
Defines functions hclustdd

Documented in hclustdd

hclustdd <-
function(xf, group.name="group",
         distance = c("l1", "l2", "chisqsym", "hellinger", "jeffreys", "jensen", "lp"),
         # association = c("cramer", "tschuprow", "pearson", "phi"),
         sub.title="", filename=NULL, method.hclust = "complete"# , members = NULL,
  # Preliminaries
  if (! (is.folder(xf) | is.data.frame(xf) | all(sapply(xf,is.array))) ) {
    stop("hclustdd applies to a data frame, an object of class 'folder' or a list of arrays or tables.")
  if (is.folder(xf)) {
    # Convert the data folder into a data frame
    x <- as.data.frame(xf, group.name = group.name)
    # Rename the last column of x as 'group'
    colnames(x)[ncol(x)] <- "group"
    group <- as.factor(x$group)
    nb.groups <- length(levels(group))
    groups.name <- levels(group)
    vars.name <- colnames(x)[1:(ncol(x)-1)]
    levels.name <- list()
    for(j in vars.name) {levels.name = c(levels.name, list(levels(x[,j])))}
    # Controls and error messages
    # on data
    if (any(is.na(x)))
      stop("There are NAs in the folder")
    # Computes the joint frequency distribution per group
    tab <- lapply(xf, table)
  } else if (is.data.frame(xf)) {
    if (!group.name %in% names(xf))
      stop(paste0("xf has no column named '", group.name, "'."))
    # The groups
    group <- as.factor(xf[, group.name])
    groups.name <- levels(group)
    # The data
    x <- xf[which(colnames(xf) != group.name)]
    # The variables
    vars.name <- colnames(x)
    # Computes the joint frequency distribution per group
    tab <- by(x, group, table)
    names(tab) <- groups.name
  } else {
    # Check if all elements of the list xf are arrays with the same dimnames
    nomdim <- lapply(xf, dimnames)
    identdim <- sapply(nomdim, function(x) identical(x, nomdim[[1]]))
    if (!all(identdim))
      stop("If xf is a list of arrays, all its components must have the same dimensions and dimension names.")
    tab <- xf
    # Check if the elements of tab are arrays with non-negative elements
    is.negative <- sapply(xf, function(x) any(x < 0))
    if (any(is.negative)) {
      stop("All elements of xf must be arrays with non negative elements.")
    nb.groups <- length(tab)  # number of arrays (or groups)
    groups.name <- names(tab)  # vector of the names of the arrays 
    # Controls that all the names are different
    vars.name <- names(dimnames(tab[[1]]))  # vector of the names of the discrete variables (the same for all arrays)
    # Controls that are the same
    levels.name = dimnames(tab[[1]])  # list of the level names per dimension (the same for all arrays)
  nb.vars = length(vars.name) # number of discrete variables
  dims <- dim(tab[[1]]) # numbers of levels (one number per discrete variable)
  # # Association measure: it can be "cramer" (Cramer's V), "tschuprow" (Tschuprow's T),
  # # "pearson" (Pearson's contingency coefficient) or "phi".
  # association <- match.arg(association)
  # assocfc <- switch(association,
  #                   cramer = CramerV,
  #                   tschuprow = TschuprowT,
  #                   pearson = ContCoef,
  #                   phi = Phi
  # )
  # Computes the joint probability distribution per group 
  freq <- lapply(tab, function(x){x/sum(x)})
  # # Computes the marginal distributions per group
  # for (idx in 1:nb.vars) {
  #   isum <- function(x) {
  #     # function to compute the sum of the elements of the array x over dimension idx
  #     apply(x, MARGIN = idx, FUN = sum)
  #   }
  #   # Marginal distributions of the idx-th variable:
  #   # for each element of freq, sum of its elements over dimension idx
  #   listpmargin <- unlist(lapply(freq, isum))
  #   # Store it in a matrix (columns = variables, rows = groups)
  #   matpmargin <- matrix(listpmargin, byrow = TRUE, ncol = dims[idx])
  #   colnames(matpmargin) <- paste(vars.name[idx], levels.name[[idx]], sep = ".")
  #   # Add matpmargin to the matrix of all probabilities
  #   if(idx > 1) {
  #     matprob <- cbind(matprob, matpmargin)
  #   } else {
  #     matprob = matpmargin
  #     rownames(matprob) = groups.name
  #   }
  # }
  # matprob = as.data.frame(matprob, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
  # if (nb.vars > 1) {
  #   #############################
  #   # For each group (occasion), calculate the probabilities of occurence
  #   #     of each couple of levels of each couple of factors.
  #   #############################
  #   # For group 1
  #   nog = 1
  #   xg = freq[[nog]]  # Contingency table
  #   nameg = groups.name[nog]  # Name of the group
  #   vvprob = numeric()  # Name of the vector of the computed probabilities
  #   dfcolsname = character()  # Name of the columns of the data frame
  #   colsnamev1v2 = character()
  #   for(novar1 in 1:(nb.vars-1)) {
  #     vprobvar1 = numeric()
  #     lvar1 = paste0("V", novar1, ".", levels.name[[novar1]])
  #     vprob = diag(apply(xg, novar1, sum))
  #     for(novar2 in ((novar1+1):nb.vars)) {
  #       # Probabilities of occurence of each couple of modalities of these two variables
  #       vprob = apply(xg, c(novar1,novar2), sum)
  #       vecvprob = as.vector(vprob)
  #       vprobvar1 = c(vprobvar1, vecvprob)
  #       lvar2 = paste0("V", novar2, ".", levels.name[[novar2]])
  #       colsnamev1v2 = c(colsnamev1v2,
  #                        apply(expand.grid(lvar1,lvar2), 1, function(x) paste(x, collapse=":")))
  #     }
  #     vvprob = c(vvprob, vprobvar1)
  #   }
  #   dfcolsname = c(dfcolsname, colsnamev1v2)
  #   # Initialisation of the data frame dfjp. Its rows are the groups (occasions)
  #   # and its columns are the probabilities of each couple of modalities,
  #   # First row: the probabilities for the 1st group.
  #   dfjp = data.frame(t(vvprob), row.names=nameg, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
  #   names(dfjp) = dfcolsname
  #   # For the other groups
  #   for(nog in 2:nb.groups) {
  #     xg = freq[[nog]]
  #     nameg = groups.name[nog]
  #     vvprob = numeric()
  #     for(novar1 in 1:(nb.vars-1)) {
  #       vprobvar1 = numeric()
  #       vprob = diag(apply(xg, novar1, sum))
  #       for(novar2 in ((novar1+1):nb.vars)) {
  #         # Probabilities of occurence of each couple of modalities of these two variables
  #         vprob = apply(xg, c(novar1,novar2), sum)
  #         vecvprob = as.vector(vprob)
  #         vprobvar1 = c(vprobvar1, vecvprob)
  #       }
  #       vvprob = c(vvprob, vprobvar1)
  #     }
  #     dfjpg = data.frame(t(vvprob), row.names=nameg, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
  #     names(dfjpg) = dfcolsname
  #     dfjp = rbind(dfjp, dfjpg)
  #   }
  #   #############################
  #   # Computation of the pairwise-associations between the variables
  #   #############################
  #   # Computation of the pairwise-associations between the variables in group 1
  #   assocL <- list()
  #   nog = 1
  #   xg = freq[[nog]]  # Contingency table of all variables in the 1st group
  #   nameg = groups.name[nog]  # Name of the group
  #   matassoc <- matrix(nrow = nb.vars, ncol = nb.vars, dimnames = list(vars.name, vars.name))
  #   for(novar1 in 1:(nb.vars-1)) {
  #     tab1 <- apply(xg, novar1, sum)
  #     nlevnonnul1 <- sum(tab1 > 0)
  #     whichnul1 <- which(tab1 == 0)
  #     if (nlevnonnul1 == 1) {
  #       matassoc[novar1, (novar1+1):nb.vars] = matassoc[(novar1+1):nb.vars, novar1] = 0
  #     } else {
  #       for(novar2 in ((novar1+1):nb.vars)) {
  #         tab2 <- apply(xg, novar2, sum)
  #         nlevnonnul2 <- sum(tab2 > 0)
  #         whichnul2 <- which(tab2 == 0)
  #         if (nlevnonnul2 == 1) {
  #           matassoc[novar1, novar2] = matassoc[novar2, novar1] = 0
  #         } else {
  #           vprob = apply(xg, c(novar1,novar2), sum)
  #           # Suppression des lignes vides
  #           if (length(whichnul1) > 0)
  #             vprob = vprob[-whichnul1, ]
  #           # Suppression des colonnes vides
  #           if (length(whichnul2) > 0)
  #             vprob = vprob[, -whichnul2]
  #           # Association measure between these two variables (after deleting the rows/columns entirely 0)
  #           matassoc[novar1, novar2] = matassoc[novar2, novar1] = assocfc(vprob)
  #         }
  #       }
  #     }
  #   }
  #   assocL[[nameg]] <- matassoc
  #   # Computation of the pairwise-associations between the variables in the other groups
  #   for(nog in 2:nb.groups) {
  #     matassoc <- matrix(nrow = nb.vars, ncol = nb.vars, dimnames = list(vars.name, vars.name))
  #     xg = freq[[nog]]
  #     nameg = groups.name[nog]
  #     for(novar1 in 1:(nb.vars-1)) {
  #       tab1 <- apply(xg, novar1, sum)
  #       nlevnonnul1 <- sum(tab1 > 0)
  #       whichnul1 <- which(tab1 == 0)
  #       if (nlevnonnul1 == 1) {
  #         matassoc[novar1, (novar1+1):nb.vars] = matassoc[(novar1+1):nb.vars, novar1] = 0
  #       } else {
  #         for(novar2 in ((novar1+1):nb.vars)) {
  #           tab2 <- apply(xg, novar2, sum)
  #           nlevnonnul2 <- sum(tab2 > 0)
  #           whichnul2 <- which(tab2 == 0)
  #           if (nlevnonnul2 == 1) {
  #             matassoc[novar1, novar2] = matassoc[novar2, novar1] = 0
  #           } else {
  #             vprob = apply(xg, c(novar1,novar2), sum)
  #             # Suppression des lignes vides
  #             if (length(whichnul1) > 0)
  #               vprob = vprob[-whichnul1, ]
  #             # Suppression des colonnes vides
  #             if (length(whichnul2) > 0)
  #               vprob = vprob[, -whichnul2]
  #             # Association measure between these two variables (after deleting the rows/columns entirely 0)
  #             matassoc[novar1, novar2] = matassoc[novar2, novar1] = assocfc(vprob)
  #           }
  #         }
  #       }
  #     }
  #     assocL[[nameg]] <- matassoc
  #   }
  # } else {
  #   dfjp <- NULL
  #   assocL <- NULL
  # }
  # Only distances available: "lp" (L^p distance), "hellinger" (Hellinger/Matusita distance),
  # "chisqsym" (symmetric Chi-squared distance), "jeffreys" (symmetric Kullback-Leibler
  # divergence), "jensen" (Jensen-Shannon distance)
  distance <- match.arg(distance)
  if (distance == "l1") {
    distance <- "lp"
    p <- 1
    distance.printing <- "l1"
  if (distance == "l2") {
    distance <- "lp"
    p <- 2
    distance.printing <- "l2"
  if (distance == "lp") {
    if (missing(p))
      p <- 1
    distance.printing <- paste("lp with p =", p)

         "lp" = {
           matdist <- matddlppar(freq, p = p)
         "hellinger" = {
           matdist <- matddhellingerpar(freq)
         "chisqsym" = {
           matdist <- matddchisqsympar(freq)
         "jeffreys" = {
           matdist <- matddjeffreyspar(freq)
         "jensen" = {
           matdist <- matddjensenpar(freq)
  # Controls that all the distances inter-groups are finite
  if( all(is.finite(matdist)) ) {
    #Creation of the tree
    xclust <- hclust(matdist, method = method.hclust, members = NULL)
    results <- list(distances = matdist, clust = xclust)
    # # Estimated joint distributions
    # results$jointp <- freq
    # # Estimated marginal distributions
    # results$margins <- list(margin1 = matprob, margin2 = dfjp)
    # # Association measures between distributions
    # results$associations <- assocL
    # if (!is.null(assocL)) {
    #   attr(results$associations, "measure") <- association
    # } else {
    #   attr(results$associations, "measure") <- NULL
    # }
    class(results) <- "hclustdd"
    # Returning the result
  } else {
    warning("Some distances between groups are infinite. The choice of distance is not pertinent")
    results <- list(distances = matdist, clust = NULL)
    # # Estimated joint distributions
    # results$jointp <- freq
    # # Estimated marginal distributions
    # results$margins <- list(margin1 = matprob, margin2 = dfjp)
    # # Association measures between distributions
    # results$associations <- assocL
    # if (!is.null(assocL)) {
    #   attr(results$associations, "measure") <- association
    # } else {
    #   attr(results$associations, "measure") <- NULL
    # }
    class(results) <- "hclustdd"

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