
Defines functions discdd.misclass

Documented in discdd.misclass

discdd.misclass <-
  function(xf, class.var,
           distance =  c("l1", "l2", "chisqsym", "hellinger", "jeffreys", "jensen", "lp"),
           crit = 1, p)
    # xf:     object of class 'folderh' with 2 data frames.
    # class.var: character. Name of the column of xf[[1]] containing the class variable.
    if (!is.list(xf))
      stop("discdd.misclass applies to a folderh with only two data frames or a list of arrays.")
    if (!is.folderh(xf)) {
      if (!all(sapply(xf, is.array)))
        stop("discdd.misclass applies to a folderh with only two data frames or a list of arrays.")
      if (!is.data.frame(class.var) | ncol(class.var) != 2) {
        stop("If xf is a list of arrays, class.var must be a data.frame with 2 columns named 'group' and 'class'.")
    if (!(crit %in% 1:2))
      stop("crit must be 1 or 2.")
    # Only distances available: "l1", "l2", "chisqsym", "hellinger", "jeffreys", "jensen", "lp"
    distance <- match.arg(distance)
    if (is.folderh(xf)) {
      if (length(xf) != 2)
        stop("discdd.misclass applies to a folderh of with only two data frames or a list of arrays.")
      if (ncol(xf[[1]]) < 2)
        stop(paste0("The 1st data frame of xf must have at least two columns (the grouping variable and the classes)."))
      x <- xf[[2]]
      j.group <- which(colnames(x) == attr(xf, "keys"))
      if (j.group != ncol(x))
        x <- data.frame(x[-j.group], x[j.group], stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
      classe <- xf[[1]][c(attr(xf, "keys"), class.var)]
      # Number of variables:
      q <- ncol(x)-1
      # If necessary: change the variables of x into factors:
      for (j in 1:(q+1))
        if (!is.factor(x[, j]))  x[, j] <- as.factor(x[, j])
      # The groups
      group<-as.factor(x[, q+1]);
      nb.groups <- nlevels(group)
      # Change the variables of classe (the groups and classes) into factor:
      if (!is.factor(classe[, 1]))  classe[, 1] <- as.factor(classe[, 1])
      if (!is.factor(classe[, 2]))  classe[, 2] <- as.factor(classe[, 2])
      nb.classe <- nlevels(classe[, 2])
      classe.name<-levels(classe[, 2]);
      # Check that the levels of x[, q+1] are exactly the levels of classe[, 1]
      if (!identical(levels(classe[, 1]),levels(x[, q+1]))) {
        stop("The names of the groups in the two data frames (x and classe arguments) are different.")
      # Add the classes to x, as the (q+2)th column:
      x <- data.frame(x, classe = factor(NA, levels = levels(classe[, 2])), stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
      for (n.x in levels(classe[, 1]))
        x[x[, q+1] == n.x, "classe"] <- classe[classe[, 1] == n.x, 2]
      # Tables of frequences per group
      tabgr <- by(x[1:q], x[, q+1], table)
      # Tables of frequences per class
      tabcl <- by(x[1:q], x[, q+2], table)
      # Computation of the distances between groups and classes:
      distances <- matrix(nrow = nrow(classe), ncol = nlevels(classe[, 2]),
                          dimnames = list(as.character(classe[, 1]), levels(classe[, 2])))
             "1" = { 
               for (n.x in rownames(distances))  if (sum(x[, q+1] == n.x) > 0)  {
                 for (n.cl in colnames(distances))  {
                   # Computation of the group-classe distances:
                   if (!n.x %in% classe[classe[, 2] == n.cl, 1]) {
                     tabcl.tmp <- tabcl[[n.cl]]
                   } else {
                     # ind.x <- which(x[, q+1] == n.x)
                     indcl <- which((x[, q+2] == n.cl)&(x[, q+1] != n.x))
                     tabcl.tmp <- table(x[indcl, 1:q])
                   distances[n.x, n.cl] <- switch(distance,
                                                  l1 = ddlppar(tabgr[[n.x]], tabcl.tmp, p = 1),
                                                  l2 = ddlppar(tabgr[[n.x]], tabcl.tmp, p = 2),
                                                  chisqsym = ddchisqsympar(tabgr[[n.x]], tabcl.tmp),
                                                  hellinger = ddhellingerpar(tabgr[[n.x]], tabcl.tmp),
                                                  jeffreys = ddjeffreyspar(tabgr[[n.x]], tabcl.tmp),
                                                  jensen = ddjensenpar(tabgr[[n.x]], tabcl.tmp),
                                                  lp = ddlppar(tabgr[[n.x]], tabcl.tmp, p = p)
             "2" = {
               for (n.x in rownames(distances))  {
                 if (sum(x[, q+1] == n.x) > 0) {
                   for (n.cl in colnames(distances))  {
                     # numbers of the rows of x containing observations of class n.cl, not in group n.x
                     indcl <- which((x[, q+2] == n.cl)&(x[, q+1] != n.x))
                     # Number of observations in class n.cl
                     Tj <- length(unique(x[indcl, q+1]))
                     # The groups which belong to class n.cl
                     x.cl <- unique(x[indcl, q+1])
                     tabcl.tmp <- Reduce("+", tabgr[x.cl])/Tj
                     distances[n.x, n.cl] <- switch(distance,
                                                    l1 = ddlppar(tabgr[[n.x]], tabcl.tmp, p = 1),
                                                    l2 = ddlppar(tabgr[[n.x]], tabcl.tmp, p = 2),
                                                    chisqsym = ddchisqsympar(tabgr[[n.x]], tabcl.tmp),
                                                    hellinger = ddhellingerpar(tabgr[[n.x]], tabcl.tmp),
                                                    jeffreys = ddjeffreyspar(tabgr[[n.x]], tabcl.tmp),
                                                    jensen = ddjensenpar(tabgr[[n.x]], tabcl.tmp),
                                                    lp = ddlppar(tabgr[[n.x]], tabcl.tmp, p = p)
    } else {
      # Check if all elements of the list xf are arrays with the same dimnames
      nomdim <- lapply(xf, dimnames)
      identdim <- sapply(nomdim, function(x) identical(x, nomdim[[1]]))
      if (!all(identdim))
        stop("If xf is a list of arrays, all its components must have the same dimensions and dimension names.")
      # Check if the elements of tab are arrays with non-negative elements
      is.negative <- sapply(xf, function(x) any(x < 0))
      if (any(is.negative)) {
        stop("All elements of xf must be arrays with non negative elements.")
      classe <- class.var[c("group", "class")]
      # Tables of frequences per group
      tabgr <- xf
      # # Tables of frequences per class
      # tabcl <- list()
      # for (cl in classe.name) {
      #   indcl <- which(names(x) == cl)
      #   switch(crit,
      #          "1" = {
      #            # Number of observations of the class
      #            Ncl <- Reduce(sum, tabgr[indcl])
      #            # Weighted mean of the frequency tables of the groups in class cl
      #            sumcl <- Reduce("+", lapply(tabgr[indcl], function(x) {x*sum(x)}) )
      #            tabcl[classe.name] <-  sumcl/Ncl
      #          },
      #          "2" = {
      #            # Mean of the frequency tables of the groups in class cl
      #            sumcl <- Reduce("+", x[indcl])
      #            tabcl[classe.name] <-  sumcl/length(indcl)
      #          }
      #   )
      # }
      distances <- matrix(nrow = nrow(class.var), ncol = nlevels(class.var$class),
                          dimnames = list(as.character(class.var$group), levels(class.var$class)))
             "1" = {
               for (n.x in rownames(distances))  {
                 for (n.cl in colnames(distances))  {
                   # The groups which belong to class n.cl (except group n.x)
                   x.cl <- as.character(class.var[class.var$class == n.cl & class.var$group != n.x, "group"])
                   # numbers of the elements of tabgr containing observations of class n.cl
                   indcl <- which(names(tabgr) %in% x.cl)
                   # Number of observations in class n.cl: sum of the tables corresponding to groups of class n.cl
                   Tj <- Reduce(sum, tabgr[indcl])
                   # Weighted mean frequencies of the class
                   tabcl.tmp <- Reduce("+", lapply(tabgr[indcl], function(x) { x*sum(x) }))/Tj
                   distances[n.x, n.cl] <- switch(distance,
                                                  l1 = ddlppar(tabgr[[n.x]], tabcl.tmp, p = 1),
                                                  l2 = ddlppar(tabgr[[n.x]], tabcl.tmp, p = 2),
                                                  chisqsym = ddchisqsympar(tabgr[[n.x]], tabcl.tmp),
                                                  hellinger = ddhellingerpar(tabgr[[n.x]], tabcl.tmp),
                                                  jeffreys = ddjeffreyspar(tabgr[[n.x]], tabcl.tmp),
                                                  jensen = ddjensenpar(tabgr[[n.x]], tabcl.tmp),
                                                  lp = ddlppar(tabgr[[n.x]], tabcl.tmp, p = p)
             "2" = {
               for (n.x in rownames(distances))  {
                 for (n.cl in colnames(distances))  {
                   # The groups which belong to class n.cl (except group n.x)
                   x.cl <- as.character(class.var[class.var$class == n.cl & class.var$group != n.x, "group"])
                   # numbers of the elements of tabgr containing observations of class n.cl
                   indcl <- which(names(tabgr) %in% x.cl)
                   # Number of groups in class n.cl
                   Tj <- length(indcl)
                   # Mean frequencies
                   tabcl.tmp <- Reduce("+", tabgr[indcl])/Tj
                   distances[n.x, n.cl] <- switch(distance,
                                                  l1 = ddlppar(tabgr[[n.x]], tabcl.tmp, p = 1),
                                                  l2 = ddlppar(tabgr[[n.x]], tabcl.tmp, p = 2),
                                                  chisqsym = ddchisqsympar(tabgr[[n.x]], tabcl.tmp),
                                                  hellinger = ddhellingerpar(tabgr[[n.x]], tabcl.tmp),
                                                  jeffreys = ddjeffreyspar(tabgr[[n.x]], tabcl.tmp),
                                                  jensen = ddjensenpar(tabgr[[n.x]], tabcl.tmp),
                                                  lp = ddlppar(tabgr[[n.x]], tabcl.tmp, p = p)
    group.calc <- unlist(apply(distances, 1, which.min))
    names(group.calc) <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(names(group.calc), ".", fixed = TRUE), head, 1))
    misclass <- classe
    colnames(misclass)[2] <- "prior.class"
    rownames(misclass) <- classe[, 1]
    lev.class <- levels(misclass[, 2])
    misclass <- data.frame(misclass, predicted.class = factor(NA, levels = lev.class), stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
    misclass[names(group.calc), "predicted.class"] <-  lev.class[group.calc]
    misclass <- data.frame(misclass, misclassed = (misclass[, 2] != misclass[, 3]), stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
    # Allocations per classe:
    alloc.per.classe <- table(misclass[, 2:3])
    # Changing of distances into proximities
    inv.distances <- 1/(distances)
    sum.inv.distances <- rowSums(inv.distances)
    prox <- inv.distances/sum.inv.distances
    # Misclassification percents per classe
    classe.ratio <- diag(alloc.per.classe)/rowSums(alloc.per.classe)
    classe.ratio <- classe.ratio*100
    misclass.per.classe <- 100 - classe.ratio
    if (distance == "lp")
      distance <- paste("lp with p =", p)
    results <- list(d = distance,
                    classification = misclass,
                    confusion.mat = alloc.per.classe,
                    misalloc.per.classe = misclass.per.classe,
                    misclassed = sum(misclass$misclassed, na.rm = TRUE)/sum(!is.na(misclass$misclassed)),
                    distances = distances,
                    proximities = prox*100)
    class(results) <- "discdd.misclass"

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