
Defines functions whichSignatures

Documented in whichSignatures

# Signatures: "Signature.1A", "Signature.1B", "Signature.2",  "Signature.3",  "Signature.4",  "Signature.5",  "Signature.6",  "Signature.7",  "Signature.8",  "Signature.9",  "Signature.10", "Signature.11", "Signature.12", "Signature.13", "Signature.14", "Signature.15", "Signature.16", "Signature.17", "Signature.18", "Signature.19", "Signature.20", "Signature.21", "Signature.R1", "Signature.R2", "Signature.R3", "Signature.U1", "Signature.U2"

#' Which signatures are present
#' Determines how much of each signature is present in the sample given
#' @param tumor.ref Either a data frame or location of input text file, where 
#'   rows are samples, columns are trinucleotide contexts
#' @param sample.id Name of sample -- should be rowname of tumor.ref. Optional
#'   if the tumor.ref contains one single sample
#' @param signatures.ref Either a data frame or location of signature text file,
#'   where rows are signatures, columns are trinucleotide contexts
#' @param associated Vector of associated signatures. If given, will narrow the 
#'   signatures tested to only the ones listed.
#' @param signatures.limit Number of signatures to limit the search to
#' @param signature.cutoff Discard any signature contributions with a weight 
#'   less than this amount
#' @param contexts.needed FALSE if tumor.file is a context file, TRUE if it is 
#'   only mutation counts
#' @param tri.counts.method Set to either:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item 'default' -- no further normalization \item 'exome' -- normalized by
#'   number of times each trinucleotide context is observed in the exome \item
#'   'genome' -- normalized by number of times each trinucleotide context is
#'   observed in the genome \item 'exome2genome' -- multiplied by a ratio of that
#'   trinucleotide's occurence in the genome to the trinucleotide's occurence in
#'   the exome \item 'genome2exome' -- multiplied by a ratio of that
#'   trinucleotide's occurence in the exome to the trinucleotide's occurence in
#'   the genome \item data frame containing user defined scaling factor -- count
#'   data for each trinucleotide context is multiplied by the corresponding value
#'   given in the data frame }
#' @return A list of the weights for each signatures, the product when those are
#'   multiplied on the signatures, the difference between the tumor sample and 
#'   product, the tumor sample tricontext distribution given, and the unknown 
#'   weight.
#' @export
#' @section Normalization: If the input data frame only contains the counts of
#'   the mutations observed in each context, then the data frame must be
#'   normalized. In these cases, the value of `contexts.needed` should be TRUE.
#'   \cr The parameter, `tri.counts.method`, determines any additional
#'   normalization performed. Any user provided data frames should match the
#'   format of `tri.counts.exome` and `tri.counts.genome`. \cr The method of
#'   normalization chosen should match how the input signatures were normalized.
#'   For exome data, the 'exome2genome' method is appropriate for the signatures
#'   included in this package. For whole genome data, use the 'default' method
#'   to obtain consistent results.
#' @examples
#' test = whichSignatures(tumor.ref = randomly.generated.tumors,
#'                        sample.id = "2", 
#'                        contexts.needed = FALSE)

whichSignatures = function(tumor.ref = NA, 
                           signatures.ref = signatures.nature2013, 
                           associated = c(), 
                           signatures.limit = NA,
                           signature.cutoff = 0.06,
                           contexts.needed = FALSE, 
                           tri.counts.method = "default") {
  if(class(tumor.ref) == 'matrix'){
    stop(paste('Input tumor.ref needs to be a data frame or location of input text file', sep = ''))
  if(exists("tumor.ref", mode = "list")){
    tumor     <- tumor.ref
    if(contexts.needed == TRUE){
      tumor   <- getTriContextFraction(mut.counts.ref = tumor, trimer.counts.method = tri.counts.method) 
  } else {
      tumor   <- utils::read.table(tumor.ref, sep = "\t", header = TRUE, as.is = TRUE, check.names = FALSE)
      if(contexts.needed == TRUE){
        tumor <- getTriContextFraction(tumor, trimer.counts.method = tri.counts.method) 
    } else {
      print("tumor.ref is neither a file nor a loaded data frame")
  if (missing(sample.id) && nrow(tumor) == 1) {
    sample.id = rownames(tumor)[1]
  # Take patient id given
  tumor <- as.matrix(tumor)
  if(!sample.id %in% rownames(tumor)){
    stop(paste(sample.id, " not found in rownames of tumor.ref", sep = ''))
  tumor <- subset(tumor, rownames(tumor) == sample.id)
  if(round(rowSums(tumor), digits = 1) != 1){
    stop(paste('Sample: ', sample.id, ' is not normalized\n', 'Consider using "contexts.needed = TRUE"', sep = ' '))
  #Read in Stratton signatures file  
  if(exists("signatures.ref", mode = "list")){
    signatures   <- signatures.ref
  } else {
      signatures <- utils::read.csv(signatures.ref, sep = "\t", header = TRUE, as.is = TRUE, check.names = FALSE)
    } else {
      print("signatures.ref is neither a file nor a loaded data frame") 
  signatures    <- as.matrix(signatures)
  original.sigs <- signatures
  # Check column names are formatted correctly
  if(length(colnames(tumor)[colnames(tumor) %in% colnames(signatures)]) < length(colnames(signatures))){
    colnames(tumor) <- changeColumnNames(colnames(tumor))
    if(length(colnames(tumor)[colnames(tumor) %in% colnames(signatures)]) < length(colnames(signatures))){
      stop("Check column names on input file")
  # Ensure that columns in tumor match the order of those in signatures
  tumor <- tumor[,colnames(signatures), drop = FALSE]
  #Take a subset of the signatures
    signatures <- signatures[rownames(signatures) %in% associated, ]
    signatures.limit <- nrow(signatures)
  # Remove signatures from possibilities if they have a "strong" peak not seen in the tumor sample
  zero.contexts   <- colnames(tumor)[tumor < 0.01]
  corr.sigs       <- which(signatures[,zero.contexts] >= 0.2, arr.ind = T)
  signatures      <- signatures[which(!rownames(signatures) %in% rownames(corr.sigs)),,drop = FALSE]
  #print(paste(rownames(corr.sigs), " not considered in the analysis.", sep = ""))
  #Set the weights matrix to 0
  weights         <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(tumor), ncol = nrow(signatures), dimnames = list(rownames(tumor), rownames(signatures)))
  seed            <- findSeed(tumor, signatures)
  weights[seed]   <- 1
  w               <- weights*10
  error_diff      <- Inf
  error_threshold <- 1e-3
  num <- 0
  while(error_diff > error_threshold){
    num        <- num + 1
    error_pre  <- getError(tumor, signatures, w)
    w          <- updateW_GR(tumor, signatures, w, signatures.limit = signatures.limit)
    error_post <- getError(tumor, signatures, w)
    #print(paste("old_error = ", error_pre, sep = ""))
    #print(paste("new_error = ", error_post, sep = ""))
    error_diff <- (error_pre-error_post)/error_pre
  weights <- w/sum(w)
  unknown <- 0
  ## filtering on a given threshold value (0.06 default)
  weights[weights < signature.cutoff ] <- 0
  unknown <- 1 - sum(weights)
  product <- weights %*% signatures
  diff    <- tumor - product
  x       <- matrix(data = 0, nrow = 1, ncol = nrow(original.sigs), dimnames = list(rownames(weights), rownames(original.sigs)))
  x       <- data.frame(x)
  x[colnames(weights)] <- weights
  weights <- x
  out        <- list(weights, tumor, product, diff, unknown)
  names(out) <- c("weights", "tumor", "product", "diff", "unknown")

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deconstructSigs documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:06 a.m.