
Defines functions util_generate_calls

Documented in util_generate_calls

#' Generate an execution/calling plan for computing a report from the metadata
#' @param meta_data [data.frame] the data frame that contains metadata
#'                               attributes of study data
#' @param label_col [variable attribute] the name of the column in the metadata
#'                                       with labels of variables
#' @param dimensions [dimensions] Vector of dimensions to address in the report.
#'                   Allowed values in the vector are Completeness, Consistency,
#'                   and Accuracy. The generated report will only cover the
#'                   listed data quality dimensions. Accuracy is computational
#'                   expensive, so this dimension is not enabled by default.
#'                   Completeness should be included, if Consistency is
#'                   included, and Consistency should be included, if Accuracy
#'                   is included to avoid misleading detections of e.g. missing
#'                   codes as outliers, please refer to the data quality concept
#'                   for more details. Integrity is always included.
#' @param meta_data_segment [data.frame] -- optional: Segment level metadata
#' @param meta_data_dataframe [data.frame] -- optional: Data frame level
#'                                                                 metadata
#' @param meta_data_cross_item [data.frame] -- optional: Cross-item level
#'                                                                 metadata
#' @param specific_args [list] named list of arguments specifically for one of
#'                             the called functions, the of the list elements
#'                             correspond to the indicator functions whose calls
#'                             should be modified. The elements are lists of
#'                             arguments.
#' @param arg_overrides [list] arguments to be passed to all called indicator
#'                             functions if applicable.
#' @param resp_vars variables to be respected, `NULL` means to use all.
#' @param filter_indicator_functions [character] regular expressions, only
#'                                               if an indicator function's name
#'                                               matches one of these, it'll
#'                                               be used for the report. If
#'                                               of length zero, no filtering
#'                                               is performed.
#' @return a list of calls
#' @family reporting_functions
#' @concept process
#' @keywords internal
util_generate_calls <- function(dimensions,
                                filter_indicator_functions) {
  .dimensions <- unique(c("Descriptors", "Integrity", dimensions))
  .dimensions <- substr(tolower(.dimensions), 1, 3)
  .dimensions[.dimensions == "int"] <- "int_all" # use the wrappers, only
  .dimensions <- paste(paste0(.dimensions, "_"), collapse = "|")
  .dimensions <- sprintf("^(%s)", .dimensions)
  exports <- getNamespaceExports(utils::packageName()) # TODO: Use util_all_ind_functions
  ind_functions <- grep(.dimensions, exports, value = TRUE)
  ind_functions <- ind_functions[
           envir = getNamespace(utils::packageName()),
           mode = "function", FUN.VALUE = logical(1))]
  ind_functions <- c(setdiff(ind_functions, c(
    "con_contradictions", # we use the new cross-item-level now
    "acc_robust_univariate_outlier", # is just a synonym for acc_univariate_outlier
    "acc_distributions", # there are specific functions for location and proportion checks
    "com_unit_missingness" # function does not really create something reasonable, currently
  )), "int_datatype_matrix") # the data type matrix function does not start with int_all, but integrity should always run. However, it is still run before the pipeline, see util_evalute_calls and int_data_type_matrix

  ind_functions <- setNames(nm = ind_functions)

  ind_functions <- util_filter_names_by_regexps(ind_functions,

  all_calls <- lapply(ind_functions,
                      meta_data = meta_data,
                      label_col = label_col,
                      meta_data_segment = meta_data_segment,
                      meta_data_dataframe = meta_data_dataframe,
                      meta_data_cross_item = meta_data_cross_item,
                      specific_args = specific_args,
                      arg_overrides = arg_overrides,
                      resp_vars = resp_vars

  # TODO: https://gitlab.com/libreumg/dataquier/-/issues/147, before

  explode_splinter <- function(entity_name, splinter, fkt) {
    to_explode <- vapply(lapply(splinter, attr, "explode"),
                         FUN.VALUE = logical(1),
                         y = TRUE)
    if (all(!to_explode)) {
      res <- do.call(what = call,
                     args = c(list(name = fkt), splinter),
                     quote = TRUE)
      attr(res, "entity_name") <- entity_name
      attr(res, VAR_NAMES) <- util_map_labels(
        x = entity_name,
        to = VAR_NAMES,
        from = label_col,
        ifnotfound = NA_character_,
        meta_data = meta_data
      if (!(STUDY_SEGMENT %in% colnames(meta_data))) {
        meta_data[[STUDY_SEGMENT]] <- rep(NA_character_, nrow(meta_data))
      attr(res, STUDY_SEGMENT) <- util_map_labels(
        x = entity_name,
        to = STUDY_SEGMENT,
        from = label_col,
        ifnotfound = NA_character_,
        meta_data = meta_data
      if (!(GRADING_RULESET %in% colnames(meta_data))) {
        meta_data[[GRADING_RULESET]] <- rep(0, nrow(meta_data))
      attr(res, GRADING_RULESET) <- util_map_labels(
        x = entity_name,
        to = GRADING_RULESET,
        from = label_col,
        ifnotfound = 0,
        meta_data = meta_data
      attr(res, "label_col") <- label_col
    my_splinter <- head(splinter[to_explode], 1)
    remainder <- tail(splinter[to_explode], -1)
    not_a_bomb <- splinter[!to_explode]
    lapply(my_splinter[[1]], function(my_splinter_part) {
      my_arg <- setNames(
        nm = names(my_splinter)
      arg_list <- c(my_arg, remainder, not_a_bomb)
      explode_splinter(entity_name = entity_name,
                       splinter = arg_list,
                       fkt = fkt)

  explode <- function(fkt, bomb) {
    mapply(SIMPLIFY = FALSE,
           FUN = explode_splinter,
           MoreArgs = list(fkt = fkt))

  all_calls <- unlist(mapply(SIMPLIFY = FALSE,
                             names(all_calls), all_calls, FUN = explode))

  has_resp_vars <- vapply(lapply(all_calls, names),
                          `%in%`, x = "resp_vars", FUN.VALUE = logical(1))
  suppress <- has_resp_vars &
    vapply(lapply(all_calls, `[[`, "resp_vars"), length,
                                             FUN.VALUE = integer(1)) == 0

  all_calls <- all_calls[!suppress]

  make_name <- function(nm, call) {
    entity_name <- attr(call, "entity_name")
    r <- gsub(".", "_", fixed = TRUE, sub( # the alias names must not contain dots ".", the first dot separates the call alias from the entity name (mostly VAR_NAMES)
      perl = TRUE))
    r <- sub("_TIME_VAR", "", r) # all with explode = TRUE
    r <- sub("_GROUP_VAR", "", r)
    r <- paste0(tolower(r), ".", entity_name)

  names(all_calls) <- unlist(mapply(SIMPLIFY = FALSE,
                                    names(all_calls), all_calls, FUN = make_name))

  util_stop_if_not(all(grepl(fixed = TRUE, ".", names(all_calls)))) # there must be at least one dot to separated the col. name from the row name (wolog this is the first dots)

  if (length(all_calls)) {
    rn <- util_sub_string_right_from_.(names(all_calls))
    cn <- util_sub_string_left_from_.(names(all_calls))
  } else {
    rn <- character(0)
    cn <- character(0)
    all_calls <- list()

  attr(all_calls, "rn") <- rn
  attr(all_calls, "cn") <- cn

  multivariatecol <- names(all_calls)[vapply(lapply(all_calls,
                                                    `[[`, "resp_vars"), length,
                                             FUN.VALUE = integer(1)) != 1] # all calls that passed more ore less than one variable in resp_vars

  multivariatecol <- gsub("\\..*$", "", multivariatecol)

  attr(all_calls, "multivariatcol") <- multivariatecol # SQ2 compatibility, everything, that does not address item_level, i.e., that is not called once for each variable; CAVE: Strange name in SQ2 standard w/o "e"


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dataquieR documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:18 a.m.