#' Convert a \code{data.tree} structure to a \code{data.frame}
#' If a node field contains data of length > 1, then that is converted into a string in the
#' data.frame.
#' @param x The root \code{Node} of the tree or sub-tree to be convert to a data.frame
#' @param ... the attributes to be added as columns of the data.frame. See \code{\link{Get}} for details.
#' If a specific Node does not contain the attribute, \code{NA} is added to the data.frame.
#' @param traversal any of 'pre-order' (the default), 'post-order', 'in-order', 'level', or 'ancestor'. See \code{\link{Traverse}} for details.
#' @param direction when converting to a network, should the edges point from root to children ("climb") or from child to parent ("descend")?
#' @param type when converting type columns, the \code{type} is the discriminator, i.e. an attribute (e.g. field name) of each node
#' @param prefix when converting type columns, the prefix used for the column names. Can be NULL to omit prefixes.
#' @param filterFun a function taking a \code{Node} as an argument. See \code{\link{Traverse}} for details.
#' @param format if \code{FALSE} (the default), then no formatting will be applied. If \code{TRUE}, then the first formatter (if any) along the ancestor
#' path is used for formatting.
#' @param inheritFromAncestors if FALSE, and if the attribute is a field or a method, then only a \code{Node} itself is
#' searched for the field/method. If TRUE, and if the \code{Node} does not contain the attribute, then ancestors are also searched.
#' @param row.names \code{NULL} or a character vector giving the row names for the data frame.
#' Missing values are not allowed.
#' @param optional logical. If \code{TRUE}, setting row names and converting column names
#' (to syntactic names: see make.names) is optional.
#' @examples
#' data(acme)
#' acme$attributesAll
#', row.names = NULL, optional = FALSE, "cost", "p")
#' ToDataFrameTree(acme, "cost", "p")
#' ToDataFrameNetwork(acme, "cost", "p", direction = "climb")
#' ToDataFrameTable(acme, "cost", "p")
#' ToDataFrameTypeCol(acme)
#' #use the pruneFun:
#' acme$Do(function(x) x$totalCost <- Aggregate(x, "cost", sum), traversal = "post-order")
#' ToDataFrameTree(acme, "totalCost", pruneFun = function(x) x$totalCost > 300000)
#' #inherit
#' acme$Set(floor = c(1, 2, 3), filterFun = function(x) x$level == 2)
#', row.names = NULL, optional = FALSE, "floor", inheritFromAncestors = FALSE)
#', row.names = NULL, optional = FALSE, "floor", inheritFromAncestors = TRUE)
#' #using a function as an attribute:
#' acme$Accounting$Head <- "Mrs. Numright"
#' acme$Research$Head <- "Mr. Stein"
#' acme$IT$Head <- "Mr. Squarehead"
#' ToDataFrameTable(acme, department = function(x) x$parent$name, "name", "Head", "cost")
#' #complex TypeCol
#' acme$IT$Outsource$AddChild("India")
#' acme$IT$Outsource$AddChild("Poland")
#' acme$Set(type = c('company', 'department', 'project', 'project', 'department',
#' 'project', 'project', 'department', 'program', 'project',
#' 'project', 'project', 'project'
#' )
#' )
#' print(acme, 'type')
#' ToDataFrameTypeCol(acme, type = 'type')
#' @inheritParams Prune
#' @export <- function(x,
row.names = NULL,
optional = FALSE,
traversal = c("pre-order", "post-order", "in-order", "level", "ancestor"),
pruneFun = NULL,
filterFun = NULL,
format = FALSE,
inheritFromAncestors = FALSE
) {
traversal <- traversal[1]
if(!isRoot(x) || length(pruneFun) > 0) {
#clone s.t. x is root (for pretty level names)
x <- Clone(x, attributes = TRUE)
if (length(pruneFun) > 0) Prune(x, pruneFun)
x$parent <- NULL
t <- Traverse(x, traversal = traversal, filterFun = filterFun)
df <- data.frame( levelName = format(Get(t, 'levelName')),
row.names = row.names,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
cols <- list(...)
if(length(cols) == 0) return (df)
for (i in 1:length(cols)) {
col <- cols[[i]]
if (length(names(cols)) > 0 && nchar(names(cols)[i]) > 0) colName <- names(cols)[i]
else if (is.character(col)) colName <- col
else stop(paste0("Cannot infer column name for ... arg nr ", i))
if (length(col) > 1) {
it <- col
} else {
it <- Get(t,
format = format,
inheritFromAncestors = inheritFromAncestors,
simplify = FALSE)
it <- lapply(it,
function(el) {
if (inherits(el, "Node")) return ("")
else if (length(unlist(el)) > 1) return (toString(unlist(el)))
else if (length(unlist(el)) == 0) return (NA)
else return (el)
df[colName] <- unlist(it)
return (df)
#' @rdname
#' @return ToDataFrameTree: a \code{data.frame}, where each row represents a \code{Node} in the tree or sub-tree
#' spanned by \code{x}, possibly pruned according to \code{pruneFun}.
#' @export
ToDataFrameTree <- function(x, ..., pruneFun = NULL) {, row.names = NULL, optional = FALSE, ..., pruneFun = pruneFun)
#' @rdname
#' @return ToDataFrameTable: a \code{data.frame}, where each row represents a leaf \code{Node} in the tree or sub-tree
#' spanned by \code{x}, possibly pruned according to \code{pruneFun}.
#' @export
ToDataFrameTable <- function(x, ..., pruneFun = NULL) {
df <-, row.names = NULL, optional = FALSE, ..., filterFun = isLeaf, pruneFun = pruneFun, inheritFromAncestors = TRUE)
#' @rdname
#' @return ToDataFrameNetwork: a \code{data.frame}, where each row represents a \code{Node} in the tree or sub-tree
#' spanned by \code{x}, possibly pruned according to \code{pruneFun}. The first column is called 'from', while the
#' second is called 'to', describing the parent to child edge (for direction "climb") or the child to parent edge (for direction "descend").
#' If \code{\link{AreNamesUnique}} is TRUE, then the Network is
#' based on the \code{Node$name}, otherwise on the \code{Node$pathString}
#' @export
ToDataFrameNetwork <- function(x,
direction = c("climb", "descend"),
pruneFun = NULL,
format = FALSE,
inheritFromAncestors = FALSE) {
direction <- direction[1]
if(!AreNamesUnique(x)) GetName <- function(x) x$pathString
else GetName <- function(x) x$name
t <- Traverse(x, traversal = "level", pruneFun = pruneFun)
children <- Get(t, function(x) GetName(x))
parents <- Get(t, function(x) GetName(x$parent))
if (direction == "descend") df <- data.frame(from = children,
to = parents,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
else if(direction == "climb") df <- data.frame(from = parents,
to = children,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
else stop(paste0("direction ", direction, " unknown. Must be either climb or descend."))
df2 <- ToDataFrameTree(x, ..., traversal = "level", pruneFun = pruneFun, format = format, inheritFromAncestors = inheritFromAncestors)[,-1, drop = FALSE]
df <- cbind(df, df2)
df <- df[-1,]
rownames(df) <- seq_len(nrow(df))
return (df)
#' @rdname
#' @return ToDataFrameTypeCol: a \code{data.frame} in table format (i.e. where each row represents a leaf in the tree or sub-tree
#' spanned by \code{x}), possibly pruned according to \code{pruneFun}. In addition to \code{...}, each distinct
#' \code{type} is output to a column.
#' @export
ToDataFrameTypeCol <- function(x,
type = 'level',
prefix = type,
pruneFun = NULL) {
cols <- unique(c(x$Get(type, filterFun = isNotLeaf), x$Get(type, filterFun = isLeaf)))
pathArgs <- GetPathArgV(cols, type)
if (is.null(prefix)) names(pathArgs) <- as.character(cols)
else names(pathArgs) <- paste0(prefix, '_', cols), c(x, pathArgs, ...))
GetPathArg <- function(n, type) {
lvl <- force(n)
f <- function(leaf) {
path <- leaf$Get(type, traversal = 'ancestor')
name <- names(path[path == lvl])
if (length(name) == 0) name <- NA
return (name)
return (f)
GetPathArgV <- Vectorize(GetPathArg, vectorize.args = 'n')
#' Convert a \code{data.frame} to a \code{data.tree} structure
#' @param x The data.frame in the required format.
#' @param ... Any other argument implementations of this might need
#' @param mode Either "table" (if x is a data.frame in tree or table format) or "network"
#' @param na.rm If \code{TRUE}, then NA's are treated as NULL and values will not be set on nodes
#' @return The root \code{Node} of the \code{data.tree} structure
#' @examples
#' data(acme)
#' #Tree
#' x <- ToDataFrameTree(acme, "pathString", "p", "cost")
#' x
#' xN <- as.Node(x)
#' print(xN, "p", "cost")
#' #Table
#' x <- ToDataFrameTable(acme, "pathString", "p", "cost")
#' x
#' xN <- FromDataFrameTable(x)
#' print(xN, "p", "cost")
#' #More complex Table structure, using colLevels
#' acme$Set(floor = c(1, 2, 3), filterFun = function(x) x$level == 2)
#' x <- ToDataFrameTable(acme, "pathString", "floor", "p", "cost")
#' x
#' xN <- FromDataFrameTable(x, colLevels = list(NULL, "floor", c("p", "cost")), na.rm = TRUE)
#' print(xN, "floor", "p", "cost")
#' #Network
#' x <- ToDataFrameNetwork(acme, "p", "cost", direction = "climb")
#' x
#' xN <- FromDataFrameNetwork(x)
#' print(xN, "p", "cost")
#' @seealso \code{\link{}}
#' @family as.Node
#' @export <- function(x,
mode = c("table", "network"),
pathName = 'pathString',
pathDelimiter = '/',
colLevels = NULL,
na.rm = TRUE) {
mode <- mode[1]
if (mode == 'table') return (FromDataFrameTable(x, pathName, pathDelimiter, colLevels, na.rm))
else if (mode == 'network') return (FromDataFrameNetwork(x))
else stop(paste0("Mode ", mode, " unknown."))
#' @rdname
#' @param table a \code{data.frame} in table or tree format, i.e. having a row for each leaf (and optionally
#' for additional nodes). There should be a column called \code{pathName}, separated by \code{pathDelimiter},
#' describing the path of each row.
#' @param pathName The name of the column in x containing the path of the row
#' @param pathDelimiter The delimiter used to separate nodes in \code{pathName}
#' @param colLevels Nested list of column names, determining on what node levels the attributes are written to.
#' @inheritParams CheckNameReservedWord
#' @export
FromDataFrameTable <- function(table,
pathName = 'pathString',
pathDelimiter = '/',
colLevels = NULL,
na.rm = TRUE,
check = c("check", "no-warn", "no-check")
) {
if (!is(table, "data.frame")) stop("table must be a data.frame")
#make sure tibble etc. work (#115)
table <-
table[[pathName]] <- as.character(table[[pathName]])
root <- NULL
mycols <- names(table)[ !(names(table) %in% c(NODE_RESERVED_NAMES_CONST, pathName)) ]
for (i in 1:nrow(table)) {
myrow <- table[ i, , drop = FALSE]
mypath <- myrow[[pathName]]
myvalues <- myrow[!colnames(myrow) == pathName]
#create node and ancestors if necessary (might already have been created)
paths <- strsplit(mypath, pathDelimiter, fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
paths <- paths[paths!=""]
if (is.null(root)) root <- Node$new(paths[1], check)
mynode <- root
colsToSet <- mycols
colsToSetForLeaf <- mycols
for (path in paths[-1]) {
path <- CheckNameReservedWord(path, check)
child <- Climb(mynode, path)
if( is.null(child)) {
mynode <- mynode$AddChild(path)
} else {
mynode <- child
if( length(colLevels) >= mynode$level ) {
colsToSet <- intersect(colLevels[[mynode$level]], mycols)
#fill values on appropriate level
for (mycol in colsToSet) {
if ( !( na.rm &&[[mycol]]) )) {
mynode[[mycol]] <- myrow[[mycol]]
colsToSetForLeaf <- colsToSetForLeaf[!(colsToSetForLeaf %in% colsToSet)]
#put the rest in the leaf
for (mycol in colsToSetForLeaf) {
if ( !( na.rm &&[[mycol]]) )) {
mynode[[mycol]] <- myrow[[mycol]]
return (root)
#' @rdname
#' @param network A \code{data.frame} in network format, i.e.
#' it must adhere to the following requirements:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{It must contain as many rows as there are nodes (excluding the root, there is no row for the root)}
#' \item{Its first and second columns contain the network relationships. This can be either climbing (from parent to children) or descending (from child to parent)}
#' \item{Its subsequent columns contain the attributes to be set on the nodes}
#' \item{It must contain a single root}
#' \item{There are no cycles in the network}
#' }
#' @import methods
#' @inheritParams CheckNameReservedWord
#' @export
FromDataFrameNetwork <- function(network, check = c("check", "no-warn", "no-check")) {
if (!is(network, "data.frame")) stop("network must be a data.frame")
#make sure tibble etc. work (#115)
network <-
if (dim(network)[2] < 2) stop("network must hold the relationships in the first two columns")
if (length(unique(network[ , 1])) > length(unique(network[ , 2]))) {
children <- network[ , 1]
parents <- network[ , 2]
} else {
children <- network[ , 2]
parents <- network[ , 1]
rootName <- unique(parents[!(parents %in% children)])
if (length(rootName) != 1) stop("Cannot find root name. network is not a tree!")
root <- Node$new(rootName, check)
AddChildren <- function(node) {
childrenIdxs <- which(parents == node$name)
for (idx in childrenIdxs) {
nodeName <- children[idx]
child <- node$AddChild(nodeName)
if (dim(network)[2] > 2) {
for (j in 3:dim(network)[2]) {
vlu <- network[idx, j]
if (! {
nm <- names(network)[j]
nm <- CheckNameReservedWord(nm, check)
if (!nm %in% NODE_RESERVED_NAMES_CONST) child[[nm]] <- network[idx, j]
return (root)
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