## Copyright (C) 2016 Marius Hofert, Ivan Kojadinovic, Martin Maechler, and Jun Yan
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
## the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
## Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
## version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
## ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
## FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
## details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
## this program; if not, see <>.
### Virtual class of asymmetric copulas
setClass("asymCopula", contains = c("parCopula", "VIRTUAL"))
### Virtual class of asymmetric copulas constructed from two d-dimensional copulas
setClass("asym2Copula", contains = c("asymCopula", "VIRTUAL"),
slots = c(
copula1 = "parCopula",
copula2 = "parCopula",
shapes = "numeric"
validity = function(object) {
if((d <- dim(object@copula1)) != dim(object@copula2))
"The argument copulas are not of the same dimension"
else if(d != length(object@shapes))
"The length of 'shapes' is not equal to the dimension of the copulas"
else TRUE
### Potentially asymmetric d-dimensional copulas of the form C(u^{1-a}) * D(u^a)
### This construction is known as Khoudraji's device
setClass("khoudrajiCopula", contains = "asym2Copula")
## slots *and* validity currently from 'asym2Copula' !
### Bivariate Khoudraji copulas
### Can be constructed from any bivariate copulas
setClass("khoudrajiBivCopula", contains = "khoudrajiCopula",
validity = function(object)
if(dim(object@copula1) != 2)
"The argument copulas must be of dimension two"
else TRUE
### Khoudraji *explicit* copulas
### Explicit refers to the fact that the two d-dimensional copulas
### have explicit cdfs and pdfs
setClass("khoudrajiExplicitCopula", contains = "khoudrajiCopula",
slots = c(
exprdist = "expression"
## ,
## derExprs1 = "expression",
## derExprs2 = "expression"
## validity = function(object) {
## ## TODO: check exprdist, derExprs[12]
## },
### Basic methods
## dimension
setMethod("dim", signature("khoudrajiCopula"), function(x) dim(x@copula1))
## logical indicating which parameters are free
setMethod("isFree", signature("khoudrajiCopula"), function(copula)
c(isFree(copula@copula1), isFree(copula@copula2), isFreeP(copula@shapes)))
## number of (free / all) parameters :
setMethod("nParam", signature("khoudrajiCopula"), function(copula, freeOnly=FALSE)
nParam(copula@copula1, freeOnly=freeOnly) +
nParam(copula@copula2, freeOnly=freeOnly) +
(if(freeOnly) nFree else length)(copula@shapes))
## parameter names for freeOnly parameters
setMethod("paramNames", signature("khoudrajiCopula"), function(x) {
c(if(nParam(x@copula1, freeOnly=TRUE) > 0L) paste0("c1.", paramNames(x@copula1)),
if(nParam(x@copula2, freeOnly=TRUE) > 0L) paste0("c2.", paramNames(x@copula2)),
paste0("shape", 1L:dim(x))[isFreeP(x@shapes)])
## get parameters
setMethod("getTheta", signature("khoudrajiCopula"),
function(copula, freeOnly = TRUE, attr = FALSE, named = attr) {
par1 <- getTheta(copula@copula1, freeOnly = freeOnly, attr = attr, named = named)
par2 <- getTheta(copula@copula2, freeOnly = freeOnly, attr = attr, named = named)
fixed <- attr(copula@shapes, "fixed")
d <- dim(copula)
ns <- if (freeOnly) nFree(copula@shapes) else d
sel <- if (!is.null(fixed) && freeOnly) !fixed else TRUE
par <- if (named)
c(if (length(par1) > 0) setNames(par1, paste0("c1.", names(par1))) else NULL,
if (length(par2) > 0) setNames(par2, paste0("c2.", names(par2))) else NULL,
setNames(copula@shapes[sel], paste0("shape", 1:d)[sel]))
else c(par1, par2, copula@shapes[sel])
if (!attr)
param.lowbnd = c(attr(par1, "param.lowbnd"),
attr(par2, "param.lowbnd"), rep(0, ns)),
param.upbnd = c(attr(par1, "param.upbnd"),
attr(par2, "param.upbnd"), rep(1, ns)))
## set free parameters
setMethod("freeParam<-", signature("khoudrajiCopula", "numeric"),
function(copula, value) {
n1 <- nParam(copula@copula1, freeOnly=TRUE)
n2 <- nParam(copula@copula2, freeOnly=TRUE)
ns <- nFree(copula@shapes)
if (n1 + n2 + ns != length(value))
stop("the length of 'value' is not equal to the number of free parameters")
if (n1 > 0L) freeParam(copula@copula1) <- value[1:n1]
if (n2 > 0L) freeParam(copula@copula2) <- value[n1 + 1:n2]
if (ns > 0L) {
fixed <- !isFreeP(copula@shapes)
copula@shapes[!fixed] <- value[n1 + n2 + 1:ns]
## set parameters
setMethod("setTheta", "khoudrajiCopula",
function(x, value, na.ok = TRUE, noCheck = FALSE, freeOnly=TRUE, ...) {
stopifnot(is.numeric(value) | (ina <-
if(any(ina)) {
if(!na.ok) stop("NA value, but 'na.ok' is not TRUE")
## vectorized (and partial) value <- NA_real_
if(!is.double(value)) storage.mode(value) <- "double"
n1 <- nParam(x@copula1, freeOnly=freeOnly)
n2 <- nParam(x@copula2, freeOnly=freeOnly)
ns <- (if(freeOnly) nFree else length)(x@shapes)
if (n1 + n2 + ns != length(value))
"'length(value)' is not equal to the number of free parameters"
"'length(value)' is not equal to the number of parameters")
if (n1 > 0L) x@copula1 <- setTheta(x@copula1, value[1:n1],
na.ok = na.ok, noCheck = noCheck, freeOnly = freeOnly, ...)
if (n2 > 0L) x@copula2 <- setTheta(x@copula2, value[n1 + 1:n2],
na.ok = na.ok, noCheck = noCheck, freeOnly = freeOnly, ...)
valshapes <- value[n1 + n2 + 1:ns]
if(all(ina.s <- || noCheck ||
all(ina.s | (0 <= valshapes & valshapes <= 1)))
## parameter constraints are fulfilled
x@shapes[if(freeOnly) isFreeP(x@shapes) else seq_along(valshapes)] <- valshapes
stop(gettextf("some shapes (=%s) are not between 0 and 1",
format(valshapes)), domain=NA)
## set or modify "fixedness" of parameters
setMethod("fixedParam<-", signature("khoudrajiCopula", "logical"),
function(copula, value) {
stopifnot(length(value) %in% c(1L, nParam(copula)))
## JY: seems not needed?
## if (isFALSE(value) || !any(value))
## copula
if (anyNA(getTheta(copula, freeOnly = FALSE)[value])) stop("Fixed parameters cannot be NA.")
n1 <- nParam(copula@copula1)
n2 <- nParam(copula@copula2)
if (isFALSE(value) || !any(value)) {
if (n1 > 0L) fixedParam(copula@copula1) <- FALSE
if (n2 > 0L) fixedParam(copula@copula2) <- FALSE
attr(copula@shapes, "fixed") <- NULL
} else if (isTRUE(value) || all(value)) {
if (n1 > 0L) fixedParam(copula@copula1) <- TRUE
if (n2 > 0L) fixedParam(copula@copula2) <- TRUE
attr(copula@shapes, "fixed") <- TRUE
} else {
if (n1 > 0L) fixedParam(copula@copula1) <- value[1:n1]
if (n2 > 0L) fixedParam(copula@copula2) <- value[n1 + 1:n2]
ns <- length(copula@shapes)
attr(copula@shapes, "fixed") <-
if (!any(v12 <- value[n1 + n2 + 1:ns])) NULL
else if (all(v12)) TRUE else v12
## describe copula
setMethod(describeCop, c("khoudrajiCopula", "character"), function(x, kind, prefix="", ...) {
switch(kind <- match.arg(kind),
"very short" = paste0(prefix, "Khoudraji copula constructed from\n",
prefix, describeCop(x@copula1, "very short",
paste0(prefix, " ")),
"\n", ## "\nand\n",
prefix, describeCop(x@copula2, "very short",
paste0(prefix, " "))),
"short" = paste0(prefix, "Khoudraji copula, dim. d = ", dim(x),
", constructed from\n",
prefix, describeCop(x@copula1, "very short",
paste0(prefix, " ")),
"\n", ## "\nand\n",
prefix, describeCop(x@copula2, "very short",
paste0(prefix, " "))),
"long" = paste0(prefix, "Khoudraji copula constructed from\n",
prefix, describeCop(x@copula1, kind, paste0(prefix, " ")),
"\n", ## "\nand\n",
prefix, describeCop(x@copula2, kind, paste0(prefix, " "))))
### Generators for Khoudraji copulas
## C(u_1^{1-a_1}, u_2^{1-a_2}) * D(u_1^a_1, u_2^a_1) = C(g(u, 1-a)) * D(g(u, a))
KhoudFn <-
g = function(u, a) u^a,
## inverse of g :
ig = function(u, a) u^(1 / a),
## derivative wrt u :
dgdu = function(u, a) a * u^(a - 1)
### Constructor of Khoudraji copulas
##' Creates a khoudrajiBivCopula object, a khoudrajiExplicitCopula
##' or a khoudrajCopula object
##' @title Creates a khoudrajiBivCopula object, a khoudrajiExplicitCopula
##' or a khoudrajCopula object
##' @param copula1 a copula
##' @param copula2 a copula
##' @param shapes a numeric of length dim(copula) with elements in [0,1]
##' @return a new khoudrajiBivCopula, khoudrajiExplicitCopula
##' or a khoudrajCopula object
##' @author Jun Yan and Ivan Kojadinovic
khoudrajiCopula <- function(copula1 = indepCopula(), copula2 = indepCopula(dim=d),
shapes = rep(NA_real_, dim(copula1))) {
d <- dim(copula1)
## if both explicit, creat a khoudrajiExplicitCopula object
## (for which pdrCopula will work)
## else if d==2, create a khoudrajiBivCopula object
## (for which pdrCopula will work)
## else (d > 2) create a khoudrajiCopula object
## (for which only prCopula will work)
## check if copula1 and copula2 have 'exprdist' slots
areBothExplicit <- isExplicit(copula1) && isExplicit(copula2)
## non-explicit Khourdraji copulas
if (!areBothExplicit)
new(if (d == 2) "khoudrajiBivCopula" else "khoudrajiCopula",
copula1 = copula1,
copula2 = copula2,
shapes = shapes)
else ## both components are explicit
khoudrajiExplicitCopula(copula1, copula2, shapes)
##' @title Check if a copula is explicit
##' @param copula A copula object
##' @return TRUE if explicit FALSE otherwise
##' @author Jun Yan
isExplicit <- function(copula) {
.hasSlot(copula, "exprdist") && is.language(copula@exprdist)
##' @title Prepare the Expressions in CDF of Khoudraji Copula
##' @param copula A copula object
##' @param prefix A character string "c1." or "c2." to rename the parameters
##' @param om Logical, standing for one minus. If TRUE 1 - u else u
##' @return An expression of C( u^shape) or C( (1 - u)^shape )
prepKhoudrajiCdfExpr <- function(copula, prefix, om = FALSE) {
d <- dim(copula)
cdf <- copula@exprdist$cdf
## originally, explicit copula expressions have alpha as parameter
## cdf <-, list(cdf, list(alpha = quote(param))))
oldParNames <- names(getTheta(copula, freeOnly=FALSE, named=TRUE)) # paramNames(copula)
npar <- length(oldParNames)
## replace parameters
if (npar > 0) {
newParNames <- paste0(prefix, oldParNames)
rep.l <- parse(text = paste0(
paste0(oldParNames, " = quote(", newParNames, ")",
collapse = ", "),
cdf <-, list(cdf, eval(rep.l)))
## replace ui with ui^shapei or ui^(1 - ^shapei)
rep.l <- parse(text = paste0(
paste0("u", 1:d, " = quote( (u", 1:d, ")^(",
if (om) "1 - shape" else "shape", 1:d, ") )",
collapse = ", "),
## return cdf, list(cdf, eval(rep.l)))
khoudrajiExplicitCopula <- function(copula1 = indepCopula(),
copula2 = indepCopula(dim = d),
shapes = rep(NA_real_, dim(copula1))) {
d <- dim(copula1)
cdf <- as.expression(substitute( (part1) * (part2),
list(part1 = prepKhoudrajiCdfExpr(copula1, "c1.", TRUE), # C_1(u)^ s
part2 = prepKhoudrajiCdfExpr(copula2, "c2.", FALSE)))) # C_2(u)^(1-s)
pdf <- if (d <= 6) cdfExpr2pdfExpr(cdf, d)
else {
warning("The pdf is only available for dim 6 or lower.")
exprdist <- structure(c(cdf = cdf, pdf = pdf),
cdfalgr = deriv(cdf, "nothing"), # <-- FIXME; far from "optimal"
pdfalgr = deriv(pdf, "nothing")) # <-- (ditto)
copula1 = copula1,
copula2 = copula2,
shapes = shapes,
exprdist = exprdist)
## In CRAN's copula up to 0.999-14 i.e mid-2016: --> deprecated now
asymCopula <-
asymExplicitCopula <- function(shapes, copula1, copula2) {
.Deprecated("khoudrajiCopula(c.1, c.2, shapes) -- *reordered* arguments")
khoudrajiCopula(copula1, copula2, shapes)
### Methods for all Khoudraji copulas
## pCopula: for all Khoudraji copulas
pKhoudrajiCopula <- function(u, copula, ...) {
d <- dim(copula)
tu <- if(is.matrix(u)) t(u) else matrix(u, nrow = d)
p1 <- pCopula(t(tu^(1 - copula@shapes)), copula@copula1)
p2 <- pCopula(t(tu^copula@shapes), copula@copula2)
p1 * p2
setMethod("pCopula", signature("matrix", "khoudrajiCopula"), pKhoudrajiCopula)
## rCopula: for all Khoudraji copulas
setMethod("rCopula", signature("numeric", "khoudrajiCopula"),
function(n, copula) {
u <- rCopula(n, copula@copula1)
v <- rCopula(n, copula@copula2)
d <- dim(copula)
x <- matrix(NA, n, d)
ig <- KhoudFn$ig
for (i in seq_len(d)) {
x[,i] <- pmax(ig(u[,i], 1 - copula@shapes[i]),
ig(v[,i], copula@shapes[i]))
### Methods for bivariate Khoudraji copulas
## dCopula: Restricted to *bivariate* copulas
dKhoudrajiBivCopula <- function(u, copula, log = FALSE, ...) {
a1 <- copula@shapes[1]
a2 <- copula@shapes[2]
## the density can be computed only if dCdu is implemented for argument copulas
if (!hasMethod(dCdu, class(copula@copula1)) ||
!hasMethod(dCdu, class(copula@copula2)))
stop("The argument copulas must both have the 'dCdu()' method implemented")
g <- KhoudFn$g ; dgdu <- KhoudFn$dgdu
gu1 <- cbind(g(u[,1], 1 - a1), g(u[,2], 1 - a2))
gu2 <- cbind(g(u[,1], a1), g(u[,2], a2))
dC1du <- dCdu(copula@copula1, gu1)
dC2du <- dCdu(copula@copula2, gu2)
ddu1_ <- dgdu(u[,1], 1 - a1)
ddu1 <- dgdu(u[,1], a1)
ddu2_ <- dgdu(u[,2], 1 - a2)
ddu2 <- dgdu(u[,2], a2)
part1 <- dCopula(gu1, copula@copula1) * ddu1_ * ddu2_ *
pCopula(gu2, copula@copula2)
part2 <- dC1du[,1] * ddu1_ * ddu2 * dC2du[,2]
part3 <- dC1du[,2] * ddu2_ * ddu1 * dC2du[,1]
part4 <- pCopula(gu1, copula@copula1) * dCopula(gu2, copula@copula2) * ddu2 * ddu1
## FIXME: use lsum() and similar to get much better numerical accuracy for log - case
log(part1 + part2 + part3 + part4)
else part1 + part2 + part3 + part4
setMethod("dCopula", signature("matrix", "khoudrajiBivCopula"),
## A: Restricted to *bivariate* Khoudraji copulas
## A: Pickands dependence function only if copula1 and copula2 are extreme-value
# setMethod("A", signature("khoudrajiBivCopula"), function(copula, w) {
setMethod("A", signature("khoudrajiCopula"), function(copula, w) {
## A() can be computed only if the argument copulas are extreme-value copulas
isEV <- function(C) is(C, "indepCopula") || is(C, "evCopula")
if(!(isEV(C1 <- copula@copula1) &&
isEV(C2 <- copula@copula2)))
stop("For Pickands A(<khoudrajiCop.>) both component copulas must be extreme-value ones")
a1 <- copula@shapes[1]; a2 <- copula@shapes[2]
den1 <- (1 - a1) * (1 - w) + (1 - a2) * w
den2 <- a1 * (1 - w) + a2 * w
t1 <- (1 - a2) * w / den1; t1[] <- 1
t2 <- a2 * w / den2; t2[] <- 1
den1 * A(C1, t1) + den2 * A(C2, t2)
## dCdu: Restricted to *bivariate* Khoudraji copulas
setMethod("dCdu", signature("khoudrajiBivCopula"),
function(copula, u, ...) {
## dCdu can be computed only if dCdu is implemented for argument copulas
if (!hasMethod(dCdu, class(copula@copula1)) ||
!hasMethod(dCdu, class(copula@copula2)))
stop("The argument copulas must both have the 'dCdu()' method implemented")
a1 <- copula@shapes[1]
a2 <- copula@shapes[2]
g <- KhoudFn$g ; dgdu <- KhoudFn$dgdu
gu1 <- cbind(g(u[,1], 1 - a1), g(u[,2], 1 - a2))
gu2 <- cbind(g(u[,1], a1), g(u[,2], a2))
dC1du <- dCdu(copula@copula1, gu1)
dC2du <- dCdu(copula@copula2, gu2)
pC1gu1 <- pCopula(gu1, copula@copula1)
pC2gu2 <- pCopula(gu2, copula@copula2)
cbind(dgdu(u[,1], 1 - a1) * dC1du[,1] * pC2gu2 + pC1gu1 * dgdu(u[,1], a1) * dC2du[,1],
dgdu(u[,2], 1 - a2) * dC1du[,2] * pC2gu2 + pC1gu1 * dgdu(u[,2], a2) * dC2du[,2])
## dCdtheta: Restricted to *bivariate* Khoudraji copulas
setMethod("dCdtheta", signature("khoudrajiBivCopula"),
function(copula, u, ...) {
a1 <- copula@shapes[1]
a2 <- copula@shapes[2]
## dCdu can be computed only if dCdu is implemented for argument copulas
if (!hasMethod(dCdu, class(copula@copula1)) ||
!hasMethod(dCdu, class(copula@copula2)))
stop("The argument copulas must both have the 'dCdu()' method implemented")
free <- isFreeP(copula@shapes)
g <- KhoudFn$g
gu1 <- cbind(g(u[,1], 1 - a1), g(u[,2], 1 - a2))
gu2 <- cbind(g(u[,1], a1), g(u[,2], a2))
dC1du <- dCdu(copula@copula1, gu1)
dC2du <- dCdu(copula@copula2, gu2)
pC1gu1 <- pCopula(gu1, copula@copula1)
pC2gu2 <- pCopula(gu2, copula@copula2)
cbind(if(nParam(copula@copula1, freeOnly=TRUE) > 0) dCdtheta(copula@copula1, gu1) * pC2gu2,# else NULL
if(nParam(copula@copula2, freeOnly=TRUE) > 0) pC1gu1 * dCdtheta(copula@copula2, gu2),# " "
if (free[1]) -log(u[,1]) * g(u[,1], 1 - a1) * dC1du[,1] * pC2gu2 +
pC1gu1 * log(u[,1]) * g(u[,1], a1) * dC2du[,1],
if (free[2]) -log(u[,2]) * g(u[,2], 1 - a2) * dC1du[,2] * pC2gu2 +
pC1gu1 * log(u[,2]) * g(u[,2], a2) * dC2du[,2])
### pCopula and dCopula method for Explicit Khoudraji copulas
## cdf is used only for *testing* with dim = 2
pExplicitCopula.algr <- function(u, copula, log=FALSE, ...)
.ExplicitCopula.algr(u, copula=copula, log=log, algoNm = "cdfalgr", ...)
dExplicitCopula.algr <- function(u, copula, log=FALSE, ...)
.ExplicitCopula.algr(u, copula=copula, log=log, algoNm = "pdfalgr", ...)
setMethod("dCopula", signature("matrix", "khoudrajiExplicitCopula"), dExplicitCopula.algr)
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