Nothing = function(script="tests.Rraw", verbose=FALSE, pkg=".", silent=FALSE, showProgress=interactive()&&!silent, testPattern=NULL,
memtest=Sys.getenv("TEST_DATA_TABLE_MEMTEST", 0), {
stopifnot(isTRUEorFALSE(verbose), isTRUEorFALSE(silent), isTRUEorFALSE(showProgress))
memtest = as.integer(memtest)
stopifnot(length(memtest)==1L, memtest %in% 0:2) = as.integer(
if (length( {
if (length( = rep(, 2L) # for convenience of supplying one id rather than always a range
stopifnot(length(<=2L, # conditions quoted to user when false so "<=2L" even though following conditions rely on ==2L
if (memtest==0L) memtest=1L # using implies memtest
if (exists("", .GlobalEnv, inherits=FALSE)) {
# package developer
# nocov start
dev = TRUE
if ("package:data.table" %chin% search()) stopf("data.table package is loaded. Unload or start a fresh R session.")
rootdir = if (pkg!="." && pkg %chin% dir()) file.path(getwd(), pkg) else Sys.getenv("PROJ_PATH", normalizePath("."))
subdir = file.path("inst","tests")
env = new.env(parent=.GlobalEnv) # in dev cc() sources all functions in .GlobalEnv
# nocov end
} else {
# i) R CMD check and ii) user running
dev = FALSE
rootdir = getNamespaceInfo("data.table","path")
subdir = "tests"
env = new.env(parent=parent.env(.GlobalEnv)) # when user runs we don't want their variables in .GlobalEnv affecting tests, #3705
fulldir = file.path(rootdir, subdir)
stopifnot(is.character(script), length(script)==1L, !, nzchar(script))
if (!grepl(".Rraw$", script))
stopf("script must end with '.Rraw'. If a file ending '.Rraw.bz2' exists, that will be found and used.") # nocov
if (identical(script,"*.Rraw")) {
# nocov start
scripts = dir(fulldir, "*.Rraw.*")
scripts = scripts[!grepl("bench|other", scripts)]
scripts = gsub("[.]bz2$","",scripts)
return(sapply(scripts, function(fn) {
err = try(, verbose=verbose, pkg=pkg, silent=silent, showProgress=showProgress, testPattern=testPattern))
# nocov end
if (!identical(basename(script), script)) {
# nocov start
subdir = dirname(script)
fulldir = normalizePath(subdir, mustWork=FALSE)
fn = basename(script)
# nocov end
} else {
fn = script
if (!file.exists(file.path(fulldir, fn))) {
# see end of CRAN_Release.cmd where *.Rraw are compressed just for CRAN release; #3937
# nocov start
fn2 = paste0(fn,".bz2")
if (!file.exists(file.path(fulldir, fn2)))
stopf("Neither %s nor %s exist in %s",fn, fn2, fulldir)
fn = fn2
# nocov end
# sys.source() below accepts .bz2 directly.
fn = setNames(file.path(fulldir, fn), file.path(subdir, fn))
# These environment variables are restored to their previous state (including not defined) after sourcing test script
oldEnv = Sys.getenv(c("_R_CHECK_LENGTH_1_LOGIC2_", "TZ"), unset=NA_character_)
# From R 3.6.0 onwards, we can check that && and || are using only length-1 logicals (in the test suite)
# rather than relying on x && y being equivalent to x[[1L]] && y[[1L]] silently.
Sys.setenv("_R_CHECK_LENGTH_1_LOGIC2_" = TRUE)
# TZ is not changed here so that tests run under the user's timezone. But we save and restore it here anyway just in case
# the test script stops early during a test that changes TZ (e.g. 2124 referred to in PR #4464).
oldRNG = suppressWarnings(RNGversion("3.5.0"))
# sample method changed in R 3.6 to remove bias; see #3431 for links and notes
# This can be removed (and over 120 tests updated) if and when the oldest R version we test and support is moved to R 3.6
userNumericRounding = setNumericRounding(0) # Initialise to 0 in case the user has set it to a different value. Restore to user's value when finished.
# TO DO: reinstate solution for C locale of CRAN's Mac (R-Forge's Mac is ok)
# oldlocale = Sys.getlocale("LC_CTYPE")
# Sys.setlocale("LC_CTYPE", "") # just for CRAN's Mac to get it off C locale (post to r-devel on 16 Jul 2012)
# Control options in case user set them. The user's values are restored after the sys.source() below.
if (is.null(options()$warnPartialMatchArgs)) options(warnPartialMatchArgs=FALSE) # R 3.1.0 had a NULL default for these 3. Set to FALSE
if (is.null(options()$warnPartialMatchAttr)) options(warnPartialMatchAttr=FALSE) # now otherwise options(oldOptions) fails later.
if (is.null(options()$warnPartialMatchDollar)) options(warnPartialMatchDollar=FALSE)
oldOptions = options(
datatable.verbose = verbose,
encoding = "UTF-8", # just for tests 708-712 on Windows
scipen = 0L, # fwrite now respects scipen
datatable.optimize = Inf,
datatable.alloccol = 1024L,
datatable.print.class = FALSE, # output= tests were written when default was FALSE
datatable.print.keys = FALSE, # output= tests were written when default was FALSE
datatable.print.trunc.cols = FALSE, #4552
datatable.rbindlist.check = NULL,
datatable.integer64 = "integer64",
digits = 7L, # ensure printing rounds to the expected number of digits in all sessions, #5285
warn = 0L, # ensure signals are emitted as they are in the code, #5285
warnPartialMatchArgs = base::getRversion()>="3.6.0", # ensure we don't rely on partial argument matching in internal code, #3664; >=3.6.0 for #3865
warnPartialMatchAttr = TRUE,
warnPartialMatchDollar = TRUE,
width = max(getOption('width'), 80L), # some tests (e.g. 1066, 1293) rely on capturing output that will be garbled with small width
datatable.old.fread.datetime.character = FALSE
cat("getDTthreads(verbose=TRUE):\n") # for tracing on CRAN; output to log before anything is attempted
getDTthreads(verbose=TRUE) # includes the returned value in the verbose output (rather than dangling '[1] 4'); e.g. "data.table is using 4 threads"
catf(" running: %s\n", fn) # print fn to log before attempting anything on it (in case it is missing); on same line for slightly easier grep
assign("testDir", function(x) file.path(fulldir, x), envir=env)
# are R's messages being translated to a foreign language? #3039, #630
foreign = gettext("object '%s' not found", domain="R") != "object '%s' not found"
if (foreign) {
# nocov start
catf("\n**** This R session's language is not English. Each test will still check that the correct number of errors and/or\n**** warnings are produced. However, to test the text of each error/warning too, please restart R with LANGUAGE=en\n\n")
# nocov end
assign("foreign", foreign, envir=env)
assign("nfail", 0L, envir=env)
assign("ntest", 0L, envir=env)
assign("prevtest", -1L, envir=env)
assign("whichfail", NULL, envir=env)
assign("", proc.time(), envir=env)
assign("lasttime", proc.time()[3L], envir=env) # used by test() to attribute time in between tests to the next test
assign("timings", data.table( ID = seq_len(9999L), time=0.0, nTest=0L, RSS=0.0 ), envir=env) # test timings aggregated to integer id
assign("memtest", memtest, envir=env)
assign("",, envir=env)
assign("filename", fn, envir=env)
assign("showProgress", showProgress, envir=env)
owd = setwd(tempdir()) # ensure writeable directory; e.g. tests that plot may write .pdf here depending on device option and/or batch mode; #5190
if (memtest) {
catf("\n***\n*** memtest=%d. This should be the first call in a fresh R_GC_MEM_GROW=0 R session for best results. Ctrl-C now if not.\n***\n\n", memtest)
if ( stopf("memtest intended for Linux. Step through data.table:::rss() to see what went wrong.")
# nocov start: only used interactively -- "production" suites should always run in full
if (!is.null(testPattern)) {
# due to how non-hermetic our tests are, the simple approach (pass this to test(), return early if 'numStr' matches testPattern)
# does not work, or at least getting it to work is not much more efficient (see initial commit of #6040). so instead,
# here we parse the file, extract the tests that match the pattern to a new file, and include other setup lines likely required
# to run the tests successfully. two major drawbacks (1) we can only take a guess which lines are required, so this approach
# can't work (or at least, may need a lot of adjustment) for _every_ test, though not working is also a good sign that test
# should be refactored to be more hermetic (2) not all tests have literal test numbers, meaning we can't always match the
# runtime test number (i.e. 'numStr') since we're just doing a static check here, though we _are_ careful to match the
# full test expression string, i.e., not just limited to numeric literal test numbers.
arg_line = call_id = col1 = col2 = i.line1 = id = line1 = parent = preceding_line = test_start_line = text = token = x.line1 = x.parent = NULL # R CMD check
pd = setDT(utils::getParseData(parse(fn, keep.source=TRUE)))
file_lines = readLines(fn)
# NB: a call looks like (with id/parent tracking)
# <expr>
# <expr "arg1"> ... </expr>
# ...
# </expr>
## navigate up two steps from 'test' SYMBOL_FUNCTION_CALL to the overall 'expr' for the call
test_calls = pd[
pd[token == 'SYMBOL_FUNCTION_CALL' & text == 'test'],
list(call_lhs_id=id, call_id=x.parent),
list(line1, id),
## all the arguments for each call to test()
test_call_args = test_calls[pd[token == 'expr'], list(call_id=parent, arg_line=i.line1, col1, col2), on=c(id='parent'), nomatch=NULL]
## 2nd argument is the num= argument
test_num_expr = test_call_args[ , .SD[2L], by="call_id"]
# NB: subtle assumption that 2nd arg to test() is all on one line, true as of 2024-Apr and likely to remain so
keep_test_ids = test_num_expr[grepl(testPattern, substring(file_lines[arg_line], col1, col2)), call_id]
# Now find all tests just previous to the keep tests; we want to keep non-test setup lines between them, e.g.
# test(drop, ...)
# setup_line1 # retain
# setup_line2 # retain
# test(keep, ...) # retain
intertest_ranges = test_calls[!id %in% keep_test_ids][
test_calls[id %in% keep_test_ids],
list(preceding_line=x.line1, test_start_line=i.line1),
# TODO(michaelchirico): this doesn't do well with tests inside control statements.
# those could be included by looking for tests with parent!=0, i.e., not-top-level tests,
# and including the full parent for such tests. omitting for now until needed.
keep_lines = intertest_ranges[, sort(unique(unlist(Map(function(l, u) l:u, preceding_line+1L, test_start_line))))]
header_lines = seq_len(test_calls$line1[1L]-1L)
tryCatch(error = function(c) warningf("Attempt to subset to %d tests matching '%s' failed, running full suite.", length(keep_test_ids), testPattern), {
new_script = file_lines[c(header_lines, keep_lines)]
parse(text = new_script) # as noted above the static approach is not fool-proof (yet?), so force the script to at least parse before continuing.
fn = tempfile()
on.exit(unlink(fn), add=TRUE)
catf("Running %d of %d tests matching '%s'\n", length(keep_test_ids), nrow(test_calls), testPattern)
writeLines(new_script, fn)
# nocov end
err = try(sys.source(fn, envir=env), silent=silent)
for (i in oldEnv) {
if ([i]))
else, as.list(oldEnv[i])) # nocov
# Sys.setlocale("LC_CTYPE", oldlocale)
# suppressWarnings for the unlikely event that user selected sample='Rounding' themselves before calling
setNumericRounding(userNumericRounding) # Restore the user's numeric rounding value
# Now output platform trace before error (if any) to be sure to always show it; e.g. to confirm endianness in #4099.
# As one long dense line for cases when 00check.log only shows the last 13 lines of log; to only use up one
# of those 13 line and give a better chance of seeing more of the output before it. Having said that, CRAN
# does show the full file output these days, so the 13 line limit no longer bites so much. It still bit recently
# when receiving output of R CMD check sent over email, though.
tz = Sys.getenv("TZ", unset=NA)
cat("\n", date(), # so we can tell exactly when these tests ran on CRAN to double-check the result is up to date
" endian==", .Platform$endian,
", sizeof(long double)==", .Machine$sizeof.longdouble,
", longdouble.digits==", .Machine$longdouble.digits, # 64 normally, 53 for example under valgrind where some high accuracy tests need turning off, #4639
", sizeof(pointer)==", .Machine$sizeof.pointer,
", TZ==", if ( "unset" else paste0("'",tz,"'"),
", Sys.timezone()=='", suppressWarnings(Sys.timezone()), "'",
", Sys.getlocale()=='", Sys.getlocale(), "'",
", l10n_info()=='", paste0(names(l10n_info()), "=", l10n_info(), collapse="; "), "'",
", getDTthreads()=='", paste(gsub("[ ][ ]+","==",gsub("^[ ]+","",capture.output(invisible(getDTthreads(verbose=TRUE))))), collapse="; "), "'",
", .libPaths()==", paste0("'", .libPaths(), "'", collapse = ","),
", ", .Call(Cdt_zlib_version),
"\n", sep="")
if (inherits(err,"try-error")) {
# nocov start
if (silent) return(FALSE)
stopf("Failed in %s after test %s before the next test() call in %s", timetaken(env$, env$prevtest, fn)
# the try() above with silent=FALSE will have already printed the error itself
# nocov end
nfail = env$nfail
ntest = env$ntest
if (nfail > 0L) {
# nocov start
"%d error(s) out of %d. Search %s for test number(s) %s. Duration: %s.",
nfail, ntest, names(fn), toString(env$whichfail), timetaken(env$
# important to stopf() here, so that 'R CMD check' fails
# nocov end
# There aren't any errors, so we can use up 11 lines for the timings table
time = nTest = RSS = NULL # to avoid 'no visible binding' note
timings = env$timings[nTest>0]
if (!memtest) {
ans = head(timings[if (dev) -1L else TRUE][order(-time)], 10L)[,RSS:=NULL] # exclude id 1 in dev as that includes JIT
if ((x<-sum(timings[["nTest"]])) != ntest) {
warningf("Timings count mismatch: %d vs %d", x, ntest) # nocov
catf("10 longest running tests took %ds (%d%% of %ds)\n", as.integer(tt<-ans[, sum(time)]), as.integer(100*tt/(ss<-timings[,sum(time)])), as.integer(ss))
print(ans, class=FALSE)
} else {
y = head(order(-diff(timings$RSS)), 10L)
ans = timings[, diff:=c(NA,round(diff(RSS),1))][y+1L][,time:=NULL] # time is distracting and influenced by gc() calls; just focus on RAM usage here
catf("10 largest RAM increases (MB); see plot for cumulative effect (if any)\n")
print(ans, class=FALSE)
get("")(width=14, height=7)
get("plot")(timings$RSS, main=paste(basename(fn),"\nylim[0]=0 for context"), ylab="RSS (MB)", ylim=c(0,max(timings$RSS)))
get("mtext")(lastRSS<-as.integer(ceiling(last(timings$RSS))), side=4, at=lastRSS, las=1, font=2)
get("plot")(timings$RSS, main=paste(basename(fn),"\nylim=range for inspection"), ylab="RSS (MB)")
get("mtext")(lastRSS, side=4, at=lastRSS, las=1, font=2)
catf("All %d tests (last %.8g) in %s completed ok in %s\n", ntest, env$prevtest, names(fn), timetaken(env$
ans = nfail==0L
attr(ans, "timings") = timings # as attr to not upset callers who expect a TRUE/FALSE result
# nocov start
compactprint = function(DT, topn=2L) {
tt = vapply_1c(DT,function(x)class(x)[1L])
tt[tt=="integer64"] = "i64"
tt = substr(tt, 1L, 3L)
makeString = function(x) paste(x, collapse = ",") # essentially toString.default
cn = paste0(" [Key=",makeString(key(DT)),
" Types=", makeString(substr(sapply(DT, typeof), 1L, 3L)),
" Classes=", makeString(tt), "]")
if (nrow(DT)) {
print(copy(DT)[,(cn):="",verbose=FALSE], topn=topn, class=FALSE)
} else {
print(DT, class=FALSE) # "Empty data.table (0 rows) of <ncol> columns ...
if (ncol(DT)) cat(cn,"\n")
# nocov end
INT = function(...) { as.integer(c(...)) } # utility used in tests.Rraw
gc_mem = function() {
# nocov start
# gc reports memory in MB
m = colSums(gc()[, c(2L, 4L, 6L)])
names(m) = c("GC_used", "GC_gc_trigger", "GC_max_used")
# nocov end
test = function(num,x,y=TRUE,error=NULL,warning=NULL,message=NULL,output=NULL,notOutput=NULL,ignore.warning=NULL,options=NULL,env=NULL) {
if (!is.null(env)) {
old = Sys.getenv(names(env), names=TRUE, unset=NA)
to_unset = !lengths(env)
# NB: Sys.setenv() (no arguments) errors
if (!all(to_unset)), as.list(env[!to_unset]))
# TODO(R>=4.0.2): Use add=TRUE up-front in on.exit() once non-positional arguments are supported.
is_preset = !
if (any(is_preset)), as.list(old[is_preset]))
}, add=TRUE)
if (!is.null(options)) {
old_options <-, as.list(options)) # as.list(): allow passing named character vector for convenience
on.exit(base::options(old_options), add=TRUE)
# Usage:
# i) tests that x equals y when both x and y are supplied, the most common usage
# ii) tests that x is TRUE when y isn't supplied
# iii) if error is supplied, y should be missing and x is tested to result in an error message matching the pattern
# iv) if warning is supplied, y is checked to equal x, and x should result in a warning message matching the pattern
# v) if output is supplied, x is evaluated and printed and the output is checked to match the pattern
# num just needs to be numeric and unique. We normally increment integers at the end, but inserts can be made using decimals e.g. 10,11,11.1,11.2,12,13,...
# num=0 to escape global failure tracking so we can test behaviour of test function itself: test(1.1, test(0, TRUE, FALSE), FALSE, output="1 element mismatch")
# Motivations:
# 1) we'd like to know all tests that fail not just stop at the first. This often helps by revealing a common feature across a set of
# failing tests
# 2) test() tests more deeply than a diff on console output and uses a data.table appropriate definition of "equals" different
# from all.equal and different to identical related to row.names and unused factor levels
# 3) each test has a unique id which we refer to in commit messages, emails etc.
# 4) test that a query generates exactly 2 warnings, that they are both the correct warning messages, and that the result is the one expected
nfail = get0("nfail", parent.frame()) # test() can be used inside functions defined in tests.Rraw, so inherits=TRUE (default) here = !is.null(nfail)
numStr = sprintf("%.8g", num)
if ( {
prevtest = get("prevtest", parent.frame())
whichfail = get("whichfail", parent.frame())
assign("ntest", get("ntest", parent.frame()) + if (num>0) 1L else 0L, parent.frame(), inherits=TRUE) # bump number of tests run
lasttime = get("lasttime", parent.frame())
timings = get("timings", parent.frame())
memtest = get("memtest", parent.frame()) = get("", parent.frame())
filename = get("filename", parent.frame())
foreign = get("foreign", parent.frame())
showProgress = get("showProgress", parent.frame())
time = nTest = RSS = NULL # to avoid 'no visible binding' note
# TODO(R>=4.0.2): Use add=TRUE up-front in on.exit() once non-positional arguments are supported.
if (num>0) on.exit({
took = proc.time()[3L]-lasttime # so that prep time between tests is attributed to the following test
timings[as.integer(num), `:=`(time=time+took, nTest=nTest+1L), verbose=FALSE]
if (memtest) {
if (memtest==1L) gc() # see #5515 for before/after
inum = as.integer(num)
timings[inum, RSS:=max(rss(),RSS), verbose=FALSE] # TODO prefix inum with .. for clarity when that works
if (length( &&[1L]<=inum && inum<[2L]) cat(rss(),"\n") # after 'testing id ...' output; not using between() as it has verbose output when getOption(datatable.verbose)
if (memtest==2L) gc()
assign("lasttime", proc.time()[3L], parent.frame(), inherits=TRUE) # after gc() to exclude gc() time from next test when memtest
}, add=TRUE )
if (showProgress)
# \r can't be in gettextf msg
cat("\rRunning test id", numStr, " ") # nocov.
# See PR #4090 for comments about change here in Dec 2019.
# If a segfault error occurs in future and we'd like to know after which test, then arrange for the
# try(sys.source()) in to be run in a separate R process. That process could write out
# prevtest to a temp file so we know where it got to from this R process. That should be more reliable
# than what we were doing before which was for test() to always write its test number to output (which might
# not be flushed to the output upon segfault, depending on OS).
} else {
# not `` but developer running tests manually; i.e. `cc(F); test(...)`
memtest = 0L # nocov
filename = NA_character_ # nocov
foreign = FALSE # nocov ; assumes users of 'cc(F); test(...)' has LANGUAGE=en
showProgress = FALSE # nocov
if (!missing(error) && !missing(y))
stopf("Test %s is invalid: when error= is provided it does not make sense to pass y as well", numStr) # nocov
string_match = function(x, y, {
length(grep(x, y, fixed=TRUE)) || # try treating x as literal first; useful for most messages containing ()[]+ characters
length(tryCatch(grep(x, y,, error=function(e)NULL)) # otherwise try x as regexp
xsub = substitute(x)
ysub = substitute(y)
actual = list2env(list(warning=NULL, error=NULL, message=NULL))
wHandler = function(w) {
# Thanks to:
actual$warning <- c(actual$warning, conditionMessage(w))
eHandler = function(e) {
actual$error <- conditionMessage(e)
mHandler = function(m) {
actual$message <- c(actual$message, conditionMessage(m))
if (is.null(output) && is.null(notOutput)) {
x = suppressMessages(withCallingHandlers(tryCatch(x, error=eHandler), warning=wHandler, message=mHandler))
# save the overhead of capture.output() since there are a lot of tests, often called in loops
# Thanks to tryCatch2 by Jan here :
} else {
out = capture.output(print(x <- suppressMessages(withCallingHandlers(tryCatch(x, error=eHandler), warning=wHandler, message=mHandler))))
fail = FALSE
if ( && num>0) {
if (num<prevtest+0.0000005) {
# nocov start
catf("Test id %s is not in increasing order\n", numStr)
fail = TRUE
# nocov end
assign("prevtest", num, parent.frame(), inherits=TRUE)
if (!fail) for (type in c("warning","error","message")) {
observed = actual[[type]]
expected = get(type)
if (type=="warning" && length(observed) && !is.null(ignore.warning)) {
# if a warning containing this string occurs, ignore it. First need for #4182 where warning about 'timedatectl' only
# occurs in R 3.4, and maybe only on docker too not for users running
stopifnot(is.character(ignore.warning), !anyNA(ignore.warning), nchar(ignore.warning)>=1L)
for (msg in ignore.warning) observed = grep(msg, observed, value=TRUE, invert=TRUE) # allow multiple for translated messages rather than relying on '|' to always work
if (length(expected) != length(observed)) {
# nocov start
catf("Test %s produced %d %ss but expected %d\n%s\n%s\n", numStr, length(observed), type, length(expected), paste("Expected:", expected), paste("Observed:", observed, collapse = "\n"))
fail = TRUE
# nocov end
} else {
# the expected type occurred and, if more than 1 of that type, in the expected order
for (i in seq_along(expected)) {
if (!foreign && !string_match(expected[i], observed[i])) {
# nocov start
catf("Test %s didn't produce the correct %s:\nExpected: %s\nObserved: %s\n", numStr, type, expected[i], observed[i])
fail = TRUE
# nocov end
if (fail && exists("out",inherits=FALSE)) {
# nocov start
catf("Output captured before unexpected warning/error/message:\n")
# nocov end
if (!fail && !length(error) && (length(output) || length(notOutput))) {
if (out[length(out)] == "NULL") out = out[-length(out)]
out = paste(out, collapse="\n")
output = paste(output, collapse="\n") # so that output= can be either a \n separated string, or a vector of strings.
if (length(output) && !string_match(output, out)) {
# nocov start
catf("Test %s did not produce correct output:\n", numStr)
catf("Expected: <<%s>>\n", encodeString(output)) # \n printed as '\\n' so the two lines of output can be compared vertically
catf("Observed: <<%s>>\n", encodeString(out))
if (anyNonAscii(output) || anyNonAscii((out))) {
catf("Expected (raw): <<%s>>\n", paste(charToRaw(output), collapse = " "))
catf("Observed (raw): <<%s>>\n", paste(charToRaw(out), collapse = " "))
fail = TRUE
# nocov end
if (length(notOutput) && string_match(notOutput, out, {
# nocov start
catf("Test %s produced output but should not have:\n", numStr)
catf("Expected absent (case insensitive): <<%s>>\n", encodeString(notOutput))
catf("Observed: <<%s>>\n", encodeString(out))
if (anyNonAscii(notOutput) || anyNonAscii((out))) {
catf("Expected absent (raw): <<%s>>\n", paste(charToRaw(notOutput), collapse = " "))
catf("Observed (raw): <<%s>>\n", paste(charToRaw(out), collapse = " "))
fail = TRUE
# nocov end
if (!fail && !length(error) && (!length(output) || !missing(y))) { # TODO test y when output=, too
capture.output(y <- try(y, silent=TRUE)) # y might produce verbose output, just toss it
if (identical(x,y)) return(invisible(TRUE))
all.equal.result = TRUE
if ( && {
if (( && !selfrefok(x)) || ( && !selfrefok(y))) {
# nocov start
catf("Test %s ran without errors but selfrefok(%s) is FALSE\n", numStr, if (selfrefok(x)) "y" else "x")
fail = TRUE
# nocov end
} else {
yc=copy(y) # so we don't affect the original data which may be used in the next test
# drop unused levels in factors
if (length(x)) for (i in which(vapply_1b(x,is.factor))) {.xi=x[[i]];xc[[i]]<-factor(.xi)}
if (length(y)) for (i in which(vapply_1b(y,is.factor))) {.yi=y[[i]];yc[[i]]<-factor(.yi)}
if ( setattr(xc,"row.names",NULL) # for test 165+, i.e. x may have row names set from inheritance but y won't, consider these equal
if ( setattr(yc,"row.names",NULL)
setattr(xc,"index",NULL) # too onerous to create test RHS with the correct index as well, just check result
setattr(xc,".internal.selfref",NULL) # test 2212
if (identical(xc,yc) && identical(key(x),key(y))) return(invisible(TRUE)) # check key on original x and y because := above might have cleared it on xc or yc
if (isTRUE(all.equal.result<-all.equal(xc,yc,check.environment=FALSE)) && identical(key(x),key(y)) &&
# ^^ to pass tests 2022.[1-4] in R-devel from 5 Dec 2020, #4835
identical(vapply_1c(xc,typeof), vapply_1c(yc,typeof))) return(invisible(TRUE))
if (is.atomic(x) && is.atomic(y) && isTRUE(all.equal.result<-all.equal(x,y,check.names=!isTRUE(y))) && typeof(x)==typeof(y)) return(invisible(TRUE))
# For test 617 on r-prerel-solaris-sparc on 7 Mar 2013
# nocov start
if (!fail) {
catf("Test %s ran without errors but failed check that x equals y:\n", numStr)
failPrint = function(x, xsub) {
cat(">", substitute(x), "=", xsub, "\n")
if ( compactprint(x) else {
nn = length(x)
catf("First %d of %d (type '%s'): \n", min(nn, 6L), length(x), typeof(x))
# head.matrix doesn't restrict columns
if (length(d <- dim(x)))`[`, c(list(x, drop = FALSE), lapply(pmin(d, 6L), seq_len)))
else print(head(x))
if (typeof(x) == 'character' && anyNonAscii(x)) {
cat("Non-ASCII string detected, raw representation:\n")
print(lapply(head(x), charToRaw))
failPrint(x, deparse(xsub))
failPrint(y, deparse(ysub))
if (!isTRUE(all.equal.result)) cat(all.equal.result, sep="\n")
fail = TRUE
# nocov end
if (fail && && num>0) {
# nocov start
assign("nfail", nfail+1L, parent.frame(), inherits=TRUE)
assign("whichfail", c(whichfail, numStr), parent.frame(), inherits=TRUE)
# nocov end
anyNonAscii = function(x) anyNA(iconv(x, to="ASCII")) # nocov
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