analysis_complete | Is the analysis complete? |
analyze | Run analysis on a ddPCR plate |
bind_df_ends | Helper function for move_front and move_back |
calc_negative_freq_simple | Calculate negative frequency based on number of drops |
calculate_concentration | Calculate template concentration |
calculate_concentration_single | Calculate concentration in a single well |
calculate_negative_freqs | Calculate negative frequencies in whole plate |
calculate_neg_freq_single | Calculate negative frequency of a single well |
capitalize | Capitalize the first letter of a string |
cat0 | Concatenate strings with no space between them |
check_step | Ensure the plate's status is at the right step |
classify_droplets | Analysis step: Classify droplets |
classify_droplets.pnpp_experiment | Analysis step: Classify droplets |
classify_droplets_single | Classify droplets in a well |
classify_droplets_single.pnpp_experiment | Classify droplets in a well |
classify_thresholds | Analysis step: Classify droplets |
cluster | Get cluster ID by name |
cluster_name | Get cluster name by ID |
clusters | Potential droplet clusters for a plate type |
col_to_num | Convert a plate column to a number |
custom_thresholds | Plate type: custom thresholds |
ddpcr-package | ddpcr: Analysis and Visualization of Droplet Digital PCR in R... |
ddpcr_plate | Plate type: ddPCR plate |
define_clusters | Define droplet clusters |
define_clusters.custom_thresholds | Define droplet clusters for custom thresholds plates |
define_clusters.ddpcr_plate | Define droplet clusters for default plates |
define_clusters.pnpp_experiment | Define droplet clusters for PNPP experiments |
define_params | Define plate type parameters |
define_params.custom_thresholds | Define plate type parameters for custom thresholds plates |
define_params.ddpcr_plate | Define plate type parameters for default plates |
define_params.fam_positive_pnpp | Define plate type parameters for FAM-positive PNPP |
define_params.hex_positive_pnpp | Define plate type parameters for HEX-positive PNPP |
define_params.pnpp_experiment | Define plate type parameters for PNPP experiments |
define_params.wildtype_mutant_pnpp | Define plate type parameters for wildtype/mutant PNPP |
define_steps | Define analysis steps |
define_steps.custom_thresholds | Define analysis steps for custom thresholds plates |
define_steps.ddpcr_plate | Define analysis steps for default plates |
define_steps.pnpp_experiment | Define analysis steps for PNPP experiments |
diff.point2d | Euclidean distance between two points |
err_msg | Show an error message |
fam_positive_pnpp | Plate type: FAM-positive PNPP |
get_col | Get column from well ID |
get_empty_cutoff | Get the cutoff for empty droplets in a well |
get_empty_cutoff.ddpcr_plate | Get the cutoff for empty droplets in a well |
get_empty_cutoff.pnpp_experiment | Get the cutoff for empty droplets in a well |
get_filled_border | Get border of filled droplets in PNPP experiment |
get_filled_drops | Get filled droplets in PNPP experiment |
get_outlier_cutoff | Get the cutoff for outliers |
get_outlier_cutoff.ddpcr_plate | Get the cutoff for outliers |
get_row | Get row from well ID |
get_single_well | Get droplet data from a well |
get_wells_btwn | Get all wells between two wells (assume a rectangle layout) |
grapes-btwn-grapes | Determine if a numeric value is within a range |
grapes-greater-than-grapes | magrittr forward-pipe operator |
has_signif_negative_cluster | Does a well have a statistically significant number of... |
has_step | Does a ddPCR plate have a step with this name? |
hex_positive_pnpp | Plate type: HEX-positive PNPP |
is_dir | Determine if a given path is a valid directory |
is_dirty | Is the plate object dirty (ie has changed since the analysis... |
is_empty_plate | Is a plate empty? |
is_file | Determine if a given path is a valid file |
is_range | Is the given parameter a range? |
is_well_success | Determine if a well had a successful ddPCR run |
is_well_success.ddpcr_plate | Determine if a well had a successful ddPCR run |
is_well_success.pnpp_experiment | Determine if a well had a successful ddPCR run |
launch | Run the interactive analysis tool (Shiny app) in a web... |
load_plate | Load a previously saved ddPCR plate |
local_maxima | Get the indices of the local maxima in a list of numbers |
local_minima | Get the indices of the local minima in a list of numbers |
lol_to_df | Convert a list of lists returned from vapply to a dataframe |
mark_clusters | Mark the clusters of droplets only in certain wells to their... |
merge_dfs_overwrite_col | Overwrite a column in a data.frame based on a matching column... |
meta_var_name | Name of variable in PNPP experiment metadata |
move_back | Move columns to the back of a data.frame |
move_front | Move columns to the front of a data.frame |
msg | Write a message to the user if the 'ddpcr.verbose' option is... |
name | Plate name |
named_vec_to_df | Convert a named vector returned from vapply to a dataframe |
new_plate | Create a new ddPCR plate |
next_step | Run the next step in an analysis |
normalize_to_rds | Normalize a file name to .rds suffix |
num_to_col | Convert a number to plate column |
num_to_row | Convert a number to plate row |
other_dim | Given an axis (X or Y), return the other |
params | Plate parameters |
parent_plate_type | Parent plate type |
parent_plate_type.ddpcr_plate | Parent plate type of default plates |
parent_plate_type.default | Parent plate type of any plate |
parent_plate_type.fam_positive_pnpp | Parent plate type of FAM-positive PNPP |
parent_plate_type.hex_positive_pnpp | Parent plate type of HEX-positive PNPP |
parent_plate_type.wildtype_mutant_pnpp | Parent plate type of wildtype/mutant PNPP |
plate_data | Plate data (droplets data) |
plate_data-set | Overwrite the plate data |
plate_meta | Plate metadata |
plate_meta-set | Overwrite the plate metadata |
plate_types | Supported plate types |
plot.custom_thresholds | Plot a ddPCR plate of type custom thresholds |
plot.ddpcr_plate | Plot a ddPCR plate |
plot.pnpp_experiment | Plot a ddPCR plate of type PNPP experiment |
plot.wildtype_mutant_pnpp | Plot a ddPCR plate of type wildtype/mutant PNPP |
pnpp_experiment | Plate type: PNPP experiment |
point2d | Representation of a 2D point |
positive_dim | Positive dimension in a PNPP experiment |
positive_dim_var | Name of dye in positive dimension in PNPP experiment |
positive_name | Name identifier for positive and negative droplets |
print.ddpcr_plate | Print info about a ddPCR plate |
quiet | Suppress all output from an expression. Works cross-platform. |
range_list_to_vec | Convert a list of ranges to a vector of its individual... |
range_to_endpoints | Extract the two endpoints of a range |
range_to_seq | Convert a range to a vector of all elements between the... |
reclassify_droplets | Analysis step: Reclassify droplets |
reclassify_droplets.pnpp_experiment | Analysis step: Reclassify droplets |
reclassify_droplets_single | Reclassify droplets in a well |
reclassify_droplets_single.pnpp_experiment | Reclassify droplets in a well |
remove_empty | Analysis step: Remove empty droplets |
remove_empty.ddpcr_plate | Analysis step: Remove empty droplets |
remove_empty.pnpp_experiment | Analysis step: Remove empty droplets |
remove_failures | Analysis step: Remove failed wells |
remove_failures.ddpcr_plate | Analysis step: Remove failed wells |
remove_outliers | Analysis Step: Remove outlier droplets |
remove_outliers.ddpcr_plate | Analysis Step: Remove outlier droplets |
reset | Reset a plate |
row_to_num | Convert a plate row to a number |
sample_data | Get sample data |
save_plate | Save a ddPCR plate |
set_default_params | Reset plate parameters to their defaults |
status | Plate status |
step | Get step ID by step name |
step_begin | Inform the user that an analysis step is starting |
step_end | Inform the user that an analysis step finished |
step_name | Get step name by ID |
steps | Analysis steps of a ddPCR plate |
subset.ddpcr_plate | Subsetting a ddPCR plate |
thresholds | Get/set the thresholds |
type | Plate type |
unanalyzed_clusters | Get unanalyzed cluseter IDs |
variable_dim | Variable dimension in a PNPP experiment |
variable_dim_var | Name of dye in variable dimension in PNPP experiment |
warn_msg | Show a warning message |
WELL_ID_REGEX | regex for a well ID |
well_info | Get metadata info of a well |
wells_mutant | Get mutant wells |
wells_negative | Get negative wells |
wells_positive | Get positive wells |
wells_success | Get successful/failed wells |
wells_used | Get wells used in a ddPCR plate |
wells_wildtype | Get wildtype wells |
wildtype_mutant_pnpp | Plate type: wildtype/mutant PNPP |
x_threshold | Get/set the X threshold |
x_var | Get/set the X/Y variable (dye name) |
y_threshold | Get/set the Y threshold |
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