] == 255)) {
col = rgb(rgb_mat, maxColorValue = 255, alpha = (1-transparency)*255)
} else {
col = rgb(rgb_mat, maxColorValue = 255, alpha = rgb_mat[, 4])
dim(col) = dim(mat)
colnames(col) = colnames(mat)
rownames(col) = rownames(mat)
link.border = .normalize_to_mat(link.border, rn, cn, default = NA)
link.lwd = .normalize_to_mat(link.lwd, rn, cn, default = 1)
link.lty = .normalize_to_mat(link.lty, rn, cn, default = 1)
link.arr.length = .normalize_to_mat(link.arr.length, rn, cn, default = 0.4)
link.arr.width = .normalize_to_mat(link.arr.width, rn, cn, default = 0.2)
link.arr.type = .normalize_to_mat(link.arr.type, rn, cn, default = "triangle")
link.arr.lty = .normalize_to_mat(link.arr.lty, rn, cn, default = 1)
link.arr.lwd = .normalize_to_mat(link.arr.lwd, rn, cn, default = 1)
link.arr.col = .normalize_to_mat(link.arr.col, rn, cn, default = NA)
link.visible = .normalize_to_mat(link.visible, rn, cn, default = NA)
link.zindex = .normalize_to_mat(link.zindex, rn, cn, default = NA)
directional = .normalize_to_mat(directional, rn, cn, default = 0)
direction.type = .normalize_to_mat(direction.type, rn, cn, default = "diffHeight")
df = mat2df(mat)
chordDiagramFromDataFrame(df[c(1, 2, 5)], grid.col = grid.col, grid.border = grid.border, transparency = NA,
col = psubset(col, df$ri, df$ci), order = order, xmax = xmax,
directional = psubset(directional, df$ri, df$ci),
direction.type = psubset(direction.type, df$ri, df$ci),
diffHeight = diffHeight, =, target.prop.height = target.prop.height,
reduce = 0, =,
preAllocateTracks = preAllocateTracks,
annotationTrack = annotationTrack, annotationTrackHeight = annotationTrackHeight, =, link.sort = link.sort, link.decreasing = link.decreasing,
link.border = psubset(link.border, df$ri, df$ci),
link.lwd = psubset(link.lwd, df$ri, df$ci),
link.lty = psubset(link.lty, df$ri, df$ci),
link.arr.length = psubset(link.arr.length, df$ri, df$ci),
link.arr.width = psubset(link.arr.width, df$ri, df$ci),
link.arr.type = psubset(link.arr.type, df$ri, df$ci),
link.arr.lwd = psubset(link.arr.lwd, df$ri, df$ci),
link.arr.lty = psubset(link.arr.lty, df$ri, df$ci),
link.arr.col = psubset(link.arr.col, df$ri, df$ci),
link.largest.ontop = link.largest.ontop,
link.visible = link.visible,
link.rank = link.rank,
link.zindex = link.zindex,
link.overlap = link.overlap,
scale = scale,
group = group, =, =,
# == title
# Plot Chord Diagram from a data frame
# == param
# -df A data frame with at least two columns. The first two columns specify the connections and the third column (optional)
# contains numeric values which are mapped to the width of links as well as the colors if ``col`` is specified as a color mapping function.
# The sectors in the plot will be ``union(df[[1]], df[[2]])``.
# -grid.col Grid colors which correspond to sectors. The length of the vector should be either 1 or the number of sectors.
# It's preferred that ``grid.col`` is a named vector of which names correspond to sectors.
# If it is not a named vector, the order of ``grid.col`` corresponds to order of sectors.
# -grid.border border for grids. If it is ``NULL``, the border color is same as grid color
# -transparency Transparency of link colors, 0 means no transparency and 1 means full transparency.
# If transparency is already set in ``col`` or ``row.col`` or ``column.col``, this argument will be ignored.
# ``NA``also ignores this argument.
# -col Colors for links. It can be a vector which corresponds to connections in ``df``, or a function which generate colors
# according to values (the third column) in ``df``, or a single value which means colors for all links are the same. You
# may use `colorRamp2` to generate a function which maps values to colors.
# -order Order of sectors. Default order is ``union(df[[1]], df[[2]])``.
# -directional Whether links have directions. 1 means the direction is from the first column in ``df`` to the second column, -1
# is the reverse, 0 is no direction, and 2 for two directional. The value can be a vector which has same length as number of rows in ``df``.
# -xmax maximum value on x-axes, the value should be a named vector.
# -direction.type type for representing directions. Can be one or two values in "diffHeight" and "arrows". If the value contains "diffHeight",
# different heights of the links are used to represent the directions for which starting root has long height to give people feeling
# that something is comming out. If the value contains "arrows", users can customize arrows with following arguments.
# The value can be a vector which has same length as number of rows in ``df``. Note if you want to set both ``diffHeight``
# and ``arrows`` for certain links, you need to embed these two options into one string such as ``"diffHeight+arrows"``.
# -diffHeight The difference of height between two 'roots' if ``directional`` is set to ``TRUE``. If the value is set to
# a positive value, start root is shorter than end root and if it is set to a negative value, start root is longer
# than the end root. The value can be a vector which has same length as number of rows in ``df``.
# If the Chord diagram is directional, for each source sector, whether to draw bars that shows the proportion of
# target sectors.
# -target.prop.height The height of the bars when ```` is turned on.
# -reduce if the ratio of the width of certain grid compared to the whole circle is less than this value, the grid is removed on the plot.
# Set it to value less than zero if you want to keep all tiny grid.
# if there is a self link in one sector, 1 means the link will be degenerated as a 'mountain' and the width corresponds to the value for this connection.
# 2 means the width of the starting root and the ending root all have the same width that corresponds to the value for the connection.
# -preAllocateTracks Pre-allocate empty tracks before drawing Chord diagram. It can be a single number indicating
# how many empty tracks needed to be created or a list containing settings for empty
# tracks. Please refer to vignette for details.
# -annotationTrack Which annotation track should be plotted? By default, a track containing sector names and a track
# containing grid will be created.
# -annotationTrackHeight Track height corresponding to values in ``annotationTrack``.
# -link.border border for links, single scalar or a vector which has the same length as nrows of ``df`` or a data frame
# -link.lwd width for link borders, single scalar or a vector which has the same length as nrows of ``df`` or a data frame
# -link.lty style for link borders, single scalar or a vector which has the same length as nrows of ``df`` or a data frame
# Ignored.
# -link.sort whether sort links on every sector based on the width of the links on it. The value can be logical. The value can also be string
# "default" which automatically adjusts link orders so that links have minimal overall intersections. The value can also be a string
# "asis" and it is only workable for input as a data frame so that the links have the same orders as in the original data frame.# -link.decreasing for ``link.sort``
# -link.decreasing for ``link.sort``
# -link.arr.length pass to ``. The format of this argument is same as ``link.lwd``.
# -link.arr.width pass to `shape::Arrowhead`. The format of this argument is same as ``link.lwd``.
# -link.arr.type pass to ``, same settings as ``link.lwd``. Default value is ``triangle``.
# -link.arr.col color or the single line link which is put in the center of the belt. The format of this argument is same as ``link.lwd``.
# -link.arr.lwd line width ofthe single line link which is put in the center of the belt. The format of this argument is same as ``link.lwd``.
# -link.arr.lty line type of the single line link which is put in the center of the belt. The format of this argument is same as ``link.lwd``.
# -link.largest.ontop controls the order of adding links, whether based on the absolute value?
# -link.rank This is argument is removed.
# -link.visible whether plot the link. The value is logical, if it is set to ``FALSE``, the corresponding link will not
# plotted, but the space is still ocuppied. The format of this argument is same as ``link.lwd``
# -link.zindex order to add links to the circle, a large value means to add it later.
# -link.overlap if it is a directional Chord Diagram, whether the links that come or end in a same sector overlap?
# -scale scale each sector to same width
# -group It contains the group labels and the sector names are used as the names in the vector.
# Gaps between the sectors in the first column of ``df`` and sectors in the second column in ``df``.
# Small gap between sectors.
# -plot Internally used.
# -... pass to ``
# == details
# The data frame can have a column named "rank" which is used to control the order of adding links to the diagram.
# == value
# A data frame which contains positions of links, see explanation in `chordDiagram`.
# == seealso
chordDiagramFromDataFrame = function(
grid.col = NULL,
grid.border = NA,
transparency = 0.5,
col = NULL,
order = NULL,
directional = 0,
xmax = NULL,
direction.type = "diffHeight",
diffHeight = convert_height(2, "mm"), = TRUE,
target.prop.height = mm_h(1),
reduce = 1e-5, = 2,
preAllocateTracks = NULL,
annotationTrack = c("name", "grid", "axis"),
annotationTrackHeight = convert_height(c(3, 2), "mm"),
link.border = NA,
link.lwd = par("lwd"),
link.lty = par("lty"), = TRUE,
link.sort = "default",
link.decreasing = TRUE,
link.arr.length = ifelse(link.arr.type == "big.arrow", 0.02, 0.4),
link.arr.width = link.arr.length/2,
link.arr.type = "triangle",
link.arr.lty = par("lty"),
link.arr.lwd = par("lwd"),
link.arr.col = par("col"),
link.largest.ontop = FALSE,
link.visible = TRUE,
link.rank = NULL,
link.zindex = seq_len(nrow(df)),
link.overlap = FALSE,
scale = FALSE,
group = NULL, = 10, = 1,
plot = TRUE,
...) {
if(!is.null(link.rank)) {
stop_wrap("`link.rank` is not supported and will be removed soon. Please use `link.zindex` instead.")
if(nrow(df) != 2) {
if(identical(direction.type, c("diffHeight", "arrows")) || identical(direction.type, c("arrows", "diffHeight"))) {
direction.type = "diffHeight+arrows"
# check the format of the data frame
if(!inherits(df, "data.frame")) {
stop_wrap("`df` must be a data frame.")
df =
if(ncol(df) < 2) {
stop_wrap("`df` should have at least have two columns.")
if(ncol(df) == 2) {
df[, 3] = rep(1, nrow(df))
df[, 4] = df[, 3]
} else {
numeric_column = sapply(df, is.numeric); numeric_column[1:2] = FALSE
if(sum(numeric_column) == 0) {
df[, 3] = rep(1, nrow(df))
df[, 4] = df[, 3]
} else if(sum(numeric_column) == 1) {
df[, 3] = df[, numeric_column]
df[, 4] = df[, 3]
} else if(sum(numeric_column) >= 2) {
v1 = df[, which(numeric_column)[1]]
v2 = df[, which(numeric_column)[2]]
df[, 3] = v1
df[, 4] = v2
if(circos.par$message) message_wrap("There are more than one numeric columns in the data frame. Take the first two numeric columns and draw the link ends with unequal width.\n\nType `circos.par$message = FALSE` to suppress the message.")
if(scale) {
for(nm in unique(df[, 1])) df[ df[, 1] == nm, 4] = df[ df[, 1] == nm, 3]/(sum(abs(df[ df[, 1] == nm, 3])) + sum(abs(df[ df[, 2] == nm, 3])))
for(nm in unique(df[, 2])) df[ df[, 2] == nm, 5] = df[ df[, 2] == nm, 3]/(sum(abs(df[ df[, 2] == nm, 3])) + sum(abs(df[ df[, 1] == nm, 3])))
df[[, 4]), 4] = 0
df[[, 5]), 5] = 0
df = df[, -3]
df2 = df[1:4]
df2[[1]] = as.character(df2[[1]])
df2[[2]] = as.character(df2[[2]])
colnames(df2) = c("rn", "cn", "value1", "value2")
df = df2
nr = nrow(df)
if(is.null(link.zindex)) {
link.zindex = seq_len(nrow(df))
transparency = ifelse(transparency < 0, 0, ifelse(transparency > 1, 1, transparency))
cate = union(df[[1]], df[[2]])
if(!is.null(order)) {
if(length(grid.col) > 1) {
if(is.null(names(grid.col))) {
warning_wrap("Since you have set `order`, you should better set `grid.col` as a named vector where sector names are the vector names, or else the color will be wrongly assigned.")
} else {
if(length(setdiff(cate, names(grid.col))) > 0) {
warning_wrap("Since you have set `order`, you should better set `grid.col` as a named vector where sector names are the vector names (should contain all sectors).")
order = intersect(order, cate)
if(length(order) != length(cate)) {
stop_wrap("`order` should contain names of all sectors.")
if(is.numeric(order)) {
if(!setequal(order, seq_along(cate))) {
stop_wrap("`order` needs to be integers ranging from 1 to", length(cate))
cate = cate[order]
} else {
if(!setequal(order, cate)) {
stop_wrap("`order` should only be picked from sectors.")
cate = order
n = length(cate)
if(is.null(grid.col)) {
grid.col = rand_color(n)
names(grid.col) = cate
} else {
if(length(grid.col) > 1) {
if(!is.null(group)) {
if(is.null(names(grid.col))) {
warning_wrap("Since you have set `group`, you should better set `grid.col` as a named vector where sector names are the vector names, or else the color will be wrongly assigned.")
} else {
if(length(setdiff(cate, names(grid.col))) > 0) {
warning_wrap("Since you have set `group`, you should better set `grid.col` as a named vector where sector names are the vector names (should contain all sectors).")
if(!is.null(names(grid.col))) {
unnamed_grid = setdiff(cate, names(grid.col))
if(length(unnamed_grid) > 0) {
grid.col = c(grid.col, structure(rand_color(length(unnamed_grid)), names = unnamed_grid))
# stop("Since your ``grid.col`` is a named vector, all sectors should have corresponding colors.\n")
grid.col = grid.col[as.vector(cate)]
} else if(length(grid.col) == 1) {
grid.col = rep(grid.col, n)
names(grid.col) = cate
} else if(length(grid.col) == length(cate)) {
names(grid.col) = cate
} else {
stop_wrap("Since you set ``grid.col``, the length should be either 1 or number of sectors, or set your ``grid.col`` as vector with names.")
# colors
if(is.null(col)) {
col = grid.col[df[[1]]]
} else {
if(is.function(col)) {
col = col(pmax(df$value1, df$value2))
} else {
col = rep(col, nr)[1:nr]
rgb_mat = t(col2rgb(col, alpha = TRUE))
if(length(transparency) == nrow(rgb_mat)) {
if(all( {
col = rgb(rgb_mat, maxColorValue = 255)
} else {
col = rgb(rgb_mat, maxColorValue = 255, alpha = (1-transparency)*255)
} else {
if( {
col = rgb(rgb_mat, maxColorValue = 255, alpha = rgb_mat[, 4])
} else if(all(rgb_mat[, 4] == 255)) {
col = rgb(rgb_mat, maxColorValue = 255, alpha = (1-transparency)*255)
} else {
col = rgb(rgb_mat, maxColorValue = 255, alpha = rgb_mat[, 4])
.normalize_to_vector = function(x, link, default) {
n = nrow(link)
if(inherits(x, "data.frame")) {
y = rep(default, n)
xv = x[[3]]
names(xv) = paste(x[[1]], x[[2]], sep = "$%^")
lv = paste(link[[1]], link[[2]], sep = "$%^")
names(y) = lv
y[names(xv)] = xv
} else if(length(x) == 1) {
rep(x, n)
} else {
link.border = .normalize_to_vector(link.border, df[1:2], default = NA)
link.lwd = .normalize_to_vector(link.lwd, df[1:2], default = 1)
link.lty = .normalize_to_vector(link.lty, df[1:2], default = 1)
link.arr.length = .normalize_to_vector(link.arr.length, df[1:2], default = 0.4)
link.arr.width = .normalize_to_vector(link.arr.width, df[1:2], default = 0.2)
link.arr.type = .normalize_to_vector(link.arr.type, df[1:2], default = "triangle")
link.arr.lty = .normalize_to_vector(link.arr.lty, df[1:2], default = 1)
link.arr.lwd = .normalize_to_vector(link.arr.lwd, df[1:2], default = 1)
link.arr.col = .normalize_to_vector(link.arr.col, df[1:2], default = NA)
link.visible = .normalize_to_vector(link.visible, df[1:2], default = NA)
link.zindex = .normalize_to_vector(link.zindex, df[1:2], default = NA)
directional = .normalize_to_vector(directional, df[1:2], default = 0)
direction.type = .normalize_to_vector(direction.type, df[1:2], default = "diffHeight")
# if( {
# od = order(factor(df[, 2], levels = cate),
# factor(df[, 1], levels = cate))
# df = df[od, , drop = FALSE]
# col = col[od]
# link.border = link.border[od]
# link.lwd = link.lwd[od]
# link.lty = link.lty[od]
# link.arr.length = link.arr.length[od]
# link.arr.width = link.arr.width[od]
# link.arr.type = link.arr.type[od]
# link.arr.lty = link.arr.lty[od]
# link.arr.lwd = link.arr.lwd[od]
# link.arr.col = link.arr.col[od]
# link.visible = link.visible[od]
# link.zindex = link.zindex[od]
# directional = directional[od]
# direction.type = direction.type[od]
# }
#### reduce the data frame
onr = nrow(df)
onn = union(df[, 1], df[, 2])
while(1) {
xsum = structure(rep(0, length(cate)), names = cate)
for(i in seq_len(nr)) {
if(df$rn[i] == df$cn[i]) {
xsum[df$rn[i]] = xsum[df$rn[i]] + abs(df$value1[i])
if( == 2) {
xsum[df$rn[i]] = xsum[df$rn[i]] + abs(df$value2[i]) # <<- self-link!!!!!
} else {
xsum[df$rn[i]] = xsum[df$rn[i]] + abs(df$value1[i])
xsum[df$cn[i]] = xsum[df$cn[i]] + abs(df$value2[i])
keep = names(xsum)[xsum / sum(xsum) >= reduce]
l = df$rn %in% keep & df$cn %in% keep
cate = intersect(cate, keep)
df = df[l, , drop = FALSE]
grid.col = grid.col[intersect(names(grid.col), keep)]
col = col[l]
link.border = link.border[l]
link.lwd = link.lwd[l]
link.lty = link.lty[l]
link.arr.length = link.arr.length[l]
link.arr.width = link.arr.width[l]
link.arr.type = link.arr.type[l]
link.arr.lwd = link.arr.lwd[l]
link.arr.lty = link.arr.lty[l]
link.arr.col = link.arr.col[l]
link.visible = link.visible[l]
link.zindex = link.zindex[l]
directional = directional[l]
direction.type = direction.type[l]
nr = nrow(df)
reduce = 1e-10
if(nr == onr) break
onr = nr
nn = union(df[, 1], df[, 2])
if(length(nn) < length(onn)) { = circos.par$
if(length( > 1) {
if(is.null(names( {
if(length(nn) != length( {
stop_wrap("`reduce` argument causes reduction of sectors. You can either set `reduce = 0`, or adjust the ``/`gap.after` in `circos.par()` to remove tiny sectors, or set ``/`gap.after` as a named vector where sector names are the vector names (tiny sectors can be included).")
} else {
if(length(setdiff(nn, names( == 0) {
} else {
if(length(nn) != length( {
stop_wrap("`reduce` argument causes reduction of sectors. You can either set `reduce = 0`, or adjust the ``/`gap.after` in `circos.par()` to remove tiny sectors, or set ``/`gap.after` as a named vector where sector names are the vector names (tiny sectors can be included).")
# re-calcualte xsum
xsum = structure(rep(0, length(cate)), names = cate)
for(i in seq_len(nr)) {
if(df$rn[i] == df$cn[i]) {
xsum[df$rn[i]] = xsum[df$rn[i]] + abs(df$value1[i])
if( == 2) {
xsum[df$rn[i]] = xsum[df$rn[i]] + abs(df$value2[i]) # <<- self-link!!!!!
} else {
xsum[df$rn[i]] = xsum[df$rn[i]] + abs(df$value1[i])
xsum[df$cn[i]] = xsum[df$cn[i]] + abs(df$value2[i])
### group_by ###
gap.after = NULL
if(!is.null(group)) {
# validate `group`
if(is.null(names(group))) {
stop_wrap("`group` should be named vector where names are the sector names and values are the group labels.")
if(length(setdiff(cate, names(group))) > 0) {
stop_wrap("Names in `group` should cover all sector names.")
group = group[intersect(names(group), cate)]
tg = table(group)
group_lt = split(names(group), group)
sn_by_group = unlist(group_lt)
cate = intersect(sn_by_group, cate)
xsum = xsum[cate]
gap.after = c(unlist(lapply(tg, function(x) c(rep(, x-1),
names(gap.after) = sn_by_group
# add additinal columns in df
df$o1 = rep(0, nr) # order of the link root in the sector
df$o2 = rep(0, nr) # order of the other link root in the sector
df$x1 = rep(0, nr) # end position of the link root in the sector
df$x2 = rep(0, nr) # end position on the other link root in the sector
######## sort links on every sector
# row first
.order = function(x, sort = FALSE, reverse = FALSE) {
if(sort) {
od = order(x)
} else {
od = seq_along(x)
if(reverse) {
od = rev(od)
if(length(link.sort) == 1) link.sort = rep(link.sort, 2)
if(length(link.decreasing) == 1) link.decreasing = rep(link.decreasing, 2)
if(identical(link.sort[1], "default")) {
od = tapply(seq_len(nrow(df)), df$rn, function(ind) {
rn = df[ind[1], "rn"]
cn = df[ind, "cn"]
fa = c(cate, cate)
i = which(fa == rn)[1]
fa = fa[seq(i, i + length(cate) - 1)]
order(factor(cn, levels = fa), decreasing = TRUE)
} else if(identical(link.sort[1], "asis")) {
od = tapply(abs(df$value1), df$rn, .order, FALSE, FALSE)
} else if(identical(link.sort[1], FALSE)) {
od = tapply(abs(df$value1), df$rn, .order, FALSE, link.decreasing[1])
} else {
# position of root 1
od = tapply(abs(df$value1), df$rn, .order, link.sort[1], link.decreasing[1])
for(nm in names(od)) { # for each sector
l = df$rn == nm # rows in df that correspond to current sector
df$o1[l] = od[[nm]] # adjust rows according to the order in current sector
df$x1[l][od[[nm]]] = cumsum(abs(df$value1[l])[od[[nm]]]) # position
l2 = df$rn == nm & df$cn == nm
if(sum(l2)) { # there is a self link
if( == 1) {
df$x2[l2] = df$x1[l2]+abs(df$value1[l2])*0.000001
max_o1 = sapply(od, max)
sum_1 = tapply(abs(df$value1), df$rn, sum)
# position of root 2
if(identical(link.sort[2], "default")) {
od = tapply(seq_len(nrow(df)), df$cn, function(ind) {
cn = df[ind[1], "cn"]
rn = df[ind, "rn"]
fa = c(cate, cate)
i = which(fa == cn)[1]
fa = fa[seq(i, i + length(cate) - 1)]
# for the ordering of duplicated rows
v = numeric(length(rn))
for(x in unique(rn)) {
l = rn == x
v[l] = seq_len(sum(l))
order(factor(rn, levels = fa), v, decreasing = TRUE)
} else if(identical(link.sort[2], "asis")) {
od = tapply(abs(df$value2), df$cn, .order, FALSE, FALSE)
} else if(identical(link.sort[2], FALSE)) {
od = tapply(abs(df$value2), df$cn, .order, FALSE, link.decreasing[2])
} else {
od = tapply(abs(df$value2), df$cn, .order, link.sort[2], link.decreasing[2])
for(nm in names(od)) {
if(![nm])) { # if cn already in rn
l = df$cn == nm
if( == 1) {
l2 = ! df$rn[l] == nm # self link
# od[[nm]][l2] = order(od[[nm]][l2])
if(sum(l2)) {
od[[nm]] = order(od[[nm]][l2])
} else {
l2 = rep(TRUE, sum(l))
df$o2[l][l2] = od[[nm]] + max_o1[nm]
df$x2[l][l2][ od[[nm]] ] = cumsum(abs(df$value2[l][l2])[ od[[nm]] ]) + sum_1[nm]
} else {
l = df$cn == nm
df$o2[l] = od[[nm]]
df$x2[l][od[[nm]]] = cumsum(abs(df$value2[l])[od[[nm]]])
if( == 1) {
l = df$rn == df$cn
df$x1[l] = pmin(df$x1[l], df$x2[l])
df$x2[l] = pmin(df$x1[l], df$x2[l])
if(!is.null(xmax)) {
overlap = intersect(names(xmax), names(xsum))
xmax = xmax[overlap]
xmax = xmax[xmax > xsum[overlap]]
if(length(xmax)) {
xsum[names(xmax)] = xmax
if(link.overlap) {
if(!directional) {
warning("`link.overlap` should be used with directional = 1 or -1.")
x1_sum = tapply(df$x1, df$rn, max)[names(xsum)]
x1_sum[] = 0; names(x1_sum) = names(xsum)
x2_sum = tapply(df$x2, df$cn, max)[names(xsum)] - x1_sum
x2_sum[] = 0; names(x2_sum) = names(xsum)
df$x2 = df$x2 - x1_sum[df$cn]
xsum = pmax(x1_sum, x2_sum)
if(!plot) return(df)
o.cell.padding = circos.par("cell.padding")
circos.par(cell.padding = c(0, 0, 0, 0)) = circos.par("") = circos.par("gap.after")
o.points.overflow.warning = circos.par("points.overflow.warning")
circos.par("points.overflow.warning" = FALSE)
### group_by ###
if(!is.null(gap.after)) {
circos.par(gap.after = gap.after)
if((identical(circos.par("gap.after"), 1))) { # gap.after is not set in circos.par()
if(length(intersect(df[, 1], df[, 2])) == 0) {
ind1 = which(cate %in% df[, 1])
ind2 = which(cate %in% df[, 2])
if(max(ind1) < min(ind2) || max(ind2) < min(ind1)) {
n_df1 = length(unique(df[, 1]))
n_df2 = length(unique(df[, 2]))
s1 = sum(abs(df[, 3]))
s2 = sum(abs(df[, 4]))
if(cate[1] %in% df[ ,2]) {
foo = n_df1
n_df1 = n_df2
n_df2 = foo
foo = s1
s1 = s2
s2 = foo
n_sector = n_df1 + n_df2
d1 = (360 -*(n_sector - 2) -*2) * (s1/(s1 + s2)) +*(n_df1-1)
if(circos.par$ == 1) circos.par$ = 0
if(circos.par$clock.wise) {
start_degree = circos.par$ - (180 - d1)/2
} else {
start_degree = circos.par$ + (180 - d1)/2
gap.after = c(rep(, n_df1 - 1),, rep(, n_df2 - 1),
suppressWarnings(circos.par( = start_degree, gap.after = gap.after))
} else {
# warning("The two sets of sectors overlap, ignore ``.")
} else {
# warning("You have changed the default value of circos.par('') or circos.par('gap.after').\nIgnore `` argument.")
circos.initialize(factors = factor(cate, levels = cate), xlim = cbind(rep(0, length(xsum)), xsum))
# pre allocate track
if(!is.null(preAllocateTracks)) {
pa = parsePreAllocateTracksValue(preAllocateTracks)
for(i in seq_along(pa)) {
va = pa[[i]]
circos.trackPlotRegion(ylim = va$ylim, track.height = va$track.height,
bg.col = va$bg.col, bg.border = va$bg.border, bg.lty = va$bg.lty, bg.lwd = va$bg.lwd,
track.margin = va$track.margin)
if("name" %in% annotationTrack) {
circos.trackPlotRegion(ylim = c(0, 1), bg.border = NA, = function(x, y) {
xlim ="xlim")
current.sector.index ="sector.index")
i ="sector.numeric.index")
circos.text(mean(xlim), 0.9, labels = current.sector.index, cex = 0.8,
facing = "inside", niceFacing = TRUE, adj = c(0.5, 0))
}, track.height = annotationTrackHeight[which(annotationTrack %in% "name")])
if("grid" %in% annotationTrack) {
circos.trackPlotRegion(ylim = c(0, 1), bg.border = NA, = function(x, y) {
xlim ="xlim")
current.sector.index ="sector.index")
if(is.null(grid.border)) {
border.col = grid.col[current.sector.index]
} else {
border.col = grid.border
circos.rect(xlim[1], 0, xlim[2], 1, col = grid.col[current.sector.index], border = border.col)
if("axis" %in% annotationTrack) {
if(scale) {
circos.axis("top", labels = function(x) {paste0(round(x*100), "%")}, labels.cex = 0.5)
} else {
circos.axis("top", labels.cex = 0.5)
}, track.height = annotationTrackHeight[which(annotationTrack %in% "grid")])
rou = get_most_inside_radius()
rou1 = numeric(nr)
rou2 = numeric(nr)
for(i in seq_len(nr)) {
if(directional[i]) {
if(grepl("diffHeight", direction.type[i])) {
if(directional[i] == 1) {
if(diffHeight > 0) {
rou1[i] = rou - diffHeight
rou2[i] = rou
} else {
rou1[i] = rou
rou2[i] = rou + diffHeight
} else if(directional[i] == -1) {
if(diffHeight > 0) {
rou1[i] = rou
rou2[i] = rou - diffHeight
} else {
rou1[i] = rou + diffHeight
rou2[i] = rou
} else if(directional[i] == 2) {
if(diffHeight > 0) {
rou1[i] = rou - diffHeight
rou2[i] = rou - diffHeight
} else {
rou1[i] = rou + diffHeight
rou2[i] = rou + diffHeight
} else {
rou1[i] = rou
rou2[i] = rou
} else {
rou1[i] = rou
rou2[i] = rou
if(link.largest.ontop) {
link_order = order(pmax(abs(df$value1), abs(df$value2)), decreasing = FALSE)
} else {
link_order = order(link.zindex)
for(k in link_order) {
if(abs(df$value1[k])/sum(abs(df$value1)) < 1e-6 && abs(df$value2[k])/sum(abs(df$value2)) < 1e-6) next
if(link.visible[k] && col[k] != "#FFFFFF00") {
if(setequal(direction.type, c("diffHeight"))) {$rn[k], c(df$x1[k] - abs(df$value1[k]), df$x1[k]),
df$cn[k], c(df$x2[k] - abs(df$value2[k]), df$x2[k]),
directional = 0, col = col[k], rou1 = rou1[k], rou2 = rou2[k],
border = link.border[k], lwd = link.lwd[k], lty = link.lty[k],
} else if(grepl("arrows", direction.type[k])) {$rn[k], c(df$x1[k] - abs(df$value1[k]), df$x1[k]),
df$cn[k], c(df$x2[k] - abs(df$value2[k]), df$x2[k]),
directional = directional[k], col = col[k], rou1 = rou1[k], rou2 = rou2[k],
border = link.border[k],
lwd = link.lwd[k], lty = link.lty[k],
arr.length = link.arr.length[k], arr.width = link.arr.width[k],
arr.type = link.arr.type[k], arr.col = link.arr.col[k],
arr.lty = link.arr.lty[k], arr.lwd = link.arr.lwd[k],
df$col = col
if( && all(grepl("diffHeight", direction.type)) && min(diffHeight) > 0) {
if(all(directional %in% c(1, 2))) {
last.track.index = rev(get.all.track.index())[1]
for(i in seq_len(nrow(df))) {
if(abs(df$value1[i]) > 0 && link.visible[i] && col[i] != "#FFFFFF00") {
set.current.cell(sector.index = df$rn[i], track.index = last.track.index)
bar_h = convert_h_from_canvas_to_data(min(target.prop.height, min(diffHeight)))
rect_y = convert_h_from_canvas_to_data("track.margin", track.index = last.track.index)[1] + circos.par("track.margin")[2])
circos.rect(df[i, "x1"], -rect_y,
df[i, "x1"] - abs(df[i, "value1"]), -rect_y - bar_h,
col = grid.col[df$cn[i]], border = NA)
if(all(directional %in% c(-1, 2))) {
last.track.index = rev(get.all.track.index())[1]
for(i in seq_len(nrow(df))) {
if(abs(df$value1[i]) > 0 && link.visible[i] && col[i] != "#FFFFFF00") {
set.current.cell(sector.index = df$cn[i], track.index = last.track.index)
bar_h = convert_h_from_canvas_to_data(min(target.prop.height, min(diffHeight)))
circos.rect(df[i, "x2"], -mm_y(1),
df[i, "x2"] - abs(df[i, "value2"]), -mm_y(1) - bar_h,
col = grid.col[df$rn[i]], border = NA)
suppressWarnings(circos.par("cell.padding" = o.cell.padding, "" =,
"gap.after" =, "points.overflow.warning" = o.points.overflow.warning))
# convert a height measured in canvas coord to the height in a data coord
convert_h_from_canvas_to_data = function(h,
sector.index = get.current.sector.index(),
track.index = get.current.track.index()) {
yplot ="yplot", sector.index = sector.index, track.index = track.index)
cell.ylim ="cell.ylim", sector.index = sector.index, track.index = track.index)
h/abs(yplot[2] - yplot[1]) * (cell.ylim[2] - cell.ylim[1])
psubset = function(mat, ri, ci) {
return(mat[ri + (ci - 1) * nrow(mat)])
# == title
# Calculate gaps to make two Chord diagrams in the same scale
# == param
# -x1 The matrix or the data frame for the first Chord diagram.
# -x2 The matrix or the data frame for the second Chord diagram.
# ```` for the first Chord diagram.
# ```` for both Chord diagrams.
# == details
# Both Chord diagrams should be both two-group Chord diagram.
# == value
# A numeric value which can be directly set to ```` in the second Chord diagram.
# == examples
# set.seed(123)
# mat1 = matrix(sample(20, 25, replace = TRUE), 5)
# chordDiagram(mat1, directional = 1, grid.col = rep(1:5, 2), transparency = 0.5,
# = 10, = 1)
# mat2 = mat1 / 2
# gap = calc_gap(mat1, mat2, = 10, = 1)
# chordDiagram(mat2, directional = 1, grid.col = rep(1:5, 2), transparency = 0.5,
# = gap, = 1)
calc_gap = function(x1, x2, = 10, = 1) {
if(is.matrix(x1)) {
sum1 = sum(abs(x1))
n1 = nrow(x1)
n2 = ncol(x1)
} else {
sum1 = sum(abs(x1[, 3]))
n1 = length(unique(x1[, 1]))
n2 = length(unique(x1[, 2]))
sum_gap1 = sum(c(rep(, n1 - 1),, rep(, n2 - 1),
if(is.matrix(x2)) {
sum2 = sum(abs(x2))
n1 = nrow(x2)
n2 = ncol(x2)
} else {
sum2 = sum(abs(x2[, 3]))
n1 = length(unique(x2[, 1]))
n2 = length(unique(x2[, 2]))
sum_gap2 = sum(rep(, n1 + n2 - 2))
if(sum1 < sum2) {
stop_wrap("Sum of `x1` should be larger than the sum of `x2`.")
percent = sum2 / sum1 = (360 - sum_gap1) * (1 - percent)
( - sum_gap2)/2
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